See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Smell no Evil Written By: Tom Fontana and Sunil Nayar Directed By: Marc Klasfeld [Hill narrating] Hill: Ask any tow-headed school boy how many senses we got, and it's likely they're gonna say five. Five? Are you kidding me? What about my sense of balance, entitlement, fair play? Problem is, five is about the most our tiny little brains can handle. But sometimes we have so many senses cluttering us up, so many ways to feel about a thing, we blow a fuse. And what's that lead to? Senseless violence. Yeah, senseless violence, comes in all shapes and colors. [Em City] TV news anchor: For a second day, riots have rocked the east side of the city, ignited by Governor Devlin's comment that he would pardon Mayor Wilson Loewen if Loewen is convicted for his role in the 1963 murder of two small African American girls. In response to the rioting, city schools and offices are closed. All state correctional facilities are under tight security. A verdict is expected some time this week. Mr. Beecher: Guard! Guard! Ahh! No! uh! [Wardens office] Glynn: Your father was stabbed with an ice pick, once in the back, several times in the stomach. Beecher: Who? Who murdered my dad? Glynn: We're investigating, searching cells for evidence, for the murder weapon. [Unit B] Seroy: Man, this is bullshit. [Warden's office] Beecher: I-- I want to go to the funeral. Glynn: I'm sorry., we can't permit that. We're in lockdown. Beecher: But, Warden, my parole hearing is tomorrow, and there's a fairly good chance that I'm gonna go free anyway. Glynn: Because of the riots, your hearing has been postponed. Robinson: Guess what we found. [Unit J] Beecher: But why? Why would Clarence Seroy kill my father? I don't know Seroy, it makes no sense. Yood: This is Oz, Beecher, and nothing makes sense. Maybe it's these riots, there's a lot of racial tension out there. Beecher: No, more likely, the Aryans hired Seroy, or planted the ice pick in his cell to throw Glynn off. This is fucking Schillinger's doing. [Unit B] Winthrop: Killing Beecher's father, man, what a rush. It's better then a case of Red Bull. The fucking hacks haven't a clue who did the deed. Hey, Clarence, how's it going? Seroy: Man, this is bullshit. Winthrop: They'll never figure out who did it. Schillinger: Shut the fuck up! Radio: The jury found mayor Wilson Loewen guilty of murder in the second degree. Schillinger: Fuck! [Stage] Devlin: I believe that mayor Loewen is innocent and I believe that this trial was a mockery of justice. However, due to the volatility of the situation, I will not pardon him. [Glynn's office] Devlin: I won't pardon him yet. We'll let the smoke clear, wait a few months, then we'll get him out. Glynn: Why send him here? Put Loewen in a nice, cushy minimum security prison like Hecht or Macarthur. Loftus: That won't placate the mob. They want the mayor to suffer. Devlin: The most important thing is to keep him safe. What's the safest place in this charnel house? Glynn: Unit J. Primarily we put bad cops there so they don't face retaliation by the rest of the community. O'Connor: Who's in that cell block now? Glynn: Alvin Yood, Tobias Beecher. Devlin: Are either of them black? Glynn: No. Devlin: Okay. Well, hear this. Wilson Loewen is my friend. Anything happens to him, Leo, anything, I will burn this building to the ground. [Receiving and Discharge] Glynn: Mayor Loewen. Loewen: Hello, Leo. The last time I saw you was at the big fundraiser in Morrisville back when you were running for Lieutenant Governor. We brought in a shitload of cash that night, huh? I was disappointed when you dropped out of the race. I always thought you had the makings of a fine politician. Glynn: Look, whatever relationship we may have had in the past, that's over. You're my prisoner now. Loewen: That simple, huh? Or do you think I actually killed those little girls? Glynn: You were found guilty. Loewen: Well, as a black man, you ought to know that don't mean dick. Glynn: Take his honor to Unit J. Loewen: Thank you, friend. TV Announcer: The streets are once again calm, though the damage to the east side due to the rioting is estimated at $13.7 million. [Unit B] Phelan: Lockdown is over! Schillinger: About fucking time. Phelan, where'd they put Wilson Loewen. Phelan: Don't know. Probably Unit J. Schillinger: J.? Shit. Cutler: Let me the fuck out! Phelan: Shut up, Cutler, I'm coming. Schillinger: Beecher's in J. He'll try to hurt the mayor to get back at me. I want you to put the word out, Winthrop. I want Beecher to know he better not touch a hair on the old man's head. [Unit J] Loewen: We were in the oval office and the president says