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Gifts From Friends

From Sandy aka Stargazer Lily of Stargazer Lily's Free Greeting Cards:

Dearest Anneke I hear you weep
Your sweet Amigo has gone to sleep
Your heart is breaking, yes I know
Mine is too, for I love you so

If I could bring him back for you
I'd surely do it (and Raices too)
But we both know this is for the best
Your dear Amigo needed to rest

He knows your heart; he misses you too
But he & Raices are still there for you
Together they play and chase the birds
In a beautiful place that needs no words

So Anneke dear, go cry your tears
Let it out, and do not fear
Your loving pets will wait for you
To greet you when you cross the bridge too

But many years are left ahead
Before you can rest in a Heavenly bed
So you must have faith and try to be strong
And I'll do my best to help you along.

Amigo & Raices, always there in your heart
With love so deep, you're not really apart
So take heart my dear Anneke, and know this is true ...
Someday you'll reunite, 'cross the bridge of many hues.

Written especially for Anneke with love from Sandy

From Suzan aka Lady White Lily of Suusje's World:

Dear Anneke,
What can I say,
What can I do,

i know this sounds hard,
But it is the truth...
I can do,

Nothing to take your pain away,
Nothing to bring Amigo back,
Nothing to stop your tears,
Nothing to comfort you but I can try,
How hard this sounds,

but I wish I could do,

Anything to take your pain away,
Anything to bring Amigo back,
Anything to stop your tears,
Anything to comfort you,
This already sounds better....

I wanna tell you,
I am here
I want you to know,
I am here
I want you to feel,
I am here
I want to BE here for you.

Amigo was your everything
Amigo was your baby
Amigo was Here!!

And what do I want to tell you with this.....
that i am so sorry you lost him
he is on the Rainbow bridge now
He waits for you
keep that in mind,
And he was here to live with YOU....

And I am here to be with you when you need me
to talk, to cry, to grieve, to laugh....
Keeping him alive with your memories
Telling me how he was
I met him once
I wish I could have met him more then once
but it is not to be for me to met him

therefor I feel strange, I have seen him
cuddled him talked to him
just once but i am glad i am one of the ones
that has that little memorie......
of your wonderfull great BIG Amigo!

Anneke, I can not tell you how much i feel for you that you lost him.....
I still can not believe it, but I am here if you need me,
call me, talk to me, whenever you need me, day or night, I don't care....
Call me when you need me!!
And I am here!!

Lots of Love from Suzan, Eliza and Reinier

From Linda aka Morning Glory of Missing Tina Marie McQuaig

A From Helene of Helene's Place

From Patty of Prism's Hideout

From Tony & Dianne of The Seven Wonders Of The World

Hello Anneke,
Both Dianne and I were so sorry to hear the news about Amigo.
It's such an awful thing to happen especially when
you grow so close to these wonderful, intelligent pets.
So please try and have a semblance of a Merry Christmas
and we will be here for you if you need anything. Okay?
Hugs and Love,
Tony & Dianne

From Marcia