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Possible Specializations


    Specialization is where you can make or break your character. Its the difference between a brave defender faith a weak, fragile tin can. Although its your choice its always good idea to listen to advice and don't mess your character up by specing wrongly.  

    These are all lvl 50 templates. A very handy tool is the character maker on Daoc Catacombs.  This will allow you to plan out your character before making decisions. I recommend using this along side with this information to help decide how you want your Paladin to be. I don't want to go into great depth about this as it is a big subject with no correct answers. 

Brawling Paladin

Chants : 48

2 Handed : 44

Slash, Crush or Thrust : 35

Parry : 18

    This paladin template makes your paladin a damage dealer. He/She will go in and whack the enemy to pieces. The downside is not very defensive. You have 18 parry but this isn't a lot and so you will take more damage. Chants are the paladins best attribute and i will always say that you should have them high. 


Group Paladin

Chants : 48

2 Handed : 15

Slash, Crush or Thrust : 35

Shield : 42

Parry : 17

    This Paladin is a defensive tank. He/She will do damage, not as much as a two handed would, but will block/parry a lot. You will block most hits and swing faster with your weapon dealing a lot of damage and staying in tact. You can also guard a player and use chants making you good in groups and RvR.


    These are the two common templates for a paladin. I would say make your paladin how you want him to be not whether your the best one around. These two templates are the most common and there are other types of templates for paladins. I went for the 2 handed paladin and have had great fun. Just because the shield paladin is good in groups doesn't mean hes gets them easier.


    I'm leaving it to you to decide how you want to train. At least we have respec now if you change your mind or want to change something. Consulate your Daoc Site for information on respec.