Chapter Five

It took only minutes to get everything into the apartment. Abby and I took the bags up. I made sure I only had a few. When we climbed the stairs I started to regret that I was letting these people cater to me. I set the grocery bags in the kitchen and started to go back down to help with the rest of the stuff, when the door across from me opened. Out stepped a tall leggy woman with bleached blond hair. She was your typical bottle blond with dark roots. She had fake nails painted pink and make-up applied an inch thick. I wanted to ask why all the cover up. I wasn't rude to her but I wish I had been. She asked, "You the new roommate?" I just nodded and smiled. I started to make my way down the stairs and she blocked me. "Do you do threesomes or something? Abby is really picky who does her man you know."

I stepped back to get out of the smell of the wine on her breath. I politely said, "No, I do not do threesomes, what ever they are. I am not interested in Jason either. He is too colorful for my taste." The woman just started to laugh wickedly. She was about to say something else when Armand interrupted us. "Besty, are you quite done with twenty questions? This bed is quite heavy and I like to get it into the room." He turned his head towards me and asked, "Where did you find this thing?"

I smiled at him, "It was a birthday present from one of the vampires." I saw anger flash, then strain came into his face from holding the bed and I heard the grunting of Jason down below. "I'm sorry. Let me get out of the way." I backed up into the apartment looking at Besty. I needed to remember her scent and face. I was going to avoid her as much as possible while living here. Armand and Jason walked through the door and into the back room carrying all of the bedframe. No wonder they had trouble carrying it. Don't they believe in making trips. All I could do was smile at them. Following behind them was Abby. She was carring a box full of the bed clothes Logan insisted I take. She placed the box down on the sectional. She looked at me, "Don't mind Besty across the way. She's still sore that Armand won't take her as his mate. He has been with the only two available alpha females here and dosen't like either of them. I just wish he'd settle this soon. She is horrible to live next to."

"If I had my way I won't have either of them." said Armand. He was standing in the hallway watching us. I looked his way and notice something familiar about his eyes. I couldn't place them but I know I've seen them before. Then I asked, "Why do you need to chose a mate?" Leave it to me to ask something dumb. I'm betting it is the same reason Adam gave me. He stepped closer to me and spoke quietly, "My king asked me to find one. So I will do what he asks." I was right. I would have been a good kitty if my Nimir-raj wasn't such a big bully. I would have taken a mate. There was so many to choose from in my pard.

"So is today your special day?" he asked me with a smile. "No, I still have two more days." Armand started to play with my hair. He took a small clump and started rolling it between his fingers. He was making me nervous. I was having trouble breathing with him so near. I looked to Abby. She had a strange look on her face. Then she asked, "What special day are we talking about?" I have never been around a cat that didn't a have natural curiosity. "My birthday." I said quietly. I started to play with the flared end of my poet shirt. I needed to contain myself or the jig will be up. "Your birthday! How exciting! How old our you going to be?" I smiled embarrassed of the attention I brought onto myself. "I'll be twenty-one." I said quietly.

"Why so shy about your birthday? You should be excited about it. Finally able to go to all the best night clubs in town." Abby is quit the party girl. "I really don't care about night clubs much. Been in a few all ready. I sing at the Wild Dreams every evening. I'm the opening act when they have concerts there."

"A singer. I always wonder what you did. Wild Dreams, ... maybe Jason and I will check the place out one night."

"No, you will not!" Armand snapped, "Grant forbids us anywhere near the Master of the City. The Master owns that night club." He said it with such fierceness. I jumped and forgot he was holding some of my hair. I nearly pulled it out of my scalp. Then I started to tremble. I needed to get a hold of myself. If I am not careful, I might let my gaurd down and I don't want to see what they do with trespassers in this territory. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Armand lightly touched the area that hurt, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that. Is your head all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little jumpy around strangers. How about I go into the kitchen and whip up a little dinner." I looked to Abby, "You don't mind?"

