Kimagure Orange Road The Untold Stories! By Daniel C. Harrison In Honor of Matsumoto Izumi "FALL ROMANCE" Chapter One: The Letter Friday. It had been a long week for me. I didn't think there would be this many tests in one month. But then again, November has always been rough when it comes to school. Especially when it comes to english. I'm not very good at english. But, having someone like Ayukawa to help me when I need it has always been the best. Now sitting here in the last period, my eyes felt tired as I drunk in her loveliness. Sensei Yozamachi was spending this year preparing those of us that were seniors for the upcoming college entrance exams that would take place after the summer. But currently, I only had eyes for Ayukawa. She is my angel. My everlasting dream. Kasuga Kyouske 18 years old...this is my last year of High School. My last year before embarking on the road to life. To be a man and to be with Ayukawa. That was my dream. We both had talked of attending college together. So far Waseda University seemed to be the best choice. She had been looking at others as well though. She had even looked into a few in America. When she had said that, my fears had resurfaced. But, my fears had proved groundless. She assured me she had no plans to leave me. Or Hikaru-chan. Hikaru-chan. That was still a problem. A problem that I wish I was decisive enough to end. I had tried to end it last summer while on a cruise to America. Even when I thought I would lose Ayukawa, I found I couldnt hurt Hikaru-chan. But, things had worked out for me. I didn't lose Ayukawa and, I didn't have to hurt Hikaru-chan. When Ayukawa had been given a choice to either be with me or be with Hayden-kun, she had chosen me. Neither one of us had the courage to hurt Hikaru-chan. Hayden-kun. My thoughts went back to him. To Shaw-kun. My sister Kurumi has been writing to Shaw-kun for awhile. He had promised to sell his car and come to be with her in Japan. Faithfully, she had waited and had sworn Manami and I to secrecy. We had told no one of that summer cruise. Of what really happened. Our families knew but, Komatsu and Hatta and others knew nothing of our american friends. Kurumi had become depressed and finally decided that Shaw-kun wasn't coming after all. She had begun going out with Manami and other friends and, Hatta had gotten more agressive and still tried to date her. Komatsu was now pursuing Manami with a vengeance. I guess maybe my two friends were sensing this was their last year with them. "Pssttt. Kasuga...want to come with Hatta and I to "Burger Palace" after school?" "Eh?" The whisper brought me out of my thoughts and, I turned to see Komatsu smiling and raising his eyebrows at me. I knew what that hentai wanted. Burger Palace was a place they had taken me to before. It adjoined a place where women did aerobics and, Komatsu and Hatta liked the view. I had to admit, so did I. I nodded briskly and turned back as I heard him snicker. Looking back, I saw him nod to Hatta and, the two winked at each other. Now what were those two hentai planning? I looked up and realized that Sensei had just written several instructions on the board that I had completely missed! "Whaaa!" I said aloud. I noticed a few others staring at me and I could see Ayukawa across the room shake her finger at me and grin. She knew I hadn't been paying attention. I'm such a baka sometimes. I hurriedly copied the instructions down and moments later, Sensei turned and nodded. "Alright, that's your assignment. I want it in tomorrow without fail. Remember that moving from High School to college is a dedicated road. It takes work and lots of patience. I trust I won't have any ronin from my class?" The room fell dead silent as his gaze traversed the room. His eyes fell on me and he looked past me. "Did you understand that, Komatsu-san?" Komatsu looked up. "Hai! I understand perfectly Sensei! I know you as our instructor have the utmost confidence in all of us." Without answering, Sensei nodded. "Alright everyone. Rise!" I stood up along with everyone else. "BOW!" I bowed and waited. "DISMISSED! Remember...homework must be completed!" We were dismissed. I began to gather my things and, I felt a hand around my shoulder. "Are you all set Kasuga?" I looked over and saw Hatta smiling at me. "Uhmmm....I guess so." "You guess so?" Komatsu laughed. "Kasuga-kun, this is not the time to be thinking of homework and studies. This is the time to be a man. It's time to let go of our inhibitions and enjoy what little free time we have." "Hai Kasuga, you have to live life to the fullest and grab it with both hands." Hatta snickered. "Besides, I have something to show you in honor of your birthday." I shrugged. "Arigatoo. But, my birthday was a week ago. Your being at the party was good enough." "Ahhh but this is something special Kasuga!" Komatsu looked around quickly as if he was doing something illegal. He leaned closer to me. "Hatta and I are about to embark on a new career that will make us both very rich. If that happens, we won't be bothering with college so, all of this is pointless." I looked up and saw Ayukawa smiling at me. I waved at her nervously. I very much would rather be with her right now then my two hentai friends. But, before I could say anything else, they were dragging me out the door! "DAAAARLING!!" I felt the wind knocked out of me as I crashed to the hall floor just outside the classroom. Hikaru-chan had jumped on me. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. "Hikaru-chan." I gasped out. "Sempai, let's go to ABCB and have a couple of hot fudge sundaes. I have some homework that I would like some help with and I just know your smart enough to have all the answers. Your always so sweet to me." I felt her hug me and, I looked up to see Ayukawa looking at me. Our eyes met and I felt a pain in my heart again. When would we end this? How long would this lie last? When would either one of us decide it was time to be together and stop hurting each other. When would we have the courage to hurt Hikaru-chan? "Uhmmm, gomen nasai Hikaru-chan. I already promised Komatsu and Hatta I would go with them." I looked into the eyes of Ayukawa once more. "Ayukawa, can you help her?" "Hai." Ayukawa smiled nervously. She looked as if she was about to say something to me but, the words died before they even reached her lips. She nodded to Hikaru-chan. "I'll be happy to help you, Hikaru. I have to go to ABCB anyway." "Oh that's great Madoka-san!" Hikaru-chan giggled and hugged me again. "I really wish Sempai was going too though." She pulled away and smiled at me. "What do you have to do that is so important you can't be with me, Darling?" Before I could answer, Komatsu grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "Oh don't you worry, Hikaru-chan! This is a man's belated birthday celebration!" "Man's birthday?" Ayukawa looked confused. She stared at me accusingly. "Man's birthday?" Hikaru-chan echoed. Her gaze narrowed. "Baka! Where are you taking my Darling?" Hatta laughed. "Oh no place that he hasn't been before. This is no worse then a premature bachelor party." Ayukawa's face turned red and she swung away from me. Grabbing Hikaru-chan's hand she put her head up in the air and tossed her hair. "Come on Hikaru! Let's let the little boys play!" Hikaru-chan stared at me in disbelief. "Bachelor Party? they know something that I should know?" I glared at Hatta and swore. "Hatta! You're confusing things." I laughed nervously. "Uhmmm Hikaru-chan, they apparently want to take me someplace for a belated birthday party." Hikaru-chan acted like she hadn't even heard me. To make matters worse, several people around us were staring at us and whispering. Hikaru-chan smiled. "Well, I am sixteen now Darling. That's old enough don't you think? Is there something you wanted to ask me?" I swallowed nervously and felt the strength leave my body. If Komatsu hadn't been supporting me, I would have collapsed. Ayukawa was staring at me again and, the fire in her eyes was echoed by the hurt. How had this gotten started! "Uhmmm Hikaru-chan, that's not something that can be discussed at this time. Gomen nasai, I have to go." I let myself be led away by Komatsu watching the stunned faces of Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan. Bachelor party! What a mess!.... Shortly, I found myself in Burger Palace staring at the heavenly sights which they had intended for me to see. Komatsu smiled. "Been a long time hasn't it Kasuga? You spend too much time in the books studying. There's more to life then school." "Baka!" I sipped my Coke. "How do you expect to make it through life with no college? Do you plan to be a Ronin and end up in a second rate college or work a dead end job all your life?" Komatsu laughed. "Kasuga, your trouble is, you never look beyond the normal idea of being either a worker or the boring life of a company manager. There's more to life then school as I said. There are other careers. School is a waste..." I looked at him stunned. "School is a waste." I had heard those words before. My thoughts went back... "I don't plan to go to college, Kasuga. I plan to open a chain of auto repair shops with my boss Larry. College is a waste." Those words had come from Hayden-kun. Hayden-kun...Shawn. He was an American esper I had met last summer while on the "Sun Princess" during our summer cruise. At first we had hated each other. Fighting over the love of Ayukawa while I tried my best not to hurt Hikaru-chan. Hayden-kun had never betrayed me and told Hikaru-chan although he had been tempted. Together, the two of us had used our esper powers to help defeat Sandinista rebels that had hijacked our ship off the coast of Central America. After that, we had become close friends. In the three months since that cruise, I had gotten one letter from him. Ayukawa had gotten three. Shaw-kun his friend had regularly written Kurumi then, it had tapered off. He still wrote her but not as often. Knowing I would never see him again, I didn't know what I felt. "Kasuga, are you paying attention?" I looked up startled. I noticed Hatta had pulled out an envelope and he was handing Komatsu a book. "Eh? Gomen, I was just thinking." "I hope they were pleasant thoughts of naked women." Komatsu snickered. "Here, look at this." I took the book and opened it. "WAAAA!" I shouted. I was staring at animation images of beautiful naked girls. Some were dressed in leather and, a few had chains around them. In one, a demon was doing something unspeakable to a girl. I looked at Komatsu. "Is this what you wanted me to see?" Hatta grinned. "Do you like them? I drew them, Kasuga-kun. I drew them for you. Keep them. Someday, they will be collectors items. Someday, we will all sit together in my big house and talk of our long gone days from Junior High and High School." "Hatta has a rare talent." Komatsu smiled and drank down the rest of his orange soda. "Someday soon, he and I plan to market this talent. He will be the animator and, I will be the manager. I have big plans for us Kasuga. I plan to take his drawings and make a huge successful manga! Hatta is great! He's better then a lot of manga artists I have seen! Do you want a piece of this action?" I stared at him. "A piece of this? I...I don't know." I found myself stuttering and Hatta laughed. "Hentai is big, Kasuga! It's bigger then you know. Hentai is even getting popular in the US! Komatsu and I could make it big here in Japan then go international. It's a risk but, I can't see myself living the life of a company worker." I nodded. "Living your dreams. That's something we all want to do, Hatta." "And why not?" Komatsu grinned. "Why let others dictate to you what you will do with your life? I have the ability once we make enough money to take his mangas and make successful animes! Don't you see Kasuga? We're on the threshold of our lives. A turning point. I don't care if I pass the juku's and the college entrance exams. Neither does Hatta. We have our own agenda." Hatta cleared his throat. "And Kasuga, we want you with us. You can say no but, you may regret it later. If nothing else, at least think about it." I nodded. It was a rare opportunity if it succeeded. But...hentai? My sisters would scream if they knew and, Ayukawa would slam me most likely. was worth considering. "Uhmmm...what would you want me to do?" "Marketing!" Komatsu pulled out a sheet of paper and began to illustrate. "First, we have to get established. It will take time. That will require heavily marketing both Hatta as a new and upcoming animator and manga artist and ourselves as his representatives. It will require you to visit big companies. You'll need to go to places like JUMP and push very hard." His eyes narrowed. "You won't have time to be indecisive and, if you decide to do this, college will be out as well." "College out?" I said in surprise. "Of course, Kasuga." Hatta smiled. "How can you properly show you are a professional buisness marketing representative if your stuck in college? We'll need you with us full time." "Uhmmm I don't know." I started fidgeting. "Ayukawa and I have already been looking at.." "Ayukawa?" Komatsu looked at Hatta. Hatta shrugged. Komatsu laughed. "Why are you worried about what Ayukawa thinks? You should be concerned about how your going to support Hikaru-chan!" He poked me in the ribs. "Believe me Kasuga if this goes as we are planning, you'll have enough money to live comfortably and we'll all be laughing at everyone else who wasted their time going to college. Being in buisness for yourself is the only way to live well." He winked at me. "Have you given any thought to the fact that it may not work out?" I asked. Komatsu shrugged. "Of course. But, we can't live our lives thinking of that. Fear is something that anyone has to face. Give it some thought, we still have lots of time before college entrance exams. On that day, Hatta and I won't be there. We'll be preparing to turn the manga and anime industries on their ear! We are both hoping that you'll be with us. But, if your not, we'll still celebrate our success with you someday." "Arigatoo." I grinned and raised my glass. "Kempai!" "Kempai!" They clinked their glasses with mine. Komatsu smiled and nodded. "Happy Birthday again, Kasuga-kun. The future is bright and, we all have something to look forward to. One never knows what is on the path of life." Komatsu's words echoed in my head as I walked home. I thought of going to ABCB but, I wasn't sure what I would say to Ayukawa. That mess of a "bachelor party" would be all over the school tomorrow and, I didn't know what I would do when it came time to deal with it. I guess I would have to just clear up whatever misunderstandings resulted. And hope no one hated me.... I entered "Green Palace" where I lived and checked the mail. There were five bills, one advertisement and, a letter for Kurumi. I noticed it was from Tacoma, Washington. Another letter from Shaw-kun. I smiled. At least that would make Kurumi happy. Fending off Hatta's advances had been getting on her nerves. I exited the elevator and walked down the hall to our door. As I reached it, I could hear shouting. What the..? Opening the door, I jumped back as Jingoro our cat nearly tripped me. "Ahhh!" I fell forward and hit the floor. Immediately I gasped as someone stepped on me running out the door. "Jingoro! You get back here this instant and take your bath now!" Kurumi's words rang in my head as did the pain in my back where she had hit me. Groaning, I got up and rubbed my back. "Oniechan, you're home." I saw my sister Manami smile and wave from the kitchen. She had an apron on and was holding a spoon. "Papa won't be home tonight, he is working late. I'm making some soba. Is that okay?" "Hai." I collapsed on the couch and looked at my book case which I knew held a mountain of homework. Suddenly, Komatsu and Hatta's proposal appealed to me. I just couldn't see myself doing this for another four years! Or more! I looked at the letter that had Kurumi's name on it. "Kurumi got a letter." Manami nodded. "I see that. I don't think she cares much anymore. She's finally accepted a date with Hatta for this weekend. I think he said something about the movies." "A DATE WITH HATTA?" I shouted. I swore. "That baka! He didn't even mention it to me!" "Well, she is sixteen. So am I. We're allowed to date now. In fact, we can even get married." I looked at Manami and saw her turn away with a blush on her face. Someday, she would make a good wife for someone. But, I found myself hoping that was years away. I sighed. "So, I wonder when they will finally just end it?" "You mean her and Shaw-kun? I don't know." Her voice was filled with emotion. "I know she is hurting. I didn't think that it mattered that much." "Shipboard romances never last." I said quietly. She looked out at me from the kitchen and, I saw her eyes grow wide. It was something she had said to me when I had learned she had fallen for Hayden-kun. But, Hayden-kun wanted Ayukawa. I guess everyone had been hurt on that voyage one way or another. Manami nodded silently. "I guess I was wrong. At any rate, it's over." The door opened and Kurumi entered. "Now you listen to me Jingoro! You're going to take this bath and, if you try to run away again I'm going to paint you up to look like a punk!" "Kurumi!" Manami chastised her. "Well, I know he won't run if I do that." She giggled and nodded to me. "Welcome home, Oniechan." I held up the letter and smiled. "From Shaw-kun." She sighed and took it. "I guess this is the last one. Or should be. If he doesn't end it this time, I will. I can't go on just waiting for someone. I'm not like..." her voice trailed off..."someone else." I looked at her quickly feeling like I had been shot! She had obviously been referring to my situation with Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan. Both my sisters knew my true feelings. They both knew and were saying nothing. Both had expressed disapproval at one time or another in their own way. I guess this was just another way Kurumi was showing it. She opened the letter and sat down in the chair opposite me to read it. Her frown suddenly changed to an expression of surprise. Then, her surprise changed to one of pure joy. Screaming, Kurumi jumped up and grabbed me pulling me to my feet. She shouted and jumped up and down hanging onto my hands. "HE'S COMING! HE'S COMING! HE'S COMING!!!!" Manami charged out of the kitchen and almost dropped the dish she was carrying. "Coming? Who, Shaw-kun?" Kurumi was ecstatic. She kept screaming and jumped around the room. She giggled and picked up Jingoro and began singing. " me....I just dance in the sweet memories!!" Manami giggled. "Baka! That isn't how it goes!" "It does for me Manami-chan!" She screamed again and danced with Jingoro. I picked up the letter where she had dropped it. I looked at Manami. "It's true." I couldn't believe my eyes. Manami took the letter from me and read aloud: "My dearest Darling, I have missed you so much you can't imagine. I am always thinking of you. But, that time is finally over! I have enough money and, I have a way to get to Japan. I even have a place to live. Shawn's mother is incredible! She not only convinced my parents to let me come here but, Shawn's entire family is moving there as well! We'll be together soon babe! We'll all be on United Airlines Flight 405 this Sunday evening. We'll be arriving at 5:15 p.m. I can't wait to see you babe! I love you Kurumi and, I'm always thinking of you! I'm sorry this has taken so long. I've been working hard on my japanese so, I hope I can communicate better with you and everyone else once I get there. Shawn says Hi and, his sisters do the same. I love you Kurumi. See ya Sunday night! Jim. Manami dropped the letter. "I guess shipboard romances do last after all." I looked at Kurumi who was still squealing and dancing around the room. I would have to call my father and let him know. It turned out Shaw-kun was serious about my sister after all. He would have to meet my entire family. I wondered how Ojiichan would react..... Chapter Two: Preparations I swallowed nervously as the phone rang. What would I say to her? Especially after the mess that had resulted from Hatta's bad choice of words this afternoon. Sometimes Ayukawa could be so moody. But, after what she had heard this time, I wouldn't blame her. And, knowing that Hayden-kun was coming with his entire family..I wasn't sure what I felt. "Hai, this is Ayukawa-san." I hesitated. I didn't know what to say. "Hai, this is Ayukawa-san. Is someone there?" "Uhmm, Ayukawa, this is Kasuga." "Kasuga-kun! How nice. Did you have fun playing your little boy games? When is this "wedding" that the bachelor party was for?" "No! No! You misunderstood Ayukawa! The whole thing was a big mix-up because Hatta can't keep his mouth shut. They were only taking me to "Burger Palace" to show me something..Uhmmm no that's not what I meant to say!" I felt like hanging up quickly but, I stopped myself. Why was I such a baka? "Burger Palace huh? You were oogling all those beautiful women again weren't you? I know what's next door to that place!" "But..but Ayukawa, I..I mean I didn't plan to go there but..." "Then why did you?" she challenged me. "Uhmmm...I...I don't know. I..I guess I just couldn't tell them no." She sighed. "I understand. That's how it's been since I met you I guess. By the way, Hikaru was busy trying to figure out what kind of wedding dress she should wear." " dress?" "You practically told her that it was a bachelor party! You didn't admit it but, you didn't exactly deny it either. I'm sure everyone in school will be congratulating you two tomorrow." "NO! Uhmm...Ayukawa please! I..I didn't plan for that. I'll have to tell her and everyone that...that it was just a mistake." There was dead silence for a few moments. "You can really do that huh? The last big misunderstanding about you and Hikaru, Manami had to clear it up." "I can do it." I said firmly. "I..I can't let that go on." "No, you can't..not like.." she went silent. "never mind." she finally finished. Ouch! That had hurt. I swallowed hard as to what I was about to say. "Uhmm Ayukawa. Kurumi got a letter today." "A letter?" she asked. "Hai. From Shaw-kun." She sighed again. "I guess it's finally over for her then isn't it? It was a fun trip Kasuga-kun. At least we got some good friends out of it. I haven't heard from Hayden-kun in a long time though." " isn't over. Shaw-kun is moving here along with Hayden-kun and Hayden-kun's entire family." I swallowed again as the phone went quiet. I could hear her breathing on the other end. " coming here?" she asked again. I felt my heart sink. "Hai, Ayukawa. This Sunday night. I've already told my Dad and, he is making plans for a big family gathering." "Shaw-kun was serious after all." she said aloud as if wondering to herself. "I wonder if someone else still is?" "Ayukawa..." I whispered. "Don't worry, Kasuga-kun. feelings haven't changed. But, I didn't think I would ever see Hayden-kun again. Now, I don't know what I will do. I guess I'll just see what happens." "Ayukawa...please..I...I.." I didn't know what to say now. I felt like things were really in flux between us. Lately I had been trying to spend more time with Ayukawa but, it always seemed to be the three of us. Hikaru-chan was always there. "I have to go, Kasuga-kun. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Homework is important and, I need to finish mine. Have you started yours yet?" " I haven't." "Better get to it then." She giggled. "Bye now." I listened as she hung up the phone and felt my heart still beating quickly. Her voice..her voice was so soft. So full of..emotion. What were her feelings regarding Hayden-kun now? What would I do? If indeed he did still love her and, she fell for him..would I truly lose her this time? "Oniechan, get up!" "Uhmmm" I rubbed my eyes and looked up. I was sitting bent over at my desk, my homework most of the way completed. "Wahhh! I must have fallen asleep!" Manami nodded. "Fortunately I got you up in time. You better eat quickly and finish that before class starts. I have to go, Komatsu wanted me to walk to school with him." "Komatsu?" I looked at her. "Manami, what..?" "Don't worry. It's just a walk." She winked. "Kurumi has a bigger problem then I do. She has to figure out how to break a date." "With Hatta..." I sighed. "That won't make him happy." "What exactly did Papa say when you told him about things?" I stood up and stretched my back. "He was concerned. I guess he didn't think that Shaw-kun was that serious about Kurumi and, I didn't know what to say. He was going to cancel work for Monday so he could spend some time with Shaw-kun and help Hayden-kun's family get settled in. I offered to help but, he said school came first." Manami nodded. "I don't really know what I will do when I see Hayden-kun again. feelings for him aren't as strong but, I'm not sure what will happen when I see him again. Does he still like Madoka-san?" I stared at her. "Manami..uhmm I have no idea. His last letter I got only talked about things in the States and the fact if things didn't work out, he'd try to say hello in a few years. I guess whatever plans Shaw-kun had worked out after all. But, I didn't expect Hayden-kun to have his whole family move here!" "It isn't very unusual when you think about it." Manami smiled. "After all, Hayden-kun did say his mother worked as a marketing executive and she does travel a lot. What does his father do?" "Uhmmm...he works at home I think." That was a lie. But, I had told Hayden-kun I would never tell what he had told me. The truth was, he had revealed that his mother worked as an agent for the "eliminator" he had called her. His father worked for the NCS..National Security Council I think is what it meant. Big stuff. What was going on with them coming to Japan? "Well, I'll see you later then Oniechan." She waved and walked out. "Oh!" she shouted. "Your lunch is in the refrigerator. Better get moving!" I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:00. I would have to move! Quickly I struggled into my school uniform and checked to make sure it was neat because, Sensei Yozamachi was jumping a few students about that yesterday. I didn't want to be one of them. That accomplished, I woofed down a sandwich and pulled out my homework. Struggling, I quickly worked through the last few problems hoping they were right. I didn't have time to double check. I then put them back in my case and looked at the clock. It was 8:10! Wahhhh! I would have to run! Moving to the door, my eyes fell on Shaw-kun's letter on the table. I hesitated for a second. Then, I slammed the door and after making sure it was locked, I ran hard toward the stairs. No elevator today... "Kasuga-kun if you keep this up, you're going to be a track star!" I panted heavily as Hatta grinned at me. "Uhmm...I had to make sure I got to school on time." I felt like I was going to pass out. I looked up from my desk and saw Ayukawa looking at me. She smiled and waved. I nodded and waved back. Suddenly, she got up and came over to me. "Kasuga-kun, would you like to come to ABCB after school for a treat? I'll treat you this time." I saw Komatsu stare at her. She glared at him then looked back at me expectantly. "Hai, I'd like that." I smiled. "Arigatoo, Ayukawa." "Good." She nodded to Komatsu and Hatta and went back to her seat across the room. "RISE!" We all rose as Sensei Tomaka entered. He smiled and looked around. "Ohayoo everyone. I have some news that will be of interest. Three American students will be coming next week to be in our class. I want you all to make sure you give them a nice welcome. They'll be here Monday morning." Komatsu grinned. "Ahhh this should be good. I wonder if any of them are females?" "Baka." I sighed. Sensei Tomaka looked at Komatsu then turned to the board. "I trust everyone finished the homework from yesterday? Please have it passed forward." I sighed and passed this classes homework forward. It would be a long morning.... "When are you going to tell Hatta?" I looked at Ayukawa. We only had a few hours left since Saturday school was only a half day. "Uhmm, well that isn't something that I should do it's up to Kurumi." "I still can't believe they are coming." she said quietly. "I wasn't sure what to believe until I heard Sensei Tomaka say it. Three of them though? Is Jason-kun coming?" "I doubt it." I looked out over the city as I spoke feeling my heart grow heavy again. "I..I think the other one is Hayden-kun's older sister. Her name was Marcia I believe." Ayukawa grinned. "That will be nice. He told me a little about her. They don't get along very well. The one that will be the most interesting to meet will be his younger sister Darla. She would be fifteen now..and he said she was a child genius. She is a part time teacher at the University of Washington." "Hai." I answered. "My parents are thinking of moving to Seattle." she said quietly. "Eh?" I looked at her. "What..?" "They like the climate. I've never been there as I said but, I was thinking of going for a visit in the future." She looked at me. "Maybe we both could go?" I smiled. "I'd like that, Ayukawa." "Class is getting ready to start." Hatta said to me as he passed. I nodded to Ayukawa and, we both went back in.... "Darling!" Hikaru-chan grabbed onto me as I exited the class. I noticed all eyes were on us now. "Uhmm Ohayoo Hikaru-chan." "Why weren't you here this morning to spend time with me before class?" she asked. "I waited for you outside then, it grew too late and I had to go in. "Gomen nasai, Hikaru-chan. I was running late. I barely made it to class." "Sempai, can you come with me to ABCB? I wanted to spend time with you." "Actually, he was going to be there anyway. I'm treating him to a sundae but, I'll do the same with you, Hikaru." Ayukawa smiled. "Madoka-san!" She giggled. "You are sooo cool Madoka-san! How did you read my mind? You always know what I am thinking." "Well, not always." Ayukawa grinned and took her hand. "Come on let's go. Are you coming Kasuga-kun?" "Hai." I followed behind them till suddenly, Hikaru-chan reached back and took my other hand. "My best friend..and my future husband!" she said. "Waaaa!" I looked around quickly. "Hi..Hikaru-chan don't say that!" She smiled. "Oh come on Sempai! A belated bachelor party! Everyone in school is talking about it! The only other bigger news is Kurumi's american boyfriend coming to live here!" I stared at her. "Uhmmm, she told everyone?" "She couldnt't keep it quiet." Hikaru-chan giggled. "I can't wait to see them again. And, I think having Hayden-kun's family here will be cool." "It will be interesting." Ayukawa said quietly. "Oh come on Madoka-san! You and Hayden-kun were so close on the "Sun Princess." Maybe whatever broke you up will click different this time and it'll all work out." I swallowed nervously. Ayukawa nodded. "Maybe." she said quietly. I felt my heart sink again. What was she feeling...? I sat and nursed the soda in front of me that was in front of the empty dish that had held a hot fudge sundae I had just finished. Ayukawa was behind the counter as always working and putting things away while Hikaru-chan smiled at me from across the table. "What are you thinking, Darling?" "I..I'm just trying to take it all in, Hikaru-chan. Seeing them again will be an experience. It's something I hadn't planned on." "Why does it surprise you so? I know that Kurumi and Shaw-kun were really in love on that cruise. Just like you and I. Right?" I looked over at Ayukawa and she turned away as if ignoring the conversation. "I..Hai." Hikaru-chan took my hand. "Besides Darling.." she leaned forward conspiratorily and looked over at Ayukawa. "I'm going to try to get Madoka-san and Hayden-kun together again. But, if that doesn't work out, I think Manami would be a good choice." I looked at her and sighed. "Baka. What are you trying to do play matchmaker?" "Of course." She giggled. "I want everyone to be as happy as you and I Darling." She squeezed my hand. "So tell me how was the bachelor party?" I swallowed. " wasn't a bachelor party! I told you that. It was Hatta's bad description. They took me to "Burger Palace" to see..." "It was hentai's having fun!" Ayukawa interrupted and slammed a coffee down in front of Hikaru-chan. "I think maybe SOMEONE better clear up this misunderstanding right now." I looked at the table. Hikaru-chan looked at Ayukawa then back at me. "Darling? Is there something you want to ask me that you haven't had the courage? Or, are you just the victim of another mess?" "Uhmm...another mess." I whispered. "I..Hikaru-chan, I have no plans right now to ask you...that kind of question. It's far too soon." Ayukawa looked at me and turned away sighing. She picked up the dishes on the table and went back behind the counter. "So what your telling me is, I should stop looking at wedding dresses." Hikaru-chan sighed. "I was hoping that things might be different. Darling, I think it's a given we will be together. I'm sixteen and that's legal. We don't have to commit to anything until your ready." I grit my teeth and cursed my indecisiveness. Why couldn't I end this? Why was it going on the way it was! Ayukawa was right here! I could tell Hikaru-chan and get it over with. I looked up. "I...Arigatoo, Hikaru-chan." BAKA! I was a complete BAKA! Ayukawa sighed again and came out from behind the counter. "Not many customers and, with Master on vacation, I guess I'll close early. What time was that flight due in tomorrow, Kasuga-kun?" "Uhmm 5:15 p.m. United Airlines Flight 405." "Flight 405." Ayukawa echoed. "Didn't they make a movie about a plane with a ghost on it using that name?" "Madoka-san, that's baka!" Hikaru-chan giggled. "Everything is going to be perfect. Kurumi-chan is very excited. She could hardly sit still and, she was the center of attention when she talked about all the preparations she was going to make. I'm really happy for her! It's almost like a story book you know? The Prince from a foreign country overcoming all odd's to be with his Princess he loves. Shaw-kun must have worked awful hard to do this." "I guess so." Ayukawa smiled. "I'm still wondering how he managed to convince Hayden-kun's family to move here. I know that Hayden-kun said their parents were close friends but, to move your entire family to appease a love promise is..." "Romantic!" Hikaru-chan giggled. "Madoka-san, it's fate! It's fate that you will be seeing Hayden-kun again. Just like it's fate Darling and I will be together eventually." She squeezed my hand. Ayukawa looked at me with a sadness in her eyes and nodded. "Perhaps so. I have to close up in a bit. Why don't you two get going? I'll see you later on." I felt like holding Ayukawa just now. I could see the pain she was feeling and, I was cursing myself for being the cause of it. I didn't deserve her feeling. I didn't deserve Hikaru-chan's feeling. Why was I this indecisive? Suddenly, the door opened. Komatsu and Hatta entered and, Komatsu pointed at me. "Kasuga-kun! We want a word with you! Now!" I looked at Ayukawa then back at them...."Uhmmm Hikaru-chan, I'll see you later. I have some unfinished buisness to take care of." Hikaru-chan nodded and waved goodbye. "See you later, Darling." I started to get up but, Komatsu pushed me back into the booth. "What's this I'm hearing about Kasuga? What's this about you already KNOW these americans coming? What's this about a cruise of romance last summer...?" Chapter Three:Accusations! I watched Hikaru-chan leave and looked over at Ayukawa. She had moved behind the counter and was busying herself washing dishes. "Answer me, Kasuga!" Komatsu glared at me. "Is this true?" I sat down in the booth and stared into Hatta's accusing eyes. "Hai. Gomen. It's true." Hatta sighed and looked at Komatsu. He turned back to me. "Kasuga...why didn't you say anything? We knew you went to America over the summer but, we knew nothing of this! And, Kurumi-chan! She broke a date with me so she could go to the airport and meet this so-called american boyfriend! I feel like I've been betrayed!" I balled up my fists and grit my teeth staring at the table. " one meant to hurt you. Kurumi asked Manami and I not to stay anything because, in the event things didn't work out, she didn't want rumors to be hurting anyone." "No of course not, she just avoids my efforts to get a date with her! Then when I finally accomplish it..a real date..she dumps me the day before because she has been "waiting" all this time for some damn american boyfriend I didn't even know existed! LOOK AT ME KASUGA!" His anger shocked me and, I met his accusing eyes. Komatsu kept silent watching us. Usually, Komatsu was the one that spoke while Hatta only echoed what he heard. This was a new attitude for Hatta. "I...gomen nasai Hatta. I don't know what else I can say." Komatsu leaned forward. "Kasuga, we're your friends! We've been friends since Junior High. You could have told us. Let me ask you this. Are there other secrets about you we should be aware of?" Hatta nodded. "The tape on that vcr fouled up and we could never prove it. But, the fact remains, we still think you are an esper!" My head began throbbing and I felt a cold fear. I looked quickly at Ayukawa who had been watching and turned quickly away. Komatsu put up his hand. "That's for another time Hatta. Kasuga, let's forget all that. Tell me, is this romance for Kurumi serious?" Hatta was staring at me intently. My god! Was Hatta serious about Kurumi? "I..I think so." I hesitated. "I don't think he would come all the way here to live if he was not serious. They.." I swallowed. "they were very close on that cruise." Hatta swore. "Cruise of love was it? Come on Kasuga, what other secrets did you hide that were on that cruise! Did you do "C" with Hikaru-chan?" "BAKA!" I shouted. I looked over at Ayukawa and, I noticed Komatsu smiling. "You did, didn't you?" he laughed. "You sly devil you! What was it like becoming a man eh? I asked you this once before but, that was a mistake. This can't be! As close as you and Hikaru-chan have must have done "C" with her by now!" I stood up. "I don't have to stand here and listen to this from you two! I apologize for not telling you about the cruise. But, Kurumi asked me not to. Hatta...I had no idea you were this serious for my sister. I always thought you were just interested in playing around." I looked at him sternly, "And that's something I will never allow!" "I respect Kurumi-chan." Hatta leaned back and smiled. "I respect her just like I always have. But now, I am going to be more serious. I didn't know anyone else was going to be with her. I'll have to work very hard at trying to win her I guess....." His words struck me! Those were the same words that Hayden-kun had said concerning Ayukawa! What...what would happen when he finally did arrive? How would Ayukawa react? My fear returned. "Anyway Kasuga, this has been very shocking for both of us." Komatsu sighed. "If we are to be buisness partners in our future endeavor, we cannot have secrets from each other. They will only undermine our confidence and trust." I noticed Ayukawa looking at me. Now, I would have to explain that too! "Uhmm I can't make a decision on something like that so fast. You're assuming I'm all set to say okay." "You'd be foolish not to but, it's your choice." Komatsu laughed. Hatta got up and looked at me. "Kasuga." His words wouldn't come but, I could see the concern in his eyes. "Kasuga..Kurumi-chan. she thinking of marrying this guy?" "Hai." I said. "Tell us about him Kasuga. Tell us all about it." Komatsu looked at me expectantly.... I looked quickly at Ayukawa. Then, I told them the truth. Both of them listened as I described the trip on the "Sun Princess." The nights of joy. The days of wonder. The attempted hijacking. I left out the part where Hayden-kun and I had worked together to foil the hijackers. I noticed Ayukawa was looking away from me at this point. I told of the love that Kurumi and Shaw-kun had shared. I left out the battle between myself and Hayden-kun. I told of Manami's being with Jason-kun. Komatsu stiffened but, I saw him relax when I said there was nothing between them. I also failed to tell them of what Manami had said to me regarding her feelings for Hayden-kun. When I had finished, both of them sat quietly. Hatta looked up at me. "Sounds like it was a complicated vacation. Full of joy and fear. I wish I could have gone." Ayukawa sighed and came from around the counter. "Gomen, Hatta-kun. We didn't have enough money to cover you two as well. I asked Kasuga and his sisters to come with Hikaru and I. My parents had already set aside enough to cover the voyage." "So you were the one who organized this, Ayukawa-san?" Komatsu nodded. "And what love interest did you find on this cruise? Could it be this other american named Hayden-kun?" Ayukawa glared at him. "I've said enough. This subject is over. I have to close up, please leave." Hatta winked at Komatsu. "Okay, we're leaving." He turned back to me. "Kasuga, I'm very disappointed in you. I would have thought you'd be more open with your friends. But, since Kurumi-chan asked you not to say anything regarding this, I can't fault you completely. I will have to talk to her. Just because she has some guy coming from America I didn't know about, that doesn't mean I'm going to give up!" I nodded slowly. "I understand. Good luck, Hatta." "Come on, Hatta. Time to be men and expand ourselves! We will win over our beautiful ladies despite these american interlopers!" Komatsu grinned. "See you later, Kasuga-kun. Think hard about your future." I watched them leave remembering the hurt look in Hatta's eyes. "I guess Kurumi broke her date with him." I sighed and turned to find Ayukawa behind me. "Hai. She never has had a problem being direct." "Unlike you." she said quietly. "Did you do anything with Hikaru on that trip?" I stared at her in surprise. "Of course not, Ayukawa! I..I would never do that..." "She tried though didn't she?" she cut in. "I saw it in her eyes every night. She wanted to be with you so badly. Maybe you should have." "NO!" I took her hands and looked into her eyes. "Ayukawa...I...I don't feel that way about..about Hikaru-chan." She smiled. "Kasuga-kun." Her voice was soft like summer rain. I wanted to lean forward and kiss her. For a moment time seemed suspended and, I felt as if we were back on the beach in Hawaii again. But, the moment passed and, she looked away. "I have to finish up and close ABCB. We all have a big day tomorrow. I imagine Kurumi is going to be a nervous wreck. I'm not sure how I will be." "Are you coming to the airport to meet them?" I asked. Ayukawa pulled away from me and, I let lose my grip on her hands. She picked up a cloth and began wiping down the counter. "Hai, I had planned to. It would be rude not to give them a proper welcome. Kasuga-kun, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I knew what she meant. She could feel my fear that the minute she saw Hayden-kun again her feelings would resurface. For a brief time, I think she might have had real feelings for him. But, she had chosen to abandon them in favor of how she felt about me. I wanted to hold her badly right now. But, like a fool, I had missed that moment.... I returned