Plan B
Written By: Tom Fontana
Directed By: Darnell Martin
Original Airdate: August 18, 1997
Transcribed: November 23, 1999. Last Revised: November 24, 1999.

Oz is the property of Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Rysher Entertainment, and HBO. This page is not authorized by any of the above. Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from this page.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: "The best laid schemes of mice and men often go astray." That was written by Mr. Robert Burns way the fuck back in 1785 and it still is news. In Oz, we got all sorts of schemes to change our lousy, lonely lives. But no matter how much we plot and plan, something outside of our control always comes along and fucks things up. You take Tobias Beecher. Six months ago if you'da asked him where he'd be today, he'd have said his daughter's 4th birthday party. Instead, he's howling at the moon, effect of some bad angel dust. Old Vern Schillinger, before he got to Oz he wanted to get America back on the right track. The white track. Now Beecher smashed a piece of glass in his pure Aryan eye. Timmy McManus. He slowly watches his dream for the perfect prison fart away. And then there's the Reverend Kareem Said. He was working on a way to bring the brothers together, to fight the injustices we endure in the name of justice. He keeps working it and working it, 'til a heart attack worked him over.

(In Em City. The inmates are watching TV.)

Reporter: Black Muslim leader Kareem Said remains in critical condition in Oswald State Penitentiary after a heart attack last Thursday. Said, who is serving 5 to 18 years for burning a white-owned warehouse, is an outspoken critic of the American judicial system.

Mershaw: It's almost as if he knew. Man, like right before the heart attack, Said said to me, he said, "Huseni, if anything should happen, I want you to gather up the true believers. Carry out my work, carry out my mission. Start a holy war right here in Oz. A war that will set fire on the sky." He said, "Tell them, my brother, and guide them." Man.

(In the hospital.)

Alvarez: Hey, hey, look who's alive. You know, Said, I gotta tell you, odds were 60-40 you were worm's meat. Yo, Groves, go get Dr. Nathan. Tell her Said finally woke up. You'll pull something out man.

Rebadow: Said, you shouldn't be doing that.

Schillinger: Stupid nigger.

Alvarez: Groves, Groves, get a doctor!

Said: You. Get my clothes. Now.

(In Nathan's office.)

Said: I'm telling you, I'm perfectly well.

Nathan: You had a heart attack. You nearly died.

Said: But I didn't, did I? Excuse me.

Nathan: This time you were lucky. What if it happens again?

Said: Believe me, Doctor, I now know what I must do to keep alive. McManus, I'm ready to go back to Em City.

McManus: OK, but you have to start taking the medicine Dr. Nathan prescribed. Agreed?

Said: Agreed. I know. This way.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: People do terrible things to people. That's why we got so many prisons in the world. People rape other people. They rob and beat and cheat other people. But the worst crime of all is betrayal. And there ain't no jail terms for that.

(In Em City.)

Said: Huseni Mershaw! You saw that I was dying and yet you walked away? You wanted me to die.

Mershaw: No, Kareem, come on, bro. I would never...

Said: This man is not our brother. He is our enemy. As of this moment, this man is cast out. No Muslim will speak to him, look him in eye, or acknowledge him. You wanted the death of another? Right now you're dead to us all.

(In the cafeteria.)

