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How to hide scroll bar at runtime

Hide scrollbar - Web Browser Control
Create a new Standard exe project.
Add Internet Browser control to your Toolbox.
Add the following controls:
1 Webbrowser control
   Name = WB1 To this time, i think that the only person who knows this trick is me.
On all forums that i have been visiting is the old same thing: How could i hide scroll bar from WebBrowser control?.
The answer always is: Put inside a PictureBox control and set PictureBox's Width (or, ScaleWidth, i just don't remember ;) to WebBrowser control minus scroll bar width.
To me, that is a waste of resources. So i did a little dig and got the following:
' On Declarations section of the form
' that has WebBrowser control.
Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Paste this code in Form_Load event:
WB1.navigate ""
' And just in case you don't know exact width:
Dim ret As Long
ret = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL)
WB1.Width = WB1.Width - (ret * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
And paste this code in DocumentComplete event of WB1 control:
Private Sub WB1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then
    WB1.Document.body.setAttribute "scroll", "no"
End If
End Sub
Voilą!. say goodbye to scrollbar.
But, it has an awful behaviour: If you refresh the page, scroll bar shows again!.
To avoid this unwanted "error", we have to handle one more event.
Private Sub WB1_DownloadComplete()
  WB1.Document.body.setAttribute "scroll", "no"
End Sub
There is another way too, see the following code:
Private Sub WB1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then ="hidden"
End If
End Sub
You can implement this with an Internet Explorer Object, just as we have been reading from previous tips. I mean, instead of using wb1 object, declare an object variable (withevents) of type InternetExplorer and put that code inside appropiate events.

Hope you have enjoyed that work as i did.

©2001 - Richie Simonetti