home to find my father on the telephone. He was nodding and smiling. "Hai. Hai, I understand. You've already contacted a realtor? Excellent! Hai, I know of some good rental homes in this area. I imagine considering the circumstances we will want to live close. I'm also planning a family gathering for next weekend. Kurumi's relatives will want to meet him. And all of you as well." I looked over at him realizing he was on the phone with what appeared to be Hayden-kun's parents! I sat down and watched. "Hai. We'll meet you tomorrow at the airport. Everything is being prepared. What? Hai, we can do that. If it's only short term, they can stay in Kyouske's room until you get settled in..." I stared at him. "Stay in my room?" He nodded to me and smiled again. "Fine, we'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" He hung up the phone. Sighing, he collapsed on the couch. "Old man, what's going on?" He looked at me. "Oh..well, the Hayden family and Shaw-kun will be here tomorrow. They've already set appointments with a local realtor to find a house and rent it. They're going to be getting settled in this week. She wanted to know if it's alright if the kids stayed here till then." "She?" I asked. "Mrs. Hayden. Very charming woman. Nice voice. I'll look forward to meeting her." He sighed. "Too bad it isn't Shaw-kun's mother. That's who I really want to meet. And, his father." I nodded. "This is serious isn't it? I mean...are you thinking that Kurumi might marry him?" My father laughed. "People don't sell their possessions and work two jobs to save money then convince another family to come to Japan with them unless they are serious." He nodded. "I...I'm not ready for this but, unless something changes, I think that this may very well be the man that Kurumi does marry. I will insist that she go to college though. If they marry while in college, he will have to support her. I will be interested in talking to him about how he intends to accomplish that." I couldn't believe my ears. Kurumi...getting married? It would be several years away but, the fact Shaw-kun had actually followed through on his promise had showed my father a lot. Up until now whenever Kurumi had gotten a letter or mentioned Shaw-kun, he hadn't taken it seriously. Now suddenly, like us all, he was faced with the reality. I wondered after three months if Kurumi's love was strong enough for such a commitment. I also found myself wondering...when Hayden-kun arrived...what would be Ayukawa's reaction....? Chapter Four: Anticipation! Her playing was magnificent as I sat and listened to it. As I watched, her raven black hair flowed down her back like a turbulent river. It seemed to meld together and tossed like a living thing. She smiled at me and took the saxophone away from her lips. Those soft lips that I had seldom kissed... "Ouuuch!" I jolted awake as I came out of my dream awakened by Jingoro's claws on my back. "Get off me Jingoro!" Jingoro made a discontented meow and shook himself. I sighed and rubbed my back where he had dug his claws in. I would have some marks there! I looked at the clock. It was 8:00 a.m. So... Sunday had arrived. I could hear my two sisters talking through the wall next door, their excited sounds of delight. Tonight after three months, Kurumi would be reunited with Shaw-kun. And, Ayukawa would see Hayden-kun again. I wasn't sure if I was happy or not. I climbed off the bed and went to my closet to get some clothes. My thoughts went back... "One thing Kasuga.." his voice said, "Madoka isn't going to wait around forever. If you haven't claimed her by the time I come to Japan, all bet's are off. I'll resume my quest to have her...." I began to feel worried again. I knew Ayukawa loved me. I had no doubt of that. But, I also knew neither one of us had the courage to hurt Hikaru-chan. Her friendship was too important to Ayukawa and, I couldn't bear to see her cry. I didn't want to see Hayden-kun and I fight over Ayukawa again. But I also didn't want to lose Ayukawa. All that had been settled at the end of that cruise. At least...I hoped it had been. I pulled a shirt out and put it on. Digging for my pants in a drawer, I thought of how terrifying Hayden-kun was when he was angry. Like me, he too was an esper. But, his powers were different then mine. He also seemed to control them better. Hayden-kun had the ability to do pyrokenesis. He could set fires without even trying. He had saved us all on that cruise by cutting the shaft to the propellers disabling the "Sun Princess" so the Sandinistas couldn't take us off. He also had the ability to see through anything. X-ray vision he called it. He also seemed to control weather. This was used too at certain points during that cruise. After we had successfully helped stop the hijacking, Hayden-kun and I had become good friends. I hoped it would remain so.... As I lay down on my bed to relax a moment, I thought of what he had told me of his sisters. The oldest Marcia also had powers. Like my family, she had the ability to use "the power" to move objects. But, she also could do something else..she could fly. I was even surprised by that. He also had a younger sister, Darla. But, from what he had said, Darla had no powers. She was instead a genius teaching a class in nuclear physics at the University of Washington...all that at the age of fifteen! She was younger then Kurumi and Manami only much smarter! What would they be like? His parents were the real shocker for me. What were they doing coming to Japan? I couldn't tell anyone but, I wondered what my father would have said if he knew he was talking to a secret agent on the phone? An agent for the CIA! And, his father was an agent for the National Security Council! What possible reason could they have for coming to Japan? It certainly couldn't of been because of a promise for Shaw-kun! Even Hayden-kun had indicated they were too busy for that. Unlike me, Hayden-kun did not share a close relationship with his parents. It made me feel a little more appreciative that I had my father home. It also made me miss my mother... I climbed off my bed and went to get some breakfast. As I entered the living room, I could see my father sitting at the breakfast table drinking coffee. "Ohayoo, Old Man." He looked at me. "Ohayoo, Kyouske. So, today is the big day I guess." "You don't sound happy." I reached into the refrigerator and poured myself a glass of milk. I could see he was staring at the paper without even reading it. "Kyouske.." he began. He stopped in mid-sentence. "Hai?" "Kyouske..I don't know what to do. I thought when the day came that one of my daughters would be serious about a man I would know what to say. Now, I can't think of a thing. I should be planning a concerned father speech to see if Shaw Jim-kun is truly serious about my daughter." I sat down and nodded. "Uhmmm...I..I kind of did that on the cruise. You told me that you wanted me to watch out for Kurumi and Manami both. I tried." "You did fine, Kyouske. I'm not blaming you." He sighed. I had never seen my father look so serious. "I don't think I'm ready for this." "Oi Oi!" I said. "It isn't like he's taking Kurumi away or anything. They're just coming here to see if...if..." I trailed off not knowing how to finish. "To see if they truly love each other." He smiled at me. "Kyouske, when I heard how much this young man had worked and what he had given up to make this trip, I was very impressed. However, he is going to have to learn that what's acceptable on an american cruise ship or in america is not necessarily acceptable in Japan. There will be cultural differences to be sure." "Hai." I looked at him. "We had language differences but, I guess that's only one problem." "There will be many they will have to deal with. And, Kurumi is not a patient girl. I don't know what will happen. But, they are coming. Tonight." He sighed. I drank my milk then went to pour myself some coffee. I heard the door open and, Manami came out. "Ohayoo, Papa. Ohayoo, Oniechan." "Manami." My father nodded to her. "Is Kurumi awake?" "Kurumi is trying to decide what to wear tonight." Manami giggled. "It's hours away but, she's so nervous she acts like it's happening now." "Understandable." My father got up. "I have to do some work. I'll be back later. Please make sure that the apartment is clean. Tonight, your friends will be staying with us." "Staying with us?" Manami looked up. "Hai. Until they get settled in a house which should be this week, Mrs. Hayden asked if it was alright if the boys and girls stayed here. The boys will be staying in Kyouske's room and, the girls will stay in yours. Have the futons ready please." "Hai, Papa." Manami grinned. "This should be fun!" My father nodded and waved goodbye. As I watched him leave, I could feel his concern. Even if things did work out as they seemed to be between Kurumi and Shaw-kun, it would be a few years before my father would allow them to marry. In that time, many changes could take place. Feelings could change..even...Ayukawa's.... "It's tonight isn't it Kurumi-chan?" Kurumi giggled and took a bite of her pie. She smiled at Hikaru-chan who sat next to me. "I'm so excited I can barely see straight. I actually spent hours today trying to find the perfect dress! I'm going to look the best I can for him." "I know how you feel." Hikaru-chan smiled at me. "I always try to look my best for my Darling even when I'm not dressed up. Isn't that right, Sempai?" I looked at Hikaru-chan nervously. Kurumi raised her eyebrows as if waiting for me to say something. "Uhmm..of course, Hikaru-chan." I saw Kurumi sigh and, she turned to Master who was behind the counter. "Master, did you have a good vacation?" "Oh yes Kurumi-chan. I went up the coast and did some fishing. There's a little bar up there that has live entertainment. It's always been my dream to someday have something like that." "Hey Master, why don't we do that sometime!" Hikaru-chan?" Master stared at her questioningly. "Have an entertainment band here. Maybe we could reform "Pikaru's" I looked at her. "Pikaru's" was a one time band we had formed to play in a festival. It had gone over well. Yusaku had been involved in it but, he was gone now. I guess Hikaru-chan was forgetting that. "Darling wouldn't that be fun? We could get with everyone who was here before and play again! It would be great fun!" "Uhmmm...Hikaru-chan..Yusaku isn't here anymore. He was our bass player." Her smile faded. "Oh...gomen, I forgot." She turned to Master. "Gomen nasai Master. I guess we couldn't do it after all." "That's alright Hikaru-chan. Perhaps later on when I get my new place and you find others." "Anyway," Kurumi laughed, "I can't wait to see him again. And, seeing Hayden-kun again will be great! I wonder what his sisters and parents are like?" Hikaru-chan nodded. "It'll be like old times. We can talk about the cruise again and what we've all been doing since then." I sat quietly while they talked. Ayukawa wasn't here. Master had given her the day off. She said she had several things to do before our friends arrival tonight. I felt my heart sink again. Was she making herself beautiful right now...for Hayden-kun perhaps? I forced that thought away as I listened to Kurumi and Hikaru-chan continue... "Don't you think Madoka-san and Hayden-kun make a great couple?" Hikaru-chan said suddenly. I turned quickly looking at her. Kurumi was staring at the table. "Well...Hikaru-chan...there is something you need to know before you try to match Madoka-san with Hayden-kun. I looked at Kurumi and, Hikaru-chan was meeting her gaze. I waited for Kurumi to blurt it all out. She had known all this time just like Manami my true feelings for Ayukawa. Was she about to reveal this to Hikaru-chan? ""Something I should know?" Hikaru-chan asked. "Uhmm...I have to go.." I started to get up. "Oniechan, sit down a second." Kurumi smiled. "Hikaru-chan, Manami has had feelings for Hayden-kun for a long time." Hikaru-chan's eyes went wide. "What? Really Kurumi-chan? I thought she and Jason-kun had been really close and.." Kurumi shook her head. "The whole time she was with Jason-kun, she really wanted to be with Hayden-kun. But, she didn't want to hurt Jason-kun. So, she buried her feelings and by the end of the cruise, she still hadn't revealed them." Hikaru-chan smiled. "And now she's going to reveal them to him?" "I think she is going to try. She said her feelings aren't what they were but, I think when she sees him again they will return. She's good at hiding it but, she's as nervous about this as I am." Hikaru-chan nodded again. "Okay I understand now. I won't do anything to get involved. I just wish Madoka-san would find someone. She's been so good to me over the years, maybe she will soon." Kurumi looked at me and sighed. "Maybe so. I have to go, I still have to get my hair done. Oniechan, I'll see you later." She got up and waved goodbye. After she left, I felt Hikaru-chan put her head on my shoulder. "Darling, I'm so happy for her. I hope that everyone ends up as happy as us someday." I felt a lump in my throat and looked over at Master who was watching us intently. He smiled. "How about a dish of ice cream on the house?" "Hai!" Hikaru-chan shouted. Master came over and put the ice cream in front of us. "Something cold and sweet to prepare for a hot night of anticipation." Hikaru-chan giggled and I felt myself turn red. Master smiled again and went back behind the counter. I looked at the clock. It was 1:00 p.m. In just a few hours, I would be seeing Hayden-kun and Shaw-kun again. I was beginning to wonder now if I even wanted to.... Chapter Five: Arrival! "Oniechan! Get out of the bathroom! I still have to get ready!" I wiped my hands on the towel and combed my hair. Opening the door, I gasped as Kurumi practically threw me aside and walked past. "Baka! No need to be so rude!" I shook my head. "I have to look special for my boyfriend!" She slammed the door and, I sighed. I walked down the hall and into the living room. Manami was finishing up the vacuuming. "The place looks good." I commented. "Arigatoo, Oniechan." She sat down. "I need to get ready. Can you finish up here?" I nodded and, Manami went to her room. I made sure things looked neat and checked the kitchen. As far as I could tell, the apartment looked fine. Now all that remained was to finish up getting ready, wait for my father to arrive, and go to the airport. I had to admit, I was nervous myself. I had no idea what to expect. My mind kept going back to thoughts of Hayden-kun. Would he still be in love with Ayukawa? Would our friendship end as soon as he realized she still loved me? Or, would I lose her again only this time, for good? My heart was beating fast and, my emotions were in a torrent. I looked up as the front door opened and, my father walked in. He smiled and put down his camera equipment. He nodded with approval at how the place looked. "Good job, Kyouske. You and your sisters ready?" "Uhmm...Kurumi is in the bathroom and, Manami is in their room." I sighed. "You know how girls can be, Old Man." He laughed. "I can understand." He looked at the clock. It was 5:30. He walked past me and down the hall calling, "Kurumi! Manami! If you don't hurry, we're going to be late! Finish up and let's go!" I sat down as he returned and poured himself a cup of coffee. He poured another for me and handed it to me as he took a seat. "Arigatoo." I took it and sipped the hot drink. "I guess it's almost time isn't it?" He looked at me. "Kyouske, you're more nervous about this then I am. Are you afraid to see your friends again?" "Uhmmm no not afraid so much as, I'm not sure what to expect. Hayden-kun and I at times during the cruise weren't the best of friends. He and I had...differences." I finished. My father raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Well, hopefully whatever caused those differences won't get in the way this time. I've been thinking about what I'm going to say to Shaw Jim-kun and now I feel pretty comfortable with it." I nodded and looked down. "Did you get ahold of everyone in the family?" "Hai. Kazuya was interested. He said he wanted to meet the American esper you worked with to stop hijackers." I smiled. "If it hadn't been for Kazuya, we would have died." I thought back. I had used long range telepathy to reach Kazuya to have him inform my father of the hijacking. My father had then gone to the United States Embassy and somehow gotten them to send the US Navy to save us. It had been due to their efforts as well as Hayden-kun's and myself we were alive at all. My father sighed and looked back into the hallway. "Kurumi! Manami! Are we going or not?" Suddenly the bathroom door opened and, Kurumi walked out. I stared at her! This was my sister? She looked beautiful! She wore a green dress and her hair was flowing down her shoulders. It looked like it was longer! On her cheeks was a light coating of blush and, she wore lipstick. On her feet were strapped sandals with high heels. I didn't even know she had those! My father swallowed. "Kurumi..when did you get all this?" She giggled. "I had the dress Papa but, I went out and bought a few things today. So did Manami." Manami entered the room and, I about fell over! She too looked like a beauty queen. My father looked nervous. "Uhmmmm..well shall we go then?" "I can't wait!" Kurumi moved quickly toward the door. We followed after her. I was the last one out. As I locked the door, it occured to me the next time we would enter our home, we would have our friends with us. Our friends..and possibly Kurumi's future husband. As we got into the car, I looked at Manami. Her blue dress with matching heels made her look ten years older! Her hair was up and, I wasn't even sure she was my sister! Around her neck, she wore a pearl necklace. Kurumi had one as well. They must have gone shopping together while I was out with Hikaru-chan today. She smiled at me. "Quit staring at me, you hentai!" "Whaa!" I shook my head. "I'm no hentai!" "Yeah sure you aren't." Kurumi laughed. "I saw you looking at me! I hope Jim looks at me that way too!" My father glared at her. "Kurumi! Don't invite trouble!" Kurumi bowed her head looking chastised but, I saw her smile. Manami giggled. My father mumbled something inaudible and started the car and put it into gear. We were on our way... As the signs for "Narita Airport" came into view, I found myself wondering what Ayukawa would look like. She had been gone all day getting ready for our friends. If she looked anything like Kurumi and Manami, I would be hard pressed to keep Hayden-kun away from her. My fear returned again. I didn't want to fight! Maybe I was jumping to conclusions but, once Hayden-kun learned I had yet to break up with Hikaru-chan, he would be going after Ayukawa. That more then anything else made me wish they weren't coming. But, it was too late to stop it now. We pulled into the airport and my father searched for awhile till he found a parking place. After paying for parking, we got out and walked down the aisle toward the terminal. My two sisters in front of me, I could smell their perfume in the air. It made certain parts of me feel good and, I grew angry for even thinking such thoughts! What would Hayden-kun think when he saw Ayukawa! What would she look like? We entered the terminal and I looked at the clock. It was 6:00 p.m.! We had fifteen minutes assuming the flight was on time. My father glanced at a terminal and nodded. "Gate 7...let's go." Kurumi excitedly giggled and she and Manami walked together talking. We turned and saw Gate 7. I also saw Ayukawa! I felt sick. She was so beautiful! She had on a black dress! Black..that..that was Hayden-kun's favorite color! Oh no! Hikaru-chan was with her. She had on a red dress with matching heels. She looked stunning! As beautiful as she did on the cruise ship! "Daaarling!" She ran over to me and took my arm. "This is so exciting Darling! I wasn't sure if you we're going to make it in time." My father smiled at us and looked out the huge window. "Is the flight in yet?" Ayukawa walked over. I felt faint! She was so...beautiful. Like a goddess come to life. Her hair flowed down her back..just like a river! Just like in my dream I had of her the other night! Thinking back, I realized she was dressed the same! The only thing missing was the saxophone. Had her smile truly been for me? Or Hayden-kun? My heart sunk. She turned to my father. "I don't think they have landed yet. We've been here for about twenty minutes now." "We wanted to be early." Hikaru-chan giggled. She turned to Kurumi. "You look really beautiful Kurumi-chan! Shaw-kun will die when he sees you!" Manami nodded. "You look good too Madoka-san. Any reason why you dressed up so much?" Ayukawa looked at me and shook her head. "No Manami-chan. I just..just wanted to look good for our visitors. "I see." I heard almost what sounded like a resignation in Manami's voice. It startled me. I had only seen Manami get upset over a boy once. And that had been me! A few years ago, Manami had dressed herself to look different and gone out in the hopes of catching a boyfriend. But, she lost her contact lenses while running from some gang members and, I had been in the area. Since my throat was raw from eating Kurumi's cooking and I wore sunglasses, she didn't recognize me. I helped save her from the gang members and spent a lot of time with her before realizing who she was! After that, I shied away from her and, I had upset her at the end. Later she had figured out who I was. But...that feeling of emptiness remained in her heart. Not even Jason-kun had filled that on the cruise. Looking at her now, I saw a look in her eyes that made me wonder. Was she feeling jealousy toward Ayukawa? Was she afraid Ayukawa would be with Hayden-kun when she wanted to be? "ATTENTION PLEASE!" an announcement sounded. "UNITED AIRLINES..FLIGHT 405 FROM SEATTLE NOW ARRIVING...GATE 7" I looked up and saw a plane had landed on the runway. It had come. They had arrived. For good or ill...I would soon know Ayukawa's feelings.... I watched with growing anticipation along with everyone else as the jet airliner taxied down the runway decreasing in speed. It went to the end and then slowly turned angling it's way toward us. Hikaru-chan jumped up and down. "This is so exciting! Kurumi-chan, I'm so happy for you!" "Me too, Hikaru-chan!" Kurumi watched with shining eyes as the plane continued it's approach. I looked back at my father and, he glanced at me. Briefly he smiled. I looked at Ayukawa and she nodded. What was she feeling? "Here it comes!" Manami said. She too was excited. I could hear the aircraft now, it's high pitched whine growing in intensity as it came closer. I could see the crew now through the windshield. The pilot and co-pilot were talking to each other and, a man on the ground with two flashlights was waving them forward. I noticed a man get into a machine with a ramp box attached to it and he drove it forward so it would connect to the plane as it stopped. The aircraft's lights were flashing brightly as the nose of the plane came just a few feet away from our window. The flashing filled the room and bounced off the walls. "ATTENTION PLEASE" the loudspeaker sounded. "UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 405 NOW ARRIVING FROM SEATTLE...GATE 7" I noticed the aircraft was powering down it's engines now. A woman moved past me in an airline employee uniform and checked something at the desk. A security man took up position by the door. The woman moved away from the desk and opened the door. I saw Kurumi giggle. Hikaru-chan gave her a hug. We began to see passengers exiting. Several moved past us and hugged their loved ones. Kurumi leaned forward a little and watched. I noticed at the far end of the ramp just coming around the corner was a tall blonde haired girl wearing a blue dress with black pumps. She had a black purse on her arm. She was saying something and turned to look behind her. That's when I saw Hayden-kun. He came down the rampway talking to the blonde haired girl. He was dressed in a blue shirt and his black leather jacket I remembered so well. He had on gray pants. Behind him I could see Shaw-kun. He adjusted his brown jacket and white shirt he was wearing and laughed at something Hayden-kun had said. I noticed Hayden-kun had a mustache! Then, Shaw-kun saw Kurumi. I saw him smile and, he moved quickly forward past Hayden-kun and the blonde haired girl. Behind them, I could see a younger girl who was wearing glasses. She had on a flowered skirt and white blouse. She looked a little nervous and walked looking down at her black shoes. As Shaw-kun exited the rampway, I saw Kurumi gasp and start forward. My father put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and he smiled. "Wait Kurumi." Shaw-kun came forward and bowed to my father. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Kasuga. I'm Shaw Jim-kun. May I have the honor of giving your daughter Kurumi a hug please?' My father nodded nervously and, I watched Kurumi fall into Shaw-kun's arms. It reminded me of seeing them together again on the "Sun Princess." Hikaru-chan sighed next to me. "This is so romantic Darling." I looked down the rampway and saw Hayden-kun grinning. Behind him and the blonde haired girl, I could see a man and a woman. The woman looked like an older version of the girl. She had on a white dress with matching pumps and, her blonde hair flowed to her shoulders. Her daughter's was somewhat longer, down to her waist. The man wore a gray suit with a blue tie and white shirt. His brown hair made him look like a more sophisticated version of Hayden-kun. Hayden-kun reached us. He nodded to me. "Good to see you again Kasuga. How you been?" I looked at him. I could see Ayukawa staring at him but, I had no idea what she was thinking. "Good to see you too, Hayden-kun. Did you have a nice flight?" "The turbulence sucked dude. I think you guys have a storm coming in pretty soon but, don't worry I'm sure it'll be taken care of." What was he referring to? Was he thinking of using his weather control power? The woman in the white dress put her hand on his shoulder. "If there is a storm Shawn, I'm sure it will take care of itself. Right?" Hayden-kun nodded. "Yeah right, Mom. No problem." She turned to my father. "Mr. Kasuga?" "Hai." My father looked at her. "I'm Hayden Mary. We spoke on the phone. This is my husband, Hayden-Steven." My father shook hands with them. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." He indicated me. "This is Kyouske my son." I saw her look at me and smile. "And, these are my two daughters, Kurumi and Manami." She moved over to me. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kasuga Kyouske-kun. I have heard a lot about you from my son." She motioned her two daughters to come forward. "These are my daughters, Marcia." the older one nodded. "and Darla." The younger one looked up and smiled. "And of course this is my son Shawn, and his best friend who we have brought with us, Jim Shaw." My father smiled back. "These two young ladies with us are friends that your son already knows. This is Ayukawa Madoka-chan and Hiyama Hikaru-chan." I saw Ayukawa bow slightly and, Hikaru-chan giggled. "It's so cool to meet all of you finally. We really had a good time with your son and Shaw-kun." "Yes I heard all about it." Mrs. Hayden seemed to be preoccupied. I saw her look around us and, her husband who had remained quiet continued to survey the area. I felt nervous around him. My father pointed toward the baggage terminal. "Well shall we get your things? Do you need a cab?" "Not necessary, Mr. Kasuga. My company I work for has already arranged all that. We'll have a car waiting when we come out." I looked at her closer. This was the woman who Hayden-kun had described as a CIA agent? What had he called her? A "covert operations specialist and what was known in the trade as an "eliminator." His thoughts filled my head. She didn't look a thing like what I had imagined. I took a close look at his father who remained wordless but watchful. He was supposed to work for the National Security Council. Yet he too didn't look the part of what I imagined a spy would be. Baka! How would I know what a spy was supposed to look like anyway? We moved down the corridor. After stopping for security checks, we entered the baggage area. Mrs. Hayden and my father went forward and, she called a porter. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kasuga-kun." a voice said behind me. I turned and saw the smiling face of Hayden-kun's older sister Marcia. "Uhmmm hai. A pleasure to meet you as well." I didn't know what to say I felt awkward. Hikaru-chan shifted and I felt her hold onto my arm. Hayden-kun grinned. "You and Hikaru are still doing well I see." I felt alarm bells go off in my head. I looked quickly at Ayukawa and noticed she was looking away. I turned to him. "Hai, things are fine, Hayden-kun. Just the way they were when we last met." "Yeah...I can see that." he said quietly. I noticed Ayukawa had turned and looked at him. The two watched each other without saying a word. I felt my heart rate quicken. Manami turned to the younger girl. "I'm Kasuga Manami. It's nice to meet you." The younger girl looked up and I realized she looked a lot like Manami. It was strange. She smiled. "Arigatoo. I don't talk to many people. I spend a lot of time teaching when I'm not studying." "Is it true you're a genius?" Manami asked. "I graduated school early and, I teach the principles of nuclear physics at the University of Washington part time. I don't like to think of myself as a genius. There are others a lot smarter then I." Manami giggled. "Yes, and more not as smart. I'm impressed. Why are you here in Japan?" Kurumi smiled. "They all came over here for Jim and me Mamani-chan! You know that!" I looked at the older girl Marcia and she sighed. "Yes and no. I was quite happy at Lincoln High School when all of a sudden, she has to come back and..." "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Mr Hayden said sternly. I looked quickly at him. It was one of the few times he had spoken. What had Hayden-chan been starting to say when he cut her off? I saw the younger sister Darla sigh and she nodded to Manami. "We're here so Kurumi and Jim might possibly have a chance at happiness. And, I'm going to learn all I can about your culture while I am here. I know the language as you can see so, I'm going to see about getting a part time job teaching at Waseda University." Ayukawa smiled. "That's the university that Kasuga-kun and I are thinking of attending in the future. It has a very good music program and, I'm interested in that." "Does it's faculty have a good science department?" Hayden Darla-chan asked. "I believe so." Ayukawa shrugged. "I hadn't looked fully into it yet." "I'll have to take my resume over there I guess." Hayden-kun laughed. "Darla, why don't you have some fun while we're here. Party a little." Hayden-chan laughed. "She's too busy Shawn, you know that." Marcia smiled at me. "Hey Kasuga-kun. Are there anymore cute guys like you around here?" I felt myself blush and, Kurumi giggled. "Oniechan, your blushing." "Baka!" I swore. "I...I guess there are, Hayden-chan. There are lots of students in our school." "Hmmm if they're as cute as you, I could have some fun." She laughed. Hikaru-chan gripped my arm tighter. "Hai, there are. But, Sempai and I have been together for a long time. Please don't look at him." Kurumi sighed and leaned against Shaw-kun. "I'm so happy to be with you again Jim. I waited so long for you. I waited for your letters and, I never thought you'd let me down." I glanced at Manami and she sighed. We both knew this was untrue. The same day Kurumi had gotten his letter, she was thinking of ending the long distance relationship. I wondered just how tangible their love would be? Would it have a real chance? Mr. Hayden remained silent continuing to watch the airport around us. It made me very nervous. I saw Hayden-kun had fallen quiet. He and Ayukawa hadn't said a word to each other since the arrival. It made me wonder what both of them were thinking. Over the years, I had learned to read Hikaru-chan fairly well. But, Ayukawa remained a mystery and, Hayden-kun I hadn't known long enough to. Mrs. Hayden and my father came back with a porter. They had the bags all loaded up. "Okay," she said, "let's move outside. We should have transportation waiting." We followed her outside. She was a very domineering woman. Her husband remained quiet like a silent guardian. I gasped as I exited and saw a long black limousine. The driver had opened the trunk and was putting the bags in. Hikaru-chan squealed with delight. "Wow! A limousine! This is sooo cool Darling! Can we ride in it?" Mrs Hayden smiled. "I think so. Steven and I can ride in front." "That's not a good idea." I looked up as Mr. Hayden's voice caught my attention. He seemed very concerned. I noticed my father was looking at them nervously. Mrs. Hayden noticed it too. "Steven, there's nothing to worry about. The children can ride in back and, we'll ride in front." I cleared my throat. "Uhmm...that's okay. I'll ride home with my father." Hikaru-chan turned to me surprised. "Darling, don't you want to ride with us?" "No. That's okay Hikaru-chan. I'll see you later." My father smiled at me and, we watched them all get into the limousine. As we walked toward the parking lot to get our car, a thought occured to me. If what Hayden-kun said was true, his mother was a CIA operative and assasin. So, what was she doing here in Japan? Her husband seemed to be very quiet and very serious. I guess if I didn't know what their real occupations were, I would have thought nothing of it. But I did. It made no sense to me that they would move their entire family to Japan simply to please Kurumi and Shaw-kun. And, Hayden-chan had seemed to indicate they had not all wanted to come. There was something deeper going on. What if...what if Mrs. Hayden had a mission here? What if she was even supposed to spy or...or kill someone in our government? I shook my head forcing those thoughts away! Baka! It can't be true. But...but if it was, I was a citizen of Japan. I had a duty to be loyal to my country. What if it turned out, Mrs. Hayden was my country's enemy. What would I do then...? Chapter Six: Rediscovering As my father pulled out of the airport parking lot I noticed the limousine was on the side of the road waiting for us. My father nodded. "They're going to follow us home." I watched as we passed them and saw the limousine pull away from the curb speeding up to stay with us. I felt worried. I didn't know what to think anymore. I looked at my father again. "Uhmm what do you think of our friends Old Man?" He shrugged. "I think Mrs. Hayden runs the family. Her husband is very quiet. Your friends are most interesting. I will definitely be sitting down and having a long chat with Shaw-kun to see what his long range intentions are regarding Kurumi. I want to make sure that he will be able to adequately support her. You have school tomorrow and you'll have to help enroll them so, I don't want all of you staying up too late." I nodded. "Did it seem odd to you that they were picked up in a limousine?" My father laughed. "No, not really Kyouske. Mrs. Hayden said she works for a large marketing company. I didn't get the name but, I imagine most big companies want their executives to ride in style. She didn't say it but, I got the impression they were very rich." I found myself thinking back on some spy movies I had seen. I wondered if this particular limousine was equipped with all kinds of devices and weapons. I shook my head again. I was being a baka! I was overeacting. I had no proof of anything. I should be happy that Hayden-kun and his family were here. But this time, I wasn't just worried about what would happen with Ayukawa. I was worried about why Hayden-kun's mother was here. The time passed quickly and soon, we were pulling up in front of "Green Castle" our apartment building. I opened my door and got out. I saw the doors to the limousine open and, Hayden-kun grinned and looked at our home. "This is where you live Kasuga?" "Hai." I said. "It needs a new coat of paint." He snickered. I didn't know if he was teasing or not. I knew from the cruise he liked to joke around. "Quit making fun of our home!" Kurumi glared at him. "Jim are you going to let him get away with that?" Shaw-kun shrugged. "Well, he is my best friend." He looked at Hayden-kun. "Shawn, quit making fun of their apartment." "I hate green. It needs paint." Hayden-kun laughed. "I'm just teasing you people." I noticed the baggage was being unloaded from the trunk and I went to help. As I picked up a bag, I felt someone behind me. I turned and saw Hayden-chan smiling. "Arigatoo, Kasuga-kun. At least there are some gentlemen around here." She glared at her brother. "Shawn is such a jerk sometimes." I looked at her and felt a little scared. Did she like me? I noticed Hikaru-chan behind her and, she was not happy. Hikaru-chan came around the side of the car and took a bag. "I'll help you Darling!" She smiled at me. I noticed Ayukawa was still being quiet. Hayden-kun was looking at her and, I saw her look at him. I felt my fear returning. What was she thinking right now? Kurumi and Shaw-kun had gone ahead with my father. This was their night. I could see they wanted to be together. I guess my father was allowing a little leeway given the circumstances.... We all entered our apartment building and took the elevator up. When we reached the door, my father opened it and, I felt Ayukawa touch my arm. She smiled. "Kasuga-kun, it's time Hikaru and I went home. We'll see you at school tomorrow." She turned to our friends. "It was nice meeting you all. I'll see you later." "It was nice talking with you in the car, Madoka-chan." Hayden-chan smiled. "May I ask a favor? Would you please call me Marcia-chan? It would make me feel better." Ayukawa looked at Hikaru-chan and, they both nodded. "Hai! It's great to have a new friend, Marcia-chan." Hikaru-chan giggled. "I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression about my Sempai back at the airport." "No, you made it quite clear he was your boyfriend." Marcia-chan smiled. "I'll see you later." She walked in the apartment. I stood there as Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan waved and the elevator doors closed. "Let's go inside and talk Kasuga-kun." the voice of Mrs. Hayden said behind me. Startled I turned and looked at her. She had surprised me. How had she come up behind me so fast? I entered my home with her and her husband behind me. My father had poured out coffee for everyone. Shaw-kun and Kurumi sat together on the couch. Manami and Darla-chan sat together on their left side. Marcia-chan was sitting in my father's chair. Hayden-kun had taken a seat on the floor next to the couch. I stood next to the wall by the door with Hayden-kun's parents beside me. "Arigatoo, Mr. Kasuga." Mrs. Hayden said. "We very much appreciate all you have done. Steven and I will be leaving now. We'll be by in the morning to pick you up and Darla. We'll drop Darla off at Waseda University and you can assist us in finding a good house near here." "Hai, very good Mrs. Hayden. I'll make sure they go to bed early and are ready for school tomorrow. Kyouske can help them enroll." Mrs. Hayden put up her hand. "Not needed, Mr. Kasuga. We already made prior arrangements with Koryo High School before leaving the States. It's all been taken care of. The children have their uniforms. Marcia is nineteen but, she'll be in Kyouske's class because she was held back a year." "Not my fault." Marcia-chan grumbled. "If certain people had been around when they were needed I would have.." "That's enough!" Mrs. Hayden looked at her. "I don't want to discuss it anymore Marcia!" A tenseness filled the room and we all looked at each other. Mrs. Hayden bowed to my father. "Gomen nasai, Mr. Kasuga. I apologize for my daughter's rudeness. If you'll excuse Steven and I, we have to attend to some buisness. We'll see you tomorrow to go house hunting." My father nodded and they started to leave. Suddenly, Mrs. Hayden turned to me. "Kyouske-kun? May I have a word with you?" I swallowed hard and I saw my father nod. Hayden-kun looked at me and my sisters looked confused. Shaw-kun said nothing. Slowly I followed her out into the hall. Her husband nodded to me and left in the elevator. She sighed and looked out the window which was near the elevator. "I understand my son told you some things about me." I felt great fear. What was she going to do? "Uhmm, hai Mrs. Hayden." "Whatever he told you is not to be discussed with anyone. Shawn has a tendency to run his mouth when he shouldn't. It's very fortunate that you and he were together on that cruise ship. It makes this easier." She turned and stared at me hard. "I won't say this again. Be very careful with the gifts you and your family possess. There are many in the world that would try to use those gifts for evil by controlling you." I felt confused. "Gifts?" "You call it "the power." We call it "mental ability." It is all the same Kyouske-kun. