Kimagure Orange Road The Untold Stories By Daniel C. Harrison In Honor of Matsumoto Izumi "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter One: Cast-off! Sunday. The first day of summer vacation. It's hot in this room, I can feel the heat making my body sweat. Or perhaps it was another premonition dream. I can never be sure. I always seem to have those when I don't think I will. Maybe the heat has something to do with it. But, I have had them in the winter time too. It also might have to do with the fact that, as I sat up, Jingoro flew off my face and hit the floor. I could hear him complain as he bounced off the chair. Rubbing my head, I yawned and looked over to see him giving me a look of contempt. "Uhmmm...sorry Jingoro." I swung my legs over the bed and sat on the edge of it. Still in my pajamas, I could see the world outside was bright with the sunshine of a waiting summer. "Ahhhh" I sighed. I reached over and turned on my stereo. School was done. For now. Next year, Ayukawa and I would be seniors. She always seems to enter my mind in the morning. Someday, I hope to be with her more. If only not for, Hikaru-chan.." The phone rang. I opened my door and went to get it. Before I could reach it, Kurumi slipped past me and picked it up. "Hai, Kasuga residence. Eh? Oneichan? You want him. Grrrr." She handed me the phone with a disappointed look. "Madoka-san for you, Oneichan. Don't be all day, I'm expecting a call too." "Ayukawa?" I took the phone smiling. Here I had been thinking of her and, she calls.(sigh). Maybe she is part esper too and we have a link we don't fully understand. I put the phone to my ear. "Hai, Ayukawa?" "Ahh, Kasuga-kun!" Her sweet voice thrilled me to my very soul. She has always had that effect on me. I think it stems from the first time we met on the stairs. Those stairs..." my mind drifted back.." "It's 100!" I said "99!" she insisted. "100!" I shouted. "99!" she shouted back. Her look darkened. "Well, let's just make it 99 1/2?" I offered. She stopped and, the look on her face was almost enough to make me laugh. Fortunately for me, I didn't. At first. Suddenly, she laughed. It was like music to me, the sound of lovely bells on a bright spring morning. "But, it doesn't really matter, does it?" she said smiling. "No." I grinned. "You're new around here, aren't you?" She looked like a goddess to me. " can you tell that?" "You got a little dialect." She giggled and went by me down the stairs. "Bye now." I still held the hat. The one I had caught while on the stairs and knew it was her's. "Hey! The hat!" "You keep it." she shouted. "It looks good on you." Before she turned the corner, I shouted, "Hey! I'm Kasuga, Kyouske!" "Eh?" She stopped and looked back. I waited for her to give her own name but, instead she smiled and disappeared. "Kasuga-kun, are you listening to me??" Eh?" I had drifted back in my memories while I was on the phone with her! I'm a baka! "Eh..sorry Ayukawa, I was just thinking." "Something dirty I'll bet." She laughed. I have always loved her laugh. "Kasuga, would you like to go on a cruise ship with me?" My hand almost dropped the phone! Ayukawa and I on a cruise! Alone! This was too good to be true. "Uhmm, just us?" I said timidly. "No, silly, Hikaru is going and, I wanted to know if you and your two sisters wanted to come. My parents are performing in Washington DC and, they sent me enough money and told me to take the "SUN PRINCESS" over to see them. It's a new cruise ship. Very classy. Hikaru is very excited but, I was hoping we could all go and have fun." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me, Kasuga Kyouske on a cruise ship to America! Washington DC the United States capital! And, a cruise ship with Ayukawa. Of course, I had been silly to think it would be only her and I. I'm so baka sometimes. "Kasuga, do you want to go??" "Hai! Hai!" I said excitedly. "I have to clear it with the old man but, I don't see a problem! I know Kurumi and Manami will be excited! Arigatoo Ayukawa!" "The ship leaves this evening, Kasuga-kun. A night cast-off with a big party. You better get everyone together. Hikaru and I will meet you at the dock and we'll board together. I'll get the passes so don't worry. Do you have a passport?" "Passport?" I said puzzled. OH No! Those were needed to enter America! What was I to do? "Show up down there in three hours then, Kasuga-kun. You and your sisters will need passports to enter the United States. You don't have much time. I'll meet you at the registration office. Better go pack. Bye!" She hung up the phone before I could say another word. Damn! I looked at the clock. Three hours! No! "Kurumi, Manami! Were going on a cruise to America! Start packing!" Manami who had been vacuuming looked around the corner? "Eh? What are you talking about Oneichan?" I quickly blurted out the conversation with Ayukawa and, her face lit up like a festival! "Call Papa! He needs to know! I'm sure it'll be okay. Oh, this is so cool!" While I called my father, Manami told Kurumi and, she was so excited, she fell over the couch taking Manami with her. Magazines and food went all over the floor that had been sitting there. "Baka!" Manami chastised her. "Go pack for us. I'll clean this up!" "Hai!" Kurumi was off like a shot. I could hear noises and, I saw through the mirror in the hall glimpses of things flying around. She was using the power at lightning speed! "Kyouske," my father was saying, "if you promise to conduct yourself well as man of the Kasuga family, you can go. I want you to promise to watch out for your sisters. You know how Kurumi is." Oh boy did I know! "Hai, father." I grinned. I couldn't believe this was happening to us! One hour later, we were packed, the house halfway picked up and ready to go. Manami was shouting at Kurumi who had tried to take Jingoro our cat in a suitcase! "Kurumi, you baka! You can't take Jingoro, we don't know what the rules are concerning pets and, he'd suffocate in a suitcase!" "I can put small holes in it." Kurumi looked at me with pleading eyes. I hated it when she did that. "Please, Oneichan, I wanna take Jingoro!!" I shook my head firmly. "Either Jingoro stays, or you do." Kurumi nodded sadly and put him down. To me, Jingoro looked relieved. He had not been happy stuffed in a suitcase and was letting us all know about it. I doubt we could have snuck him onto the ship. Kurumi waved goodbye to Jingoro and picked up her suitcase. She joined us as I shut the door and locked it to our apt. I took the time to straighten the sign with our names on it as we left. We made our way out to the street and, after waiting a short time, we caught a bus out of town and down to the docks. As we exited the bus, I could see two figures standing by the "customs" building and, one was waving frantically. The other stood demurely. As we approached, Hikaru-chan squealed and bolted toward me. "Darrrrling!!!" she shouted. I braced myself for the impact as she jumped and sailed into me. "Ohmff!" I grunted. "Hikaru-chan, it's good to see you." "Ohhh Darling," she clung to me. "This is going to be so cool! Just think, us on a romantic cruise to America! I'm sure even Madoka-san will find someone if she wants to." "Eh?" I looked up startled. "Uhmm yeah, Ayukawa will have fun. I'm sure we all will." I took her hand and gently pulled her away from me. "I think we need to get our passports and register." "Ohh yes, Darling." She walked beside me, "I just know this is going to be great for all of us!" Ayukawa was looking at me. She seemed to have a look of sadness in her eyes. We stared at each other for a second. Then, she smiled. "Let's go, we leave tonight!" We made our way inside and, after filling out an annoying questionaire and paying our fees, we were issued our passports. From there, we went to the registration office where, Ayukawa turned in our tickets and, we were issued vouchers for food and other things while on the cruise. It was almost time! "We still have an hour before we board." Ayukawa said going through a packet she had been given about the ship. I could see it in front of me at the dock. The "SUN PRINCESS" was a beautiful boat! "Maybe we should get a quick bite to eat?" Manami suggested. As we started to leave the building, three boys came toward us to enter. They were speaking english! I could only understand some of it. One of them looked at me, he was wearing a black leather jacket and had his hair slightly parted to the left. His eyes surveyed me before he looked at Ayukawa and smiled. "Hey, how goes it?" Ayukawa smiled back and nodded slightly. "Were going on the "SUN PRINCESS." to America." The boy grinned. "Cool. So are we." He reached his hand forward. "I'm Shawn Hayden. These two are Peter Jason(the guy on the left wearing a surfer shirt grinned.) "and Jim Shaw"(he was shorter with a ball hat turned backwards and wearing his button up shirt open and a white t shirt underneath.) Both were looking at my sisters. I didn't understand all this, nor did my sisters or Hikaru-chan because, we aren't good in english the way Ayukawa is. She explained it all later, that's how I'm able to tell this story. Ayukawa nodded again and indicated each of us. Her introductions were quick and, she turned back to face the boy wearing the jacket. "So where are you from?" "Originally, Tacoma Washington." the boy named Shawn Hayden smiled. He moved forward slightly. "What do you like to do for fun?" I could see his forwardness made Ayukawa a bit surprised. To tell you the truth, it pissed me off! I was finding in the short time I had met this guy, I didn't like him. "Lot's of things." Ayukawa said noncommitally. "We have to go. Maybe we'll see you later." As we moved past them and headed down the stairs, I could hear them laughing and, one of them said, "Count on it!" We found a small restaurant near the dock. I could see things being loaded onto the ship as we spoke. Hikaru-chan sat next to me. Ayukawa, Kurumi and Manami were opposite. "Ohhh." Kurumi was saying. "I wish Komatsu and Hatta could have come." "Baka!" Manami laughed. "They'd be chasing us all over the ship! we don't need that. Besides there are other guys onboard to have fun with us." She smiled encouragingly. "Yeah, I guess so." Kurumi was sighing and looking at the ship, whimsically. "You're right, we can have lots of fun! Those guys we saw for example." "No!" I blurted out. "Those guys looked like hentai! They shouldn't be trusted." "Ohhh Oneichan, quit acting like our protector." Kurumi laughed. "You have enough to worry about." She winked at me and nodded toward Ayukawa who was turned away from us and looking at other activity going on outside. "Oh, Darling is just being the good and concerned person he is." Hikaru-chan smiled and held my arm. I glared at Kurumi. Hikaru-chan so wrapped up in me had missed that remark she had made. "Madoka-san, don't you think that guy in the leather jacket was cool?" "Eh?" Madoka turned surprised by Kurumi's question. "Uhmm I guess so. He was a bit forward for my taste. Although, he seemed very clear about what he might have wanted." She stared right at me! Ouch! That was a clear shot if ever there had been. I looked down quickly and heard her sigh. Hikaru-chan's grip tightened on my arm a bit. Our food was brought to us quickly and, we dined with relish anticipating the voyage that was to come. I could see they had finished loading the huge ship and now, they were boarding some crew members. The ship line was an American one so, naturally, the crew were. However, I could see some japanese or possibly japanese americans mixed in. Perhaps to help with translations. "Darling, I want to walk the deck with you tonight after we sail." Hikaru-chan's suggestion caught me off guard. I looked quickly at her. "Uhmm, sure Hikaru-chan. Sounds good to me too." "Ohhhh Darling, I love you so much!" She gripped my arm again with that firmness that she would never let me go. I glanced up quickly and saw Ayukawa looking away. My heart skipped a beat. Before I knew it, it was time to board. We finished our meal and paid the cashier then moved to get in line at the gangplank. It looked like a festival. Everywhere were lanterns and, people were handing out balloons, food, and toys were for sale. Couples around us held each other close and talked in varying degrees of excitedness. My anticipation grew. This was going to be fun! If only.." I could see Ayukawa standing a few feet away. She looked so alone. The lights from the lanterns shone off her hair, bringing out highlights in it I had never noticed before. I felt a lump in my throat. "Oneichan, I wanna buy this!" My thoughts were broken by Kurumi who had a small stuffed panda and she was shoving it in my face. "Papa wouldn't care, can I?" "No, no." I said. "We have to save the little money we have for onboard. Don't you want to be able to buy anything in ports of call? You can buy a stuffed panda anywhere!" "Wahhhhh!" Kurumi glared at me. "You're so mean to me!" I was about to answer her but, suddenly a voice said behind me, "Hey babe, don't cry. I'll buy it for you!" Surprised, we all turned and found those same three boys grinning at us. The one with the ball hat stepped forward and blatantly took Kurumi by the hand. "I'd be honored to buy you this, if it's okay?" Kurumi was struck dumb. Her eyes looked like they were glowing! "Hai!" was all she could say. I was about to come unglued. This guy just comes out of nowhere and blatantly defies my authority as acting head of the Kasuga family! But I...I didn't know what to do. As he took my sisters hand and moved to the souveneir stand to pay for the toy, he nodded to his friends. I could hear him say. "I'm Jim Shaw. What's your name?" "Kasuga, Kurumi-chan." "Can I just call you Kurumi? I'm really not into the custom of doing what you guys over here do with the names backward and that chan and san stuff." "Hai." was all Kurumi could manage. She was quite taken by him. I was thinking of how I might intervene in this but, my indecisiveness was pulling me different directions. It was now obvious to me, we would be unable to avoid these hentai! My sister was hooked like a fish on a line! "I thought we'd meet again." This had been directed not to me or my sisters but, to Ayukawa. The only reason I had understood anything Jim Shaw had said was, he was speaking in broken japanese to Kurumi. This other guy talking to Ayukawa was even worse! It was that one in the leather jacket. I think he had said his name was Shawn Hayden. He was talking to her now but, with no one to translate, I had no idea what he was saying. Ayukawa answered back in english and I was lost! I felt my heart being slowly ripped. She smiled and nodded at several things he said and he pointed up the gangplank. Then, she turned back to me. "Hayden-san and his friends are travelling alone back to the States. They wanted to know if they could join us and, I told him I would ask." Her look was directed at me. Hikaru-chan smiled. "Hai, I like that idea. It will give everyone someone to have fun with. We can all hang around together!" She giggled uncontrollably. "As long as I have my darling, I'm happy!" I on the other hand was anything but happy. I tried to think of a way to disuade this from happening! I could see these hentai americans were going to be big trouble! This was the worst! I looked at Manami for some sort of help but, she was trying to talk to the other guy! He had a book and was trying to speak japanese to her. She was laughing. I was alone and, I felt defeated. "Kasuga-kun?" I looked quickly at Ayukawa. She nodded back toward Hayden-san. I could see he was standing there waiting. I nodded slowly knowing I was beaten. "Hai. Tell him it's okay." "Great!" Her face lit up excitedly. A little too excitedly to suit my taste. I was getting worried. We all boarded the ship together. Kurumi and Shaw-san in front, Manami and Jason-san behind. Ayukawa and Hayden-san were next and, Hikaru-chan and I brought up the rear. As we reached the top, of the gangplank, I saw fireworks go off in the bay. Families were hugging and kissing each other and, the smell of a glorious summer was in the air. Everywhere around us, people were drinking champagne, wine, and all matter of saki. I could see the Captain of the ship shaking hands and having his picture taken with people. Hikaru-chan dragged me over and, we did too. He was a friendly man but, without his japanese interpreter who's name was Shinai Horoshi, he couldn't understand a word we said. His name was Captain Mark Jamison. I looked over while Hikaru-chan talked to him through Shinai-san and, I could see Ayukawa and Hayden-san conversing as they sat on a bench. My two sisters were engrossed with the other two hentai. I sighed deeply. What I thought was going to be a wonderful vacation was fast degenerating into a voyage from hell! And we hadn't even left the dock yet! The Captain and his officers excused themselves and left for the bridge. I could hear the ship horns sounding, a warning for all those not leaving to get off the ship. For a moment, I wanted to be one of them! I wanted to grab Ayukawa by the hand and take her off this ship. I wanted to be with her and show her how I really felt. But..Hikaru-chan? I felt my arm being squeezed with a delight and, Hikaru-chan hugged me. "Ohhh Darling, this is so wonderful! Look, were leaving the dock! Were on our way!" She shouted with glee excitedly and jumped up and down. She was so girlish at times. I could see Ayukawa laughing and shaking her head. Apparently, she was making fun of the way Hayden-san was pronouncing some of our language sounds. Kurumi and Manami also seemed to be having the time of their lives. I looked over my shoulder and watched as the "SUN PRINCESS left the dock. We were on our way now. My first trip on a real cruise ship. I had taken a ship with Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan before. That time we had all gone to the beach and stayed in a hotel that Hikaru-chan had gotten weekend vouchers for. But, that ship was nothing compared to this one! It was like a floating small city. As we walked the deck, I saw the shore getting further away. It seemed so small from out here and, it reminded me of another time. I thought back... "Kasuga-kun, aren't we getting too far from Hikaru and Yusaku?" We were in a small boat and, the current was making us drift apart. I was alone with Ayukawa. Her wet bathing suit was giving me thoughts that I knew I shouldn't have and, if she knew would probably slap me for. I was getting tired and, the island we were trying to reach was still far away. "Let's try for the island." she suggested. "Okay." I put on a burst of speed using the "power." That's my ESP ability by the way. All of us in the Kasuga family have it except for my father. It comes from my mother's side. We reached the island but, I was too exhausted and, later, the boat had drifted away because, Ayukawa and I hadn't properly secured it. Later on that day, she had tried to atone for what she thought was her fault by climbing the rocks and seeing if she could get over the island. She fell and, I dove off a lower rock catching her. She had blamed herself for that. Later, we had been rescued after almost admitting our feelings for each other. "Darling, this is so romantic.." Hikaru-chan's voice brought me back to the present as I watched Japan fade away....... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Two: Dinner & Discoveries As I turned away from the ship's railing with Hikaru-chan, I could see Ayukawa and that hentai, Hayden-san looking at his language book together. She was speaking slowly pointing out things to help him learn more quickly. She has always been a good sensei. He smiled and said something back in english and, she answered him in Japanese. "Hai. I'd love to go to dinner with you, Hayden-san." "Whaaa??" I had to stop myself from shouting. I blurted it out and, Hikaru-chan looked at me. "Darling, is everything alright?" "Eh? Uhmm, Hai, Hikaru-chan, everything is just fine." I took her hand and walked slowly over to them. Ayukawa noticed my shadow and looked up. "Oh, Kasuga-kun. We were just talking about dinner. Hayden-san asked me if I'd like to go but, if it's alright with him, I'd like us all to dine together." I was relieved! I nodded and smiled. "Hai, that would be great, Ayukawa. I'll let the others know too." "Don't bother." Hayden-san got up. He motioned his two friends and, they came over with Kurumi and Manami. He spoke slowly in japanese trying not to laugh. "Hey, do you two baka know what I'm saying? Madoka has been teaching me. Were all going to dinner together. Is that cool?" The two looked at each other and, the taller one shrugged. He said something in english and dug through his book. I saw Ayukawa laugh. She turned to Hayden-san and smiled. "You're starting to get the hang of it, Hayden-san although, your pronunciation leaves much to be desired." The boy grinned. "Arigatoo. My Mom is kinda in the position where she had to learn some foreign languages. I know a little spanish but, japanese is new to me. I think I'm starting to get it though." I could barely understand him but, I caught enough. Ayukawa shook her head and put a hand on his shoulder. "You need a lot of work, Hayden-san. I can see we will be spending a lot of time as sensei and student. That is, if you wish?" My mouth almost fell open. Hikaru-chan giggled. "Madoka-san I think you like him don't you?" Ayukawa glared at her. "Baka! I'm simply being nice. I suggest we all put our things away in our rooms and get settled in. We can meet at this spot later." She turned to Hayden-san. "Will you let your friends know? They seem to be having a rough time trying to talk to Kurumi and Manami. Although, the one with Kurumi is doing a little better." Manami laughed. "I'm going to work with Jason-san, Madoka-san. I think he'll pick up on it. If nothing else, I will try to use what little english I know." Hikaru-chan giggled again. "If all else fails Manami-chan, use body language." Kurumi burst into uncontrollable laughter. This caused the american hentai to quickly look at us. All the girls were now laughing. Jason-san looked at Manami and smiled. "I hope you weren't laughing at us too much." he said quickly. "Cut us a break, were new at this okay?" Manami nodded and replied in english. "Yes. We were just having some fun." I was surprised. She spoke it better then I! I looked at Ayukawa who was looking at her information. I hadn't seen her this excited in a long time. Hikaru-chan was postively bubbling with excitement. She was usually that way though. Ayukawa looked up. "Okay, she said to us. Kurumi, Manami, Hikaru, and myself are in a cabin together. Kasuga-kun, you have a separate room that you'll be sharing with bunkmates. If you're lucky, you'll have some japanese with you. If not, better practice your english." She winked at me. I smiled and nodded. "Arigatoo, Ayukawa." She handed me the info I would need. I opened the little booklet. It had a map of the ship. The cabins were laid out by number to go with the decks by letter. I was on "C" deck. The girls were on "B". I guess that was because they were together and, Ayukawa had to get a separate room for me. I wondered who my cabinmates would be? What would they be like? We promised to meet at eight for a late dinner. There was a dance going on also at that time in the grand ballroom. I was looking forward to it and hopefully I would get to dance with Ayukawa as well as Hikaru-chan. Perhaps this trip was going to be fun after all. The next days activities looked good. I was looking forward to spending some time at the pool tomorrow. Ayukawa in a bikini was.... I stopped myself from such thoughts and said goodbye. We all separated. As I made my way down the hallways searching for my cabin, I noticed the american hentai were following me. I wondered where they were going. I continued on until I suddenly found my cabin. To my surprise, those three stopped behind me. "Oh man." Hayden-san said. "They stuck four of us in one room?" I suddenly realized these were my cabinmates! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!(In my head I could hear an explosion.) Shaw-san pushed past me. "Here man, let's open the door." He stuck his key in and opened the room. It was large with yellow walls. Four beds and a desk waited within. There was a tiny bathroom to the left. A mirror hung on the wall opposite me. I could see how shocked my expression must have looked. Jason-san threw a small pack on the bed closest to the door. "I'll claim this rack guys." I had no idea at the time what he was saying. Hayden-san told me some of it later when I asked questions, that's how I'm able to relate this. "The music on this boat sucks." Shaw-san said. "Hey, Shawn, did you bring any Metallica?" "Yeah, it's in my case inside my pack." He dropped his pack by the bed next to the bathroom. "I feel like some Van Halen though." They began talking about some sort of music groups I had never heard of or in some instances little off. Our music in Japan is a little different I was gathering. Hayden-san looked at me. "Sit down, man. Don't just stand there. We're gonna be together awhile." I nodded and took the bed that remained against the far wall. Shaw-san had claimed the one opposite me. They were still talking in english until, Hayden-san stopped them. "Hey dudes, we need to be a little more considerate here okay?" They nodded and, he turned to me. "Sorry man. This is gonna sound dumb but, what was your name again?" Kasuga, Kyouske." I answered. "Kyouske huh?" he smiled. "Cool. Do you mind if we drop this last name and "san" stuff? It makes Shaw nervous and I'd rather talk without it too." I was a bit taken aback. In Japan this was meant as a sign of honor. They obviously didn't act that way in America. I nodded. "Hai. That's fine, Hayden-san." "Shawn, dude. Call me Shawn. I'll call you Kyouske or Kasuga. Which do you prefer?" "Kasuga." I said quickly. I didn't know these guys well enough to call them by their names that way. "Okay, cool Kasuga. I'm Shawn as I said." He indicated the other two. "This is Peter Jason. He's a pain in the butt but, you'll get used to him." His japanese was terrible but, I was catching most of this. "And this is Jim Shaw. These guys like your sisters by the way. I hope that's cool?" "I..I'm the acting head of the Kasuga family right now so, I need to look out for their welfare." I saw Shawn give me a quizzical look. Then he burst out laughing. "Oh man. Well, good luck anyway. I wanted to ask you a question. What can you tell me about Madoka?" I felt my heart stop. "Ayukawa?" "Yeah, Madoka. Dude, she is really cool. I like her a lot. I think if she doesn't mind I'll just kind of monopolize her the whole trip. After all, we're all on the same ship and not going anywhere right?" I nodded slowly catching some of this. How was I going to keep this hentai away from Ayukawa? Or these others from my sisters? I felt trapped! Shaw-san reached over and picked up a CD that was laying on the bed. "I feel like some Metallica. Peter, put this in the CD player, man." "No problem." Jason-san took the CD and loaded it into the small player that sat on his bed. "Let's rock dudes!" I was instantly assaulted by some of the darkest and loudest music I have ever heard in my life! It seemed to appeal to my dark side..the side that I sometimes feel when I want to do something with Ayukawa or Hikaru-chan and I control it. The words were so badly garbled, I could barely understand them! Most of it appeared to be screaming! The two hentai across from me, Shaw-san and Jason-san began to rock their heads in time to the music and, Hayden-san grinned at me. "This is real headbanger music, Kasuga. Do you like it?" I was trying to think with all this noise! "Uhmmm, it's okay. I'm used to things that don't quite sound like this." Hayden-san reached over and turned the noise down a bit. "Oh yeah? Like what?" The three hentai waited for my answer. "Uhmmm, well we have all sorts of music. I like Kanako Wada." "Kanako whata?" Jason-san asked confused. "Are they a good band?" I had to depend on Hayden-san to help me with the rest of this conversation. I'm not good with english and, I could tell his lessons with Ayukawa in the short time he had known her had helped his japanese. "Uhmm, she's a singer..not a band. I also like to go to discos and.." "DISCO??" Hayden-san's eyes went wide and, he made a gagging sound in his throat! The other two hentai burst out laughing as Hayden-san fell off the bed in a dying act. He climbed off the floor as I sat there confused. Was there something wrong with what I liked? He shook his head. "Dude, disco sucks! I can see were going to have to educate you in the ways of cool american music! For starters, this disco crap has to go! Weve got some cool Cd's that you can listen to on this voyage. Okay?" "Ummm, yeah..okay." I was confused. This noise they listened to and seemed to like was good american music? I hadn't heard anything even close to it, not even in "Mobius" a popular dance club where we did disco. Maybe that was why. I could see I had a lot to learn about America. We sat for awhile listening to this noise until, Hayden-san turned to me. "We still got some time before we gotta dress for dinner. Anybody want to shoot some baskets? We got enough here to play two on two." I nodded. "Hai, I'd like that." It would be fun to see how good these hentai were. I wasn't great but, I was average. I just had to make sure I was as good as them. I didn't want to look bad in front of Ayukawa. The three of us left the room and found our way to the ship's gym. It was fairly large and, a full basketball court was ready and waiting. We started playing. I was teamed with Jason-san. He was pretty good. He took the ball out and, when he brought it in, he passed it to me. I moved quickly down the court dribbling as I went. Hayden-san tried to block me. I passed over his head to Jason-san. He scored! I felt pretty good. Maybe I would have a good time after all. The game went on. It was about even. I was feeling pretty good about myself. We were tied. That's when I saw, Ayukawa! She was standing on a balcony that overlooked the court. Hikaru-chan was with her. I didn't see my sisters. But, Ayukawa was watching! I couldn't mess up! Not in front of her! Not like before! My memory went back for an a time shortly after I had met Ayukawa and was at school. I had the ball. I was going for the shot. I noticed she was watching me. That shot would have won the game! But, I missed! I lost the game for us and, in front of Ayukawa! I had felt like a fool. My thoughts came back to present..she was watching! Hayden-san had the ball. He was going to score! I moved quickly trying to get around Shaw-san so if he passed, I could catch it. It was no good! He was going for the shot. He threw it...and missed! I caught the ball. This was it. I looked and saw Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan watching with interest. In my mind, I had to win! I didn't want to lose again. I threw the ball hard. I watched it go too far to the right! But...with "the power" I could win! I didn't even think. I instinctively wanted to win so bad, I used "the power." The ball going too far right suddenly arced course in mid-air and swung left. It flew upward and slammed hard in the basket! "YEAH! We won!!" Jason-san grabbed me and picked me up. "You're cool Kasuga! Shawn, you're buying me dinner!" "Darrrling!!!" Hikaru-chan was screaming from the balcony. "Darling, you are sooo cool! What an athlete. I love you!" I could see Ayukawa smiling and, she waved at me. Then, she tugged Hikaru-chan and, they left to get ready for dinner. Hayden-san was standing there looking at the ball while Shaw-san swore in many expletives. Hayden-san walked over and picked up the ball. He looked up at the basket, then back to the ball. He smiled at me. "Not bad. Interesting maneuver that ball made. Very interesting." He shook his head and walked past me. "You'll have to teach me that sometime. Never saw a ball do that before. We better get ready for dinner. Just enough time for a quick shower." He walked out leaving me standing there. I followed after with the other two. I felt bad. I shouldn't have used the power. But, to Hikaru-chan and Ayukawa, I was a hero. I felt terrible. After cleaning up, we made our way to the deck where we had all agreed to meet. The girls were waiting. I should say women for, they were beautiful! Ayukawa was in a red dress with matching heels. Her hair was up and stunning. Hikaru-chan wore a blue dress and, she immeditely latched onto me. "Ohhh Darling, you are soo cool! I couldn't believe you did that! What a shot!" "Arigatoo, Hikaru-chan." I said nervously. "Oneichan, you're a hero!" Kurumi said smiling. She was wearing a green dress and, Manami wore a yellow one. All of us guys wore dark pants and light colored shirts. Shaw-san moved past me and took Kurumi's arm. "You're a vision of loveliness." he tried to speak in japanese. It came out quite badly and, it made Kurumi laugh. Ayukawa giggled. I noticed him taking her arm and, I remembered what these hentai were really like! I stepped forward. "Oi! Oi! Walk beside her, don't take her arm like that!" Shaw-san suddenly gave me a dark look. "What the? What's your problem Kasuga? I thought you were cool with this!" An uncomfortable silence followed. Ayukawa looked at me as if to say something but, she remained silent. Kurumi smiled. "Oh, Oneichan, relax! You don't have to play papa-sama. We can take care of ourselves." She took Shaw-san's arm before I could stop her and, they walked into the dining room. Manami looked down and, Jason-san moved forward. "I'd like to escort you to dinner if I may, Manami?" She nodded. "Hai." She looked at me. "It's okay, Oneichan." Giving me a smile of encouragement, she took his proffered arm and, they disappeared through the doors. Hayden-san slapped me on the back. "Hey "Dad" it's cool okay? You don't need to get bent outta shape like that. They won't do anything you wouldn't do." As he took Ayukawa's arm, he said something to her in english that made her giggle. Before I could say another word, they walked through the doors. Hikaru-chan took my arm. "Come on Darling, let's go. This is going to be a fun night! You're a hero, remember?" She pulled me through the doors before I could protest. The dining room was huge! Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling giving light to all of us. To the right, a large dance f loor awaited the evenings events. Tables were arranged around it and, the walls were gold. The carpet which we walked on was red giving the room a some what royal appearance. I saw the others already being seated at a table on the far side. Hikaru-chan led me too it, her smile dazzling as ever. She was very striking this evening! But..I looked at Ayukawa. She was a goddess. As we reached the table, she smiled at me. "Sit down, Kasuga-kun." We sat opposite Ayukawa and Hayden-san with Kurumi and Manami each on our side and, the other two hentai in the middle. As we waited for dinner, Ayukawa turned to Hayden-san. "How did you three afford going on a cruise like this? I already told you how we're here." Hayden-san laughed. "We were in Japan because of my Mom. But, she had to leave suddenly on something very important. She works for a world marketing company and does that at times. She handed me the corporate credit card and told me to knock myself out. So, we decided rather then fly back, we'd take the long way and, the fun way!" He grinned. "I'm glad we did." His smile made Ayukawa blush and, I felt a sudden flash of anger inside. This hentai hardly knew her and, he was getting closer to her by the minute! I was finding my initial instincts were correct! I didn't like him..or the others!" Hayden-san picked up his glass. "I'd like to propose a toast if I may?" Hikaru-chan laughed and nodded. "Please do, Hayden-san" She turned and smiled at me. She was having the time of her life. I wished I was. This cruise was not turning out as I had hoped. "First, can we drop this "san" stuff please?" he asked. Ayukawa nodded. "Of course, Shawn." Kurumi laughed. "Ohh this is going to feel weird. Are we going to talk like Americans?" Hayden-san nodded. "We'd appreciate it. It makes things simpler. Call me Shawn, Kurumi." Kurumi giggled. "Okay, Shawn." I was getting a little bit upset. This wasn't right! Even if it was their way, it wasn't right! Hayden-san raised his glass. "I'd like to propose a toast to new international friendships." He looked at Ayukawa and grinned. "And maybe more." Ayukawa gave him a faint smile. It was her mischievous one, I have seen it many times. She nodded slowly. "Perhaps in time." I almost fell over. I hadn't expected that kind of a response from her! What was going on? Was she and the others so enamored with these hentai, they couldn't see them for what they were? I looked at my sisters as they drank the toast and then tried to speak english to the other two. Hikaru-chan was occupying me telling me all she wanted to do on this voyage but, I could see Hayden-san and Ayukawa talking. They would speak in english which annoyed me because, I could understand little of it. Then, they would switch back to Japanese. I didn't know what to do. This situation was getting worse by the minute. Suddenly, some music started. Dinner was finished and, Hayden-san looked at Ayukawa. "Would you like to dance with me, Madoka?" "Hai, I'd love to, Shawn." She grinned and before I could think what to say, he led her to the dance floor. My feelings were a torrent! My heart felt like it was being ripped out. They were dancing "cheek!" She hardly knew this hentai and, they were "cheek!" Kurumi and Manami also had gotten up with the others and were dancing. Hikaru-chan looked at me. "Darling, what's wrong? Don't you want to dance with me?" "Hai, Hikaru-chan. Sorry, I was just thinking." I took her hand and led her to the dance floor. We ended up dancing close to Ayukawa and Hayden-san. He was talking to her about himself. Apparently she had asked about him. Hayden-san known as Shawn David Hayden was telling her about his home in Tacoma, Washington, a part of the United States that was in the northwest corner. I had never been there and, to my knowledge neither had Ayukawa. He told her about his family. His parents both worked for a worldwide marketing company that made travel common with her. She was never home. It sounded a lot like Ayukawa's situation with her parents. This made me uneasy as, it gave them a common bond. He also seemed to outclass me in other areas. He had a car, a 1957 Chevy Belair. It was a classic I guess. I'm not really much into cars. He also had a motorcycle and he worked part time as a mechanic for a man named Larry. His goal in life was to own a chain of auto shops. I was concerned how interested Ayukawa seemed to be in this. Hikaru-chan pressed closer to me and, I held her as I watched them dance. Ayukawa was looking at me over his shoulder and, she smiled at me and looked down. What did that mean? Trying to read her emotions has been at times very difficult for me. Hikaru-chan looked at me. "Ohhh Darling. I'm having so much fun tonight? Are you?" I nodded. "Hai, Hikaru-chan." Suddenly, I saw Hayden-san begin massaging Ayukawa slowly across the back as they danced. I saw her stiffen briefly and, I waited for her to break away and slap him. It didn't happen. Instead she relaxed and I realized, she might actually be falling for this hentai! Nooooo!! My rage flared up inside me! He had no right to be so close to her! He hardly even knew her! Before I could stop it, my anger took control. I used "the power" and, I watched as Hayden-san was thrust away from Ayukawa and slammed head first into a nearby table. Food fell from the table all over him. Ayukawa was standing there trying to figure out what had happened. Hayden-san got up. He was looking right at me. His look darkened and, I watched as if in slow motion or a dream as he crossed the room and approached me. He was wiping food off his clothes as he went. He reached me and, he turned to Hikaru-chan. "I'd like a word with your boyfriend..." he looked at me. "Outside." Ayukawa came over to us. "Are you alright Hayden...I mean Shawn?" He nodded. "Just fine. I slipped, sorry. Must be these shoes. Kasuga, come back with me to our room for a moment okay? I nodded stiffly. I heard Hikaru-chan laugh. "Don't be long Darling!" We both walked out the door together, Hayden-san putting a friendly arm around my shoulder. "We need to talk!" he hissed angrily in my ear. As soon as we reached the top of the stairs on the upper deck, I felt a violent push from behind that sent me sprawling to the deck. Before I could get up, I was seized by my arm and slammed hard into a nearby bulkhead! "What's your problem, Kasuga?" He was glaring at me, his steel blue eyes almost looked like they were seeing through me! I was speechless. He swore at me. "I said what's your problem? Answer me! I'm not going to hang with a guy that can't stand me and not know why! Talk!" I noticed at once, his japanese had vastly improved. Almost fluent. It suddenly dawned on me...he KNEW japanese! He must know it! This act of trying to learn it.. I was getting angry. I got real angry. I looked at him and swore. "Hentai! You know japanese! That act isn't fooling me anymore!" He nodded. "So what. It works with getting close to japanese chicks acting like your trying to learn the language. But again, what's your major problem? Why did you slam me like that using telekenetics?" I froze. HE KNEW!! He smiled at me seeing the color drain from my face. How did he know? I hadn't been that obvious had I? "Uhmmm, I don't know what you mean.." I began. "Don't play that with me, Kasuga! Dude, my sister throws stuff at me regularly using telekenetics! My other sister is a child genius! My parents got abilities! I grew up with it. I know telekenetics when I see it! I suspected you were teleketic when you slammed that ball today!" I swallowed hard. "Uhmm, I think you are making a mistake.." "Yeah okay." He swore again. "Let me show you something." He put up his finger and I leaped back as suddenly, flame came from it. He smiled at me. "See dude? I'm that way too. I can create fires and do other cool stuff. My sister Marcia can fly, plus throw things. So, are Kurumi and Manami this way too? Madoka maybe? How many of your family are there?" I was in shock. This hentai had "the power" or something like it. He was now an even more dangerous threat then I had originally thought. "Uhmm I don't want to talk about this." Yeah okay, man." He shook his head and looked hard at me. "I just want to be clear on one thing. Why are you messing with me?" "Messing with you?" I asked puzzled. "Do I have to spell it out for you? Madoka, man! For some reason, you don't like seeing me with Madoka! I can tell. Why is that? You got a chick Kasuga, Hikaru is pretty cool. So why are you..." he stopped suddenly. "Wait a second here. I think I'm seeing this. You like Madoka don't you?" I clammed up. I wanted to pound Hayden-san into the deck but, I was so unerved by all this and, I was concerned now for our welfare. What would this hentai do with this information? "Uh huh." He nodded slowly. "This is a raw deal man. This really sucks! How long has this been going on? You love Madoka but, you're with Hikaru. Simple. Break up with Hikaru." "I can't do that!" I blurted out before I realized what I was doing. "It would hurt her too much!" Hayden-san shrugged. "It's gonna hurt a lot more later on. And, unless you do, I'm going to cut in front of you. In fact, since you're with Hikaru, I'm going after Madoka!" "Hentai!" I shouted. "You don't love Ayukawa! She'll never fall for you!" "I think I got a better chance then you right now, Kasuga." He was infuriating me now with that impish grin of his. "I'm going to date her this whole trip and hopefully, win her over. Does she like you?" I looked down. I had nothing more to say. "So it's mutual huh? I'll have to change that I guess. She's a babe and I want her. I'll win her before this voyage is over. Count on it!" I looked up, my anger growing. I wanted to throw him over the side of the ship. And, I could do it too! He wasn't going to touch Ayukawa, not if I had anything to do with it! "Don't get any funny ideas either about interfering." He laughed. "I'd hate to see Hikaru hurt as much as you. Besides, if you try too hard, I may have to make your life miserable." Before I could say anything, a sudden wind slammed me hard to the deck. I looked up in shock. He was smiling smugly. "I forgot to mention, I can also control weather to a limited extent. I don't know what you can do besides throw me but, once I get up, I can take you for one heck of a ride. Or burn you to a crisp." he lit one finger on fire and pointed it at me. "I'd hate to have to do that, Kasuga. I'll keep this our little secret if that's okay? Peter and Jim don't know what I can do and, I'm sure Hikaru doesn't know what you can do. So we'll keep our mouths shut. You stay out of my way. I'll stay out of yours. Fair? Otherwise, I'm going to have to get really nasty with you. And that would hurt all our friendships." I didn't know what else I could say. I had never been in this kind of a predicament before. A rival for Ayukawa. An ESPER rival! This was truly the worst! I hung my head. "Don't think about it too long." he said. "The girls are waiting and, they'll wonder what the deal is. I'm going to our room to change. I want to get along with you, Kasuga. We just have to understand each other. Madoka is going to be mine! Lay off her!" I heard him walk away as, my world came crashing down..... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Three: Poolside Pranks I wasn't feeling too well after I went back to join Hikaru-chan and the others. Hayden-san showed up shortly after and took Ayukawa back to the dance floor. This time, I did not interfere. With this new information flowing through my head, I felt as if I was mentally drained. As if somehow, he had sapped my strength and even stolen "the power" from me. I didn't know what to do anymore. Hikaru-chan clung to me and talked to me all night. Kurumi and Manami were having what I think was one of the best times in their lives. They really seemed to enjoy the company of these american hentai. I tried to get an idea what Ayukawa might be thinking. She was so hard to read. Later, she and Hayden-san left and, I didn't see them the rest of the evening. I felt terrible. Hikaru-chan wanted to walk on the upper deck, so we did. I looked out over the railing at the endless sea stretching into infinity. The moon was above us, it's light illuminating everything. I felt like I was in a dream. No..a nightmare. This vacation had deteriorated into ashes. As Hikaru-chan laughed and discussed things she wanted to do tomorrow, I nodded and acted like I was interested in it. In reality, my thoughts were still on Ayukawa. I had lost her. At least, I think I had. She seemed totally focused on Hayden-san and, I didn't think there was anything I could say to bring her out of this spell. Hayden-san's angry face and his finger glowing with flame was imprinted on my brain. I could just imagine the feeling of burning to death. I wondered if this hentai had ever killed anyone with his power? Unlike me, he seemed to relish in it. May in fact use it to destroy anyone who stands in his way. Ayukawa was in danger. I had to figure something out. I had to expose him for what he was! What if she slapped him? Would he burn her or throw her with his wind power? What other powers did he have? I tried to assess my strengths should I have to fight him. I had never fought anyone in my life except for maybe, Yusaku. And that hadn't been much of a fight. It had been defense only stopping him from hitting me. How I would block someone throwing flame at me I had no idea. And, if he used his wind power to create a hurricane, how would I stand against it? I was beginning to realize, my best attempts against him might prove futile. I would have to watch him for now and hope the best for our safety. Especially, Ayukawa's. "Darling, are you listening to me?" "Eh?" I looked at Hikaru-chan. "Uhh, sorry I was thinking." "Ohhhhh!" her look darkened. "You always do this to me, darling. Your head is always off in the clouds. What were you thinking of?" "I was thinking how beautiful the moonlight looks upon your hair, Hikaru-chan." Her eyes lit up. "Ohhhh Darrling!" She grabbed me and held me tight. "I love you Darling! Don't ever leave me!" I held her close and looked out at the water. "Hai." It was a promise I didn't think I could keep..... "Oneichan!! Wake up, Oneichan!" "Uhmmm" I pulled the blanket away from my head and looked up. Kurumi was smiling down at me. "What time is it?" "Ten thirty in the morning. Did you sleep in this deck chair all night?" She giggled at me. I nodded. I hadn't wanted to sleep out here. But, the thought of going back to that room with the american hentai..particularly Hayden-san unsettled me. I knew I couldn't avoid him. But, I was determined to limit my exposure to him while I could think of a way to warn Ayukawa to keep away from him. He was dangerous. I got up and stretched, feeling the morning sun on my back. Kurumi laughed. "Well, if a deck chair is more comfortable for you then you're bed, I guess that's okay. Are you going to join us for breakfast?" "Hai." I had to clean up first. I said I'd catch up and went back to my room. When I opened the door, I was assaulted by some horrible noise from the CD player that Jason-san and Shaw-san were listening to. Jason-san grinned. "Hey Kasuga! Just getting in huh? You must've gotten lucky last night with Hikaru! That's cool man!" I turned away. I heard Shaw-san try to speak to me but, his japanese was worse then Jason-san's. "Hey Kasuga, do you like Iron Maiden?" I turned and saw them grinning at me. I listened to the noise for a moment. It was even darker sounding then what had been on yesterday. No, I didn't like this at all! I shook my head. "Gomen nasai." Shaw-san shrugged. "Oh well. Not everyone appreciates good rock. We'll keep trying though dude. Shawn already left for breakfast. We'll be joining the others soon, are you coming?" "Hai." I answered. I went to my bag and changed clothes. A shower would have felt good but, I didn't have time. After I changed, I said goodbye and left quickly. They said they would be along soon. As I reached the top of the stairs from "C" deck, I saw two people sitting close together and talking on a bench. It was Ayukawa and Hayden-san. She was laughing and he was making hand gestures as if trying to explain something to her. She shook her head and began slowly trying to make her point. I approached from behind. Before I even got close, Hayden-san suddenly turned and stared at me. For a moment, his look was hostile as if he meant to hurt me. Then, his eyes softened and, he smiled. "Hey, Kasuga! Come join us dude!" Ayukawa got up. "Ahh, Kasuga-kun! Good to see you. Ohayoo" "Ohayoo." I said as I sat down on the bench. "What are our plans for today?" Ayukawa sighed. "We were just debating that. Shawn was describing to me some of the tricks he can do on the high dive. He wants me to do some too but, I told him I'm not much of a diver." I knew that was false. Gymnast, diver, street fighter..Ayukawa was all of them. She was very talented. "I think you're just fine." I said. Hayden-san grinned. "Cool. Then after breakfast, we'll all go swimming and, I'll teach you some cool tricks on the high dive. I know you'll be graceful as a dove." Ayukawa blushed. "Shawn, stop it!" "I mean it. I'll bet you'll be cool. Ayukawa smiled and winked at him. "Well...we'll see." She turned to me. "Kasuga-kun, are you coming with us to breakfast?" I nodded. They walked ahead of me still talking. They were getting closer all the time. She seemed so taken with him. They seemed to mesh so perfectly. Suddenly, she stopped. "I'll join you in a moment, Shawn. I want to talk to Kasuga-kun alone for a moment." "Eh?" I looked up. I hadn't expected this. Neither had Hayden-san. His eyes narrowed for a moment and he shrugged. He walked on ahead and around the corner. Ayukawa sighed and leaned on the railing. "Are you feeling alright, Kasuga-kun?" I nodded. "Why would you think I'm not?" "Because, I know you, Kasuga-kun. I can tell when you're really upset. This isn't turning into the vacation you hoped for, is it?" Her eyes stared into mine as I leaned on the railing beside her. "No." I finally admitted. "Inviting Hayden-san and his friends to join us really upset you, didn't it? I didn't think it would. I'm sorry for that." This was it! I had to tell her! I had to reveal him for what he was! "Uhmmm..Ayukawa..I..I think you should know that, Hayden-san isn't telling you the truth about himself." She smiled. It was her mischievious grin. "Oh? When did you figure that out?" "Uhhmmm last night. Did you know?" She laughed. "What about? His japanese? Kasuga-kun, no one I ever met picked up a language that quick. I imagine he really could but, he doesn't seem the type to be a studious type person. He's not fooling me." I felt a wave of relief wash over me. At least she was onto him where that lie was concerned. She sighed again. "Is Hikaru happy?" I nodded. "She's having a great time. So are Kurumi and Manami." I suddenly looked at her. "Aren't you?" It was a few moments before she answered. "Things are so complicated Kasuga-kun. I don't know what I'm feeling." I felt my heart sink. "Ayukawa.." She turned to me and smiled. "Please keep Hikaru happy. We need to get to breakfast, the others are waiting." Before I could overcome my indecisiveness, she walked past me, the smell of her sweet scent filling me. I watched her go around the corner... Her voice echoed in my head.."Please keep Hikaru happy...." I had heard it before. Those exact same words. My mind drifted back to that moment. We were on a bridge. It was snowing. Ayukawa's old friend Oryu had been captured by a rival gang. Even her own gang wouldn't help. But, Ayukawa would... She stood there now before me. In her hand was an umbrella. The snow fell around us. I tried to reach out to her. If she went to fight this gang, she may not come back. She knew this! Yet, she was going. To save her friend. She looked at me and smiled. "Kasuga-kun. Please be happy with Hikaru..." My mind drifted back to the present. Suddenly, Hayden-san came around the corner. "Hey dude, you coming to breakfast?" I looked at him. "Hai, Shawn. I was just thinking." He nodded. "About last night? I hope you make the right decision. I want to be friends. I want us all to be friends." I nodded and followed after him. I had made my decision. He would never have Ayukawa! I'd never allow it! Unless....she wanted it. I went down the stairs and down the hallway that took me to the ship's dining room. Hayden-san walked silently behind me. Neither one of us had much to say to each other. When we reached the dining room, I could see the others sitting at a table. Waiters were walking around taking orders. Hikaru-chan leaped up and ran over to me almost knocking one down! "Darrrling!" She grabbed me and held me tight. "Come sit with me darling, we're having fun talking about what were going to do. I want to go shopping later." "You might want to wait till our first port of call." Hayden-san said. "It'd be better souveneirs. Save your money, everything onboard ship is overpriced anyway." He smiled at Hikaru-chan. "You really love Kasuga, don't you?" "Hai! He's everything to me." She held me tighter as we walked to the table. Hayden-san looked at me and nodded. "You make a nice couple. I think your made for each other. I hope it lasts a long time." I felt like hitting him! He was deliberately slamming me. He knew my feelings for Ayukawa. He knew I didn't want to hurt Hikaru-chan. This baka had me and he knew it! We sat down together. Once again, Hayden-san monopolized Ayukawa talking with her the whole meal. Kurumi and Manami patiently worked with Shaw-san and Jason-san trying to teach them some basic japanese. We had all decided that Hayden-san's idea of going to the pool after breakfast was a good one. Despite Hayden-san's attitude I felt better and, I was eagar to relax in the sun. After breakfast, we all met at the pool. Kurumi and Manami wore swim suits I hadn't known they'd packed! Especially Kurumi's! The two hentai were literally drolling over them. I wanted to intervene but, I wasn't getting any support. I would have to trust my sisters and help if asked. Ayukawa wore a red bikini. I had seen it before and, it had made me feel wonderful being next to her. Except this time, Hayden-san was. Hikaru-chan wore a low cut one piece that almost made my eyes pop out. Maybe that's what she had in mind. "Darling, will you put some lotion on me please?" I nodded and smoothed sun tan lotion across her back. She heaved a sigh of contentment and, I felt myself being drawn to her. Her scent was alluring, like honey suckle in spring. I had thought my feelings for her were not what they were but, at times like this, I again become indecisive not knowing who to pick..Ayukawa or Hikaru-chan. In this case, the choice was being forced upon me. Hayden-san made it clear he was the only one with Ayukawa. With Hikaru-chan so close to me, I lay down next to her on our towel and felt myself drifting off to sleep..... "Kasuga! Don't slip!" It was Hayden-san's voice. It sounded like it was coming from a million miles away. I was looking down at water from the side of the ship. "How long do we have to stay here?" I heard myself saying. "Until the coast is clear. If we don't we'll be caught. That would suck man. We'd be busted like everyone else." I nodded. I could see him looking over his shoulder. Vision cleared, I could see the ocean below me. We appeared to be hanging onto the side of the ship. "We need to call for help.." I said. "Yeah I know man. But, they've got the bridge and, we can't do jack! Have to think of another way...." "Darrling wake up!" "Eh?" Hikaru-chan's voice woke me from what I found was a dream. A dream? With Hayden-san? I sat up and looked around. I could see two people on the high-dive. It was Ayukawa and Hayden-san. He looked like he was instructing her in something. Then, he bounced twice and jumped. As he did so, he did a double twist with a somersault and came out of it diving straight as an arrow. He dove beneath the water and came up smiling. Ayukawa was next. She did the same but, instead of one somersault, she did two! Like him, she came out perfectly straight and broke the surface with a smug look on her face. Hikaru-chan laughed and clapped her hands. "Madoka-san!!! You are sooo cool!" She turned to me. "Darling, I'll bet you could do that better then Hayden-san too! Let's go!!!" "Hikaru-chan, wait! Noo!" She was pulling me to the high dive and pushing me up the stairs. "I don't want to do this!" "Ohhhh come on Darling. You way cooler then he is! I'll bet you can do three spins!" I didn't want to go up on the high-dive but, Hikaru-chan was pushing me up the ladder. I couldn't get out of it because, I could see Ayukawa and Hayden-san watching me. My sisters and the other two hentai were also watching. I didn't want to appear a coward. As I climbed the ladder, I noticed it was higher up then I thought. Hikaru-chan was behind me urging me on. Was she going off too? I walked forward toward the edge of the board. I could see the whole front half of the ship before me. The ocean looked so blue and beautiful. The sun was sparkling off it. People were sitting in deck chairs and lying in the sun enjoying natures gift. Below me, the pool awaited. I swallowed once. I didn't like heights. But, this should be nothing. I remembered a time when I was in a much more dangerous position..hanging from a bridge! Hikaru-chan had been with me. I also had hung from a building with her. That time, I had also been concerned that, Komatsu and Hatta would expose my "power" and I would have to move. Fortunately, Manami helped me out on that. "Darling, let's go! Do a triple flip!" "Hikaru-chan, I can't do that!" I shouted. I'm not good at this I....Yahhhhhhhh!!!!" I fell as she suddenly shoved me off the edge! I flipped over in mid-air and slammed with my back into the water. Ohhhh, I was in pain. I felt myself sinking below the water. Then, I floated up. Someone grabbed me and pulled me to the side. I looked up and, it was Hayden san. "Hey dude, are you alright? Man, that sucked! Did it hurt bad?" I was embrassed. Hikaru-chan came running up. "Ohh, Darling, are you okay? I didn't mean to shove you off like that! I'm sorry." She burst into tears. People were looking at us and, I wanted to sink back under the water and hide. My back was hurting terribly. Without thinking, I turned on Hikaru-chan. "Well, it hurt!" I shouted. "You shouldn't go shoving people off like that. I might of been injured worse!" I saw her stare at me for a moment then, she turned and ran from the pool crying. Ayukawa glared at me. "Kasuga-kun! What were you thinking? She didn't mean to do that! Go apologize at once!" My anger was still fresh. I looked at Hayden-san who was beside Ayukawa. I wanted to punch him! Instead I nodded and went after Hikaru-chan. It took me a few minutes to find her. She was leaning on a rail on the stern side of the ship looking at the wake. I came up beside her, "Sorry, Hikaru-chan. I don't know what got into me. I guess I'm more stressed out then I thought." "Why are you stressed?" She looked at me. The tears were still fresh in her eyes. "This is supposed to be a vacation! Everyone else is having a good time! Even Madoka-san found someone! Why aren't you having a good time, Darling? Did I do something wrong to displease you? If I did..." she sobbed and clung to me. "please tell me what it is, so I can fix it!" She hugged me tighter and, I put my arms around her and drew her even closer. "I'm sorry, Hikaru-chan. Please forgive me." My feelings for her weren't as deep as they used to be. Not like with Ayukawa. How long could I do this? She pulled away and smiled. "Darling, I forgive you. And you forgive me? Let's not fight anymore, let's go have fun! Back to the pool!" She started running pulling me behind her. The rest of the afternoon went without incident. The pranks that we all played on each other were of less significance and, no one was hurt. Kurumi and Manami tried to knock each other off the shoulders of Shaw-san and Jason-san. It was fun to watch. Ayukawa and Hayden-san talked together and lay in the sun. I had spent very little time with Ayukawa this trip. All because of...him! As the afternoon grew late, the girls wanted to do some shopping. They left and, I was alone with my cabinmates. Hayden-san looked at me through his sunglasses. "You okay dude?" "Hai." I looked away. "Hikaru was pretty upset man. You might want to think about her happiness in all this. It would be better for all of us and, this vacation would be more fun for you." Thankfully, Jason-san and Shaw-san were arguing over something and weren't paying attention to the two of us. I glared at Hayden-san. "I want to spend some time with Ayukawa, Shawn. She's my friend too." "You've been spending time with her man." "No." I said more emphatically. "I want to spend time with her alone. Or with just her Hikaru-chan and I." He grinned. "Problem is, there's a new element added to this trio. Me. I'm not going away, Kasuga. I'm thinking of moving to Japan." "Whaaaa??" I was shocked. "You can't do that!" "Sure I can." He tipped up his sunglasses and winked at me. "I've got a good reason to now. But before I do that, I'm going to try to convince her to stay in America. I know my folks would love her." I hadn't seen this coming. In all the time I had known Ayukawa, nobody had actually gone after her. Now, I didn't know what to do. "She won't move to America." I said. "Not permanently anyway." He laughed and, I wanted to pound him. He got up and put his shirt on. "We'll see dude. We'll see." "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Four: Hawaii I had troubled dreams that night. I didn't know why. Maybe my thoughts of possibly losing Ayukawa in combination with upsetting Hikaru-chan earlier in the day had gotten to me. I awoke feeling tired. What also awoke me was more screaming guitars. This was our third day at sea and, each morning I had heard some new type of american music that Jason-san and Shaw-san had said was popular in america. This particular band was called, "Aerosmith." I was finding I actually liked this one although, they were quite different from what I was used to. It was a vast improvement though over what had been played the day before. At least my back felt better. Sleeping in bed was definitely preferrable to sleeping on a deck chair. I had resigned myself to the fact, I wasn't going to be able to avoid Hayden-san no matter how hard I tried. I would just have to watch him. My immediate concern were the two hentai in front of me arguing over what to listen to next. They were pushing each other and, Jason-san came crashing down onto the floor in front of me. He got up angrily. "Okay, Jim, now I'm gonna kick your ass!" He dived for Shaw-san and, they struggled on the bed. Hayden-san turned over and looked at me. "They're baka aren't they, Kasuga? They always do this stuff." He pulled the sheets back and sat up rubbing his eyes. Reaching over, he slapped Jason-san in the back. "Hey man! If you guys wanna fight that's cool but, go do it outside where they can properly throw you off the ship. I'm not paying for damages." The other two ignored him as they struggled. Jason-san made an expletive about Shaw-san's mother and, Shaw-san slammed him across the mouth. The two came crashing down onto the floor. "This is ridiculous." Hayden-san got up and grabbed Jason-san by the collar. "Chill out dude! I'm not paying for damages, okay?" They stopped their fight but glared at each other. I yawned and got out of bed. I tried to remember the night before. It had been spent with Hikaru-chan walking the deck and looking out over the sea. She seemed to enjoy that. I had to admit, I did too. I still felt bad about Ayukawa but, spending time with Hikaru-chan seemed to offset that. I would just have to hope things would turn out alright. Hayden-san shook his head at his friends. "You guys really need to grow up. You're gonna look like hell when we get together with the girls. Chicks love fat lips for kissing." He grinned. I stared at him. Were these hentai kissing my sisters? Maybe it was common in america but, in Japan, a kiss was something special. Not to be taken lightly. I would have to deal with this if it was true. I held my tongue for now. I got out my information on the ship. I had been wondering what our first port of call was. I looked up in surprise. "Were going to stop in Hawaii?" Hayden-san nodded. "Yep. I've never been there but always wanted to. I think were going to dock at Honolulu. That's cool, it's a nice size city we can all party in and have fun. The beaches are cool too and, I hear the surfing is sweet. The chicks are babes but, we don't have to worry about that." he grinned. I looked down. I didn't want to get into an argument with him over Ayukawa. By the end of this voyage, she