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Welcome to the official aXphiXiation Web Site

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Welcome to the web site, I am currently in the process of redesigning it. I (Matt) am bored as you can get, So I figured that I'd put a little work into it and make it look nice.  Yea, Lets see....I am putting links to certain areas. I think I will put links to other bands, influences and personal web sites of people that I like. If you want a shout out or somthing email me at '' and Ill be sure to put it on here.  That about concludes tonights speech, or rather this mornings. (4:01 am)

-Matt (6-18-03)


Todays news. I posted the main page and the band page online. I think Im gonna redo the format of the band page, as its not looking very good. I can't seem to stumble upon a good format. I changed my guitar tone today, or the distorted at least, and made it sound more like the tone from Jade's guitar off of Shut your mouth and open your eyes. (all respects to AFI) Except mine has more punch coming from the mids. I think Im gonna add another page saying links to bands and stuff, and a few others probably something along thoughts about random stuff.  I want this site to be open to all who want a place to send thoughts, But I will probably only post thoughts I think are worthy, and not no, I ate oatmeal crap today like Alfredo would do. Well, I believe that concludes todays news.  (6:42 pm)

-Matt (6-18-03)