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Inside Realm’s Dementia

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He has finally stumbled into reality once again. His thoughts wander. He knows not what to think, or why to think it. He inevitably escapes back into his mind, pondering over different equations far beyond your thoughts. He is in a new place and time now. He has to learn all over again. A true test has begun. He feels his conscience slip, and fall. Then once again it happens, a transformation of the mind. Barely visible to the naked eye, until the transformation is complete, Realm once again stands facing the mirror of light before him. His eyes shudder and then go blank, his mouth seals over and an aura of confidence surrounds him. Now he can face the future that lies ahead and shape his destiny into the confounding twists and turns that follow. Life, it seems, has a sense of humor after all…

Realm Soulja flare
