Chapter Eight

A warm breeze went across my face. I lay there; hoping I was dreaming. Then I realized I was not. There was the strong scent of Armand around me. My hands moved a little and felt his skin. I open my eyes and saw that both of my hands rested on his bare chest. He was smooth with tight muscular abs. I took his scent in and understood for the first time in my life, why men and women mate. It is the feeling of security and acceptance. That is what I felt snuggled in his arms, which evidently woke my beast up too. I had to build my shields higher to prevent him from sensing what I really am. I looked over Armand's sexy chest and saw light coming through the closed window. Did I forget to open the window? I never sleep with the window closed. What happened to me last night? I never panic like that. I get nervous, scared and hide. I just never freak out. Then a thought came to mind, why is Armand in my bed? I moved my head to peek under the covers, to see if I was still dressed. "Don't worry I didn't try anything," a deep husky voice said into the top of my head, "I would rather you be conscious for your first time with me." He wrapped his arms tighter around my body and nuzzled the top of my head.

I moved my head to looked into his eyes and asked, "What happen last night?" "You went into shock about something. Abby and Jason tried to shake you out of it but weren't successful. Grant and I showed up to check on them. That's when we saw you." He placed his hand gently on my cheek. "They told me you were on the phone when you yelled out about something. What was it that spooked you? Who were you talking to?" I couldn't tell him the truth. I'm supposed to be alive when Grans shows up. So I decided to skirt around the truth. "Grans and Papa Rhymi told me that my father is alive. They found him out of sheer luck." I let out a sarcastic laugh, "He is the famous Lochlir the healer of Yosemite Park. My mother knew and never told me. I am not just part Sidhe but also part Dryad and Pixie." I shook my head, "I knew about Papa Rhymi. I always thought my gifts came from him. They actually came from my father. How does that make you feel? You're hot after someone who is half fey."

I wanted to push him away. I knew it. I let a small part of me slip. I let my true eyes show through. He was startled by what he saw. Something moved behind his eyes and it frightened me. I pulled myself together. I wanted to take everything back at that moment. There is something about this man that makes my soul ache. I hope he doesn't reject me? I waited for him to respond.
It took him a while. There was a look in his eyes that said he didn't want to believe what he saw. He brought my chin up a notch and brushed his lips with mine. His lips are so soft, I could kick myself for not trusting him. He pulled away from me a little in order to sit up. He had me sit next to him.

"Ana, I'm a wereleopard. No matter where I go I will always be feared. Should I let my guard down? I know what it is like to be rejected by humans. People these days are insecure around anyone different. They tend to attack first and ask questions later. I'm happy that you let me see what is underneath your shields." I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. He pulled me into his lap and held me tightly, "I know you have a promise with the Master of the City." He paused a little then asked. "How about you becoming one of the pard? Then he can't touch you and I...... we, can protect you from whoever you are hiding from."

"You don't know what you are asking of me, Armand." I stated. "It is hard to break with a Master Vampire. I have seen many try and fail. Let me deal with the Master the way I know how." He started to speak but I shut him up by kissing his lips and said, "Shhh, I will consider joining the pard if you still want me to. I only want you to know the Master is not the tyrant that you make him out to be."

"How can you say such a thing!" He pushed me off his lap and got out of the bed. A low angry growl left his lips and he started to pace like a caged animal. "The last Master ruled with brute force. How can you be so sure this one is different?" He looked at me like I was insane.

I took a shaky breath and said in a calm voice. "I can be sure because he treats me with respect. I have seen masters and kings rule with brute force. Logan is different. Everyday there is a request from one rogue vampire or another for safety in his lands. His numbers grow weekly. How can he have a strong territory if he can't maintain peace? I have been in the city for two months. There was a sense of mutual respect. The shifters stayed on one side of the city and the vampires were on the other. Now fighting has started." My voice began to rise a little. I was becoming emotional. I had to control them or reveal who I am. I took steady breaths to calm myself.

"The fights have started because the vampires started them!" Armand exclaimed, "We are just defending are rights to live here. I will make you my mate, only if you stay away from the Master."

Hearing those words come from his mouth made my heart break. How can I tell him I am the Master's Animal to Call? How can I explain to him what I truly am? I took a deep breath and held the tears at bay. I answered his ultimatum in a shaky breath, "Then I guess I should say, it has been nice meeting you, Armand. Unfortunately, the path I have chosen doesn't go your way. I wish you luck in deciding which two female alphas that is going to be your mate." I struggled to get off the bed and then headed for the door. I didn't look back. I went straight into the bathroom, closed and locked the door. Once I had privacy the tears started to roll down my face. I turned the water on in the shower and cried because I felt so betrayed by my mother.

Keeping this secret of my father from me and for the love I heard in Armand's voice this morning. My only choice; breaking my heart. Adam is here now, so why don't I just walk out onto the street and wait for him to pick me up?

I felt so stupid. I was getting my heart torn out all over again. At least this time I didn't have soda thrown into my face or cruel things written on my locker. It was over before it began. I undressed and stepped into the hot water. Maybe I can wash away some of the pain. Grans is right, I took too much of a risk in moving here. I need to find another place to live and soon. I'll wait until Grans and Papa Rhymi arrive. Then we can decide where I can move to.

I stepped out of the shower a little lighter than I went in. I wrapped up in a large purple towel. Yes, the purple and black decor has also found the bathroom. I unlocked the door and went to my room. Armand was gone but he left a little message behind. The sheets, pillows and comforter were shredded. I'm surprised he left the bed alone.

"I stopped him before he touched the bed." Abby was standing in the middle of the hallway. "What were you two arguing about?" She asked. "He wanted me to leave the Master and I said I couldn't." "Are you the Master's human servant?" "No, I'm not," It was the truth. Why tell more? "Then why won't you leave the Master?" Well, I hoped I could get out of the Logan subject without saying anything else. I must avoid the subject to survive. "Abby, it looks like this arrangement isn't going to work out after all. I'll give you the money we agreed upon for the month. I'm afraid I will be moving before the week is out." I turned to face her. "I am very sorry that I imposed on your life like this. I just didn't count on having such a problem with knowing vampires."

Abby walked closer and took my hands, "Hey girl, I've known you for two months. You are the only person at school who didn't run away from knowing what I am. I don't have any problems with vamps. I just don't care for their life style. There isn't much fun living only for the night. Tried it, hate it. Let me try and talk to him. I can make Armand come around. Before you know it, he will be standing in my living room with flowers in hand, asking you out for your birthday." I smiled. She could always make me smile. I just knew it wouldn't happen. "Thank you, Abby. Don't go to any trouble. I'm going to celebrate my birthday the way I have for the past eleven years. Make myself a cake and watch movies all night."

"No way, girl! You and I will take our dates out tomorrow. Don't make any plans because I will do the planning. You need to wear something sexy and maybe do something different to your hair." She hugged me and left the hall in a hurry. She was mumbling something about having a lot of work to do before tomorrow night. I laughed at the thought of Abby blackmailing Armand into going out tomorrow. Enough of this misery. I have school in twenty minutes.