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to watch my children. Especially my daughter!" I felt faint. "Uhmmm Marcia-chan?" "Hai. Kyouske, you and your family must be very careful when using these "gifts." I think your a very intelligent boy so I suspect you might be thinking some very alarming things about me right now. You're probably wondering why I am here at all. I know Shawn and his friend Jim had planned to come here alone. Circumstances which I cannot discuss caused a change in plans. We will be here for quite some time. At least six months. Maybe a year." I felt like I was part of a plot in some great conspiracy. I had to know her intentions! "Mrs. Hayden...uhmmm...I need to know. Are you here to do harm to my country?" She laughed. "No. I know you might have been thinking that. Obviously I can't reveal why I'm here. But I can tell you, your country is safe. I have no intentions of doing anything regarding your government. In fact quite the opposite. Does that make you feel better?" I had to admit it did. If she was telling me the truth. "Why do you want me to watch Marcia-chan so closely?" "Because she is a baka when it comes to using her "gifts." She doesn't thin about what she is doing. If Shawn had not revealed to you what I really do for a living on that cruise you took, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. However, since you do know what Steven and I do, I need to be able to depend on you. I don't want my children to end up "trapped". "Trapped?" I was startled. "Uhmm...I don't understand." "Losing your freedom is everything Kyouske-kun." She sighed. "I don't want my children to lose the chance to have normal lives. If the wrong people find out about their "gifts" they will try to use them. Or you and your family. You moved seven times before. If you hadn't there is a chance you'd no longer be together as a family. I am quite serious about this." I felt great fear. If what she said was true, there were people out there that would try to use us because of "the power." I know my father had talked about that once. "So you want me to try to discourage your children from using "the power?" "Exactly. At least until I say it isn't as critical. They won't listen to me. I've been good at what I do but, I'm a miserable mother. I am never there when they need me and, Marcia has suffered because of it. She needs someone to help her. Will you do this for me?" I thought about the implications of this. If I was spending time with Marcia-chan, what would Hikaru-chan say? Or worse then that, what would Ayukawa say? I felt very sick suddenly. "I will try." I whispered feeling defeated. She smiled and heaved a deep sigh. "Shawn was right. You are a good person. He needs guidance too but, he does think about what he is doing. Your doing this will allow me to take care of some things. After that, I'll be able to spend more time with them. Arigatoo." I nodded and she entered the elevator. "Kyouske-kun, tell your father he has a good family. I wish every happiness for Kurumi and Jim." The elevator door closed and I felt like I was going to faint! Spend time with Marcia-chan! How was I going to do that...? As I opened the door to my apartment, I saw everyone laughing and having a good time. Hayden-kun waved at me. "Hey Kasuga! Come here dude and look at these." "Uhmm okay." I walked over and saw they were looking at a photo album that Manami had brought out. My father smiled at me and handed me a coffee. "Arigatoo." I took the coffee and looked at the pictures. I could see they were of all of us when we were on the "Sun Princess" last summer. Kurumi giggled and point at one of her and Shaw-kun together. "Look Jim, that's when we were on "C" deck and I had that old couple take our picture." Shaw-kun nodded. "Yeah and this one here, is pretty cool. Manami and Jason together." I saw Manami smile. "How is Jason-kun?" "Peter is fine." Shaw-kun laughed. "He got a job working at Denny's restaurant. I worked there for awhile when I was trying to save money a month ago. It was all worth it though." He winked at Kurumi. I noticed my father was a little concerned but didn't say anything. He would be having that father/suitor talk soon. On the "Sun Princess" I had been the one stuck in that role when Shaw-kun had first gone after my sister. I was glad I wouldn't have to do it again. My thoughts were in turmoil regarding what Mrs. Hayden had told me. "Watch my children...especially my daughter!" I looked at Marcia-chan who sat in my father's chair and laughed pointing at a funny picture of Hayden-kun and Ayukawa. She was more beautiful then Hayden-kun had described her. He had said they fought a lot but, I saw no indications of that so far. I swallowed. How was I to spend time with her without angering Hikaru-chan? "Look this is Madoka-san and Hayden-kun together in Hawaii." Kurumi sighed. "They spent a lot of time together on that cruise." I looked at Manami and she sat there with her head bowed. I could tell she was thinking about the past. She was wishing she had been the one with Hayden-kun. Was she going to reveal her feelings to him this time? And what of Komatsu? I had never thought Komatsu was ever serious about her but, he and Hatta had recently shown they had other ideas. My world was changing and I didn't know what to expect anymore. "Look! Here we are in Disneyland! This is sooo cool I haven't looked at these for awhile." Kurumi hugged Shaw-kun. "I looked at the pictures of you every day." Shaw-kun said. "You didn't look at these more often?" Kurumi looked up quickly. "Well know with school and all I didn't always think of it. I mean...oh I don't have to look at a picture for me to be thinking about you Jim! You know that!" I glanced at Hayden-kun and he met my gaze. He nodded toward the balcony. "Let's look at your city Kasuga." I saw Marcia-chan smile at me and, I felt nervous again. She was so beautiful! She was reminding me a little bit of Ayukawa and...baka! What was I thinking! I moved over to the sliding glass door and led Hayden-kun out onto the balcony. Hayden-kun closed the door and we stood in the evening twilight looking out over the area. I could see the city in the distance. The sun was just touching the tops of the buildings. Hayden-kun sighed. "So how things been Kasuga?" "Uhmmm okay I guess." I wasn't sure what he was asking. "Madoka hasn't said a word to me dude. I wasn't sure what to say so, I didn't talk to her either. I just have one question for you on this issue. Your still with Hikaru right?" "Hai." I answered with my head bowed. "You're all going to end up hurting each other, you know that man? It's something that can't be ignored. It's a bad scene that I'm staying out of." I looked at him as the wind blew through his hair. He looked almost sad. " aren't going after Ayukawa?" "No." he said quietly. "What would be the point? She loves you. Always has. I'm not going to go through the heart ache I did before. I'm not going to get caught up in your situation. It would be hell. It's better for me to think of Madoka as a friend and just find someone else. What did my Mom say to you?" "She...she asked me to look out for her children. Especially Marcia-chan." Hayden-kun stared at me. "No kidding? Why the hell did she do that?" "Uhmmm.." I struggled for the words. "I don't know. I think she cares deeply for you all." Hayden-kun snorted. "That's a bunch of crap. She doesn't give a damn about us dude. She spends all her time on buisness. I don't have to talk about it. I was shocked when she said that we were all packing up and moving here. She even ran Jim through a crash course in japanese when she found out he was planning on coming." A thought struck me. "Hayden-kun...did she tell any of you why you were moving here?" "No dude she didn't. She never does. She just does what she wants. Marcia hates her. My Dad didn't even argue. It was the most unbelievable thing I ever saw. She was gone for weeks then she suddenly shows up and announces that were leaving the country. When she found out Jim and I had been planning this trip to Japan, she grilled me about you and your family. She wanted to know everything dude. Then she told me we were moving here. You should have seen Jim's face! He was ecstatic!" I could imagine. The whole thing was confusing me. Why such a sudden thing? "Uhmm...well at least we can try to renew old friendships." I smiled at him. "Without Madoka in the way, I agree." His frown changed to a broad smile. "Hey dude, what's your school like?" "Well uhmmm...Koryo High is pretty good I guess. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to some of my other friends. Komatsu and Hatta are kind of interesting." "Komatsu..." Hayden-kun nodded. "I remember hearing that name. Didn't he like Kurumi?" "He's changed to Manami now." I laughed. "Sounds like a real jerk. Are there cute chicks in your school?" I shrugged. "There are a lot I guess. I..I haven't really looked too much." "Quit lying." Hayden-kun laughed. "Even though your with Hikaru and you really like Madoka, you're still looking. All guys do." The glass door opened and I turned to see Marcia-chan behind me. "Hello Kasuga-kun." she said. I smiled nervously and laughed. "Oh, hello...uhmmm are you coming outside to join us?" "I thought I would. I wanted to know if tomorrow you would show me around your city after school? Are there any fun places to dance?" Hayden-kun sighed. "Do you mind? We were having a talk out here." Marcia-chan glared at him. "Look Shawn nobody asked you! Why don't you go back inside and talk to the others?" "Well if Kasuga would rather talk to you I guess I will." He looked at me. "What do you wanna do dude?" I laughed. "Well I uhmmm...I don't know I..." "Still indecisive as ever aren't you?" Hayden-kun laughed. "I'll see you later dude. You got a CD player in your room right?" "Hai." He grinned. "Cool. See ya later then. Don't let my sister bore you too much." I watched him go back inside and Marcia-chan shook her head. "He can be such an ass sometimes. Were you two close on that cruise?" "Uhmmm...well we had problems Marcia-chan." "I heard some of it." she sighed. "Kasuga...may I call you Kyouske?" I looked into her eyes and saw the city lights dancing off her hair. I swallowed. "I...if you feel more comfortable with that, Marcia-chan." "I do." She smiled and moved closer to me. I really felt concerned now. "Kyouske-kun, I understand that you are an esper as well?" I nodded nervously. It felt strange admitting it to someone outside my family. "I...I understand that you are too, Marcia-chan. Hayden-kun told me about your family a little bit." "Then you know what I can do." She giggled. "I feel like I need to relax Kyouske-kun. It was a long day for me. Are there any good places to dance?" "There's "Mobius." It's a place where we get together and do disco." Why did I feel like she was trying to get closer to me? Marcia-chan was a year older then me. I thought of Ayukawa. I needed to think of Ayukawa. This was a dangerous situation! I needed to go back inside! "Will you take me there tomorrow night?" She said in a soft breathless voice. I almost choked as her perfume overwhelmed me. "Uhmmm....I...I.." "Your girlfriend?" she smiled. "I won't tell Hikaru and, it isn't like it's a date or anything. I just need to feel at home. I'd go tonight if we could." I felt like I was on a precipice about to go over. Hikaru-chan would be hurt right now if she could see me. And, if Ayukawa knew the thoughts that were trying to run through my head, she would slap me. Marcia-chan was just as beautiful as Ayukawa! Her long blonde hair fell across her breasts as she leaned forward and...BAKA! I shook my head. "Uhmmm...Marcia-chan, we really should go back inside." She giggled. "I'm making you nervous aren't I Kyouske-kun? I think maybe tonight we can just relax. But tomorrow, I want to see "Mobius." Is that okay? You can even invite whoever you want along. Although I have to admit, I'd prefer it if it was just you and I." I felt like I was going to faint! She did like me! OH NO! Ayukawa! I had to think of Ayukawa! This was definitely more then dangerous now! "Uhmm...let's go inside." I pushed past her feeling her perfume wafting through my nostrils. It excited me! Everything about her was exciting. Her blue dress blew in the wind and, she gave me a nod. "Okay Kyouske. I appreciate you being so nice to me." She leaned closer and her blue eyes were shining. "I think you're really a sweet guy." That was all I could handle! I swallowed hard and opened the sliding door and went back in the apartment. Hikaru-chan...Ayukawa...and now Marcia-chan? It was too much for me to take! My feelings were in complete torment now! If I spent time with Marcia-chan as her mother had asked me to, what kind of impression would that give her? There was no way Hikaru-chan would accept this! Ayukawa would be angry as well. What was I going to do? I smiled at everyone as I came through the door. Kurumi and Shaw-kun were playing a video game on our television. I noticed Manami and Darla-chan were sitting still looking at photos. Darla-chan seemed interested in Japan more then the actual pictures. I could hear what sounded like noise coming from my room. Hayden-kun had apparently found my CD player. I sat on the couch and Marcia-chan sat beside me. I felt like I was trying to rediscover my feelings. Now, looking at her sitting so beautiful beside me...I didn't know what I felt. Kasuga Kyouske 18 years old. On the precipice of danger...... Chapter Seven:Koryo High "Kasuga-kun! How could you! You hurt Hikaru and now, you hurt me! Neither one of us EVER want to see you again!" I felt her slap against me tearing the skin off my face. Tears filled my eyes as she turned her back on me. "Ayukawa! NO! Ayukawa!!!!" "Don't talk to me!" she said walking away. "Baka!" "AYUUUUKAWAAAAA!!!" I sat up suddenly sweating in my bed. I had been dreaming. The room was dark and I could see the full moon coming through my window. I shook my head to rid it of that terrible dream. Ayukawa...hating me. But why? As I awoke more, I became aware of the sounds of snoring. I looked to the left side of my bed and saw Hayden-kun sleeping on a futon. To his left was Shaw-kun. So. I hadn't dreamed it all. They really were here. I thought back trying to remember the rest of the evening.... The music was something I had heard before when we were on the Sun Princess But coming from my stereo now instead of a small portable CD player, it was much louder and stronger. The guitars sounded like they were screaming and the bass vibrated through the floor. "Hayden-kun!" I shouted. "Turn this down! The neighbors will complain!" He looked up. "Oh. Sorry man." he said it in english dropping his japanese a bit. Hayden-kun tended to do that. He would switch often between english and japanese. It made for an interesting discussion. "What is that you are listening to?" I sat down and picked up the CD case. It was black and had a snake on it. "Metallica dude. They rock! The song is called "For Whom the Bell Tolls." It's pretty cool don't you think?" I listened to it and felt like my ears were going to explode. " isn't exactly what I would listen to but, it's..uhmmm...unique." "Guess I'll have reconvert you to cool stuff." Hayden-kun snickered. "You've been listening to that disco crap again haven't you?" "It isn't crap Hayden-kun. Perhaps now that you're here in Japan in my home I can show you something new and different." "Go for it." he said. I noticed everyone else was walking in the room. Darla-chan and Marcia-chan sat on my bed. Kurumi and Manami stood against the wall. Shaw-kun stood by Kurumi holding her hand. I felt like I was on display. I opened my CD collection and pulled out some "Kintaro." I loaded the player and watched Hayden-kun's reaction. As the music from the organ grew, he looked out the window and seemed to have a faraway look in his eyes. "I've heard this before Kasuga. Pretty cool." I was surprised. I looked at everyone else. Darla-chan nodded. "Kintaro. One of the more known and popular japanese music artist in America. Sometimes m mother plays it." "That's where I heard it!" Hayden-kun grinned. "Jim we should see if we can work at getting any better with our playing." Shaw-kun nodded. "Yeah really. We need practice." "Playing?" Kurumi looked at him. "What do you play Jim?" "Bass. Shawn plays electric guitar. Although, we haven't played a lot except for heavy metal stuff." I saw Manami's eyes light up. "Oniechan! Hikaru-chan was talking about putting "Pikaru's" together again. But because Yusaku left for Hokkaido, we didn't have a bass player." Kurumi hugged Shaw-kun. "Now we have a guitar player as well! Jim darling will you please join?" I saw Shaw-kun look at Hayden-kun and he looked at me. "What's the deal Kasuga, you guys got a band and you didn't even tell me?" "Uhmmmm well..." I hesitated. "It was a long time ago. But, I know Hikaru-chan was talking about the possibility of it just the other day." Hayden-kun shrugged. "Sure, I'll do it. Why not? But, we'll have to agree on the music played. NO way am I playing disco!" "Disco is cool!" Marcia-chan smiled at me. "I love the old stuff like Diana Ross and Donna Summer. I also like the newer stuff that isn't really disco but it qualifies as top forty. Tiffany and Madonna are examples." I had heard of Madonna. She had quite a reputation and was popular in some places here. "Well, they play that stuff at "Mobius" and other things by japanese artists. "Bosson" is one group they play. I saw them live once with Hikaru-chan." Ouch! That was a painful memory for me. I had accidentally mentioned Ayukawa's name in front of Hikaru-chan then. She had been dressing up in the hopes of impressing me. "I want to see "Mobius." Marcia-chan smiled. "Tomorrow night would be great." "If that's the kinda crap they play, you can keep it. I won't set foot in there." Hayden-kun swore. "How can you stand that stuff?" "How can you stand listening to that horrible noise you call music?" Marcia-chan challenged. "It's enough to blast your eardrums out!" "Why don't we get a drink?" Manami quickly suggested..... I came back to the present. It had been a rough night. Hayden-kun was right. His older sister and he didn't appear to agree on much. She also did seem to like me. It was an awkward situation. It was four in the morning! I laid down and tried to go back to sleep. Ayukawa...was it because of Marcia-chan that Ayukawa would hate me? Would both she and Hikaru-chan blame me? Was this another premonition dream? I felt queasy in my stomach as I forced myself to try to sleep.... "Shave it off!" I awoke suddenly to shouting. It was Mrs. Hayden. Apparently she had come back. I heard Hayden-kun arguing with her. She apparently was upset about his mustache. "Mom, you're being unreasonable!" "The japanese school system does not look kindly on it, Shawn! Shave it off now! I'm not going to tell you again young man!" I noticed everyone was gone from the room. I looked at the time and saw it was an hour and a half till school started. I quickly got out my school uniform and dressed. Combing my hair, I noticed someone knock on the door and push it ajar. "Ahh you are up. We were wondering if we would have to kick you out of bed. Kurumi said that your hard to kick into gear sometimes." I nodded to Shaw-kun. "Where is everyone?" "Eating breakfast. Shawn's parents came back. Come on man." I followed him out and saw everyone was eating. My father yawned. "Kyouske next time get up a little sooner." "Ohayoo, Kyouske-kun." Mrs. Hayden said. I looked for Mr. Hayden but didn't see him anywhere. "UHmm Ohayoo." I sat down at the table and Manami put some rice in front of me. "We need to go shopping today Oniechan." "Hai." I looked up as I saw Hayden-kun enter. His mustache was gone. He looked just the way I remembered except now, he wore a Koryo High school uniform. "This monkey suit is tight dude." he complained. "Why do you guys wear uniforms anyway?" "Because that's the way their school system works." Mrs Hayden came around to face him. "Shawn, I don't want to hear about any problems you might cause you got that? Help Jim as much as you can because, he will need it." "Yeah okay Mom." He sighed. "I'd planned to help Jim anyway unless they won't let me." He noticed she had changed to a pink dress that was rather revealing. I noticed it too. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Don't concern yourself with me." she turned to Darla-chan. Darla-chan was in jeans and a yellow shirt. "Darla, are you ready?" "Hai, Mama. I'll take care of what you asked me to at the University when I drop off my resume." "Very good." Mrs. Hayden looked around. "Marcia! Get out of the bathroom now and get in here!" I heard the bathroom door open and Marcia-chan came out in her school fuku. I almost gasped. Her blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders and, she smiled. "Gomen, I didn't mean to be late." She winked at me. "You're not the only one behind today Kyouske-kun." "Save it." Mrs. Hayden looked at them. "I'll be back later this afternoon. Be here because, we'll all be going from there to our new house. I've already taken care of the other needs." "Are we going to have time for fun?" Marcia-chan asked. "I want to see that disco Kyouske was telling me about." "I doubt you'll have time with the homework your going to get. Japanese school systems are much harder then ours. Get used to it." I saw Marcia-chan's face fall and, I felt sad for her. Manami looked down and finished her meal. She began picking up the plates. I gave her mine as, I had finished. I saw her look up at Hayden-kun then quickly look down. "It's time for you all to go." my father said. "We'll see you later today." Hayden-kun grumbled and Shaw-kun took Kurumi's hand. I noticed they quickly let go when my father glared at them. Shaw-kun would have to remember, this wasn't America. I shut the door as we got into the elevator. "I wish I had my damn car." Hayden-kun swore. "Your car would be an anachronistic machine here." Marcia-chan laughed. "Shut up!" he glared at her. "Uhmmm...let's not fight." I said hesitantly. They both looked at me and Marcia-chan nodded. "You're right Kysouke. I won't fight with him anymore." "Where is your car?" Manami asked. It was one of the few times she had chosen to directly speak to Hayden-kun. "In storage, along with a lot of other stuff. We moved so fast it made my head spin." "Yes and no reason given other then it was to help Jim and Kurumi." Marcia-chan sighed. "I don't know why but, that just doesn't sound right." It didn't sound right to me either. It made me think what the real reason might be. Eventually knowing Hayden-kun he would demand to know what was going on. I could only guess. The problem made me afraid. I could still see the concern in Mrs. Hayden's face. "Watch my children" she had said...but why? It wasn't a long walk to Koryo High from where I live. As we began descending the steps, I heard Marcia-chan begin counting. When she got to the bottom, she smiled at me. "Hmmm you have 100 steps here Kyouske-kun." "Uhmm 99." I said. "No...100!" Hayden-kun looked at us. "Does it really matter?" "Make it 99 1/2?" Manami said. We all laughed. I winced as it brought back my first meeting with Ayukawa. It was at the top of these stairs I had met her. I had caught her hat when it blew in the wind and, she had given it to me. At the time, she didn't even give me her name. She too had insisted that 100 steps were there. It's funny how things repeat themselves. We continued on until at last we reached the school. Shaw-kun looked at Kurumi. "Is this a tough school?" "It will be for you." she sighed. "You're still having trouble with your japanese and, you aren't familiar with the system. They'll assign someone to help you." "I know Japanese," Marcia-chan said, "but I'm not sure how the system works. I hope they have someone help me too." She looked at me. "Uhmmm...hai, don't worry they will." I felt nervous again. We entered the school and immediately I heard a scream... "DAAAAAARLING!!!!" I felt the wind knocked out of me as Hikaru-chan hit me from behind. "Oh Darling, I'm so glad I saw you before class. There's a big party tonight at disco "Mobius" you think you could take me?" "Uhmmmm" I looked and saw Marcia-chan was watching. OH NO! "Uhmmm I..I guess so Hikaru-chan but,...uhmmm...I promised that I would show Hayden-kun and his family around a bit." I really felt nervous now. Hikaru-chan was smiling at me. "Uhmm...Marcia-chan wanted to see "Mobius" too." "Oh?" Hikaru-chan looked at Marcia-chan who met her gaze steadily. Where was this leading? "Okay Sempai! We can all go and have a good time!" "KASUGA-KUN!" I turned and saw Komatsu grinning at me. His eyes suddenly went from me to Marcia-chan. "OH MY GOD!!! LOOK AT THE HOT BABE!!!!" He moved forward to talk to her. "Greetings beautiful, I am Komatsu Seiji. What's your name?" Shaw-kun looked up. "Komatsu. I know that name." Marcia-chan was looking at Komatsu with amusement. "Ohhhh your Komatsu huh? I've heard about you. Where's your friend Hatta?" "You've heard of me? Oh, this is so cool! It's like a dream come true a hot babe like you noticing me!" I heard Hayden-kun laugh. "Careful dude, she bites." "I thought you liked Manami-chan?" Kurumi asked. Komatsu was still staring at Marcia-chan. He hadn't heard a word Kurumi said. "What's your name babe? Telephone number? Do you like disco? What class are you in..what..." "Uhmmm..." I was unsure what to do. Hikaru-chan was looking from one to the other. "I thought he liked Manami! Ohhhh isn't that just like him though! I'll bet Hatta doesn't really like Kurumi either! They're just hentai!" She smiled at me "I'm glad your not that way Darling!" I felt very unsure now. I saw Marcia-chan enduring Komatsu's continued questions until suddenly she put up her hand. "My name is Hayden Marcia, I love to dance, I don't have a phone..." she looked hard at him. "And you're making me angry!" I gasped along with everyone else as Komatsu suddenly flew backward at terrific speed and slammed head first into a garbage can! OH NO! I moved forward quickly helping Komatsu. I laughed. "I'll bet you wish you had worn different shoes Komatsu. The traction on those isn't very good, you slipped." I put my hand behind my head nervously and laughed. Komatsu covered in trash came out sputtering. "Kasuga-kun! What happened! It was like someone pushed me and..." I laughed harder trying to silence him. "Uhmm, oh come on Komatsu! You know you slipped don't try to make it look worse then it is." I laughed even harder. To my relief everyone else joined in. Komatsu sighed and looked at Marcia-chan. "Gomen. Maybe when you get a telephone I can call you?" "With a different attitude Komatsu-san!" Marcia-chan glared at him. "Maybe you should try your lines on Manami or Hikaru-chan!" Hikaru-chan looked at her. "Hey! Don't include me in that. I've got my Sempai, I don't need anyone else." Manami looked hurt. She looked at Hayden-kun for a moment and nodded. "Don't include me either Komatsu. I...I don't need it." She walked away with her head bowed. "Manami..." I started to go after her but stopped. I saw Hayden-kun looking at her. Was he going to? Suddenly, the bell rang! "OH NO! Class is getting ready to start!" Hikaru-chan hugged me quickly. "Come on Kurumi-chan we have to go! I'll see you later for lunch Sempai!" I waved as she ran off. "Uhmm...we better get to class too, Hayden-kun." Komatsu looked at Hayden-kun. "You're Hayden-kun? You're the one that was on that cruise ship with Kasuga over the summer." "What of it?" Hayden-kun looked irritated. I had to head this situation off now! Also, if I didn't we would be late for school. "We have to go now before Sensei Tomaka arrives! It won't do for you all to be late on your first day!" Hayden-kun glared at Komatsu and nodded. "Yeah your right, it wouldn't. We can talk later Komatsu." He nodded to Marcia-chan. "Come on let's go." Together, we quickly ran to class and, I turned to them. " need to stand here and wait for Sensei Tomaka to come in. He'll assign you your seats." "Terrific." Shaw-kun said. "We get to be on display?" "I thought I warned you about this dude." Hayden-kun snickered at him. I noticed everyone in the class was sitting there staring at us. I moved to my seat by Komatsu. I saw Hatta smile at me. He was quiet for a change. I also noticed Ayukawa sitting looking at me. She smiled and waved. I waved back returning it. "RISE!" Sensei Tomaka entered. We all rose. He looked at us then, he turned to Hayden-kun and the others. "Welcome to Koryo High and Japan. I'm Tomaka Ginji, your Sensei. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Which of you is Shaw-kun?" "Uhmm me." Shaw-kun stepped forward. "I'll be assigning you to work with someone so you can learn faster. I don't want it to be one of your friends here because, they might distract you." "Hai." Shaw-kun said. Sensei Tomaka turned to the class. "BOW!" We all bowed and he nodded. "Take your seats." We all sat down. He put his hand outward toward my friends. "These are your new classmates. They're from an area in America called, Tacoma, Washington. It's in the Pacific Northwest up in the northwest corner. We'll have a geography lesson on the region and that way, they can tell us a little about it." I saw Hayden-kun roll his eyes. I felt like laughing. Sensei Tomaka turned to him. "Introduce yourselves please." "I'm Hayden Shawn. Uhmmm nice to be here." He shrugged. "I'm Hayden-Marcia. It's nice to meet you all and I hope to make lots of new friends." "I'm Shaw Jim. I guess...hiya." The classroom developed into laughter and Sensei Tomaka nodded. "Okay now that we have you properly introduced, let's find you some seats. Hayden-kun...please take a seat over there." I noticed he was sitting next to Hatta. This would get interesting. "Hayden-Marcia. Please sit there." She moved to sit next to Ayukawa. The two smiled at each other. "Now then, Shaw-kun." Sensei Tomaka looked around. "Please sit next to Tonogra Kemi please. She is good in english so, you can easily communicate with her and, she can assist you with japanese." Tonogra Kemi? I looked at Shaw-kun as he moved hesistantly and sat down next to her. It was true Kemi-chan was one of the best students in the class. I guess it was a good choice. As he sat down, Kemi-chan smiled. "Nice to meet you Shaw-kun. I hope I can be a lot of help to you. It'll be nice to have a real American to practice my english on." "Nice to meet you too." Shaw-kun leaned over and looked at her book. I could tell he was having trouble already. It was too bad Kurumi wasn't the same age and in the class. Although, I doubted Sensei would have permitted that..... "RISE!" We all rose. It had been a long day. I was looking forward to lunch with Hikaru-chan. But...I looked at Ayukawa and she was smiling at me. I would have preferred to go with her. "BOW!" Dismissed!" We all started to leave. Komatsu grabbed me. "Hey Kasuga! We need to talk about our buisness venture okay?" "Uhmmm well I..." "Kasuga! Hatta, you, and I need to plan our future!" I saw Ayukawa come over to me suddenly. "Buisness venture? Kasuga-kun, what's this all about?" I felt sick suddenly. "Well I...I..." "We're going into buisness marketing my new hentai comic I'm going to be making!" Hatta said with pride. Before I could say anything Ayukawa glared at me. " this true?" I swallowed "Ayukawa I was looking at the idea and uhmmmm.. I gasped as she slapped me hard. "Baka! What are you thinking? What about college?" She stared at me and walked off.... "Ayukawa...." Hayden-kun looked at us. "College sucks. I think you should go for it if you think it'll work." Marcia-chan glared at him. "You would! I hope you're not serious about this Kyouske-kun!" She sighed and pushed past me... "Women. They don't understand the money that will be made with this! " Komatsu put his arm around me. "Come on Kasuga! Let's go!" "But uhmm..lunch with Hikaru-chan..." "This is important Kasuga-kun! Our future is at stake!" He pulled me out the door. "I'll tell Hikaru you can't make it!" Hayden-kun said matter of factly. I had a feeling I'd screwed up again..... It was a half hour later that I finally got away from Komatsu and Hatta. I knew I had a lot to explain. Hikaru-chan would be on the roof waiting for me just like she always has. I felt terrible about this.. As I opened the door to the roof, I could see two people standing by the fence on the far side. I looked closer and saw it was Ayukawa and Hayden-kun. They were standing with their backs to me. What was going on? I moved closer watching to see if they saw me. They took no notice... I looked for Hikaru-chan but she was nowhere to be seen. I felt a lump in my throat realizing that she might have run off. I listened as Hayden-kun was speaking. "You didn't say a word to me when I got off the plane, you know that?" "Hai. I know." He looked at her. "I'd like to know why. Your letters didn't indicate you hated me even though I only got two." I knew that he had written Ayukawa three. Had she chosen not to answer the last one? "I didn't know what to say to you, Shawn-kun. It's one thing to think about what happened between us and how it ended but, to actually face you again after so short a was more then I could take." she whispered. "Excuse me for wrecking your little world." he said bitterly. I could hear the edge in his voice. "It might make you happy to know, I have no intentions of pursuing you. You're free to get with Kasuga any time he and Hikaru break up. If that's what you want." "What I want is of no concern to you, Shawn-kun. I didn't ask you to come back and force me to make a decision again. I made that decision last summer. My feelings haven't changed. The time just isn't right. If I choose to live this way, then that is my choice.." "Fine with me." He sounded defeated. That same hurt that had been in his voice was there again. I remembered it so well. His hurt and anger had caused a storm to rage for over a day. "Are you sure this is what you want?" He sounded hopeful. "Hai. I am sure, Shawn-kun. There are things about my relationship with Kasuga-kun you would never understand. Things I would never tell anyone." "Okay then." he sighed deeply. "We'll just be friends. I understand Hikaru set up a rock band once called "Pikaru's?" She looked at him quickly. "Hai, she did. I was lead guitar player in it." "Well, do me a favor and play rhythm guitar or piano instead okay? Shaw and I are going to join the band." I saw her smile. "Hikaru will be so happy Shawn-kun! Arigatoo! I'll run and tell her now." I saw him nod and Ayukawa ran past me and through the open door. I sighed relaxing. "You can come out now Kasuga." I stared at him. His back was still to me. I stood up slowly. "How did you know I was here?" "I've learned to sense your precense. I think for good or ill we're bonded. Like blood brothers or something. Ever hear of that?" "Uhmmm I think so." I wasn't sure what he meant. "Brothers or even half brothers should get along. I guess you heard all that. I wasn't going after Madoka. I was simply trying to find out why she hadn't said a word to me. Now I know. I can look forward to being alone for awhile." I thought of Manami. Should I tell him her feeling? She had yet to make a serious move. It wasn't my place to even advocate such a thing. I guess I would wait and see what happened. I did have a concern though. " you know anything else about why your mother would want me to look out for all of you?" "My Mom is supposedly one of the best at what she does. It makes sense to me because, she is never home to see us. I think these last few weeks have been the longest. I'm used to it. I just blow off what she says. Marcia gets bitter about it, and Darla tunes it out in her own way. Darla is very inward. She has nothing in common with any of us. It's kind of sad." I nodded. "I have no idea why your mother would ask me such a thing." A thought struck me! OH NO! " wouldn't be the fact that she's trying to match me with Marcia-chan would it?" I felt great anxiety. "You mean as in marriage?" Hayden-kun laughed. "She always said she would worry less about Marcia if she was married to a good man. I have never seen her do it but, you guys are the first espers we ever encountered." I shook my head. NO! It couldn't be true. The problem was, Marcia-chan seemed to be taking to me in a serious way. Did she know what her mother was intending? Was she intending to be with me? "I'm younger then her and.." "Kasuga.." he cut me off. "Look dude, age doesn't matter. What matters is being compatible. Now you and I both know that someday when you get the guts or Madoka does, poor Hikaru is gonna get the shaft." I hated the way he put that. Unfortunately, it was hard to argue with. "My Mom knows nothing of Madoka but, she is very sharp. She may see that you are just with Hikaru and figure you'll dump her for someone better. Enter Marcia." "Uhmmm I...I couldn't do that and.." "If Marcia wins you over you will. How long are you and Madoka going to carry this thing dude? It's been years and in time, that wanting to be together will either overwhelm you or die out. Marcia is a beautiful girl. Even though she pisses me off, you aren't like me. You seem to like the same kind of music she does. Furthermore, you're an esper. This is something my Mom may be looking at. She and Marcia may have already discussed it. I have no clue. You'd have to ask one of them. What are you gonna do?" I felt lost again. Right now after what had happened with Komatsu and Hatta I knew Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan would be angry with me. Hikaru-chan would likely forgive and soon after Ayukawa. Komatsu was banking on the talent of Hatta to bring him riches. It would be safer to go to college with Ayukawa. But, I had not planned on Marcia-chan entering this picture. For years it had been the three of us. Ayukawa and I had admitted our feelings long ago. But, what was I to do now if indeed Marcia-chan was going after me? I would try to tell her no but... "Kasuga you're really something dude." Hayden-kun interrupted my thoughts. "On one hand you got Hikaru..she's pretty cool. On the other you got Madoka..and you know how I feel about her. I still have not healed from the scar that cruise left on me. Then.." he smiled. "in comes my sister. Let me tell you something about Marcia. She's like a snake. If she bites into you, she doesn't let go. In other words, has she already shown tendencies that she wants you?" I bowed my head trembling. "Hai." "Then my friend, you have a major problem." Hayden-kun snickered. "I don't want to sound crass but, Marcia is pretty pushy. She may look for a way to break you and Hikaru up if she wants you bad enough. She loves to dance so if we go to this "Mobius" expect her to try to get a few if not all of them with you. This is going to be fun to watch." "This isn't fun!" I glared at him. "I don't like being in this situation you know that but I..." "You can't make up your mind." he sighed. "This is almost justice for what you did to me on the cruise. I can't say I don't feel sorry for you. I kinda wish I was in a situation. At least I'd have someone. You got the girl I like wanting you." "Hayden-kun." I said slowly. "Do you think if you found someone that did like you that you could forget Ayukawa?" "Maybe. I'm still hurting so, I don't know." He looked up as the bell rang. "We got to get to class dude..let's jet!" We started to run and, as we reached the bottom of the first set of stairs, I stopped cold! Hikaru-chan was waiting for me. Hayden-kun smiled at her. "Hey Hikaru. We have to get to class now." "I want to talk to Sempai alone." I heard that tone in her voice and I swallowed. There was no disuading her. She didn't even care about being to class on time. Slowly I turned and went back up the stairs with her following. I looked back and saw the hurt in her eyes. I had seen it a few times before. As I reached the top, she slammed the door shut. I faced her as she stood with her head bowed. "Sempai...Darling..." she looked up. "Why do you want to go with Komatsu and Hatta to work on a hentai manga? Is that all you think about?" "No! No! Hikaru-chan of course not!" I found myself feeling defensive. "I didn't say I would do it anyway. Hatta just blows things out of proportion." She suddenly smiled. "Then you aren't going to do it after all?" "Uhmmm well I..I was thinking and.." "SEMPAI!" she shouted. I stepped back as she walked toward me her eyes narrowing. "YOU WILL NOT BE DOING HENTAI!" I nodded quickly. She softened and hugged me. "Darling, I'm looking forward to after High School when we can be married. Do you think we could take another cruise?" "UHmmm I..I don't think.." "That's alright Darling." She hugged me close. "Please tell Komatsu that you won't be a part of that scheme okay?" "Hai, Hikaru-chan. I will." "Your so cool Darling. I love you." She hugged me even tighter now. "Do you think we could go to Mobius tonight?" "Hikaru-chan..I..hai we can." "Ohhhh terrific Darling! I know Kurumi-chan will be very excited about it. Is Jim-kun getting along okay in class?" "Hai, we have to go Hikaru-chan. We're both late..." Together we ran down the stairs...I felt like my life was falling apart again.... I ended up with classroom clean up due to my tardiness. It was also a shock to me to find out Marcia-chan had it too. Apparently Sensei had caught her passing a note in class to Shaw-kun. This was not my day. As I wiped the blackboard and began to wash it, I heard her come up behind me. "So...are you going to do that hentai thing?" "No.." "Great!" I felt her suddenly hug me. Her soft breasts pushed against my back and I felt myself stiffen unexpectedly. They were larger then Hikaru-chan's. I gasped. I felt her pull away and, she laughed. "I'm glad you changed your mind about that Kyouske. Don't be like Shawn and throw your future away on a whim. Are you going to take me to Mobius tonight?" I struggled with the answer. "Hikaru-chan asked me to take her. But, we could all go I guess." "Oh." She sounded disappointed. "Well, of course you would go with her. What was I thinking?" She began straightening desks. "Will you at least save a few dances for me tonight? I don't know anyone here really." A thought struck me! "I could ask Komatsu and Hatta to come. I'm sure they would.." "Give me a break! she laughed. "I've seen those two. Hatta is too fat and not my type. Komatsu blew his chance this morning." She tossed her hair and I saw the light shine off it. "I want a gentlemen to treat me right." "Maybe you'll meet one tonight." I said hesitantly. "Maybe I already did." I felt myself trembling as she giggled and, we said no more about it. We finished the clean up and turned out the lights. "Uhmm so did your Mom get a house do you think?" I ventured. "She should have. Unless she wants us sleeping on your apartment floor again. That wasn't so bad. I had a lot of fun talking to Kurumi and Manami." I nodded hesitantly. "I'll help you move things in if needed. Then later tonight we can go to Mobius after homework." "Great!" She giggled. "You're a really cool guy Kyouske. You know that?" I didn't know what to say. I felt like a ship going down for the last time. How was I going to get out of this...? Chapter Eight: First Fight! As I walked out the front door with Marcia-chan beside me, my thoughts were completely on Ayukawa. With all this going on, what would she do? I knew from what I had seen on the roof that she still cared for me and that Hayden-kun wouldn't be going after her. That left only my problem with Hikaru-chan and now this new one with Marcia-chan. It was disconcerting to me how I ended up in situations like this. "Kyouske-kun, do you think we could go see your city this weekend?" "Eh?" I looked quickly at her. She was wasting no time at all! "Uhmm I don't know how Hikaru-chan will take that." "I just want to see the city." she tossed her hair and looked at me innocently. I don't plan on doing anything with you." "Uhmmm...doing anything with...?" "Bad choice of words on my part Kyouske-kun. I didn't mean to infer anything by it." I felt like running. "No, of course not Marcia-chan. Uhmm...we should hurry in case your mother is waiting." She nodded and we ran to my home together.... As we opened the door, I saw Kurumi look up from doing her homework. Shaw-kun was beside her and, Manami was talking to Darla-chan about something. Hayden-kun was in the kitchen and, he smiled as we walked in. "Hey Kasuga. About time you got home. My Mom just phoned. I got the address to our new house. It's about five blocks from here." "I'll help you move in, Hayden-kun." I put down my books. "You don't have to dude. My Mom has already taken care of all that." I sat down on the couch and looked up to see Manami staring at him. She looked almost sad again. I would have to talk to her. I didn't like seeing her like this. "Well uhmm...should we go over to see your new house then Hayden-kun?" "Sure dude. Marcia and Darla can come along too." "Well thanks for inviting me to see my own house!" Marcia-chan shot back angrily. Darla-chan sighed. "He's just displaying his intelligence again. I would like to see it though. You'd think we would have had a say in what kind of house we got." "Do we ever?" Hayden-kun laughed. "You coming Shaw?" "Yeah