Poet: Kidnap the President's wife without a plan
Kidnap the President's wife without a plan
Yeah, I got a plan
It's etched with a knife in the center of my hand
So I guess I'm gonna have to keep my fist clenched
Walk around DC in the rain 'til my wares is drenched
Wait for that motherfucker to take out the garbage
Do a press conference about what great shape this country in
And when them welfare cuts gonna begin
And when he pat his dog and kiss his wife goodbye
That's when I move in
I throw that silly ho in a headlock
I muffle her grill so her screams stop
I whisper to her, "Your man ain't here to protect you, baby. He gone."
I dial up my nigger, oh no
Tell him to meet me with the Caddy on the white lawn
I toss her in the backseat
Cover her head with a black sheet
Put the still in her grill piece
Be like, "If you don't shut up, I'll gonna do shots off in your dome piece."
Watch her have fits
If she don't understand I'm gonna give her a quick lesson in Ebonics
"I'm a shoot you, baby."
I take her to my hideout in the low income houses down the street
I replace her Joan and Davis with purple Reeboks on her feet
I give her 4 hungry kids, no job, no ambition
No family support and a last welfare check
I give her crappy ass Medicaid and a ill type of growth growing out the side of her neck
I tell her, "Fend for yourself. Keep you in them shorties and proper health."
After sufficient time on that hype
I'll introduce her to the crack pipe
Yeah, I'll let her feel its soothing effects
As she tries to forget about the absence of them checks
I'll make her sells her jewels for it
I make her pay the dues for it
And then I'll come to her late at night
And I'll be like, "Yo, everything ain't gonna be all right.
You ain't gonna be able to go quietly in that good night
Peace ain't gonna come 'til your death be done."
And then I'll lead her up to the roof
And I'll show her all the shit she don't own
I'll lead her over to the edge
And leave her there all alone.

(Mershaw sits down the Muslims and they all stand up and leave.)

(In the gym. Mershaw comes in and asks the Muslims if they want to play basketball, but they ignore him.)

Mershaw: Yo, y'all wanna play 2 on 2? Huh? Bit of 2 on 2? Huh? Can I get the ball? Can I get the ball? I can't get the ball? Throw me the ball, man.

(In the bathroom.)

Mershaw: Arif, you wanna play some pool, man? Huh?

Arif: In the name of Allah, most gracious.

Mershaw: Aw, man, why you gotta Muslimize this now? Come on.

Arif: He is Allah, the one and only.

Mershaw: Come on, you know I wouldn't...

Arif: Allah, the eternal.

Mershaw: I never said I wanted Said dead.

Arif: The absolute.

Mershaw: Please.

Arif: He begets not.

Mershaw: He's crazy.

Arif: Nor is he begotten.

Mershaw: The medication has gone to his head.

Arif: And there are none like him. In the name of Allah, most gracious and most merciful.

(In Said and Mershaw's pod.)

Mershaw: Yo, Said. Said. Don't fall asleep or you might not wake up. (Said knocks on the glass and two Muslims watch Mershaw.)

(In Adebisi's pod.)

Mershaw: Adebisi, Adebisi, Adebisi. Yo, my African brother. How you doing? Gotta talk to you.

Adebisi: Talk about what?

Mershaw: It's about Said, man. You know, he's responsible for the death of Jefferson Keane.

Adebisi: Jefferson Keane? Ancient history, baby.

Mershaw: Look, Said got to die.

Adebisi: I know what's going on, holy boy. I know they turned their backs on you. And you, you think because we the same color skin, we have some connection. Go, go, little man, go. Try the man next door.

(In McManus' office.)

Mershaw: I'm telling you, Said wanna start a riot up in here. He wanna take over Oz.

Glynn: Do you have any evidence?

Mershaw: No, just what he told me.

Glynn: We need something more tangible. Has there been any stockpiling of weapons?

Mershaw: Just the usual jobs, homemade.

McManus: Mershaw, why are you doing this? Why are you giving up Said?

Mershaw: I wanna stop the violence.

McManus: That is bullshit.

Glynn: McManus.

McManus: Leo, you know as well as I do why he's here. You're so fucking transparent it's laughable. Officer, get him the fuck out of here.

Mershaw: No, no, wait. I'm telling you, man...

McManus: Out!

Glynn: His motive for betraying Said isn't important. His information is.

McManus: Leo, we're not gonna get anything out of him. He's clearly out of the loop. I want to move him to another cell block.

Glynn: Why?

McManus: Because I don't want the bad blood that's happening between him and Said to erupt into something bigger. He's out.

Glynn: All right. When's the last shakedown you had in Em City?

McManus: Couple of weeks ago.

Glynn: Well, I think it's time for another.

(In Em City.)

Wittlesey: Shakedown! (CO's confiscate weapons and drugs.)

McManus: Gentlemen, I can't put you all in the hole, 'cause the hole is full right now and I can't transfer you all out of Em City because all the cells in Oz happen to be full too. But what I can do is take away your privileges. No TV, no gym, no phone calls for one month.