"Go right ahead. This is your home now. I don't cook much so use what ever you can find." I smiled and took a deep breath. A distraction is perfect right now.

"Great! By the time the boys have the bed put together, dinner should be ready." I walked around Armand to the kitchen. The kitchen was a long straight room. On one side you had the stove, oven, refrigerator and some cupboards. On the other side their was the dishwasher, sink, microwave and some more cupboards. It looks like Abby's favorite color might be purple and black because it leaked into the kitchen from the living room. It took no time to familiarize myself to where everything was. I started some lingunie noodles to boil on the stove. Then washed some vegetables for a salad. When I finished washing the tomatoes, I glanced over on the breakfast bar and saw some roses starting to wilt. I couldn't help myself, something about plant life makes me want to do strange things, and I started singing a little song. Don't ask me what it is called because I don't know myself. I just know the song is what roses like. While I sang, I finished making the salad.

I went to the stove and stirred the noodles. I heated some white sauce, when I heard a gasp and Abby calling Jason into the room. I turned to see what was wrong. Abby stood in the entrance to the dinning room staring at the roses on the bar. I looked over and saw that the red rose buds finished blooming and the wilted blooms became healthy and vibrant. I giggled and returned to my singing and cooking. Then I heard something approach to my right and I stopped singing. I watched out of the corner of my eye. Armand was walking slowly towards me, "How did you make those flowers do that?" I turned off the burner to the sauce and faced him. I looked into those beautiful green eyes and said, "I have fey in me, don't you remember me saying that earlier. I have this ability to make plant life beautiful. With the roses over there, I just prolonged their death cycle. That's all."

We stared at each other for a while. The silence between us was peaceful. I would have wanted that silence to go on for eternity. Then reality struck. Jason leaned onto the breakfast bar and asked, "Your bed is finished. When's dinner?" I jumped when he spoke. I felt funny inside with the both of them near me. I smiled and looked from Armand to Jason. "Right now, if you help me set the table." Jason leapt over the divider and I took a hasty step to the left, to avoid him. It gave me the pleasure of bumping into Armand. I would have given anything to stay there leaning against his soild body. It was a bad thought for someone like me. I don't know the first thing about being a sexual person and here I am wanting to touch this man in ways that are inappropriate. I stepped away, "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump you." Armand stepped close to me and whispered, "You can bump me anytime you like, precious." Shivers went down my body, "I'll remember that." I turned towards Jason, handed him the salad then went to the stove to pick up the pan of noodles to drain.

"Let me do that for you?" Armand took the pan and drained the noodles. I turned to the stove to make sure the sauce was think enough. I took a little taste and was satisfy with the results. I felt breathing on my shoulder. I turned my head towards Armand, "Would you like a taste?" He smiled very wickedly. "I would like a taste but not of your sauce." He bent toward my lips and I countered the move, by placing the spoon in his mouth. Laughter was coming out of his eyes. For a moment, I thought he was going to start laughing but instead he purred as I removed the spoon from his mouth.

He smiled, "I hope you taste as good as your cooking." He set the pan down on the stove. Then he swiftly kissed my lips and ran from the room.

I couldn't believe what he just did. I stood there confused and a little dazed. I wanted to understand what I was feeling. This was no physical attraction like there was towards Logan. This was a feeling deeper inside me. I grabbed the serving bowl beside me and poured the sauce in it. When things confuse you, it is always good to do something not so confusing. Then I heard Abby's teasing remark, being whispered in my ear. She was saying, "You liiiiike him. You waaaaant him. You waant to maaaate with him." My body started to feel warm. I was feeling pretty embarrassed right now. She might have been quiet with her speech but I knew the other two heard her as well. It happens when half of you is an animal. Your hearing is really sensitive to the surroundings. "Stop that Abby!" I whisper, "They might hear you." I had to play human. My response was needed.

