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Race: Human(Planetouched)

Class: Knight/Cavalier

Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 215lbs

Eyes: Varies

Hair: Ebon Silver


Wears heavy armor over whole body. Has helmet as well that is made out of same material as armor on body. Armor is a gray color that blends in with his rocky homeland. He has a very large sword strapped to his back and a large lance on his horse, Shadow Trigger.



"Evil begets death, there is no other outcome."



~Making a deal with Cyric, the god of murder, can never be a good thing, but Verdoc, a powerful, evil fallen paladin was to blinded by his greed to resist. And how could he? He had the chance to become a god! Cyric promised him all the power he ever wanted and more! But, there was a catch. He must find a boy, no older than twelve, born on the night of The Feast of the Moon in the month of Nightal. That in itself was not so hard, but the boy must be plane touched in some way, preferably to an evil plane. This in itself might take years of searching if not more, but then, Cyric added another catch. Verdoc must train the boy to be completely evil by the time he reached his twentieth season. If he succeeded, Verdoc would become a lesser god, as granted by Cyric. If he failed, he would die so horribly, that the screams of his tortured soul would be heard throughout lands as he died. Or at least, this is what Cyric promised him. Verdoc did not even consider turning the offer down, he was on the hunt for a boy in the instant.

~Verdoc swept throughout the lands searching for many years, stopping in each land that he passed, searching. He searched for 10 and a half years, not finding anything even close to what he needed. The closest he ever came was finding a boy born the night of the Feast of the Moon, but was no more planetouched than himself. He stumbled into a small village, planning on staying no more than an hour searching, but something caught his ear as he walked though the streets. A few little boys ran past him, excitedly talking and oblivious to the world. One of them said "Venar's glowing eyes almost seem like they are on fire!" to which the other responded, "Yeah, getting him mad just to see them was fun!"

~It was a chance, and he set off to find this boy. It did not take long to find Venar, as the town held no more than a hundred people. He knocked on their door and Brenca, Venar's mother, found a Paladin, dressed in white and wearing the holy symbols of lathander, stood there smiling, asking if he could stay the night as he needed a place to stay and the inn was full. She happily complied and they talked into the night. He saw Venar once at dinner and he became the topic of conversation for a while after he had retired to bed. Venar looked like a normal boy, but something happened to change Verdoc's view on that. Walking back to his room, Venar tripped and fell, his knee hitting a exposed nail in the floor. His leg was bleeding and his mother rushed him to the water basin to clean up the wound. He watched carefully as the blood was washed off with a damp cloth, showing no signs of a wound. It had simply disappeared.

~Brenca quickly sent Venar off to bed and sat down and told the paladin about how her son was very special. He was not of complete human blood. It seemed that the father, who had left right after he was conceived, was a man of great power. He was a man that traveled the planes, and had absorbed some of the powers of some of the lesser planed creatures. His son held some of those powers. The talked for about a hour, and finally, Verdoc had to ask, and he did ask. "When was he born?" His mother thought on it a bit and replied "Uhm, Nightal, on the night of that overrated feast" Verdoc was stunned for a moment and went into thinking. Finally he thought of something. He offered to take Venar and give him a king's life with him, a seemingly goodly paladin, and would pay Brenca more gold than she had ever even seen. She thought on it for the night and in the morning, went to Verdoc and agreed. She had little money and could never offer Venar the life he so rightly deserved. He was a special boy, and deserved a great life. The Fallen paladin rode off the next day with Venar with him, a smile on his evil lips.

~Training began immediately. He took them into the mountains and found a cave to live in, and began teaching Venar to think evilly, to hate anything and everything else. He began training him with weapons. He taught him to think evil, to be evil. Venar was more than any average boy, he held a strength unlike any other boy his age. When was wounded, it healed in a matter of minutes. Their training went on for years, until Venar turned the age of nineteen, Verdoc had done well in his training. Venar was as evil as Verdoc could possibly make him. He needed a test though, something that would prove it to Cyric. They left the mountains, traveling to the small village of Venar's youth as the sun was setting. He was told to kill Brenca, his mother, after that, his training would be over. Venar traveled to the little town, and upon reaching the crest of the mountain overlooking the villa, he paused and took in the scene. He studied the town and memories assaulted him. Confusion swept over him like the wind of a gale. he did not know what he wanted to do, he was unsure of who he was, he did not know if he should go down and kill every last person, or run away.

~Then he saw his mother.

~A feeling of complete rage washed over him as he turned to Verdoc, who did not know what to make of Venar's new expression. Venar's eyes turned a complete black color, something he had never seen before. Venar clinched his teeth, which now showed small fangs, and his muscles bulged, and aura of power that Verdoc could not determine. It seemed is if a Wind had come and was gathering around Venar, billowing his cloak and hair wildly. In a flash, Venar drew his blades and assailed Verdoc, who went on the defensive immediately. The first ring of steel against steal sounded like a thunderbolt and light flashed from the impact of the hit, lighting up the darkening sky in a quick flash.

~The battle went on for hours and hours, bright flashes streaming through the sky and sounds of thunder echoing throughout the night. In any other situation, Verdoc would have had the upper hand, but Venar fought on, his rage fueling him. The mere power of some of the blows aimed at him jarred his entire body and rattled his teeth when he brought his blade up to block it. Never before had he seen such power in a warrior, but yet, he thought he had the upper hand. They each were showing wounds by the time the moon was high blackness of the sky, Venar's wounds healing slower and slower each time another one of Verdoc's blades slipped through and nicked him or gashed him. Verdoc, however, did not have the healing power that his planetouched apprentice had, and found himself slowing down, his energy slowly running out. Venar did not slow, or weaken. Every blow pushed him faster, harder. Every wound made him more outraged.

~As the sun was coming up, Verdoc realized that his fight was in vain. His wounds were growing in number and he had lost more blood than he cared to think about. He was getting dizzy and he knew Venar would not slow. Venar's armor was bloodstained in many places, but most of the wounds were healed. Verdoc's mind raced for a solution. He cried out to Cyric, but he had no answer. He called out again and again, each with the same outcome as the first. Finally, throughout the fighting, he cried out to Venar to listen to him, to hear him. It seemed that Venar would not listen, then after a dazzling attack combination that ended with Venar smacking Verdoc in the sides of the helm with the flats of his blades, he jumped back and eyed Verdoc hatefully.

~Verdoc began asking forgiveness and told Venar why he did what he did. Venar listened, his eyes now glowing a bright red, standing a few yards from Verdoc, ready to strike if needs be. The story and talking went on for a while, Verdoc going through every detail on the reasoning behind his actions. When he began to explain about Venar's mother, the name Brenca had no more left his mouth when Venar rushed forward, knocking Verdoc back onto his heals with two simple thrusts that sent the fallen paladin’s blades flying out of his hands. Venar rushed forward, knocking Verdoc on his back with Venar standing above him, his blades being held crossed over his throat. Verdoc desperately begged forgiveness, promising to repay Venar for all the pain he had put him through. Venar's forgiveness was full and sincere as he sent the fallen paladin’s head skipping across the stones with one simple flick of his wrist.


More will be added to his history as he is played. Much more to be added.



~Other Great Characters, Some By Me~

Somber Rue
Allanon(by me)
Thorne(by me)
Naramis(by me)