Shawn. I'm just trying to finish grasping japanese history. The classes are harder then I thought." "You've done really well though Jim." Kurumi hugged him. He smiled. "Yeah and with the help I've been getting it's really going to be cool. Our Sensei paired me up with some chick that really knows english so, she's been able to help me a lot." "Some chick?" Kurumi looked hard at him. "Opps." Hayden-kun looked away. "Strictly for study." Shaw-kun laughed. "That's all. I...I don't want you mad at me Kurumi. Kemi is really cool." "Kemi!" Kurumi stared at him. "You're already calling her by her first name! What are you thinking Jim?" "He's still used to America." Hayden-kun quickly cut in. "He doesn't mean anything by it." Shaw-kun laughed. "Kurumi, are you jealous?" "Of course I am!" Kurumi glared at him. "You came all the way over here to be with me. I assume that means that eventually you're going to ask me to marry you?" "Well..." Shaw-kun hesitated. Kurumi stared at him and suddenly stood up. "You are serious about me aren't you Jim?" "Of course I am's too soon to commit to a marriage proposal and.." "Then you aren't!" She slapped him hard! The sound seemed to echo through the room and we all went dead silent.... Kurumi broke into tears and ran from the room. I looked at Manami and, she bowed her head. "Way to go dude." Hayden-kun said. "What are you gonna do for an encore?" Marcia-chan sighed. "I think your a jerk Jim. But, I never did make that a secret." I looked at Shaw-kun as he still held his face where Kurumi had slapped him. My thoughts went back to a talk I had with him while on the "Sun Princess.... "Perhaps in America a kiss means nothing. But in Japan, it is something very special. Were you aware of that Shaw-kun?" "No I wasn't Kasuga." "Kurumi has pledged her heart to you. She told me to get out of her life. Something she has only done once before. That was with her first love. You are her second love. Are you prepared to marry my sister if you do something stupid with her?" "I'm not ready for marriage Kasuga. I just want to be with her for awhile.." My thoughts came back. I couldn't remember them exactly but, that was what I did. I cleared my throat. "Shaw-kun...have you spoken yet with my father regarding your intentions toward Kurumi?" "No.." he said it almost in a whisper. "Then I think it's time you did. What we spoke of on that cruise needs to be be addressed with my father. This weekend, you will meet my entire family." He looked up. "Everyone?" "All those that are concerned." I sighed. "You didn't think we were serious about this did you? I thought you came back to Japan to be with Kurumi." "I did. But, I'm not ready to just commit to anything and.." "By coming over here, you already did!" Manami said harshly. I stared at her. I had never seen Manami look so serious. She stood up. "Jim-kun...are you playing with my sister?" "No! I'd never play with Kurumi. She means too much to me." Manami got up from the table and stood to face him. "Do you think that given your feelings and her's you want to be with her...forever?" "Uhmmm..." Manami reached down and pulled his chin upward. "I am very very serious about this Jim-kun! If you're not serious about my sister then, I think it's best if you return to America! You will not hurt Kurumi! You will not lead her on! I won't allow it! Love is too fragile, too delicate a thing to play with! It comes little enough to those who wait and it means the world to those that wish for it! What are you thinking?" I stood speechless watching Manami pour out her heart. I could see the tears on her face. Was she thinking about her own situation with Hayden-kun as well? Shaw-kun nodded. "I think..I think I need to talk to Kurumi. Excuse me please." We all watched as he left the room and went down the hall. Manami looked at Hayden-kun and sighed. She sat down again looking at her book. "Let's go see our new house." Marcia-chan quickly offered. "Good idea." I quickly agreed. I wanted to get out of this situation. As we moved toward the door, I saw Manami look up at Hayden-kun. She looked as if she wanted to say something to him but, the words died before she began. I wanted to talk to her but, in this awkward situation I didn't know where to begin. Manami needed someone but, I wasn't sure Hayden-kun was the right choice. Besides, he was still in love with Ayukawa. A short time later, we arrived at a big four bedroom house just a short distance from where I lived. There was a white balcony and, it had a medium size yard. A large truck was in front with men offloading things. "So much for helping." Hayden-kun laughed "Let's go in." The four of us entered and Marcia-chan smiled. "This is a nice house. It's bigger then our last one we had." "We're going to be here a little while so I thought we would." Mrs. Hayden suddenly said. I turned to look at her and she smiled. "Did things go okay at school today?" "Yeah." Hayden-kun said in english. He was reverting back again so, it was difficult for me to understand some of what he said. "Darla, did you take care of what I asked?" Mrs. Hayden asked her. "Mom, I didn't feel right about it. I still don't understand why you would ask me such a thing..." "DID YOU?" Mrs. Hayden asked sternly. "I...I did." Darla bowed her head. I looked from one to the other. What was going on here? Mrs. Hayden looked at me and sighed. "I would never ask such a thing of you Darla unless it was extremely important. Normally I would take care of such a thing myself." "Mom..." Darla-chan looked almost frightened. "I hope you tell me what this is all about soon." "In time I will. For now, I can't." Mrs. Hayden sighed and walked into the kitchen. Hayden-kun and Marcia-chan looked at her. "Darla.." Hayden-kun began...what did Mom have you do?" Darla-chan looked at me. "I...I don't want to say in front of.." "Kasuga is cool." Hayden-kun indicated toward the upstairs and we all went up. He opened the door to one of the bedrooms. "I'm going to claim this room I guess. Now, tell us, what did you do?" Darla-chan looked nervous. Almost terrified. "I don't know why she would ask me such a thing. She had me hack into United Airlines with my computer skills and change the information about our flight." Marcia-chan looked stunned. "To what?" "I had us fly to London instead on another flight. And, I changed our other information too." Hayden-kun looked at me. "This is getting weird. Even for my Mom. I think we're going to have to talk to her." I nodded. I didn't know what to say. I tried putting it together. If Darla-chan had changed the information in the airline's computer, that would mean that Mrs. Hayden didn't want someone knowing they had flown to Japan. That would indicate a reason why they came here! But, what? Marcia-chan sighed. "Okay well, I don't want to worry about this right now. Since the movers seem to be taking care of things, that leaves us free to go to Mobius I think. Right?" I saw her smile at me and shrugged. "Uhmm..I guess so. I told Hikaru-chan I'd meet her there later tonight and..." "FINE!" Marcia-chan moved past me and slammed the door. Hayden-kun burst out laughing. "Smooth move dude. Now you got every chick pissed off at you. I don't think it will last though." He grinned at Darla-chan. "Want to come to this disco of theirs?" "No. Trivial things like that don't interest me. This thing Mom had me do does though. Do you know something about her we don't Shawn?" "No." Hayden-kun shrugged. Darla-chan walked out and I sighed. "So..uhmmm..what are you going to do now Hayden-kun?" "Darla is getting sharp. But this time, Mom screwed up. She's never done anything like this before! She's usually very discreet." "Does your Mom always use Darla in her CIA work?" I asked. Hayden-kun laughed. "Dude...she doesn't know Mom is a CIA agent! I'm the only one that knows cause I found out by accident! That's what has her so baffled! Mom asked her to do an illegal thing! This is something big. I'm going to try to figure it out but for now, let's forget it and have some fun." I didn't know how he could do that. I was so torn up inside over watching what happened with Kurumi and Shaw-kun...and my own three way situation between Hikaru-chan, Ayukawa, and Marcia-chan...that I didn't know what I'd do. I did know one thing. Changing information on an airline computer meant that Mrs. Hayden was hiding something. Again I asked myself...why? I bid goodbye to Hayden-kun and his family promising Marcia-chan that I would meet them in front of Mobius. I gave them directions how to get there and walked down the street toward my home. A thought struck me. With all that had gone on, I had yet to solve my dilemma with Ayukawa. I imagined she would tell Hikaru-chan but, I wanted to see her anyway. I was beginning to feel almost a strain between us. I headed for ABCB. It was out of my way but, taking a bus there would not take me long. Soon I found myself riding a bus and thinking about what I would say to her. Ayukawa as much as I cared for her could be so moody at times. I couldn't read her the way I could Hikaru-chan most of the time. I also needed her advice. I didn't know what I would do about this mess with Kurumi and Shaw-kun. I hoped she would give me some idea. I also was hoping to figure out a way to disuade Marcia-chan. As much as I liked her, my heart belonged to Ayukawa. I couldn't see anything changing that after all we had been through with Hikaru-chan. The worst was coming I knew and, I didn't need Marcia-chan in the picture to complicate things further. I arrived at ABCB and got off the bus. With a deep sigh, I opened the door. "Hello?" "Ahhh Kasuga-kun. Come in please. Would you like some iced coffee?" I smiled at Master and nodded. "Hai, please." I sat down on a stool and looked around. "Is Ayukawa here?" "Hai, in the back. She's putting supplies away. Would you like to help her?" I nodded and came around. "Do you need any help at all? I could stay and give you a hand." "That's alright. Madoka-chan and I have it taken care of. Why don't you go see her?" "I will. Arigatoo." I moved past the counter and went in back. "Ayukawa? Ayukawa are you here?" Suddenly somebody grabbed me from behind! I jumped and, I fell on my behind. I looked up at Ayukawa. She smiled and giggled at me. "Kasuga-kun you're too jumpy. You'd think I was out to get you or something." Out to get...I stopped. My thoughts went back to what Darla-chan had said. "I used my computer skills to hack into the United Airlines computer." Had she done hide from someone? "Kasuga-kun! Are you just going to sit there?" "Eh?" I looked up and shook my head. "No, no of course not Ayukawa! I..I came to say I'm sorry..and help you if you need me to." Her gaze narrowed. "You're not going to quit school to follow that insane idea of a hentai manga are you? You can't even draw that well!" "No, no! I told Hikaru-chan that I wasn't. I just need to let Komatsu and Hatta know. Hatta blew it out of proportion. I didn't intend to even pursue it." "Never huh?" Ayukawa laughed that sweet laugh of an angel. The smell of her hair wafted over me and, I felt myself feeling good. "Let me help you stock the supplies." Kasuga-kun, I'm sorry I slapped you earlier." She helped me to my feet and I moved to the supply closet and began to help her stack things. "That's okay, Ayukawa. You had good reason. I can't see myself being an advertising man for hentai manga either. College is probably best." "Have you decided on a major yet?" "No.." I sighed. "Ayukawa..something is bothering me. I..I needed to talk to you anyway." She put away some boxes and turned to look at me. "I'm listening Kasuga-kun. What's this about?" "Uhmm..well..Kurumi and Shaw-kun had their first fight. It was over the fact that Shaw-kun has Tonogra-chan helping him in class." "Kemi-chan?" Ayukawa sighed. "I thought that Sensei made a poor decision there. Do you think it's a major difficulty?" "I don't know. Last I saw, he had gone to talk to Kurumi. Manami was upset too. She told him to return to America if he wasn't serious and to propose to her." Propose? This early?" Ayukawa sighed. "Manami-chan is letting her emotions get the best of her. But that I can understand Kasuga-kun." She looked at me knowingly. It was her way of saying "how much longer do we wait?" "Uhmmm I think Manami is afraid that Kurumi will get hurt if in fact he gets close to Kemi-chan. Ayukawa..what do I do?" She sighed and looked away from me. "You had no trouble at all dealing with this situation on that cruise. But this time, there is someone else to be concerned with. I would say that it's up to them." She turned and looked at me hard. "If love is true it will stand the test. If not..." she trailed off. I nodded silently. "Uhmm...Hikaru-chan wants me to meet her at Mobius tonight. Are you going?" "I hadn't planned on it." she closed the storage cabinet and leaned against the wall. Her eyes met mine. "Is Marcia-chan going?" "Hai. But what.." "What are you going to do about her Kasuga-kun?" I dropped my mouth open! Ayukawa..Ayukawa knew about Marcia-chan! Had things been that obvious? "Ayukawa...I..I" "You can't string her along. I can stand back knowing our situation. That is up to you. You seem so concerned about Kurumi-chan and Jim-kun. But, when it comes to yourself, you let things stay the same. you like Marcia-chan?" "Uhmm I like her but.." "Then you need to decide don't you? This is between Hikaru-chan and Marcia-chan. I don't want to be a part of it." "But..Ayukawa I.." "If your going to hurt Hikaru and be with Marcia-chan, I don't want to see you Kasuga-kun. You know how I feel. Hikaru is very important to me. I don't want to see her hurt at all! I made a major decision on that cruise with Shawn-kun. I have stuck by it. Now, you need to decide if Hikaru and our friendship is important to you. Until you do, I can't see you." "Ayukawa I..." "Kasuga-kun..don't you have a date at Mobius? You don't have a lot of time to get ready. Better move." She smiled and tweaked my nose. Was she being serious? "Ayukawa..I...I care for you and..." "Perhaps in the future if things change Kasuga-kun that can be. But I don't want to see Hikaru hurt." I swallowed. "Does that mean your going to go out with Hayden-kun?" "No..." she sighed. "I think you need to have a talk with Manami-chan. Unless she is more open with her feelings, Hayden-kun will never know. Right now he feels only for me. Perhaps if he knows she cares, things will change." I bowed my head. Why did things have to be so difficult between us? "Ayukawa..did you tell Hikaru-chan about getting "Pikaru's" together again?" She smiled. "Hai, this afternoon. She was thrilled! I'm sure she'll tell you all her ideas tonight. You better run now." "But, Ayukawa I..." "Go Kasuga-kun!" She pointed toward the door. "I'll see you later...but until you settle things, I can't go anywhere with you. I will only go as a group." "Then come to Mobius! A lot of us are going and.." "Three's a crowd." she whispered. "You'll have Hikaru and Marcia-chan fighting for every dance. I don't want to be a part of that. Go now or I'm going to get angry!" I turned away defeated. What had I accomplished? If I hadn't shown, how long would she have gone not telling me about Marcia-chan? If she could tell, how many others knew? If Hikaru-chan even suspected, I would get it from her! Perhaps Marcia-chan was trying to make it obvious. If she was trying to break us up, that would be a good way. Rumors did terrible things. I returned home feeling dejected. As I opened the door, I heard laughter. That was a good sign. I looked up and saw Kurumi and Shaw-kun sitting together on the couch. They were laughing at some comedy show on t.v. I felt relieved they had settled their differences. "Oniechan, hurry up and eat. We're all going to Mobius soon!" Kurumi smiled. "You settled your argument?" I said hesitantly. "Yeah." Shaw-kun hugged her close. "I'm going to ask your dad tonight after we get back if he'll allow me to formally court her. Basicly, it's an early engagement." Kurumi hugged him close. "I love you Jim." "I love you too Baby." He reached over and kissed her right in front of me! "Whaaa!" I stammered. "Uhmmm I think that should wait and.." "Oh Oniechan quit being so old fashioned. Eat quick so we can go!" I felt like I was intruding. Normally I would have strongly objected but, if he was going to formally commit to my father that he wanted to marry Kurumi, there was little I could say. I felt like I should but again, my indecisiveness prevented it. I went to my room to change.... I came out and found Manami had made me some ramen. She was very quiet. "Manami, are you going to Mobius tonight?" "Is Madoka-san going?" she asked hesitantly. "No." I felt depressed again. I had hoped to dance some with Ayukawa tonight. "I guess I will." she sighed. "I can always hope things will work out." "Hope what?" Shaw-kun asked. "Oh didn't you know Jim?" Kurumi began excitedly, "Manami-chan is in..." "KURUMI!" Manami shouted. "MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS!" Manami's shout shocked Kurumi and made me almost fall backward from my chair. Her fierce glare at Kurumi instantly silenced her. Manami sighed. "Gomen. I...I would appreciate it if you would let me worry about myself Kurumi. Don't say anything to anyone about things we've talked about okay?" Kurumi nodded. "Hai." she whispered. Manami turned to me. "I guess I'll get ready to go to Mobius too then. I'll finish homework when I get back." I watched her go into her room and, I almost thought I heard what sounded like crying. I didn't know what to do.... Chapter Nine: Disco Mobius After a time, Manami came out of her room dressed and ready to go. She had on a white dress with black heels. Her hair was arranged long down her back which was not her normal ponytail. Her glasses were gone replaced by contact lenses which she rarely wore. Around her neck she wore a pearl necklace which accented her earrings. I was speechless. She hadn't looked this beautiful since the cruise last summer. I stared at her in wonder. This was my sister? She was even prettier now then when we went to the airport. Was this all so she could win over Hayden-kun? Kurumi in her green dress grinned. "Wow Manami-chan! You really look beautiful tonight!" Manami blushed and looked at me. "What are you staring at Oniechan? Let's go to Mobius." Still stunned, I nodded dumbly and opened the door. They followed me out with Kurumi snickering. Shaw-kun grinned. "Relax Kasuga. She's still you're sister." I was embaressed by this severely but I tried not to show it. I found myself wishing against my will that she would find whatever love she hoped for tonight. Manami deserved to have someone. She was seeing Kurumi with Shaw-kun and it was hurting her. Especially since she had so much feeling for Hayden-kun. I could not interfere. We took a bus to downtown where Mobius awaited. As we got off the bus I heard a shout, "Kasuga-kun!" Oh no! Komatsu and Hatta! What were they doing here? I saw Komatsu stare at Manami and, his eyes went wide. "Ma...Manami-chan! Ahhhh! You look so beautiful tonight! Did you dress this way for me? I am so moved with feeling for you that I can hardly describe it!" Hatta smiled at Kurumi and nodded. "Ohhh Kurumi-chan! You look so lovely tonight that I..." "Dude..." Shaw-kun stepped forward. "if you're thinking what I think you are, you can forget it! Get your hands away from my woman!" Hatta stared at him and swallowed. "Ohhh Shaw-kun I'm sorry I didn't see you there." He laughed nervously. "Yeah I'll bet man." Shaw-kun glared at him. "Don't ever look at Kurumi again. She's going to be my wife." "WIFE??" Komatsu shouted. "KURUMI-CHAN?" "That's right." Kurumi smiled. "Gomen, Hatta but I think you'd better find someone else to chase now." She shrugged as Shaw-kun put his arm around her. Komatsu offered his arm to Manami. "Well Manami-chan shall we?" Manami looked past him and saw Hayden-kun and Marcia-chan standing by the entrance to Mobius. She smiled and moved past Komatsu. "Excuse me Komatsu, I want to see my friends." "Friends?" Komatsu turned and looked at her puzzled. He watched as she walked up to Hayden-kun. "Manami-chan what..?" Manami smiled as she reached him. "Konnichi Wa Shawn-kun. Uhmmmm how are you this evening?" Hayden-kun nodded. "Hey Manami what's going on?" He waved at us "Hey Kasuga!" Manami opened her mouth to say something but again, the words died. She bowed her head as Hayden-kun walked over to me. "So do they play any cool music here or just that disco crap?" "Uhmmm well it's pretty good music but not what you listen to." I looked at Manami. She had raised her head and was looking at me. What could I do? Her eyes were pleading with me. Did she want me to direct Hayden-kun back to her? Didn't she deserve that? "Kyouske-kun! It's good to see you. Let's go inside okay? Will you dance with me?" I was stunned as Marcia-chan pushed past Hayden-kun and smiled at me. I almost choked! She was dressed in a beautiful black dress which was cut low in front. Her blonde hair was arranged across her back and shoulders and, she had a red rose in her hair. She also had what looked like a diamond necklace and diamond earrings! Her lips had a deep shade of lipstick and she wore blue eyeshadow. She was too beautiful! I tried not to look at her but, I couldn't help myself! Her dress was short revealing her long legs and her black high heeled sandals. While I was still staring at her, she took my arm. "Come on Kyouske. Let's go dance!" "Uhmmm I.." I came back to my senses realizing if Hikaru-chan walked up and saw this I would have more explaining to do then I cared to think about! Where was she? I looked around quickly. I saw Kurumi and Shaw-kun go inside. Hayden-kun was talking to Komatsu about something and poor Manami-chan after all her work stood staring at him. I wanted to talk to her but.. "Kyouske.." Marcia-chan's soft voice cooed. "Come on, show me a good time please?" "Marcia-chan I...I..." I didn't know how to stop this! I knew I should run away and get out of this dangerous situation again but, my feet wouldn't move! Then, Marcia-chan smiled at me and led me through the door holding my hand.... The lights and music of Mobius blasted everywhere as we entered the dance floor area. Marcia-chan looked around. "I don't see Hikaru anywhere. I wonder if she got delayed or something?" Delayed? What if she was sick. "I should call and check on her." I started to move. "Oh no you don't!" Marcia-chan giggled and took my hand. "If she shows up then that's fine, I'll leave you alone. But while she isn't here, please be with me?" "Uhmmm I...I don't think..." She leaned very close to me. I could feel her hot breath on my face. "Please Kyouske." She whispered in my ear above the din. "I can be a lot of fun. Trust me. I won't do anything to hurt you." I was in turmoil. I was trying to think of meant Hikaru-chan...but...but Marcia-chan was here! And she was incredibly beautiful! Why was I so attracted to her? I found myself being led onto the dance floor realizing it was no longer against my will. Why was this? Was I...was I falling for Marcia-chan the way Hayden-kun had predicted might happen? And if that was the case...what about Ayukawa? Where was Hikaru-chan now? What was I going to do? The sweet smell of Marcia-chan filled me as we danced close together among the many couples. I was feeling strange almost like I was drunk with saki. Part of me kept wondering where Hikaru-chan was? It was not like her to be late for any type of date where I was concerned. It made me wonder but...but..Marcia-chan was lovely that I.." "Kyouske, did anyone ever tell you how cute you are?" "Uhmm..I..Hikaru-chan has a few times and..." "And she isn't here, is she?" Marcia-chan held me closer as she whispered in my ear. "Maybe something more important then you came up? But, I'm here. And, I can't lie to you Kyoukse honey. I like you a lot." I felt like I was going to explode! I jerked slightly but, she pressed herself against me and giggled. "Hikaru is a nice girl but, you need a woman I think. I'm a little more mature then she is. I think you can see that." Boy could I! I felt myself getting very excited against my will. It was like when I was with Ayukawa and I wanted to do forbidden things with her. Now, Marcia-chan was close against me and, her golden hair fell across my shoulders. This was too dangerous to believe! I had to get out of it! "Uhmm after this dance, could we sit down?" "You want me to sit on your lap?" she asked in a sultry voice. I felt my nose twitch and realized if I didn't get out of this soon, it might explode! "I...I need to sit down!" I broke away from her and moved quickly to a chair. She followed and sat down next to me and crossed her legs. The hem of her dress was above her knees and I couldn't believe how beautiful she was! "Feel better now?" I nodded and looked around. Still no Hikaru-chan. This was disquieting. "I need to find a phone and call Hikaru-chan. See if she's alright." "Okay, I'll wait." She smiled sweetly. "Would you be a dear and get me a drink please?" "Hai." I got up and looked over to my left. I could see Kurumi and Shaw-kun dancing close. They were totally wrapped up in each other. On the opposite side I could see Manami sitting. She had turned down dances from several guys. I noticed Hayden-kun standing against the wall with Komatsu. They were discussing something. I moved to the phone. My eyes fell on Manami again. I needed to talk to her. I picked up the phone and dialed Hikaru-chan's number. It rang. It kept ringing. No answer. I hung up. Was she on her way? Should I go find her? "Isn't she home?" Marcia-chan said. I jumped not realizing she was behind me. " I guess not, Marcia-chan. Maybe she's on the way here." She took my arm and led me to the bar. "Well until she get's here, you dance with me okay Kyouske honey?" "Uhmmm I...I guess so." "Good." She smiled and squeezed my hand. This was getting out of control! The environment..her beauty..the fact there was no Hikaru-chan it was making it very difficult to resist her! We both got some Coke and, I drank mine deeply. I felt hot all over almost like I was in a furnace. I loosened my jacket. I looked over and she smiled at me raising her glass. "A toast Kyouske? To International relationships!" I raised my glass and stopped. That had almost been the exact same thing that Hayden-kun had said to us on that cruise! I felt extremely nervous. For a time we stood there then, I saw something that caught my interest. Manami-chan had gotten to her feet and was walking toward Hayden-kun. Was she finally getting the courage to talk to him? Through all the noise I couldn't hear them but, I saw Komatsu stare at her and Hayden-kun nodded. She offered him her hand and, they went to the dance floor. Manami smiled and began talking to him as they danced... "Kyouske.." "Eh?" I turned startled. "Marcia-chan laughed. "Dance with me some more okay?" "Uhmm Hai." I took her hand and we went back to the dance floor. The rest of the night, we danced together and, I hardly found myself thinking of Hikaru-chan. She never showed which was very odd to me. But, Marcia-chan was here..and she..she was so lovely that I found myself comparing her beauty to Ayukawa's..but it was more seductive even. When we took a break, Komatsu came up to me and poked me in the ribs. "You sly devil! You're having all the fun and Hatta and I get to sit here. How did you get so lucky?" "Lucky?" "To have such a hot babe! When are you going to break up with Hikaru-chan? It's obvious that Marcia-chan likes you! And by the way, Hatta and I don't need you in our manga venture now. Hayden-kun is interested and he doesn't plan on attending college either." I looked at him. "Hayden-kun interested? When did you decide this?" "Just a few minutes ago. Kasuga although we're friends, you seem to be unsure a lot of the time. Hayden-kun is very sure of himself. He'll be a good choice to help us promote it. So...when are you going to break up with Hikaru-chan?" "I...I didn't say I was! We were just dancing and..." "She was all over you Kasuga! Everyone saw it and, you don't seem to be pushing her away. You might as well make it official before rumors start." Rumors! All over the school! OH NO! AYUKAWA!!! I found myself screaming inwardly. This couldn't happen! How could I let myself be so stupid? What was causing me to act this way? Damn me and my indecisiveness. This seemed more like I was genuinely attracted to Marcia-chan though. I swallowed. "I...I'm not ready to break up with.." "Oh come on!" Komatsu smiled wickedly. "Just look at how she's dressed sitting over there! You know she wants you Kasuga! Why are you denying her? A hot babe like Marcia-chan is so much better then Hikaru-chan! Hikaru-chan never looked that good! I'll bet Marcia-chan would do "C" with you right now!" "BAKA!" I shouted. I looked around nervously as people turned to see who had shouted. "I told you..I..I can't break up with Hikaru-chan. I.." Hatta grinned and slapped me on the back. "Kasuga. It's okay. It's all a part of becoming a man. Do you think I've given up on Kurumi? He hasn't married her yet and won't for several years. They could still break up. Take life at it's fullest and go be a man! Marcia-chan is a babe! Take advantage of your situation!" The music blasted even louder and I found myself staring at Marcia-chan against my will. The smiling faces of Komatsu and Hatta fell out of focus as she turned and winked at me. I had no more thoughts for Hikaru-chan. Like in a dream, I found myself walking over to Marcia-chan. It was almost as if I was hypnotized and couldn't control my actions. I stopped in front of her. She smiled invitingly. "Want to dance with me some more Kyouske? Or would you rather be with your hentai friends?" "Dance with you." I said almost automatically. She stood up and, I took her hand. It felt natural and, there was no thoughts of Hikaru-chan at all. Part of me kept wishing this was Ayukawa but, even those thoughts seemed to be almost completely immersed. "Do you like me Kyouske honey?" Marcia-chan whispered in my ear. I felt like I was melting. The heat inside me jumped up to a level I could barely stand! "Hai...I like you Marcia-chan. A lot." "You and I can be together. I can be so much more then Hikaru. But, that's up to you. Walk me home tonight and, I'll show you a pleasure such as you have never experienced." I felt like I was in a burning desert and the only way I could quench it was to be with her! This was impossible! I shouldn't feel this way! "I'll walk you home." I whispered. "You won't regret it, Kyouske honey." She held me closer and I felt like I was dreaming. A wonderful dream that I was spiraling down into unable to escape... Chapter Ten: Night Flight Still immersed in my living dreams, the night went quickly. I was brought out of it when someone touched me on the shoulder. Still dancing with Marcia-chan I looked over to see who it was. It was Manami. "Oniechan, can I speak to you a moment?" "Eh? Uhmm sure Manami." I looked into Marcia-chan's deep blue eyes and felt captivated. "Excuse me for a moment Marcia-chan." "I understand, Kyouske honey. I'll wait." She went to sit down. "Kyouske honey?" Manami stared at me. "Oniechan what..?" "Uhmm...she started calling me that and.." "What about Hikaru-chan?" She stared at me like I was insane. "Oniechan what are you doing! Think about this!" "I'm just dancing Manami-chan that's all." She looked hard at me. "What's wrong with you? You're acting like your drunk or something. Have you so fallen for Marcia-chan you've completely forgotten everything else? Do you realize who you're going to hurt?" I shook my head trying to clear it. She was right! What was I thinking? I looked over at Marcia-chan. But..I felt myself going strangely giddy again. She was so beautiful! Why was I seeing her in such a way? "Uhm, Manami what do you need?" She sighed. "I..I'm going home. Hayden-kun is taking me out to ice cream then home." I felt myself feel a bit of relief. Was her problem finally solved? I could see Hayden-kun a few feet away smiling. "You told him your feelings Manami-chan?" "I didn't entirely. He knows I do like him and, we're going to talk. But.." she trailed off. "Oniechan..if..if you get together with Marcia-chan and Hikaru-chan and you break up..what will happen to your relationship with Madoka-san?" I felt an involuntary shiver go down my spine. What would happen indeed? Any chance I had with Ayukawa would be gone. And if that happened and Hayden-ku went after her all that effort that Manami-chan had went through to win him would be gone. I could see she was concerned over this. I had to talk to Marcia-chan and end this tonight. I would end this! I was not ready to hurt Hikaru-chan and lose Ayukawa all in one blow. I wished Manami-chan well and watched her and Hayden-kun leave. I noticed Komatsu and Hatta were gone. Either they had miraculously found other girls or they had given up and gone home. Kurumi and Shaw-kun were also gone. I was alone with Marcia-chan. I returned to her and, she took my hand smiling. "I missed you Kyouske honey. Want to dance some more? Or, do you want to try out that surprise I mentioned?" "Uhmmm I..." "Let's go someplace quiet." she cut in. "Let me show you my favorite thing I like to do. I've never shared this with anyone so, it will be a first for both of us." "A first..?" My hormones were raging as I realized what she meant! She was ready to go do "C" with me right now! And as much as a part of me kept telling me to run, there was a larger part that wanted to be with her! But wait! If it was her favorite thing but she had never shared it..what.? I was totally in confusion now. She stood up and winked at me leading me off the dance floor. Together we exited and climbed the stairs outside onto the street. "This is going to be fun." she giggled excitedly. Her mother had asked me to watch out for her. I had promised Ayukawa I would not hurt Hikaru-chan. Now, here I was ready to take full advantage of Marcia-chan and, a large part of me did not care if I hurt Hikaru-chan. It was the most disconcerting thing I had ever experienced. My emotions clashed as if they were at war. We walked to the end of the street and she led me into some woods. The woods! She wanted to do "C" in the woods? I swallowed hard.. "Now Kyouske honey. I want you to close your eyes. This won't be as much fun if you aren't surprised." My mind full of hentai thoughts, I closed my eyes and waited trembling for what was to come. I was lost. I was ready to give myself fully to her. And the terrible part was, I still did not understand why! I felt a brief surge of what might have been heat and, a cool gentle wind blew across my face. I winced as I suddenly felt like I had no weight. If I didn't know better, I felt like I was no longer on the ground. She giggled. "Alright Kyouske honey. Open your eyes." Hesitantly, I opened them to see her beautiful face smiling. "Uhmmm what's different?" "Look down." I looked and gasped as I saw the tops of the trees below me! "Whaaaa!" I shouted. "Don't be scared." she laughed. "Remember my esper powers? One of them is flight." Now I remembered! I swallowed again. She held my hands and winked. Do heights scare you Kyouske honey?" "UHmm well no but.." "Hang on then!" I almost screamed as suddenly we shot upward high into the sky! I could see the whole city beneath us and, she turned and angled us sideways. We were gliding high over everything riding the wind. Above us, the moon bathed our flight with a glow such as I had never experienced. She giggled. "I'll bet you never did this with any other girl did you?" "No.." I felt like screaming. As we flew higher, it began to get colder. She turned us downward and I felt the air grow warmer. "I've never done this with anyone else ever." she squeezed my hand. "You're the first guy I ever revealed my powers to. When Shawn came home from that cruise and told us what you and he had done to save that entire ship, I dreamed about flying with you. I dreamed about holding you and showing you things I've never shown anyone. Isn't it right for two espers to be together?" "I..I don't think I.." "Hikaru is a wonderful person Kyouske honey. She just may not be the right one for you. Maybe you were with her so long because deep down fate was waiting for us to meet. It was incredible that in all the world you and Shawn would meet on that cruise. Both of you are espers. It was because of you that people are still alive. Your both true heroes Kyouske honey. But, fate again intervened. This time to send my entire family over here to meet you. I don't know why but, my mother was totally fascinated with the idea of another esper family. I guess there aren't many of us." "Hai.." I didn't know what else to say. I was so enamored with her beauty and drinking in the romance of the flight itself that I was in a euphoria. "This is so right Kyoukse honey." she went on. "It feels right. Can't you see that? I've felt it all night. It's like a chemistry between us. I could fly with you all night. Whenever I get depressed or need time alone, this is what I do. It bothers Mom because she always thinks someone is going to see it and then our secret will be out. But who would care anyway? We'd be famous!" Her thoughts struck me! Marcia-chan didn't care if her family was discovered as espers. Was this why Mrs. Hayden had told me to watch her? And, she had shown deep concern wanting to make sure Darla-chan had changed the flight information on the computer. This was beginning to fit together. Someone must be after them! Mrs. Hayden must know more! I would have to be there when Hayden-kun finally confronted her! "Kyouske honey, you're not listening to me." Her soft words brought me quickly out of my thoughts and, I felt that same warmth. It was almost as if she was projecting it! Whenever I was around her I felt like I wanted only her! Even when I could feel Ayukawa in the back of my mind. "UHmm..gomen. I'm listening." She pulled me closer as we hovered high over the city. Her warm glow filled me and she brought her face close to mine. "Kyouske-kun...I think it's time we got more real about our feelings." "More real..?" I gasped as she held me closer and suddenly her sweet lips met mine! Her taste was like strawberries and, I responded against my will. She held me even closer and our kiss deepened. This situation was now totally out of control! And unlike Hikaru-chan when I knew it was time to get out of it, I found a large part of myself unwilling! Our lips parted and she sighed holding me close. "Ever since Shawn told me about you and how cool you were with your own powers, I've dreamed of doing that with you. Sometime your going to have to teleport with me. Shawn said it made him dizzy." "Well, it's just he wasn't used to it." I laughed nervously. "I could get used to it with you. And a lot of other things too. Like time travel. Could we go back in time someday?" "Uhmmm...I..that's not a good idea on a regular basis. And I have never gone back in time with anyone else." I knew that was false. Ayukawa had gone back with me once. It was after that when we had truly admitted our feelings for each other. Then...then why was I here above the city in the arms of Marcia-chan? Why did this feel so good? "Can you send me telepathy the way you did with your cousin?" she asked. "I don't think so. Kazuya is the only one I ever." She kissed me again forcing her lips to mine and, I responded again before I realized what had happened. She pulled away and smiled. "Try honey. Maybe after this we're linked." I found myself concentrating trying to hear her thoughts. For a brief instant like with Ayukawa, I thought I sensed something. It was...a wall or something..and it seemed to be hiding something. What was that..? She giggled. "Well, it was a nice try Kyouske-kun. Shall we go somewhere more private where we can get to know each other even better?" I swallowed again. Now she really did want to do "C"! OH NO! "Uhmm I..I think that we need to get home. Both of us have school tomorrow and I still need to finish my homework." She nodded sadly. "Another time then, Kyouske honey. I guess we can break the news to Hikaru tomorrow?" "The news?" I felt like my heart was on fire! "Silly. About us. You and I the new couple of the school. Aren't you going to declare me as yours the way Jim did with Kurumi?" I felt sick inside. "I...I need more time. I..can't just drop it on Hikaru-chan like that! I have to figure out what to say and..." She kissed me deeply again. I smelled her perfume wafting over me and the wind blew it up into my nostrils. As she broke the kiss she smiled. "Once we're together honey, we can have lots of flights like these. And we can do a lot of other more fun things." She rubbed my cheek with her hand and ran her fingers through my hair. "I'll fly you home darling. No sense walking." I felt her hold her body close to mine the entire flight and she at last alighted on our balcony. Fortunately it was dark outside and nobody was awake I could see. The room inside was dark. She hugged me close to her. "I'll see you tomorrow Kyouske. Please don't take too long declaring your love. I'd hate to tell Hikaru myself." I nodded dumbly as she kissed me once more then flew upward out of sight! My heart was in turmoil! I opened the sliding glass door and walked in. Closing it, I collapsed on the couch. I could hear my father snoring in his room. Looking at the clock, I saw it was 2 am! Baka! I had school tomorrow! As I returned to my room, I heard a noise. Looking up, I saw Manami-chan in the doorway glaring at me. "Manami..." "BAKA!" She said hotly. She closed my door and shoved me back on my bed. "We need to talk Oniechan! Right now!" Kasuga Kyouske 18 years old. Out of the frying pan into the fire! I looked into Manami's concerned face as I sat trying to get my head straight. I felt like I was coming off of a hangover. A hangover of such sweet love for Marcia-chan, I had never experienced. Even when I was with Ayukawa, I couldn't recall it being that good. This wasn't normal for me. I shook my head trying to rid it of the fog. "Are you happy with yourself?" Manami said angrily. "Did you go do "C" with her?" "NO!" I shouted. I glared at her. "Manami, why would you think such a thing?" "Because you were all over her Oniechan! She has taken you completely! Tomorrow you're going to destroy Hikaru-chan. I always knew you would hurt her but, I didn't think it would be like this! Madoka-san will hate you too!" I nodded dumbly trying to figure out what had happened. Why was I so attracted to Marcia-chan? Sure she was very beautiful but, I had been tempted by women before. I had remained true to Ayukawa. But tonight, if my will had not been very strong, I would have taken Marcia-chan as far as I could. On our cruise last summer Hikaru-chan one night had offered herself to me. I had been extremely tempted to do "C" with her right then but, my loyalty and love for Ayukawa had prevented that. Now thinking about Marcia-chan...I wanted her. I wanted her so badly I couldn't believe it! I had no idea why this was either. It was hard to accept. Manami stared at me. She sighed and sat down on the bed. "Shawn-kun actually had fun with me tonight. I'm hoping that