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~Ken & Autumn's Kozy Kitchen~

**Our Family's Favorite Recipes**

Thoughts of yester~year, when 'Home' meant love and comfort. Warmth and smells of good cooking wafing thru the air, enticing one and all to come into the Heart of the home... the kitchen. Here, countless days brought forth the dishes we all lovingly recall, even now, in our endless quest for a more 'modern' and 'fast paced' way of life~ we catch ourselves wondering~ "Where is the closeness, the togetherness, the family ties that we remember of days gone past"? If we do nothing else as a Family, let us at least~ share a meal at the table with our Families~ this is a time to renew our Love for one another, to share in our accomplishments, as well as our disappointments. Imagine the serenity a child feels after his tummy is filled with tasty, rib sticking food, and the knowledge that HIS family cared enough to sit and listen to the tales of his day~! How sweet that childs' slumber will be...knowing we care~! Yes, many fond memories abound for us all and most of them originate in the kitchen... or over a good meal~ shared with friends and loved ones! We would like to see Families take the time to sit together and just really spend time with one another... you would not believe what a difference this makes~!

It is to this Ideal that We've decided to share some of our most favorite foods and drinks. Both Ken and I enjoy treating each other to our favorite dishes and ......perhaps it will give you the needed 'push' to get in that kitchen and throw together something tasty for your family or friends~!

Most importantly, this recipe site is dedicated to our Kids & Grandkids, in hope that they will be enjoyed and passed on, long after we're gone!

Buon Appetito~!!

**Click on Categories below**

Grampy Ken's Motto Is:

"Give Me Coffee and No one Gets Hurt!"

Drinks for the Entire Family~!

Gotta have Fresh Bread Bakin!
Ahhh nothing like the aroma of
Fresh Baked Bread!

And while the guests wait,
Our favorite appetizers!

For Openers, Awesome choices for Soups~!
How about a refreshing Salad?

Ma always says,
But ya think ya don't like Vegies?
You will after checking these out!

Life's Basics!!
(Rice, Pasta & Potatoes)
Ahhh Comfort Food!

Sauces & Spreads that will make your dishes Awesome!






~Fabulous Entrees~!

Attention Pizza Lovers~!!!

Sweet Endings!!!

Add some Spice to Your Life!!