would make it clear what she wanted. Till then, I wouldn't interfere anymore. If I did, someone might get hurt. I nodded and got up. "When are we supposed to get there?" "This afternoon, I think." Hayden-san yawned. "Man, I'm tired. But, this ship is cool. It's fun exploring it. Last night, Madoka and I went all over checking it out. We even went up to the bridge. They were really cool, Kasuga. I got to see everything." I felt myself getting upset but, that wouldn't help. "I'll have to take Hikaru-chan up there. I think she would like it." "Sure she would, man." Hayden-san got up. He looked at his friends. "If you two jerks are done fighting, maybe we can go do something fun. This afternoon we can all go into Honolulu together and explore the city." Shaw-san laughed. "That's cool. I don't have a lot of money though, I bought Kurumi some clothes last night." "That was dumb." Hayden-san shook his head. "You're not gonna have anything left for the rest of the trip if you blow it all before we even get to do anything." He turned to me. "I'm going on deck, you wanna come?" I nodded. We said goodbye to the others and went to the top of "C" deck. The morning mist greeted us as, we could see the sun rising in the east. He turned to me. "I think you made the right choice, Kasuga." "Eh?" "About Madoka." he said. "I notice you seem to have backed off on the issue. That's cool. I didn't wanna push anything. You realize both of us together could do enough damage to possibly sink this ship?" I had never thought of that. "I think your exagerrating, Shawn." "No, seriously dude. If we got into some kind of a telekenetic battle, it would really suck. People could get hurt." "I would never do that." I said quietly. "I didn't mean to slam you that first night. I'm usually not like that. I'm...." "Indecisive." he finished. "I know, dude. I can tell when someone's cool. You and I have gotten off on the wrong foot. I'm more blatant then you are in a lot of ways. I tend to go after what I want. If we just keep our cool, everything will be fine." "But, Ayukawa.." I began. He nodded. "It's her choice, man. We're just going to have to see what happens. I have a big advantage over you right now. I can see you don't want to hurt Hikaru and, I know Madoka doesn't want to. I thought of springing the news on Hikaru but, that would wreck this vacation for everyone so, I'm just gonna be with Madoka and try to win her. If I do, that's cool. If I don't.." his voice trailed off. I nodded. So. We had come to an agreement of sorts. We would get along for the sake of everyone else. I actually found myself having second thoughts about Hayden-san. Maybe he wasn't the hentai I had thought he was. I was still determined that he wouldn't have Ayukawa but, at least we didn't hate each other. "You're going to have to watch Peter and Jim around your sisters though, Kasuga." "What??" I looked at him quickly. "They tend to see how far they can go. I have to admit, so do I but, Madoka is different. So, I'm not gonna do anything to piss her off. But, I can tell you now man, those two have designs to get your sisters laid." "I'm not gonna allow that!" I said angrily. "My sisters are my responsiblitly." "I figured as much. Your Dad told you to watch them huh? Bummer. Well, maybe your sisters will tell them where to go." I nodded and looked out over the ocean. "Hai." I wasn't worried about Manami, she had a good head on her shoulders. But, Kurumi could get a little scatter-brained sometimes and tended to act with her emotions without thinking. I remembered one time she had gone off with some guy without even telling us forcing us to believe she had been kidnapped. When the guy had tried to have his way with her, she had used "the power" and thrown him into the air and into a lake. The hentai was Komatsu's brother. I sighed. At least I knew what Komatsu and Hatta were like. I had yet to get to know these other two hentai. I still didn't trust Hayden-san but, I was willing to put aside my differences with him for now. If those two tried to get my sisters, I would pound them! Hayden-san was looking at me with amusement as I struggled with this. Maybe he saw it in my face. He laughed. "Don't sweat it man. It'll be cool. This afternoon, we'll all go into Honolulu together and party our butts off. I'm glad I took this trip." "Do you travel a lot?" I asked. "Off and on." he looked down. "When I do it's usually with my Mom or Dad. Not both. I haven't seen them together in months. Work keeps them apart. Mom is never home. And Dad is so wrapped up in his work, he never says boo to me or my sisters." "My father and I have a good relationship." I said quietly. "My mother is passed on." "Sorry, man." He sighed. "At least you got your Dad. I don't have anyone really. My sisters and I spend a lot of time at home." "What's your family like?" I asked. I was curious about him now. "Well, my older sister Marcia, she is one of the "beautiful people" in her school. She's been popular all her life. She's seventeen. My younger sister Darla is fourteen. She has a college degree in computer science and engineering and, she teaches part time at the University of Washington." I was impressed. "How did she get so smart?" "Born that way. All of us." he laughed. "Just like you as someone with esp ability. Like me. I often wondered how many of us there were." He smiled and clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Come on, dude. Let's go find the girls. This afternoon is gonna be cool!" We met the girls for breakfast. By that time, Shaw-san and Jason-san had gotten over their fight and were friends again. Hayden-san explained to me again that this was common among them. The similarities they shared with Komatsu and Hatta in that regard were surprising to me. I guess stupidity is universal in all cultures. We sat down at the table and, our waiter took our orders. Ayukawa was trying some american food for breakfast so, I thought I would join her. This time, Hikaru-chan stuck to more japanese style. We laughed and talked, or tried to as, Shaw-san and Jason-san were still having difficulty communicating with my sisters. My sisters had taken to trying to speak more english as, they were better at it. Especially Manami. She was in no way fluent but, she was doing very well. Still not being very good in english, I chose to stick to japanese. It made an interesting conversation with two different groups of people speaking opposite languages. If nothing else, it was educational and, Ayukawa seemed to enjoy it, as did my sisters. Ayukawa finished her scrambled eggs and looked at me. "Kasuga-kun, do you remember when we were last in Hawaii?" I nodded. How could I forget? What had been a fun vacation had turned into one of dangerous proportions when, Hikaru-chan was kidnapped by some thugs who were trying to get ransom money from a wealthy japanese buisnessman. Her last name, Hiyama, had been confused with his. As a result, Ayukawa and I elected to rescue her rather then go to the police. We had been successful but, it had been dangerous! That was one of the few times I had used the power offensively. I had done it out of fear, not totally sure I was. I smiled at Ayukawa as I came out of my thoughts. "Hai, I remember Ayukawa." "Me too, Darling." Hikaru-chan took my arm and hugged me. "If it hadn't been for you Darling, and Madoka-san, I don't know what would have happened to me. They probably would have killed me." Hayden-san stared at us. "Damn. You guys have been through some stuff I guess. I didn't realize. Well, this time around we'll have a blast. I've never been to Hawaii and neither have these guys so, you can take us around." Kurumi nodded. "Hai, neither have we. It was just those three the last time. Madoka-san, you'll have to give us the guided tour okay?" Ayukawa laughed. "Of course, Kurumi-chan. I'd be honored. We'll all travel together on bicycles." "Cool." Hayden-san grinned. Shaw-san put his arm around Kurumi. "Then we can get closer later on maybe?" Him taking such liberties with my sister had caused me to flinch. "Baka!" Kurumi reached over and slapped his arm forcing him to pull away. "All you think about is that! You're worse then Komatsu!" We all laughed as, Shaw-san sat there looking confused. "Who's this Komatsu guy I keep hearing about? Is it someone's butt I should kick to make you happy?" We all laughed again and, Kurumi winked at him. "Oh, he's a tough guy though. He'd probably knock you out." I grinned at her. I felt better. This was like it should be. Everyone having fun. It took my mind off the problem with Ayukawa. The ship docked that afternoon and we went ashore. Ayukawa led the way in our little expedition. We found a small rental place for bicycles and soon, we were all travelling together. The ship would be there till late morning of the next day so, that gave us the rest of the night and next morning to explore Hawaii as much as we could. We travelled along the roads in single file and at times riding side by side enjoying the beautiful weather and each others company. The city of Honolulu in some ways reminded me of Tokyo and it's surrounding areas, yet very different. It's tall buildings in the city district were just as modern, yet, it's native charm remained for the tourists. The beaches were beautiful yet, very crowded. Hayden-san talked of trying to surf later on in the day. By late afternoon, for some reason the weather was beginning to turn bad. A small storm had come in and, it began to rain soaking us to the skin. We took refuge in a small reastaurant. "Man, this sucks!" Jason-san said. "We were planning to find a nice secluded beach and have a cool bonfire. Now, we can't even do that." Ayukawa sighed. "It would have been nice. But, we can still enjoy ourselves and go back to the ship." "But, I don't want to go back yet!" Kurumi whined. "I wish the rain would stop. We were having so much fun too." She frowned and looked at the floor. "Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll quit." Hayden-san said matter of factly. But, the rain continued for another hour while we all sat and talked. After a time, Hayden-san excused himself and said he had to use the restroom. I had to as well so, I went the same direction but, instead I saw him leave by a side door. Curious, I followed after him. What was he doing? He stood there in the rain with his head bowed for some reason. Then, he looked up and put his hand forth. I watched as suddenly, the rain lessened and the clouds miraculously began to break up. In moments, the sun was coming through as it set in the west. Hayden-san put his hand down and sighed deeply. He was breathing hard. It looked exactly how I felt when I used "the power" to any great extent. I stared at him amazed. He suddenly turned in surprise. "Kasuga! I didn't know you were behind me." I stepped forward. "You did that, didn't you? Your weather control ability you mentioned." He nodded. "I can't do it a lot but, I can for some things. I know everyone wanted a cool evening so, I wanted to see if I could take care of that. You know the deal, man." I nodded. I had seen that the girls were disappointed not being able to have a beach party. Now we could. I smiled. "It's a good ability to have. You can help people with it if you ever master it." "Help people?" Hayden-san laughed. "Dude, I just wanna help myself! I help my friends but, I don't go out of my way to save the world or nothing. Like you, I keep my abilities secret. I don't want to be a government rat in a maze or get disected, know what I mean?" I knew all too well. We had moved seven times before we had finally settled quietly where I was now. I didn't want anything to wreck that. I guess Hayden-san felt the same. "Do your parents have powers?" I asked. "Yeah, they do. Look, we better get back in, they're gonna wonder what's going on with us. Don't tell anyone okay? I'll talk to you more about this esp crap later." He walked past me in a huff. What had set him off? I shrugged and followed after him. The evening was wonderful. With the bad weather gone, we went to a boardwalk in the city that had all kinds of amusement rides. Hikaru-chan clung to me on most of them and, although I enjoyed myself, I felt a wave of jealousy wash over me when I saw Ayukawa and Hayden-san laughing together. Kurumi was taking Shaw-san for most of his money again having him buy her food, and souveneirs. Manami was kinder to Jason-san. I entertained Hikaru-chan but, I also watched what little I had. If it hadn't been for Ayukawa's generosity, we wouldn't even be on this trip. Later when we ran out of tickets, we left the boardwalk and walked our bikes to the beach. After quite a walk, we found a secluded area where no one was. Shawn-san and Jason-san tried to start a fire but, both baka didn't have any matches. Since none of us smoked, we didn't either. Hayden-san laughed and said he'd give it a try. I watched while the others were temporarily occupied. A jet of flame came from his hand instantly igniting the wood. Soon, we had a nice size fire. I shuddered. To have Hayden-san for an enemy and have him attack with that? I was feeling outclassed again. How would I ever win him from Ayukawa? As the evening deepened, we all laughed together and cooked some marshmellows that Jason-san had bought. This was a common practice in America I was told. Last time I remembered sitting on a beach like this, I had been with Ayukawa, Hikaru-chan and Yusaku. We had eaten fish and, it was that same time I remembered where Ayukawa and I had been stuck on that island together. That island.... My thoughts went back... I was sitting next to Ayukawa. We had shared an apple together and, she looked at me. "Remember that time when we were outside ABCB and I asked if I could stay at your place?" "Hai." I had answered. "Let's pretend I didn't say it." I knew why. She hadn't wanted to upset Hikaru-chan. I knew how she felt about me yet, neither one of us had wanted to hurt Hikaru-chan. Yet, on that island, I was drawing closer and closer to her. Suddenly, we were leaning toward each other. Our lips almost met and... "Kasuga-kun!" "Eh?" My thoughts were shocked back to the present. I looked up and Ayukawa was smiling at me. "Gomen nasai, Ayukawa." "Hikaru fell asleep. Hayden-san and the others went to get some drinks at that store we passed. Want to take a walk with me?" I nodded and got up. This was the first time since we had met Hayden-san and the others that I was actually alone with Ayukawa! We walked down the beach. Neither one of us said a word. The water was sparkling with the moonlight making me think of a scene from some sort of romantic dream. I heard her sigh beside me. "I'm really enjoying myself this trip, Kasuga-kun. I can't remember having so much fun in a long time." "Hai." It was all I could say. I had no idea what she was doing. Hikaru-chan I could read fairly well. Ayukawa was forever surprising me. Perhaps that was part of her charm. "Kasuga-kun, I'm thinking of moving to America permanently. I think it might be for the best." I bowed my head. "Because of Hayden-san." I felt my heart drop like a stone. "No." She sighed. "It's more then that. I like Hayden-san a lot. He's very different from a lot of people I have known. Im some ways Kasuga-kun, he reminds me of myself, the way I used to be." She turned and winked at me. "He's kind of a punk wouldn't you say?" "Hai." I was crying inside. The thought of her going away was enough to make me sick! "Kasuga-kun, it would be better for all of us, I think. Hikaru would miss me but, she would have you and be happier. And, it would make things easier in other respects as well. You understand that, don't you?" "I understand." I said slowly. I looked at her. The moon was behind her and, it's light sparkled off her hair. "Do you remember when you were going to leave for America before and what I said?" "Hai. You said that where your living now is the best of all the places you've been..." her voice lowered and she looked down. "because of the stairs." I nodded and put my hands on her shoulder. "Ayukawa. Please don't go away." She suddenly looked up at me. "Kasuga-kun. I...I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. Please..." I felt her lean toward me and, I hugged her close. We had only kissed once before but, I felt her drawing closer and, suddenly our lips met. It was the taste of sweetness I can't describe. I felt her hold me closer and we kissed for a long time. At last, she pulled away and buried herself in my shoulder."I..I think we should go back. I'll let you know my decision later on. I don't want to see Hikaru hurt." "I know, Ayukawa." We walked back together to where our small camp was...our feelings for each other now in a torrent... Summer sea and sand awaited us the next morning as we awoke on the beach by what was left of our small fire. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Hikaru-chan lay beside me. I looked over and saw two people walking along the shore together, jumping the waves as they came in. It looked like Kurumi and Manami. Nearby, I could see our three american friends sleeping. "So you're awake, sleepyhead." I turned and saw Ayukawa sitting on a log behind me. The wind was whipping her hair around her face. She gave me that impish grin she sometimes has. I smiled. "Ohayoo, Ayukawa." "Ohayoo." She winked at me. "Today's our last few hours in Hawaii. We should have breakfast and see the rest of what we can." I turned and saw Kurumi and Manami shouting something at each other. Then, Kurumi splashed Manami and, they proceeded to wrestle falling into the water. I laughed and so did Ayukawa. She sighed. "They're sure having a lot of fun aren't Kasuga-kun?" I nodded. "Ayukawa...about last night I.." "Let's forget that for now, Kasuga-kun. It's something that can wait till later." She got up and walked past me and began running toward the water. Soon, she had joined Kurumi and Manami and, all three were wrestling in the water. I grinned and ran to join them. As I reached the shore, the waves came pounding up to meet me. Manami smiled and waved."Oneichan! Come on in, the water's great!" I ran into the surf and jumped a wave only to get clobbered by another one. I tripped over something and felt myself go under. The wave took me down plowing my face into the sand. As it receded, I pulled myself up and shook the water from my hair. My hair was covered with seaweed and, Kurumi laughed and pointed. "Oneichan! You're the monster from the deep!" She squealed and ran. I could see Ayukawa laughing. Her clothes were soaked. She would have been beautiful in that red bikini again. But, Ayukawa looked good in anything. Her white t shirt was soaked revealing hidden wonders beneath. I looked away embaressed. Suddenly, I felt a shove. Turning, I saw Ayukawa grinning at me. "Monsters are supposed to chase their victims, Kasuga-kun. Then, if you catch them, they're yours." With the seaweed still in my hair, I ran after her trying to catch her in the waves. She dodged left, then right and, I dove for her only to slam headfirst into the waves. The waves took me and flipped me over. I came out shaking my head to hear laughter. All three girls were smiling at me. Kurumi giggled. "Oneichan, you don't make a very good monster." I nodded. "Gomen nasai. I'll try to do better next time." I started to walk past them then, I reached and grabbed Ayukawa! She screamed and, the two of us fell over laughing in the waves. Kurumi pointed. "Ahh! Hentai! Oneichan you're a hentai! Get your hands off Madoka-san!" Ayukawa was laughing and pried herself loose from me which made me fall over onto my back. A wave hit me giving me a mouthful of water. As I came up, I heard a voice. "Darrling!! Darling, can I come join in the fun?" I could see Hikaru-chan running toward us and, immediately Ayukawa backed off. Hikaru-chan hit the water at top speed and screamed, "Here I come darrlinng!!!" She slammed into me taking us both over. I felt the waves push her against me and, we both went under. As I came back up, her arms were around me and , she smiled. "Ohhh Darling! That was so much fun! Let's play in the waves!" I smiled and, she pulled me up. Then, with Ayukawa and my sisters, we continued our ocean play. We did this for some time until we could see our american friends waking up. We came out of the water and, Hayden-san walked down to meet us. "That looked like fun. Too bad I slept through it. Maybe later." He gave Ayukawa a big grin. Ayukawa brushed back her wet hair from her face and smiled. "Perhaps later, Shawn. You need to quit oversleeping that way you won't miss all the fun." Hayden-san shrugged. "Oh well. You shouldn't have kept me so busy last night. It made for an interesting evening didn't it?" I saw Ayukawa look away and wondered what he had meant by that. She wouldn't of...couldn't of.." I stared at Hayden-san and suddenly, I felt my anger rising again. No! Ayukawa would never do anything with him! Not after last night! Not after what we had said. I glared at his receding back as he walked away. I had been right the first time! He was a hentai! Only after one thing. I would see to it he would never have Ayukawa. He wouldn't treat her like...that. The late morning and afternoon seemed marred by what I had heard him say and my thoughts rolled over and over like the waves we had been in. I knew Ayukawa would never do anything with him. Not willingly. Had he tried to force himself on her? If so, why hadn't she slapped him? You could always tell one of Ayukawa's slaps. I had seen many a hentai get one, or in some cases something worse. I had even received a few. But it hadn't been for trying anything very bad. I couldn't imagine her with Hayden-san. It didn't make sense to me. Not after last night. I would have to try to talk to her about it later. We saw what we could of the rest of the city. We had even had time to participate in a small street fair that was going on and, I got to watch the girls try to hula. I loved watching Ayukawa and, I noticed Hayden-san and the others looked like their eyes would pop out. I wondered if I was that bad. They finished their lesson and, we continued on. We had fried fish for lunch and ate it in a little pagoda area. Hikaru-chan was laughing and talking about how much fun we would have had the last time if she hadn't been kidnapped. Then, just for old times sake, we went to the same hotel we had stayed in that time and visited it. It hadn't changed much except for some small remodeling. While we were on one of it's viewpoints overlooking the city, Ayukawa pointed to the harbor and told everyone about how we had seen the "Blue Dolphin" through a spotting scope. I could tell Hayden-san and the others were impressed. That had been the boat Hikaru-chan was a prisoner on. Soon, it was time to go. We made our way through the city and back to the dock until at last, we could see the "SUN PRINCESS" awaiting us. They were loading her and, passengers were going up the gangplank. Everyone was loaded down with all sorts of souveneirs and talking about their adventures. We took the time to mingle with other passengers after we boarded and sat down exhausted on some deck chairs. Ayukawa grinned at Hikaru-chan. "Well Hikaru, that was a lot more fun then the last time don't you think?" Hikaru giggled and held me tight. "Oh Hai, Madoka-san! And what was best was this time, I was never separated from my Darling!" She smiled at me. "We had a wonderful time, didn't we Darling?" "Hai, Hikaru-chan, we did." I smiled at her and noticed Ayukawa give me a small nod as, Hikaru-chan leaned against me. "That's cool." Hayden-san grinned. "This has been one excellent trip so far. Our next port will be San Diego. I used to live there once. I'll show us all around when we get there." Ayukawa nodded. "Wonderful, Shawn." Just then, I heard the ship's horn blow and, we all got up and moved to the rail. Kurumi and Manami waved and shouted to people below. Jason-san and Shaw-san joined them. Hikaru-chan jumped up and down and shouted with glee as we pulled away from the dock. "Here we go Darllling!!" I held her hand and, I felt someone behind me. I looked and, it was Ayukawa. She silently mouthed the words, "Hikaru's happy?" to me. I nodded. She moved beside me with Hayden-san on her other side. The eight of us along with the rest of the passengers waved a final farewell to Hawaii as the "SUN PRINCESS" turned and sailed out to sea, heading south..... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Five:Decisions That evening, we all ate together once again in the ship's great dining hall. It was lavishly decorated in hawaiian fare giving us a last taste of that beautiful island. For entertainment, a small feast had been prepared and we all had a good time eating our share. Yet, through it all, I found I couldn't properly enjoy myself. While talking with and entertaining Hikaru-chan, my thoughts still turned to what Hayden-san had said. It made me troubled. He had only known Ayukawa for a few days now. I had known her since junior high. Next year, we would be seniors together. It would be our last year of high school then, we would move on to the college entrance exams and who knows what awaited. I looked across the table at her now as she chatted happily with Hayden-san. I couldn't understand what they were saying because they had switched to english. They seemed to do a lot of that. Was it so they could talk without most of us understanding very well? It made me think I was being pushed aside. As if Ayukawa was moving on without me to greater things in the future. I grit my teeth and looked away. "Darling, will you dance with me?" I looked over at Hikaru-chan and nodded. I took her to the dance floor and, we danced together with the countless other couples crowding the floor. While I danced, I could see Hayden-san and Ayukawa laughing, then suddenly they got up and said something to Manami and Jason-san. After that, they left. My mind was again in a torrent. Late that evening, now early in the morning, I entered our room after escorting Hikaru-chan back to her room. We had seen much of the ship and, I had even taken her up to the bridge as Hayden-san had suggested. Although no one on duty spoke english, they freely let us look around and treated us well. It had been a fun date. Would have been that is if my thoughts hadn't been turned towards Ayukawa. As I entered my cabin, I noticed that everyone else was asleep. Even Hayden-san. This was a surprise as, I had thought he'd be keeping Ayukawa up all night again. I started to change then realized, I wasn't tired. Putting my shirt back on, I left and went back up to "C" deck to take in the night air. As I walked on the deck I stared out over the dark ocean, the lights of the ship around me the only illumination for miles around. I could hear the sounds of the waves slamming against our hull as we continued on. Then, another sound caught my attention. To my surprise, it was a saxophone! And listening to the tune, I recognized it as Ayukawa! Anxiously, I walked toward the stern of the ship tracing the sound as I went. As I reached the stern, I found Ayukawa. She was playing the same tune I heard so many times before. It was the one she had played on the day we thought she was leaving for America; a beautiful yet sad tune. I waited for her to finish and, as she reached the last note, I stepped forward, "Ayukawa..." She looked up and smiled. "Ahh, Kasuga-kun. How long have you been there? Why aren't you asleep? It's three in the morning." "I couldn't sleep." I said and sat down on a bench near her. She was leaning against the ship's railing, her back to our wake. The moonlight shone incredibly beautiful off her raven hair.She smiled and sat down beside me. "I couldn't sleep either, Kasuga-kun. This trip has held so many surprises none of us could have anticipated. I haven't so thoroughly enjoyed myself in a long time." She looked at me again. "Is Hikaru happy?" "You keep asking me that." I smiled. "Hai, she's just fine. Having one of the best times of her life. So is everyone else, I guess." "Good." She got up and stood at the railing. "I've been thinking. I want her to be happy. I think she deserves that happiness. We've been friends so long Kasuga-kun, I wouldn't want to see it end. Just like you and I are friends." I got up and looked at her. "Ayukawa. What...what are you trying to tell me?" "Kasuga-kun. My feelings have been in torment despite all the fun we've been having. I haven't been able to sort them out myself. You know how difficult that is for me sometimes. I think I'm going to go one way then, I realize what the consequences might be and, I back off. I'm good at a lot of things, Kasuga-kun but, sorting out my feelings is not one of them." "Ayukawa.." I whispered her name feeling a growing lump in my throat. I felt like I was in a bad dream waiting for something terrible to hit. "Kasuga-kun, I've been spending so much time with Hayden-san that I'm beginning to realize some of what I've been missing.He wants me to move to America but, he says if I won't he'll move to japan. He seems quite serious. about me." "Ayukawa, you hardly know him." I was trying to disuade her from what I could see coming. I couldn't take this! "Don't make a rash decision!" "Kasuga-kun, my friendship with Hikaru is not a rash decision. You care for her don't you?" "Hai, I do Ayukawa but, that doesn't mean that I.." "Kasuga-kun, I want Hikaru to be happy. But, I need to be happy too. We've known each other so long but, things have changed. Hayden-san is there now. I haven't had anyone care for me like this in.." "I care!" I cut her off. "I care more then you know! What about the other night on the beach!" She looked away and bowed her head. "That was a mistake, Kasuga-kun. I think you should stay with Hikaru. She really loves you, Kasuga-kun. It would hurt her too much if you were with me. And, you'll be happy with her." "I looked down. I had lost her. Hayden-san had come and, I had lost her. My nightmares are now reality. "Ayukawa.." I tried to think what to say. "Ayukawa, please think more about this. You don't have to rush into this kind of a decision!" The tears were welling up in my eyes. She stared at the ocean and refused to look at me. "I made my decision Kasuga-kun. I care about you. I always will. But, I want Hikaru to be happy." "And are you happy, Ayukawa? Will you really be happy with a hentai like Hayden-san! There's a lot about him you don't know! He's esper Ayukawa! He's an esper, like me!" She looked at me. "Kasuga-kun. Gomen nasai. Please be happy with Hikaru." She walked away from me and, I felt my legs give way. I collapsed onto the deck sobbing. My heart was breaking. I had failed. I had lost, Ayukawa..... I don't know how long I sat there sobbing on the deck. It felt like an eternity. But, I knew I couldn't let it end here. Not like this. My feelings for Ayukawa were so strong. She was so much to me. I would have to be a man. I would have to break up with Hikaru-chan. But first, I wanted to see just what Hayden-san had said to Ayukawa. I looked at my watch. It was only four in the morning. I had been there for an hour. The deck was deserted. I strode now purposefully down the stairs and down the hall to our room. I knew what I had to do. I opened the door and, moved slowly over to Hayden-san. He was sleeping. I glared down at him. Hentai! I shook him. "Wake up, Hayden-san." "Huh??" He opened his eyes and looked around. "Kasuga? What's up man?" I saw him glance at the clock. "Dude, it's four in the damn morning! What's going on." I nodded. "Follow me, Hayden-san. I want to talk to you." He looked a little surprised then nodded. "Sure dude." He put on a shirt and pants and followed me out. As we reached the top of the stairs I turned on him. "What did you say to Ayukawa?" He looked confused. "What are you talking about man?" "The other night on the beach. The night before we left Hawaii. What did you say to her? What did you mean by that remark you made?" "I meant I was glad to be having a good time with her. What's got you all bent outta shape?" He glared at me. "Wait a minute. What did she say to you?" "I don't want you to see her anymore, you hear me Hayden-san?" He sighed. "I noticed you went back to japanese proper again. Look man, what's with you? I don't want to fight. I told you, you have Hikaru and I'm going after Madoka." "I plan to break up with Hikaru-chan." I said angrily. I didn't want to hurt her. But, Hayden-san was forcing me into it. "Is that a fact?" he laughed. "You're just gonna think of yourself and wreck this whole vacation for everyone. You suck, Kasuga! You really want to hurt Hikaru like that? I'll bet it would piss Madoka off too! I think you'd better reconsider that. What did Madoka tell you? She likes me better?" I grit my teeth and hung my head. I hated him! It wasn't in my nature as, I'm usually a very nice person. But, I hated him! Hayden-san was worse then anyone I ever met! I looked up at him. "I told you, Hayden-san. Stay away from Ayukawa!" "Fine. If you wanna fight, we will, Kasuga. But, let's not do it on the ship okay? Might kill someone. I think you know some of what I can do. I can do more but, I'm not going to tell an enemy. I don't know what your capable of but, if it's as lame as pushing me down, I'll laugh then, I'll burn you alive!" He took a step toward me. I could feel my fear growing again. "You're a punk Kasuga! You're an indecisive little whimp who should never have let this situation with two women go on as long as it has! So, I'm going to end it dude! You got that! Madoka is MY woman! You stay away from her or, you'll find out what the inside of a tornado is like! Understand?" I stared at his angry blue eyes. He was serious. This was like a nightmare. I swallowed once. I felt my anger being replaced by terror. "I..I told her you're an esper." "You what??" He slammed me hard in the stomach. It was so fast, I never saw it coming. I fell down on the deck coughing. He bent down and looked at me! "You baka! You fool! You realize if she tells others what a mess I'm in! I'm gonna kick your ass!" He slammed me hard again. "I won't do anything to you in front of anyone else Kasuga. But, before this trip is over, you're gonna wish you never even met me!" he got up and stood over me like some conquering god. "I meant what I said. You stay away from Madoka! In public, we can all be friends. I'm not going to tell anyone else about this little talk we had. But, watch your back alone man. Don't say jack to me anymore! Were stuck in the same room but, you talk to me as little as possible got it? When we reach San Diego, you and Hikaru go do something else. I've got plans for my woman!" I looked up at him angrily. "I'm going to break up with Hikaru-chan. Once I do that, Ayukawa will...." "Hate you forever for hurting her best friend." He laughed. "I've seen this before dude. It never works. Be happy with Hikaru, Kasuga. Don't even think of touching my woman. I owe you an ass-whipping but, you'll get an even bigger one if I even catch you alone with her. Remember that!" He walked away swearing.. So, once again, I had screwed up. I had not only lost Ayukawa but, I had made an enemy of someone who could have been a friend. An esper who as far as I could tell was far more powerful then I was! I coughed and got up slowly. He had hit me hard! Slowly I walked to the side of the rail and leaned against it. I felt like puking. As I felt my life going to ashes, I could see the first rays of the sun coming up in the east. They reached across the ocean to me and, I felt the tears well up in my eyes again. Life without Ayukawa. Sure, I could have her as a friend but, it would never be like it was. I leaned on the railing and sobbed. Even if I broke up with Hikaru-chan, would Ayukawa hate me? And could I take Hayden-san in a fight with what powers I did have? I wasn't a fighter. I knew that. If I had been, Yusaku would never have intimidated me the way he did in school. If only I wasn't so...indecisive. I would have to do what they both had said. Hikaru-chan loved me. I would have to find a way of truly loving her. Or if I couldn't do that...try to win back Ayukawa. Even if it killed me. "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Six: San Diego The next thing I knew, I found myself awakening on a deck chair. I must have crawled to it and bawled myself to sleep. I had a dim memory of the nights events. I only knew two things. I had lost Ayukawa and, I had made an enemy of Hayden-san. A very dangerous enemy. As I closed my eyes and felt the tears start to come again, I felt a hand on my head and, I looked up. The concerned face of my sister Manami was there. She sat down next to me. "Oneichan? Oneichan, are you okay?" I closed my eyes and turned away. "No, Manami." There was a silence and, she brushed back my hair. "Oneichan, is there anything I can do for you?" "No." I whispered it feeling like I was dying. Ayukawa!!! "Oneichan, we're going to be docking at San Diego late this afternoon. Till then, we're all going to the pool. Do you want to come?" I nodded. "Hai, I'll be there. Hikaru-chan would be upset if I wasn't. I just need some time to feel better." She nodded wordlessly. Getting up, she started to walk away then, she turned and smiled at me. "If you need someone to talk to Oneichan, I'm here. I've always been here." She waved and walked away. Manami. She has always been so good to me. Always the one to keep a level head in most crisis we had been through. So much like our mother. I sat up. For a moment, I wanted to run to her. I wanted to cry all over her and tell her what I was feeling. Both Manami and Kurumi knew about the situation between Hikaru-chan, Ayukawa, and myself. Manami would understand. I got up. But, instead of going to Manami, I moved slowly to the side of the ship and leaned on the rail. The water stretched before me in all directions. The sun was high in the sky now. I must have slept most of the morning away. I was surprised Hikaru-chan hadn't found me yet. I felt my stomach retch from the pain it was still experiencing. Hayden-san had hit me twice there. I hadn't even laid a punch on him. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. I would find a way. I would find a way to even the score. This voyage was far from over. I made my way to our room. As I opened the door, I was greeted by more horrible screaming from the CD player. Shaw-san and Jason-san were talking in english and, as I entered, Shaw-san waved at me. He said something but, I realized, I didn't understand it. I looked and saw Hayden-san sitting on his bed looking at a schedule. His cold eyes looked at me. "Jim said you looked like hell man! I guess you didn't understand it. It's gonna be tough for you not having me to translate for you. Bummer." He threw a book at me. "You might need this." I picked up the book and saw it was a book on english. I looked at him and he grinned. I put it down and went to take a shower. The water as it hit me felt good. My sore muscles that had been pummelled by him revelled in the warmness of it. I turned and let the water spray into my face. The remnants of dried tears were washed away though, the echo of them remained in my soul. I felt better. I would talk to Hikaru-chan today. I would break up with her! I would make it clear to her that, Hayden-san wasn't a good person. I could do it. I was a man. Ayukawa needed to know this! As I exited the bathroom and moved to get my clothes, Jason-san started talking to me. I tried to understand it. I noticed Hayden-san was watching trying not to laugh at me. I glared at him then, I picked up the book. "" I asked slowly in japanese. I made hand motions trying to get him to say it again. He did. This time, I caught part of it. "" He looked at me expectantly. Hayden-san laughed and made some comment. They both stared at him. Both at once got out their japanese books. Shaw-san glared at Hayden-san and nodded once at me. Then, he searched for words, and wrote them down. Finally, he grinned at me. "You...and..Shawn..had...a fight? And...he won't" I looked at Hayden-san and, he shrugged. "Hai. I said. They both started talking to him and he said something back. Then, Shaw-san shouted at him and, the two got into some sort of argument that made Jason-san look at me and grin. Finally, Hayden-san looked at me. "They both think I'm being a total jerk. Apparently, we can hate each other but, they want to be able to talk to you. Since their too lazy or dumb to learn japanese themselves, they've told me I still have to translate. I told them to go to hell but, I don't want to lose them as friends so, I'm forced to talk to you anyway. You suck, Kasuga!" I tried not to laugh. I smiled at the two and laughed. "Arigatto, Jason-san, Shaw-san." They said something and, Hayden-san nodded. "Were going to lunch. Hikaru was wondering where you were. I guess she thought you overslept and didn't think to look for you on deck. Was sleeping in a chair comfy for you again? Maye you should do it all the time!" I glared at him then got up. "Hai, let's join the others for lunch." We left the room and went to the dining hall. The girls were waiting for us there. As I reached the table, I saw Ayukawa look away from me and, she smiled as Hayden-san arrived. I felt the anger returning. Hikaru-chan met with a a squeal and a hug. "Ohh Darling, where were you this morning? You missed breakfast! We all wondered where you were." "I had an upset stomach so, I tried to sleep it off." I said quietly. I saw Hayden-san snicker and, Ayukawa looked at him. They said something in english and she smiled. That Hentai! He couldn't have told her the truth, no way would she smile about him hitting me! "But Darling is all better now right? We're all going into San Diego together today and see the city! It's going to be so much fun! What's there to do there?" Everyone looked at Hayden-san who shrugged. He said something to his two friends and, Ayukawa laughed. Then, he turned to us. "Well, we can see Sea World and maybe take in a baseball game if there is one. There's stuff in the city we can all check out. But, to tell you the truth, I wanted to spend some time with Madoka. I thought we could kinda split up. Be more romantic that way." He smiled at Hikaru. "Ohhh I love that idea!" Hikaru laughed. "Darling and I can be alone together!" Hayden-san grinned, "Exactly my feelings." I wanted to hit him so bad! I almost got up but, remembering the night before held me back. This was the worst! Ayukawa shook her head. "I don't think so, Shawn. We should all stay together and have fun as a group." "Huh???" Hayden-san nearly dropped his glass. "But I thought..I thought.." he looked away and swore something in english. "Oh, alright, we'll stay together if that's what you want." He looked down obviously disappointed and angry. His two friends were snickering at him. I could see Kurumi and Manami obviously trying not to laugh. It was all I could do not to laugh! Ayukawa in one sentence had knocked all the wind out of his sails! Whatever hentai thoughts he had of her were going up in smoke. I thought it was wonderful and, I smiled at her. She gave me a faint smile then put a hand on his wrist. "Don't worry, Shawn. We can have lots of fun together. It'll be great. Let's finish eating and we can all go to the pool together. Then later when the ship docks, we'll go into the city. You can show us all those places you told me about the other night." "Yeah okay, whatever ya want." he grumbled and, I tried not to laugh again. This was another one of the reasons I loved Ayukawa so much. In all the time I had known her, she always knew how to handle hentai like these! Whether it was with words or actions, she always knew what to do. Hikaru-chan hugged me. "Ohh that's alright Darling. We'll still be together and we can do things anyway. Maybe sneak off alone later." Hayden-san glared at me. "Wouldnt that be nice to see? Hikaru would love that and, she deserves it." Ayukawa looked at him quickly then back at me. Breathing a deep sigh, she excused herself and got up. "I'll see you all at the pool in a little bit." Hayden-san nodded. "I'll bring the sun tan lotion, babe." Ayukawa looked at him. For a moment, I was surprised to see she looked very annoyed. "Please don't call me "babe" again, Shawn. I find that very annoying. I'm not some american bimbo you can just win over." She tossed her hair and walked away. Shaw-san and Jason-san not knowing the language could obviously tell she had just given Hayden-san the brush off. They both started laughing and, Hayden-san got up. "I'll see you jerks later!" He stormed off and, Kurumi giggled. Hikaru hugged me. "Darling, I'm glad you're not like that. You're so cool compared to him! Let's go to the pool and have fun!" I smiled at her. "Hai. I feel much better now Hikaru-chan." "Will you put sun tan lotion on my back Darling?" "Of course, Hikaru-chan." I smiled and, she gave me a big hug. As we got up from the table and told the others we would meet them later, my thoughts were a whirlwind. Ayukawa was once again confusing me. Treating Hayden-san like that, maybe she was having second thoughts! Maybe if I broke up with Hikaru-chan today...I could still win her... The sun felt warm on my back as we arrived at the pool. It was already crowded. The pool and shuffleboard were two of the most popular things to do onboard ship other than explore. Waiters walked around serving us drinks at poolside so, it was a true vacation. I got two sodas and sat down at the edge with Hikaru-chan, our feet dangling in the water. "Oh Darling, it's such a beautiful day! I'm so happy Madoka-san invited us on this trip! This is probably the only time I could ever afford to go on a cruise ship! My parents would sure never take me! Maybe someday we can do it alone together. Maybe a honeymoon cruise!" She giggled and hugged me close. Slightly embaressed from disapproving stares of older japanese folk onboard, I tried to pull away. "Hikaru-chan. We shouldn't be this close in public. Try to show some restraint." "But, Darling, this is so cool! And look. All the americans onboard are doing whatever they want! This is a perfect time for us to share our feelings without anybody bothering us. I could never do this in public at home!" She suddenly grabbed me and tried to kiss me. "No! Hikaru-chan..No!!" I leaned too far and, together we plunged into the water. I felt the wonderful coolness embrace me. As we came up, she was laughing. I smiled at her. "Hikaru-chan, we might as well go swimming now." She giggled. "Hai, Darling! Let's go!" She swam off toward the deep end and I followed her. As we swam, I could see Ayukawa and Hayden-san talking on the far side. Hikaru swam over to Ayukawa and, they began talking. I stopped just short and, Hayden-san looked at me. His eyes narrowed and, he nodded once. I swam forward. As I reached Hikaru, Ayukawa looked at me. "Ahh, Kasuga-kun. Hikaru was just telling me what a great time you two are having. That's good, I wanted all my friends to have a good time. I'm glad we took this cruise." I looked down at the water. "Hai." It was all I could say. "Come on Darling, let's go!" Hikaru grabbed me and pulled me away toward the center of the pool. I could see Hayden-san smiling. He mouthed some words to me, "see ya later...sucker!" It was all I could do not to come unglued. Remembering the events of the night before was a subtle reminder that wouldn't help. Later, I stood with Hikaru-chan at the stern of the ship watching our wake as we continued south east. The sun was past it's peak now and headed downward. The sea air filled my nostrils as I considered what I was about to do. It would hurt Hikaru-chan. But, if I wanted to keep Ayukawa, it was the only way. "Darling, will you take me on a cruise like this someday?" she looked at me. Her eyes were wide, almost shining with excitement. Uhmmm..Hikaru-chan. I...I don't know if..." I swallowed hard. God! She was looking right into my eyes! "I really don't know if..." "If what, Darling?" "If..." I grit my teeth.." if I...if I can ever afford something like that!" I finally finished. Damn! "Darling, I don't care. I'd like to do something like this alone with you but, as long as I have you I'll be happy. I know we'll be very happy together." I looked away out over the sea. "Hai." I grit my teeth again. "Hikaru-chan, I've been thinking. I don't know..don't know if I can...if we can..." "Darling? What is it? You're always so good to me. What are you trying to say?" "I don't know if we'll..." I looked down. "Don't know if we'll ever be rich! We'll probably end up living simply." I looked away as I felt her hug me. I had failed. I couldn't do it! I couldn't get up the courage to hurt her. I loved Ayukawa. But, I also cared too much for Hikaru-chan to hurt her. "Darling, I told you, I don't care. Look, I've got to go meet Manami and Kurumi for some more shopping. Want to come?" "No, Hikaru-chan." "Okay then Darling, I'll see you later." She hugged me close. "I love you Darling. Bye now." She ran off giggling. I stood there with my knuckles whitening as I gripped the rail tighter. I didn't even have the courage to tell her my feelings! I'm so indecisive, it makes me sick! I sighed and stared down at the water. Thoughts of plunging in briefly crossed my mind. But, that would hurt everyone not just Hikaru-chan. I put my head on my arms and felt the tears start to come. "Why don't you just accept this?" a voice said behind me. Hayden-san! I turned and, he was standing there. His hair was still wet from the pool. He stepped forward. "I heard some of that, Kasuga. You tried to break up with her huh? Too bad dude. It's real simple. Just tell her to get lost. But, you can't do that can you?" "Hentai!" I shouted. "You don't have any idea what my feelings are for both of them! How can you so calously discard someone like that? I could never do it!" He shrugged. "Someday, you may have to. Or, learn to love Hikaru. I wanted to ask you something. Why was Madoka being so cold to me this morning?" I laughed. "You'll have to ask Ayukawa that. She can be very closed in sometimes. I'm not going to tell you anything so you can win her! I haven't given up! I'm not going to let you have her!" He sighed and leaned against the rail. "Dude, I've about had it with you. I told you to stay away from her. I take it your going to ignore that?" I felt my fear rising again. But this time, I forced it down. I stood up and walked up to face him. "Hai, I am. You can threaten me all you want, Hayden-san. But, you can't keep me away from Ayukawa! I'll see her if I want." "And end up slammed to the ground by me." he grinned. "If you can, Hayden-san." I was angry! I was determined to stand up to him. "If you hit me again, I'm going to respond. I'm not going to take it anymore." "Shall we test that?" He moved fast but, this time I saw it coming. I teleported before he realized what had happened and was behind him. I had never hit anyone much but, this time, I slammed him as hard as I could. He shouted and fell forward hitting the deck. I stepped back. He got up slowly looking at me. Smiling, he shook his head. "Teleportation? Damn! My mom can do that. What else can you do?" "If we fight, you may find out." I was determined that this time, he wouldn't hit me. He laughed. "Okay dude. Draw for now. But, our grudge match isn't over. Not by a long shot. You do what you feel you have to. And so will I. Lets just make sure nobody else gets caught in the crossfire." I nodded curtly. He shook his head and walked past me. "Hey Kasuga," he turned. "I think that given what I have seen here, it would be an interesting fight. A pity we can't be friends." As he walked off, I felt almost a new confidence. I had stood up to him! I had not only stood up to him, I had bested him! But, he hadn't really attacked. Not as an esper. But, I knew if I wanted to win Ayukawa that battle would be coming. Early evening, we arrived in San Diego harbor. We all watched excitedly as the ship was secured to the dock and they put up the gangplank for us. Hayden-san was friendly and acted like nothing had ever happened between us. Maybe because he wanted to please Ayukawa. He told us he could get a car to show us the city properly. After we were cleared to leave, he went to a phone booth and made a call. We watched as he talked to someone and then hung up and came back to us. "Okay everyone, it's cool. I got a friend here that's going to show up in a little bit and loan us a car. Havent seen him in ages so, it'll be cool." "Why couldn't we get a rental car?" Kurumi wanted to know. "I've got too much run up on this Corp credit card already." he laughed. "My mom won't get in trouble but, I do have limits. "Besides, this car is cool, you'll like it." Ayukawa smiled. "I hadn't expected to see the city by car. We should be able to do a lot more that way." Shaw-san grinned. "Ever been to Disneyland?" Manami looked up excited. "Disneyland! No, we never have! Heard so much about it! Can we go?" Hayden-san laughed. "Well, the ship according to the schedule will be here till tomorrow afternoon. So, we could conceivably drive north. It's in the Los Angeles area..south actually. We could check out stuff this afternoon and evening in San Diego and then drive north to see Disneyland. We'd have to make sure we got back in time to leave though." "I think it's a wonderful idea, Shawn." Ayukawa sounded so happy. Her smile was thrilling me to my very soul. But...that smile was currently for Hayden-san. "Darling! I can't believe this! We're actually going to see Disneyland and San Diego too! Wheeeee!!" Hikaru hugged me excitedly. I had to admit, I was excited myself. If only I didn't have this problem with Hayden-san hanging over me. I would put it aside for now and try to enjoy myself. Just then, a fancy american sport type car drove up. It was orange with black stripes. The wheels made it look racy. As it pulled up, another car which looked similar was behind it. I didn't know the type. I'm not familiar with american cars too much and, I'm not a mechanic in general. A guy with blond hair got out and, he and Shawn shouted and hugged each other. Then, Hayden-san brought him over. "This is Max Phillips. He's an old friend who I used to hang with when I lived down here. Max, these are my friends I met onboard ship. And, these other two punks are friends from Tacoma." He told Phillips-san our names. Phillips-san didn't know japanese so, Hayden-san translated. "Hell, Shawn, it's been a long time. You still got that old Chevy?" "Charlene? Sure do, man. She'd kick your old boat here!" Ayukawa looked at him. "Charlene?" her gaze narrowed. Hayden-san laughed. "Charlene, he explained, is my 57 Chevy Belair I own. She's a really nice car all tricked out. I call her Charlene after a movie that was called, "Christine." Kind of a joke." He laughed. Ayukawa smiled now that she understood. Kurumi giggled. "I like that, naming your car after a girl. I thought for a moment Charlene might have been an old girlfriend." She giggled again. "It's an old pile of junk Chevy, don't let him fool you." Shaw-san smirked. "He just makes it look fancy." "It beats your old Datsun into the dirt." Hayden-san snickered. "Anyway, Max, I appreciate this. I'll try to hang with you a little bit after we get back." Phillips-san nodded. "Cool. Here's the keys to Mary Anne." He threw Hayden-san the car keys. "I'll catch ya later. If for some reason your late, just stuff them where I usually hide them and I'll pick the car up here later. I'll see you some other time. I got a rock concert to go to tonight." Hayden-san grinned. "Cool! Who's playing?" "Guns N Roses dude. Too bad it's sold out or, you might be able to go." I listened to Hayden-san's translations. I recognized the name of the band as one of the ones that had been screaming from the CD player in our room. With that, he left and, we all piled into the car. It was big. Jason-san grinned. "A 69 Charger! Man Shawn, you sure got some cool friends. Let's rock!" Hayden-san fired up the vehicle's engine and I heard him rev it up several times. Ayukawa and Manami were in front with him. The rest of us were in back. It was crowded. "All set?" he grinned wickedly. "Here we goooo!!" I heard the tires squeal as he suddenly slammed the accelerator to the floor. I looked at Ayukawa and, I saw a wild look in her eye. Did this remind her of her days as a punk? She looked so different! Manami gripped the side of the door for dear life and, Jason-san screamed several times as we spun around quickly and Hayden-san took us out the gate...... We were moving at a very fast speed! Manami and I were a little concerned about it. Everyone else seemed to be excited. Even Ayukawa. There was a look in her eye. I had seen it only certain times before. She was wilder, more "punkish" in her attitude. She laughed freely with Hayden-san and, they enjoyed switching back and forth between japanese and english while the rest of us talked. Hayden-san took us on a wide highway that was called a freeway. I had read about american freeways but, I had never been on one. It was an unsettling experience. He weaved through traffic like some wild race car driver and even commented to Ayukawa that he did race some for a bit. He was obviously trying to impress her. And, from what I could tell, it was working. All her attention was devoted to him. She would make side comments to Manami if she said something but, once when I tried to talk to her, it was like I wasn't even there. I saw Hayden-san's face smile at me in the rear view mirror as he drove. He was winning and he knew it. I felt my heart sinking. Hayden-san took us to a water park. A place called "Sea World" I had heard once about. It was filled with many types of fish and had shows with whales and seals. One seal even splashed us as we watched. Hikaru-chan got soaked and, she laughed about it. We saw a whale show with a whale called, "Shamu" that did all kinds of tricks. It was very interesting and fun. I had to admit, I was having a good time. I was trying my best to ignore Ayukawa and Hayden-san. He even took her arm and, she didn't object! All I could do was focus my attention on Hikaru-chan. It was the only way I kept my cool. Later that afternoon, we left "Sea World" filled with good memories and some souveneirs. I noticed Kurumi would have quite a collection of souveneirs for her room when we got back home. She was taking Shaw-san for all she could get! Hayden-san drove us all over the city pointing out various areas which were popular. We went to a "McDonalds" and got food to eat on the beach. We all had a wonderful time. At last, we all piled into the car and, Hayden-san took us north. It was a drive a little over two hours so, he told us to relax. I felt myself drifting off..... "It's dark in here damn it!" It was Hayden-san's voice..where was I? "How long do you think we can hide before were found?" I asked. "I can't keep up "the power" if I use it too much. Can we get help?" "I don't know man. This is a really lame situation. Look, if the radio room is off limits, how can we get help?" "I don't know.." I said quietly. "I've never been through anything like this." "Neither have I." he said, "this goes more along with what my Mom does....." I awoke startled. Everyone was asleep except for Hayden-san who was driving. I saw Ayukawa had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder. My anger grew for a moment. He looked at me in the mirror. "Bad dreams dude? You woke up pretty quick." "I don't know." I said and looked out the window. We were still travelling. "Will we arrive soon?" "Sure will. About fifteen minutes from now. We can stay the night in a motel and party most of the day tomorrow at Disneyland. Is that cool?" I nodded. I saw no point in being hostile to him. It would only make things worse. He apparently felt the same because, we said no more to each other. We arrived soon after in the Orange County area where Disneyland was and, he found us a small motel. The girls stayed in one room and, we stayed in another. I wasn't tired so, I took a walk. The area around our motel was industrialized. I could hear trains in the distance and, the freeway in the other. The trains reminded me of the transit system back home that I rode. I sat down on a bench behind the motel and listened. "May I join you, Kasuga-kun?" I looked up and Ayukawa was smiling at me. I nodded and she sat down next to me. "Hikaru is sleeping. Is Shawn?" "Hai." I looked away. I couldn't look at her. It hurt too much. "Kasuga-kun, I know this is upsetting for you. I'm glad that you're here for Hikaru. I want you to know that.." "I tried to break up with Hikaru-chan." I said quietly. She stopped and looked at me. "You did? But, why I asked you to.." "Keep her happy." I got up and looked away out over the open field. In the distance I could hear another train. "I didn't have the guts to, Ayukawa. I tried. I couldn't do it. I'm too indecisive..too much of a whimp! Hayden-san was right." She smiled at me again. "Kasuga-kun, I never said you were a whimp. I just don't want Hikaru hurt. And, although I like Hayden-san I'm beginning to realize that, maybe he isn't what I thought. He's so unlike..." I looked at her. "Me?" "Hai." She looked down. "Opposites attract, or so I have heard. But, there's a side of him that excites me. I don't know. I'm still confused Kasuga-kun but, I don't want to make a mistake. I thought I knew what I wanted but, now I'm finding I don't. If it weren't for this, we'd all be having the time of our lives." I nodded. "There are only three of us feeling this turmoil, Ayukawa. I can't hurt Hikaru-chan. I tried but, I found I couldn't. But, I can't stop feeling for you either! Do you remember a few years ago when I thought you were getting married?" She suddenly laughed. "Kasuga-kun, how could I forget? You looked like you were insane pounding on that church window and screaming my name. You had no idea I had a sister then who was getting married." She giggled. "I didn't want to lose you then, Ayukawa. Just like when I thought you were going to America. Remember when we went back in time? That was the day you learned I was an esper." "I remember." she sighed. "And now you tell me Hayden-san is one too. Why can't I meet normal people?" She giggled again. "He wants you very badly." I said slowly measuring each word. "He's willing to fight for you." I looked down. "And, so am I." She looked hard at me. "An esper battle?" "Hai." "No!" She got up. "Kasuga-kun, you both could get badly hurt! I can't allow that." She got up and stood next to me. "Please don't let it come to that. Promise me, Kasuga-kun!" I hugged her and drew her close...."I promise..." We awoke the next morning and ate a quick breakfast. Since we had to be back at the ship by mid afternoon, we wanted to be sure to get to Disneyland early so we could see some of it. Hayden-san paid for everyone which seemed to impress the girls and his friends. I felt like I was underclassed again. But, remembering the conversation with Ayukawa the night before, I didn't feel half as bad as I did. We entered through the main gates and, after obtaining a program, we decided to visit Tomorrow Land, an area of the park reserved for futuristic type rides and exhibits. We went on seveal fun rides, including a simulated mission to Mars and a large roller coaster called, "Space Mountain." We were having a great time. We visited Adventure Land and saw many fun things. We visited an incredibly realistic haunted house and some ride called, "Pirates of the Carribean" which thrilled us. We had our pictures taken with each other and several Disney type characters. Ayukawa and Hayden-san had several done with just themselves and, I had a few with Hikaru-chan. The morning went very quickly and, we stopped for lunch. "This is so much fun!" Kurumi said excitedly. I almost spit up my drink as I saw her hug Shawn-san. "You are soooo cool! I never got anything like this from Komatsu or Hatta!" "Hai," Manami grinned. "They were always too cheap to spend a lot on us. But Kurumi, you really should be nicer to Shaw-san's wallet. He doesn't have a bottomless money bank in there." Kurumi laughed. "Ohh, Shaw-san's like me soo much Manami-chan. He really thinks the world of me. Don't you Shaw-san?" I saw Hayden-san laugh and grin at Shaw-san. "That's a signal for you to go to the bank machine and get more money dude. Assuming you have any left." Shaw-san sighed and, everyone laughed. It had been a good morning. We had seen a lot and had a wonderful time. But, it was getting time to get back soon. We continued after lunch and saw more things. We saw a room full of birds and animals called, "The Enchanted Tiki Room." We rode a riverboat and played around on an island. We rode three different rollercoasters, one called "The Matterhorn" was inside an artificial mountain. It was an incredible experience and one I'm sure I would never have again. Before we knew it, it was time to get back. We all left and climbed back into the car and, Hayden-san took us back south. Everyone talked excitedly the whole way about what we had seen, and experienced. There was no animosity in the air, even between Hayden-san and myself. It was perhaps one of the best parts of my visit to California. We chatted like old friends, not people who had only met a few days ago. It disturbed me that Kurumi seemed to be getting so much closer to Shaw-san. But, for now, I let it go. I knew I wouldn't have to worry about Manami. At least she kept her head. We finally pulled into San Diego around three in the afternoon. This left us an hour to do something before we had to be onboard ship at four because, it left at according to the schedule at five. We chose to spend time in a small city park that had a large fountain. It reminded me of one close to where I live in Japan. Hikaru-chan leaned against me as we sat on a bench. "Ohh Darling, this has been so romantic. I really wish it would last forever, don't you?" I looked over and saw Ayukawa and Hayden-san talking on the grass. I felt my jealousy arising once more. "Hai, Hikaru-chan. I wish it would too." I was feeling like hell lying to her like this. How long could it go on? How long before I finally did find the courage to say goodbye? I wanted to turn to her now and say, it was over. That I wanted Ayukawa. It would be up to Ayukawa then who she or Hayden-san. I wondered why I couldnt be more like Hayden-san? It seemed so simple for him. He had seemed so confident. He had probably never experienced anything that made him indecisive in his life. From what he had told us, other then his parents being gone, he had the best of everything. A cool car, travel, esper powers, and a good job! That was far more then I had currently. If I had the guts, I would have Ayukawa now. Would have had her long ago and not had to worry about someone like Hayden-san taking her away. Instead I was still stuck in the same situation I had been in the last several years. Except now, there was Hayden-san to deal with. The time at last arrived for us to return. We drove to the dock and, Hayden-san parked the car and put the keys under it on the frame someplace. Apparently, this habit of stashing keys was familiar to his friend. After he did that, we returned to the ship. At five, we all stood together at the railing and watched as the "SUN PRINCESS" pulled away from the dock. It was becoming a regular thing now. Kurumi screamed and waved at the people on the dock and, Hikaru-chan jumped up and down. As we continued to wave, the ship turned and headed out of San Diego harbor and continued on it's journey, our next stop Acapulco, Mexico... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Seven: Confusion We continued our voyage. For the next day we would sail south to Acapulco and for the first time, I would get to see Mexico. There were a lot of firsts for me on this vacation. For the first time, I was feeling so confused, I didn't know where I stood. I had always known that my relationship with Ayukawa was one of understanding. We both had known for years what our feelings were. We just didn't know how to tell Hikaru-chan. I guess in a way, it was both our faults. I had tried to break up with her and found I couldn't. I wondered if I ever could. Seeing Ayukawa with Hayden-san though was the worst! When she wasn't with him, she seemed like herself and, we were close. I thought back to that night on the beach. Last night on the bench. It all seemed so far away when Hayden-san was with her. Yet, she had made me promise that I wouldn't let the situation with Hayden-san get violent. That there would be no fight...esper or otherwise. But, how was I to win her otherwise? "Darling, you're being distant again." "Eh?" I looked down at Hikaru-chan who stood beside me. Like many times on this trip now, we both stood at the rail watching the ocean. It had become a favorite thing. Hikaru-chan liked to do it at night with the moonlight on us. "Gomen nasai, Hikaru-chan. I'm just thinking about our next port of call." "Hai, Acapulco! I can't wait to see it, Darling! I've heard so much about it, just like I had heard of Disneyland! It was so cool that Hayden-san got to borrow a friend's car and we did all that! I'm just so excited Darling!!" She hugged me again and jumped up and down. "This trip is so cool! It has been one of the best times of my life! I have enjoyed every day with you and, there is only one thing that would make it better." "What's that, Hikaru-chan?" She giggled. "More time alone with you, Darling! I have a surprise for you. But, I won't give it to you until tonight okay?" I smiled. "Hai. I'll anxiously await whatever it is." "Ohh I think you'll love it Darling. I know I will!" She laughed and hugged me again. "Do you think Darling instead of eating with everyone else tonight we could get a table to ourselves? I want to be alone with you all day if I can." But what about Ayukawa? I looked at her. "Are you sure that's what you want Hikaru-chan?" "Of course it is, Darling. I can see Madoka-san and the others later. I think Kurumi-chan and Manami-chan want to be alone with their boyfriends too?" "Boyfriends!" I spat out the word almost falling over. "Ohh Darling, you are so naive. Haven't you been watching Kurumi-chan? She is head over heels in love with Shaw-san. She's never had anyone treat her like this before!" I thought about it. Kurumi in love with Shaw-san? She was taking him for almost every dime he had but, did she really love him? But, what did the girls talk about when I wasn't there? Maybe she had told Hikaru-chan this! As the acting head of the Kasuga family, I had to know. "Hikaru-chan, how serious is she with him?" Hikaru-chan giggled. "Almost as serious as you and I, Darling. It's really great! Manami-chan likes Jason-san too." I turned around. "I have to go, Hikaru-chan. I need to see my sisters." She frowned. "Darling, please, I hope you're not going to get overexcited about what I said." I hugged her. "I'll see you later, Hikaru-chan." I started to walk off. "Darling!" she screamed. "You said you'd spend the day with me! I have a special surprise for you tonight! Darrrling!!" I ran off ignoring her for the moment. Kurumi...and Manami. I was remembering what Hayden-san had said. He had mentioned that Shaw-san and Jason-san were worse then him! I couldn't allow that! I ran down the deck looking for them. An hour later, I found Manami in the small arcade that was onboard. She was playing a game and, I was relieved she was alone. "Manami, I'd like to talk to you if it's okay?" She grimaced as her space ship was suddenly incinerated and slammed her hand down on the machine. "Oneichan, see what you made me do? I was winning too!" I nodded. "Gomen nasai. But, I really need to talk to you. Want to get a drink?" "Hai." She followed me out and we headed down to the ship's cafe. It was a small soda shop type area for kids since kids couldnt go in the bar. It was some stupid american law that was enforced. We sat down after getting two cokes and, she smiled at me. "What did you want to talk about, Oneichan?" I sighed. This was more my father's job. "Manami, how serious are you and Jason-san?" She laughed. "Oh is that what this is about? Oneichan's going to play papa-sama?" I looked down. "He asked me to look out for you two. I need to know what's going on." "Jason-san's very nice, Oneichan. I really like him but, I don't have any plans to run away with him if that's what you mean." She winked at me. "I'm not the one to worry about." I looked up at her. Our eyes met and, she nodded. I swore. "Kurumi." She nodded again. "Kurumi is so wrapped up in Shaw-san that, all she does is talk about him. She was asking him what american schools were like and what it took to enroll in one." I swore again. "Hentai! All he is interested in is her body. Doesn't she know this?" "I don't think so." Manami sipped her drink and sighed. "He seems very serious about her. He even talked about finding a way to get her to America. If he just wanted her body, he would just take her, Oneichan. Why don't you talk to Kurumi?" "I haven't been able to find her." I took another swig of my drink wishing it was sake. I felt like I should be getting drunk over this. "She wouldn't sleep with him would she, Manami?" "He has kissed her." Manami said quietly. "Waaaa!!" I jumped up almost spilling my drink. "Kissed her???" I stopped and noticed other people were staring. I sat down quickly. "We need to talk to her Manami. We need to bring her head back out of the clouds. Do you know where she is?" "I think so." She got up and, I followed her. She led me up to "D" deck which was the uppermost area of the ship. From here you could see the whole lower areas. As we reached the top, I could see Kurumi and Shaw-san already. He was holding her and they were talking in earnest. Manami sighed. "Don't hurt her too much, Oneichan." I walked past her and made my way across the deck over to them. As I reached them, Kurumi jumped as I startled her. "Oneichan! Don't sneak up on me like that! What do you want?" I looked at Shaw-san and he had taken out a comb and was straightening his hair. "I'd like to see my sister." I said slowly in english. I had remembered that much. He shrugged and got up. "See ya later, baby." Kurumi smiled and waved. He disappeared down the stairs. I turned to her. "Kurumi, what are you doing?" "What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm not the one who sneaks up on people when they are minding their own buisness! Oneichan, you don't have to play papa-sama. I'm able to take care of myself!" "It didn't look like it from what I saw." I sat down next to her. "Kurumi, Dad asked me to make sure you two were safe. I hadn't anticipated meeting these american hentai on this trip and I... "Hentai!" She stood up. "You called my boyfriend a hentai!! Oneichan, you don't even know him! You don't know Jim's hopes, or his feelings. What his dreams are. You don't know how he feels about me!" "I know that Hayden-san told me, his friends are only after one thing." "Hayden-san said that? And you believe him? Oneichan, he's just trying to make you worry. He's trying to keep your mind off him and Madoka-san! Why don't you worry about your own problem and let me be with my boyfriend!" I looked down and grit my teeth. "I don't want you getting too close to Shaw-san. You're so emotional and, if he gets you in a compromising position, you might not know how to stop, Kurumi! I have to look out for you!" She sighed. "Why can't you worry about Manami-chan? She's been having fun with Jason-san. I notice you're not talking to her about this." "I already did." I said. "That's how I found out you were so serious about Shaw-san. What's this about you wanting to move to America?" "I don't know, I just said it cause, I wanted to please him. I'm so confused." She buried her head in her hands. I looked past her and, I could see Manami watching us from a distance. Kurumi looked up. "I think I love him, Oneichan. I really do." I sighed heavily. "Is it that serious? Do you want me to talk to him?" "I want you to leave us alone!" She was getting angry now. "Worry about your own situation, Oneichan! How long are you going to keep going like this? When are you going to be a man and do what your heart tells you? I've already found my man! He's kind, he's considerate, he treats me like a queen! He's better then anyone I ever met! Komatsu never treated me like this! Just let us be and worry about yourself!" She got up and ran away. I saw her look briefly at Manami and, she was gone. I sighed heavily and sat down. Manami walked over to me. "Are you alright, Oneichan?" I nodded and bowed my head. So much had happened this trip! It was turning into so much confusion. My situation with Ayukawa and Hayden-san. Hikaru-chan wanting my complete attention. Now, Kurumi wanting to get serious with Shaw-san. How far would she go? Would she keep her head on straight or let her emotions take over and do something she would later regret? I had to do something! But, I didn't know what! I was feeling so alone. I wished that I had my Father to talk to. This was after all his job. But, he had made me promise. I would have to live up to that promise. I knew how Kurumi felt. Now, I had to know how Shaw-san really felt. The problem was, I couldn't hold a conversation with him because, he didn't understand japanese that well. Kurumi seemed to do okay but, even that had been a struggle for her. How could she feel so strongly for someone that she had not only known just a few days but didn't even speak her language fluently? And, what was I to do but Ayukawa and Hayden-san? In the back of my mind, I felt I should be keeping an eye on them but, Hikaru-chan had occupied me ever since we came back onboard. This was the first time I had been able to get away from her. But, I had promised her that I would spend the evening with her. I sighed heavily as I walked down "C" deck. I needed to talk to Shaw-san. Problem was, only Ayukawa or Hayden-san could do that well. I would look bad in front of Ayukawa if I used her for something like this. That left me only one choice. And given how Hayden-san and I felt about each other, I didn't like it. But, I had promised my father.... I entered our room and was greeted with the usual horrible american music that they seemed to like. Shaw-san was writing something out of a book. I noticed it was a japanese book. He was writing what looked like a poem! To Kurumi? I closed the door. "Hey, Kasuga." He smiled. He said something else but, I didn't know what it was. Damn! I looked over and saw Hayden-san laying on his bed. His eyes were closed. Jason-san wasn't here. It was now or never. I turned to Hayden-san. "Shawn, I need to speak with you on something that's very important." I saw him open one eye. "Kiss off, Kasuga. I'm tired of fighting with you." "This has nothing to do with Ayukawa." I saw Shaw-san was trying to write again. Hayden-san had opened his eyes and was looking at me. "Okay. What do you want?" I swallowed once. "As the acting head of the Kasuga family, I need to talk with Shaw-san concerning his intentions toward my sister Kurumi. I need a translator to help me." Hayden-san looked at me and started snickering. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "You want my help after all the garbage we have been through. Now, isn't this a pretty picture. What do I get out of this?" I stared at him. "Uhmmm...what do you mean?" He got up and stood staring at me. His blue eyes had gone cold again. "If I help you," he said in a low and dangerous voice, "I want something from you in exchange. Your promise that you wont bother me or Madoka anymore on this trip! I'm tired of it, Kasuga. I've been nice on our little trips. I got screwed out of being alone with her in San Diego. I want to be alone with her on the ship but, I don't need to keep looking over my shoulder for you everywhere. Got it? Choose...your sisters or yourself." I stared at him confused. What was I to do? He was playing me like a fool! I saw no way out of it unless I abandoned my promise to my father. "Choose." he repeated. "Do you want to talk to Jim about Kurumi, or not? I could help you with Peter and Manami too. I can tell you anything you wanna know about these guys, and I will. But, I want that promise!" I bowed my head in defeat. "You have it. I will no longer pester you or Ayukawa the rest of this voyage." He grinned. "Cool. I'm glad to hear it cause, I was getting ready to throw you over the side of the ship!" He laughed. "Okay let's get this over with." He spoke something to Shaw-san in english to get his attention. It must have been an insult because, Shaw-san threw the book at him. Then he said something and Shaw-san nodded. He turned to me. "Sit to him. I'll translate the whole thing and try not to laugh my head off..Daddy." He snickered. I sat down on the bed. With Hayden-san translating, I was able to talk to Shaw-san. "Peter, I need to know something. Kurumi seems very serious about you and, she tells me you are about her. Is this true?" Shaw-san smiled. "Yeah, it's true. We're pretty hung up on each other. I talk to her in ways that's hard to describe and, I've been trying to learn your language better. I think with her help I could." "How do you propose to carry on a long distance relationship?" I asked. "When this cruise is over, she'll go back to Japan after we leave Washington DC and, you'll go back to Tacoma. You may never see her again." "Well, I've been trying to think of a way around that. I could save some money and move to Japan. I could finish school there." "Where would you stay?" I couldn't believe I was asking these questions. I sounded so grown up! Maybe my father knew he would put me in this type of position someday. "Do you know anyone in Japan?" He laughed. "Just you guys. Maybe I could stay with you?" Hayden-san's translation fell apart as he started laughing. Shaw-san glared at him. "Sorry dude..go on." I turned back to Shaw-san. "That would be unacceptable. Especially if you were in a relationship with my sister. Things are much different in Japan then they are in America. I was told by Manami that you kissed my sister. Is that true?" Shaw-san grinned. "Yeah, we did a little of that." I locked eyes with him. "Perhaps in America, a kiss means nothing. But, in Japan, a kiss is something very special. Were you aware of that?" "No." he sighed. "I just wanted to kiss her, and I did. She seemed to like it. She wanted more." I swore. "You are moving toward something very dangerous here. Unless you are getting serious about my sister and can deliver on your promises, I don't think you should continue it." "Who made you her guardian on this trip?" He glared at me. "My father!" I glared back. "If you are serious about Kurumi, you will have to come to Japan and meet my whole family. We would have to approve of you before it got more serious. Are you prepared to marry my sister if you do something stupid?" "I don't know. Kasuga, you're freaking me out with this talk. It's just talk right now." "Kurumi doesn't think so." I said slowly. "She thinks your very serious. She has pledged her heart to you. She told me to get out of her life. Something she has never done before except for once. That was when she met her first love. You are her second love. But, she is even more serious about you. In Japan, a girl can marry at sixteen. She is thinking of that now. You must be too if you are thinking of coming to Japan." He looked away. "I'm not that ready, Kasuga. I just want to get to know her better. I thought going to school with her and dating her would be cool. Maybe we would see what happens after that." I nodded. "When this cruise is over, you will have to decide what you are going to do and let Kurumi know that choice. Right now, you have her so confused she doesn't know what her feelings are. She is deeply in love with you, or thinks she is. Please consider this as you spend time with her. You are playing with my sister's heart. Unless you mean well, I want you to back off." Shaw-san sighed. "Okay, man. No problem. I'll take care of it. I'll enjoy this cruise with her and, we'll see what happens from there. Thanks for being so concerned." I got up. It was over. I had taken on the role my father had asked me to. It had cost me. I wouldn't be able to do anything about Ayukawa and Hayden-san. But, I had kept my promise. I just hoped Shaw-san was sincere. I opened the door to leave and, Hayden-san followed me out. "Kasuga, wait up." I looked at him. "What do you want, Hayden-san?" He smiled. "That took guts man. I'm impressed. Maybe you're not as bad as I thought. Remember you're promise though." "Hai." I walked away feeling sick. Hikaru-chan would be looking for me. I had dealt with Kurumi's situation. Now, I would have to deal with my own.... I had to see Hikaru-chan. Now that I had fulfilled my promise to my father concerning Kurumi, I had to please her. It seemed to me that most of my life I was trying to make others happy. My father. My sisters. Hikaru-chan. I had even been forced to back off from Ayukawa. Hayden-san now had a clear path to her. I wanted to interfere. But, I knew now I couldn't. It would be up to Ayukawa completely what she did. Why did I have the feeling that this time, I had lost her for good? I found Hikaru-chan in the gift shop. She was looking at rings. "Hikaru-chan, Gomen nasai. I didn't mean to run off like that. I had to deal with Kurumi's situation." "Ohh Darling, I understand. Look, see the beautiful rings? It would be really neat if someone special were to buy me one. It would be almost like a promise." I swallowed hard. Almost indeed. It would be a promise. The way she was looking at it, it would be an engagement ring! "Hai, it would be nice. But, they seem awful expensive." She smiled and hugged me. "I know, Darling. I can wait. I feel so much closer to you then normal. Maybe this cruise has brought out the romance in both of us. Will you spend the rest of your time with me now? Especially tonight?" I nodded. I could no longer interfere with Hayden-san and Ayukawa. Giving Hikaru-chan my full attention may help me feel better. "I'll take you to dinner and dancing tonight, Hikaru-chan. We can sit by ourselves instead of with everyone else if you want." "Darling, you are so cool!" She hugged me again. "I want to spend all night with you!" "Eh?" I looked at her in surprise." What did she mean by that? She gave me a mischievious smile. "You'll see, Darling. I can't wait. Lets go walk the deck till dinner okay? I'll dress up for you really sexy tonight, wait and see." I laughed nervously. "Hikaru-chan, you don't have to.." "I want to!" She held me close. I was nervously aware of people looking at us. "I want to please you Darling. I want to be everything to you." "Of course you are, Hikaru-chan." I felt terrible. How could I say these things to her when I still had Ayukawa in my heart. But...if I had indeed lost Ayukawa. If she moved to America or Hayden-san moved to Japan, then maybe I should reconsider my feelings towards Hikaru-chan. I did like her. I just liked Ayukawa better. Maybe I should do what she originally suggested and try to be happy with Hikaru-chan. Could I? That evening, I spent all my time with Hikaru-chan. I could see our little group a few tables away. Ayukawa and Hayden-san seemed happy. I did my best to ignore them. Kurumi and Shaw-san seemed very close. That still had me a bit worried. Even Manami and Jason-san seemed content. I danced with Hikaru-chan and spent most of the night talking with her. As it grew later, she asked me to take her for a stroll on the deck. We left the dance area and I led her down the hall into the night air. As we walked, she talked about our future. It seemed like she had it all planned out. We would finish school. Marry. Have two or three children. She would be a wonderful wife. She talked about how she would spend all her time taking care of me. It seemed so simple to her and exciting. Then, she turned to me as the moonlight glistened off her hair. "Darling, this is the perfect place for a summer romance. The cruise, the wonderful sea, and you. I couldn't ask for anything more. It makes me feel so good inside. I want to make you so happy. Come with me, I have a surprise for you now." "Surprise?" I let her lead me. She had been talking about this half the day. What was she thinking? She led me down "B" deck until I realized, she had led me to her cabin. She opened the door and smiled inviting me inside. I walked in. "Hikaru-chan, what are you doing?" She smiled and turned to me. "I want you to be happy Darling. I wanted to give you something to make this trip memorable for both of us." She moved closer to me and, I felt myself getting more nervous by the minute. She looked up at me. "I'm ready, Darling. Tonight is perfect. Everyone else is busy and, they wont be here for hours. Take me..." I swallowed hard. "Take you? Take you where..." It suddenly dawned on me just as she turned around and started unzipping her dress. "Waaa! Hikaru-chan, uhmmm no, you don't have to do this!" She looked at me and smiled. "I want to Darling. I want to be with you. Please, make me feel like a woman tonight." I stepped back as she moved closer. "Uhmmm Hikaru-chan, this isn't proper." My back was against the door now. "Uhmm, I mean.." "Please..." she whispered. I could do it. I could have her tonight. All I had to do was let go of my inhibitions and take her. It would be so easy. And, she wanted me to! I would be her first man. And, she would be my first woman... She was pressing against me now. I could feel her heart pounding with mine. She took my hand and pulled it around to her back. "Unzip me, Darling." "Uhmm..." I felt her pulling my hand down and, her dress was being unzipped. "Hikaru-chan. I...I don't think.." "Kiss me, Darling. Please." She reached up. But...Ayukawa! No! I couldn't do this! I couldn't do this to Hikaru-chan. Not with Ayukawa still in my heart! She reached up. Our lips were almost touching.... "No!" I pushed her away suddenly. She stood there with her dress half unzipped staring at me. I looked down. "Gomen nasai, Hikaru-chan. I...can't do this with you. I'm not ready. I wouldn't feel right about compromising you're virtue. It isn't right." She looked away. "Darling...I want you to." Suddenly, she grabbed my hand and reached it around her again. "I love you, Darling! Take me, please! Make love with me Darling!" I struggled out of her grip. "I can't, Hikaru-chan. I'm not ready for that and, even though you think you are, you would regret it later if we did. Gomen nasai." I felt for the door handle and opened it as I moved toward the opening. "Please try to understand. I'm thinking of you." She started to say something but, I opened the door and ran down the hall. I kept running until I stood at the stern of the ship. Panting, I leaned on the rail and looked down at the water. My heart was racing. It had been so close! I could go back and take her. I could be a man! Why didn't I? If Hayden-san was going to have Ayukawa, why couldn't I be happy with Hikaru-chan? I had never even kissed her before! I was that close. And then I could have gone all the way! My mind was so confused, I didn't know what to do. Why couldn't I get Ayukawa out of my heart? "Darling..." I jumped as I realized Hikaru-chan was behind me. I turned and, she was looking at me through tear filled eyes. "Hikaru-chan..I..." She hugged me tight and started crying. "Darling, Gomen nasai! I'm such a fool. I tried to push you into something that you're not ready for. I didn't mean to. I just wanted this night to be so special. Tomorrow, we'll be able to see Acapulco together. Please forgive me." "Of course I forgive you, Hikaru-chan. I'm the one that is wrong. You have nothing to apologize for. I'm just not ready for that." "I know, Darling. I'll wait. I'll wait till our wedding night." She hugged me again and, I felt her head leaning against my shoulder. I sighed. It would have been all so simple...but I couldn't forget Ayukawa.... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Eight:Acapulco I awoke the next morning feeling like I had hurt Hikaru-chan. I knew when I had said goodnight to her last night that, she was feeling a burning desire for me that I couldn't seem to return. I had slept little because of it. That and, the dreams were making it impossible. The dreams..I had only thought of them now and then. They didn't seem to make sense to me. Could they be premonition dreams? Was my "power" detecting something in the future and trying to warn me? I had experienced them three times now. This last one, I couldn't seem to remember. It had been enough to wake me up after a restless night. I was in a cold sweat. I sighed and rubbed my head. It felt like my head had been hit, but there was no bump. Was that a side effect of the dream? I tried to remember. I had been someplace noisy with someone beside me. Hayden-san perhaps? Why was I having dreams with Hayden-san in them? We seemed to be trying to accomplish something but, what it was I didn't know. I looked over at the clock and saw it was five in the morning. I couldn't sleep anymore. I got up and put some fresh clothes on before heading out on deck. The early morning sea air filled my lungs as I stepped outside. There seemed to be a mist with it. I walked along the deck watching the ocean. I could see small boats in the distance. Perhaps fisherman out trying to catch their daily share. I smiled as I watched some sea gulls fly over. It would be nice to be able to fly away from here. In many respects, I was wishing that the voyage was over. It certainly hadn't turned out to be the vacation I had hoped it would. I was so used to having Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan around me. The three of us had always been together since we became friends. I didn't want to think about what would happen if Hikaru-chan and I broke up because of Ayukawa. But, with Hayden-san in the picture, that didn't seem likely to happen now. Perhaps it was best. "You're up early, Kasuga-kun. I thought I was the only one crazy enough for that." I turned startled and, Ayukawa was standing next to me smiling. I grinned. "Ohayoo, Ayukawa." "Ohayoo." She laughed. "We seem to keep meeting like this. Hikaru certainly kept you busy last night. Did you have fun?" "Uhmmm, yeah." I sighed. What else could I say? She nodded. "I'm glad she's happy. I've been learning a lot about America from Hayden-san. I was there before you know but, I never got a chance to visit the Pacific Northwest. I think next time I go, I'll see it." "With Hayden-san." I said quietly. I looked away from her. "Kasuga-kun, are you avoiding me?" She moved to look at me. I turned away. She took her hand and forced me to look at her. "Kasuga-kun, you won't even talk to me now?" I looked down. "You're with Hayden-san now. He's made that more then clear and in some ways so have you. You'll know your feelings before this voyage is through. I've decided to leave you alone until I know. I don't want to fight with Hayden-san anymore. And, I don't want to hurt Hikaru-chan." She looked surprised. "Does that mean you wont even talk to me anymore?" I looked into her eyes. My heart was being torn in half! "While were in a group, I'll treat you as I always have. But, when were alone, I can't talk with you about things we used to. After you've made your choice, I'll have a better idea if I should just forget you when we get back to Japan." She looked down. "I don't think I'd like that, Kasuga-kun. You mean a lot to me. And, you know how hard it is for me to say that." She sat down on a deck chair and looked up at me. "Hayden-san is very nice. But, to tell you the truth, I don't know if he and I would really get along. He wants things from me I'm not ready to give." I stared at her. "Uhmmm Ayukawa...did he try..did he try to.." She giggled. "You're so indecisive, Kasuga-kun. It's so unlike Hayden-san who just tries to "take" what he wants. What he tried or what I let him get away with is my buisness, Kasuga-kun. What you do with Hikaru is yours. If you ever did break up with Hikaru, I don't know if I'd be happy or not. I don't want to see her hurt but, sometimes I feel like maybe I should think of myself." Think of herself? What did this mean? What was she trying to tell me! Figuring out Ayukawa was one of the toughest things for me. I sat down next to her. "Ayukawa...if...if there was no concern involving Hikaru-chan. And if Hayden-san was there....would you..." I stopped and looked down. I couldn't go on. I was too afraid of the answer. She smiled. "Would I choose you instead? I think maybe I would. Hayden-san has many good things about him. But, there is a very dark side that I have seen hints of. Does that answer your question?" I couldn't believe this! She still felt the same! Hayden-san was wrong! She didn't love him. She still loved me! I leaned closer. "Ayukawa. I'm...I'm so glad to hear that....but...but, Hikaru-chan." "I know, Kasuga-kun." She stood up and sighed deeply. "Let's leave things as they are for now. You didn't have the courage to hurt her. And, neither do I. I think... "Hey! What's going on, you two?" I froze. It was Hayden-san! How long had he been there? What had he heard? Ayukawa had nervously looked up. "Ahh, Shawn. We were just enjoying the morning air. Come join us, please." "Cool." He walked over and sat down. He looked hard at me a moment. "I woke up early and noticed you weren't there, Kasuga. I guess you couldn't sleep either. Fancy meeting Madoka here." His eyes narrowed a bit. "Hai, I didn't get a lot of sleep." I looked down. I could see Ayukawa fidgeting next to me. She didn't have much to say. We chatted for a bit about several things. The subject of Acapulco came up and, we decided as before we would all go and see it together. Since there was no car, we would have to walk and wouldn't get to see as much. Also, the ship would not be remaining there as long as it did at San Diego according to the schedule. It would be tight but, we felt we could still see a lot. After planning it out, Ayukawa excused herself and left to awaken the others so we could meet for breakfast. I was alone with Hayden-san. Even the air seemed deadly silent. What had he heard? He sat there quietly not saying anything. Maybe this was his way of trying to frighten me. Or, maybe he heard nothing at all and, I had no reason to fear. I started to get up. "Sit your sorry butt down Kasuga before I throw you off this ship!" I stood stiff as a board. Then, slowly I sat down. I didn't know what to do. I could literally feel his anger emanating from him. If he could feel my fear, I was in trouble. "Do you have a death wish, Kasuga? Or are you in the habit of breaking your promises! You told me you were going to leave Madoka alone! Now, I find the two of you sitting here nice and chummy. What a surprise! I need to get up before you every morning, and make sure I go to bed after you. I can't trust you man! Didn't I tell you that I wasn't gonna take this anymore?" Before I could say anything, I was hit by what I thought was a strong blast of wind. It knocked me off the chair and, I hit the deck hard. I heard him get up. "Have you ever been hit by a tornado, Kasuga? It isn't fun." I suddenly felt a strong wind and, I realized a miniature tornado was forming behind me! I teleported quickly to get behind him but, as I materialized, the tornado was there! I felt myself being sucked inside and I spun around crazily before I was thrown out of it into the rail. I was lucky I hadn't gone overboard. My side ached as I got up. "Ever been barbecued before?" he said menacingly. I turned and, he was standing behind me! I moved fast just as his hand caught fire. He turned as if to aim at me then, he stopped. "No...this can wait. I'm not gonna endanger others for a sorry excuse like you." I got up. "I was only talking to Ayukawa. Nothing was planned, Hayden-san." He walked up to me. "You're full of it. I'm done listening to you. I've tried to be nice now, you're gonna find out how nasty I can be. When we leave Acapulco, say your prayers. I'm gonna give you the ass kicking of you're life! I hope you know how to defend yourself cause, I'm not gonna pull any punches!" He turned and spat on the deck as he left. I was trembling! He had bested me! He had anticipated my teleport and moved the tornado to intercept me! I was feeling more frightened then I had in years. I shouted trying to make him understand. "Hayden-san! It isn't what you thought! We were just talking! Believe me! I didn't break the promise!" I knew I hadn't. I had done my best to stay away from him and Ayukawa. She had just happened to be there this morning. And, the conversation had led to things that were...forbidden. Now, what would I do? I waited for him to respond. He didn't. I began to wonder just how well I could defend myself.... