Chapter Twenty-Two

The lights went down in the main room. I looked around. There was track lighting of many different colors all around us. They made what only could be described as a spotty rainbow on the dance floor. Silvanus circled me around the floor as Prince Charming did to Cinderella in The Slipper and the Rose. When we stopped the dance floor was cleared of everyone except fey. It was as if we were holding a dance recital in the round. I took in all the smells around me. I could tell Armand and the others were inside. I also smelled something else very familiar to me, Miska. He was in the building somewhere. I fine tuned my senses some more and found Kei. So they had found me after all.

Violins and cellos accompanied the bagpipes. The music started to take a faster beat. Several thoughts went through my head. One, I needed to run and hide. Two, I needed to tell Armand. Three, I should let Logan know my fear. Four, did I really fear them? Five, was the one I stuck to, I was going to dance and no one was going to stop me. I needed to do this. I was obsessed.

When I decided to stay and dance; a light bubble went up around everyone on the dance floor. The music's beat went at a steady pace. Silvanus stepped back from me about a foot. A harpsichord began to play with the violins, cellos and bagpipes. I looked up to the second floor of the building. There were real live musicians playing. A few feet away from them were shadows of a hand full of people. Miska and Kei's scent were coming from there; at least I knew where they were. Should I want to leave after the dance?

My body started to move on its own. I followed the notes of the music as if I was a part of the music. The dance we were doing I somehow knew. I cannot really explain it. I just knew I had danced these steps before. My body was snaking from one side to the other. My arms flowed in waves around my body. My fingers were delicate like the Indonesian dancers I saw once in Elementary school, during culture awareness week.

All the fey that were dancing with Silvanus and me; mimicked every move we did. We moved like we rehearsed these steps everyday for two hours a day. No one missed a beat and no one evaded each other’s space. The eerieness of the bagpipes returned and a few drums joined in. Power began to flow around the bubble that held us. The beat picked up again. We moved to the beat still.

Somehow, I found myself in the center of the dance. Everyone was moving around me. Silvanus circled me. Then there were three other male fey circling Silvanus and me. Then the circles increased in factors of three. There were about five circles going at once. All of them were around me. I began to wonder if I was missing something. Like maybe they were performing some sort of ritual and were perhaps doing something bad to me. It just did not feel bad. It felt like it was supposed to happen. That it should have happened many years earlier. Then it hit. A power wave so intense, so erotic it bubbled all over me. My beast swam to the surface and was close to escaping when another power grabbed a hold of her and forced her to merge with it. All this power and I was still drawing more from outside the bubble.

The human customers didn't know what was happening. They thought it was all a show for them. Anything non-human knew some sort of power ritual was happening. I could feel Armand trying to push into the circle of power. He wasn't strong enough to fight it. The raw power repelled him back. Logan was on his knees next to the table. Shannon was trying to help him without success. I could sense that the marks were filled with power from me to him. He wasn't sure if he liked this much power. Abby and Jason watched with enthusiasm and fear. They knew that I was a part of some magical ritual and didn't know what to think about it.

The skin on my body began to ripple. I was feeling the change. This time it wasn't painful but instead of it being at the center of my body; I felt it at my birthmark. Then there was a searing sharp pain. Power was building right there. It felt like I had a huge growth on my back the size of a basketball and still growing. The power ball became the size of a dragon's egg. Then it was released in a large whoosh. It was very painful that whoosh. I cried at the top of my lungs. It was an inhuman cry. I collapsed to all fours. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. In and out; in and out.

Once I gathered my senses about me. I felt different. I opened my eyes and looked at my hands and arms. I was still in human form. I looked between my arms. My body was still in human form. So why did I feel a change about me? Why does my back feel like I lost my skin and very heavy? I shook my head. I looked between the part my short hair made. I looked were Armand was standing. His face was in shock. Logan was standing now and he was wearing the same look. Abby, Jason, Michael, Gabriel and Shannon had the same faces too. I knew right then and there something was wrong with me. I became frightened. Tears were pooling up in my eyes. I was so scared. I was afraid to move.

A pair of silver slippers blocked my view of my friends. Silvanus crouched down in front of me. "Ana, don't be frightened. What has happened is very normal among us." A lavender hand touched my cheek. I wanted to snap at him. I wanted desperately to bite that hand on my face. Instead, I rapidly moved away from him. I was too weak to pop inside my usual bubble. Instead, a pair of translucent wings wrapped around my body. They were still damp to the touch. I looked closely at them. There was still some light pink blood on them.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to do? I wanted to scream hysterically and wake up from this stupid nightmare. I wanted to run to Armand and have him hold me. But what I wanted the most was my Grans. She knew how to make things better. She could make these.....these things go away. She always took care of me. What ever I needed or wanted, she would take care of. I was her little kitten.

Tears began to flow down my cheeks. I was scared and didn't know what to do. Then a scent went by. It was Kei. Oh, god! I forgot they were still in here. I stood up straight in a fluid motion not common with a human. The wings were still around my body. I heard a light playing of drums and pipes. All this time the music never stopped. Okay, I took a deep breath, first order of business get the hell out of here.

Now how the hell do I unwrap myself from these things? I thought really hard. I moved all kinds of muscles until I found the right set. The ones in the middle of my back. I pushed my shoulders back and the wings opened. I was greeted with a thunderous roar of applause. Just what I needed. Humans thinking I do this everyday. I slowly walked toward Armand and the others. Unsure if they would accept me, I knew Logan was stuck with me for better or worse. I was scared with the thought that Armand, Abby and Jason would reject me. I took about twelve steps to them when Silvanus intercepted me.

He whispered low to me. "I am sorry, Ana. I felt the power growing inside of you. I knew something was going to happen to you. I wanted to help it along. I didn't think something like this would happen. Please, forgive me?"

Should I forgive him? I couldn't think. I just wanted to go home. "All of this is over whelming right now. I want to go home. When my mind is clear, we will talk." I whispered to him and walked away not looking back at him.

I heard him announce to the audience that tonight was something special and rare. That these lucky people got to see a Pixie get her wings.

I stopped in front of Armand. He touched my face and whipped the tears that were still flowing down my face. I rushed into his arms hoping he wouldn't push me away. He didn't. He wrapped his arms the best way he could around my body. I looked into his eyes and said, "I want to go home, please?"

"No problem." he said. He turned to ask Logan for my coat. Logan was all ready there, coat in hand. His face was blank. He had no words of wisdom for me. We started walking out of the club quietly. People were trying to stop and ask me questions. They wanted to know what it felt like having wings. Some asked if I was going to go out to try to fly. On and on the questions hit us. Once we were by the exit doors, several people tried to grab my wings. It was as if they wanted to see if they were fake. A couple of people were successful and they yanked hard. I roared with pain.

Abby and Gabriel took one of them and threw them to the side like a rag doll. Michael and Jason did the same to the other side of me. Armand and Logan stood on either side keeping the wings from going out of the circle of their bodies. Tears of pain were flowing down my face. I didn't want this. AT the time all I wanted was to play with this new power inside of me. If I knew what would have happen to me I would never have played with that power.