Madoka-san never entered his thoughts. But if you break up with Hikaru-chan and Madoka-san hates you, he might decide to try to be with her again!" Manami suddenly burst into tears and leaned over. I didn't know what to do. The heat that had consumed me was gone now. I had only confusion in my mind. I tried to think about this. Our flight of love had been almost too real. I couldn't get Marcia-chan off my mind. I tried to think about it. I had never acted this way before. I looked at Manami realizing I was trembling. "Gomen. I...I don't know why I acted this way tonight Manami. I know I shouldn't feel this way but.." "Do you love Marcia-chan Oniechan? Or do you just want to have her for her body? What happened to you!" "It's almost like I'm not in total control." I whispered. "I would think about it but then, I would look at her beauty and I would find myself wanting her." "Not in total control?" Manami looked at me in surprise. "You mean you don't feel you knew what you were doing?" "I...I don't know." Manami looked thoughtful. "Did it feel like maybe you were watching but not controlling your body movements?" I looked hard at her. "What are you saying Manami?" "Oniechan...Hikaru-chan never showed up tonight. I wonder if there's a reason." "I tried to call her from Mobius but, she wasn't home. The phone just rang." "This is really going out on a limb Oniechan but, Marcia-chan is an esper like us. She has "the power" or something like it. I'm wondering if you fell so hard for her because she wanted you to." "Baka!" I shook my head. "You're implying she was using some sort of emotional or mind control on me aren't you?' "That's exactly what I'm saying!" Manami sighed and got up. "You're very susceptible to hypnosis. We've seen that in the past. I know that right now Marcia-chan seems to want you very badly. Suppose she used some sort of influence on you? I'm also wondering if she had something to do with why Hikaru-chan didn't show up. Shawn-kun told me that she has "telekenesis" and "levitation." "Uhmmm I know Manami. I went flying with her tonight." I sighed deeply. Was Marcia-chan controlling me? "I'm going to be very interested in what reason Hikaru-chan gives tomorrow at school. I also think we should keep this quiet. I'm going to talk to Shawn-kun about her." She looked at me. "I think until we get this straightened out it's best if you do all you can to avoid her. I know that will be hard Oniechan. Maybe we should talk to Madoka-san. She knows were espers and if she knows the situation, she won't get mad at you." I flopped back on my bed exhausted. That made sense! In fact, the more I thought about it, the whole scenario made a weird kind of sense. I was not the type of person to fall so deeply in love so fast. With Ayukawa it had been fast but, not this much! Manami had a point. If it was true, the intent was clear. Marcia-chan wanted me. Hayden-kun had compared her to a snake. Once she bit onto something, she didn't let go! OH NO! If she wanted me bad enough would she use her esper powers to move Hikaru-chan out of the picture? The thought of Marcia-chan using "the power" to remove Hikaru-chan was too terrifying to think about. Her mother was right. She was being baka with her power. She didn't think. If she was using it for things such as this, it was an evil thing! She wasn't a bad person I was sure but, she definitely went after what she wanted. Poor Hikaru-chan having no power at all would be an easy target. Even Ayukawa would but, I doubted Marcia-chan knew about her and I. Hayden-kun seemed to keep things like that to himself fortunately. Manami stood facing the window. "Oneichan." "Hai Manami?" "I really think I love Shawn-kun. I don't want anything to mess this up now that I got him to agree to go out with me. I had to invite him. Next Sunday, we're going to the movies. I hope you have your situation settled by then." "Hai." It was all I could say. I felt like I was in a trap closing around me! What was I going to do tomorrow at school? I thought about it. Only Komatsu and Hatta would possibly talk. If I could get to them before rumors spread I had a good chance at keeping Hikaru-chan from finding out. If I could delay Marcia-chan somehow before she told Hikaru-chan about last night, I would be in the clear. Then, I would have to determine if this theory Manami had presented was true and if so, I would have to confront Marcia-chan with it. I felt like a puppet. Our flight of love had been incredible. I still had strong feelings trying to overtake me but now, I could feel again my familiar love for Ayukawa and my feelings of caring for Hikaru-chan. They were still there. They had just been covered over by my incredible lust for Marcia-chan. Had she counted on those feelings to so overpower me that I would do whatever she asked? If Manami was right, how many others had she used this power on? It was a horrifying thought. My cousin Akane on occasion used her own power to fool people. She had the power of illusion. She had used it a few times to play jokes on me. She had also hurt Hikaru-chan once with it pretending to be me. If Marcia-chan had a stronger ability to actually influence who she was with...I didn't want to think about the results of it. If I didn't find a way to overcome it...I would not be able to stop myself next time from doing "C" with her or anything else she asked. That was assuming this theory was real. "I'm going to bed Oniechan." Manami sighed and walked toward the door. "Get lots of sleep, tomorrow is going to be a very full day." She closed the door behind her. I lay on my bed feeling the fear. I had feared Hayden-kun's wrath on that cruise. Now, I was fearing that I was being controlled by his sister. Marcia-chan was too beautiful to ignore. If I didn't solve this problem soon...I wouldn't have the strength to not be with her. As I threw off my clothes and buried myself under the covers I could see images of Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan fading away. The incredibly beautiful image of Marcia-chan was getting stronger..... Chapter Eleven: Cat Fight! The next morning brought some interesting results which I would never have anticipated. Manami had phoned Ayukawa that night and explained the situation to her. In the past this is something we could never have done but, in my last year of Junior High, Ayukawa and I had declared our feelings to each other. One of the ways I had done that was to reveal to her I was an esper. This had solved a lot of problems I had earlier experienced when I was trying to hide that and, it opened up other potential problems in place. But it also meant she could know the true reason why I had acted that way around Marcia-chan. How was I going to hide it from Hikaru-chan? And if I could confirm it was indeed Marcia-chan using some sort of power to influence me, how would I resist her? I arrived at school the next morning tired and feeling drained. I noticed that Komatsu and Hatta were nowhere to be seen. Neither was Ayukawa. It made me wonder what was going on. Sensei wouldn't be here for a little bit so, I went up to the roof hoping I would find them. It turned out I was right! "What's this all about Ayukawa?" Komatsu blinked. "Could it be? YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME!! Hatta, I can't believe this!" Hatta looked at Komatsu then at Ayukawa. "Then why am I here?" Ayukawa stood with her back to them looking out over the city. I opened the door to the stairs a crack and could see them. "Komatsu-san...Hatta-san. I need a favor from you." Komatsu grinned broadly. "For a beautiful worldly woman like you Madoka-san I.." Ayukawa turned quickly and glared at him instantly silencing him. Hatta swallowed twice and backed up. She advanced toward them. "You both saw something you shouldn't have at Mobius the other night. I want you to keep it to yourselves." Komatsu looked at Hatta and they grinned. "You mean about Kasuga falling all over Marcia-chan?" Hatta laughed. "He's such a lucky..." "Hikaru is not going to lose him!" Ayukawa said hotly. "At least not without a fight! You breathe a word of what happened last night..either of you..and I'll make sure you feel the results of it!" Komatsu gulped. "Uhmmm we weren't the only ones in the place that.." "I already took care of that." She took another step toward them. "I know you remember my reputation of "Madoka the Pick" right? It would be a shame if I went back to it. I don't want to see Hikaru hurt! If she finds out she has lost Kasuga-kun, I want it to be when he tells her. And not before! Forget what you saw!" Hatta nodded and ran toward the door. I jumped back surprised and fell down the stairs. As I fell, I teleported to safety back on the roof. I was behind the side wall still listening to her and Komatsu. "And what makes you think you can prevent this Ayukawa?" Komatsu sounded miffed. "It's going to come out. Might as well be now and get it over with." "Hikaru is not going to hear this third hand from anyone!" Ayukawa said angrily. "Nobody was there except for you and Hatta besides Kasuga-kun, his sisters, and the Haydens. Am I right?" "Uhmm I'm not sure." Komatsu wondered out loud. Ayukawa glared at him. "BE SURE! Don't breathe a word of this. Got it?" Komatsu stepped back looking fearful. "Okay. I won't say a word. I promise." Komatsu bowed and left quickly. I was about to leave when, I saw the door open and Marcia-chan came up. "Madoka-chan? I was told you wanted to see me up here. Class is about to start. If we don't hurry, we'll both be late!" "I don't care." Ayukawa said quietly. "You and I have an issue to discuss Marcia-chan. It's about your "Kyouske honey." Marcia-chan giggled. "Oh. It's out already huh? I didn't know he had made it official! I'll have to make sure I show him my gratitude in public." She turned to go. "JUST A MOMENT!" Ayukawa shouted. Marcia-chan stopped and turned back looking at her. "We aren't finished." Ayukawa glared at her. "Oh? Why are you concerned? Is it because he's dumping Hikaru for me?" "He hasn't dumped Hikaru for you or anyone!" Ayukawa walked up to her. I was feeling very nervous. What would she do? "I want you to know Marcia-chan, Kasuga-kun and I are very..."she hesitated. "very good friends. I know he's an esper. I also know you are an esper. Tell me. Do you find it strange Hikaru was trapped in her basement for hours the other night while you tried to steal Kasuga-kun?" Marcia-chan giggled. "That's too bad. Do you feel I had something to do with her being stuck? What proof do you have?" Suddenly the first bell rang. OH NO! We would be late. But, I couldn't tear myself away from this cat fight! "I don't have to have proof." Ayukawa glared at her. "I don't know all your powers but, I know you could very well have been responsible for that. Her phone in the basement didn't work either. She was unable to get out until her parents came home and found her. By that time, you had already been with Kasuga-kun all night." "Not all night." Marcia-chan smiled. "Just part of it. But next time, we'll be together till morning." "You little bitch!" Ayukawa slapped her. I gasped. Marcia-chan held her face and stared at her. Ayukawa nodded. "Are you so desperate for a boyfriend you can't compete normally? Trapping Hikaru and using your powers to somehow influence Kasuga-kun is nothing short of dishonorable! If you truly feel you love him, why don't you try to win him with your beauty! A false love under duress will never last!" I waited for Marcia-chan to deny this. It had to be false. But instead I watched as she laughed. "I do love Kyouske-kun. He's perfect for me. Hikaru and you are very nice friends Madoka-chan. But, he needs one of his own kind. It's fate that we should be together. But, I do see what you mean. In time, he will learn to love me. By that time we will have gone far enough that, it will be a given we'll be mated." "And that includes using your powers?" Ayukawa said quietly. Her voice sounded almost dangerous. "At first. Once I know he is mine, I'll quit. I just need to remove Hikaru from him. I know he doesn't really love her. I can feel it. And quite frankly Madoka-chan unless you think it's really your affair, I'd advise you to butt out." Marcia-chan started to leave. Ayukawa jumped in front of her. "IT IS MY AFFAIR! My friendship with Hikaru is more important then almost anything! If your going to pursue Kasuga-kun, you need to be honorable." "In America, we have a saying Madoka-chan. It's "take what you can if you can." And believe me, I can." She smiled. "When I first met you Marcia-chan, I thought you were a very nice person. But now I see what kind of little bitch you are! Have you ever won over a boyfriend honestly? You're beautiful enough! Why do you depend on your esper abilities? Leave Kasuga-kun alone and let him decide." "I am letting him decide. If he has the will, he can choose who he wants." Marcia-chan sighed. "I will do as you ask. I will quit using my abilities to remove Hikaru and, I'll quit trying to influence him. I think you're right, I'm beautiful enough. I'll just use my female attributes." She spun around and showed off her body. "I don't think he can resist this." "Fine then." Ayukawa nodded. "On equal terms I think that you'll find Hikaru will be an even match for you. Let's get to class, we're already late." Ayukawa turned to go and suddenly, I saw her fly upward and hit the ground. Startled, she turned to see Marcia-chan floating in the air above her! OH NO! Marcia-chan smiled. "That's for slapping me earlier, Madoka-chan. I respect the fact you want Hikaru to be happy. But I can already tell you, Kyouske-kun is not for her. It's just something I feel. That leaves me. Unless you know of someone else in the competition?" I waited for Ayukawa to reveal her true feelings. Perhaps this was the time to bring it all out before things got worse. Instead she shook her head. "No one else. You and Hikaru. She's going to win." "I'm sure she'll try." Marcia-chan lowered herself down to the roof again. "Madoka-chan...don't EVER hit me again okay? I might react in a way you wouldn't like." "Is that a threat?" Ayukawa's look darkened and she got to her feet. "A promise." Marcia-chan glared back and, she walked past Ayukawa down the stairs. SHOOT! I was late too! I teleported back... Sensei was a few minutes late so, none of us got in trouble. I felt like I wasn't worthy of the display I had witnessed. Ayukawa would be helping Hikaru-chan to hang onto me. Marcia-chan would be trying to win me. It was a dream that Komatsu or Hatta would have died for. To me, it was a curse. I liked Marcia-chan..but now with this new side of her I had witnessed, I wasn't sure what I felt. Did she love me so much she would hurt Ayukawa? Or was it revenge? I could see our new friendship being strained. I would have to talk to Hayden-kun first chance I got. I also wanted to talk to Ayukawa. I needed to talk to her concerning us. "Darrrling!" I gasped as Hikaru-chan flew into me. We fell down in the hall together. It was a scene we had repeated many times. "Darling, I was sooo sad last night! Gomen nasai! I tried to go to see you at Mobius. But, I somehow got trapped in the basement! The doors wouldn't open, or the windows. I couldn't break the glass! The telephone didn't work! It was like I was in a prison with no way out!" She cried in my arms. "And I wanted to be with you soo badly." "I kept him occupied." Marcia-chan said suddenly. I looked up and she smiled at me. OH NO!! "Uhmm hai, we had fun" I laughed nervously. "Hai we did." Marcia-chan giggled. "I'd like to do that again sometime soon. Maybe more." "Maybe more?" Hikaru-chan looked up confused. "Sempai, what does Marcia-chan mean by.." "Hikaru!" Ayukawa suddenly said. She had come up behind Marcia-chan. "We need to talk. Now!" Hikaru-chan looked at me and briefly at Marcia-chan. A look darkened her eyes. "Uhmm okay Madoka-san." She hugged me. "I'll see you later Sempai!" I nodded slowly and watched them walk off. "Want to go for another flight?" Marcia-chan whispered in my ear. I waited for that feeling of urgency to have her take me over. Part of me even wanted it. But instead this time, only her perfume filled me. She wasn't evil. She was keeping her word to Ayukawa. "Not..not for awhile." I said hesitantly. "I..I think we need to talk Marcia-chan. I don't feel right about the other night." I ignored the looks from people as she nodded. "We'll discuss this later okay? Can you stop by my house tonight? We can do homework together." That was not a good idea! In fact, it was a very dangerous idea. "Uhmm not tonight. I have to help out at ABCB tonight. I also have to help my father and.." She giggled. "You sound like a man making excuses to get out of a dentist appointment. What's ABCB?" "It's a cafe place we go to. Would you like to see it?" Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. "We can have everyone come. Hayden-kun would like it I'm sure. Besides, he and I and Hikaru-chan need to discuss "Pikaru's." still." "That's the band you were in?" Marcia-chan put a hand on my arm and carressed my skin. I felt myself getting tense! "I sing pretty well Kyouske. Do you think I could be in it too?" "I..I guess so. I'd have to talk to the others about it." I had a feeling...things were going to tense up even more soon.... I was feeling nervous still about Marcia-chan and Ayukawa's morning clash when school finally let out. I had promised to go to ABCB but, after witnessing what I had, I didn't know what to say to Ayukawa. Not to mention Hikaru-chan. As I exited the front doors, someone grabbed me and, I turned to see Hayden-kun. "Hey dude! You sure seem moody lately." "Uhmmm." I nodded. "Hayden-kun, are you busy right now?" "Yeah dude. Manami wanted me to meet her at ABCB. That's that place you told me about in your letters isn't it? She told me where it was." "Hai." I smiled. "We need to talk with Hikaru-chan and see what her ideas regarding "Pikaru's" will be." "Do we have to use that name?" Hayden-kun sighed. "I have a Gibson Les Paul I can use and Shaw has his bass guitar. I'll have to dig it out of storage, I still haven't finished unpacking." I wanted to talk with him about Marcia-chan. It was difficult to find the words because, like Manami, I was afraid he would go after Ayukawa. But, he had already told me he wouldn't. I would have to trust in that. "Are you good with guitar?" I said instead dodging the issue. "Jim and I both play heavy metal. That's the only problem I can see. We're going to have to come to a happy medium someplace. I don't want to play disco crap." "It isn't the type of disco that you think." I yawned feeling tired. "I think it's closer to what you heard at Mobius. Hikaru-chan was very anxious to do this. I wonder if there's another contest coming up?" "Could be." Hayden-kun glanced up as we both heard loud voices. OH NO! I could see Hikaru-chan and Marcia-chan in the school yard. They didn't look happy. "Oh damn." Hayden-kun echoed my feelings. "Marcia-chan..." Hikaru-chan said hotly, "I want you to keep away from my Sempai! I told you since the day you arrived, he's mine! The whole school knows he's mine! Are you trying to create trouble and damage friendships?" I had to stop this! I had to! "Hikaru-chan..although I know you care for have to understand something. I can tell when someone isn't happy. He is not for you." Hikaru-chan stared at her. "Marcia-chan, what gives you the right to say that! You don't know Sempai at all!" Marcia-chan nodded solemnly. "I know Kyouske-kun better then you think Hikaru-chan. I think he would be much happier with me. I don't want to hurt you but, I am letting you know, I do plan to pursue him." The whole school yard fell into a hush as the two locked stares. I wanted to rush in and stop this! I glanced quickly at Hayden-kun and saw him breathing in and out very fast. He looked like he was waiting for the outcome of some great duel. A duel? NO!! I looked back at Hikaru-chan. She had her head bowed and, she suddenly looked up. "Madoka-san told me that you were in love with Sempai! I'm not going to give him up! Do you understand that! Sempai is everything to me!" I swallowed hard. I could see other people looking at me. Did they expect me to stop this somehow? Marcia-chan sighed. "I answered your questions. It's up to Kyouske now. But I'm going to do my best to have him. Gomen nasai. I wish it hadn't come to this. But, you have to understand something Hikaru. There are things about Kyouske that you don't know. Things which I learned that made me fall very hard for him. I love him. I won't give up either." Loud gasps filled the air as everyone in the area heard them. I felt someone come up beside me and saw it was Ayukawa. She watched wordlessly as the two faced off. "Sempai is mine!" Hikaru-chan glared at Marcia-chan. "I can see as long as you want him, we can never be friends! I'll never be friends with anyone ever that try's to take him away from me!" Ayukawa winced and bowed her head. I swallowed hard and, I saw Hayden-kun swear between his teeth. He glanced over at Ayukawa and she nodded once. What did that mean? Marcia-chan looked around her. "We seem to have attracted quite a crowd. Perhaps we should have saved this for another time. Hikaru, I want you to know, I think your a wonderful person. I just know that you and Kyouske won't be together." "HOW CAN YOU KNOW THAT?" Hikaru-chan shouted. "Because...I know. I feel these things. Gomen..excuse me, I'm not going to continue this." Marcia-chan bowed her head and walked off. She hadn't even seen me nor had Hikaru-chan. The crowd broke up as Marcia-chan walked away. Hikaru-chan stood there breathing hard. She looked like she was going to cry. Ayukawa moved to her side. "Hikaru.." "Madoka-san!" She hugged Ayukawa close to her. Then, she saw me! Breaking from Ayukawa, she ran hard right at me! "SEMPAI!!!" Hikaru-chan slammed into me full force. "Hikaru-chan.." I gasped out. " you love me darling? DO YOU?" I saw Ayukawa looking at me and, she turned her head. "Uhmmm I..." "What did you do with Marcia-chan the other night?" Hikaru-chan grabbed hold of my face and made me look at her. "WHAT DID YOU DO??" "I...I..nothing." I said nervously. "Tell me the truth Sempai! What happened? Why is Marcia-chan in love with you?" "Marcia has loved Kasuga since she heard about him and saw his picture." Hayden-kun said. He was standing beside us now. "Sorry...I should have said something about it sooner. I was worried about other stuff though." He looked hard at Ayukawa. So...he still cared for her. Even though Manami was trying hard to keep him. "Sempai..." Hikaru-chan looked at me. "I...I love you. Please tell me you love me too. You don't love you?" "No." I said looking down. "I don't love Marcia-chan. It was true. Now that I was not being influenced and confused by Marcia-chan's power, I could feel that although I was attracted to her heavily in a physical aspect, I didn't love her. But, I knew in my heart that although I didn't love her, I also didn't love Hikaru-chan. Ayukawa filled my heart now and, I met her steady gaze as Hikaru-chan clung to me like a life preserver. I couldn't hurt her! Not after hearing what she had said regarding anyone who took me away from her! I didn't want to see Ayukawa's and Hikaru-chan's friendship end because of me. I didn't have the guts for it. "Hey, let's go to ABCB." Hayden-kun said quickly trying to change the subject. "I told Jim to have Kurumi take him there and, Manami is going to meet me there too. We can plan out Pikaru's." Hikaru-chan suddenly looked up. "HAI! I have some great ideas now that I know we are reforming it! There's winter festival coming up and, I want us to play in it. There's a contest too and, we might win!" She giggled. I could tell she was trying to forget her situation. Ayukawa nodded. "Time for happy Hikaru to play idol singer again." She winked. Hikaru-chan laughed. Immediately the tenseness we had felt was gone. She hugged me tight and, we began walking down the sidewalk. Hayden-kun looked at Ayukawa. "Jim and I have our own instruments. Once we nail this down we'll get together and practice a little. We'll show you some of what we know and, you can do the same with us." He looked at Hikaru-chan. "Is that cool with you Hikaru? You are after all the leader of this band." Hikaru-chan smiled. "Hai! That would be perfect! Madoka-san, can you talk to your cousin Shu and see if we can borrow some instruments again?" "Sure." Ayukawa laughed. "It'll be fun to see Kasuga-kun trying to play drums again." she giggled. Hayden-kun looked at me. "Are you any good Kasuga?" "Uhmmm I..." "Darling is perfect. And, we can use Kurumi and Manami as back-up singers too!" I looked at Hayden-kun and we both nodded. Marcia-chan had wanted to be a part of this but, because of her actions regarding me, she had ruined her chances. As long as she was this way, Hikaru-chan would never want her in. Maybe we could work it out later. If I hadn't been so indecisive, perhaps I could figure out a way. It hurt me to see her split off from us like this. Although I didn't love Marcia-chan, I did care about her enough. We arrived at ABCB and Kurumi and Shaw-kun met us. Ayukawa introduced them to Master and, he made everyone ice coffee. Manami soon joined us. "There's this corner right here where we could set up your band." Master smiled as he set down the cups. "This corner here?" Hikaru-chan looked confused. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "MASTER! YOU'RE GOING TO LET US PLAY HERE??" He laughed. "Hai! It will be good practice for you to play for customers." "MASSSSTER!!!" Hikaru-chan hugged him tight and Ayukawa smiled. Hayden-kun looked at Shaw-kun and Shaw-kun shrugged. "Damn. Our first live audience. Hope we're good enough." "It's cool dude." Shaw-kun hugged Kurumi tight. "We'll be just fine." "I think we'll be terrific." Manami said. She smiled at Hayden-kun. I noticed he was looking at Ayukawa. Damn. Poor Manami. I wanted her to be happy. When would Hayden-kun realize this? Manami offered so much. The problem was, as long as Hayden-kun loved Ayukawa...he would never see it... I thought of Marcia-chan again. Alone. I wanted to help solve this dilemma but since it revolved around me, there was little I could do. I did know that Marcia-chan wasn't going to give up. I would talk to her later. But that might complicate things even more. I guess I'm unqualified to deal with this kind of a situation. If she used her powers on me then, I would be hard pressed to resist her anyway. But, sitting here with Hikaru-chan and Ayukawa...I could forget all that. At least for now.... Chapter Twelve:Comparisons The rest of the week went quickly until finally Friday came. Friday was a special day because, it was the day we had all agreed to meet at Ayukawa's house for our first practice as "Pikaru's." I had felt bad all week. Because of Marcia-chan's feelings for me and the fact she and Hikaru-chan no longer were friends, Marcia-chan was finding herself new friends and virtually isolating herself from us. But I still heard from her. Each night she would call me up and, we would talk. Often she would invite me over to her house to do homework together or to go out. She would mention flying with me and how good it could be. I told her no but, each time I did, I felt I was hurting her even more. Why did things have to be like this for me? With November almost over, the holiday spirit began to fill the air. When school ended on Friday, I found myself walking home with Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan to Ayukawa's house. Hayden-kun and Shaw-kun had agreed to meet us there with their instruments along with Kurumi and Manami. It was a pleasant start to a wonderful holiday season. If only Marcia-chan had not felt the way she did, all of us would still be together... "Darling, what do you want for Christmas?" Hikaru-chan asked suddenly. "Eh?" The question caught me off guard and, I looked down at her. "Uhmm, I hadn't thought about it but.." "Indecisive as always." Ayukawa said quietly. I glanced at her and, she met my gaze then quickly turned away. I didn't know what to say to her. Since the incident in the school yard between Hikaru-chan and Marcia-chan we hadn't spoken much. Ayukawa was remaining carefully neutral of the whole situation and trying to stay out of it. I could see it was hurting her as much as it was me. "No..uhmm..I'm not indecisive but..but I hadn't thought about anything.." I said nervously. "I want to get you something very special Darling." Hikaru-chan hugged me tighter. "I love you so much and, I don't ever want to lose you. I wish Marcia-chan could accept that." She looked at Ayukawa. "Don't you think so too Madoka-san? She can see that Darling and I belong together. She just doesn't want to accept it." "I...I guess so." Ayukawa said quietly again. "But, I wish you knew what you wanted.." Hikaru-chan went on. "I want things to be perfect for us Sempai! I mean, in two years I'll be out of school too and, we can plan the wedding!" "What??" I said suddenly. Ayukawa looked at me quickly and, I turned away. I didn't know what I could say now. She stammered.."Hikaru, Kasuga-kun doesn't have time to think of such things right now. Both of us all year are getting ready to go to college. The entrance exams are very difficult and, Kasuga-kun doesn't need such serious matters clouding his judgement." Hikaru-chan nodded. "I know but, Sempai and I have our future to think of as well, Madoka-san. Oh, I wish I knew what to get you for Christmas,Sempai!" "How about a new drum set?" Ayukawa laughed. "I don't even have an old drum set!" I looked at her and laughed too. It felt like things were normal for a moment there. But, it didn't last... We arrived at Ayukawa's house and found Hayden-kun and Shaw-kun waiting for us along with Kurumi and Manami. Kurumi waved. "Welcome home Madoka-san!" "Oh, we have a welcoming committee eh?" Ayukawa grinned. "Come on in, I'll make us some tea and, we can get started. I had Shuu drop off what we needed last night so, we should be fine." As Ayukawa opened the door, I could see a drum set in the center of the room. It was better then the one I had used before. There was also a few electric guitars with amplifiers set up. Hayden-kun nodded approval. "Cool. Just like back home. This should rock." I sat down at the drum set and picked up the sticks. It had been awhile for me but, I felt I remembered. I saw Hayden-kun pull a very fancy blue and white guitar from his case. Shaw-kun pulled out a black bass guitar. Hikaru-chan giggled. "This is going to be so cool right Kurumi-chan?" "Hai!" Kurumi hugged Shaw-kun. "I really want us to be good too! Maybe we can win the winter festival contest." "What do we get if we win?" Shaw-kun asked. "I don't know but, whatever it is, it'll be cool!" Hikaru-chan giggled again. She opened her eyes wider and pointed out the window. "Oh look! It's snowing! The first winter snow is here!" I looked out and saw that she was right. Snow was falling faster and sticking to the ground. Soon, our town would be a winter wonderland. It was beautiful. Ayukawa came back in and put steaming cups of tea on the table. "Here we go. Drink up everyone." We all had some tea and, I saw Hayden-kun strum his guitar without the amplifier turned on as he tuned it experimentally. "Okay so, what now?" He looked at Hikaru-chan. Hikaru-chan looked at all of us then shrugged. "I..I'm not sure really. I was so excited about getting "Pikaru's" back together again, I hadn't thought of what we were going to play." "Hmmm" Shaw-kun said. He looked at Kurumi. "Well, I think we could maybe do something that would be a good love song. I know I want to for Kurumi." Kurumi gasped and hugged him. "Jim, I love you sooo much!" Ayukawa nodded. "Okay, that's fine. But, we need a start. I think it would be best if we show each other what we know. Shawn-kun, what kind of music have you and Jim-kun been playing?" "Heavy metal." Hayden-kun said with a wicked grin. "Shaw, let's do a number and see if Kasuga can keep up." "Sounds cool." Shaw-kun nodded. "Let's start with some Def Leppard." Hayden-kun looked at me. "Kasuga, we played this one on the CD player while on our little cruise so, you should recognize it I hope." I listened as he began a guitar riff where he repeated several chords. Then, Shaw-kun jumped in. Matching them, I thought I recognized the song and began playing the drums matching their changes. It had been awhile. Hayden-kun began to sing. As he did so, he looked right at Ayukawa... "Your kinda woman got a heart of stone But watch it break when I get you alone.. Take a chance come lay down with me Oh, I wanna make it... Slow and steady never lost the race Don't stop runnin, I'm a fool for the chase Play the game, surrender to me Baby I don't wanna fake it" Suddenly, Shaw-kun joined him and they sung the chorus together as I tried desperately to keep up with the changes.... "Is it any got me comin under fire?" Comin like know you make me walk the wire.." They shifted positions as they played and Kurumi screamed for joy like a groupie. Hikaru-chan giggled. Manami-chan noticed Hayden-kun looking at Ayukawa and hung her head..I continued to try to stay with them. They played like wildfire as Hayden-kun began his next verse.... "It's so easy to put on a show! Your body says yes but you won't let go! But my passion it won't slip away... Again they repeated the chorus crossing guitars and smiling at each other. Hayden-kun nodded at me with approval as I matched them now change for change.. He began his next chorus playing the guitar like a madman... "You got me, I'm cornered my back to the wall No bed of roses, ain't no bed at all I'm walkin the wire, I stumble and fall.. I got the message, but I ain't gonna crawl... Again they went into the chorus with a passion such as I have never seen... "Is it any got me comin under fire? Comin like thunder. You know you make me walk the wire....." They continued to play with Hayden-kun nodding at me on occasion as he shifted chords and changed the melody. Even I had to admit, they sounded great. I guess I did too because, they both smiled at me. Ayukawa nodded with approval as we continued until finally, Hayden-kun finished with a guitar riff flourish echoed by Shaw-kun's bass in the background. I was a loud and wild sound. When we had finished, Hikaru-chan leaped up and screamed. "Ohhhhh Darling you're terrific! And so are you two! This is going to be soooo coool!" Ayukawa looked down. "Interesting song. It shows a lot of passion." Manami nodded. "Hai, it does." She looked sad. That was it! I had to talk to Hayden-kun. His going out with Manami but continuing to carry a torch for Ayukawa was hurting all of them! It was no better then my situation with Marcia-chan and Hikaru-chan. Keeping that in mind, I guess I had little reason to talk. Hayden-kun wiped the sweat from his brow. "Well, that's some of what we know. Now, what do you know?" Ayukawa nodded to Hikaru-chan. "Hikaru you'll know this one. Please join me on it..since this is your band." She smiled. "Hai!" Hikaru-chan laughed and got up. Ayukawa dug out some music and handed it to each of us. I knew the song when I saw it. Hayden-kun nodded. "Cool, I can play this. Shaw, you okay?" "I got it." Shaw-kun grinned and winked at Kurumi... "Okay then, here we go..." Ayukawa nodded and moved to her sythesizer in the right corner of the room..... Ayukawa looked at everyone. "Okay ready?" I nodded and Hayden-kun shrugged. "Let's see what you got Madoka." "You asked for it." she winked. I felt a twinge inside. Was...was she having feelings for him again? I didn't want to think about it! Ayukawa began playing the organ sound in her synthesizer. I recognized the opening at once and matched her. It was a song she had sung two years ago onstage in front of hundreds of people...during the Hiyakawa Mitsuru "Shine One-Talent Competition." The show was supposed to of been taped and shown on a national network but, for many reasons, it didn't make it. Still...Ayukawa's cousin Shuu and his band had played in it. His girlfriend Yukari-chan had become ill from too much practice..and when she went to the hospital, Shuu had asked Ayukawa to sing with her. Ayukawa had gone with Yukari to the hospital and I had gone after her when I felt she wouldn't make it back in time... All these memories filled me as the intro to the song began. It was almost as if that part of my life was flashing before my eyes. Then, Shaw-kun came in, his steady bass mixing with my continous beat. Hikaru-chan smiled at me and she stood next to Ayukawa with a microphone..then, they both began to sing together as Hayden-kun pulled a a sudden guitar flourish.... "My lonely heart hates to lose... but I took off on the night I gently packed it away.... There is more joy and pain than I can hold And I'll sing it with a hot the Lonely Heart's Club Band! When a star drifts across the night sky... when the moon shines on you... then the noise of the city will go away and! Where are you? I can't even catch... the look in your this windy city! You could go north, west, south, or east tomorrow....You're so whimsical! You'll always be..riding the wind...unable to tell where you're going. I'm weeeeeak.... So before I fall in love with you...let me put on my act!!!" Ayukawa continued to play with Hayden-kun mixed in as we finished off the song. I smiled as I noticed she had looked at me most of the song. I guess in her case I didn't have much to worry about. I question her feelings too much. I wish I could be more decisive. As we finished, Hayden-kun nodded. "Okay that was pretty cool. I guess if we're gonna play stuff like that I could handle it okay. We sounded pretty good." "You sounded great Shawn-kun!" Manami said excitedly. Hayden-kun looked at her and nodded. "Thanks Manami." He looked up at the clock suddenly. "Oh man! It's getting late. I wish you guys didn't have this half day school stuff on Saturday! I miss having both weekend days off." I looked at Ayukawa and she shrugged. Hikaru-chan giggled. "Well, we get half days on Saturday. Be happy about that. And winter vacation will be soon. Just in time for the festival and the contest!" She frowned. "But, we need our own song. I don't think we should use someone else's." "Yeah that makes sense." Shaw-kun said in half english. I caught most of it. He was slipping pretty badly. I guess he needed to work harder on japanese. Ayukawa nodded. "Okay. I think we should write one then. I've been playing around with writing some songs. I did a few." "Like that one you did for Shuu's band a few years ago Madoka-san!" Hikaru-chan giggled. "I think we should do a love song! Maybe one about Jim and me!" Kurumi said excitedly. "Baka." I laughed. "This show doesn't revolve around you." Hayden-kun smiled. "Maybe not around them..but.." he got a gleam in his eye suddenly. "Why don't we do one about our meeting and the cruise? We could call it..." he looked thoughtful... "Fall Romance." Ayukawa grinned. "Hai! I like that name. Shawn-kun, do you do much writing?" "I've written some stuff that we played around with in Tacoma. It's mainly grunge." "Grunge?" I looked at him. "What's grunge?" "Comparing what you have here, it's a much more darker form of rock. Closer to what Seattleites are calling alternative. It's really big back home and you'll likely hear more about it as time goes on. Seattle tends to set trends in the music industry." "I noticed." Ayukawa smiled at Hikaru-chan. "Well then, Shawn-kun and I will get together and write a song then based off our cruise last summer." Kurumi giggled. "Cool! But maybe you better leave out the part about the hijacking. That wouldn't go over too well in a love song." She laughed. We all started laughing. I thought back...there were many things that had happened on that cruise that wouldn't go well in a love song. Things that outside myself and Hayden-kun we would never speak of. I looked at him and, he seemed to sense my feelings. He nodded once. "Well, why don't you all go then? Shawn-kun, please stay a little bit and we'll get to work on this more." Ayukawa smiled at him. "Uhmmm..." Manami started to say. "That's cool!" Hayden-kun cut in. "I'll be glad to." He looked at Manami and smiled. "You don't mind do you? We didn't have a set date or anything." "Date? Ayukawa asked surprised. "We were just going to get ice cream again. No big thing. We can do it some other time. Writing this song is more important." Manami nodded and bowed her head. "Gomen. You're right Shawn-kun. I'll see you later I guess." Before I could say anything, she opened the door and ran out. Hikaru-chan looked at me. "Oh..well...come on Darling...please take me home okay?" "Uhmmm hai." I said quietly. I was concerned about Manami. Kurumi and Jim smiled and waved goodbye. Kurumi had said something about going out that night. I had told her not to be out late as we had school the next day. "See you later Madoka-san.." Hikaru-chan hugged me and pushed me toward the door. "Let's go Darling.." I looked back at Ayukawa..alone with Hayden-kun...but, there was nothing I could do to stop it. I walked Hikaru-chan home as she talked incesantly about the upcoming winter break. She had made all sorts of plans for us. Yet, I wasn't feeling excited about any of them. My thoughts turned to Ayukawa. I could see her...alone...with Hayden-kun! NO! "Uhmmm Hikaru-chan!" I said suddenly. "Sempai?" "Hikaru-chan...I...I just remembered, I have to get some early Christmas shopping done. Can I see you later?" She looked confused then nodded. "I understand..Darling. I'll see you later." She sighed and hugged me. "Gomen nasai." I said. Ayukawa! I had to get back to Ayukawa! As she pulled away, I turned and ran back the other direction! As soon as I was out of sight, I used the "power" and teleported back to Ayukawa's house. As I arrived, I looked through the window and saw her and Hayden-kun on the couch..they..they were..close together! I moved up to the window. I could hear them talking just barely because, Ayukawa had opened it a bit. "So anyway if we just use..lets see... a chorus like..."Summer Cruise is leading me on to a Fall Romance...that might sound good.." Hayden-kun smiled at her. Ayukawa sipped a cup of tea she had and looked at him. "Shawn...there is something we need to seriously discuss." This was it! She was changing her feelings! OH NO! "'s up?" He looked at her expectantly. "It's about...Manami-chan. I...I don't want to see her hurt. How long are you going to do this?" "Do what?" I winced as Ayukawa glared at him and suddenly slapped him! "Baka! Hurt her! Hurt her the same way..." she bowed her head... "The same way Kasuga is hurting you...because of Hikaru." Hayden-kun finished. He rubbed his face where she had slapped it. "I chose this...I could have ended it." She looked up. "But, Manami-chan doesn't deserve this! Shawn! Give up your love for me! I..I can't return it! I...I thought we had settled all this! Your last begged me to reconsider. I didn't know how to answer it! My feelings for Kasuga-kun are...not for discussion. But, I cannot change the way I am." He sighed. "I see." " you like Manami-chan?" He bowed his head. I could see tears on both their faces. "I...I like her yeah but...but she isn't