to me, Wilson, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be sitting in this chair. And he gave me these cuff links, see. Got the presidential shield on them. Yood: Mr. Mayor, you're the only one I know with a bigger appetite then me. Beecher: Appetite ... yeah, for power. I hear you're not gonna resign from office. You're forcing the city counsel to vote you out. Loewen: Well, the honorable James Michael Curley served the good people of Boston while he was incarcerated. Hell, he even won re-election while sitting in stir. I could do the same thing. The people love me. I might run for Governor. Beecher: Well, why not run for God? Yood: What the Hell? Loewen: Oh, Jesus. [Hospital] Dr. Nathan: How are you doing, can you talk? Loewen: Oh, yeah, I'm alright, I just... choked on... [Unit B] Winthrop: He gave him the Heimlich maneuver. Schillinger: He what? Winthrop: Beecher saved Loewen's life. [Interaction Room] Beecher: What does Schillinger want with me? Sister Pete: I think it's better if he tells you himself. Beecher: I don't want to hear anymore of his lies. You know, this is probably just some trap to fuck with my parole hearing tomorrow. Sister Pete: I'll admit, Schillinger has conned me in the past, same as you, but I--This time, it's different. Schillinger: Beecher. Beecher: What do you want? Schillinger: Wilson Loewen has always been there for my family, for me. When my pop couldn't find work, he gave him a job in the parks department. When Martha and I couldn't afford a honeymoon, he gave us airline tickets. The man is my hero. You saved his life. I am now indebted to you. So, I want you to know that I won't do anything to try and stop your parole. If you can get out of this fuck hole...go. Beecher: Bullshit. Whatever you're selling, Vern, I'm not buying. You, grateful to me? Schillinger: It's true. Beecher: True? I can give you a list as big as my tattooed ass of things you said were true. Do I have to stay here? Sister Pete: No. Schillinger: Beecher, if my backing off wasn't what you were after, why'd you save Loewen? Beecher: Because I saw a man dying, and my instinct was to save his life, my gut instinct. After all these years in Oz, I still have that instinct. That's something you don't know shit about. [Interview room] Dawkins: Due to recent circumstances, the death of you father, your saving a fellow inmates life, as well as your continued outstanding behavior, the board has decided to grant you parole. You're a free man Mr. Beecher. The processing takes a few days, but for all intents and purposes, you are free. Beecher: Thank you. Dawkins: Good luck. [Hallway] Beecher: Pinch me, Sister, I'm dreaming again. Sister Pete: No, Tobias, you are not dreaming. Oh, oh, oh, my goodness. Toby: Holy fucking Christ. Oh my God. [Death Row] Keller: Yo, Lopresti, my lawyer was supposed to be here an hour ago. Can you call down and find out what's going on? Lopresti: You haven't heard? Keller: Heard what? Lopresti: I got good news and I got bad news. The bad news is Beecher's father's dead. Keller: No. Lopresti: The day we went into lockdown, murdered right down the hall. I guess that puts a kink in your appeal. Keller: What's the good news? Lopresti: Your girlfriend got paroled. That's right, Beecher's going home, and from what I hear, he's in such a hurry to leave he won't even have time to come say bye-bye. [Bellinger Narrating] Bellinger: You know what they say? When one of your senses fails, the other ones compensate by getting stronger. Like if you go blind, your hearing suddenly perks up. Can't smell? Your taste buds bloom. So what happens if you lost them all, If things no longer make any sense? You've got to rely on others to get you through the day, and in Oz, that could be dangerous. [Solitary] Howell: Rise and shine you little fucks! Get up. Martinez: I can't, I'm sick. Howell: Bullshit. If you think you're taking a siesta in the hospital just because White did, you're in for a rude awakening. Now get the fuck up. Howell: Oh, Jesus. Smith: Claire, we got a problem over here. Howell: What the fuck is this, Ebola? [Hospital] White: Fuck you, Martinez. Martinez: Un di voy a meterlo en su culo. White: Yeah, yeah, yeah, cha, cha, cha yourself. Martinez: Fuck you, alright? Nurse: You better calm down, Mr. Martinez, or I will put you in restraints. Martinez: What is he, the nurses pet? Penders: Glynn, Nathan won't give me more pain killers. Glynn: So, call the A.M.A. What's the emergency? Nathan: Penders, White, and Martinez have Methylene Chloride poisoning. Glynn: Did someone poison them? Dr. Nathan: Not someone, us. Glynn: What? Dr. Nathan: Oz itself. Methylene chloride is found in