Alvarez: Gee, Dad, I hope I can still make it to the Prom.

McManus: Two months! You happy, Alvarez? That's all. Diane, looks like everybody but Said has a weapon.

Wittlesey: He ain't stupid.

Adebisi: Who was the rat?

Ryan: I hear it's Mershaw.

(Mershaw is moved out of Em City and all of the Muslim turn their backs on him as he goes.)

Mershaw: You know something? Kareem, you're supposed to be an Imam. Teach. And all you taught me was that your God is full of hate and vengeance, so you better watch out, ok? Cause he could turn on you like he turned on me.

(Hill narrating as Mershaw is moved, inmates jeering and spitting on him, to another cell block.)

Hill: You wanna kill a man? Stick a shank in his chest. You wanna torture a man? Feed his loneliness. Fiend him from friendship, from peace, he will search everywhere. And when he realizes he won't find it, he will destroy himself. (Shots of Mershaw lying dead in his cell.)

(In the visiting room.)

Said: I have asked you here because I'm a wanted man. The death of Huseni Mershaw is yet another example of the brutality that we suffer here.

Reporter: His death is a suicide.

Said: That is what the authorities have claimed. But what I know is, six men have died under bizarre circumstances. Suffocation, fire, mutilation. And the list continues on. And Warden Glynn sits in his office, aloof. Now, the FBI was brought in to do an investigation but where is their report?

Reporter: Are you saying it's been repressed?

Said: I don't know. I ask the question in the hope that you, the press, can find out. 'Cause we prisoners of Oz, I believe, will sit here waiting for answers that never come.

(In Em City. The inmates are watching TV.)

Spokesman: The FBI investigation into the deaths at Oswald State penitentiary is ongoing. We're not about to rush it just to satisfy the media and the inmates. We intend to do our work thoroughly and completely.

(In McManus' office.)

Glynn: Your little television show got everybody's attention, but it was your last performance. I'm ordering a press blackout.

Said: Warden, can't you see? Now, why is blackout a big, bad thing? You get whiteout in a little bottle.

McManus: Don't be smug. Don't you be smug with me, you son of a bitch. From the first day you got here, you have tried to destroy everything that I've built and everything that I stand for.

Said: That is pride. I know that well. McManus, you give yourself far too much importance. You see, because, this thing's larger than you. It's larger than me. So go ahead. Take the media away. Give us a blackout. Censor our letters. Tape our mouths shut. There will always be a man to tell the truth. The truth will be heard. May I go now? 'Cause it is time for me to pray.

(In Em City.)

Wittlesey: Listen up, here are some new rules from the Warden. As of today, no inmate will be allowed to use prayer beads, prayer mats, or special oils for religious or other purposes. Inmates will no longer be allowed to wear similar clothing or head apparel, identifying them as any group, gang, or cult.

Said: No! No! Now, you do realize this is a violation of our right to freely practice our religion?

Wittlesey: You can practice all you want. Pray 'til the cows come home. The Constitution does not guarantee that you, as a prisoner, have the right to any stuff.

Said: Easy!

Wittlesey: You're gonna have to hand it over. Look, this can go one of two ways. I vote for no blood.

Said: This is a meaningless gesture, brothers. Our faith is not in khofis, beads, or mats. It is in Oz.

(In the cafeteria.)

Glynn: All right, everyone, can I have your attention, please? I've got some news for you all. The FBI report will be released today and it will state emphatically that Sanchez, Ortolani, Post, Martinez, and Markstrom were all killed by inmates. (The inmates start yelling.) Quiet down! The death of Huseni Mershaw has been ruled a suicide. (The Muslims start banging on the tables.) Stop it! Though it is likely that some correctional officers may have been involved as secondary men in some of the murders... Knock it off! People, if you don't knock it off I'm not gonna be able to finish. Fine.

(In Em City.)

Said: We will stand up, look in the mirror, and say like Solomon, "I am black, I am comely..."

Groves: Mister Said. I just wanted to tell you that the whole thing with the spoons, the whole Allah thing, it's awesome. Asalaam aleikuum.

