If your new to the craft,seeking your path,
or embarrassed to ask your cronies a question that they
take for granted that you know the answer to,
this is the place to be...

There is alot of good information for you
to try to absorb in your search for knowledge.
Hundreds of books,web sites,
and people of like mind to talk to.

But,sometimes,for one reason or another,
you need someone that you don't know
to help you find answers.

I will do my very best to do that.
If I don't have what you need,
I will most certianly do my best
to obtain the information you seek.

You are invited to E~Mail
any Pagan related question
to me for a quick response.

I have only one stipulation


write me and offer to pray for me or "save" my soul!!
Both myself and my soul
are happy and right where we were meant to be...

I'll be waiting to hear from you.

Blessed Be!

E~Mail Me