aerosols, paint removers, metal cleaning products, polyurethane, basically everything that was used to rebuild this place. And guess where all the residue settled? Glynn: Solitary. Shit. So, what's the prognosis? Dr. Nathan: Well, when caught early, treatable respiratory and gastric problems, but these guys, Leo, it's all they've been breathing in 24 hours a day. Martinez's liver is shot. Pernders and White have lung damage, and to say nothing of the neuropsychological effects. Glynn: These guys are gonna get crazy? Dr. Nathan: Or it may make them sane. But Martinez needs treatment I can't provide. I'd like to send him to Benchley Memorial. Glynn: No. Dr. Nathan: Well, he'll get better care. Glynn: For the moment, let's keep this close to home. Dr. Nathan: Leo... Glynn: I don't think we need to spread the word just yet that Oz is toxic. Dr. Nathan: Well, then I want to go on record. Glynn: You're a good doctor, Gloria. You saved Pancamo after he got a staph infection. We didn't go public with that, did we? I have faith that you'll pull these guys through, too. [Hospital, Later] Dr. Nathan: Espire. Espire. Martinez: Mi siento como una mierda. Dr. Nathan: Yo se, yo se. Dr. Nathan: Don't you knock? Brass: Sorry. Didn't think you'd be doing anything that needed knocking. I'm here to transfer Martinez back to solitary. Dr. Nathan: He's not going back to solitary yet. Brass: That's what the paperwork says. Dr. Nathan: I don't care about the paperwork. Glynn: Unless you get Glynn to tell me different, Martinez is going. Dr. Nathan: I'll be right back. Excuse me. Brass: So, what ails you, Martinez, huh? You gonna die? Oh, I love it when you go all silent on me. But I don't want you to die, at least not until you tell me who paid you to cut my tendon. And you will tell me. Carlos, because I have friends in solitary, and when you get back there, they're- Dr Nathan: I have the Warden on the phone in my office, line 3. Brass: Buenos noches, mi amigo. Hey, you two make a really cute pair. [Em City] Ms. Sally: (On TV) Jackhammer Ms. Sally style. And five, and five, and three, do-si-do, and back and forth, and five, and five, and two, and three... Busmalis: This is the best Ms. Sally ever. Ms Sally: And jump it out, and work those legs... Morales: Officer Murphy, I got an ask. Murphy: I'm in no mood to be tender, Morales. Morales: I want to shift jobs. I've been working at mechanics since I got to Oz, I need a change. Murphy: To where? Morales: I'm thinking hospital. I got a couple pals who are orderlies, I thought maybe I could do some good. Murphy: Some good for yourself, you mean. What do you think, I'm an idiot? Your pal Martinez is in the ward recuperating from something he caught in solitary. Morales: Carlos is in the hospital? I didn't know that. Murphy: I made it a priority of mine to keep you and Martinez as far away from each other as possible. That is, until Martinez admits that you ordered him to attack Dave Brass. Morales: That old song of yours again? Murphy: Yeah, and when he does that, you're going down. Morales. Down, down, down to the lowest pit with no bottom. Morales: Fine. I'll just ask McManus for the transfer. Murphy: Yeah, you go do that. Morales: Yeah. Murphy: Yeah. Morales: Bye. Murphy: Bye. [Morales/Guerra pod] Morales: What if Martinez jabbers on me? Guerra: He hasn't yet, he never will. Morales: Now and never is not the same thing, Chico. Being in solitary can wear a man down, and if Carlos is sick, the hacks are withholding medicine until he turns. Guerra: What could we do? Morales: Kill him. Guerra: Enrique, no, he's one of us. Morales: Yeah, but for how long? Guard: Lights out! [Bellinger narrating] Bellinger: A lot of times when a woman gets pregnant, her sense of smell changes for the worse. Suddenly roses are putrid, and freshly baked bread, jeez, it's more like ammonia. Epileptics got something similar. They can often tell when they're about to do a back flip because they start to smell things that aren't there, so, at least they got a chance to sit down before the seizure hits. With pregnancy, and epilepsy, you've got a pretty good sense of impending doom. Too bad we've got no sense of how to avoid it. [Library] Rebadow: I'm here to work, Stella. Stella: Hi, Robert, give me a hand? I need you to take the book cart around today. Rebadow: William Blake. Stella: That's right. It's the cover to- Rebadow and Stella: 'Songs of Experience". Stella: I never expected to find a Blake fan in here. Rebadow: I'm sorry, I have to ask, why are you here? Why would you work in Oz as opposed to some city library where you wouldn't be surprised to find a Blake fan. Stella: Well, one day, about a year ago, I