"To late, all ready did." Jason voiced out. I turned to see his eyes smiling at me. I've known Jason for two months and I can tell by that look he was planning something. Abby and I walked into the dinning room with dinner and place settings. When we were by the table I heard Jason using the same teasing voice to Armand but it wasn't quiet, "You liiiiikke her. You waaant her. You waant to maaaate with her." On the last he was staring at the both of us. He was making sure I heard. I risked a glance at Armand. He was watching me closely. I felt like at any moment he was going to pounce me. I sat down to the table. I avoided the other two and tried to change the subject. I was not going to be embarrassed. I refuse to be embarrassed in front of a hotty like Armand. I glanced at Armand again and he was smiling. He knows how embarrassed I am, that bastard is enjoying this! Changing subject now, "So how long have you guys been leopards?" Good Ana, no more teasing of the eyes from anyone. I started to fill my plate. I was not going to wait. I am hungry now! What a Precambrian might say, "Me hungry! Me want food! Feed me now!" I waited all of two seconds. That's how long it took to say a short prayer. Before I dug into my food.

Silence went on for a while. I got half of my noodles eaten and all of my salad before Armand spoke, "You can cook and you can eat, very gracefully I might add. What I want to know is, why do you want to know something so personal?" I took one more bite before I answered, "I really didn't want to know. I just didn't want to be the "butt" of the jokes anymore." I gave them my famous, 'I'm a little devil and I know It!' smile and then I replied, "I got what I wanted, didn't I" I finished my noodles.

The other three were shocked by my attitude. So I decided to make things better. I revealed something about myself that I was personally proud of. "Okay, would I make amends, if I told you guys, that you," I was staring at Armand for this one, "were the second person of the opposite sex that has ever kissed me in my entire life." The look that crossed his face was a Kodak moment. If only if I had a camera. He didn't know if he should be shocked, surprised or glad of this particular news. Then a smile went across his face. I smiled back and piled more salad an my plate. I stopped looking at Armand and went to working over the salad in front of me. I didn't want him to see how hard that was to admit. When I was with my old pard, I just acted like I knew what they were talking about. I do know how a woman and a man mate. I know how and where babies are made. I just never been able to experience why this ritual always takes place. Sometimes I wish I could say I've been there, but I can't.

Abby was the next to break the silence, "So correct me if I'm wrong but you are saying you're a complete virgin?"

"Yes." I answered but kept my eyes down on my plate.

"Can I ask who was the first to kiss you?" She asked.

I looked at her, "Only if you tell me, who was your first and how old you were?"

"I'll tell if the men are included." She looked to Jason and Armand.

They both agreed. I wasn't really serious about it. I figured that I would make a stand still again with the conversation. Strike one for me. So I prolong my suffering, "You all first."

Jason went first. He was twelve and the girl's name was Theresa. Abby acted as though she had to top his story. So she said the boy's name was Christopher and she was ten. Armand just laughed at the other two. I think his story was true. He couldn't remember the girl very well but he was fifteen. Then they all looked at me. I finished my second salad and took a deep breath and revealed it all in one breath, "It was a month and a half ago and his name is Logan." There I said it. I didn't explain that he was the Master of the City either. But the look on Armand's face told me he didn't like the idea. I kept quiet and started gathering my dishes so I could leave the table.

Armand's hand reached for mine to keep me from leaving. "Don't trust him. Leave him before it is too late. Your life will be safer." I looked straight into his eyes. I wanted to say "It's to late. I'm bonded to him for life." How could I explain this and keep my secret? I came up with the only truth I could use, "I moved here two months ago and needed help. He answered my plea. Now I must honor my part of the bargain, for the help he's given me." I pulled my hand free. "You're a fool to trust him." he said.

"My life. I'll have to live through my mistakes. I don't know what he did to you to make you distrust him. All I know is that since I have been in town, I have felt safer being around him than I have in three years. I won't ask, if you don't." I got up from the table and went into the kitchen to washed my dishes. Then went and gathered up my things from the livingroom and headed to my bedroom.

