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"Satanism isn't just a hobby for me.  It's a way of thinking.  Sometimes I sit and think, about distant times, of  worlds of my own creation, and I torture the pitiful wretches I populate my worlds with.  Once I dreamt that I created this world, that I am a figment of my own imagination, and that as creator of this world my dream self viewed me as a ridiculous fantasy of the beings around him.  It was really really deep.  This is what I mean when I say that man is like a vampire, yet like a wolf: mankind sucks, and humanity bites."

"I think I realized my calling in life when I met my first FALSE CHRISTIAN POSER BLACK METAL FAN.  I wanted to stab him to death right there.  This is a world where the WEAK are coddled, and the strong shunned.  To topple this grotesque weakness, I had to gather my SATANIC BLACK METAL ARMIES, because one strong Nordic Warrior alone cannot fight the WEAK: one horde against another, that is the way it must be."

"I am asked frequently by my Unholy Crusaders of Evil and by those who are curious about TROO NORDIC METAL about the BLACK METAL scene in Kentucky.  Sadly, it is crowded with posers and CHRISTIAN TRAITORS, who must be destroyed.  Among concerns by so-called purists is whether Kentucky is truely a Nordic wilderness.  None can stand among the majestic mountains, the mighty old forests, the mysterious caverns, the meandering cold brooks, and not feel at one with the mighty Norwegian countryside.  In spirit, if not in fact, Kentucky is Nordic, aside from the weak poser idiots who crowd its black metal scene."

"Yes, I have risen from the dead many times.  I have learned the secret in Aeons yet to come, from the mighty WORM that gnaws at the heart of the WORLD TREE.  When the time comes, the tree shall fall, exposing the rotting heart of all existence.  It is like combat between two wolves, one black, one white.  The time shall come when the black wolf rises above the white one, and its blood shall be spilt upon the white snow of CHRISTIAN WEAKNESS.  Symphonic metal is for weak pansies: THE GREAT MASTER EURONYMOUS NEVER INTENDED FOR SATANIC WAR METAL TO SOUND LIKE ELEVATOR MUSIC!  BLACK METAL EVIL IS MORE THAN JUST PRETTY SOUNDS.  Black metal is the sound of political revolution, anti-religious purity, destruction of weak parasites, Nordic supremecy, the battlecry of the Aryan, the Call of Cthulhu, the MURDER OF TRAITORS.  You do not understand, because YOU ARE ALL WEAK."

"My recent release from prison for arson, kidnapping, torture, and loitering has freed me to allow others the honour of interviewing me.  However, I give no interview to any WEAK POSERS."

"When not reading German philosophy or listening to Wagnerian opera, I spend my free time conjuring demons, and visiting internet chatrooms.  Sometimes I try to piss off weak Christian sissies, and sometimes I try to enlighten FALSE MALL METAL BLACK METAL POSERS to the power of TROO NORDIC TROLLISH METAL."


"Those who truely accept the nature of time and space as plastic, to be molded and shaped by the Satanic Masters of this and many other worlds, are indeed the Princes of Darkness, who shall bring the Cold Shining Light of Lucifer to the unenlightened, the WEAK CHRISTIAN POSERS."