was home taking a shower and I heard a noise. I came out of the bathroom, and there was this kid standing in the hallway with my DVD player. There I am 'au natural' and though I consider my body a beautiful sight, the kid freaks and jumps out the window. He twists his ankle. A couple of minutes later the police pick him up. It seems he'd robbed other people as well. So, I got downtown to testify at some pretrial thing, and there's the kid, Jermaine, so small, so sweet, sitting next to his mother. I think, "he's going to jail." Then I think, "Christ, he can have my DVD player." Rebadow: You could have dropped the charges. Stella: I did, but everyone else held firm. I went and visited Jermaine at Juvenile detention and said to him, "Why aren't you in school?" and you know what he told me? Rebadow: He couldn't read. Stella: It broke my heart. I went to Plymouth house every week and taught him, and he took to words like a plant to rain. His mind was so sharp, so alive, so thirsty. Rebadow: That's wonderful. Stella: He got stabbed and died. And even though I knew there were others like him in Plymouth I couldn't go back. I also knew I couldn't stop what I'd started. So...ta-da. Rebadow: You came to a place filled with old books and bad attitudes. Stella: The truth is, Robert, every book on these shelves is new to someone who hasn't read it. Rebadow: You know, Blake, he said, "There is a moment in each day that Satan can not find." Stella: That's right. You know what my ultimate goal is? To make that moment last a lifetime. [Em City] Rebadow: Libros. Libros para los muertos. Poet: Hey, Rebadow, man, I'll take a novel. Rebadow: Which one? Poet: I don't know. A long one, I'm out of toilet paper. Rebadow: Hey, Agamemnon, recommend something? Busmalis: You got any pop up books? I love pop up books. Rebadow: No. Busmalis: Then I'm not interested. Reading confuses me. McManus: Agamemnon. Busmalis: I know what you're gonna ask. The answer is no. McManus: Come on. This is the third straight visiting day Norma's come. Busmalis: Then tell her to stop. I've got nothing to say to the woman who left me at the alter, and then wham, boom, shows up a couple months later carrying some other Joe's child. McManus: Don't you even want to know if she's doing okay? If the child is? Busmalis: Well, I'm assuming they are. McManus: Fine. Assume away. Busmalis: Why, is there something wrong? Stop yanking my chain, McManus. Is Norma all right? McManus: Ask her yourself. [Busmalis/Rebadow pod] Rebadow: So Norma was here again today? Busmalis: So we're both in prison? Rebadow: Excuse me? Busmalis: I'm sorry. I though we were asking questions that we already knew the answers to. Rebadow: I think you should see her. I was talking to Stella about it and- Busmalis: What's Stella have to do with anything? Rebadow: She's a very smart woman. She reminded me of a Blake passage. Some are born to sweet delight. Some are born to endless night. Busmalis: Oh, I get it, I get it. You're sweet, I'm endless. Rebadow: No, that's not my point at all. What Blake is saying is that everyday you're born and it's your choice. Busmalis: See, this is why I like pop up books. [Bellinger Narrating] Bellinger: There's a condition called synesthesia, makes you associate letters with colors, sounds with touch. Imagine reading a book and being constantly awash in a cascade of green and purple, or hearing a guitar chord and feeling it like your lovers lips against your neck. Why they call it a condition I'll never know. It sounds more like a blessing, and just goes to prove that even the most basic reality is totally different for each of us. [Death Row] Kirk: Belial, Bring back the spirits of those who have gone before, those dark and troublesome souls that spent the last hours of their lives on death row. Hoyt: Kirk, you scumfuck, quit that shit. Kirk: Praise Hell. Praise Satan. Hoyt: Oh, Mukada, You gotta get Kirk to stop. He's driving me fucking crazy. Mukada: Believe me, that's why I'm here. Kirk: Somehow I knew we'd meet again. Mukada: You wrote a letter to the Cardinal claiming that I sexually abused you. Kirk: You touched my penis. You licked my ear. Mukada: That's a lie. Kirk: I have a meeting later this week with the archdiocese and the cops. I'm gonna tell them all the sin-sational details. Mukada: By lying, you tarnish the legitimate grievances of the men and boys who have been abused by the clergy, and you do harm to the many Priests who have lived celibate and spiritual lives. Kirk: According to Nostradamus, the Roman church is almost ready to fall. Mukada: I want you to tell the truth. Hoyt: Let me at him! I'll squeeze the truth outta his scrawny little