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Deadra's Realm

Hello, and welcome to my realm. I suppose since you have come this far you deserve to know a little bit about me. I greatly enjoy writing short stories and novels, and want to be good enough to become published some day. I also like to try my hand at drawing.

As for my personal life, I have two wonderful little boys. Matthew Hunter and Alexander Dimitri. I love them with all of my heart and have found that I can not imagine life without them. Also I have an orange and white cat (Blaze) two cats I bottlefed as kittens (Bud and Bengal) and my favorite of indoor siamese Frost with his beautiful blue eyes! I also now have the dog of my dreams. Xavier, a gorgeous purebred merle Australian Shepard. Oh how I love that dog! Ahem, anyway...

Whenever you are on another page and wish to come back to this page, click on Dakota and Silver. These wolves will bring you back safe and sound.

So take a look, stick around...You might find something interesting. And if you wish to know more about a certain area of interest to me, click on the offered link below.

Areas of interest


    Outside Links and Sources

  • Elfwood=A sci-fi and fantasy gallery.
  • Neopets=Fun for everyone!!!
  • Html Goodies=A place to help when you get frustrated with that html tag that just won't work!
  • Flaming Text=Some really cool text modifiers, among other neat features.

    This site best viewed in Internet Explorer
    Deadra Unthank/E-MAIL DEADRA/November 8th, 2005