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Eight: Acapulco After I rested for a time, I decided to avoid our room. I wanted to keep away from him as much as possible now. The problem was, I would be with him and the others the whole day. I made my way to the dining hall and found our regular table. I sat down and looked at the menu. I wasn't sure what I wanted to eat. After being spun like a top in Hayden-san's tornado, I was so dizzy I wasnt sure I could eat. I sighed and put my head down. "Darling! Darling, are you okay?" I looked up and Hikaru-chan and Manami were there. I nodded. "Hai, I'm fine just a minor headache." I looked around. "Where's Kurumi?" "She's with Shaw-san. They're eating alone over there." Manami pointed across the room and, sure enough I could see them sitting together. He had out his book and, they were trying to communicate. I sighed. I guess my conversation with him hadn't done much good. I could only hope now that Kurumi wouldn't lose her emotions and do something stupid. "Darling, today we arrive in Acapulco! It's going to be so cool! I want to see as much as we can! I'm so glad you're here with me." She hugged me close to her. I stared at the floor. She hadn't been put off one bit by last night when I so calously turned her down. I knew that if I took her alone somewhere, she would do it with me in a second. I smiled at her. "I'm glad you're here too Hikaru-chan. It was nice of Ayukawa to invite us to come with her. Meeting her parents in Washington DC will be fun too." "Hai, Madoka-san is the best Darling! She has always been there for me. I know I can always count on her and, she is always throwing surprises at me. I didn't find out about this cruise until the day we left! I had to really convince my parents it was okay and it would be a fun and educational experience for me." I laughed. Telling parents something was educational always seemed to help win them over. I wondered if when I had kids if they would pull the same trick on me? I would have to remember this! "Ayukawa is the best, Hikaru-chan. She has always been that way." Manami nodded. "Here she comes, with Hayden-san." I looked down again. I could hear them arriving. Ayukawa said hello to everyone and she sat down. I could hear Hayden-san say something to her in english. Slowly, I looked up. He was looking at me. I had never seen such a look before. I think if he could have killed me with his stare, he would have. Ayukawa was talking to Manami and didn't notice. Hikaru-chan was laughing and, I almost felt like for a second, I was detached away from the others. Only Hayden-san and I remained. He smiled slowly. It was not a nice smile. I looked down. I heard him laugh and say something to Ayukawa in english. He was deliberately having her respond in his language so I wouldn't know what they were saying. This went on the entire meal. My only saving grace was, I had Hikaru-chan to talk to. Manami was occupied with Jason-san. The "SUN PRINCESS" docked in Acapulco at one in the afternoon. WE would be sailing at eight so, we only had a few hours to see what we could. We all disembarked together and were instantly bombarded by people trying to sell us things. They were speaking in spanish and, Hayden-san stepped forward once again. He knew a little spanish and helped us communicate. I bought Hikaru-chan a large sombrero..a kind of Mexican hat. Shaw-san bought Kurumi a necklace and, a ring! I almost fell over. I didn't like this! He was way too serious. He was leading her like a lovesick puppy! Jason-san bought Manami a necklace as well and, I wondered about them. Hayden-san bought Ayukawa her own sombrero and a necklace. I felt outclassed again. Hikaru-chan didn't say a word and, I was grateful for that. We continued on into the city. It was from what I saw, a very different place from where I lived. The way the streets were laid out were more compact in a lot of ways. And, people driving cars were maniacs! Especially what appeared to be taxi cabs! We chose to avoid them and walked through the city amazed by all we saw. Hayden-san had never been here yet, he mentioned some things about it and seemed to know his way around. He said his mother had been here once and told him a little about it. I was finding the heat was getting to me. The wind we felt from the sea onboard ship wasn't as present here and, it was hot! We decided to stop for drinks. Shaw-san shared one with Kurumi. It looked like a type of lovers drink with one straw. A Mexican band played in the background as we enjoyed the shade. I wanted to relax more but, the combination of seeing Kurumi and Shaw-san plus feeling Hayden-san's hostility toward me was unsettling. I dreaded the future. "Darling, you're thinking too much again. You've hardly said a word the whole time weve been here." I looked down at Hikaru-chan. She was smiling and her new hat was tipped upward a bit. It was made of red and gold and it made her look somehow different. "Gomen nasai, Hikaru-chan. I'm just thinking a lot these days." "Thinking can be dangerous. Almost like being dishonest. You can get hurt in more ways then one." I looked over and saw Hayden-san smiling at me. I looked away quickly. How was I going to deal with him! How could I convince him that him seeing me with Ayukawa was nothing more then chance? Ayukawa sipped her drink and looked at each of us. "If I didn't know better I'd say you two were angry with each other." "Ohh Madoka-san, that's silly. Why would they be angry with each other? Hayden-san and Darling are the best of friends, aren't you Darling?" I heard Hayden-san try to stifle a laugh and, I nodded. "We're friends, Hikaru-chan. Things are just fine between us." She hugged me. "I'm so glad. See, Madoka-san? You're just seeing something wrong." Ayukawa nodded and looked at each of us. "I hope so. This has been a fun trip and, I'd like for all of us to be friends even after it's over." I looked at Hayden-san and, he stared at me. Then, he sighed and looked away. "Yeah well, we'll try to stay in touch. Distance can be a problem but, if we all really want to, we could. As long as nothing happens to any of us." He looked hard at me again and smiled. I felt a chill go down my spine. He hated me. He was determined to beat me to a pulp. There was nothing I could do to stop it. It didn't matter anymore. I now had to think of how I could defend myself in an unavoidable duel. A duel I had promised Ayukawa would never happen. We enjoyed the rest of the day together as much as we could. The threat of Hayden-san marred it somewhat for me but, I was still able to have a good time. We learned a new mexican dance and sang songs. We learned a little bit of spanish. Hayden-san was the best. I couldn't remember any of it. I guess I was as bad at spanish as I was at learning english. Both would have been good to know on this trip. We ate hot mexican food and enjoyed a play. But, at last the time came for us to return. It had been a fun visit but now it was time to move on. We all stood on the deck and waved at people below as the "SUN PRINCESS" pulled away. This was becoming a regular thing for us. I watched people down below dance and sing songs. I felt better. I turned to talk to Hikaru-chan and, I stopped as I was facing Hayden-san. He grinned at me and, I realized he had a wicked gleam in his eye. "Acapulco is behind us now, Kasuga. Time's up!" I felt fear growing in me as he laughed and walked past me to talk to Ayukawa. I wasn't ready for this! I needed to prepare. But how...? "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Nine:Premonition Revealed! I didn't know how to deal with this. I went back to our room because, I felt I needed to get a few things. I could see myself spending a lot of time sleeping on deck chairs. I suppose I could have gone to Captain Jamison and tried to explain that Hayden-san was threatening me. But, then they would want to know why, the whole thing about Ayukawa and I would come out and, Hikaru-chan would be hurt. It would be a disastrous vacation for us all. It was better that Hayden-san and I settled this ourselves. I thought about what "power" I could use against him. And, when would he strike? I knew he had some sense and didn't want to endanger others. Since people were present all day on deck, that meant he would have to find me on deck at night. Or attack me elsewhere. I knew he would do nothing in front of Ayukawa or anyone else. It was possible knowing this that, I might be able to turn things to my advantage. If he couldn't find me for instance, then we couldn't fight. Perhaps I could avoid any fight with him at all. This was a big ship. And, a lot of the lower areas on "A" deck were off limits to passengers. What if during the night I hid on "A" deck? Then, during the day I could come out. It would be a terrible way to spend vacation. But, it would allow me to avoid him and keep my promise to Ayukawa that there would be no fight. In that time period maybe he would cool off enough to where I could talk to him. It made sense. I decided under the circumstances, this was the best course of action for me. I opened the door to our room. Jason-san was sitting on the bed and listening to more american screaming. At least, that's what I called it. This time however, the song sounded very pleasant. I tried to understand the words. Suddenly, I felt someone tap me from behind and, I turned realizing, it was Hayden-san. He noticed I was staring at the CD player. "The group is called, "Guns N Roses, Kasuga. The song is called "Heaven's Door." It's about a guy who gets shot and is dying. Somewhat appropriate considering I'm gonna kick you're ass don't you think?" I glared at him. "I told you Hayden-san, what you saw this morning with Ayukawa and I was nothing. We were talking." "You're brand of "talking" is enough to piss any guy off trying to win a girl. I saw what was going on you baka! Think I was born yesterday? I'm gonna find you alone and when I do, you're gonna wish you were never born!" It was useless. I grabbed a few things and started to move toward the door. He blocked it. "Let me out." I said angrily. "Sure." He smiled. "I just wanted to see the look of fear in you're eyes. Now that I see it, I'm gonna enjoy kicking you all over the ship! Enjoy the rest of you're day, Kasuga. It won't be much longer before you'll be in intensive care the rest of the trip. If I don't kill you first." I shoved my way past him and moved quickly down the hall. I could hear him laughing. Now, I knew I couldn't reason with him. He was like a man gone insane. Insane with jealousy, over Ayukawa. I needed a plan. I spent the rest of the early evening looking for a place I could sleep that night where he might not find me. This involved avoiding Hikaru-chan a couple of times when I heard her looking for me. But, I didn't have the time to spend with her now. I had to worry about myself. After tonight, I would have a better idea what I would do. I avoided having dinner with everyone. I didn't want to look at his face. I knew that they would wonder where I was. Maybe start looking for me. But, I knew Ayukawa would be occupied by him and, he would likely tell them some story that I was busy..which wasn't far from the truth. I found a small room on "A" deck. It seemed to be little used so, I decided it would do. I sat down and ate a meagre supper of one sandwich and a soda I had gotten earlier. I was feeling angrier. Why should I have to hide from Hayden-san? I should be able to best him! I did once! But..but he had anticipated my last teleport. If he did that again, I was in trouble. I could blast him with my power but, I had never done anything like that to any great extent unless I was angry. I thought back to when, Ayukawa and my cousin Akane were in "Mobius," our local disco. Some thugs had tried to have them and, I had been beaten up. I remembered seeing Ayukawa hurt and, her dress was torn. It was then I lost it! My power had erupted forth and trashed the inside of "Mobius." Couldn't I use the same thing on Hayden-san? If he was so enraged that he meant to seriously harm me, it was only right I should use everything I had to defend myself. I had never fought another esper before. And, Ayukawa had made me promise that I wouldn't fight Hayden-san. Surely she must suspect all was not right between us. She had shown indications of this while we were in Acapulco. It made little difference now. At any rate, I was safe for tonight. I knew they would worry but, it was the only thing I could do to protect myself. I suddenly awoke. It was dark in the room. The sun had gone down. I looked around. What had awoken me so suddenly? I searched in the darkness with limited vision. I was afraid to move. What time was it? I checked my watch. It was after two in the morning! I must have really been tired. I had slept the night away. I looked around feeling like things were not quite right. Slowly, I got up and walked to the window. I could see land in the far distance in the moonlight. "That's Central America." a voice said behind me. I froze. Slowly, I turned and saw someone standing by the door. "Maybe you'll be buried there." It was Hayden-san. But, how had he found me? I swallowed hard. "You're not going to even talk about this are you Hayden-san?" "We talked earlier. This room is too small, Kasuga. I'll give you a five minute head start, then I come looking for you." I felt like I had been through enough. I walked over and turned on the light. He stepped away from the door and waited for me to open it. Instead, I sat down. "No. I'm not going to fight you." "You're what?" He stepped away from the wall. "Why the hell not? You're just gonna let me kick you all over without defending yourself? What a whimp! Get up!" I looked up at him. "Ayukawa knows that were both espers. She knows we both have feelings for her and, she knew that this was coming. She asked me to make sure we didn't fight. I told you what happened. As for her feelings, you will have to ask her yourself." He stared down at me. "She said that?" He sighed and turned away. I started to get up. Suddenly, he slammed his fist into my stomach! I went down in mortal pain coughing. He walked up and grabbed my hair. "Surprise you whimp! Did you think I was through?" He slammed me hard again. I couldn't take this. I concentrated and, the "power" pushed him back away from me. He stumbled back and smiled. "Is that all you got? This is too easy." I felt a blast of wind hurl me into the wall and, I hit my head. I felt dizziness. I turned and he was laughing. I was outclassed! If I didn't get out of here, I would be overcome. I concentrated and teleported out onto the deck. I began to run! I ran to the top of "C" deck. I needed to hide! I had to do something! "Running won't help you." I turned and, he had come up the stairs. "If you're gonna teleport, you need to do it better then that! Try going someplace hard to find next time." He laughed and, I felt another blast of wind push me back into a row of deck chairs. I tripped and fell over them. He advanced toward me. "Come on Kasuga, fight back! This is ridiculous! I'm not gonna kick an unarmed guy." I looked up suddenly. That was the answer! I laid down and waited for him to hit me again. "Get up Kasuga!" I lay there. He swore at me several times. I looked up. He was furious. "Get up man! I'm not gonna kick you when you're down!" "You did already." I said slowly. "I don't want to fight you anymore, Hayden-san. You've won. Accept it." "This is far from over." he said in a menacing tone."I'm going to pound you silly! Get up!" I looked at the deck. "I can't." He was quiet for several minutes. "Okay then fine, I'll pick you up!" I felt him grab me! I hadn't anticipated this! His fist went to hit me but, I used the "power." I heard what sounded like a crack as his fist impacted with the force I had created. He shouted and let me go. I could tell that had hurt. Maybe I wasn't defenseless. I stood my ground. He glared at me. "That is gonna cost you man! Now I'm really mad. I prepared for his assualt but, something happened. He stopped and turned his head as we both heard what sounded like engines. Then, we heard another sound and what appeared to be grappling hooks came over the rail and hooked the side! I could hear what sounded like voices. Hayden-san looked at me and, together we both dove for cover behind a wall. He swore. I looked at him. "I think we're in trouble" he whispered. I couldn't see anything but, somehow he could. He was staring at the wall though, it made no sense. He turned to me. "They're speaking spanish. I can only understand a little. They got guns dude!" he turned back and continued speaking. "Looks like Mac 10's, Ak-47's...I think an M203 grenade launcher..cripes! This sucks man, they got stuff in their boat! Heavy weapons and explosives!" I was shocked. What did this mean? I looked at him. Suddenly, he turned, "We gotta move now, damn it! They're coming this way." I turned but, there was nowhere to run. If we ran down the deck they would see us. If we ran the opposite way, we would run straight into them. Hayden-san swore. "Over the side, now!" I stared at him. "Into the sea?" "No you baka! There's a ledge we can stand on. Our only hope is they don't have a boat on this side. Move it!" He swung his leg over the side and I saw him drop. I was terrified! I had never been through anything like this except for when those kidnappers had Hikaru-chan. I gritted my teeth and swung my leg over. They were coming, I could hear them! I jumped!... I dropped into the night seeing the water below me! I barely managed to land on the ledge catching a handhold. It was terrifying. I heard Hayden-san swear. "Kasuga! Don't slip!" I stared at him. That sounded familiar to me. I found myself looking down at the water. "How long do we have to stay here?" I asked. "Until the coast is clear. If we don't we'll be caught. That would suck man. We'd be busted like everyone else." This was too familiar to me! I looked around. The ocean was swirling below me and, waves crashed against the side of the ship. I had been here before. But when? "We need to call for help." I said. "Yeah, I know man. But, they've got the bridge and we can't do jack! Have to think of another way." It suddenly hit me like a freight train! "Ohh Premonition!" He turned and stared at me. "What are you talking about?" "I saw this in a premonition dream. That day we were at the pool and you were on the high dive. I fell asleep and I had a dream. We were doing what we are now." He glared at me. "Are you telling me you knew this was gonna happen and did nothing? You really suck man!" "I didn't know what it meant." I glared back. "I've been so busy worrying about you and Ayukawa, I didn't even stop to think about what it would mean. I've had others too." "God. I hope they are good ones and not of us getting shot. I can see what's going on dude. They've taken the bridge. They're rounding up certain people and putting them in the ballroom under guard. The others are being kept in their rooms. Oh man! They got Madoka and the others! They're being led to the ballroom too!" "Ayukawa!" I swore. "No, they can't! Weve got to do something!" "First thing we gotta do is get off this damn ledge. It's safe now. Can you teleport more then one person?" "Hai, but not very far I don't think." He edged his way over to me. "Do it man. We gotta get off this ledge and figure what the hell we're gonna do. These guys have just hijacked us and they mean buisness!" He grabbed onto me and, I concentrated. I felt us fading out and, I heard him gasp. It must have been quite an experience for him. I had done it once with Hikaru-chan but, she had been too shaken to notice. It was nothing to me but, apparently it had disoriented Hayden-san. We appeared in what looked like a cargo area. As we solidified, I felt him let go and drop to the ground. "Man, that sucked!" He looked around. "It's dark in here, damn it!" "How long do you think we can hide before we're found." I asked. "I can't keep up "the power" if I use it too much. Can we get help?" "I don't know man. This is a really lame situation. Look, if the radio room is off limits, how can we get help?" I don't know." I said quietly. "I've never been through anything like this ." "Neither have I." he said. "This goes more along with what my Mom does." I stared at him again. It had happened again! I had been through this in a premonition dream! I looked down. "Premonition.." "Quit saying that! It sure as hell didn't help us avoid this did it?" he swore repeatedly. I sighed and sat down. We had to figure out a way to do something. He started pacing. "Okay dude. We know they got the bridge. That's going to be a problem. They're rounding up hostages.." "How do you know all this?" I asked. "You seem so sure." "I've seen it man! I can see through stuff. I got X-ray vision okay?" I stared at him. That was how he found me so fast! That was how he had been able to anticipate most of what I did when I was trying to avoid him. "You've got X-ray vision..." I suddenly realized what that meant! "Hentai! You've seen Ayukawa nude! You've seen every girl nude! You're the worst..." "Save it dude!" he swore. "I'll fight with you later okay? Right now we don't have the time." He was right and I knew it. He looked at the floor and clenched his fists. "We need to know who these guys are. They're packed big time so, they can't be just local pirates. Gotta be more. Maybe..." he closed his eyes thinking. "Yeah...dude, maybe they're Sandinistas." "Sandinistas?" I asked. I had heard the name but couldn't recall it. "They're a leftist Nicaraguan rebel group. They toppled a government in 1979.They're good at terrorist operations." I swore myself this time. "Terrorists! Then, we've got to save the others! Ayukawa!" "Dude, we need a plan or we can't do anything! Assuming they are Sandinistas they're doing this hijacking for some political reason. This is an american cruise ship so, they must be trying to get something from, my government! Man! This reminds me of the Achille Lauro hijacking only a few years ago in 85! Similar circumstances. I'll bet that's what it is." I nodded. I had heard of that, we studied it in school. It had been an Italian cruise ship taken by members of the PLO off the Egyptian coast. It had ended with an american passenger getting killed. This cruise had indeed turned into a nightmare. "What can we do?" I asked. "I don't know man. We need to get help! They're monitoring the radio and they got the bridge. If we're going to do something, it has to be soon. I'll bet they're taking us toward Nicaragua now. If we get there and they force us off the ship, we could all be split up. We may never get help then. The US government doesnt bow to terrorist. We could be prisoners for months even years before we're released, if ever." "Then, we have to do something now, Hayden-san!" I felt angry at these terrorists! If any of them hurt Ayukawa I would make them pay! Hayden-san nodded. "Okay. Looking at this, we need to put our differences aside and work together. Agreed?" I smiled and nodded. "Hai." "Okay then." He sat down. "We're both espers. Combining what we have we might have a slim chance of delaying or even stopping these guys before too much happens. It's time for total honesty. What are your powers? What can you do?" I sighed deeply. I was revealing all my defenses. But, to save Ayukawa, Hikaru-chan and my sisters, I had to. "I can use blasts of "power" like what I hit you with but only when I seem to be mad. I can teleport but I think for only limited distances. I can use "the power" to move objects around." "Telekenesis." He nodded. "What else? Anything is a help here." "I can travel through time...but I can't control where or when. I only did it a few times, when I fell down the stairs at home. I can use telepathy but I only seem to have a link with my cousin, Kazuya." He stared at me. "Time travel? Damn! You do have some interesting abilities. But, I doubt if you went back you could have prevented this anyway. But..telepathy? How well do you communicate with it?" I shrugged. "I can only seem to communicate with Kazuya for now. But, I do it very well." He looked at me thoughtfully. "Is there a range to this? How far can you do it?" "I don't know. I never tried to measure it." He grinned. "Think you could send Kazuya a call for help from here?" I thought about that. It was worth a try! I nodded. "I will do my best Hayden-san." "Cool. If it works, have him convince someone were in trouble and that the US Navy might come in handy. Till then, we have to stop them from taking this boat in and taking us off it. The best way to do that is to get rid of their boats. Then, we have to sabotage the engines." I smiled. Working with him like this, I felt like we were friends. At least for the time being we had to be. "What then, Hayden-san?" "I dunno. I guess if we can, find a way to free our friends and anybody else we can.." Suddenly, the door opened! We both dove for cover under some boxes. For several tense moments, we heard two of them come in and speak spanish to each other. They moved a few things around and, for an instant I was afraid they had found us. We remained silent and waited. Finally, they closed the door and left. Cautiously, we emerged and looked at each other. Hayden-san swore. "We don't have much time now. I'm going to sink their boats. You see if you can reach Kazuya okay? This hinges on you man! If you can't, we're all in trouble!" He opened the door and looked back at me. "Don't get caught dude. I'll try not to either. It's going to take both of us to pull this off! If we can't we might all be dead." I nodded solemnly as he closed the door and was gone. I sat down and mentally began to prepare myself to try to reach Kazuya. I had never tried to use telepathy at so great a distance. I just prayed now that I could..... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Ten: Operation Esper! As I mentally began to prepare myself to try to reach Kazuya, I heard what sounded like an explosion. I ran to the window and looked out. Below, I could see the Sandinistas boat..or rather what was left of it. It was in flames and, the explosives inside it had gone off scattering bits and pieces of wood everywhere. I smiled. That had to of been Hayden-san's work. Men were screaming in spanish and others were trying to help them as they struggled in the water. It was a small victory for us. Now, I would have to do my part. As I sat down to try to concentrate, I suddenly thought of Ayukawa. She was not the type to be pushed around by anyone. How would she react in a situation like this? She might get hurt or killed! No! I shook my head. I had to concentrate! My sisters! They were espers! How would they react in this? Manami had a fairly level head but, Kurumi might do something very stupid! They might all get killed! Hayden-san was right, time was definitely short. We had to stop them! I cleared my mind and opened it the way I usually do when I tried to reach Kazuya. It had been a long time since I had called for help and he had heard me. I could only hope the link was strong enough to cover the great distance involved. Was there a distance in telepathy? I didn't know but, I had to do it! All our lives were depending on me to do this! "Telepathy...telepathy..telepathy...telepathy.." I concentrated as hard as I could trying to breach the distance. "Telepathy..telepathy...Kazuya! Kazuya, hear me! We're in great danger I need you're help! Kazuya!" I waited and there was nothing! NO! "Kazuya, if you don't answer me this minute, I'll never buy you ice cream again! Ayukawa will never serve you hot chocolate again! Kazuya!!!!" I waited. There was nothing! I concentrated with all my strength and tears came to my eyes from the effort and my feeling of hopelessness as he failed to answer! I was a whimp! I had failed Ayukawa and everyone else! "Please Kazuya! Answer me! Kazuya!!!" I sat up suddenly. I felt like there was a faint buzzing in my head! I tried again. Something was there! I grit my teeth and concentrated even harder. The pain from this was getting to me. I had to reach him! I had to! "Kyosuke, Oneichan, if you're trying to get someone's attention it's best not to threaten them! What do you want, you're bothering me!" "Kazuya!!" I was so happy to hear his thoughts, I was crying! "Kazuya, I'm on a cruise ship off the coast of Nacaragua I think. We've been hijacked by some terrorists! We need help now!" "Quit playing stupid gags on me, Kyosuke, neichan. I have better things to do!" "NO! Kazuya, don't go! Ayukawa invited us on a cruise! We need help, please!" "If she invited everyone on a cruise, why didn't I hear about it! This is another one of you're dumb jokes! I'm not going to fall for it!" "Kazuya please! I'll buy you ice cream every day for a year if you get help to us! Ayukawa will give you free hot chocolate! Kazuya!" There was a pause and, I thought for a moment I had lost the link. "What do you need me to do? I'm just a kid, Kyosuke-neichan." I sighed with relief. "I need you to get ahold of my father! The two of you need to go to the American Embassy and tell them, the "SUN PRINCESS" has been hijacked by what we think are Sandinistas. If we don't get help soon, we may all end up as permanent hostages! Please Kazuya, do it now! We need help! Tell them to send the US Navy!" There was another pause. "If this is a joke, I'm going to bang you're head and abuse your body for a year! I'll call you're Dad right now. I'll try to reach you later." I laughed with relief. "Arigatoo, Kazuya! I owe you! We all owe you!" "I'll remember that, Kyosuke-neichan. Just make sure you pay off! See ya later..." He faded out. I collapsed on the floor from the effort. The power was definitely weak now. I needed to eat. I heard the door suddenly open and scrambled for cover. Someone was moving around. Just then, I heard another explosion outside. Someone swore repeatedly. "Where are you, Kasuga?" It was Hayden-san! I stood up. "Here! I got through to Kazuya! He said he'll try to get help. I heard you were successful as well." He nodded and sat down. "They won't be using any heavy weapons on anyone or leaving the ship. I trashed the lifeboats too. That's what took so long. If this ship sinks, we're all in trouble but, I didn't want those jerks getting away! They've changed course, it looks like we're heading for Nacaragua. From what I have been able to see, there are twenty of them onboard. Six are guarding the ballroom and they have Ak-47's. Five are on the bridge. Two are in the radio room. The remaining seven are positioned on different decks at strategic points for alerting the bridge and defense. They got radios to communicate with. One has an RPG..that could be trouble. I didn't see any explosives, it looks like blowing up their boats was the smart thing to do. But, their really on the move now so, we can't stay here much longer. I think I killed a couple of guys in the explosions. Not sure." I nodded. "What do we do now?" "Well, you need to teleport us past their defenses into the engine room. They didn't put anyone down there, I don't think. Unless I miscounted. I might have, I was trying to move fast. I almost got caught twice too! I'm scared man!" "Me too, Hayden-san." I looked at him. "How do you know so much about them? You seem familiar with their weapons. Also, you said something about you're Mom doing this kind of work. I thought she was a marketing representative for a large company?" "I lied." he admitted. "Keep this to yourself or, I'll have to kill you. My Mom is a covert operations specialist and assasin for the CIA." I stared at him! "CIA?? You're Mom is a spy?" "My Mom is an intelligence operative and what's known in the trade as an eliminator. MY Dad is an intelligence gatherer. He works for the NSC." "NSC?" "National Security Council. They have an office in Tacoma so, that's why I live there. I didn't know any of this until about two years ago when I accidentally found out. My Mom deals with the Navy SEALS, DELTAFORCE, and other type covert or black op's all the time. She'd be perfect for this." I was flabbergasted. Hayden-san was one surprise after another. "I see." was all I could say. "Yeah. I'm taking this trip on a government credit card. My Mom will be pissed but, she'll write it off as a mission expense and americans everywhere will pick up the tab and not know anything. Her agency wont care either, she's too good an agent. She gets pretty much whatever she wants. Look, this has been fun but, we need to get moving. Can you teleport us?" "I stood up. "Uhmm...I'm not sure. I was pretty worn out trying to reach Kazuya over so great a distance. I'll try." He grabbed onto me. "Put us on "A" deck near the end of the hall if you can. It's out of sight of the guard there and will allow us access to the engine room without being seen. At least I hope, it will." I nodded and concentrated. I felt "the power" kick in and realized I had just enough to make it! We faded out as my thoughts turned to Ayukawa. We had to succeed. We just had to.... We materialized in the hallway of "A" deck. There was no one there and, we were glad for it. Hayden-san swore and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know how you get used to that teleportation. It makes me dizzy." "Uhmm...we just do it. It doesn't bother us." I smiled. He nodded and grinned back. "Cool. Okay, now we gotta find the engine room." He looked at the walls. "I can see a stairway through this door. Come on." He tried it and swore as he found it locked. "This won't take long..stand back." I stood back and watched as, his hand grew red hot and, he held the doorknob. It began smoking and, he turned the handle hard. Something cracked loudly inside and, the door