neck. Mukada: Hoyt, you'd think by now you'd realize that's not the answer. Hoyt: He's gonna die anyway. What's the difference how? Mukada: You asked me to perform an exorcism, to free you from the Devil's hold. I don't know how to do that, but I've contacted an expert who's a priest- Kirk: To late, Mukada, as always...Too late. When I am executed, you will be stripped of your ministry, you will be abandoned by holy mother church, and you will spend the rest of your days wandering aimlessly and without hope. In death...I will be triumphant. [Mukada's office. Father Mukada prays.] [Warden's office] Glynn: A fashion layout? O'Connor: Yes. Glynn: With the prisoners on death row? O'Connor: Yes. Glynn: In Maxim Magazine? O'Connor: Yes. Glynn: And why do you think this is such a good idea? O'Connor: The Governors press secretary believes a photo op will give a positive spin to the prison system. Glynn: It seems, I don't know, unethical. O'Connor: Or for the boys on death row, a last hurrah. [Death Row] Lopresti: This thing is gonna work like so. Each of you clowns is gonna be photographed individually in various sets of clothes. And then a group shot. Questions? Keller: Yeah, when's the magazine come out? Lopresti: January. Keller: Oh, good, I'll be able to see it. My execution isn't until April. Lopresti: Great. (Various photos of the guys) Photographer: Okay, good. Let me see a little smile. Okay, good. That's good. Hoyt: Hey, ladies. Photographer: Okay, big smile. Cyril: Jericho can smile. Photographer: That's good. Photographer 2: I need to change the glass tube in that lamp. Photographer: Okay. great. Let's get this over with. Okay, we're ready for the group shot. Let me get you right behind him. Let's have you in the back. Let's get you behind them also. Kirk: You and me, Jaz-bo, captured on film for posterity. Photographers: Okay, guys, that looks good. And look butch. Lopresti: Oh, fuck. Hoyt: This time you die, mother fucker! [Mukada's office] Mukada: I just got a call from the Vicar general. Because Kirk is dead, Monsignor Slon has convinced the police to drop the investigation against me. Sister Pete: You're back. Mukada: Yes. My prayers have been answered. Pete...I prayed for Kirk to die. [Said's pod] McManus: I just finished reading Augustus Hill's memoirs. Said: It's remarkable, isn't it? McManus: You know, the way that--that he describes people, and the way things work, it's the best book about prison life I've read in years. Said: I completely agree. McManus: Yeah. so, what do we do with it? Said: Well...I've just taken the liberty of sending the pages along to my publisher. He wants to publish. McManus: That's terrific. Have you told Redding about it? Said: I tried. He didn't seem to hear me. [Gym] Reggie: Oh, fuck. There he goes again, going around in circles. Poet: Hey, yo, Burr, man, you gonna be done soon? We trying to ball. Reggie: Great, not only ain't he focused on business, he gone deaf, too. I'm telling you, man, that old motherfucker's done. We need young blood to run the tribe. You man. Poet: I aint no number 1 yo. I already tried it on, and the shoe does not fit. Reggie: Then who? Poet: 'Til we figure that out, bro, we're stuck with old Burr here. Redding: Oh, yes. Yes. [Em city] Devlin: (On TV) In these tough times, It's essential for the state government to work hand in hand with business to create new economic opportunities. Today I am pleased to announce that privately owned enterprises will be set up inside our penitentiaries, employing prisoners full time on a merit basis. The first programs will be set up in the Oswald and Parker Women's correction facilities. Redding: Well, shit. [Laundry Room] Redding: Said, I've been thinking about what you said, how I'm a leader who does not truly lead. I been dwelling on all the shit that I done caused. I got Augustus killed. I got young boys out there slinging tits. Well, I can't do it anymore, and I won't let them do it either. Said: I'm very happy to hear that. Redding: I got this idea, but I need to talk to McManus upstairs. But Burr Redding, he ain't got much credibility anymore. Said: So what do you want me to do, go see him for you? Redding: I want you to be there with me. Your presence is gonna give me a voice. Said: Okay. But what's you idea? Redding: Well, in order to get my boys to stop selling them tits, I got to get them an alternative. We're gonna get real jobs. [Library] Glynn: The young lady at the other end of the table is Donna Degenhart. She's the owner of this new enterprise in Oz. Donna. Degenhart: Thanks to all of you in advance for helping me create my company. McManus: What exactly is your company? Degenhart: Telemarketing. I'll hire inmates to man phone banks and control databases for businesses on the outside. Sister Pete: Like, who? Degenhart: Long distance providers, public opinion pollsters, charities, airline reservations, you name it. Howell: You do this, what happens to Kentwell communications? Degenhart: I'm sorry? Howell: The telemarketing company that's already in town. Degenhart: Well, we're not putting anyone out of business. The market can bear two companies. Howell: And you know this through your extensive experience? Degenhart: I know this because 36 other states have implemented similar programs, and the benefits inside far outweigh any small complications that may arise outside. Howell: Oh, gee, seems I hear that every time we kick start something, and how often does that work out for us? Murphy: For Christ's sake Howell, what do you got stock in Kentwell communications? Howell: No, a brother. [McManus's office] Redding: We wants to get involved in this new business that's coming in. McManus: So fill out an application. Redding: Well, we was thinking about something a little more proactive. McManus: Proactive? What, you been coaching him? Redding: McManus, I know what you suspect me of doing inside these walls, and if you believe your suspicions, you gotta admit, I run a business better then most. [Interview Room] Degenhart: So, you'd both serve as foremen? Redding: Exactly. Degenhart: Yeah, see, I really don't have to money in my budget for two positions. Said: Well, Ms. Degenhart, that brings me to a question that I have. Your employees, they make minimum wage? Degenhart: No, no, not even close. Said: So, they make a pittance. Degenhart: Well, I mean no disrespect, Minister Said, when I say it's honest people who deserve an honest wage. McManus: Besides, Said, this is more then the $2.50 a week you're currently making in receiving and discharge. Said: That's like telling a slave it's not all bad because he gets to work with his family inside the master's house. Redding: Oh, come on, Said, the woman is just trying to get the operation off the ground. Said: At whose expense? Degenhart: Look, I have no intention of exploiting anyone. Said: Sometimes that just comes naturally. Sadly, the thing about business is at it's core, it is always just business. I've decided the Muslims will not participate. Excuse me. Redding: Well, ain't but one thing I got to say. Fuck him. I'll work for nothing until you hit your profits bull's-eye. Degenhart: Well, My foreman. Redding: Yes. [Em City] Poet: 'And life to me is-is-is about living, Feelings and all and trying not to fall Into them hard places inside you Created by them hard places around you. It's a 'I don't give a fuck' song Set to the tune of the bullshit that bore you The place between dreams is--is a situation signifying nothing, So to me, I'm just fixing my mind to just enjoy the dream. 'Cause everything else when I ain't asleep is gray, And life is about wherever you're gonna get to, Getting got to. Man , Augustus, this poem is for you.' Arif: The meeting didn't go well. Said: How can you tell? Arif: Your eyes are filled with rage. Said: Arif, my heart is filled with disappointment. How come all good things have to have bad a thing attached to them? Arif: If faith were easy, everyone would believe. Those are your own words, Minister. Said: Yeah. There's got to be a way, Arif, to do business without cheating all the workers. Arif: Economics is not my strong suit. Said: Yeah. Arif: Where are you going? Said: To think. Just to think. [Gym. Said walks around the meditative maze.] [Cafeteria] Morales: Man, I wish to Christ I could figure out what Redding is up to. Guerra: Rumor is, he's walking away from the kitchen, that he's gonna be foreman of the telemarketing business. Morales: That don't mean he'll stop slinging. And what we need is more information. Alvarez, join us. Alvarez: You want me to sit with you? Morales: Yeah, I figure, you and Guerra made peace you won't be stabbing each other with the silverware. Besides, I got a question. Alvarez: Nine inches, baby. Morales: You friendly with any of the niggers? Alvarez: No. Poet a little bit, maybe. Morales: Yeah, he knows you and us have been at war. I want you to talk to him, find out what Redding's real plans are. Alvarez: Spy. Morales: Well, yeah. Alvarez: I ain't hungry anymore. Morales: Do this, Miguel, we'll welcome you back into El Norte. Alvarez: You know, I'm--I'm glad me and Chico aren't at each other's throats anymore, but that's as far as it goes, man. I got my parole in three years. Until that point, I'm Mahatma-fucking-Gandhi. You want the peach cobbler? [Visitors room] Carmen: look