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Windows 2000 Pro Password

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Hi people

We're at college right now, (yeah I do college on a saturday... sucks.. =[ ) and what happens is the PCs we need to use get used by miscrients during the week, and get passwords set on them.

We need a quick/easy way of getting past this so we can use them. Any ideas??


If the C: drive is FAT/FAT32 boot using a Win9x boot disk and delete the sam file. (C:\%windows%\system32\config\sam)

When you reboot you will be able to log in using the local Administrator and won't need a password. If you recreate the accounts you see under 'c:\Documents and Settings' the profiles will be unchanged when you login to the accounts you recreated.

You can delete the SAM when in windows if you can login using an account with domain backup operator or better permissions using a tool called WipeOut. If you're on a domain just login using a domain account with the proper permissions.

Otherwise I would retrieve the SAM file using NTFS DOS and brute force the password.

WipeOut can be found on


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