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The Reasons of ACUO

So why do we hate and dis Chibi Usa?

Why the (CENSORED) not?! Is anyone forcing us to stop what we are doing? Nope.

 Perhaps the main reason why we force our main hatred to the "pink bunny" was the anime and the fans.
 Sure her apperence in Sailor Moon was "cute" in a way. Then something happened.
  As videly watching the series go by, I noticed that the show started to focus on the pink hair kid with big red eyes and had a whinny voice. Her voice...
 Getting highly annoyed with the dubbing and her voice, perhaps it will go away...
  Then the fans came in.
  Oy. There are a few shrines I like of Chibi Usa, very informative and pretty too. But there were a lot of shrines out there that tempted me to throw my moniter out of the room since these shrines LACKED ANY HTML SKILLS.
  Not to mention these "Chibi Usa Fans" were acting really...really...


  They, the Chibi Usa fans, would create clubs and even cults that were worshipping the pink haired princess. They will scream and rave in messageboards & guestbooks that "CHIBI USA IS DA BEST!" or "CHIBI USA RULEZ" or whatever phrase they can make up, saying that Chibi Usa should be the lead in the series and not Usagi. Not to mention they viciously attack anyone or anything that jokes about Chibi Usa being "evil".

Chibi Usa isn't that bad at all in the manga. She is shown to be a moderate girl who can get along quite well and is very sweet. I even made some really good friends who are die Chibi Usa fans. I like calling these people the "sane" ones.
  I like her manga version, but I hate the anime version.
  I guess the anime version went a little overboard of the extreme cuteness. She was cute and the market used her cuteness to force viewers of the show to go out and buy their products. So I can uderstand why a season of Sailor Moon was around her and her supposed "cuteness" started to get pretty old.

Something must be done before I fall victim to this gag of pink cute bunnies. (Girls should never be taught to act cute so the market could exploit them like this.)

  So why not make an anti shrine? Project ACUO was then born from frustration and boredom. I'm proud that it is one of my popular sites I ever made. It's funny how I'm cruel and gentle at the same time...

Especially to people that claim they like Chibi Usa.

-The Clow Hatter