great. Alvarez: Yeah, and you look really young. What's up with the visit after all this time? Carmen: Do I need more of a reason then you're my son? Alvarez: Yeah. It didn't matter much before, did it? Carmen: Well, maybe I haven't been here 'cause you're always in solitary or in the hole or escaping and not even coming to see me. When would I have a chance to visit, huh? Alvarez: You just came here to make my life more fucked up right? Thank you. Carmen: Be Mr. Macho Muchacho all you want, but if you're so tough, think what that says about the bitch that bore you. Alvarez: You're a tough bitch. Yeah. You do bore me. Okay, I'm glad you came. You know, when I escaped, I didn't come to see you because I thought that'd be the first place the cops would look. Carmen: It was. Alvarez: How's Maritza doing? Carmen: She's wonderful. Alvarez: She fucking anybody? Carmen: She's working as a travel agent, sending people to Europe, Japan, Australia. Alvarez: Ma, I asked you a question. Carmen: I speak to her once, maybe twice a month. I don't think she is. Alvarez: You tell her that she gotta come visit me. Carmen: That would mean a lot more coming from you. Alvarez: I ain't gonna ask, I ain't gonna beg. She should just show up. [Em City, Phones] Alvarez: Shit. Maritza: (Answering Machine) Hey, it's Maritza. I'm not home, so please leave a message. Alvarez: Hey, Ritz. Thinking about you a lot lately. Ma told me how good you were doing, you know, sending people all over the world and stuff. You know, I hope you don't forget that I'm still parts of yours, because, baby, you're still most of mine. I know that I haven't been the best, you know...of anything that last couple of years, but if um... you could use some of that travel agent, you know, magic to arrange for a car , go to Oz, damn I'd make that trip worthwhile, I promise. Alright. I love you. And I miss you, Martiza. Yeah, I really do. Please come. Yeah, please come. [Bellinger Narrating] Bellinger: Let's say a young man mugs someone. A young girls steals 20 purses from Sears. A young mother drowns her daughter. The one thing they're all said to lack is common sense. Somewhere along the way they lost their ability to think correctly. Well, look at Oz. Common sense creates the common criminal. The desire to do right is probably the most uncommon sense of all. Ryan: Father. Father, what's the matter? Help! Help! Dr. Nathan: Get me that crash cart! Ryan: Help! Dr. Nathan: Father Meehan's dead. Ryan: Oh, fuck. [Gym] Schibetta: Hey, O'Reily, I heard your pal Father Meehan crashed and burned. That must be tearing you up inside, huh? Ryan: Yeah, he was a good man. Schibetta: Yeah. Well, I guess now you got a little taste of what if felt like when you murdered my father. Ryan: We're done talking, bitch. Schibetta: Oh, okay. I was just wondering how you're gonna feel when Cyril dies. Ryan: We're appealing Cyril's case. Schibetta: And your Ma. Ryan: What? Schibetta: Your Ma. Ryan: You go anywhere near my mother, I'll fuckin' skin you alive. Schibetta: I don't have to touch her. I got the evil eye, remember? Ryan: Yeah, whatever. Schibetta: Okay, that's what killed Meehan, you know. My wife's Grandmother put the evil eye on the fat fuck and he was dead within hours. Ryan: You know, Schibetta, you really do belong in psych, man. You're fuckin' nuts. Schibetta: Meehan gave me his rosary. That's all you need. A possession of the person you want cursed. I gave the rosary to my wife to give to her nana--arrivederci, Meehan. I'm gonna put the curse on every single person you love, and when you can't stand the grief one more second, I'm gonna put it on you, and I'll be smiling when you're twisting in your own shit. Ryan: Hey, you fucking Dago! You mother fucker! Fuckin'! It's okay, man. Momentary lapse. Guard: Yeah. Ryan: Yeah Guard: . Okay, come on, let's take 'em down. [Em City] Ryan: Hey, Chucky, you got a minute? Pancamo: For you, O'Reily, I got only 28 seconds. But the way you double talk it should be plenty. Ryan: Peter Schibetta. He's walking around saying he can put curses on people. Pancamo: The evil eye, sure. Ryan: Well, he says that his wife's grandmother, she's got the power. Pancamo: Petey's got two screws loose. Ryan: Oh, man, I feel a lot better hearing that. cause, um... Not only did he say that he put a curse on me, he said he put a curse on you. Yeah, that's what he said. I think he still blames you for him taking it up the ass. Twice. Pancamo: That fucking little prick. Ryan: Maybe you should go talk to Peter, huh? Pancamo: Yeah, maybe I should. Ryan: Yeah. [Stage] Fitzgerald: You see, when you say 'screw your courage to the sticking place,' what you're saying is have some balls, keep on track. Stein: Oh. 