(In Groves' and Alvarez' pod.)

Alvarez: What's up? Turning Muslim on me?

Groves: He's a great speaker, that Said. He says it's a load of crap that Glynn and McManus aren't under arrest. Said says Glynn's guilty of worse crimes than any of us have committed. You ever kill anybody?

Alvarez: Nah, I ain't done nothing. I got a bum rap, you know. I'm innocent.

Groves: I thought it'd be hard to murder my parents, but it wasn't.

Alvarez: How'd you whack 'em?

Groves: Ball peen hammer.

(Hill narrating, with flashbacks of Groves' crime.)

Hill: Prisoner number 97G414, Donald Groves. Convicted July 3, '97. Two counts murder in the first degree. Sentence: life imprisonment.

(In Groves' and Alvarez' pod.)

Groves: I think I should kill Warden Glynn.

Alvarez: What?

Groves: I think I outta kill Glynn.

Alvarez: All right, look, this is what you should do, all right. You know that chick, Dr. Nathan? All right, you go to her and you tell her to write you a prescription. I'm telling you, she's got me on these anti-depressants right now, and I'm like, I'm sailing, man.

Groves: Nah. My first idea is best. First chance I get I'll murder Glynn.

(In the hospital. Groves attacks Glynn and Smith blocks him, getting killed in the process.)

(Hill narrating, with scenes of Groves in a courtroom.)

Hill: Donald Groves. Convicted August 21. Murder in the first degree in the death of Corrections Officer Lawrence Smith. Sentence: death.

(On death row.)

Groves: Genocide. Killing murderers is genocide.

Glynn: Groves?

Groves: They beat me.

Glynn: Who? (Groves points to the 2 CO's on duty.) Groves, you have been condemned to die for the murder of Officer Smith. The state gives you the right to choose any method you wish to die.

Groves: I shouldn't even be talking to you. You should be dead. You were the one that was supposed to die.

Glynn: How do you want to die, Groves? Lethal injection? Electric chair?

Groves: Firing squad.

Glynn: Firing squad?

Groves: Isn't that what they do to assasins?

Glynn: Fine. I'm going to personally paint the target on your heart.

Groves: Warden, Warden, me killing you wasn't personal, you know. It just had to be done.

Glynn: When your shift's over, come to my office. I want you to tell me why I shouldn't fire your asses.

(In the chapel. Various shots of inmates being being by CO's as Mukada speaks.)

Mukada: Lawrence Smith was an outstanding officer. He was an outstanding human being, and he died for what he truly believed in: justice. I think it would be easier to get angry, to punish all the inmates for a crime committed by one of them, but knowing Lawrence, I don't think that he would want his death to bring about more pain, more suffering. I think that he would want his death to bring about peace. (Shots of Groves banging his head into a wall as the CO's laugh at him.)

Burrano: Wanna get a drink?

Glynn: No, no, I got a press conference.

Nathan: Oh, that sounds like fun.

Hunt: Warden?

Glynn: Yes, Eddie?

Hunt: Did I hear right? Groves wants a firing squad?

Glynn: Yeah. Sick bastard.

Hunt: Do we have a firing squad?

Glynn: No, I gotta put one together.

Hunt: Well, I'd like to volunteer.

Glynn: Why?

Hunt: Smitty was my friend.

Glynn: You know, in this case I'm not sure that's a good enough reason. This isn't about revenge, it's about the law. But I'll get back to you.

(In the hospital.)

Glynn: Gloria, you wanted to see me?

Nathan: Yes. You're done. Look around. We've got a bumper crop of officer-related injuries.

Glynn: O'Reily, what happened?

Ryan: He hit me. I wasn't doing dick, I swear. Just ups and hits me.

Glynn: Who?

Ryan: Yeah, right. I tell you and next time I get it worse.

Nathan: Leo, look, since Smith's murder, this ER's SRO. I'm telling you, your officers are out of control. You gotta do something.

Glynn: I know, I know. I know.

Nathan: You know.

(In Glynn's office.)

McManus: Are you saying that random reprisals are justified?

