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Override Default Popup Menu

Hello, these are some tips that i have been learning from time to time. Most of them have something in common: they comes to light due to questions posted at EE. Basically, in Visual Basic Area.
Hope you found them useful and enjoy them as me. Thanks for reading ;).
Level: Intermediate

If you want to see my previous intent to do this, click here.
Web Browser Control
Internet Explorer Object
(By the way, you could try a little implementation of this code with above two links).

Override default popup menu - Web Browser Control
Create a new Standard exe project.
Add a reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library.
Add Internet Browser control to your Toolbox.
Add the following controls:
1 textbox
   Text = "Whatever you want"
1 Command button
   Caption = "&Go!"
   Default = True
1 Webbrowser control
   Name = wb1

    Your window should looks like the following picture:

    On General Declaration section of form1, we need to declare variables:
    Private WithEvents HDoc As HTMLDocument
    With this variable, we will manage Properties/Methods and most important: Events from our target HTML Document.
    The question here is: why we need a variable of type HTMLDocument?
    We need it because Webbrowser1.document (which is the same object type) doesn't expose their events and we need them to gain access to an important one: onmousedown.
    Besides, we will get Autolist Members feature from HDoc that, otherwise, we would miss from Webbrowser.document in VB IDE.
    As soon as variable is created, we can access it like any other object that belongs to form1 in the Code Pane.
    To set HDoc to our current loaded document, we need to set objects in the DocumentComplete event of webbrowser because until document is fully loaded, we can't access it. More, if you want to override menu, but only for a given location, you have to check it there too.
    Private Sub WB1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
    If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then
        Text1.Text = URL
        ' Change url to what url you want to avoid.
        ' Optionally, instead of hard-coded value, you could store in
        ' another textbox control.
        If UCase$(URL) = "WWW.EXPERTS-EXCHANGE.COM" Then
            Set HDoc = WB1.document
        End If
    End If
    End Sub
    The If (pDisp Is WB1.Object) Then... statement is necessary due to the fact that page loaded could contains frames and this event is fired for each of them.
    From here, we have plenty access to document inside webbrowser control.
    When we right-click on the document, the first event that is fired is onmousedown, and it is the event we need to manage.
    To do things short, i trapped some tags only. You could manage all of them. This is the code from onmousedown event:
    Private Sub HDoc_onmousedown()
    ' Creating a variable to hold elements inside document object,
    ' and pull off those awful dots that eat resources.
    Dim Elem As IHTMLElement
    Set Elem = HDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement
    With Elem
        ' Check if button = 2 (right button) was pressed.
        ' Otherwise, we don't do anything.
        If HDoc.parentWindow.event.button = 2 Then
        Dim msg As String
            Select Case UCase$(.tagName)
            Case "A"
                ' Change url to one of your test page ;)
                If UCase$(.href) = _
                   UCase$("") Then
                    msg = "you right-clicked on " & vbNewLine & .href
                    MsgBox msg, vbInformation, App.EXEName
                End If
            Case "BODY"
               msg = "This HTML code is mine!"
            Case "IMG"
                msg = "Imágen"
            Case "P"
                msg = "Para"
            Case "H1"
                msg = "Header: size 1"
            End Select
            Me.Caption = "Click on " & msg
        End If
    End With
    End Sub
    The following picture shows the result of do a right-click on a link in a test page (that i trapped with previous code).

    What we are doing there is check for value of tagName property. If tag name is one of we already trapped, we write its type on caption of form1, just to show that it works.
    The only Popup menu what we are overriding is for anchor tag, all others are trapped but not overriding.
    You could create your own menu (See Visual Basic help to know how) in form1 to responds to each Case statement.
    Following is the code for Form_Load and Command1_Click events.
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    WB1.navigate "about:blank"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    With Text1
        If .Text <> "" Then WB1.navigate .Text
    End With
    End Sub
    That's all.
    Little code, don't you think so?.

    Override default popup menu - Internet Explorer Object
    Basically, it's almost the same. Here are those diferences:
    Create a new exe project.
    Add a reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library.
    Add a reference to Microsoft Internet Controls.
    Add the following controls:
    1 textbox
       Text = "Whatever you want"
    1 Command button
       Enabled = False
       Caption = "&Go!"
       Default = True

    On General Declaration section of form1, we need to declare variables:
    Private WithEvents HDoc As HTMLDocument
    Private WithEvents IE as InternetExplorer
    ... WithEvents IE ... is necessary to gain access to DocumentComplete event.
    In that event, we add code similar to previous one:
    Private Sub IE_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
    If (pDisp Is IE) Then
        Text1.Text = URL
        ' Change url WWW.MICROSOFT.COM to what url you want to avoid.
        ' Optionally, Instead of hard-coded value, you could store in
        ' another textbox control.
        If UCase$(URL) = "WWW.MICROSOFT.COM" Then
            Set HDoc = IE.document
        End If
    End If
    End Sub
    From here, the code is the same ...
    Private Sub HDoc_onmousedown()
    ' Creating a variable to hold elements inside document object,
    ' and pull off those awful dots that eat resources.
    Dim Elem As IHTMLElement
    Set Elem = HDoc.parentWindow.event.srcElement
    With Elem
        ' Check if button = 2 (right button) was pressed.
        ' Otherwise, we don't do anything.
        If HDoc.parentWindow.event.button = 2 Then
        Dim msg As String
            Select Case UCase$(.tagName)
            Case "A"
                ' Change url to one of your test page ;)
                If UCase$(.href) = _
                   UCase$("") Then
                    msg = "you right-clicked on " & vbNewLine & .href
                    MsgBox msg, vbInformation, App.EXEName
                End If
            Case "BODY"
               msg = "This HTML code is mine!"
            Case "IMG"
                msg = "Imágen"
            Case "P"
                msg = "Para"
            Case "H1"
                msg = "Header: size 1"
            End Select
            Me.Caption = "Click on " & msg
        End If
    End With
    End Sub
    ...with this little diference:
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set IE = New InternetExplorer    ' Creates new Internet Explorer Instance
    If Not IE is Nothing then
       Command1.Enabled = True
       With IE
            .navigate "about:blank"
            .visible = True
       End With
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    With Text1
        If .Text <> "" Then IE.navigate .Text
    End With
    End Sub

    Hope you have enjoyed that work as i did.

    ©2001 - Richie Simonetti