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Lorrie's ASCII

                      Introducing Lorrie, award winning ASCII artist
                      who has tirelessly devoted her time to decorating
                      Crystal Ball with her art, for us.

                      Lorrie's fantasies go in a different direction. 
                      She brings up Windows Notepad and creates images
                      of Castles, Kingdoms and much more.

                      ASCII is an art by creating images using the letters,
                      numbers and symbols on the keyboard.  To see Lorrie's
                      ASCII collection, visit her site at:

                      Lorrie has her own talker, where she is known as 
                      Lorrie, Queen of Hearts. This is general adult talker 
                      called Castle Corners.  There are over 50 rooms of
                      her original ASCII medieval art on her talker.  To
                      visit and become a user of Castle Corners please
                      go to its website:

Castle Corners

                                    A Sample of Lorrie's Art:

                                     Queen of Hearts Castle

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                    \_____________/ _   _   _|  _|  _  /#####\  _   _    | ]|
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