Burrano: Yeah.

McManus: Well, one person killed Lawrence Smith. Groves. The other inmates are innocent.

Burrano: Innocent? Christ. I didn't expect you to understand, McManus.

McManus: What do you mean?

Burrano: You were never a guard. You didn't come up through the ranks like Leo, me, or the rest of them.

McManus: So I don't understand the anger, the frustration that CO's go through? That's fucking bullshit.

Burrano: Look, Leo, you cannot keep suspending these guys just 'cause they slap some dipshit around.

Glynn: I can't condone it either, Lenny.

Burrano: We're understaffed as it is. When you take experienced officers off of the rotation, what are you leaving us with? Newbies who can't handle a crisis.

Glynn: So what do you suggest I do?

Burrano: Just let our guys get through Groves' execution. Once he's in a bodybag, this whole thing will fade away.

McManus: So in the meantime they whale on whoever they want.

Burrano: Reality's hard for you, isn't it, McManus?

(In Em City.)

Wood: Hi. I'm Officer Gordon Wood. Here to replace Vogelsang.

Wittlesey: Well, hi. Vogelsang is a good man but he can't control his temper. How long have you been working in Oz?

Wood: Three weeks.

Wittlesey: Veteran, huh? OK, you got questions, ask. It doesn't make you stupid. It may save both our lives.

Wood: I hear you. Is that Kareem Said?

Wittlesey: Yep, in the flesh.

Wood: He don't look so tough.

Wittlesey: Yeah, well, looks are deceiving.

(In the laundry room.)

Said: My laundry interest you?

Wood: Yeah, I always wondered, a famous guy like Kareem Said, is he a Fruit of the Loom or a Hanes man?

Said: I don't wear underwear.

Wood: Oh, I see. You like the wide open spaces, huh?

Said: That's right.

Wood: Oh, well. Asalaam aleikuum. (He leaves, Said looks in his laundry and finds a gun.)

(In the front lobby.)

Devlin: It is with enormous sadness and respect that I present to Loretta Smith the Fleishman medal of honor in memory of her son, Officer Lawrence Smith, who died in the service of this great state.

(In the locker room.)

Smith's Mom: I would like to be able to watch the execution.

Mukada: Mrs. Smith, I don't think that's a good idea.

Glynn: Besides, the state doesn't allow the family members to be present. If I could help, believe me, I would.

Smith's Mom: Can I see Groves?

Glynn: I'm not sure what good that'll do.

Smith's Mom: I'm not sure either. But you're going to kill him and he'll be dead and buried, and I won't get another chance.

(On death row.)

Smith's Mom: I'm Loretta Smith. You killed my son. You're a handsome fella.

Groves: Thanks.

Smith's Mom: You broke God's law: Love thy neighbor. I want to hate you but I can't. I feel pity, tears, but no hate. I didn't realize that until this moment. You are my neighbor and I love you and I forgive you with all my heart. That's all. (She leaves and Groves is crying.)

(In a conference room.)

Devlin: First, I want to thank you gentlemen for volunteering to serve on the firing squad. Since we announced to the press that Groves chose this method, we've been swamped with phone calls from sharpshooters all over the country wanting to sign up. But the Warden and I thought it best if we handled this internally. Warden?

Glynn: There hasn't been an execution by firing squad in this state since 1872. Fortunately, Lenny Burrano worked in Utah before coming to Oswald. Lenny?

Burrano: Thank you, Warden. Now, many people will tell you that firing squads are barbaric. But in fact, it's a lot more humane than the electric chair. In any case, the protocol for a successful execution is proper lighting, proper distance. But you must prepare yourself for the emotional burden of actually pulling the trigger. Now you should know, that one of the rifles will carry blanks, so that none of you will know who actually fired the fatal shot.

(In Glynn's office. The phone rings.)

Glynn: Hello? He what? I'll be right down.

(In the hospital.)

Nurse: Patient's name is Donald Groves.

Nathan: Let's put down an MG2 and pump his stomach.

Glynn: What happened?

Nathan: Overdose.

Glynn: Is he gonna live?