opened. I was impressesd! This flame "power" of his was a handy thing to have. But, I probably could have opened the door with my power too. We closed the door and descended into what looked like a large maintenance area. Above us were rows of pipes and wires. The sound of engines running was very loud now. We continued on until we reached a bright red door. Hayden-san nodded. "This is it. Let's be careful in case they got guys in here." I stepped back. Slowly, he turned the handle then, he threw the door open! Someone inside shouted and we heard spanish! Hayden-san turned, "Damn, I miscounted! Run for it!" He started to run and, a man appeared wearing a military uniform. He had a machine gun and, he aimed it at Hayden-san! NO!! I panicked! Suddenly, I felt the power erupt forth from me. It hit the man and, he was slammed backward into the wall and knocked unconscious. Hayden-san stared at me. "My god Kasuga! You never did anything like that when we fought! What the.." I was panting still. I felt weak. I knew I couldn't do that again for awhile. "You're life was in danger. I had to stop him." He shook his head. "You saved my life dude. After all the grief I gave you over Madoka, you saved my life! I..I don't know what to say." I smiled. "We're a team, Hayden-san. We have to stop these terrorists. Or at least buy time until the Navy gets here. We need each other." "Yeah you're right..we do." He smiled at me too. "Okay, let's disable this tub." We entered the engine room. The sound of loud turbines filled our ears, the heart of the "SUN PRINCESS." Hayden-san walked over and looked at the various gauges. "From what I can tell, they're running at top speed. We have to stop this thing now and, it can't be anything little." He looked around. "I think I know what to do. Stay back!" I retreated to the doorway and watched as he surveyed the turbines. Then he smiled. "The shaft would be a good thing to cut! The crew could fix it easily once we're rescued and, these jerks probably don't have the knowledge to repair it. At least, I hope they don't. Watch this, Kasuga!" He concentrated and, I saw his hands glow red with heat! He grit his teeth and, suddenly, a jet of hot flame shot from him. It hit the shaft which ran from the engines to the propellers which drove the ship. He continued his assault pouring more "power" into it. The shaft was glowing, first red hot, then white hot. There was a crack and, I saw it soften and melt. "Get back!" Hayden-san shouted. He ran and, there was a grinding as, the shaft suddenly tore loose and part of it spun upward. It hit the ceiling with a loud clang as it struck the metal. It crashed down onto the gauges and hit the floor. Hayden-san swore. "Damn! I overdid it I guess." The engines were now running faster as I realized, with the shaft cut there was no longer any resistance on them. The ship was disabled. It would drift with no control. Now, all we had to do was wait. And try to help everyone else. We exited the engine room. Hayden-san looked back at the unconscious guard. "He's sure gonna have a headache when he wakes up. Now we need to figure out what's next." He went over and picked up the guard's rifle. "This should come in handy. I don't wanna shoot anyone but, just in case we might need it. Okay dude, teleport us out of here." Uhmmm..." I looked down. "I can't. I used up all the remaining power I had in that attack. I need time to regenerate it." "That sucks." He sighed. "I was afraid of this. We need to find a place to rest. Then, we'll need to figure out how we can combat these guys. If your cousin is successful, it may take the Navy a few days to reach us, or only a few hours. It depends how close they have a ship. Maybe our next goal should be to take out the radio room and any communications they may have. If we don't do that soon, they could call for a ship. They may have already. And, you can bet once they figure out they aren't going anywhere, they will! I looked back at the guard. "When they see him unconscious, they are going to know for sure they have people fighting against them." "True." He nodded. "They'll be turning this ship upside down looking for us too. Last I saw, they were still doing standard patrols." He stared at the wall and looked slightly upward. "Lot of frightened people I can see. The crew is being held in a cargo bay. Looks like I missed that guard too. Damn! I need glasses I think. If we took him out, the crew could try to retake the ship while we sneak around and try to free our friends. What do you think?" I thought about it. It was a good plan. The crew was more trained to deal with situations then we were. At least, I hoped they were. "Hai! It sounds good, Hayden-san. Let's do it!" "Cool. Let's find a place to rest first. Once we think we're ready, we'll continue this little operation. My Mom would be proud!" "I wonder how Ayukawa and the others are doing?" I looked away as I said it. He sighed. "I dont know. I just hope they don't do anything stupid, man. You really love her, don't you?" I nodded. "Hai, I do. I just don't.." "Want to hurt Hikaru. I know dude. I love her too. Once this is over, lets see what happens. Right now, we got work to do. Let's find a place to rest okay?" "Hai." I followed him up back the way we came up the stairs.... After climbing the dark stairs, we reached the top and cautiously opened the door. I was wishing I had enough "power" to teleport but, having used it all in that attack, I was now mainly depending on Hayden-san until I could recharge. I looked at him. "Hayden-san, how long can you use "power" before exhaustion?" "You mean, my flame power and such? I dunno man, I think a few more hours. Once we both get a chance to rest it will help. Food would be nice but, we may not have the luxury. I thought about going back to our room but, I didn't see Peter and Jim with the girls when they took them to the ballroom. Chances are, a guard is in the area. Each time I use my X-ray vision I feel a little drained so, I'm not doing it all the time. We need a break." He peeked out the door. "Looks cool so far, come on." I followed him out into the hallway on "A" deck and we continued on. He stopped at a door and smiled. "This should look familiar to you, Kasuga." He opened it and, as I entered I realized it was that same room I had chosen to hide from him in. I sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall. "It does." I said quietly. "I'm glad we're not fighting anymore, Hayden-san." He nodded and sat down. "I was pissed man. You don't promise something like you did and break it. That more then anything else upset me. Of course when this is all over, I'm still gonna fight for Madoka. But, it won't be a physical battle. I'll have to try to win her through other means. I didn't realize what you were capable of. Why didn't you slam me like that when we fought, the way you did that guard?" I shrugged. "I was scared of you. I didn't know how to defend myself. When I do that, I just get mad. I was afraid you would be shot. Just like when Ayukawa was grabbed by a punk at "Mobius." I did it to him too. I think maybe deep down I wanted to be friends, as angry as I have been with you." He smiled. "I still think you should make up you're mind dude. But, I have a lot more respect for you then I did. I believe now that you didn't break that promise. What was said was a little..well...incriminating..but, I think it was Madoka that started that part of the conversation. It's obvious to me she still has deep feelings for you. I'm going to have to work extra hard to win her I guess. Or just give up." Hearing the resignation in his voice, I began to realize how much he truly cared for Ayukawa. Had I not loved her as much, I would have at that moment told him to pursue her with a clear path. But..but I did care for her. And, this whole incident was beginning to make me realize just how much. I looked at the floor and, waited him for him to say something else. But, a silence fell between us. Finally, he sighed. "Get some sleep, dude. I'm gonna stand watch for a bit. If those guys come around, we'll have to get out fast. A teleport is the only way so, we need you fresh." "Hai." I laid down and tried to rest. It was hard but, if I didn't what he said was true. Eventually, I began to drift off into sleep..... "Kasuga, wake up!" "Eh?" I opened my eyes. Hayden-san was bending down over me. "Don't say a word!" he whispered. "Two of them are in the hall! Get ready to teleport!" I sat up wide awake and got to my feet. Hayden-san was facing the door with his hands out. I looked at him. "What are you going to do?" "Give them a hot time if they try to get in this room. Be ready." I watched the door nervously. I was so scared I felt myself shaking. Suddenly, someone shouted at me in spanish! I turned and, a man with a gun was at the window! He was pointing a rifle at me! "Ahhhh!" I screamed. "What the..? Hayden-san turned..."Kasuga! Get out of here! Now!!" "Hayden.." I started to shout. "Get out!!!" He fired a jet of flame at the window and, the man jumped back, his weapon firing off rounds. He ran to me and grabbed my arm. "Baka! I told you to run!" The door was being kicked now and screaming was on the other side. "Get us out of here!" I teleported and, we faded out and reappeared on "C" deck. He looked at me. "Damn it! Teleport someplace more secluded next time. Come on!" We ran for the hallway and down the stairs. The last time I had come this way was when I had left our room after fighting with him. "Look out!" he shouted. Another man appeared and pointed a gun at us. We were caught! He aimed the rifle and said something in spanish. Hayden-san looked at me. "He wants us to move it. I think we're being taken to join the other prisoners." He turned and started to move then, suddenly, a blast of wind hit the guard and knocked him down. Hayden-san grabbed his gun and pointed it at him. He said something in spanish to the man. The man glared at him and said something back. Then, Hayden-san slammed him with another blast of wind and knocked him unconscious. He turned to me panting, "I was right..they're an offshoot of the Sandinistas. A more radical group. I didn't find out why they are here but, that's who they are. We're out of time, Kasuga. We need to try to free the crew and our friends." "Hai, " I answered, "but it's very risky. They know we're here now and will really be looking for us." "Can't be helped." He swore. "Lets go dude!" We ran through the halls being careful to check for guards. It was terrifying and yet exciting as each corner we reached we carefully looked behind. Strangely enough, we found no one. "This is bad." Hayden-san muttered aloud. "I would think they'd have every guy on the ship looking for us. It's too quiet, I don't like this." He tensed up as we exited "C" deck and moved downward toward "B". I was very scared myself. Not just for me but, for Ayukawa and my sisters. Were they alright? What were these terrorists doing to them? Had Kurumi done something stupid and been hurt or killed? So many possibilities that my head felt as if it would explode! We reached the central lobby between "C" and "B". There was no one and, it was too quiet. I could feel almost like we we're being watched. I wished I had a premonition dream and knew what was coming. We began to climb the lobby stairs. "Gas!" Hayden-san screamed! I jumped as two canisters of some sort of gas rolled down the stairs. Hayden-san was coughing and fell down. "Kasuga! Get...get" he passed out and, I was next! I tried to grab him, but, two men were running down the stairs toward me! I teleported quickly. The only way I could help Hayden-san I realized in fear was to keep from getting caught. And as I materialized in exhaustion on the far side of "C" deck and ducked into a closet to hide...I realized with a terrifying finality...I was now alone!! "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Eleven: Last Stand Alone! For quite awhile I felt empty inside as unbidden tears came to my eyes. I felt like a whimp. I had run out on Hayden-san. I had abandoned him! I should have stayed to help. But, could I have helped? I didn't have the time to grab him and teleport. Besides, I was weakening again on power. Although I had been able to get a little sleep, I didn't sleep well. And, I hadn't eaten in hours! Maybe over a day now! I had lost track of time. My thoughts turned to Ayukawa, Hikaru-chan, and my sisters. I didn't even know if they were alive. Hayden-san had collapsed in front of me. He might be dead. If not, he was not able to help me. I was truly alone. I put my head in my lap and fought back a terrifying fear... That's when I felt it! A sudden warmth came over me. I thought I heard a buzzing in my head. Then, a voice..."Kyosuke, Oniechan! Kyosuke, Oniechan, answer me!" I pulled my head out of my lap. "Kazuya? Kazuya! I'm here! Did you get help?" "Your father and grandfather managed to convince the American Embassy that there might really be trouble. They said they will check it out so, you should be getting some help. Is everyone alright, Kyosuke-neichan?" "No! Kazuya, everyone has been captured except for me! I need help Kazuya!" It sounded like he was sticking out his tounge and giving me a raspberry! "Kyosuke-neichan! Be a man! Help is on the way! Help everyone if you can! Would a man sit and do nothing?" "Baka! You're just a kid! You don't know.." "I have to go, Kyosuke-neichan. Good luck. We all have great faith in you. least your father does..bye." Before I could respond, he faded out. I grit my teeth. Be a man! But, he was right! I couldnt just sit here. Hayden-san wouldn't do it. If he was still with me, we'd be trying to free the crew! That's what I had to do. I had to complete what we started. Then, if I was successful, I had to try to free the others. Hopefully by then, the Navy would get here. I stood up and cautiously opened the door. It was probably one of the scariest things I had ever done. Then boldly, I stepped out. My mind was racing and my senses heightened to alertness and I looked up and down the corridor. I had no idea where the crew was. When we were in the engine room, Hayden-san had been looking up. But, what deck? I would have to check them all. I would start with this one. I continued silently down the corridor trying not to make any noise. At the first sign of trouble, I would teleport but, my "power" was weak and, I needed to save it for defense. I also needed to save it for something else..attack. I had never been in much of a position in my life where I had to use "the power" offensively. But, now I would have to. I had to think about the lives of the others, as well as my own. Suddenly, the ship started rocking! I grabbed a metal beam for support. No! They had fixed it! Hayden-san had been wrong and now, we we're on our way to some terrible destination. Nicaragua perhaps or to another ship to offload us. I had to act. I had never been so scared. But, I had no choice. I reached the end of the corridor and opened the exit door. The ship was rocking but, it wasn't from it moving under it's own power. A sudden terrible storm had come up and, it was creating huge waves that smashed against the side. The ship was in no danger of capsizing but, it would make repair efforts difficult if....I suddenly felt elated! Hayden-san! This was his doing! He was alive and somehow, he was creating this storm to make things more difficult for the Sandinistas. I felt renewed hope. I could do this! Maybe I was too indecisive to hurt Hikaru-chan but, this I could do! My friends were worth everything to me! My family was worth everything to me! I continued my search. Finding "C" deck with no guards, I moved down to "B". I was successful! As I cautiously peeked around the corner, the door to the corridor was open and, I could see two guards. They were armed and, they guarded what looked like the entrance to a small cargo area for extra storage. I remembered now! Hayden-san had said they were in a type of storage area. Now, I had to figure out how to deal with the guards. The storm was slowly abating. Perhaps Hayden-san's "power" had died or that was only to let me know he was alive. I didn't know which. I had no guns and, I wouldn't know how to use them if I did. I remembered I had seen Ayukawa fire one once, when Hikaru-chan was kidnapped and we we're escaping. But, I had to do something. I concentrated to try to build up "the power" but, it wasn't working! No! I had to do this! I had to! Suddenly, I felt someone stick something in my back. No! I was caught. I turned and, the man smiled at me. He said something in spanish and shouted to his two friends. They were coming! I had failed. All this for nothing! Ayukawa! Nooooo!!!! "AGHHHHHHH!!" I screamed.. Suddenly, my body erupted like an unleashed volcano. Before I could even concentrate, the power ripped forth! I saw one man fly backwards and slam into a post! The others were launched over the side into the sea! The eruption continued as, my fear was magnified. I saw doors ripped from their hinges, and chairs fly! I tried to calm it. The deck was littered with debris. I heard shouts and, I ducked around the side. The door to the cargo room was open! Captain Jamison and the crew were coming out! He was shouting something to them in english and, two were running off in one direction, while others did the same in another. I felt like I was going to collapse. I had done it! Through my fear, I had done it! With the crew free, I had only one concern left. I had to free my friends. I looked up suddenly and, I heard two of the crew shout as jets flew over the ship. They were Navy fighters! They had arrived! This nightmare would soon be over! But..what would this mean to my friends? To Ayukawa?? How would the Sandinistas react! They might kill everyone! In growing fear, I fought for any power left to try to teleport. I imagined the ship's dining room as, that adjoined the ballroom. With a great effort, I reached inside myself and, finally, I was rewarded as I weakly teleported. As I materialized, I began to move slowly toward the doors. The next thing I knew was dizziness as I realized, someone had hit me from behind. Darkness closed in and, I lost all consciousness.... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Twelve: Rescue! My head was throbbing as I realized, I was waking up. I opened my eyes and found myself in the ballroom. Around me were lots of other passengers. I looked to the right and, I saw two men with rifles. They looked nervous. "Hey Kasuga!" someone whispered loudly. I looked to the left and, I saw Hayden-san and Ayukawa! Hikaru-chan was with them and my sisters! They we're all alright. Hikaru-chan started to talk and, Ayukawa grabbed her and motioned for her to be quiet. I saw why. One of the guards had come over. He said something to Hayden-san and then slammed him in the stomach! Hayden-san doubled over and glared at the guard. He looked like he wanted to kill him. It was that same look I had gotten when I was the object of his anger. I wanted to talk to Ayukawa! She was only a few feet away but, the guards were preventing people from talking. What we're we to do now? Could we somehow use "the power" to rescue ourselves? I concentrated but, I realized in fear, there was nothing. I had used all my "power" up. Hayden-san was leaning toward Ayukawa and trying to whisper something. Did he have a plan? Maybe he was going to use his flame power. But, if he did that, he would reveal he was an esper in front of all these people! save Ayukawa and all of us..perhaps it was necessary. I looked up as the sudden sound of jets flying over was heard again. Two men entered the room and began talking to the others. The Navy was almost here. But, what were those men going to do to us? If they shot us all to keep us from being rescued, it would make little difference whether the Navy got here or not. We had to do something! I looked over at Hayden-san and, he met my eyes. He smiled at me. I could feel even after all the hatred we had felt for each other, we we're true friends now. If nothing else, this incident had done that. I looked up as, suddenly, a shout was heard. Two crew members armed jumped from the ceiling! They must have removed the panels to it! The Sandinistas were turning! They we're shouting and, everyone was trying to duck as, we realized an imminent firefight was coming! I smelled smoke, and I looked over. Hayden-san had burned through his ropes. Was he preparing to do something? He untied Ayukawa! I saw him crawl over to Kurumi. One of the Sandinistas noticed and turned his weapon toward him! No!! I tried to concentrate but, there was nothing there! He was preparing to shoot! I jumped as suddenly, the man was thrown back and slammed into a wall. He fell unconscious and dropped his weapon. I looked and saw, Manami was smiling. Had she done that? Kurumi was free now, as were other passengers. The crew had successfully managed to overcome the Sandinistas. Shots had been fired but, no one was hit. One man was running. I saw Ayukawa jump in front and grab his arm. She used his weight against him and flipped him over her shoulder slamming him to the floor. She brought her foot down and smashed it into his face. He passed out. She looked up and smiled at me, tossing her hair. She was so beautiful! "Darrrling!!" I felt the wind being knocked out of me as, Hikaru-chan crashed into me. "I was so scared Darling! Please hold me!" She hugged onto me and, I saw Hayden-san walking over. "Darling, I love you so much!" "Hai, I care about you too, Hikaru-chan." I said quietly. Hayden-san reached me and bent down. "Let me untie those ropes, dude. Excuse me, Hikaru." He bent down and, I felt him burn the ropes off without hurting me. He smiled. "You alright, Kasuga?" I looked around and saw that the terrorists were being handled by the crew Several people were crying and hugging each other. Ayukawa came over and smiled at me. I looked over and saw my sisters reunited with their two friends. Jason-san was hugging Manami and, Shaw-san was holding Kurumi. I felt good inside. "Hai, Hayden-san. Everything is fine now." He nodded and sat down. "Y'know Kasuga, you're alright. I'm glad we got a chance to work together. It was fun." "Fun?" I looked at him. That was his idea of fun?? Hikaru-chan hugged me again. "Work together? What does he mean by that Darling?" Hayden-san smiled again and, I shrugged. "Nothing really, Hikaru-chan." I saw Ayukawa wink at me before I was again bowled over, this time by my two sisters! Manami hugged me and Kurumi grinned. "I'm glad to see you're all okay." I said. "Oneichan, we were worried about you too! I was going to thrash these guys but, Manami told me not to. She said if we used the "power.." She was stopped as Manami put her hand over Kurumi's mouth. "Ahh..hahaha she meant if she was powerful enough like Madoka-san she would have beat on these guys. Right Kurumi?" "I saw Kurumi nod quickly with Manami's hand over her mouth and, we all laughed. It was over. The Navy was arriving and, the ship's crew had successfully managed to stop the Sandinistas with few people being injured. I was glad for it as, we could have all been killed. Credit for the capture was given totally to them and, a special party celebrating our rescue would be held that evening. They announced that the voyage would continue for those who wished once the engines were repaired. To their puzzlement, the main shaft to the propellers had been torn out. I looked over when they announced this and, Hayden-san grinned. They attributed it to luck as, if the ship had been operational, the terrorists could have taken us to any port and separated us. It was also considered luck that, their boats had somehow exploded and sunk. Captain Jamison praised his crew and told us that, if anyone wished to leave the ship, they could go with the Navy and be flown to California. We elected to stay and finish the voyage, as did many others. The Navy would escort us down to the Panama Canal. And, sadly, they announced, until things were more stable, this would be the first and last voyage of this kind. The "SUN PRINCESS" would go on a shorter cruise next time in safer waters. Later, I stood at the ship's railing looking at the great Navy cruiser which sailed beside us. It had taken several hours but, the crew had repaired the damage Hayden-san had done and, we we're underway again. "Hey dude." I looked up and saw Hayden-san. He smiled and leaned on the railing beside me. "I'm glad everything turned out alright." I said. He nodded. "Most things. We still haven't settled this issue of Madoka yet. I don't plan to pound on you cause you're cool but, I still want her." I nodded slowly. "Hai, I know, Hayden-san. I guess Ayukawa will choose who she wants." He sighed. "Maybe I should move to Japan permanently. But, I dont know if I'd care to wear those school uniforms you guys have." He laughed. I joined him in the laughter. "This is our last year of it coming up. Then, Ayukawa and I will be going for the college entrance exams." "Cool. I don't plan to go to college. It's lame. I think I'll just keep working with my boss, Larry. Maybe open a chain of repair shops. That would be cool." "Hai." I turned to him. "I guess it will be an interesting future for all of us. It must never be boring for you having parents in the spy buisness." "Just lonely." He sighed. "You're lucky, man. You got your Dad. You're sisters. I got sisters but, one is a real pain and she thinks she's god's gift to the world. Planning on being a Hollywood starlet and maybe will someday. That's Marcia, she's 17. The other, Darla, she's 14 now and talking to her is like being in a physics class!" he laughed again. "Oh well. I guess we all get by our own way don't we?" I nodded. Whatever I had felt about him in my anger, I was wrong. And listening to him now, I realized that for all his power..all his was just a shell. Deep down, Hayden-san was a sensitive and lonely person. "Hai, I guess we do." I said quietly. He stepped away from the rail and smiled at me. He stuck out his hand. "Let's shake, Kasuga. Good luck with Madoka. May the best man win." I took his hand and shook it slowly. "Good luck, Shawn." His eyebrows raised as he saw I had used his first name. "Cool. I guess we are friends after all." I nodded again. "Hai, we are. Please, feel free to stay with us if you ever come back to Japan." "Really?" he laughed again. "I may do that. At least, Jim might. You still got a problem, dude. He likes your sister. I haven't seen him this hung up on anyone in years! Let's go have a drink." "Sounds good to me, Shawn." I felt him clap me on the back and, I followed him down the deck as I watched the Navy cruiser continue beside us... A short time later, Hayden-san and I joined the others at a rousing victory rescue party that the crew was throwing. They had pulled out all the best stuff trying to make it up to us for what had happened. Everyone was in a festive mood and, as the evening went on, Captain Jamison announced that, due to the hijacking, he had been authorized by the "SUN" LINE CO to make all charges on this trip null and void! It was a pleasant surprise and one that made Hayden-san laugh. "Good. That will save some taxpayers a few thousand bucks." He grinned at me. It felt good not to be fighting with him. The rest of the evening we enjoyed quietly. Hayden-san backed off from monopolizing Ayukawa and, he even let me dance with her. Hikaru-chan didn't seem to mind one dance and, I felt myself getting flushed as I took her in my arms. She laughed. "Kasuga-kun, are you nervous? You've danced with me before." "Not like this, Ayukawa. Not under settings so different. Romantic. This is much different then at "Mobius." She nodded. "I know, Kasuga-kun. It makes me think about a lot of things. Hayden-san told me what you two were doing while we waited for rescue. I think what you did was very brave. It must have been frightening for you." "No more so then for all of you tied up in here." I smiled at her. The spotlight from above sparkled off the mirror ball in the ceiling throwing multicolored lights all around us as we danced. "But, hai, I was very scared. I thought we would all die. But, all I could think about was how we were going to save you...I mean everyone." She narrowed her vision slightly. "Going to save me? Arigatoo, Kasuga-kun. I thought a lot about you too. I wasn't sure if you and Hayden-san we're alright. They kept us from talking although, we managed to get around it. I was scared when they brought Hayden-san in unconscious. Then, he woke up and managed to whisper to me what had happened. We both knew that you were our only hope. You saved us all." Her eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. It was the kind of smile that made he shiver inside. Made me feel so much love for her. I wanted to kiss her but, everyone at the table was watching us. I looked over and saw Hikaru-chan laughing and talking with Jason-san. Poor Hikaru-chan. I didn't want to hurt her! Neither of us did! How long would this go on? I turned back to Ayukawa and, she held me closer. I felt nervous wondering what would happen if Hikaru-chan suddenly saw us. The music slowed down and, we realized, the dance was over. She pulled away and nodded to me. "Arigatoo, Kasuga-kun. I enjoyed that dance." "Hai...uhmmm I did too, Ayukawa." My feelings for her were in full force! I wanted to take her away. I looked over and saw Hikaru-chan was occupied. "Uhmmmm...Ayukawa..would you.. like to stroll on the deck with me?" I saw her look over at Hikaru-chan and for a moment I thought she was going to say no. Then, her eyes looked almost sad and, she smiled. "Hai, Kasuga-kun. I'd love to. Let's go." We slipped out the side door and made our way to the top of "C" deck. The last time I had been in this area, I had been sneaking around trying to keep from getting captured. Now, the moonlight gave it a whole new feel. It was all new to me. Ayukawa was stunning! No..more then stunning, she was a goddess! She smiled and we walked together watching the huge Navy cruiser that escorted us. Sometime tomorrow, we would reach the Panama Canal and, we would get a chance to see that great achievement I had only heard about. Right now, all I could see was Ayukawa. I was mesmerized by her beauty. Neither of us said a word as we walked. The feeling between us needed no words and, we both knew it. We finally stopped at the stern of the ship watching our wake. She sighed. "Kasuga-kun, this has been an adventure none of us will ever forget." "Hai." I fidgeted not knowing what to say. She turned to me. "Kasuga-kun, do you remember when you thought you hypnotized me and made me into an obedient servant for you?" she giggled. I nodded. "I had thought you were kidding. I wasn't sure at the time. Some of the things you said...and did, I didn't expect. Back then, I was so unsure of my feelings." She looked down. "Hai. Our feelings. Why does life have to be so complicated? Why can't things be simpler? I'm not going to move to America. I have no reason to. It's a nice place to visit Kasuga-kun but, my home is in Japan." I felt myself experiencing a warm feeling inside. "Ayukawa...Hayden-san truly loves you. I didn't know how you felt..." She laughed. "Hayden-san is very nice and, I will always consider him a friend. But..there are other factors to consider that now are of more importance to me then living in America. Especially when I know for a fact that things wouldn't work out between us. He may think that they will but, in time he will come to realize it's for the best." She turned and gave me an impish grin. I hadn't lost her! She was going to stay! And, she had admitted to me that she had no feelings for Hayden-san other then friendship. I felt sad for him. But.." "Ayukawa," I began. "Uhmmmm that night on the beach in Hawaii..." She nodded slowly. "Kasuga-kun. I said that was a mistake. Now I know, I was wrong.." I didn't wait. I took her in my arms and held her close. I felt her beautiful hair spill across my back as she leaned close and held me. If it weren't for Hikaru-chan, I would have done this a lot sooner. But, both of us now we're feeling that in time, when we felt it was right, we would have to do the thing that would most hurt all of us. If we ever wanted to be together. She broke away from me. "We'd better get back. The others will wonder where we went." I started to turn and, we both heard a gasp behind us." I turned and Hikaru-chan was there. Oh no! Ayukawa looked away and laughed. "So anyway, Kasuga-kun, what was that joke you were telling me?" I laughed it off . "Uhmmm, I forgot the punch line. Hikaru-chan, you came looking for us? We were just taking a breath after dancing hahahaha" I didn't know what she was feeling. Usually, I can read Hikaru-chan fairly well. But, this time, the look in her eyes was confusing. She nodded and smiled. "Darling, let's go back." I nodded and, I took her hand. Ayukawa walked on my other side and didn't say a word. The wonderful mood we had shared was just shattered. We didn't know if Hikaru-chan knew anything or not. But, it was too soon to hurt her. If she was willing to let it go, so would I. We rejoined the others and continued the festivities. The party lasted till two in the morning until finally, most of us slipped off to our cabins. I walked Hikaru-chan to her cabin and noticed she was very quiet. She hadn't said much most of the night since she had surprised Ayukawa and I. She stopped at the door and turned to me. "Darling, thank you for a wonderful evening. Please kiss me goodnight." I stepped back. "Uhmmm Hikaru-chan, I don't feel that's right. Perhaps later." She smiled and opened the door. "I understand, Darling. Arigatoo." She closed the door leaving me standing in the hall. I felt like I had just destroyed her. I didn't know if she even knew anything. But, I felt it..... