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~*~Universal Angel XP~*~

"Welcome to Universal Angel XP! The home of the Galactic Worlds United Web Ring! I am your host, Aminta! I am glad that you journeyed here. You see, Universal Angel Expanded is where we tell the stories about undiscovered stars. This is also the home for any untold stories of other characters (such as created sailor senshi) who are part of the GWU webring. So come, explore, join in, and do enjoy...all things with a ^.^ are done :)"



^.^ WEB RING "the link to the GWU webring and others"

^.^ JOINING "here is the information if you think you would like to join us..."     

GALACTIC ANGEL KEY EXPRESS "here you can find first hand information on how to use a key to form your own angel!" Currently Under Construction

^.^ ANGELSCOPE "here you can find out more about the groups our stories are told from..."

THE ANGELFILES "here you can find the profiles of all the ones who grace these pages"

GALACTIC JOURNEYS "the stories are told here..."

^.^ ANGELIC PROJECTS "upcoming events, ideas and updates...this link will be one to a message board"


^.^ THE ROYALTY  "about the people to whom these stories belong"

^.^ SEND ANGELDUST "click this to contact Galaxy Princess Angel herself to send in your information if you want to add your story to these pages..."