Nathan: We'll know in 20 minutes.

Glynn: Did you strip search him?

Burrano: Yes.

Glynn: Then how the fuck did he get pills in his cell?

Burrano: I dunno.

Glynn: Find out!

Nathan: We're losing him! Start CPR.

Glynn: Save that little prick.

Nathan: What's the difference? He's scheduled to die tomorrow anyway.

Glynn: The law says he has to be aware that he's being executed, he has to know why he's being executed. He has to be alive. So save him! Save his Goddamn ass.

(In Rebadow's pod.)

Alvarez: Yo, Rebadow, what are you doing in here all day?

Rebadow: Hiding. Any word on Groves?

Alvarez: Yeah, Dr. Nathan brought him back from the dead.

Rebadow: A resurrection, huh?

Alvarez: Yeah. They delayed execution for a couple of hours. You miss him, don't you?

Rebadow: Groves? No. I've learned over the years not to make attachments. If you do, you spend all your time grieving.

Alvarez: You know what, I hate grieving, but it's a hell of a lot better than hiding, man.

(On death row.)

Mukada: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou...

Groves: Father?

Mukada: Yeah?

Groves: You know, I've been thinking a lot about my final words. I decided what I wanted to say and I'd like you to write it down and give it to Mrs. Smith. Maybe it'll make her feel better. OK? Will you do that for me?

Mukada: Of course. I think that she'd appreciate that.

Glynn: It's time.

Groves: The sky's a nice color of blue.

(In the execution chamber.)

Mukada: I just have to hear his last words.

Glynn: You can listen through this.

Mukada: Great.

Burrano: Do you have any last words?

Groves: I just want to say that I...

Devlin: What's he saying? (The speaker is very scratchy.)

Mukada: I don't know. Can you fix that? (He knocks on the speaker and a shot is fired.)

Nathan: He's dead.

Mukada: No, what did he say? What were his last words?

Burrano: I don't know. I wasn't really listening.

(In the locker room.)

Wittlesey: Drinking on the job, Eddie?

Hunt: No, I'm off duty, as of ten minutes ago. Want some?

Wittlesey: No, I never developed a taste for Mogan David.

Hunt: Snob. To Lawrence Smith, a fine man who died too young.

Wittlesey: Amen.

Hunt: Here's to Donald Groves, a freak of nature who lived too long.

Wittlesey: Yeah, probably.

Hunt: I killed a man who killed a man. I killed a man. Only maybe I didn't kill him 'cause they put blanks in one of the rifles so I can never know for sure if I killed him or not. Only maybe not knowing is worse than knowing. 'Cause at least if I knew...

Wittlesey: Eddie, go home. Sleep it off.

Hunt: Sleep, yeah. Something tells me I'm not gonna sleep much tonight either.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: "The best laid schemes of mice and men..." I don't get the mice part. Were the mice back in Burns' time smart enough to make a plan? We got mice in Oz but they don't seem too bright. It's the rats you gotta look out for. Our rats come in all shapes and sizes.

(In the cafeteria. Dobbins is playing cello on the stage.)

Hill: Who the fuck's that?

Wittlesey: Some hotshot highbrow cellist. I guess he's a hotshot 'cause McManus gave him permission to practice for an hour everyday, so I gotta stay in here and listen to him.

Hill: What's he playing?

Wittlesey: I don't know. I'm a Beck fan myself.

(Hill narrating, with flashbacks of Dobbins' crime.)

Hill: Prisoner number 97D403, Eugene Dobbins. Convicted August 18, '97. Murder in the second degree. Sentence: 22 years. Up for parole in 8.

(In the cafeteria.)

Dobbins: This cello was made in 1744 by a man named Johannes Kipers in Amsterdam.

Hill: That's good, huh?

Dobbins: Yeah, it's good. It's priceless to me. That's why we keep it locked up in the Chaplain's office.

Hill: It sure is beautiful.

Dobbins: Beautiful but lonely.

Hill: Lonely? How does a cello get lonely?

Dobbins: I have no one to play with.

Hill: You sound great by yourself. You don't need anybody to play with.