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Thirteen: Resolutions The next morning, I was awakened by more american music that made me put my head under my pillow and grit my teeth. Why did they like this stuff? I had to admit, some of it was interesting but, from what I had heard, I'd stick to the music they played at Mobius. And Kintaro and Kanako Wada. "Get up sleepyhead." Hayden-san shouted to me. "We're going to be cruising through the Panama Canal today. Should be pretty cool. The only thing that sucks is, all the stops that were going to be made after that like the Bahamas, were cancelled because of those hijacking jerks." I pulled the covers back from myself and sat up. "Do any of you know how to get up quietly?" I sat up and saw Jason-san and Shaw-san grinning at me. Shaw-san cranked up the music! "Uhmmm guess not." I fell back on the bed. "Oh no you don't, Kasuga! Get up!" I found myself attacked by Jason-san and Hayden-san. They were tickling me and forcing me to get up. We fell out of bed on the floor and, Shaw-san laughed and pointed at us. He was saying something in english but, I didn't understand it. I sighed and stood up admitting defeat. Hayden-san laughed. "Too much to do today to sleep it away dude. We only have a few days left on this cruise to have fun." he turned to Jason-san and said something in english. Jason-san nodded and said goodbye then, he left. Hayden-san turned back to me. "Dude, we need to talk. Or rather, you and Shaw need to. I'll translate." I looked at Shaw-san and, he smiled at me. "Uhmmm, okay." I said hesitantly. Hayden-san nodded at him. Then, Shaw-san looked like he was extremely nervous. "Go on dude." Hayden-san encouraged. "Well....Kasuga, this is about your sister, man. I really think she is cool. In fact, I have to say that, our talk before made me do some heavy thinking. I'm not gonna back off from her. I think she is the most beautiful and sweetest chick I have ever been with. Since your the acting head of the family here, I'm letting you know now. I plan to sell my car when I get back, pull some money out of the bank and move to Japan to be with her. It'll be really tough on me. But, I'm gonna do it." I swore and looked at the bed. I couldn't believe this. I looked at Hayden-san and, he shrugged. "He's dead serious, Kasuga. I can't talk him out of it. You know how stubborn we americans can be." I nodded. I looked at Shaw-san. "Jim, uhmmm you realize you'll need a place to stay. What will you do? And, the language barrier! You don't know enough to even keep up! How can you even think of getting serious with my sister if you can't interact with others in Japan as well?" "Well, I'm going to talk to Shawn's Mom. She might be able to help me. I'm not gonna give up dude! Kurumi means everything to me! That mess with the hijackers just reinforced it! Kasuga, I love her man! You understand? She loves me too! I can't get her out of my heart. I thought about what you said but, it seems so trivial compared to if I could be with her!" I nodded. "Kurumi can be very demanding though. You've seen how much she cost you on this trip. You would have to work on that with her." He grinned. "I will! And, she told me, she doesn't cook well. But, I do! I'll do it and teach her to be better at it." I couldnt believe this was happening. But, when I thought about it, Kurumi was just around the corner from being able to be married! What would my father say? He had told me to protect my sisters. "My father will want Kurumi to go to college too. What guarantee do you have she wont meet someone and dump you? What would you do then?" He looked down. "I dont know. It wont happen! We're too much in love, Kasuga! I know. I feel her heart just as I know she does mine! You're not going to disuade me okay? I've made my mind up. I hope that your family likes me. I'll see you in Japan in a couple of months. Right now, I'm going to go spend time with my girl." I sighed and shook my head, "As you wish, Jim. Good luck. Kurumi can be very flighty at times." He shrugged and without further word walked out the door. Hayden-san laughed. "I haven't seen him so serious about anything in years! He's really hung up on your sister. I guess you'll be seeing him in a few months. It's going to be fun to watch him talk to my mom. Not to mention getting past his own parents. But, Jim's a very determined guy. I think he'll do it." "I know." I sighed. "That's what I'm afraid of." Hayden-san nodded. "Yeah. I guess now, all that's left to worry about is our situation. I'm having breakfast with Madoka just so you know. I'll see you later." "Hai." I watched him leave and flopped back on the bed. The day hadn't even begun and I was exhausted..... "Darling, you seem like you're a million miles away." "Eh?" I looked at Hikaru-chan who sat across from me. Both of us had finished breakfast and were enjoying orange juice. The sun was high overhead now. Everyone had split up in their different couples. I could see Ayukawa and Hayden-san sitting a few tables away. I was still worried about that."Uhmm..sorry Hikaru-chan. I was just thinking." "Thinking about what Darling?" I sighed. "That this trip will be over soon. I feel like I've been on this ship forever." "Ohhhh I know, Darling. Those hijackers sure wrecked it for everyone! We won't get to see the Bahamas and, I was so looking forward to standing on those beautiful white beaches with you holding me. Maybe we can do that someday on our honeymoon." She laughed. I nodded slowly. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to hurt her! How would I ever tell her that, even though in the past I had felt for her a little, I have still always been in love with Ayukawa? Someday I would have to! Perhaps when this trip was over. Perhaps in the future. She was still laughing. "Anyway Darling, we still have Washington DC to see. That will be so cool! I want to see it all too! And seeing Madoka-san's parents perform as well! That's always a treat." "Hai." I looked out at the water. The Navy ship that was escorting us would soon be gone. This afternoon we would reach the Panama Canal. After that, this trip would almost be over. I was glad for that too. "Darling, please, let's go for a walk." I turned to her and smiled. "Of course, Hikaru-chan. Let's see if Captain Jamison will let us see the bridge again okay?" "Hai! Darling, that will be so cool! You're so good to me Darling! Let's go!" She jumped up excitedly and pulled me after her. I forgot my thoughts and enjoyed the moment..... That afternoon, we all gathered together again as we watched the sailors from our Navy escort wave to us. All the girls had gotten sailor hats and were wearing them. This had been from a deal Shaw-san had made with one of the sailors by shouting across at them. The girls had loved it, especially Kurumi who was now constantly with him. I had given up trying to separate them. It did nothing but upset the situation and, they had made it clear what their feelings were. Time would tell if it would last or if they would do something stupid. I looked over and saw Ayukawa wink at me. She wore her's pushed back a little with her hair hanging forward. It looked sexy and I almost blushed. She gave me a smart salute. "Madoka-san you're really cool!" Kurumi said. "Arigatoo, Kurumi-chan." She laughed. "They were nice gifts. Arigatoo Jim." Shaw-san shrugged. "Just some fast talking. I'm surprised Shawn didn't think of it." Hayden-san nodded. "You beat me to it, dude. Always trying to please the ladies aren't you?" We all laughed and, Shaw-san put his arm around Kurumi. "No..just one now. My only one." I saw Hikaru-chan smile and, she put her arms around me. "That is so romantic! I'm so glad you two found each other! Now, Kurumi can be happy just like Darling and I." I looked away. I wished she would quit doing that! It made me feel terrible. I watched as our Navy escort turned away in another direction. We began to head inland and I saw, the Panama Canal awaited. We watched with anticipation along with everyone else as, the "SUN PRINCESS" proceeded forward. There were two other ships in front of us. A freighter and, another cruise ship. Hikaru-chan jumped up and down excitedly as we lined up behind them. "Ohhh Darling, this is so exciting! I wish I hadnt run out of film! I need to buy some!" "I'll buy you some later Hikaru-chan. I think I have some extra money." I said. "Darling, arigatoo! That would be so cool of you! I'd really like that. Oh look! The first ship is entering the canal." She jumped up and down again. Hayden-san laughed. "I used to hear my mom talk about the canal when she was on various ships that went through it. It's pretty long. The US used to own it before we sold it. Some people died while building it and, it pissed a whole bunch of people off when we sold it. President's do dumb things sometimes." Ayukawa laughed and nodded. She stood beside him and, the sun was shining off her hair. "In Japan sometimes, the Prime Minister does things to make us angry as well. I guess that's the same in all cultures." "Yeah, maybe so." Hayden-san grinned at her. I saw him try to put his arm around her and, she gently pushed it away. He sighed. We continued forward. At last, we ourselves were entering the canal. It was big! I could see people on either side of it waving to us as we passed through. People on our ship were screaming to some of them and, they screamed back. I didn't understand it as, most of the language was in spanish. I suppose I should've taken that in school along with trying to learn english. I'm not very good at english either. Still, we too joined in the shouting and waving to strangers on shore. Hikaru-chan jumped up and down and blew kisses to them. It made me laugh. We did this for quite some time enjoying the fun and each others company. I could see Kurumi and Shaw-san holding hands and waving. She put her head on his shoulder and, he put his arm around her. Manami and Jason-san looked happy but, I could tell they were just friends. Jason-san didn't seem to be pushing that and,I was glad of it. I had enough to explain to my father as it was with Kurumi. Hikaru-chan clung to me like she never wanted to let go. The sun was now working it's way further westward. I could see it's ray reaching across the water to us. It was a memorable experience to say the least. At last we began to clear the opening of the canal. Hayden-san turned to us and grinned. "Well everyone, only a few more days of partying left. I suggest we take advantage of it." He held out his hand to Ayukawa and, she took it. "Let's go have dinner." he said. We all waved one last time to the people on shore and, the "SUN PRINCESS" turned northward. Our next stop would be our final port..Baltimore. That was where we would all be getting off and the cruise would end. Other stops had been scheduled but, after the hijacking, the crew felt they should get us to final port as quickly as possible. We turned away from the rail and headed for the dining hall. After a luxury dinner, we prepared to enjoy the evening. Hayden-san and Ayukawa left after a time to walk the deck. I felt a tad bit of jealousy. I forced myself to let it go. In a few more days, I may never see him again. Nor would Ayukawa. It was best to be friends. Ever since the hijacking, we had remained friends. I intended to keep it that way. I knew Ayukawa's true feelings. I just wondered when she would tell him. "Darling, will you get me some film? I want to take some pictures of us here before it all ends." "Eh?" I came out of my thoughts. "Ohh..oh, of course Hikaru-chan. Be right back." I excused myself and headed for the ship store. It was open for another hour and, I had promised her that. As I left the hallway that led to the dining hall and proceeded on deck, I heard what sounded like Ayukawa's voice. It was coming from the front of the ship. It was dark out now, the lights of the deck illuminated the area around me. It must be later then I thought. If I hurried, I might still catch the store open. But...what was she saying? Curious, I moved toward the front. I made sure I kept out of sight. I listened... "But why?" Hayden-san was saying. "I thought we really made a cool couple! It's been great so far! I could show you a better time in Tacoma! We talked about you coming, remember?" "It was just talk." Ayukawa said quietly. I had to strain to hear her. "I appreciate your feeling for me, Shawn. But, it's something I cannot return." "Why the hell not!" he shouted. I could tell he was very upset. "I'm a cool guy! You said I was. Hell, I know I am! What's the deal here, Madoka? Do you want to be stuck like this forever? When the hell is Kasuga gonna be a man and dump Hikaru for you! When? Are you going to be on a string forever? You deserve better then this, honey! I can give it to you. I can be all those things you think he is, and more! I got more then he does! I got a house, a car, a job, a pretty good bank account! I could show you America! Please think about this!" I had to strain very hard to hear her voice. It was almost choking. "Please, Shawn. I...I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to ruin our friendship. What we've shared. I...I've said how I feel. You asked and, I can't lie anymore. Please, just accept it." "Accept it!" he shouted. "Accept that you'd rather play second fiddle waiting for some baka to get off his duff and dump someone he doesn't love so he can be with you? What's the point? How long do you intend to torture yourself like this when in fact, you can have someone right now who loves you and cares about you! Madoka, please baby, I need you! Come to America to stay with me!" I heard her voice and, it was full of sobbing. "Please...I can't. Gomen nasai Hayden-san. Gomen nasai." I heard what sounded like footsteps and she ran off. For a moment there was dead silence. I cautiously peeked around the corner. I saw him standing there with his head bowed in defeat. I had never seen him look so miserable. It tore at my soul and, I could see why Ayukawa had run off. Suddenly, he screamed like a wounded animal and put his hand skyward. In moments, dark clouds came out of nowhere! The sound of thunder began and, instants later, torrents of rain fell! I was soaked. I could see others running for cover. I looked back and saw him standing there in the rain. His face was lifted to the clouds and, he made his hand into a fist. Lightning streaked across the sky followed by terribly loud thunder! He grit his teeth. He opened his mouth and screamed, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" It echoed with the thunder down into my very being. I felt the horror of what he had lost...what I knew now I had won. I had seen enough. I tore myself away and ran for cover to escape his anguish and the rain...... That night, the rain continued. While I tried to forget what I had seen, it was impossible. Ayukawa was in pain. She had made a choice and was living with the results of it. I too was hurting. But, I was also feeling a great relief inside. She had hurt Hayden-san and, she would have only done that if she really truly still cared for me. I hoped that someday I would have the courage to do that with Hikaru-chan. Right now, I didn't. I was able to obtain the film for Hikaru-chan and tried to pay attention to what she was saying. We were all together except for Hayden-san. Ayukawa had joined us but, she said little. When Hikaru-chan laughed and asked her to be in a picture, she sighed deeply and almost acted as if it were a chore. I could tell she was hurting badly. The evening grew late and, we decided to call it a night. Hayden-san had not returned. I wondered where he was. Perhaps in our room. I walked Hikaru-chan and Ayukawa to their cabin then, I returned to join the others. As I entered our room, I saw that Jason-san and Shaw-san were talking in english. Since I couldn't understand what they were saying, I looked over to maybe talk with Hayden-san. He was gone. "Kasuga." "Eh?" I looked over. Shaw-san had out his book and was trying to talk to me. He struggled hard with the language. "" I looked hard at him. That didn't make any sense! How was this baka going to communicate with Kurumi and our family if he did make good on his promise and come to Japan? I could just see him in our school. There was no way he could do it. But, it sounded like he was trying to tell me something about Hayden-san. Did he know where he was? I tried to answer him in english but, it was too difficult. After a time, we both gave up trying to understand each other and, he dug further into his book. I decided I would look for Hayden-san. I excused myself and left our room heading out to "C" deck. As I opened the door, wind blasted me in the face. I could feel the ship gently rocking back and forth with the waves. Lightning flashed across the sky and, the waves had grown in height. Was all this because of Hayden-san's anguish over losing Ayukawa? Or had he just let the storm run it's course? I braved the storm and looked up and down the deck for anyone insane enough to be out in this. There was no one. Hayden-san in his anguish had found a place to be alone. Perhaps I should honor that and leave him to himself. After checking most of the common areas of the ship, I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to find him easily. I went to have a late night snack. The ship snack bar was open almost all hours. As I entered, I was surprised to find my sister Manami sitting by herself and quietly stirring a coffee. I walked up to her. "Manami? What are you doing here?" She looked up and smiled at me. "Oniechan, I couldn't sleep. My mind is just turning too many different directions. I needed to think." "What about?" I sat down across from her. It was rare that Manami was confused but anything. Of everyone in the family, she had the most level head. "Oh, the fact that soon all this will be over. There have been some really good times, some scary times, and some sad times." She looked down into her coffee. "Madoka-san broke up with Hayden-san I guess." "Hai." I looked down at the floor. "Things will be alright." "I'm a little worried about him, Oneichan. I don't want anything to happen to him. He's a very sweet guy." I looked at her. "He'll be okay Manami. If you want, I'll go look for him later." Something felt funny here. "Uhmmm, are you and Jason-san getting along okay? Just friends?" "Just friends, Oneichan." She sighed. "I don't have any feelings for him at all so, you have nothing to worry about. I wouldn't put you through what Kurumi has. It's just..." she trailed off. "Just what, Manami." She looked up at me. "Oneichan, if you feel affection toward someone, you should tell them ne?" I felt my stomach getting queasy. "Uhmmm I...I guess so, Manami." "Oneichan, I....I really...." I stared at her. "Manami what is it?" She looked away. "It's nothing, Oneichan." She laughed suddenly. "I was just having fun with you. I wanted to see you're reaction." I'm indecisive but, even I could see she was leading up to something. And, I had a feeling I knew what it was. "Manami, you don't want to be with Jason-san because, you'd rather be with somebody else. Right?" She looked away and sighed. "Whatever made you think that?" She laughed again. "Oh, Oneichan, look at the time! We better get to bed, big day tomorrow!" She started to get up. I grabbed her hand. "Manami, it's raining out. And may be for awhile. Would you please tell me you're feeling? Who would you rather be with? It's Hayden-san isn't it?" She sat down and looked away. She whispered, almost inaudibly. "Hai. I...I care a lot about him. I watched him this whole trip with Madoka-san and, although I acted happy with Jason-san, I wanted to be with him." I felt myself ready to faint. "Manami...." I sighed deeply. "Uhmmm..we're going to be getting off this ship in just a few days. He's all torn up over Ayukawa. I don't think he would..." "No." She got up. "No, Oneichan, he wouldn't. And, I was a baka to say anything about it anyway. Please don't tell anyone, okay? It would only hurt worse. I'll forget about him when we get back home. Komatsu and Hatta will be there to keep me happy. There's no guarantee that Kurumi would even see Shaw-san again. Everyone knows cruise ship romances don't last." I could see tears in her eyes. I nodded. "I'm here if you need me, Manami. I guess we'll all be glad when this trip is over." "Not all of us." She smiled and walked off without saying another word. I sat there for a few moments. I could hear the thunder outside. I got up. It was time to find Hayden-san. I had looked in most of the popular places. The way he was feeling, he wanted to be alone. Suddenly, I knew! I knew where he was. I headed down to "A" deck. The deck was supposed to be off-limits to passengers. But, there was a place on that deck I had a feeling I would find him. I stood outside the door of the room. The room that I had chosen to hide from him in and he had found me. The room that a terrorist had shot at us and Hayden-san had used his flame power to disable the man. It made sense. I was sure he was here. I opened the door. "You better have a good reason for coming in here." a voice said in the darkness. I turned on the light. Hayden-san sat on the floor against the far wall. When he saw me, he looked away. I closed the door and leaned against the wall. "Uhmmm Shawn...everyone is worried about you. I came to see if you're okay." He looked at me. "Congratulations, Kasuga. You won. Madoka told me to take a hike. She made her choice and now, I'll have to live with it." He swore. "I didn't think it would hurt this much. It didn't matter what I said to her. She had already decided on you." He got up and walked toward me. "Congratulations. Shall we tell Hikaru now?" "Whaaaa.." I felt my mouth drop open. "Uhmmm I...I really don't think.." He looked hard at me. "You mean to tell me that you won Madoka and you're just gonna keep her on a damn string? This is ridiculous! Kasuga, it's time to end it now! I wanted her. I lost! You won, dude! She loves you! Now, go get her and show her you care!" I swallowed. I hadn't anticipated this. "I...I can't do that right now, Shawn and.." "You really suck, Kasuga!" he swore at me. "I don't believe this. I lost to you and, Madoka wants to keep things as they are? Have you asked her this?" "It was discussed before." I said quietly. "Gomen nasai, Hayden-san." His eyes flared. "Don't tell me that! Don't EVER tell me that! That's what she said before she ran off. But, that's the way it goes, I guess. I don't want to be bitter about this. I've cried enough." I stared at him and, I could see he had been. I knew he cared for Ayukawa but, I couldn't imagine Hayden-san crying. "Please come back to us. We only have a few days left of this cruise." I couldn't think what else to say. He looked away from me as if in a daze. "Yeah...I guess this storm has gone on long enough. I'll end it." He walked over to the window and closed his eyes. I watched amazed as, the rain lessened and, the clouds began to break up. Moments later, the sea began to calm and, I could see stars in the sky. It was over. He turned to me. "I feel like kicking your ass all over the ship. If I thought it would win me Madoka, I would. But, it doesn't matter anymore. This cruise will be over soon and, I'll have several months before I have to worry about seeing Madoka again." I nodded. "So, you are going to come back to Japan?" He laughed. "Jim would go nuts by himself if I didn't. In the meantime, I'll help coach him in japanese and, I'll get some help from my Mom when she is around..which is rare. I hope that offer of staying with you is still open. We're friends despite all this." I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I had thought he would hate me. Maybe even try to hurt me. But, Hayden-san had accepted his loss gracefully. Probably much better then I would have. I hoped we would be friends forever. I took his hand and he smiled. "One more thing, Kasuga. Madoka isn't going to wait around forever. If you haven't claimed her by the time I come to Japan and if I haven't found another girl, all bets are off! I'll resume my quest to have her." He grinned. "Of course, Shawn." I shook his hand. I would worry about that if it ever came. "You might find someone else even if you do visit. There are lots of nice girls in Japan." My thoughts turned to Manami. I didn't know if I could handle that! We returned together to our room much to the relief of Jason-san and Shaw-san. I guess they had been really worried about Hayden-san. Now that he was back, they celebrated by putting on a loud obnoxious CD that they called, "Def Leppard." I had heard the name once when speaking to Komatsu and Hatta about american rock bands but, this was the first time I had heard them. I was finding after a time that I was liking some of this music. And later through the night before we all went to bed, I heard many other types of american music that I found I enjoyed. In Hayden-san's words, I had been introduced to "cool american music" and, I was finding that a lot of it I seemed to like after all....... "SUMMER CRUISE" Chapter Fourteen: Till we Meet Again... Our last few days were spent enjoying the beautiful weather and each others company. Hikaru-chan laughed and was like a shining star in what was unknown to her, a painful moment. Yet, it was one of happiness too because, all the things that had concerned us were now settled. Only one remained but both Ayukawa and I had agreed, it was not time for that. Neither one of us could do hurt Hikaru-chan. Kurumi spent every moment with Shaw-san, now knowing that soon we would reach port, and all the happy moments she was enjoying with him would end. At least for now. Shaw-san was getting better at his japanese. He had been working hard at it to communicate better with her. Kurumi also had been working hard on english. I don't ever remember seeing her study anything so hard. Shaw-san reaffirmed his intention to sell his car and work to save money so he could come to live in Japan. His only concern was where but, for now he wasn't going to let it daunt him. I had a feeling with his determination it wouldn't be long before I saw him again. Manami spent her time laughing and having fun with Jason-san. Sometimes I would see her look at Hayden-san in such a way that, if I didn't know she cared for him, I would have eventually figured it out. Perhaps someday I would learn to read my sisters better, the way I have learned to read Hikaru-chan. I doubted if I would ever be able to read Ayukawa completely. There were times, her feelings were too complex. Still in all this, we frolicked in the sun, we played shuffleboard, we watched the coast of the United States as we continued northward and, we made a few more friends before the voyage ended. It was a time in my life I knew I would never forget. And now, it was over. I found myself awakening on our last morning. Hayden-san was gone. He had spent time with everyone but, he had kept a lot to himself. I yawned and got out of bed. In a few hours, the ship would make port in Baltimore. Shaw-san came out of the shower and dressed wordlesly. I could tell he was depressed. Jason-san seemed melancholy too. I left the room and went for a walk on "C" deck. I could see two people in the early morning sunrise at the stern of the ship. Ayukawa, and Hayden-san. They were talking and, both had their heads bowed. Then, he looked up and, he smiled. I could hear the waves crashing against the side of the ship. His voice came to me now, "Anyway, Madoka, it's been really cool. I really appreciate all the time you spent with me. I'll always care for you." As I got closer, I could hear Ayukawa's voice. She nodded. "Hai. I care about you too, Hayden-san. You're a very good friend. I'm glad you're not bitter over this. I was so upset the other night." "So was I." he looked down. "But, as long as you're happy." He looked up suddenly meeting her eyes. "Just do me a favor okay? Don't wait forever for your happiness. It's cool that you want Hikaru to be happy. But, maybe someday you should think of yourself. And please, call me Shawn, okay?" She nodded wordlessly. I saw him reach over and, he hugged her. She fell into his arms and, I felt a tad of jealousy. Then, I realized it was his last hug with her. She pulled away and, she smiled. "Arigatoo, Shawn. Let's go to breakfast." He nodded and, I watched them walk off together. I smiled despite myself. Then, I went to join them.... Hayden-san held up his glass as we all sat together. Breakfast was over and, he looked at each of us. "I want to propose a toast." He grinned. "To our friendships. May they endure forever...till we meet again." Ayukawa smiled. "Till we meet again.." she drank slowly. "Ohh Shawn, that is so cool! Isn't that great Darling?" Hikaru-chan hugged me tight. I nodded and smiled at him. "Till we meet again." "Till we meet again." Kurumi and Shaw-san said together. He hugged her and, she put her head on his shoulder. Manami nodded and smiled at Hayden-san. "Please come soon to stay with us." "We'll be there before you know it." Hayden-san laughed. "At least Shaw and I will. Isn't that right, Jim?" Shaw-san hugged Kurumi again. "I love you, Kurumi. I'll be there as quick as I can." I didn't know what my father would say about all this. But, Manami had said it last night. Shipboard romances never lasted. Shaw-san would probably forget about Kurumi when he went back to school. I would worry about it when it came.... At last, time caught up with us and, our shipboard journey ended. The "SUN PRINCESS" made port and there were many emotional displays as everyone watched her dock. The city of Baltimore was before us, it's glass skyscrapers reaching to the sky. We went to get our bags, as the ships horn blew. As I checked to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything, I felt almost a feeling of regret at leaving our cabin. So much had happened since we had left Tokyo so long ago. It had been almost a month. We would be leaving now to meet Ayukawa's parents and see them perform in Washington DC. Yet, I felt as if a part of me would remain here. I looked over at Hayden-san and, he smiled. "Well Kasuga...guess this is goodbye." I nodded and, we both left the room. Jason-san and Shaw-san had already gone ahead. I looked back one last time at the empty room before closing the door. I felt like I had closed off a part of my life. On deck, everyone was waiting for the gangplank to be put up. Below, anxious friends and relatives waited to greet us. I guess after maybe hearing about the hijacking, they were all concerned. I didn't see my father but, I'm sure he knew we were alright. I would phone him before continuing on. He would have known anyway from Kazuya. The gangplank was put in place and, the ship's Purser announced over the ship's loudspeakers that, we were cleared to disembark. They thanked us for choosing "SUN" lines and, they asked again our forgiveness for the hijacking. It was time to go... Kurumi clung to Shaw-san and cried after we left the ship. We were standing outside the customs office. We would have to go through. Since Hayden-san and the others were american citizens, they were clear. Shaw-san hugged and held her close telling her he loved her. I could see the afternoon sun shining off her hair. It reminded me a little of that moonlit night in Hawaii with Ayukawa. I could see her smiling. Hayden-san turned to me. "Well Kasuga, I can't say it was all fun. But, I'm glad we met. Remember some of the things I told you okay?" I nodded. "Hai, Shawn. We'll be looking for you in a few months." Hikaru-chan looked at us. "Darling, what does Shawn mean by, "some of the things he told you?" Hayden-san laughed. "Just, american stuff, Hikaru. Kasuga got an education this voyage. In a lot of things." He grinned. "Don't take too long making up your mind on things. You can't be indecisive forever, Kasuga." He moved to Ayukawa. "You're very special, Madoka. Don't forget me." I saw Ayukawa smile and, I noticed Manami bow her head. I could tell she really wanted to talk to him. I waited for her to say something but, she remained wordless. "We'll see you later, Shawn." Ayukawa gave him an impish grin. "You made a promise so you better keep it." Hayden-san laughed again and looked at his friends. "Let's go guys. We have to get to the airport." Shaw-san hugged Kurumi close one last time. They both had tears in their eyes and, I had to stop myself as he kissed her. Then, he picked up his bag and all three walked to a waiting bus. Kurumi ran past me toward the bus and screamed Shaw-san's name waving frantically as it pulled away. I could see Shaw-san waving back as the bus rolled past her and off the dock out of sight.... That was three months ago. I'm a senior in high school now, with Ayukawa. Hikaru-chan and I are still together. Kurumi writes Shaw-san often and waits for him to come to be with her. But, I doubt he ever will. Komatsu and Hatta come over and, they occupy my sisters on a daily basis. Manami doesn't say much about the trip. I think she is trying to forget Hayden-san. As for me, I still remember the good times we had and they will always fill me with special memories. We had a wonderful time in Washington DC. But, that's another story. I see Ayukawa often and, my love for her has never been stronger. But I'll never forget that summer I thought I lost her. For burning in my sweet memories will always remain....that Summer Cruise..... The End.