A Little Deeper

Monday 9th June 2003

Note: Site content and feelings box are still updated regularly. Keep checking back for non-diary related updates.
Go here if you want a laugh


After serious consideration, I have decided to move my site to another address.

My site was only intended to be read by myself, my boyfriend, my best friend, and some online friends of mine. What has ended up happening is that a vast majority of people I am acquainted with have my site address and now visit my site regularly without even telling me. I don't mind so much those people who make it clear that they read my diary and have one that I can read myself, because at least that way I know who is looking at what and how often. Even people like Mike and Jeni who I don't talk to all that much in real life make it clear that they read my diary by either 1. Signing my guestbook or 2. Mentioning it to me personally. Most others, however, do not go to such efforts.

I find that I often have random individuals who I do not know or talk to particularly often come on here and then make assumptions about me and my life when they do not in fact have a clue about what I am talking about most of the time. Today, for instance, Natalie told me that Cheryl had visited my site, read a past entry which happened to mention her and then proceeded to question Natalie about what I had written and what it meant, rather than approaching me personally. I'm also aware that when I broke up with Tom, one or more of my diary entries was printed off and passed around, and people came onto my site, read things and then made assumptions about what I was thinking and feeling. This is never what my site was intended for; as I've explained quite clearly I write on here for a release and to express my own thoughts, feelings and opinions for my own benefit and for the benefit of those who are already aware of what is occuring in my life. I do not write it so that random individuals can try and gather information on me or anything similar to this.

I've previously attempted to insist that if someone has a problem or a question regarding something I have written on my site, then they should feel free to approach me personally and ask me about it. However, as I have come to realise, people have a tendancy not to do this, but would rather instead discuss it among themselves and reach their own conclusions.

I have therefore decided to create a new address and shift all the material from this site to another, private site. I will leave most material on here but my diary most definitely will not be remaining available for the world to see. I feel its a shame that I have to do this, but I am no longer prepared to have people reading what is written genuinely and with extensive consideration and true emotion, and then drawing their own conclusions about my life, thoughts and feelings from that, or having the audacity to gossip about what I have written without even considering consulting the writer herself.

I am aware that this is indeed the internet and therefore any information I post will always be, in some way, available to the world. However, I do not have a problem with the world reading my diary, but rather have a problem with a few select individuals that know me personally reading it. I know that there are a few people online who check up on me and whats going on in my life, and I shall probably be informing them of my new address.

If you would like to have the new address for my site, then I would be grateful if you would ask me personally. There are a few individuals who I will be giving it to, and I would prefer it if they refrained from giving me any links on their own sites or giving my new address out to anyone that knows me personally.

Thank you all for reading anyway. Its been fun and I hope to see some of you visiting my new site soon :o)

Love, Natalie.
