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PhotoBase Web Album

Title: Valerie
Date: June-July 2001
Description: Valerie being silly!

Title: Our room at MSSD
Date: June-July 2001
Description: My bed is the one closest to the window.. and you see Christin by her bed in the middle. The other bed belonged to Caitlin.

Title: Christy
Date: June-July 2001
Description: Christin settling in

Title: Christina
Date: June-July 2001
Description: Waiting too long outside the White House finally drove Christina crazy....

Title: Canae
Date: June-July 2001
Description: Canae, all smiles.. and Matt's arm, we think.

Title: Caitlin
Date: June-July 2001
Description: The drama queen strikes again

Title: Mary
Date: June-July 2001
Description: Mary by the White House, and the back of Elisabeth's head (one of the interpreters)

Title: White House
Date: June-July 2001
Description: The full YSP group outside the White House

Title: Christina and Canae
Date: July 4th, 2001
Description: Waiting for the fireworks to begin

Title: Waiting
Date: June-July 2001
Description: It was a long wait to get into the White House..

Title: Exploring
Date: July 1st, 2001
Description: I don't remember where this is.. but we had fun trailing in the underbrush!

Title: View of D.C.
Date: July 1st, 2001
Description: We found our way under a bridge after exploring.. here's what D.C. looks like from afar

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