(It is a spring night somewhere in the outer boroughs of New York City. The streetlights flicker. The leaves blow. The pigeons stir. Five women walk the streets in a group, one destination in mind. Chris, tall and blonde, leads the way, easy to spot in the darkness. Sally and Bessie follow close behind. Cassie and Minty trail the others slightly, arms around each other like best friends- Cassie's arm over Minty's shoulder, Minty's arm around Cassie's waist. It is cute and pretty. They approach a squat, nondescript building with one window almost completely obscured by neon lights. A sign above the door reads "Lefty's Clubhouse". Chris raises her fist to knock.)

(We are suddenly taken inside the Clubhouse, as five other women take their leave of the merry-making within the building. Tall blonde Sue leads the way, accompanied by Becky, Crystal, Vickie, and DeTrina. They have just opened the door between the anteroom and the main bar area.)

(We go back outside, where Chris has just knocked. A slit in the door opens, and Tiana peers out.)

Tiana: Cards, please. (Cassie, Chris, Sally, and Bessie hand over their cards. There is a noticeable pause and a chill in the air.) Five people, four cards. I can count, you know.

Cassie (squeezing Minty): She's with me.

Chris: Tiana, have you ever known me to be wrong?

Tiana: All right, all right. I'll sticker her up when she comes in. (The outer door opens. Tiana is behind the door; she is a pretty young woman in green with long brown hair and bright green eyes. Chris and her mixed IWBL group stare at Sue and her WNBA group. Chris and Sue's lines come almost simultaneously.)

Chris: Holy shit, someone bleached and converted Tamika! It's about damn time! (She stares at DeTrina, who glares back.)

Sue: Wow, someone converted Tari, I knew sticking her in the starting five with four of us would work! (She glances at Bessie, who is not amused.

Chris/Sue: Who gets the toaster oven?

Chris (staring at Sue): Fuck that, how do I get your number?

Sue: Sorry, I'm taken. Flattered, but taken.

(Cassie waves at Becky, a quick awkward flap of the fingers of her free hand. Minty and Sally both dart a look at Becky, Sally's far longer than Minty's.)

Cassie: One-night almost-stand, ex-girlfriend, and current girlfriend. Ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend, one night-almost stand.

Becky: You've changed.

Cassie: I decided if I was going to be myself, I'd do it all the way. Besides, Leah was allergic to the bleach. Nothing screws up a romantic night faster than a sneezing fit.

Becky: Fair enough. Didn't know you'd gotten a posse, though.

Cassie (laughing): No, no, no. Leah and I decided to be New York groupies this season. If I show my face in St. Louis, someone'd go after me with a loaded gun. Throwing the inbounds to the trash-talking former teammate and setting up the title-winning shot for the other team killed ten years of adulation. Chris said she'd show us all the really good bars, and after this place, I believe her.

Becky: The one with the arm around your waist, the hand down your shirt, and the murderous glare in my direction is your current, right? Leah? Nice to meet you. You going to introduce me to the other one?

(Cassie waits for Sally to introduce herself, but Sally seems to have been struck dumb.)

Cassie: My ex-twin, Sally Harper. It, uh. It didn't end well.

Sally: It never has. (sigh)

Cassie: Damn, another one gone?

Sally: Another one gone. Another one bit the dust. (At this Becky looks interested.)

Crystal: We gotta get goin', Becks. People talk if we all don't get seen where we're s'posed to be seen. Lord knows Kym never met a rumor she couldn't not talk 'bout.

Becky: Damn gossip. Damn loudmouths. Nice to see you again, and I'm glad you got your shit together. Leah, Sally, it was nice to meet you. See you around.

Sally (primping): Nice meeting you too.

Chris/Sue: Kids... (They roll their eyes. Sue leads her group out, though it takes a moment to get Becky to move. Tiana lets out a sigh of relief as the outer door closes behind the New York quintet.)

Cassie: Hey, are you all right?

Tiana: I'm just not used to sharing this space with ten people. It got a little close. Go on in, Temora just got a shipment of Tsingtao this evening.

Cassie: Hot damn! (She and Minty race in. A snatch of music leaks into the room as the door swings open.)

Tiana: We just got some Bud, too. Date-fresh and everything. (Chris and Bessie head into the bar. Sally lingers.) What's the matter with you? I remember when you used to be first through the door when someone even said the word beer, even if it meant we didn't have any.

Sally (dreamily): I think I found a reason to go back to blonde.

Tiana: I can list about a thousand reasons why hooking up with her would be a bad idea, Sal. You don't want to do this, trust me. She's not... (Sally is oblivious, staring off into space and paying as much attention as the potted plant in the corner.) Oh, fuck it. Make sure Cassie's not here if you want to meet her, and don't ever meet her outside the Clubhouse. What happens in Lefty's fuck-well better stay in Lefty's.

Sally: But-

Tiana: I have spoken. She's gone for the night anyway. Go drink beer, okay? (She pushes Sally through the door.) Oy, between those twins and the triplets, they'll drive me to my death...