you." "She can never be me, Shawn." Ayukawa wiped the tears from her eyes. "But, she's beautiful in her own way! Haven't you seen the way she looks at you? The way she devotes herself to you? Didn't you see the hurt in her face! She loves you Shawn! She loves you with all her heart! She has since the cruise!" "I know..." he whispered. I swallowed hard. I felt like I was intruding even watching this. He looked up. "I...I do like her a lot. Maybe if I devote all my time to her I can forget about you. She told me how she feels but, I never gave her a straight answer. I guess part of me was hoping things would still work out with you Madoka. I know now that will never happen. I'll go see Manami right now." I gasped as Ayukawa leaned over and hugged him close. "Arigatoo, Shawn-kun. Go see her. Show her you want to try to make her happy." "I will!" he said it with a sudden determination. "And if Komatsu trys to touch her or Hatta does, I'll clobber them both!" Ayukawa laughed. "That's it! I'll see you tomorrow then. We can work on the song and discuss ideas. I want to call Hikaru, she should be home by now." He nodded. "How about you? How much longer are you going to be putting up with your situation?" Ayukawa looked away. "I don't know. That's not your concern. Kasuga-kun still has the problem of your sister to deal with." "Hai." He looked up suddenly and, I ducked. Had he seen me? "I'll see you later then Madoka." I watched as he left and, I teleported home quickly. The night had been so full of surprises. "Pikaru's" was now reformed and we were off to a good start. Manami would be receiving a visit tonight from Hayden-kun. Maybe now that he seemed to be accepting Manami's affections things would be different. It was the first time I could remember feeling good about my sisters getting into relationships. I was still worried but, not as much. But my problem still remained. I couldn't dodge Marcia-chan and Hikaru-chan forever. And Sunday, our relatives were coming to our home to visit and to meet Shaw-kun. Something told me Sunday would be another day I wouldn't be looking forward to..... Chapter Thirteen: Fearful Reality I arrived home to find Manami in tears and my father comforting her. Closing the door, I tried not to make any noise as I moved past them. My father looked up. "Oh! Kyouske...may I have a word with you?" "Sure Old Man." I sat down on the couch nervously. Manami had dried her eyes. "Are you okay Manami?" "Hai Oniechan. Just...feeling my dreams slipping away." "Manami, there are other boys and, you have your whole life ahead of you.." my father began. I could tell he was feeling awkward. This was a situation where a woman would come in handy. Perhaps that's what my father was thinking too. Manami got up and went to her bedroom. My father sighed. "Kyouske, Kurumi is still not home. I'm worried about her." I nodded. " Hai but, it isn't that late yet. You shouldn't worry too much. Her being engaged and all, there's no need to..." "SHE'S ENGAGED???" My father stared at me. "I wasn't asked by him!" " was kind of informal I guess and..." "Unless he asks officially in front of the whole family on Sunday Kyouske, I consider him nothing more then a close friend. He needs to learn that the traditions of the Kasuga family must be followed! And your mother's as well. Ojiichan would insist on being there when he asks her." I nodded. "Understood. I don't know what to say and, it's not my place anyway. I feel as elder brother I am unqualified." My father laughed. "No, not unqualified Kyouske but, you have to realize your sisters are growing up just like you. The reality of it wasn't hitting us until these last few months. Like you, they are living their youth and preparing for adulthood." He sighed. "My days as a youth...I remember them so well." I smirked. "Old Man." Both of us looked up as the doorbell rang. My father got up and answered it. "Shawn-kun? What are you doing here?" I had known Hayden-kun was coming but, I didn't want to tell Manami. I felt it would be better if he surprised her. Hayden-kun bowed to my father. "I would like to see Manami please Mr. Kasuga. It's very important." I looked at Hayden-kun. He sounded so serious. My father let him in and he nodded to me. "Kasuga." I waved at him and watched as my father went down the hall to get Manami. She came back with him wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She looked embaressed. "Uhmm Gomen nasai Shawn-kun. If I had known you were coming, I would have dressed a little better." "Can we talk?" Hayden-kun pointed to the balcony. My father absented himself from the room. I remained and watched as they walked out onto the balcony. I could hear them through the door. Hayden-kun looked out over the city. "Have you ever been so set on something Manami that you didn't look around you at what was there?" "Sometimes." she whispered. "I have a bad habit of that. I focus on one thing that is important to me and tend to exclude others." He turned to her. "I...I realized that while I went out with you, I had Madoka in my heart. I apologize for that." "That's okay." She looked down. "I understand your feelings." "Manami. I...I think I've worked her out of my heart. It took a lot. I had to be hurt a lot. But, now that I realize that things with her will never be, I'd like to try again with you." Manami looked up. She glared at him. "Is that all I am to you Shawn-kun? A substitute since you can't have Madoka-san?" Uh Oh! I felt like I should leave. Still, I listened wondering why I was. Hayden-kun sighed. "No no..please don't think that! When I went out with you I had a great time! I like you a lot! I just had to work out what my true feelings are that's all." "And those feelings are..?" she prompted. There was silence and, I turned my head to see Hayden-kun take Manami in his arms. "I want to be with you Manami. If you'll have me please. I'm sorry I was such a jerk! Please forgive me?" "Shawn..." she whispered. She closed her eyes and I felt like jumping up as I saw him kiss her! But...but isn't this what Manami wanted all along? They broke the kiss and, she hugged him close. "Will...will you be my boyfriend now? Will you tell everyone that I'm yours and that you love me?" "I'll shout it all over school." he smiled at her. "Your my lady Manami. I certainly can't do anything like propose because, in America we like to see how relationships work out. But, we can go steady if you want?" "I want to!" she said enthusiastically. "I love you Shawn!" She hugged him close. sisters had found their fall romance. With Manami's situation resolved, I had only my own to think about. The phone rang and I picked it up not wanting to disturb the two on the balcony. "Hai, Kasuga residence." "Kyouske-kun? This is Darla! Is Shawn there?" "Hai, he's here. Do you want me to get him?" She hesitated. "Could you come home with him? I really need to talk to you guys. I'm getting scared." "Scared?" I asked. "Hai! Very scared! Please tell him!" "I will at once Darla-chan." "Good..bye!" She hung up. What was going on? I informed Hayden-kun and although it made me nervous to interrupt them, Manami understood. She wanted to come but, I didn't know if Darla-chan had wanted her to. She kissed Hayden-kun goodbye and, we left. As we exited "Green Castle", I looked at him. " you have completely given up on Ayukawa then?" "I meant what I said." he answered quickly. "Manami is my girl now. I'm going to treat her like it. She deserves it. I've been behaving like an ass. And with her, I won't have to worry about the kind of mess your in! The worst thing I'll have to worry about is beating the hell out of Komatsu when he tries to touch my woman!" I laughed. "Should be interesting to watch. Are you still going to join them on that hentai manga idea?" "No." He grinned. "I just wanted to see what those two were doing. I'll tell them tomorrow at school." I tried not to laugh knowing how disappointed those two would be. Both of them had tried to have designs on my sisters ever since they met them. It was ironic that they were losing out to two americans that I had originally thought were hentais. But, I guess my perceptions of my friends have changed somewhat since then. With all that was going on, I was looking at Hayden-kun in a new light. We arrived at the house and, Darla-chan met us at the door. I looked for Marcia-chan but, she was strangely absent. Darla-chan led us in. "I'm really scared Shawn. I don't know what is going on." "Start from the beginning Darla." Hayden-kun sat down and, I sat down in the chair opposite him. Darla sat next to him. " know how Mom had me hack into the United Airlines computers and change information? Well, I was curious what was going on. I called back to Tacoma and checked out some other the school computer for your old high school." "And?" Hayden-kun looked nervous. "You don't exist." "WHAT?" Hayden-kun jumped up. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Just what I said. You don't exist. Marcia doesn't, I don't! There's no record that I ever graduated from the University of Washingon or taught there! I went one step further. I checked DMV!" DMV?" I asked. "Department of Motor Vehicles..licenses and stuff." Hayden-kun shook his head. "Darla doing stuff like that is gonna land you in jail. What did you find?" "We never existed Shawn! Everything is gone! You have no driving record and no record of a license. There's also no social security for anyone! Do you understand the gravity of what I am saying??" "Yes." he lapsed back into english and I had to strain to understand any of it. "Your saying someone has erased our existence from the United States! What about our stuff in storage? Could you find out about that?" "It isn't there as far as I could tell Shawn." Darla-chan whispered. "There's no proof we ever existed in the United States ever." I swallowed hard. I felt like I was dreaming. I could only imagine what Hayden-kun was feeling. He stared at the floor and grit his teeth. " stuff...all gone?" "Except what we have with us, I think so. Shawn, what is going on? This makes no sense. Also, Dad is gone again." Dad is gone?" Hayden-kun looked hard at her. "Where did he go?" "I don't know. And, Mom won't say. This is too weird. I haven't told Mom I know all this yet. Maybe she still thinks of me as a kid but, I can out think any of you here!" "Hai, I know." Hayden-kun slipped back into japanese. He looked at me. "Kasuga, Mom said for you to protect us right? Especially Marcia?" I nodded. "Hai." I guess I hadn't done a very good job of that. I was feeling sick to my stomach. Hayden-kun buried his head in his hands. "Something must have gone wrong with one of Mom's missions. That has to be it. Moving us so fast, erasing any trace of us...covering our tracks. Somebody must be out to get us!" "Out to get us?" Darla-chan looked confused. "You make this sound like Mom is some sort of government agent or spy." Hayden-kun nodded. "I've been keeping this quiet but, it can't be hidden anymore. Where is Mom?" "She went out. She told me to get to bed early and for you to make sure you did homework and got to school tomorrow." "So she isn't coming back tonight?" Hayden-kun swore. "Darla brace yourself for a shock. Mom isn't a marketing representative. She's a black Op's specialist for the CIA!" I watched the color drain from Darla-chan's face. "Of course." she whispered. "It all makes sense now. I see what you mean. If she or her agency is responsible for all this erasure of information then, we must all be in some sort of danger." Suddenly my thoughts went back to when she had talked to me in the hallway the first night. "I dont want my children to lose the chance to have normal lives. If the wrong people were to find out about their gifts, they would try to use them. Or you and your family." My thoughts came back to the present. Hayden-kun reached over and hugged his sister. "I'll talk to Mom okay? Don't do anymore hacking, it might attract unwanted attention. Mom is doing all this for a reason. The reason scares me but, we need to find out more. Let's just go about life like nothing ever happened okay?" Darla-chan nodded. "Okay. Kyouske-kun, arigatoo. You've been a good friend." "Hai." I smiled. "I'll be there for all of you as much as I can." Hayden-kun walked me to the door. "Kasuga...dude...did you mean what you just said about being there?" I nodded. "Of course. Despite our past differences Hayden-kun you've become very close to me. And if by some chance in the future you did marry Manami, we would be relatives." I couldn't believe I had just said that! He laughed. "Too soon for that." He looked to make sure we were alone. "I don't want to scare Darla. But, I'm beginning to understand why we moved here so fast. I also am beginning to understand why it was here of all places." "Uhmmm...okay." I didn't know what else to say. He was seeing something I wasn't. "Think Kasuga. If you were afraid for your kids but you weren't sure you could protect them all the time, what would you do?" I shrugged. "I guess I would go to someone...." i trailed off realizing what he meant..."that could help them." "Right." Hayden-kun shut the front door and looked hard at me. "Mom was very interested in the fact that I had met other espers on the cruise we took. She asked me about your powers..and if you had relatives that way. Dude...we're here because, she must think that if anything happens, she'll have other espers to help fight whatever is after us!" "WHAAAA!" I jumped back startled. "Fight back? But...uhmmm" "I don't know it it'll come to that. Mom is trying to hide us I can tell. I'll bet if Darla hacks into the japanese school system computers, info on us will be altered or gone. It all fits. Mom is afraid and trying to hide us. But in the event something happens, she wants extra esper back up! How powerful is your grandpa?" "Ojiichan?" I looked at him. "Uhmm...he's a pretty strong esper." "Exactly. And so are you and Kurumi and Manami. And Mom told you to watch Marcia because she stupidly doesn't think and uses her "power" all the time. Kinda like Kurumi on occasion from what you told me. That has to be it! Now I'll have to question Mom to get the full details!" I was feeling very nervous again. "Hayden-kun. Your Mom involving others in this..." "Isn't cool." He shook his head. "I've gotta get my damn homework done and jump on Jim to do his when he gets back. Keep this crap to yourself okay?" "Uhmm hai." He opened the front door. "I'll see you at school tomorrow Kasuga. Let's just go like we are planning with Pikaru's and all...put this stuff out of our heads or don't let it affect us. I'll tell Darla not to tell Marcia anything. I don't think she could handle it. Later dude." He shut the door. I stood staring at his door all of this in my head. A deep fear was gripping me. Someone...or something...was after Mrs. Hayden or her whole family. She had led them here to Japan to escape...and to hide...but..but if whatever or whoever it was found them...they would also family! "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I shouted. The man in black advanced toward me. "Stupid kid. Just stay out of the way and you won't get hurt! You really think we came all this way for nothing? We have a job to do and you're not going to stop us!" " me!" I looked over as if in a dream and saw Marcia-chan being held by another man. Why didn't she use her powers? "MARCIA!!!!" I shouted. "Foolish idiot!" I felt enormous pain as an unseen force stronger then my own threw me backward. I felt myself falling off a building and I could hear Marcia-chan's terrified scream..."KYOOOOOOOOUUUUUSKEEEEEEEEEE!!!" "Whaaaaa!" I hit the floor suddenly. It was dark and, I had been dreaming. My body was shaking and I swallowed hard. Getting up, I went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. I drank deeply from a milk carton and collapsed breathing heavily in my father's chair. The memory of that dream came back to me. It had been so real! Was it another premonition dream? Or was I so torn up over this new information that Hayden-kun and his family were being hunted. But, hunted by who or what? Until we could get Mrs. Hayden to reveal that information, we would never know. I sighed and went back to my room. I lay on my bed and tried to rest. Suddenly, I heard a tapping at the window! A great fear gripped me. I turned slowly and saw what looked like a great bat! It was hovering outside my window. I jumped up fully awake then, I realized, it wasn't a bat at all. It was Marcia-chan. She was hovering outside my window. I got up and opened it allowing her to come in. "Marcia-chan! It's four in the morning! And, you shouldn't be flying out there!" She smiled and sat down on my bed. "Why? You liked flying with me before didn't you Kyouske-honey?" "UHmm I..please don't say that.." "I like saying that." I swallowed as she moved closer to me and my body wanted to respond. "Why are you avoiding me?" she asked innocently. I swallowed hard. "I..I don't want to hurt Hikaru-chan and.." "I told you. I can show you things Hikaru never could. I've already publicly declared to her and the entire school I'm not going to give up on you. I'm happy that Shawn has Manami for a girlfriend. She's a good choice. Madoka has a bad attitude." "Oi oi!" I backed up. "Don't blame her! And, you shouldn't be out flying around, someone might see!" "If they do, I'll be free to be me. Not hide behind a mask. Kyouske-honey, you and I and our families are so unique, don't you see that? We shouldn't be afraid to show others we're more then they are. In fact, since we are more, we deserve more." She got up and walked across the room spreading her arms. Spinning in a circle, she giggled. "Hikaru isn't half the woman I could be, Kyouske-honey if you'd give me the chance. Please, go out with me." "Uhmm I...I can't.." She frowned. "Am I that unattractive?" "No no! Far from it, you're a very beautiful girl and I.." "Not girl." I gasped as she pressed herself against me. "Woman. And this woman is ready to be yours Kyouske-honey. Right now." She reached behind and began unzipping her dress. "School isn't for several hours. We can be together and have breakfast too." "Waaaaa! Uhmmm..I..I really..I really don't think that I..." She laughed. "I don't know why you're so nervous, Kyouske-honey. I wish you were more sure of yourself. You're certainly handsome enough. Have you ever been with a woman before?" "" "Ever been offered?" My thoughts went back to Hikaru-chan..the many times she had tried. "I..hai." Marcia-chan pushed gently against me and I sat down on the bed. She giggled. "Hikaru right? No wonder you said no. You know, I've noticed that even though you haven't been seeing me, you are thinking about me. A lot. Why is that?" "I..your mother asked me to look out for you, Marcia-chan. I'm simply doing what she asked." "I wonder why she would." Marcia-chan smiled and sat beside me. "Maybe she's trying to match us together, don't you think? I think that's a super idea." "I,..I.." I didn't know what to say! My emotions were in a torrent again! Ayukawa! Think only of Ayukawa! "No...I don't think that's why.." "Then why?" Marcia-chan ran her fingers through my hair. "Why would my mother who is never there be so suddenly concerned for my welfare?" I fought within myself! I had to throw her off without telling everything. But, she had to know something! "Maybe..maybe it's because she wants her children to be careful. She told me to ask you to please not use your powers." Marcia-chan laughed. "She can kiss my rear end too! I'll use my natural talents whenever I like. I love to fly..and I do wish you'd fly with me. Better then that, why don't we just lie down together right now?" I swallowed again. "I..I think Marcia-chan that, it's time that you went home...we have school in a few hours." She sighed. "I do wish you'd go out with me." She looked up suddenly. "If I promise not to use my powers for awhile, will you go out with me?" "Uhmmm I...I guess so." It came out before I could stop it! But, it seemed the only way to get her to listen to me." "GREAT!" She reached over and suddenly I felt an uncontrollable urge to kiss her! OH NO! "Kiss me honey." she whispered. Against my will I found myself in her embrace and our lips met devouring each other. Her smell filled me and, her sexiness made me dizzy. I found myself reaching around to her dress and unzipping it. She willingly began to slip out of it and I felt her move against me..NO!!! AYUKAWA!!!! I grit my teeth and pushed her back gently. " said you wouldn't use your powers!" I gasped out. I sounded like a man trying to get air. "Please keep your promise Marcia-chan!" She sat there half undressed staring at me. "Kyouske-honey. You want me. You want me very badly. I can tell. What is stopping you? It isn't a little girl like Hikaru. So what else could it be?" "Please...go home." I choked out. She stood up and dressed herself. "There's someone else you like isn't there?" she suddenly asked. I looked up quickly and our eyes met. She nodded. "I thought so. You don't have to say anything. Obviously Hikaru doesn't know or, she'd be out of the picture. So who is it?" "Uhmmm I..I don't have anyone else." I whispered. Marcia-chan sat down on the bed. "Okay, if that's the case, why don't you go all the way with Hikaru? I know you haven't. And from what I've heard she is very willing. Shouldn't you take the one you really love? Or could it be your saving yourself for the other love in your life..the one in the shadows?" I turned away. "I think you'd better go now, Marcia-chan." She stood up again. "There is one more thing Kyouske-honey. You're hiding something from me. You say that my mother asked you to protect me. Protect me from what?" "Please don't use your "power." I whispered. I was getting frantic. And, I was exhausted. I couldn't hold back much longer. And if she used her power again, how would I stop myself from taking her down? Only the thought of Ayukawa and being with her had stopped me this time. "Unless you agree to be with me more often, I can't keep that promise." she said. I looked up. "Whaa? You said one date!" "I am thinking your asking me not to use my powers at all. If that's the case, your asking me to give up my nightly flights. Something I use to relieve the stress from school and other things. Everyone needs a stress reducer. They say sex is great for it..." "Marcia-chan!" I blurted out shocked. "Okay then.." she giggled. "If I can't fly, I want to go out with you instead. And you have to promise me you will okay? Neither one of us will tell Hikaru. And I promise until you make up your mind, we'll be discreet." "Make up my mind..?" Marcia-chan laughed. "Of course. You date me and Hikaru. I'm sure before you get through, your better sense of judgement will tell you who the better woman is." She smiled. "I think that's fair. You made my mother a promise. If you intend to keep it by not having me use my natural talent, I want to have something to make up for it. Mainly going out with you." I felt dizzy like I was falling into another trap! Everything...Pikaru's, Hikaru-chan, Ayukawa, the threat to Hayden-kun's family...and now what appears to be a trap by Marcia-chan! It was too much too fast! Yet, I saw no way out of it. This was truly the worst! A fearful reality come true.... Chapter Fourteen: Family Affairs! Saturday was a day that came and went without much need for account. I tried to spend some time with Ayukawa but, with Hikaru-chan all over me, I wasn't able to. Also, Marcia-chan was hanging around me more and, this made my situation that much more difficult. Kurumi had arrived home late and gotten an earful from my father. I had to admit, I was a little upset with her too. But,. being on the verge of an engagement, she was getting more bold and although she respected the wishes of my father, she had made it clear that she planned to spend much more time with Shaw-kun. Manami was more respectful of my father. But, now that Manami and Hayden-kun were an item, she was a different person. Her moodiness had been replaced by an upbeat attitude that even made me feel somewhat happy despite my situation. Komatsu and Hatta had both nearly broken out in tears when they had learned my two sisters were now firmly with our american friends. Both had vowed to me that they were not giving up. I didn't want to see what would happen with this. And so, Saturday came and went.... "Kyouske..get up!" "Uhmmm.." I rolled over and opened my eyes. Staring at me was the face of Ayukawa! "Waaaa!" I sat up quickly. "Kyouske...I love you...kiss me!" I swallowed. This had to be a dream! I leaned toward her and she smiled. "Gotcha you pervert!" Suddenly, she faded and, I was inches away from kissing my cousin, Akane! "AKANE!" I shouted. I pulled back as I heard giggles behind her. Kurumi, Manami, and Kazuya stood there. "You bakas!" I sighed and flopped back. Akane grinned. "You need to get up Kyouske. We're all going to be here today to see what Kurumi's new fiance is going to do." "I can't believe you're still in bed." Kazuya, my 10 year old cousin walked toward me. "Your not only indecisive, you're lazy! I was up hours ago." "He's still trying to decide which side of the bed to get up on." Kurumi grinned. All of them laughed at me. I took my pillow and threw it at her. "Get out of here! I'll get up alright?" "It's my special day. You better." Kurumi winked at me. "Hey not only your day Kurumi! My boyfriend is coming today too to meet my family. Ojiichan and Obachan will be here this afternoon. We have to make sure our boyfriends make a good impression." Manami sighed. "I'm so happy." Akane shrugged. "Well, I've heard so much about these Americans you met on that cruise last summer that, it will be interesting to finally meet them. I wish I could have gone." I looked at everyone. "Well uhmm...I'm getting up so, please leave the room." Kurumi giggled. "And you'll take twenty minutes trying to decide what shirt to wear. We'll see you later Oniechan." She walked out with Manami. "Say Kyouske." Akane grinned. "Is Madoka-san coming?" "No..she and Hikaru-chan are working at ABCB today. This is just a family gathering today although, I kind of wish they were here too." "Let's go visit them later then." Akane grinned. Uh Oh. Akane was "different"..she liked girls and, I knew she had a thing for Ayukawa. This bothered me to no end. "Well, maybe when we get time we can. Ojiichan and Obachan are coming so, we need to be here for them." "I know. But, I still want to see Madoka-san." She got up off my bed. "Things are still the same with you eh?" "Eh?" I looked at her. "What do you..." "You know exactly what I mean Kyouske. It's been this way since Jr. High for you. Don't you think you should do something about it soon?" "Uhmmm I..." "He's going to have to have someone hit him with a brick before he does that." I looked up and saw Kazuya grinning at me. "Or maybe Madoka-neichan will just find someone else when she gets tired of.." "BAKA!" I shouted. "Get out of here!" Akane smiled and pushed Kazuya toward the door. "Touchy subject Kazuya, very touchy. Better leave now before he throws more pillows at us!" I watched them leave and looked out the window. For the hundredth time, I looked inside myself. How long was I going to do this? How long could this situation go on? Not much longer. Hayden-kun had been right about that. Someone was going to get hurt. In fact, more then one person. And, it was all my fault. If I could be more of a man and choose between them then.. My thoughts turned to Marcia-chan. She too was in this now. Even though she was beautiful, I knew I didn't want to be with her but, like with Hikaru-chan, I didn't want to hurt her either. I buried my head in my pillow and then got up again. It was so hard! I opened my dresser drawer and looked at my shirts. Twenty minutes! That Kurumi! No way was I THAT bad! I picked up the first shirt I saw and put it on. Then, I reached for my pants. But..wouldn't the white ones look better with this shirt? "Baka!" I grabbed the first pair of pants and put them on. "There! I'm not too indecisive." I combed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror. "I'm not indecisive!" I felt myself being drawn in staring at my reflection. I backed up quickly! That was close! I almost self-hypnotized myself! NO way was I going through that again! I opened my bedroom door and went into the living room. "About time you got up!" Kazuya laughed. "I was betting Kurumi that you wouldn't get up for another thirty minutes. I guess I lost." I ignored him and went to sit down. Manami was working in the kitchen. She smiled and put down a cup of coffee in front of me. "Here you go Oniechan. Nice to see you made up your mind a little faster today." "Uhmmm hai." I drank the coffee. It would be a long day..... Afternoon at last came. Hayden-kun and his family arrived with Shaw-kun. My father had snacks out and, I greeted them at the door. Marcia-chan smiled at me and sat down crossing her legs. I swallowed. In that blue dress again! She..she looked so sexy! But, I shouldn't be thinking such things and... I looked over and saw Akane staring at her. OH NO!! Was she falling for Marcia-chan?? "Marcia-chan it's great to meet you! How long are you staying here? What's your favorite food? What kind of mate do you prefer?" I gasped as Akane fired off all these questions before I could stop her. Marcia-chan seemed a little nervous but answered each one. Akane nodded and pointed to the balcony. "Let's talk outside Marcia-chan okay? I have a lot more things about America I want to ask you!" "Oh...sure." Marcia-chan looked over her shoulder at me. I swallowed and looked away. Mrs. Hayden was talking with my father and, Hayden-kun was talking to Kazuya. "So, you're Kazuya huh dude? I heard a lot about you." "Yeah, I heard about you too." Kazuya winked at Hayden-kun. Kurumi gave Shaw-kun a hug. "Let's take a walk outside Jim, okay?" "Cool babe." Shaw-kun and her left. I sighed and leaned back. Kazuya looked at Hayden-kun. "Is it true you can create fire?" Hayden-kun nodded. "Yep. I want to thank you by the way. If it hadn't been for you, we all would have been prisoners or killed by those terrorists." "Naw, you would have thrashed them before it came to that. I think your cool Shawn-kun. You're not unsure of yourself like Kyouske!" Manami hugged Hayden-kun close to her. "Hai, he's really something. I'm glad he's my boyfriend." "You make a nice couple." Mrs. Hayden said suddenly. "Shawn is the type of person who needs a level headed girl to settle him down." "MOM!" Hayden-kun looked back at her and glared. The room erupted in laughter. I looked up as the doorbell rang. "Excuse me." I got up to answer it. "Ojiichan! Obachan! Welcome!" Ojiichan grinned and I saw his hat fly off his head and land over on the table. "Kyouske! You've grown a little. I guess it's been awhile since we've been down here." As his hat landed, I saw Mrs. Hayden look over with interest. My father smiled and walked over. "Oh, welcome! It's good of both of you to come. Kurumi and her boyfriend stepped out but will be back in a little bit. Please sit down, I'll get you some coffee." "Arigatoo." Ojiichan and Obachan sat down. He grinned at me. "So where are your girls Kyouske? That cute little Madoka.." he started snickering. "Ojiichan!" I blurted out. "Oh but, Hikaru-chan is so much happier." Obachan grinned at me. "You really need to make a choice and,." "Please stop." I looked away feeling like I was being grilled over this issue. Mrs. Hayden sat down. "I would like to ask you both something. You're espers, I can see that. The only one who doesn't know what an esper is happens to be Kurumi's boyfriend. If they marry, he will have to find out sooner or later. What I want to know is, how powerful are you?" I saw Hayden-kun look quickly at me. Both our thoughts were on the same thing..Mrs. Hayden was after information again. Ojiichan shrugged. "We have all kinds of powers. I don't measure it in strength and, I can do all sorts of things. Same for Obachan here." "Have you ever used your powers to defend yourself against an esper attack?" I stared at her. Esper attack? What the.." "Kyouske and I got into it a little bit." Hayden-kun suddenly blurted out. Manami looked at him. "YOU DID? I didn't hear that!" "Oh..well, we kept it to ourselves and..never mind." Hayden-kun looked embaressed. Neither one of us had revealed the fact we had battled each other to anyone. Ojiichan lit his pipe as it hung in the air then it glided over to him as he opened his mouth. "Using esper powers for defense...I've never had to really. We live alone in the mountains quite a few hours from here. There's only a small village nearby." "But if you had to...could you?" Mrs. Hayden pressed. My father looked confused. I saw Darla-chan look down at the couch and swallow hard. She had been happy a moment ago. Obachan looked at Mrs. Hayden and back at Ojiichan. Ojiichan nodded slowly. "If we ever got into a situation where we had to defend ourselves, I suppose we could, hai." Mrs. Hayden seemed to sigh with relief. "When you have time, I'd like to discuss this issue with you Sir. It's of great importance to me." He was about to speak when, the door opened and, Kurumi and Shaw-kun walked in. Ojiichan jumped up. "KURUMI!!" He hugged her close. Kurumi smiled and winked at him. She waved at Obachan. "Here we are! Now you can ask Jim what his intentions are!" She giggled. Shaw-kun's color drained from his face as she led him toward the couch and, we all laughed. Marcia-chan and Akane came back inside from the balcony. I noticed Mrs. Hayden step back and stand quietly. Kazuya laughed. "Okay brave boy, what are you going to ask Kurumi?" Obachan laughed and put a hand on Shaw-kun's shoulder. "Don't be nervous in front of all these people. We're just family." Shaw-kun looked around. "Uhhh yeah I guess so." He looked at Kurumi. "So what now?" The room broke into laughter. Kurumi sat him down and sat beside him. Ojiichan grinned at my father then, he suddenly looked serious. "Young man! I understand you want to formally court my grandaughter?" "Hai." Shaw-kun said quickly. "Are you serious and is this going to lead to a commitment from you?" "I..If I wasn't serious, I wouldn't be here." Shaw-kun swallowed again. "And will this lead to a serious commitment?" Ojiichan repeated. "Do you love my grandaughter and will you protect and support her?" Shaw-kun looked at Kurumi. In broken japanese, he said, "I love you Kurumi. I want you to be my wife." He looked at my father. "Is that acceptable to you Sir?" My father nodded. "Hai. As long as Kurumi finishes school and goes to college for at least two years, I support you." Ojiichan grinned. "I think Kurumi made a good catch. Of course, when she cooks you and all of us dinner tonight, you may want to run away." "OJIICHAN!" Kurumi shouted incredulously! We all laughed. I smiled at Manami and, she winked at me. I saw Ojiichan look at Hayden-kun. "And does Manami's boyfriend want to make a commitment as well?" I saw Manami look quickly at Hayden-kun and, she blushed. Mrs. Hayden watched with interest. For the first time since I had met him, I saw Hayden-kun struggle for words. "I...I really...geez..I dunno, I don't feel I'm ready for that. I like Manami a lot but for now...I can't do that." He looked quickly at her. "Please try to understand." Manami nodded and hugged him. "You don't have to explain anything. I understand." Obachan looked at my father. "Well, is this to be considered a formal engagement then Takashi?" My father nodded. "Well, once Kurumi has a ring then..." Shaw-kun put up his hand. "I thought of that." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a box. I saw Kurumi's eyes grow wider and, he opened it slowly. A beautiful diamond with a ring of silver was inside. Wordlessly, he reached in and took her hand. The room was completely silent as he took the ring and put it on her left fourth finger. "Marry me Kurumi?" Kurumi's eyes filled with tears and she fell into his arms! "Hai! Hai! Hai!" We all laughed and all of us congratulated them. I guess at least Shaw-kun and I would be relatives in the future. We all began talking again and, my father brought out a cake that he had bought. Kurumi and Manami went to make dinner and, Mrs. Hayden sat down opposite me. "Kyouske?" "Uhmm...hai?" "I need to talk with you, your father, and your grandparents about something very important." I swallowed hard. Was this about..? "Hai. When?" "Tonight." She said. "I know that you and Shawn spoke with Darla about it already so, I can't hide things anymore. Have Kurumi take Jim for a walk or something okay?" "Hai." I felt nervous. She got up and left. Hayden-kun walked over and took me aside. "Dude, my Dad is out of the country. I talked to Mom about this whole thing last night. We're in deep trouble!" Now I really felt scared. I nodded. "Where's your Dad?" "Washington DC. Trying to get us out of this mess." My fear was closing in again. I remembered the dream I had of some man throwing me off a building as Marcia-chan screamed. Was it becoming a reality? Would I have to risk hurting Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan simply to protect her...? Kurumi cooked for all of us with Manami's help and for the first time, it wasn't half bad. I remembered some times before where she had tried and I had almost felt like I was dying. She had come a long way from the little sister I used to know. Being sixteen and now engaged, I was looking at my sister in a new way. Manami as well. Both of them were growing up to be strong young women. I wondered if Hayden-kun once he completely got over losing Ayukawa would be serious enough to marry Manami? I knew that if it ever happened it was a long way off. It surprised me because, Manami was more the type I thought that would get married first. But even though Kurumi had been asked first and was engaged to Shaw-kun, she still had to finish school and two years of college. My father had insisted on that and rightly so. Education was very important to my father. I knew he and Hayden-kun would clash on that issue because, Hayden-kun had no plans to attend college at all. Perhaps time would change that. Akane was spending most of her time talking to Marcia-chan. Both were the same age and although Marcia-chan looked nervous, she patiently endured my cousin's forwardness. Kazuya was having fun talking to Hayden-kun. The two seemed to be getting along quite well. Kazuya looked at me. "Hey Kyouske-neichan, you never told me the full story about how you stopped those terrorists." "Uhmmm well I..." I turned red with embaressment. Shaw-kun and Kurumi were in the kitchen but, he still might overhear me. I shrugged. "I didn't really do anything. I just used "the power" and managed to free the crew that were trapped in a cargo area. They did the rest." "After I was captured." Hayden-kun grinned. "Pretty damn brave dude." He turned to Kazuya. "So what happened with you after you communicated with Kyouske?" Kazuya smiled. "Well, after I got the telepathic message from Kyouske-neichan, I went to his father. I had to really convince him then, we talked to Ojiichan. The three of us went down to the American Embassy donwtown and Ojiichan gave them a story about how we had heard about the possibility of an american cruise ship being hijacked over a ham radio. It was a good explanation. I didn't think they had believed us but a few minutes later they said they would talk to the US government and look into the possibility. Later on, we were told that it might be true. I was able to talk to Kyouske-neichan again and I told him I thought help was on the way." "I'm glad you were there for us." Hayden-kun picked up a soda he was drinking and raised it "this is to you Kazuya. Arigatoo!" He drank it. Kazuya laughed. "But, Kyouske-neichan reneged on his promise. He told me if I helped you all, he'd buy me ice cream every day for a year and Madoka-san would serve me hot chocolate for a year!" "Baka!" I said. "I don't have that kind of money. I was desperate!" They all laughed at me. "Well, I'll buy you some chocolate later at ABCB dude. Sound good?" Kazuya smiled. "I like you Shawn-kun. You're a cool guy!" I felt like I was in the middle or something. It was then that, the front door opened and Mrs. Hayden walked in. She went to my father and Ojiichan who were talking in the hallway. Then, she looked at me and Hayden-kun and nodded. I followed her and my father into my bedroom. Ojiichan and Obachan also came in and, Hayden-kun closed the door. Darla-chan was sitting in my desk chair looking nervous. Ojiichan and Obachan sat down on my bed. "Okay, Mrs. Hayden. What's this all about?" The room fell quiet. I looked at Hayden-kun and he nodded. Mrs. Hayden appeared to be struggling with a great weight. She sighed and got up. "I am not used to speaking of things like this. The last few months have been very difficult for me. Suffice it to say, I work as a government agent for the CIA, and my husband works as an analyst for the NSC." Ojiichan sighed. "National Security Council and Central Intelligence Agency. Very interesting careers. You should be home being a good mother." Mrs. Hayden glared at him. "I won't go into that kind of a debate. I am not a field agent by choice. In 1955, my husband and I were in college when we and several others were approached to take part in a government program based on testing esp." I looked hard at her. "ESP? The government?" "Kyouske, in the United States, testing of such abilities by the government in some cases is normal. Russia also does this, as well as one of your agencies here in Japan. My husband and I participated, and they found we had the potential for such abilities. They used special drugs to enhance our abilities. I was soon able to teleport and, my husband was able to change his face to look like any type of man. It wasn't long before, we were recruited by the government. My husband having an affinity with computers and analyzing information went to work for the White House. I was found to be very adept at not only teleportation but, the gathering of data in the field. They made me a field operative and, I received training I'd rather not discuss." The room was dead silent. My father looked at me then down at the floor. "Here's the problem." Mrs. Hayden went on. "When Steven and I first got married and had Marcia, the agency quickly took it upon themselves to test her at an early age. They watched us all the time. It was sheer hell. When it appeared she did not have any abilities, they left us alone except for our obligations to our jobs. When Marcia began to show abilities, we did our best to hide it. It wasn't easy. We wanted her and any children we had after her to have normal lives. I have drilled it into my kids heads not to ever display their powers in public!" She looked at Hayden-kun. "Now, you will know why." Obachan nodded. "Ojiichan and I don't even think about it. We use "the power" all the time." "And that is a very dangerous thing to do." Mrs. Hayden said. "Until a few months ago, the agency was not even looking at the possibility of my children having powers. However, back in August my son and two of his friends took a cruise ship to America from