Dobbins: I'm used to play symphony orchestras, 90 to 100 musicians, making music. A cello by itself is just not the same.

(In the gym.)

Vayhue: Kenny, you got any tits, man? Hey, where you going?

Hill: I'll catch you later, man.

Vayhue: Come on, hit this before you go.

Hill: No, man, I gotta go to the bathroom.

Vayhue: Come on.

Hill: Brother, I gotta pee.

Vayhue: Don't be a pussy. Hit it. Come on. Hit it good. There you go.

(In Sister Pete's office.)

Hill: Everything I say stays here, right?

Sister Pete: You have to ask?

Hill: Jackson Vayhue.

Sister Pete: Yeah, the basketball star.

Hill: Yeah, when he got to Em City, I was excited, you know. I mean, he's always been my hero.

Sister Pete: And you don't want him to think you're a wimp so when he snorts, you snort, right?

Hill: Something like that. But I'm not hooked again, Sister, I swear.

Sister Pete: Well, you keep doing it, you will be. I'm gonna talk to Vayhue.

Hill: No!

Sister Pete: It's ok. I'll figure out a way to confront him about his drug use without implicating you and you, meanwhile, you come to the counseling session on Thursday. And stop doing heroin, no matter what Vayhue says. OK?

Hill: Yes, ma'am.

Sister Pete: You know, maybe it's time you got yourself another hero. 'Cause, to be honest, the one you've got sucks.

(In Em City.)

Vayhue: You gonna do what I tell you to do, or I'm just gonna fuck you up.

Hill: Jackson, leave Dobbins alone, man.

Vayhue: Butt out of this, all right?

Hill: I'm telling you, man...

Vayhue: Hey, fuck you! (Hill rams him with his wheelchair.) Ow!

Hill: Get the fuck outta here, man. (Dobbins leaves.)

Vayhue: Damn! What the fuck was that about?

Hill: You was so high on tits you was hurting him for no reason.

Vayhue: I don't need no reason.

Hill: He got a gift, man. If you fuck with it, it will go.

Vayhue: What about my gift, huh? What about my fucking gift? I'm dying in here, man.

Hill: We all dying, Jackson.

Vayhue: That ain't no comfort.

(Hill narrating, with shots of Dobbins on cello and another inmate on trumpet playing in the cafteria while Hill, Wittlesey, Vayhue, McManus, and the kitchen staff listen.)

Hill: We all got problems. Impossible problems. And then we meet someone who's got bigger problems than we have. Ot at least, they can't handle their problems as well. Sometimes, their weakness gives us strength. Simple trick #62, you help someone, you help yourself. So, I did what Sister Peter Marie suggested. I got myself another hero. And who'da guessed? It's me. Yeah, I'm proud 'cause my plan worked. I did my best. (Shots of Vayhue and Wangler breaking into the Chaplain's office and destroying Dobbin's cello.) But unfortunately for Dobbins, my best, it ain't good enough.

(In Schibetta's pod.)

Ryan: Hey, Nino, you wanna play some pinochle?

Schibetta: I'm in the middle of a conversation here. What fucking farm did you grow up on, you stupid mick bastard? Now get the fuck outta here.

Ross: Hey, O'Reily?

Ryan: What?

Ross: What do you think those two are talking about?

Ryan: How the fuck would I know, Ross?

Ross: Seem strange to you? Nino Schibetta, fucking mob guy, chatting with the nigger of Islam?

Ryan: (To Wangler.) Get lost. (To Ross.) Come here. I been hearing shit.

Ross: Yeah, me too. The Muslims are gonna start a riot.

Ryan: Yeah. Rumor has it they're armed to the teeth. I'm talking guns... They've organized every cell block.

Ross: They take charge, me and you can kiss our white asses goodbye.

Ryan: Yeah, well, maybe Schibetta's making some kind of deal with Said, you know.

Ross: How come we don't know about it? Maybe the old wop's saving himself by giving you up.

Ryan: You're right. We need to get organized.

Ross: Definitely. And you got a card in your deck nobody knows about.

Ryan: Adebisi? He hates Said just as much as we do.