'But Screw your courage to the sticking place. And will not fail'. Fitzgerald: Good. Stein: Then I explain the murder plan. Fitzgerald: Right. Alvarez: Alright, that's it. We start up again tomorrow at 3:00. Fitzgerald: Alright, thank you very much, we'll see you later. Schibetta: Susanne, I've got to tell you, I'm having the best time. I've got to go meet my wife right now, but I can't wait to tell her all about you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, we'll see you later. Ryan: Hey, have you heard from the lawyer about the exact date of Cyril's appeal? Fitzgerald: Well, all Zelman said was sometime this week. Damn. Ryan: What's the matter? Fitzgerald: I can't find my car keys. Ryan: What? Fitzgerald: Yeah, I was sure I left them right here. Ryan: Oh, Christ, mom, I bet Schibetta stole them, he's gonna put a curse on you, I got--I gotta go. Fitzgerald: Oh, Ryan. Ryan: No, I gotta go. Guard: Slow down, O'Reily. Ryan: No, I got an emergency. Guard: What emergency? Ryan: I can't explain, just let me go. Guard: You ain't going anywhere. Ryan: Fuck. [Hallway] Pancamo: Yo, yo, yo, Petey, Baba? Schibetta: Chucky, boys, long time no see. Urbano: Petey, where you going? Schibetta: Visit with my wife. Urbano: Uh-uh. We called and cancelled. Schibetta: Why? Pancamo: You and me, we need to have a little chat. Schibetta: About? Pancamo: Life and death. My life, your death. Schibetta: Chucky, no! [Break Room] Armstrong: Warden, you better come and see this. [Hallway] Warden: Well, I can't say I'm sorry Schibetta's dead. What's that? Armstrong: His eye. [Em city] Murphy: Lockdown! Lockdown! Ryan: What the fuck is going on, man? Pancamo: O'Reily. Catch. [Library] Pancamo: There's that little prick. Robson, you shanked me and I almost died. You're going to wish I had. Stella: Officer! Officer! Officer! Guard: You boys, cut the shit. Out of here, let's go! Pancamo: (speaks Italian) Stella: Holy shit. Robson: Yeah. [Unit B] Robson: Vern, I need your help. Schillinger: Keep walking. Robson: After all I've done for the brotherhood, you owe me. Winthrop: Hey, you heard the man, keep walking. Robson: Watch your mouth, prag. Winthrop: I'm not a prag anymore, pal, and as for watching my mouth, you're the one with the nigger gums. Bye-bye. Cutler: You know what true boredom is? True boredom is when you want to get yourself off and you don't want to at exactly the same time. Robson: Listen, Cutler, the wops have got it out for me. I need your protection. In return, I'll steal, I'll shank, you name it. I need your clout to keep my ass safe. Cutler: Well, if that's what you want, I'm afraid your ass is the one thing that's not gonna be safe... prag. Robson: I'm no bitch. Cutler: Then ciao, baby. If you want to stay alive, come get papa out of his boredom. [Sister Pete's office] Robson: I don't really have anyone else to talk to in this place. Sister Pete: That's what I'm here for. Robson: You ever been scared of dying? Sister Pete: Oh, yeah. My first year here, a man named Warren Sticks. We were in the middle of a session, and suddenly he leaped out of his chair and started to choke me. I blacked out, and when I came to I was lying in a pool of blood, his blood. He had slit his wrists with the edge of my tape dispenser. I realized he was... attempting to knock me out so he could kill himself. Robson: You remember that sensation, thinking you were gonna die? Sister Pete: Is that how you feel now? Robson: I felt that way everyday, since as long as I could remember. Sister Pete: How far back is that? Robson: Much further then I'd like. I was Gerald Robson's only child. Even as a kid, you do what you gotta do to survive, 'cause when you're six running away is not an option. Sister Pete: Did he beat you? Robson: Oh, yeah. And worse. Sister Pete: Did he abuse you sexually? Robson: It's funny, here I am 36 years old I got no where to run. You know, and I--I guess what...what I want to know is, is it okay to do whatever it is necessary... to survive? Sister Pete: Is what okay? Robson: Or should I die? Sister Pete: No, no, but- Robson: That's what I figured. Thanks Sister. [Bellinger and Hill Narrating] Bellinger: Sometimes the worst thing, the worst possible fucking state of being... Hill: Is having all your senses working full tilt. How can that be bad? Well, there are certain things we do when seen, touched, heard, smelled and tasted all at the same time that'll make you wish you were dead. [Unit B] Cutler: Lick this. That's right, lick it real good. Now give it back to me. Drop your pants. Now bend over. Robson: What? Cutler: You and me, we're gonna spoon. Now bend the fuck over.