I set the box on the bed and took the bedclothes out. The conforter was gray with pink rosettes all over. The sheets were gray silk with pink flowers embroidered on the edges. The pillow cases had the same disign. In the bottom of the box there was a tiny stuffed white leopard with pale green eyes. A pastel green ribbon tied around its neck. A note was attatched.

The note read: A wee kitten, for my kitten. Sleep tight and dream peacfully. Logan.

Here's to hidding what I am. The cat was cute. I wonder if that is what I look like during the full moon. I could never find a mirror so I don't know. There was a soft knock on the door. I turned to see who it was. Armand was standing in the threshold, "Can I come in?"

"Sure, come in." I stuffed the toy under the pile of pillows. I didn't need anyone noticing I like to sleep with stuff toys. Now I have a total of three to guard me at night from nightmares.

"I didn't mean to offend you in there just now. I was wondering..... well, if you....." He stood there with a strange look on his face. Stuttering his words. Looking down at the floor.

"Will you just spill it out. I don't read minds." I said. He looked straight at me and took a deep breath and let it out. "Is there anyway you could be persuaded to have me has a protector and dump the vampire?" He was serious. I must have made a good impression because he is willing to be my knight in shining armor. Unfortunately, my only answer could be, "If I had met you before Logan, the answer would be yes. I didn't and now I have a blood pact with him. I don't see any way I can break what's sealed in blood."

"What kind of pact are we talking about?" his eyes narrowed when he asked.

"He would watch over me and protect me when I need it. In return I donate blood to him." I turned from him because I couldn't stand to see his face. It was a cross between anger and pity. I decided to finish making the bed. Nothing else was said between us but a lot was said when he touched me. He slowly and gently moved my shirt at the neckline. He stopped when he found the Band-Aid I had covering the wound from tonight. Can't be a convincing human if I healed fast. His warm breath went acrossed my shoulder when he sniffed the bandage. I felt him gracefully touch my hair. He touched the skin where my scar should be but with a little magic it was hidden from others. I jumped at his touch and wanted to move away but he wouldn't let me. An arm slid around my waist and held me tight. My body trembled with against his body. I needed to keep control of myself. His other hand went from my neck back into my hair. A gental kiss went to the bandaged wound. Then a wet tongue licked my neck. He stopped at the base of my skull. The shivers were uncontrollable throughout my body. I couldn't hold myself together. If he didn't release me soon I was done for. He rested his forehead on my scalp and we stood there quietly. My body was quieting down but my beast was trying hard to come through. If I didn't have that small bit of fey blood. I wouldn't be able to control my beast right now.

I don't know how long we stood there but are silent conversation was interrupted by Jason calling out if we wanted to play a game of twister. The one game I had always wanted to play when I was a child. I never got to because my mother feared I might hurt someone playing it. I turned within his arms and looked up into his face. I placed my hands on his chest, "Hey, don't worry. I'm treated like a princess around him." I smoothed the wrinkles on his shirt with both hands, "I am slowly putting my life together. One or two nights a week I have to deal with the pain of his kiss. It is a lot better than dealing with what I have at home. Like I said I won't ask you if you don't ask me." I pleaed to him with my eyes. I wanted for him to drop it. Tears were fighting to come out but I wouldn't let them. He cupped my face with both of his hands and he whispered, "Then let my kiss make you forget his." He kissed me. Then he licked my lips until I opened my mouth. He deepened the kiss. The emotions that played through my body were fierce. My beast loved the taste of him and wanted more. I didn't know exactly what she wanted, to eat him or something else all together. I felt a quivering in my lower places. We wanted to devour him. This was the first time we ever agreed on anything. That scared me. I pulled away from the kiss when I was on the brink of losing control. I put my head on his chest and took deep breaths. I could feel his power vibrating off his body. I wanted to roll around in that power. I could tell by his breathing that the kiss affected him in the same way.

"Ahemm, Now that you two are done. Do you want to play twister or not?" Jason stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips and a huge smile on his face. I answered him. "How do you play twister?"