Japan. That ship as you know was hijacked. My son worked with Kyouske to disable the ship and free the crew thus saving everyone. But something went wrong. The terrorists when interrogated told stories of a boy who threw flame at them. Another boy was able to throw things without touching them. He threw two people into the sea. My agency looks at stories like this. Even though officially it was dismissed as hysteria from failing in their attempt to hijack the cruise ship, the CIA sent two of our best operatives to Florida to learn the truth. Once they had spoken with those terrorists, they began investigating. Before I knew what was happening, they had determined that one of the boys had to be my son. They knew I was in Japan on an inquiry at the time and, I had taken my son with me. They checked and found I had flown back alone. From there it was easy for them to trace the fact Shawn had been on that ship." "I see." my father said quietly. "Hai." Mrs. Hayden looked at me. "Both of you saved that entire ship. But in doing so, you accidentally exposed your powers to others that saw your abilities. Now the CIA knows my son is an esper. And what's worse, they know he was with another esper." "This is not good." my father said. "We'll have to move." "Moving won't do any good." Mrs. Hayden sighed. "I used my security access to do what I could to hide our escape. I had Darla change our flight information while I used my own sources to completely erase all traces of us from America. It will slow them down but, it won't stop them. In a few months, agents will come to find us. I could have gone anywhere in the world but, I came here for a reason." She looked at Ojiichan. "I knew that this was the only place my children might be safe. I used the premise of Jim wanting to be with Kurumi to quickly move here. I have friends in the agency who tipped me off that this was coming. By now, the agency officials will have realized I am missing and will be looking for me." "What do you want us to do?" Ojiichan asked. Obachan looked nervous and I had to admit I was feeling terrified. "My husband has gone back to Washington DC to try to use his influence to get the agency to leave us alone. I want my children to have a normal life. I don't want them to be subject to the government the way my husband and I have been." Hayden-kun shrugged. "Working for the CIA wouldn't be that bad Mom and.." "YOU DON'T KNOW!" She shouted. She quickly lowered her voice realizing it may carry beyond the room. "You don't know what it's like Shawn. All of you. You're free to do what you wish. Most of my life, I have been forced to do things I'd rather not think of. None of you want this. And, I don't want it for my children. Until I can get them to leave us alone, I ask for your help in protecting my kids." We all looked at each other. My father sighed. "I don't know what we can do." "Well, you said it will be a few months?" Ojiichan asked. "If we're lucky." Mrs. Hayden looked at the floor. "Being here in Japan, I don't think they will try anything soon. As long as we don't attract attention to ourselves." She looked at me. "Please spend more time with Marcia, Kyouske. If she flys all the time, they'll find out!" I swallowed hard. She had no idea what she was asking me to do. Hikaru-chan. Ayukawa! How could I make them understand? "Uhmm...couldn't we just tell Marcia-chan about this?" "You don't know my daughter, Kyouske. She'll either panic or won't believe it. She'll use her powers anyway. And, she will respect your wishes where she won't mine. I have been a terrible mother." My father looked very concerned now. "Well, we can't hide as you said so moving is out of the question. What do we do?" The room fell quiet. I looked up. "Uhmmm...maybe if we live our lives as normal as we can, they won't bother us." Hayden-kun nodded. "I agree. If we look like we're trying to hide and they're watching us they may come after us sooner. We'll just have to be on guard. Since they don't know who the Kasugas are, you all should be pretty safe unless they look too closely." "They will find out eventually." Mrs. Hayden sighed. "From there, we will have to deal with the problem. But, I don't want my children taken! And, I know you want yours to have normal lives as well Takashi." My father nodded. "Hai, that's true. Well then, let's just watch but not do anything. Should we keep this between those of us in this room?" "Please." Mrs. Hayden said. "Kurumi, Jim, and Manami don't need to know. Nor do your other relatives. Marcia would panic. But, I had to let you know because, if I need your help at least I know you will try to be there." Ojiichan sighed. "Well, my home is somewhat isolated. If we have to, later on we could move your children there. We'll do what we can to help." "Arigatoo!" Mrs. Hayden looked grateful. "Since I no longer have agency resources to help me, I have to depend on what help I can get." Hayden-kun looked at his mother. "Mom, I have one thing to say. Despite your fear in all this, you had no right to involve the Kasugas in this! If we hadn't come here, they might have been safe! You've exposed them to this danger as well." Mrs. Hayden nodded. "You're right Shawn. They would have been first. But, the agency would have been looking for that other boy esper other then yourself. And, they would have found Kyouske eventually." I swallowed hard. My fear was growing again. "You're story of how you got recruited by the government tells me one thing." Ojiichan looked hard at her. "You're not a natural esper are you?" "No." Mrs. Hayden sighed deeply. "But, it stays in the blood and, my children are now." "How many others took those drugs and became agents as well?" Mrs. Hayden nodded. "Several. Do you see what I fear now? I am not the only esper in the CIA." I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. "Then...then what you said earlier about defending ourselves in an esper battle..." She nodded. "Exactly Kyouske. I pray it won't come to that. But, if it does, there are enough of you here to defend each other." "Your agency will likely send espers?" Ojiichan said quietly. "Hai." "Then we'll do what we can." Obachan smiled and got up. "I think we've discussed this enough now that we know that's going on. Let's go back outside shall we?" Without further word, they all left the room. I stood in my room looking at myself in the mirror. "Hey okay?" I looked over and saw Hayden-kun looking at me. "Uhmm..I guess so. I feel like this is our fault. If we hadn't been seen by those terrorists on the ship, none of this would have happened." "Let's not worry about it right now, dude." He put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to watch for trouble but, I'm not going to panic right away. And neither should you. Madoka picks up on stuff like that. Don't let on. The fewer that know about this, the less chance there is of us being discovered. Let's just go on with our plan to play in Pikaru's at the winter festival coming up and, I'll date Manami and have fun." I nodded nervously. Something this terrifying would be hard to forget. I started to walk out. "Kyouske." I looked at him. "Hai?" "Any weird premonition dreams you have...let us know please." I nodded. Perhaps my dreams would be the only thing that would prevent disaster. I had no idea what the future held for me now. But I knew one thing. I wouldn't expose Hikaru-chan or Ayukawa to this kind of danger. Not if I could help it..... Chapter Fifteen: Holiday Hijinks "Kasuga-kun, what are you doing?" "Eh?" I looked up at Ayukawa realizing I had drifted off in my thoughts again. I was doing a lot of that lately. I was finding myself looking over my shoulder and spending more time with both Hikaru-chan and Marcia-chan. The problem was making sure Hikaru-chan didn't find out. I felt like I was living a double lie. And the worst of it was, I had no time at all to see Ayukawa. It had been a week since that fateful family gathering where Mrs. Hayden had revealed her terrible secret to those of us she wanted to hear. I was wishing I hadn't been one of the few. If I didn't know what was happening, maybe I wouldn't be so nervous. Maybe I could confide in Ayukawa rather then keep another secret from her. For years, I had kept the secret of my esper ability from her. I wanted to tell her about this situation with possible CIA espers coming after us. But, I didn't want her involved. If there was any threat at all, I didn't want either Ayukawa or Hikaru-chan to be a part of it. It was lucky that on this Saturday after school, I had been able to get away and actually spend time with her. "Uhmm...sorry Ayukawa, I've just been thinking a lot lately. Getting together to practice as "Pikaru's" isn't the same as when we can sit down and talk. I mean...I...I have been wanting to see you and.." "I know, Kasuga-kun. You've had quite a full schedule lately. Shawn-kun and I finished the song we're going to be playing at the festival last night. We'll get two practices with it before we play. Not much time but, we'll do okay. I've asked everyone to meet me tonight at my place. We can run through it a few times if that's okay with you?" "Hai, that's fine. Hikaru-chan is busy doing shopping so, I just wanted to see you and be alone with you for a little bit." I blushed. I usually wasn't this bold but, I felt like I had to tell her that. "Kasuga-kun." she whispered. "I...I know, it's been so strange lately. I've been wanting to ask you something. I'm not spending tomorrow night with anyone and, the party Komatsu and Hatta have planned is Christmas Eve. I don't think we'll get to spend a lot of time together with Marcia-chan and Hikaru there. Would you like to come over tomorrow night?" "Hai! I'd like that Ayukawa. I promise I'll be there right after dinner...around seven okay?" She nodded. "It's a school night but, we don't get a lot of time. We can just sit around and talk..maybe make something in the kitchen?" She gave me a mischievious smile and, I felt my head grow hot. "Ayukawa...that sounds...great." I looked into her eyes feeling my emotions go wild. "I think so too...Kasuga-kun." She smiled and pushed my cup of coffee toward me. "It's getting cold. Better drink up. I promise I'll make it special and, nobody else will be there." I was about to answer when, the door to ABCB opened. "Darrrling! I knew I'd find you here!" I gasped and almost fell off my stool. Ayukawa caught my coffee cup as I partially spilled it. "Hi..Hikaru-chan! What are you doing here? I thought you were shopping!" "Oh Sempai, I did already. It wouldn't be as much fun without you or Madoka-san so, I did a little and, I wanted to invite both of you to come help me finish the rest. We could make a day of it since tomorrow is Sunday! I'm so excited! Christmas is next week and we will be playing in the festival the day after! And what's really cool is, the Christmas Eve party! I can't wait Darling!" She hugged me tightly. "Hikaru, you're always so happy." Ayukawa smiled and finished cleaning the counter. "Master is taking care of a personal errand so, I can't go. You two have a good time." I looked quickly at her. Our eyes met and, she turned away. I could feel the pain in my heart as Hikaru-chan hugged me. "Ohhh this is soo cool! Sempai, let's go! You can help me finish Christmas shopping!" As I got up to leave with Hikaru-chan, I saw Ayukawa turn and look at me. The sadness in her eyes I sometimes caught was there now. It seemed to be increasing. Was she growing weary of this situation? Both of us knew it had to end soon but, we had never discussed it. In my mind, I saw the day when she would just blow and let HIkaru-chan know her feelings..and mine. Or worse, she would finally tell me to end it. I didn't know which way it would go. I just prayed that in the end, Hikaru-chan wouldn't be hurt. Devastating her was one of the last things I ever wanted to do. For now, things would stay as they were.... "Ohhh Sempai look at this hat!" I looked at the hat she was wearing. A Santa Claus cap. She giggled and put her arm behind her head striking a pose. "Sempai, want to kiss me under the mistletoe? Tell Santa what you want for Christmas okay? I'll even sit on your lap." She giggled and sat down on me. People were staring at us and I looked quickly. "Hikaru-chan! Oi! We're in public, please stop!" "Ohh Darling, I want people to know how much I love you. I don't care who sees us. It's all over school anyway that we're a couple." She frowned. "Except for that interfering Marcia-chan! Why can't she just accept things and let you go? Everyone knows we're going to be together." I winced as she said it. It was a lie, all of it. Unless I wanted to lie to myself, I could never truly love Hikaru-chan. I did love her but, not in the way she wanted. Nor did I love Marcia-chan. Ayukawa was the only one I wanted. I wondered when the time came if Hikaru-chan would be unwilling to accept it. Marcia-chan had seen through my feelings. That was why she had kept pursuing me. I think she knew that I loved someone else. She had hinted at it. But, I had no idea if she knew it was Ayukawa. If she did know, she had not revealed it to Hikaru-chan. "Look Darling, It's Komatsu and Hatta! Ohh, I hope they don't come over here." I looked up quickly and saw she was right. They were coming through the store toward us. "Hey! Kasuga-kun! Let's find a place to eat so we can talk." Hatta grinned. "Happy Hikaru-chan, always by your side Kasuga." "Sempai and I are doing Christmas shopping." Hikaru-chan giggled. "I'm spending the whole afternoon with him so, don't think you're going to take him away." "We only want to talk." Komatsu grinned. "Let's sit here okay?" We all sat down in a small cafe and, I ordered cokes for Hikaru-chan and I. No way was I buying for everyone. Komatsu and Hatta paid for their own. "So what's this I hear about Manami-chan and Kurumi-chan both being unavailable?" Hatta looked serious. I was surprised. "Hai. Kurumi is engaged to Shaw-kun. He gave her a ring." "OHHHHH!! Hatta! Life is so cruel! If only you had been a little faster! Perhaps in time you will find your true love." Komatsu grinned. "But, Manami-chan isn't engaged right?" "No." I said. "AHHH then I'm going to ask her to be my date for the Christmas Eve party." Komatsu laughed. "That will be difficult. Her boyfriend may not like it." I shrugged. "A boyfriend is nothing permanent Kasuga. Manami may dump him tomorrow. And even though Kurumi-chan is engaged, that too could end." Hikaru-chan glared at Hatta. "If you're planning on breaking up Kurumi and Jim-kun, you won't have much luck. Their love is as strong as mine and Sempai's!" She hugged me tightly. I felt sick to my stomach. This couldn't go on! "So, is Manami-chan still with Hayden-kun? Komatsu asked. "Hai." Komatsu looked hard at me. "Manami-chan is with him? But, why? He's always acting like a complete baka! Thinks he's tough! I don't think he deserves Manami-chan." Hatta nodded. "True, true. These American hentais have no right to come over here and try to steal our choices of women." I sighed. "If you had been more serious earlier and let Kurumi and Manami know that, perhaps they might have been more open. But, you were always trying to see things you shouldn't and take pictures of them in ways that would be direspectful! More then once, I had to stop one of your hentai schemes regarding my sisters." "Those were our carefree days, Kasuga." Komatsu grinned. "We're enterprising artists now. We're going to be famous. Kurumi and Manami would do well to reconsider their choices. Perhaps we should go and talk to them Hatta?" "Good idea." Hatta got up. "Let's go do that now." "I think your making a mistake." I looked up at them. "Kurumi is engaged. Shaw-kun has already given her a ring and, he has met my entire family. He received both Ojiichan's blessing and my father as well. Manami although not engaged is firmly with Hayden-kun. If you go after her, Hayden-kun may bury you." Komatsu swore. "Baka! I'm not afraid of Hayden-kun. Manami-chan just needs to see him for what he is! I'm going to buy Manami-chan a Christmas present and invite her out with me. Hatta, what do you plan to do about Kurumi-chan? Are you going to be a man and try to win her back?" "Hai!" Hatta got up. "I don't care if she's engaged. She isn't married yet and, I know Kurumi-chan better then any American! Let's go see them, Komatsu." "First we buy our tokens of love for them." Komatsu winked at me. "You and Hikaru-chan look so happy. Wish us luck on the road to love. We will not rest until we have regained the attentions of the lovely Kurumi-chan and the goddess, Manami-chan." I shook my head at their over zealousness. "It's you're funeral. Neither Shaw-kun nor Hayden-kun will permit it. Don't get hurt too badly." "Hmmph! No confidence eh Kasuga?" Komatsu laughed. "You should take chances once in awhile. Living a dreary life is never preferable to one of adventure. Now, Hatta and I will go to try to win our loves and enjoy this holiday season and all it has to offer! Come Comrade Hatta!" "With you all the way, Comrade Komatsu!" He grinned. "Don't do anything with Hikaru-chan we wouldn't do, Kasuga. There's a nice hotel about a block from here and.." "GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled. Bakas!" They laughed and ran off. I sighed. "Gomen nasai, Hikaru-chan. I apologize for my...friends." Hikaru-chan smiled. "I don't care Darling. You're not like them. But, their idea wasn't a bad one." "Eh? What idea?" "The hotel." She hugged me tighter. "Darling..I..." I felt my stomach lurch. OH NO! "Uhmm...Hikaru-chan I...I don't think.." "Darling, we've been together for awhile. I know we never did anything but, I want you to know, I'm ready whenever you ask. I have been ever since I fell in love with you. I would do anything for you." My heart was beating very fast. My mind went back to that cruise again...that cruise where in her cabin that night, Hikaru-chan had tried very hard to get me to do "C" with her. Now, she was trying it again. Did she feel that if we did, she would never lose me? It frightened me to think she might consider such a thing just to hang onto me. "I....I know, Hikaru-chan. I'm not ready for that." She nodded and drank her coke. "Let's finish shopping!" She pulled me up out of my chair and, we went back into the mall. As we walked through the mall, my thoughts went back to what Komatsu had said. Living a dreary life not preferable to adventure. But, after what I had heard and knew might be coming, a dreary life was definitely more preferable to me. Subconsciously, I was finding myself looking at every person who passed us. Hikaru-chan so happy and uncaring was oblivious to it all. The holiday hijinks with Komatsu and Hatta had taken my mind away from my troubles for a bit. Right now, I wanted to see Ayukawa. But, I would have to content myself with things as they were.... At last Hikaru-chan and I finished Christmas shopping and, we parted promising to meet at Ayukawa's house that evening for practice. As I watched her happily skip away, I felt my heart sinking. I didn't want to see that happiness end. I arrived home and found Manami sitting on the couch with Komatsu. He was talking to her and trying to get her to go out with him. I could see Hatta on the balcony with Kurumi. I wondered if I should step in as older brother and ask them to leave but, my two sisters seemed to be doing well on their own. As I moved into the kitchen, I could hear Manami explaining her feelings. "Komatsu although I think you're a nice guy and all, things between us must remain as friends. You see, I have a boyfriend now and..." "But Manami-chan...what will you do when he goes back to America? Do you plan to go back with him? You can't just sit and wait for a firm commitment that may never come! Hatta and I have great plans. We are going to be rich and famous and, if you and Kurumi-chan are still around, we'd love to share all that with you." Manami sighed. "Getting rich off hentai doesn't exactly thrill me. Besides, I think Shawn will marry me by then. We are very much in love Komatsu and it would not be right to go anywhere with you except in a group." Komatsu smiled. "Then let's you and I go out with Kurumi-chan and Hatta tonight! We can go have pizza like we used to. Nothing serious, just friends getting together. Is that acceptable?" Manami was about to open her mouth when Kurumi and Hatta walked in. Hatta was grinning. "Let's all go have pizza!" "Huh?" Manami looked confused. I had to admit I was too."Kurumi, what's going on?" Kurumi shrugged. "Oh Hatta just invited us out for pizza. It isn't like a date or anything so, why not? Come on Manami-chan, let's go." KURUMI!" Manami stood up staring at her. "IT IS LIKE A DATE! BAKA!" She walked over to Kurumi and grabbed her left hand. She held up Kurumi's diamond ring in front of her face. "Do you see this Kurumi? That is a commitment! It means you and Jim-kun have pledged your love to each other. He fully intends to be true to you! Do the same with him!" Kurumi stared at her. "It's just going out for pizza! I'm not going to do anything with Hatta!" She glared at Manami. I felt like I should interefere but, I didn't know where to begin. Manami shook her head. "That's where it starts. A pizza here...a date there..all in friendship. Then one day, you run into Jim someplace when your with Hatta! Then what do you do?" "Jim would understand, he knows we're just friends." Kurumi blew her off like this was nothing. I was a little surprised myself at Kurumi. I knew she was a little bit flighty but, I hadn't expected this. Manami sighed. "I wish I had a ring like that on my finger. I wish Hayden-kun was that dedicated to give me one! You should feel fortunate that you have such a commitment from Jim!" Hatta shrugged. "Hey Manami-chan, it's just a pizza. No reason to get upset. Komatsu and you will also have a good time. It's the holiday season where friendships are renewed and love is shared." Hai, come on Manami-chan. Let's remember the good times we've had. Kurumi is going to be a married lady in a few years so, we should take all the time we can to enjoy life with each other." "You're just trying to get between us and our boyfriends." Manami said quietly. "I wanted a boyfriend for a long time." She looked at Komatsu. "Not a boy who acts like a hentai and looks at every girl he sees. Hayden-kun will be true to me. I know he will." Kurumi glared at her. "Well at least MY boyfriend didn't choose me because he couldn't have someone else first!" I stared at Kurumi. Baka! What was she doing? Komatsu smiled. "Ohhhh so Manami-chan is defending a man who really likes someone else but chose her because the other girl didn't want him? He sounds like such a man." Manami glared at all of them. "Fine. Believe what you want. My boyfriend is true to me. I know he and I will be happy!" She turned to Kurumi. "And if that ring on your finger means anything at all to you Kurumi, you'll go out to pizza or anything else only with Jim..unless it's a group." Komatsu shrugged. "Manami-chan please, we only want to have a good time." Manami walked over and opened the front door. She bowed. "Gomen nasai Komatsu-san. I cannot accept your invitation. I'll see you later." Kurumi looked confused then nodded. "I...I guess Manami is right. I can't go out with you Hatta. I have to remain true to my fiance." Hatta looked like he had been hit with a brick. His face fell and he shook his head. "'s not a date okay? It's just friends..." "No." Kurumi said firmly. "Gomen. I can't. Manami is right. What was I thinking?" Both Komatsu and Hatta looked defeated. They turned to each other. "Well, Comrade Hatta...I suppose we can go drown our sorrows in a soda or something. To think...the beautiful Kurumi-chan and the lovely Manami-chan...taken away by american hentais! It's too terrible to think about." Hatta sighed. "When they find out what these guys are really like..they'll return to us, Comrade Komatsu." "Baka." Manami sighed. "Please leave." My two hentai friends looked at me and without another word walked toward the door. As they left, they looked a few years had just been stripped from them. I began to wonder had they really loved my sisters and if so, was I facing the same type of experience in the future with Ayukawa if she too found someone? Chapter Sixteen: Reaching Inward Ayukawa nodded to Hayden-kun. "Okay. Let's see what else you two have that we can use." I saw Manami smile at Hayden-kun and, he shrugged. "This is a song that Metallica does. It's heavy metal big time but, you'll get another idea what style of music we play." "Why are we doing this?" Hikaru-chan asked. "We need to get an idea what type of sound we are going to have Hikaru." Ayukawa smiled and picked up her coffee cup. Still sipping it, she moved over to her organ. "Hayden-kun and I have been working on a song but, we don't quite have the bugs worked out yet. He's never really written any songs and I have only written that one that Yukari sang a few years ago when I played with Shu's band. Shaw-kun picked up his bass guitar. Tuning it, he winked at Kurumi. I wondered if he would be that happy with her if he knew she had nearly accepted a date with Hatta earlier today. Now, we were all gathered together in Ayukawa's house for our next to the last practice session. With Christmas coming up next week, we had the Winter Festival to look forward to the next day and the contest itself. Hayden-kun nodded to Shaw-kun. "Okay dude...let's rock." "I'll follow your lead." Shaw-kun answered grinning. Hayden-kun looked at me. "Watch for the changes Kasuga and keep up." "Hai." I readied my drums waiting for whatever was to come. American music was much darker sounding then what I had least this music they liked to play. Hayden-kun began to was a steady repetitive sound then, he nodded to me and I jumped in. Immediately, after, Shaw-kun came in and began to play the bass in such a way I had never heard it. Hayden-kun nodded to me to change with them and, I tried to anticipate it. Suddenly, the pitch changed and, Hayden-kun began singing: "Say your prayers little one Don't forget my include every-one... Tuck you in war within keep you free from sin Till the Sandman comes.. At this point Shaw-kun came in and, they sang together... Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit: Light Enter:Night Take My Hand.... We're off to Never Never Land! The pitch changed and Hayden-kun sang alone again.... Something's wrong, shut the light Heavy Thoughts tonight and they aren't of Snow White! Dreams of War Dreams of Liars Dreams of Dragon's Fire And of Things that will bite! Again, Shaw-kun altered the pitch and came in blending his voice with Hayden'kun's deeper one.... Sleep with One Eye Open Gripping your pillow tight... Exit:Light! Enter:Night! Take My Hand! We're off to Never Never Land! Suddenly, Hayden-kun began speaking in an almost sinister voice... Now I lay me down to sleep.... Shaw-kun echoed him in his own voice... Now I lay me down to sleep! Pray the Lord My soul to Keep Shaw-kun echoed: Pray the Lord My Soul to Keep Hayden-kun continued..If I should Die Before I Wake Shaw-kun answered: If I should Die Before I Wake Pray the Lord My Soul to Take.... Pray the Lord My Soul To Take... Suddenly, Hayden-kun broke into a guitar riff and lowered his voice even more as Shaw-kun blended in with that bass sound that was unlike anything I had ever heard.... "Hush Little Baby, Don't Say a Word... And Never Mind that Voice you Heard... It's Just the Beasts Under Your Bed... In Your Closet..In Your Head... Shaw-kun brought in more of that sound and, Hayden-kun nodded to me to alter the beat again.... EXit:Light! Enter:Night! Grain of Sand.... Exit:Light Enter Night Take my Hand.... We're Off To Never Never Land.... They finished with a flourish then gently loweed it down till only Hayden-kun was playing the repetitive guitar pitch again and I lowered the drums to match him. Shaw-kun lowered with us until we finished.... When we had finished, Ayukawa sighed. "It's a pretty good sound but, nothing like that will work for a love song which is what we agreed on. I think a cross between heavy metal and Pop will give us something unique that the other bands haven't considered. At the Mitsuru Hayakawa competition show, we had a combination of heavy metal bands and soft rock. Shu's fell somewhere inbetween. I would say what you three just played would fall in the heavy category." "Metallica is heavy." Shaw-kun said smiling. Kurumi sighed. "Don't you know any happy songs? All of the ones I've heard you play have been about evil or sad things. Except for the love song you played with Madoka-san a few weeks ago." Shaw-kun shrugged. "Hell, I dunno. It's the way we are. Shawn is that way too. Forming a heavy metal band was his idea." "True." Hayden-kun noticed Manami with her head bowed. He walked over to her and raised her chin. "But, I can play other stuff too. I just do not want to play disco! That I refuse to do!" He grinned at Manami and hugged her. I could see since he had made the choice to be with Manami and not continue to chase after Ayukawa, he was a lot happier. That didn't solve some of the problems we were having. But, at least my sisters seemed happy. Kurumi had me worried though from this afternoon. It hadn't really been a date but, her acceptance of Hatta while wearing Shaw-kun's ring did not bode well. I hoped things would work out between them. They were already having enough of a struggle with the language. Hayden-kun knowing japanese and altering it occasionally with english seemed to have no trouble at all communicating with Manami and the rest of us. But, for Shaw-kun, it was a struggle. Ayukawa smiled. "Well, I think I have some good ideas. Hayden-kun and I have been working together off and on and, we feel we have a pretty good idea. We've written most of the lyrics and, I took it upon myself to write the music for it. As I said, it's a combination of heavy metal and light pop...the heavy metal being emphasized in the middle of the song with long guitar riffs for Hayden-kun backed up by Shaw-kun's bass." "Sounds cool." Shaw-kun smiled. "What's the song called?" "Fall Romance." Ayukawa smiled. "It's what we said it would be. A love song based upon the meeting of all of us on that cruise last summer...and what it has led to. I had Kurumi and Jim-kun in mind when I wrote the lyrics but, with Shawn-kun and Manami getting together, I guess it can be applied to almost anyone." "OHHH Darling! Did you hear that? A love song that we can even apply to us!" Hikaru-chan reached over and hugged me. Caught off guard, I fell off my chair and knocked one of the drums over. Everyone laughed at me as Hikaru-chan who had fallen on me climbed off and, I set back up the drum. "Baka." Ayukawa shook her head. "Always so uncoordinated." "Ayukawa..." I looked at her and, she smiled. I returned it but again, I saw that look of sadness in her eyes. It seemed to be showing even more then it did before.... The evening deepened. At last, we broke up from our practice. I was feeling happy because, I knew tomorrow night I would be spending alone with Ayukawa. It would probably be the last time I could do so for some time. Hikaru-chan didn't know it but, I had to spend the next few days with Marcia-chan. I had to keep an eye on her to make sure she was not using the power to any great extent. This worried me because, I could just imagine what would happwen if Hikaru-chan found out. As I walked Hikaru-chan home, I felt her lean against me. "Sempai, you're awful quiet. What are you thinking of?" "Uhmm...nothing really, Hikaru-chan. I'm just tired from our practice session. Pretty soon we'll be onstage for real in front of all those people. I guess I'm just nervous about it." I shrugged. "Darling, you'll do just fine. But, that isn't everything is it? I get the impression your holding back if you were hiding." Her statement alarmed me! I pulled away and looked down into her concerned eyes. "What...what would make you think that Hikaru-chan?" "Just something in the way you feel when I lean against you. You tense up usually but, it's been more so lately...." her voice trailed off and she looked at me. "'s someone else? ARE YOU SEEING SOMEONE ELSE SEMPAI???" "Eh? What..I...NO! I'm not, why would you say such a thing I..." "SEMPAI! TELL ME!" "I...I am." I struggled for the words. This was it! I was caught in my own feeling! Trapped from within. There was no way I could truly deny it. Ayukawa was the only one for me! But, Hikaru-chan would never understand that. Perhaps though, it was time to end this lie. Perhaps now...I could tell her. "Uhmm...Hikaru-chan...I.." "Sempai, you do love me don't you?" "I...Hikaru-chan I care for you, you know that...but.." She grabbed me suddenly giggling as she cut off what I was about to say. "I knew it! I knew Sempai was true to me! I was afraid over nothing! I already know that things will be perfect between us, Sempai! I love you!" She hugged me closer and, I held her feeling awkward. I had almost done it..hadn't I? Could I still tell her..? "Uhmmm Hikaru-chan...I...I." "Darling?" She pulled away and looked at me. "I...I..I think we should...get some ice coffee at ABCB then head home!" I finished the sentence almost gasping. I was wrong. I couldn't do it. I still did not have the courage to end this triangle that had gone on for so long. I felt like a failure as she leaned against me sighing and, we walked toward ABCB. Tomorrow I would be with Ayukawa...and then would come my time I had to spend with Marcia-chan. Then there was the big Christmas Eve party. I felt like I was being three different directions when all I really wanted was to be with Ayukawa. "Darling, what's that?" "What?" I looked up and gasped. I saw what appeared to be a human person flying through the sky dimly lit by the city lights! OH NO! I knew who that was! "Darling, did you see that? It looked like a person! A girl!" Hikaru-chan was getting excited. " it wasn't, it looked like a big bird..or maybe a balloon. How could it be a person Hikaru-chan? People can't fly!" Hikaru-chan nodded reluctantly. "I..I guess so Sempai. But, it sure looked like a woman to me." I felt my terror growing within. If Hikaru-chan had seen Marcia-chan flying..and I knew it was her...then how many others had? And if they had seen soon before word of it reached the ears of those who we were trying to hide the truth from? I had to see Marcia-chan! I had to see her as soon as possible! She had to know the danger involved in her nightly flights! Regardless of whether Mrs. Hayden thought she could take it or not...she had to know! "Hikaru-chan! I...I just remembered I have to do some homework I neglected. I...I can't take you to ABCB right now. Gomen nasai." She looked surprised but nodded sadly. "I understand Sempai. I'll see you at school tomorrow then." She sighed with deep disappointment. I had a terrible feeling the way things were going, I would be doing that a lot more soon! Again apologizing to her, I ran quickly to where she couldn't see me. Scanning the sky for Marcia-chan, I saw she had flown toward the downtown area. Perhaps...Mobius? Closing my eyes, I concentrated and teleported into the darkness.... I appeared outside Mobius in the back section of the alley. I looked upward seeing if I could spot Marcia-chan. I had to find her before others saw her. I felt my fear rising as I scanned the skies. At last, I saw her. She was flying over the trees and looking straight ahead. She had on a red dress and looked like she was ready for a night on the town. My guess about Mobius must have been correct. I saw her lower herself down and land behind the building. I ran over to her. "Marcia-chan!" "Kyouske?" She looked over surprised as I came up to her. "What are you doing here? I'm glad to see you!" "Uhmm...hai..I was in the area and I saw you so..." "Are you going to Mobius?" she asked excitedly. "I..I was actually coming here to see you. I saw you flying from over by ABCB and, I wanted to talk to you." "Oh Kyouske! You came all that distance just to see me? You must care about me!" She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me before I could stop her. I gasped as her perfume wafted over me. "I...I..Marcia-chan I really.." She pulled away. "What possible reason could you have other then wanting to see me to come down here? I know you were with Hikaru and the others tonight at the music practice. How did it go?" " went fine Marcia-chan. We had a good session." She smiled. "Good. I'm really glad to see you Kyouske. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me or something." " Marcia-chan, I haven't forgotten. I've just been...busy." "I see." She took my hand. "Let's dance together shall we? We're already here." Her sweet scent was making me feel things I shouldn't about her. There was nothing I could do. I wanted to tell her no but again, my cursed indicisiveness was stopping me from doing what I should. "Uhmm...hai." I nodded dumbly. "Great!" She put her arm around me and led me out of the alley up the sidewalk to Mobius. "I really feel like there's a connection between us Kyouske. I think you sensed I was going to come down here tonight. Maybe by reaching inward, we can find our souls are truly joined." "I...I don't know.." I began. DAMN! I had to tell her. All I had wanted to do was warn her not to use her "power" to fly but, here I was going on a sudden date with her! BAKA! What was I doing? "Kyouske," she smiled at me. "Are we still going out as planned?" "Hai." I felt like I was betraying Ayukawa. But, there was nothing I could do! How long would I have to do this? How long could I resist Marcia-chan? She was so beautiful...much prettier then Hikaru-chan. And she was so willing, it was terrifying me. How much longer could I do this? Chapter Seventeen: Truth and Influence The wild sounds and sights of Mobius met me as Marcia-chan and I walked through the doors. I kept expecting to see Ayukawa or Hikaru-chan walk up at any moment but, it was getting later and I knew they were home. I didn't see anyone I knew and, Marcia-chan seemed to revel in this fact. She laughed and led me to the dance floor putting her arms around my neck. "It's just you and me tonight Kyouske honey. No Hikaru. No Madoka. Nobody but us. Isn't this wonderful?" "Uhmm...I...I.." I was in trouble! A lot of trouble! She was feeling awful good and, I couldn't tell if it was her controlling influence over me or her own special charm. Her "power" to attract men was too hard to resist. I had barely resisted her last time. And, I was afraid that if I didn't get away soon, I would find myself doing "C" with her and waking up in the morning. It would be a night of heaven but, I would never forgive myself afterward. Because, even with Marcia-chan trying to turn my head this way, I was still feeling for Ayukawa. That hadn't was so hard! Marcia-chan was leaning against me now, her perfume filling me and making me feel such depth in my soul that, I couldn't begin to think of leaving. She pulled away and smiled. "You came all the way down here to see me honey. I think that shows something." "Uhmmm shows what?" I stammered out. She giggled. "I love you, Kyouske honey. I think deep down you love me too. I think that once you get enough courage, you'll dump Hikaru and come to be with me. I'll give you whatever you want honey." I gasped as she unexpectedly kissed me. It was warm, wet, and deep as she drew me closer. Her arms pulled me tight against her and, against my will, I found myself drawn even more to her. My arms encircled Marcia-chan and, I felt my lips moving with hers as we swept each other up in sudden heated passion! NOOOOO!!! I forced myself away gasping and stumbled to a nearby table. I sat down in the chair panting. I looked down and saw her red sandals standing next to my feet. My eyes moved upward taking in her red dress and her almost perfect body with it. At last, they came to rest on her concerned face and golden hair. Hair that was flowing very sexily down her shoulders. She sighed "Kyouske honey...what's wrong?" "I...I don't...I don't think.." "Are you concerned about what Madoka will do if Hikaru gets hurt? Don't be honey. I can handle Madoka fine." I shook my head. "No! I don't want you to fight with Ayukawa. wouldn't be right. Besides..I...I didn't come down here to be with you on a date. I...I shouldn't tell you this but, since nobody can seem to stop you from flying, I must." "Tell me what?" She sat down in the chair next to me and crossed her legs. Whether inadvertantly or on purpose, the action had raised her dress up so I could see her hemline. I swallowed hard. "Uhmmm...I...I don't know how to say this." "We were supposed to go out tomorrow weren't we?" She smiled. "What is so important if you didn't want to be with me that you'd leave Hikaru and come down here?" "Leave Hikaru-chan?" I shook my head. "No..we had already left band practice. I came down because I saw you flying...and you musn't!" "Why? It's what I do Kyouske honey." She laughed and put her hand on my knee. I felt myself ready to explode. She was too sexy to ignore..too much of a woman. I was ready to scream and run out the door..or...or go someplace with her tonight I shouldn't. It was worse then when I was alone with Yukkari that one time. I couldn't handle this! "I..uhmmm...Marcia-chan...please listen to me. It's very very important that you hide your esper abilities at all costs. Now more then ever." "I've flown every night since I got here, Kyouske. More lately because I've been so lonely. I haven't been really happy with anything here except when I'm with you. Can you understand that?" "Uhmm,..hai." "Then maybe we should do something about it?" I swallowed as she sat in my lap and put her arms around me. "Now tell me darling...what is so important that I must be more careful then in the past?" This was it. Even though her mother felt she couldn't handle the information...I had to tell her! " and you're entire family are being the CIA." She pulled away shocked and stared at me. "Targetted? By who? The CIA! Kyouske honey, don't make such jokes!" Her eyes were filled with emotion as she looked at me. I nodded. "You and your family are here because, this was the one place in the world you have a chance at being safe. When..when your brother and I took that cruise last summer...when we defeated those terrorists using...the power..we..we accidentally left witnesses...and the CIA learned of it." "This is crap." She swore and moved back to her seat. "Who told you this garbage? It's an absolute lie!" "It isn't." I sighed. "Marcia-chan...your mother isn't a marketing representative. She's an agent of the CIA." "Then if that's true...why..why would they be after us? Wouldn't mother and father protect us?" I nodded. "Your mother is trying to. Your father went back to try to settle the situation in America. But, your mother is afraid if you or anyone else display "power" will be seen and you'll be traced here." "They'd find us anyway if this were true." She swore again. "This is ridiculous! I can't believe you would spout such drivel to me! Who put you up to this? Was it Shawn? If so, it's a very dumb joke! Baka! Fool! I love you..why are you doing this to me?" Her eyes were filling with tears. "Gomen nasai, Marcia-chan. I..I'm not lying. Ask your mother if you don't believe me. We must all try not to use the "power" at all. Because..." I swallowed.."because in a month or two, they WILL come here. They will find you all. Then, we will have to figure what to do." She looked like her face was losing color. "I need a drink. Please, get me a drink. This is insane. It can't be real." I got up and walked over to the bar. Getting two Cokes, I went back to her. "Drink this, Marcia-chan." "I need to get drunk Kyouske. This isn't good enough." She downed the Coke and looked at me. " what's going to happen when they do come? Why do they want us?" I felt like I was ripping her apart. I knew Mrs. Hayden would be mad at me. But, now I had to tell her everything. "I..I think they want all of you to experiment with your "power". They will probably take you somewhere in America for that." "God." She got up. "So, if this is true, why didn't we just go to some island somewhere? Why here?" She hadn't seen it yet. I guess her mother was right. For all her beauty and incredible charm...Marcia-chan didn't think about such possibilities. "Since my family and I are espers as well...we...we might have to help defend grandfather is..very powerful." "I can't ask anyone to fight like that for me." Marcia-chan's thoughts of spending the night with me seemed to be gone. Her fear was in full force. She was acting like she didn't believe any of this. But deep down, I could feel her terror. It was something I had begun feeling ever since Mrs. Hayden had informed us of this. I knew she didn't want to be alone. I spent most of the night with her. We didn't do anything...and she didn't seem to want to for the moment. Both of us had school tomorrow. And, tomorrow night, I would be over at Ayukawa's house. But tonight..tonight and tomorrow afternoon...I needed to be with her. Even if it meant being seen by Hikaru-chan I couldn't abandon her. Not after this. She had seemed to accept the situation. Much better then her mother had thought she would. Despite what they had all thought, Marcia-chan was not in a panic. Rather, she was a lady..and as a lady she had looked at the possibilities and was no longer in terror. Just like Ayukawa might have been. "Kyouske?" "Hai?" I looked at her as the moon shone down on us. We were sitting in a park now. "Please...hold me. I need to know you care at least that much." I swallowed and put my arm across the bench. It wasn't around her so, I didn't feel like I was betraying Ayukawa. I felt...unsure of anything now. "Kyouske...if..if they do come. If they try to take me away, will you protect me?" "Of course, Marcia-chan. Nobody is going to take you away. None of us will allow it." "I just don't want to be alone." She leaned her head on my shoulder and, her golden hair spilled across my chest. I was feeling nervous again. "I...I need to get you home, Marcia-chan. We have school tomorrow." "I know. Just a little longer, please Kyouske? In fact, I may not go to school tomorrow. I may just stay home and be sick." "I won't tell anyone." I stood up and reached downward. "Let's go. I'll...I"ll walk you home." She nodded and got up facing me. "I wish we could spend all night together. If you want, I will." "I...I know, Marcia-chan." I was glad she wasn't making this offer to Komatsu or Hatta. Either one would have done "C" with her multiple times already. I walked her home feeling like I was caught in a trap. I kept feeling like Hikaru-chan was looking over my shoulder ready to pounce on me. This couldn't go on. And was I to protect her? I wasn't even sure now if I could protect myself.... "Oneichan? Oniechan...get up! Time for school!" I moaned and rolled over. The events of last night were still in me. My head hurt. "I don't feel like going." "Oh you think you're skipping out eh?" I gasped as the bed lifted off the floor and I was dumped out of it hard! The mattress came crashing down on top of me along with the boxsprings and sheets! I turned my head to the side and saw Kurumi smiling at me. "Think again, Oniechan! Get up!" As she laughed and started to walk out, I crawled out from under the mess that was my bed. "Baka. Are you going to do that to your future husband too?" "Of course if he won't get up!" She giggled and left. It was just like Kurumi to pull something like that. Then it occured to me. Once it was sure that Jim-kun was going to marry Kurumi..when would she tell him about her "power"? It was a difficult subject particularly since the CIA might be involved soon. But then again, neither Kurumi or Manami knew about that.. I arrived at school panting and worn out. It was getting to be a habit running to barely get here in time. Using the "power" might have been better in many cases. But, I couldn't tell Marcia-chan not to then do it myself. Besides, I had no idea if we we're already being watched. I was nervous enough at times without worrying about that too. "Kasuga-kun!" I turned and saw Ayukawa coming over. Class was going to start soon. What was she doing? "Ohayoo, Ayukawa." I smiled. She pointed toward the doorway. "Let's talk outside. I need to discuss something with you." "Uhmmm...but class is going to start.." "NOW!" She glared at me. What was she doing? I swallowed and got up. I heard several whispers behind me and saw some of my classmates. One look from Ayukawa silenced them! She led me out the door. It was only minutes to class starting! What was she doing? She led me down the stairs and we went out a back door. She went over to the grove of trees that were behind our school. I watched her sit down on one of the benches and, she looked up at me. "Last were at Mobius!" I froze! SHE KNEW!! But..but how? "Uhmm...hai." "With Marcia-chan?" "Hai." I whispered. "Kasuga-kun...what are you trying to do? Aren't things bad enough as they are? Do you want to make them worse?" "I...I didn't mean.." I began. "Do I have to talk to Marcia-chan again? It isn't going to be pretty I can tell you that Kasuga-kun! I haven't...haven't held my own feelings in check so you can just see anyone!" She glared at me. "I'm only doing this because of Hikaru!" I looked at her. "Should...should we tell Hikaru-chan..about...about the way we.." "BAKA!" She got up and slapped me hard. "You have no idea what your doing! I had planned to spend this evening with you! I was going to cook for you and we were going to do fun things!" I swallowed.."Fun...things?" "GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!" I gasped and stepped back. I had seen Ayukawa angry many times. But this time, she was like a different person. "Ayukawa..." "Do you love Marcia-chan,Kasuga-kun?" "Uhmm I..." "ANSWER ME!" "No...I don't but.." "Then the answer is obvious or should be. Tell her you can't spend anymore time with her! Break it off!" "And Hikaru-chan?" I whispered. "Stay with her...she needs to be happy." I don't..don't feel for her the way I do for you...Ayukawa." She looked up. "Why are you seeing Marcia-chan? What is so important that you must spend time with her? She's been making friends! She's very beautiful and would get over you and find another if you leave her alone!" I wanted to listen to her. I wanted to be with only her. But two promises were preventing me from this. I swallowed. "I...I don't know how to make you understand Ayukawa." I bowed my head. "I...I have to spend time with Marcia-chan. I promised I would...just like I promised you, I wouldn't be with anyone but..Hikaru-chan." "How can you see Marcia-chan and still keep that promise!" She glared at me. "Who made you promise this? WHY??" I balled up my fists and grit my teeth. We were both late for no longer mattered. "Mrs. Hayden made me promise." Ayukawa looked at me. "I see. I see what's happening here." "Eh?" I looked up surprised. "Mrs. Hayden is trying to match you with Marcia-chan. Perhaps it's for the best Kasuga-kun." ", wait a minute Ayukawa I.." "Kasuga-kun.." She looked down. "Remember what I said when we were in ABCB discussing this?" "I..I'm not sure." "Baka." She whispered. "Don't come over tonight. It's over." "Over? Ayukawa, what do you mean?" I felt like I was sinking.. "We need to perform the day after Christmas as scheduled. But, after that, if you really feel you can't stop seeing Marcia-chan..then..then you and I can't see each other anymore. And when Hikaru finds will likely lead to the end of our friendship." She looked up. "Is Marcia-chan worth all that?" "I..NO! Ayukawa please listen, there are reasons for this!" She turned away. "I've heard your reasons. I respect that you must keep your promises. Perhaps us meeting our American friends was for the best. If you go with Marcia-chan, it means neither one of us will have to worry about hurting Hikaru anymore. It'll just be you." "There's more Ayukawa! Please listen!" She turned as if ready to say something. Her eyes were filling with tears, something I had rarely seen. I wanted to say more but, it would mean revealing everything else. But..but perhaps if she did know..then maybe she would understand. "AYUKAWA! DON'T GO!" "Leave me alone." She began to run. I grabbed her hand, "Listen to me Ayukawa! Please! I'm not doing this for me and, I'm not doing it for a match with Marcia-chan! It''s much more." "More what? I'm tired of your excuses!" She slapped me again but, I hung onto her hard. "Let me go!" "Not until I tell you everything Ayukawa! But, you must keep this quiet! Don't tell anyone! Not even Hikaru-chan. It must remain secret!" "Like your esper secret?" She sighed and quit pulling away. "I'm listening. I'm doubtful. But, I'm listening..." For over an hour, we sat on the bench. I told her everything. The CIA..the fact we would soon be hunted..the fact Marcia-chan needed someone to watch her. All of it. Her eyes grew wide as she listened and when I had finished, she nodded gravely. "I understand." She looked right at me. "You're not lying are you? This isn't some elaborate fable to cover.." "It's true!" I said firmly. I had no trace of indecisiveness. "Then what will you do when they come, Kasuga-kun?" I turned away. "I...I don't know yet. Ojiichan was talking of a plan but, I don't know what it is. For now, we're supposed to go on and be normal. If we do anything stupid, we might attract them to us." "But doesn't Kurumi use her power" frequently? Shouldn't she and Manami be told of this?" "Not for now. Manami will have the good sense not to use "power" in public and even if we told Kurumi, she'd still forget and do it. Marcia-chan may still do it." Ayukawa reached over and took my hand. "So much burden. I didn't believe you at first. Probably because of the past. Gomen nasai Kasuga-kun. I should have." I smiled. "It's alright, Ayukawa. I probably would have done the same." "Please forgive me..and come over tonight as planned. I'll make it up to you." I looked up as the clock bell went off. "Uhmm...we missed our first class. Better get to our second or, we'll be late for that too." She giggled. "It's okay." I gasped as she suddenly hugged me. "We'll get through this Kasuga-kun. We'll protect all of you...somehow." The rest of my day went without incident. Hikaru-chan monopolized me at lunch and, I watched as Komatsu and Hatta continued to try to win my sisters attentions only to be confronted by Hayden-kun and Shaw-kun. I had never seen my sisters so happy. Even though Hayden-kun had loved Ayukawa and vowed to have her at one time, all his time and devotion was given to Manami. They seemed very much in love and I hoped that happiness would stay. I remembered at one time I had been worried about my sisters. But, that was before they were older..and so was I. Still...none of us knew what the future held. But as Ayukawa had said...we'd get through it. Chapter Eighteen: Feelings "Thanks Kyouske honey. I really appreciated you spending the afternoon with me. Are you sure you can't stay longer?" I looked into Marcia-chan's blue eyes and felt her emotions surrounding me. "I...gomen. I have to go home and study. I also have to see..Hikaru-chan." She looked down. "I see. Oh well, thanks for the fun anyway. I'll see you later." As she turned away from me and walked down the sidewalk towards her home, I could see how depressed she was. If it had been another time or another place..if perhaps I had never met Ayukawa. Would I have been with her? It was too difficult a thing to even think about. I turned and ran toward Ayukawa's house. I wanted to teleport but given the situation, I had no idea who might be watching. I was getting to the point now that, I was afraid to use "the power." Kurumi on the other hand wouldn't stop using it. I wished I could tell her about the danger involved. It was almost as if a great weight were hanging over me. I arrived at Ayukawa's house feeling a little anxious and out of breath. I had been looking forward to this all week. This morning when we had talked on the bench and before I had revealed the situation to her, I felt for sure I had lost her. Even though Hayden-kun seemed totally devoted to Manami now, he could always change...and that would have not only hurt me but it would devastate Manami. I prayed that would never happen. As I knocked on the door, I heard footfalls from within. I smiled knowing that tonight, Ayukawa and I would be alone together for the first time since before Hayden-kun and the others arrived. The door opened and, I gasped as Hikaru-chan slammed into me! OH NO! "Darling! Darling, it's so good to see you! I've been sad because lately other then practice for "Pikaru's" we haven't been together as much!" She clung to me and, I sighed. Ayukawa appeared at the door and smiled. "Kasuga-kun, good of you to come over. I didn't expect to see you. Hikaru dropped by unexpectedly as well. Why don't we all sit together and watch a movie or something? I can make some soba for dinner?" So. That was it. Hikaru-chan had surprised her and she didn't want to tell that I was going to be there too. I nodded. "Sounds good, Ayukawa." "But Sempai, why are you here?" Hikaru smiled up at me. "I didn't expect to see you at all!" "Uhmm...I was going to ask Ayukawa for some help with the math we've been studying in getting ready for the entrance exams next year. But, we can have fun and, I can do that later Hikaru-chan." "Oh great!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside pushing past Ayukawa. "I think it's fate that I was here when you just suddenly showed up! Where were you today? I called your house to see if we could get together but Manami said you went out. She didn't know where." "I..I went to the bookstore in the mall because, I wanted to see if there was a good practice book for english I could get. I don't like bothering Ayukawa about it all the time." "Kasuga-kun, your no bother." Ayukawa giggled and went into the kitchen. "Could you give me a hand for a second?" I nodded and smiled at Hikaru-chan. "Do you want some tea Hikaru-chan? I could make it." "Hai, arigatoo Darling! I'll turn on the t.v. and see what videos Madoka-san has." "I rented one for tonight already." Ayukawa called back. "It's in the bag on the end table." Hikaru-chan dug into the bag. "Ohh, a love story? Madoka-san I didn't know you were into those too! I always thought you'd be more for the ninja fight movies. But, why did you rent a movie tonight? We're you expecting someone?" Ayukawa came out laughing nervously. "No, no! I just felt like seeing a movie and didn't have that one. Kasga-kun, can I get your help please?" "Hai!" I moved quickly into the kitchen. Ayukawa watched Hikaru-chan turn on the t.v. then, she shut the door. "Gomen nasai, Kasuga-kun. I...I had no idea she was coming over. I had things all set and then.." "It's okay." I whispered. "I know your feelings. We both know. I was looking forward to tonight but, I don't see how we can even talk about..about important things with Hikaru-chan here. Maybe another time." "Another time." She looked at me. "It always seems to be that way doesn't it Kasuga-kun? First it's Hikaru-chan..then it's Marcia-chan. What's going to be next?" "Uhmm...that's enough as it is." She smiled and started giggling. "Maybe it's a curse to keep me alone. You have two girls after you. I could have been with Shawn-kun but, I chose to let Manami be happy. I would never want to hurt her the way..." she trailed off. "The way I've hurt you." I looked at the floor. She turned away and began getting dinner ready. "I...I want to end this..Ayukawa." She stared at me. "End it? What, you mean our feelings?" "NO, no!" I sighed. "This mess with Hikaru-chan and Marcia-chan. I tried before but...but I couldn't." "Don't hurt Hikaru." she whispered. She moved over to me and I gasped as she hugged me unexpectedly. "I don't this. I'm lonely Kasuga-kun. I want to have someone too. I just wish...he wasn't with my best friend. Why am I like this?" "I don't know. I don't know why I'm so...indecisive." She pulled away and smiled at me. "We'd better get out there before she comes in here. Please don't hurt her, Kasuga-kun. I know your situation with Marcia-chan now. I'll do all I can to keep Hikaru from finding out. Just promise me, it won't get serious. Protect her...but nothing more." "I...I promise, Ayukawa. She's trying very hard but, I'll keep that promise." She smiled and handed me the tea. "Take this to Hikaru. I'll be in once I have dinner going." "Hai." I felt a sadness as I turned away. She deserved better then this. She deserved to be out of this situation. Even if I had the guts to end it now, it was obvious she didn't want me to. I entered the room and laughed nervously. "Hikaru-chan, here's your tea. shouldn't have taken so long but, I'm all thumbs sometimes." She giggled and took the tea from me. "Arigatoo Sempai! Sit down with me please so we can enjoy ourselves. Is Madoka-san getting dinner ready?" "Hai, Hikaru-chan. She'll be along in a few minutes. Let's hold off on the movie until then." "Okay." She hugged me and giggled again. "I'm so glad I found you here Darling, it's like a dream to me. Lately it feels like your drifting apart from me, especially since Marcia-chan arrived. She's still trying to win you isn't she?" "Hai." I sighed. "I've tried to tell her I'm not interested but, she doesn't take no for an answer. Kind of like some else I know." I smiled at her. Hikaru-chan blushed at me. "Ohhh Darling, I'm not that persuasive am I? I just want to make you happy and I know that you and I belong together. The fact you showed up here when I was visiting proves it! I'm still embaressed over that fight I had with Marcia-chan in the school yard. Maybe I should invite her in to join "Pikaru's" to show I have no hard feelings." "Hikaru-chan!" I felt suddenly elated. "'re not mad at her?" "Darling, how can I be just because she has feelings for you? I was angry at first but, I know now she won't be able to take you away from me. Does she have many friends?" I..I don't know. I haven't seen much of her since you two fought that day. I know she made a few friends though." I felt terrible lying to her like this. In actuality, I had been with Marcia-chan just a few hours ago. And the day before. In fact, almost every day this week. And, she called me on the phone constantly. If Hikaru-chan knew all this, I doubted she would be so ready to forgive her. Ayukawa came into the room. "Okay, dinner is cooking and will be ready in a few minutes. Let's put the movie on." The movie was, "The Touch." It was...a sad story about a triangle. I stared at Ayukawa seeing that she had picked it. Was she trying to tell herself that she needed to end this situation between us? But now, Marcia-chan was there. And despite what Hikaru-chan had said, I was no longer sure if I felt less for her then for Marcia-chan. It was a nerve wracking situation that I should have resolved before it got to this point. More and more, it was building to a climax. I didn't want to think about how terrible it might end. The movie ended and Ayukawa brought out a photo album. "There are some pretty good ones in here." I stared at the photos and laughed. "Ayukawa, you looked like a boy here! Such short hair! And little." Hikaru-chan giggled and Ayukawa shook her head. "Baka. I liked short hair back then. I didn't grow it long until someone told me...he liked long hair." I stopped laughing and stared at her. Hikaru-chan still giggling had missed that..and would never have understood it. She was referring to when I had gone back in time...and met her as a child. It had taken her some time to realize..that was me. In essence, we had come full circle. I had made that comment to her then..and she had taken it to heart. Perhaps it had changed how she felt about a lot of things. Maybe I would never fully know. Later, Hikaru-chan stretched and looked at the clock. "Darling, will you walk me home? It's getting late and I need to get out of here." "Uhmm...hai Hikaru-chan." Hikaru-chan giggled again. "Merry Christmas Madoka-san. Enjoy your Christmas Day. I'll see you for the festival. I hope we do okay." "Hikaru..I need to talk to Kasuga-kun for a few more minutes about the upcoming math quiz. Do you mind if he stays a bit longer?" Hikaru-chan face just for an instant showed concern. Or was it...jealousy? She nodded slowly. "I..I guess so. Do you mind Darling?" "No, it's okay Hikaru-chan. I need to talk about this because, I don't want to fail. Sensei said I am behind." Hikaru-chan sighed and opened the front door. She looked at the two of us. "Don't stay up too late, Sempai. Will you have lunch with me...tomorrow?" "Hai." I smiled. "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve Day. We don't have any school so, I'll be glad to spend time with you. But I need to be with my family for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day." "I'll see you tomorrow then." Hikaru-chan waved and shut the door. Ayukawa sighed. "She isn't blind Kasuga-kun about your situation with Marcia-chan. I didn't have a chance to tell you. That's how I knew you were with her the other night..." "She knew?" I gasped. How did she know? "Hai. She was there, Kasuga-kun. She saw you with Marcia-chan. After you left her, she followed you. She wanted to see why you left her standing there so quickly." I felt like I was going to be sick! "Why...why didn't she confront me at Mobius?" "She was going to. But, she was so upset, she called me first. I told her to watch and see what happened. Fortunately, nothing really did. But, there is a slight problem which concerns me. She kept insisting that she saw Marcia-chan fly." I sat down on her couch and buried my head in my hands. "And she saw us together the whole night?" "Hai." Ayukawa sat down and looked at me. "You're going to have to find a way to explain this. I told her the light must have played tricks on her and that people can't fly. Marcia-chan needs to be more careful." "I told Marcia-chan what I told you, Ayukawa." I felt my stomach wretch. "Her feelings for me haven't changed. And now that she knows about the CIA, she is insisting I spend almost all the time with her! She calls me every night! She trys to spend every day with me! In some ways, she's worse then Hikaru-chan. I don't know what to do." "Hikaru was here hours before you arrived tonight. She cried all over me afraid she was going to lose you. But, I told her the fact you didn't sleep with Marcia-chan proves you care about her. Your lie tonight didn't help though." Ayukawa sighed. "I didn't know." I got up and swore. I rarely swore but now, I was so torn up inside I was lost. "How can I explain this to her? She can't know that we're espers or that the CIA is going to be coming after us!" "I know, Kasuga-kun. It's something you're going to have to deal with. I don't know what to say. She wanted to confront you directly but for now, I've talked her out of it. She is trying to force herself to forgive Marcia-chan. That's why she made that comment about maybe letting her come in as a member of "Pikaru's." "I see." I sighed again. "I guess I'll have to see what she does the next time I see her...which will be at the festival." "Hai." Ayukawa got up. "You'd better leave before she even begins to mistrust me. I feel like I am betraying her. Perhaps I am. I just want her to be happy." I was silent. I no longer had the words. "Shawn-kun said...before I think of others happiness...maybe I should think of myself. Do you believe that Kasuga-kun?" "When did he say that?" I whispered. My heart was aching. "Last summer." Suddenly she reached over and hugged me. Twice in one night! This was rare for Ayukawa as, she didn't show much emotion. But now that the two of us were together..if only for a little bit..maybe she just needed me. I was glad for it and knowing how uncertain my life was becoming, I needed it too. As I walked home after leaving her house, I thought about tomorrow. Would Hikaru-chan confront me or wait till after the debut of "Pikaru's" at the festival? I know she wanted that to succeed. But sometimes, even though I thought I knew Hikaru-chan's heart...she was difficult to predict.... Chapter Nineteen: Admittance "Oniechan! Oniechan, telephone!" I stirred and rolled over to see Manami looking at me in my doorway. She was holding the phone and had the cord stretched over to me. I took it from her. "Arigatoo, Manami." "Why can't Papa get a cordless phone? When Shawn-kun and I get married, we're going to definitely do that!" "Whaaaa! You and Hayden-kun married?" I almost fell off my bed. "When did this happen?" She giggled. "It hasn't yet. But, I'm hoping before the year is over I'll convince him." I shook my head. "Baka. He isn't ready for that." "You have someone waiting on the phone Oniechan. It's Marcia-chan." I felt faint. I put the phone to my ear. "Hai?" "Kyouske! Kyouske I need to see you please! Can you come over to my house?" "Uhmmm." I scrambled for an answer. I was supposed to have lunch with Hikaru-chan in.. I looked at the hour! "Whaaaa!" This time I really did fall out of bed. Manami giggled. "Kyouske? Kyouske, are you there?" I picked up the phone. "Hai, Marcia-chan. I fell out of bed. Gomen." She giggled but, it didn't last. "Please come see me. I'm scared." "Scared?" My heart was racing! Had the CIA found them so quickly? "What is it Marcia-chan? What's happening?" "Please come see me now! I'll be waiting for you!" She hung up before I could say another word. Now I really was worried. Manami sighed. "What are you going to do?" "Isn't Hayden-kun home?" I asked her. "No, he and Darla-chan went out. I don't know why. He's supposed to take me out tonight. Kurumi left early this morning with Jim-kun." "Oh no." I felt sick. I had to be with Hikaru-chan yet, I also had to see Marcia-chan? My life was a complete mess! I got up and threw off my covers. Manami giggled and left the room. I dressed faster then usual not taking the usual time I did to select something. I just threw on whatever I could. Maybe all this was making me less indecisive when pushed. I grabbed something quick to eat and ran past Manami who sat in the living room. "I'll see you later Manami. Gomen." She waved as I closed the door. I had to get to Marcia-chan's fast! I concentrated and used the power for the first time in days! My teleport brought me to the side of her house instantly and, I looked quickly to see if anyone had spotted me. There was no one in sight. I ran to her door and pounded on it. "Marcia-chan! Marcia-chan I'm here! Open the door!" Her footsteps came loudly as she ran to the door and opened it. She threw herself into my arms! "Kyouske! Kyouske, I'm glad you came. I need your help. I'm scared that I won't have the right thing to wear!" I stopped and stared at her pulling away. "Right thing to wear? What...I..I thought you were in danger! You said you were scared!" She giggled and pulled me inside. "I knew that would bring you quicker. In reality, I need to know what to wear to the festival! I've never been to one before. I also am going to be onstage with you all! Hikaru-chan called me up and invited me into "Pikaru's" as a back-up singer! It's going to be so cool!" "You didn't know what to wear?" I collapsed with relief on the couch. "Marcia-chan...I thought they had found you! I thought the CIA were here." She giggled. "No silly. I just wanted to see you and I knew that would get you here fast." She laughed and winked at me. I was mad! I was very mad. I glared at her. "Baka! What were you thinking? Don't you have any consideration for anyone other then yourself?" "Kyouske?" she whispered. "Why are you so angry with me?" "BECAUSE I CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU!" I shouted without thinking. She stared at me and suddenly hugged me close to her. "You love me! You love, don't you? I knew you did!" Baka! What was I doing? I pulled away feeling suddenly sure of myself. This couldn't go on. "I...I don't love you Marcia-chan. I care about you very much. But, I only think of you as a friend." She stared at me and tears filled her eyes. "You don't mean that Kyouske. You'll get tired of Hikaru soon and, you'll want to be with me. In time she'll understand what we mean to each other." "I don't love you Marcia-chan. I...I wish I could make you understand." She pulled away and stood there with her head bowed. "Hikaru seemed so happy on the phone. But, I could tell it was a false happiness. I can read peoples emotions Kyouske. I can do more then that but, you figured that out already." She looked up at me. "You don't love me and you don't love Hikaru! So who is it that's in your heart?" I turned away. "I've got to go. Hikaru-chan is expecting me." I moved to open the door. I felt a sudden push away from the door which sent me rolling over the couch. Surprised, I looked up at her. She was breathing deeply. "I WANT TO KNOW! WHO IS IN YOUR HEART! TELL ME! NOW!!!" I gasped seeing her fury. She was intensely jealous. I couldn't tell her! "Marcia-chan...what you did today..calling me over here for no good reason...was very wrong." "Quit changing the subject, Kyouske! Tell me now! Who do you really love?" I looked at the floor. "I...I have feelings for Hikaru-chan." She bent down and looked at me. "That isn't a complete sentence. Someone else is on your mind. Who else Kyouske? Someone even Hikaru doesn't know about right?" She was too perceptive! Too much a sensitive! I didn't have to say the name. In time she would know. "Please don't tell Hikaru-chan." She nodded. "I understand. Look at me." I looked up from the floor at her. Her eyes were very intense staring into if trying to read my soul! "Please...don't" I whispered. It was too late. Her eyes went wide. "Oh god. I know. I don't know why I didn't figure this out before! Neither one of you wants to see Hikaru hurt. How long has this been going on?" "Since Junior High." I whispered. "A love triangle. A friendship that could be ruined if Hikaru finds out. Why don't you and Madoka stop this? Why don't you have the courage?" She knew. There was no longer any point in denying it. "Because Ayukawa is afraid of hurting her..and so am I." "You remain in a relationship that you will never be happy please your friend. Someday, this will have to end. This explains a lot. I know from talking to Shawn he fell deeply in love with someone on that cruise he met you and your sisters on. Madoka was the girl wasn't she?" "Hai." She sighed. "I love you Kyouske. I love you so much it hurts. But, if you won't even hurt Hikaru to be happy...what can I do to sway you? How long will you and Madoka wait? How long will you live in this torture?" She was right. But, both of us knew it wasn't the time. If it was, Ayukawa would have told me. It was...still too soon. But the longer we waited, the more it would hurt...for all of us. "Kyouske," she went on, "I saw Shawn more hurt then I ever could have imagined. He stayed by himself for weeks after returning home. I'm glad he seems to be happy now with Manami." I nodded. I didn't know what I could say to her. I swallowed. "What..what will you do now, Marcia-chan?" She stood up and sat down on the couch. "Be alone. I won't tell Hikaru. It isn't my place to hurt her anymore then it's anyone else's. This mess is yours and Madoka's problem...I don't want to be involved in it. But, will you still be my friend and protect me?" I sat up and smiled at her. "Of course, Marcia-chan. I'd like that." She nodded. "Good. I would hate to lose you completely. But, if you and Madoka never get know where I am Kyouske. You know how I feel. But if you wait too long, I might find a boyfriend..soon." I laughed nervously. "Hai, I'll remember that Marcia-chan." I got up and stopped as she grabbed my hand. She hugged me tight and, I felt her tears on my shoulder. "Take care. Hikaru's waiting for you. Go to her." I hugged her close then turned and ran out the door feeling lightheaded. My problem with Marcia-chan was solved! Her mother had her all wrong. She had not only been able to handle the news about the CIA but, she also did something Hayden-kun said she never would...give up on me. She was more grown up then I. I looked around and saw no one in the area. I concentrated and teleported toward ABCB where I knew Hikaru-chan was.... I felt myself ending the teleport and, I arrived at ABCB panting heavily. That was strange. I knew I hadn't used "the power" for awhile but, I shouldn't have been tired. In fact, I should have been stronger because of not using it. I shrugged that thought off and went inside. "Ohayoo, Master!" I said. Master turned and smiled at me from the counter. "Ohayoo Kyouske. Hikaru-chan is in back, she should be out in a moment. I've got some lunch cooking for both of you." "Arigatoo." I sighed and collapsed into a booth. "How long has she been here?" "Just a few minutes. Oh! I have to go out for supplies so, I asked her to watch the place for a bit. Could you help?" I nodded and, he put on his coat. "See you later then, Master." "See ya." He smiled and closed the door after him. "Sempai!" Hikaru-chan came out from the back and smiled as she saw me. "I've got some ramen for us. It isn't much but, it's pretty good. I can cook something better later on if..." "No, no it's okay." I laughed nervously. " are you this morning?" She bowed her head. "I..I called up Marcia-chan. I told her I wanted her to join "Pikaru's" as a back-up singer. I felt that given the circumstances it would be best. But, I don't know what's going to happen." I gasped as she broke into tears and buried her head in my chest. "Sempai! Why were you with her the other night? Why! I saw you! I followed you! After you left me, I tried to see where you went but, you were gone. You must have run awful fast! But, I had a feeling you'd be at I went there and found you with her!" I swallowed. At least she hadn't seen my teleport. "I..gomen Hikaru-chan. I had to see Marcia-chan about something. I knew it would upset you so, I didn't want to say. I've been trying to tell her to leave me alone. This morning, she called me up..and..and I told her to stop calling me. I won't be spending anymore time with her now unless it's as friends in a group." "What did you need to see her for Darling? She was all over you that night! You even kissed her! YOU KISSED HER!" She slapped me hard. I held my hand to my face. "Hikaru-chan..she..she kissed me." "YOU HAD YOUR ARMS AROUND HER! WHY??" It had been because of Marcia-chan's influence. But, I couldn't tell her that. No way could I tell her that! "Uhmmm..she..she surprised me. body acted on instinct before I could stop it. I..I didn't want to be with her Hikaru-chan! I pushed her away!" "I saw." She sighed. "Darling...please...are you really serious this time? Your not going to see her anymore?" "Hai...I'm not. I'm only going to..." I swallowed. "See you." "DARLING!" She giggled and hugged me tight! "I KNEW I could trust you! Madoka-san was right again! She said since you hadn't slept with Marcia-chan that night even when you had the chance, you must really care for me. I love you Darling!" She clung onto me and I put my arms around her. "I'm so happy, Darling." "Hikaru-chan." I whispered feeling like a fool again. I fought back the tears from my eyes. If she could see within my heart, she would know the real love that was there. It hurt to think of what the future would hold for us all. "Darling, when we were at Madoka-san's last night, I forgot about the Christmas Party tonight!" "Christmas Party?" I stared at her. "Waaaa! Your right! The one Komatsu and Hatta are helping host! OH NO! father thought we were going to be home for Christmas Eve! Maybe..maybe I'd better not go!" "Darling, please? Take me okay? I called up Madoka-san and, she said she'd love to go too! I guess with school and "Pikaru's" we had completely forgotten it. Kurumi and Manami are coming too with their boyfriends." I nodded. "Okay...we'll go then. Let's eat lunch, I have a few things to do today after you and I finish here. I'll see you tonight as well I guess." She giggled. "Darling, I'd be happy if I could be with you every night. I'm so glad that mess with Marcia-chan is settled now." So was I. It had been bad enough worrying about my situation with her and Ayukawa. But, my worst fear was what was waiting in a few months if not sooner. I would have to talk to Hayden-kun about it. Lately he had been spending almost all his time with Manami. We had a good lunch and, I actually found that I was enjoying myself. Hikaru-chan never brought up the problem with Marcia-chan after that. Or the fact she had seen her fly. I had been waiting for that but, I had no good explanation for it other then a trick of the light that night. Maybe she had thought about it and decided to forget the whole thing. I could always hope... Chapter Twenty: Future Rumblings... "Kyouske, I want you to make sure that your not out too late okay? You have your concert tomorrow and, you need to be in shape for it. I'll be there in the audience cheering you on." I smiled at my father. "Arigatoo Old Man." I laughed. "I appreciate you letting us go to the Christmas party tonight. I hope we didn't ruin any plans you had." "It's no bother. We were just going to have a quiet evening at home. I'll swing by later, I have to talk to Mrs. Hayden for a bit." I looked at him in surprise. "Talk to Mrs. Hayden? Is there something wrong?" "She hasn't heard from her husband since he went back to America. I've also got to call Ojiichan. Just go to the party and enjoy yourselves okay?" "Hai." Now I did feel worried. It was probably nothing but, somehow I had a funny feeling it wasn't. I nodded and got up putting my coffee cup in the sink.... "Kasuga-kun, are you listening me?" "Eh?" I turned suddenly and saw Ayukawa and Hikaru-chan smiling at me. My thought's came back. "Gomen Ayukawa. I...I was thinking again." "You do that a lot Darling." Hikaru-chan giggled. We were all at the Christmas party. It was beautiful and, Komatsu and Hatta were actually being cordial without trying to grab my sisters. Maybe the fact they had their boyfriends with them had something to do with it. I looked across the room and saw Hayden-kun smiling at Manami as she spoke to him. He turned and we met each other's gaze. I moved away from Hikaru-chan. "I need to talk to Hayden-kun Hikaru-chan. Gomen." She smiled and let me go. I saw concern in Ayukawa's face. I laughed nervously trying to dispell it. "I'll be right back Ayukawa." "Alright, Kasuga-kun." She smiled and sipped her drink. Kurumi and Shaw-kun were dancing together as the band broke into a loud Christmas eve romp that included a medly of Christmas songs put together. It sounded like a disco version of "Frosty the Snowman." I turned and walked over to Hayden-kun and Manami. "Oniechan, isn't this great?" Manami smiled. "Oh...uhmm..hai it is. Komatsu and Hatta haven't tried to grab you or Kurumi all night." "Maybe because Marcia-chan is dancing with both of them." Manami giggled. "That's good to see. I can't see her ending up with either one but, at least they'll be happy tonight." "I'm not so sure about Marcia though." Hayden-kun laughed. "She looks like she's being put upon or something." I smiled and swallowed hard. "Hayden-kun, can I talk to you for a moment?" "Huh? Sure dude. Over here." He excused himself from Manami and we walked over to a window nearby which overlooked a field. "What's up Kasuga?" I sighed. "I..I don't know if this means anything but, my father is meeting with your mother tonight. He said something about your father hasn't been heard from since he went back to America." Hayden-kun's face seemed to change for a second. "I know. We're all worried but, we try to put it out of our heads. We don't want to alarm Marcia about anything." "Marcia-chan knows, Hayden-kun. I had to tell her about it." "What?" He stared at me. I quickly explained what happened the other night to him and, he sighed. "So much for secrets. At least she handled it better then we thought she would. But, that doesn't help things. Dad has disappeared. I don't know if he's just not trying to reach us for fear they will trace it or if they maybe have him and they're trying to get info from him. It's going to be a cold winter.." his voice trailed off. "I guess." I whispered. "What will your mother do now?" "I don't know." He looked at me. "I don't want to think about it. If she goes after him, that will leave us to deal with whatever problem here. I'm going to need your help dude. I don't know what's coming. It's getting harder to hide this. Manami knows something is wrong. I slipped the other day and she wanted to know why I was so upset. I told her I was in pain from an old muscle injury." "Slipped?" I looked at him surprised. "She caught me crying okay? I didn't want to admit it Kasuga! You know even I cry! I get upset about a lot of things but, I put on this cool exterior so, people don't think of me as the type. Manami knows better though." "I understand." I looked away. "So if your mother does go, that will leave the three of you alone." I suddenly felt determined. I looked at him. "We'll be there for you! We'll be there for all of you! I won't let them take any of you away." Hayden-kun smiled and put out his hand. "Let's shake on that..Oniechan." I felt myself smiling back at him and, I took his hand. "Oniechan. Both of us. We'll stand together. Even against other espers..." As we shook hands I thought of what the future might hold. So much had happened since their arrival and so much had changed. I no longer knew what to expect. But, I did know one thing. Winter was coming...and if what we all suspected was matter how indecisive I was in some things, I could not be when it came to friendship. Hayden-kun and I had fought against Sandinistas on our "summer cruise". Now, would we be forced to again against other espers soon? And if that was true...what other future rumblings were there waiting for me? What would happen with Ayukawa? With "Pikaru's" at the festival? January would be here soon. A winter's time of fear...... The End. Authors Note: This concludes "Fall Romance" my second "mini-novel" in "Kimagure Orange Road:The Untold Stories" The situation left open in this will be continued in my third "Winter's Time of Fear" soon to follow. Comments, criticisms, etc can be emailed to me at: or at The Aurora BBS 1-206-474-7522 I can also be reached through FidoNet Anime or Animenet. Daniel Harrison Jan 20, 1997