Ross: Wouldn't hurt to have a couple of homeboys on our side.

Ryan: All right, I'll talk to him.

(In the kitchen.)

Adebisi: You ready?

Ryan: Almost. Look, I saw Said talking to Schibetta. You think he knows about the two of us putting glass in Schibetta's food?

Adebisi: How do you know that?

Ryan: Listen, Adebisi, you hear any rumblings about the Muslims starting a riot. Stop that!

Adebisi: Sure, you know.

Ryan: Well, if it happens, where you gonna land?

Adebisi: On my feet, as always.

Ryan: Hey, we supply tits to this whole fucking prison, all right? Those doilyheads are gonna gun for us.

Adebisi: Don't worry, bro, I got your back.

Ryan: That's all I needed to know.

Adebisi: How long is it gonna take before he dies?

Ryan: I dunno. It's not exactly an exact science, you know what I'm saying.

Adebisi: I want him dead.

(In the cafeteria. Ryan hands Schibetta a tray of food.)

Ryan: Here you go, Nino. (Schibetta pushes it away.) What, you don't like it?

Schibetta: No.

Ryan: I get you something else.

Schibetta: No, I'm just not hungry, that's all.

Ryan: Is your stomach still bothering you?

Schibetta: Yeah.

Ryan: I told you to go to the doctor.

Schibetta: We got a huge pair of tits coming in tomorrow. Tell your pal Adebisi to get his boys ready to run.

Ryan: You got it. Say, Nino, anything going down I should know about between us and Said?

Schibetta: No. But you would know when you're supposed to know. I'm gonna go lie down.

Ryan: Hey, Dobbins, you want a salad?

(In Em City.)

Schibetta: Flush and 40 Jacks.

Ryan: I got a marriage and I got 100 Aces. Nino...

Schibetta: (Wipes blood from his nose.) Jesus Christ. What the fuck is that? What the fuck? (He's bleeding from his nose, mouth, and ears.)

Ryan: Nino!

Adebisi: Hey, you don't look so good.

Schibetta: Christ!

(In the library.)

Adebisi: Hello, Kareem.

Ryan: Guess you heard what happened to Schibetta.

Said: Oh, yes. Now that was unusual. The man was hemorraghing throughout his body. Now I wonder what caused that.

Ryan: Bad diet.

Adebisi: Too much garlic.

Said: Is the man gonna recover?

Ryan: The doctor says he's got a chance.

Adebisi: But meanwhile, we are in charge of his operation. So any business you had with him, has to go through us.

Said: Business? I had no business with Schibetta.

Ryan: Yeah.

Adebisi: Better not be lying.

Said: Is that a warning?

Adebisi: Yeah.

Said: Well, I have a warning for the two of you. Change your ways or you will suffer the wrath of God.

Adebisi: God? I don't see any God.

Ryan: God's not here.

Adebisi: All I see is you. You have a bad heart.

Said: You have it so wrong. I have a weak heart. And you have the bad heart. You can keep my watch.

Ryan: He's right. You do have a bad heart.

Adebisi: What can I say? I'm a badass motherfucker.

(In the hospital.)

Ryan: I'll take this one. Hey, Nino. Remember when you called me a stupid mick bastard? I ain't so stupid now, am I? Open up. Sorry, we're out of tomatoes.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: If you listen to the poets, they'll tell you that a big, bad event in someone's life changes them. If you lose the woman you love or your legs, you suddenly find a kind of beauty inside yourself. That's what they say, the poets. Truth is, you don't. After a big, bad event, you only become more of the person you already were. It's after a big, bad event that you find out the real person you always were inside. (Shots of Beecher in the hole, smashing his glasses.)

(In McManus' office.)

Schillinger: Look what that cocksucker did to me. Turned me into Jolly fucking Roger, only I'm not feeling real jolly right now.

McManus: Well, Dr. Nathan says there's a chance they can still save your eye.

Schillinger: Always looking for the upside, huh, McManus?

McManus: Beecher's gonna get out of the hole soon and it's very clear that I can't have both of you in Emerald City so I'm gonna have to decide who stays.

Schillinger: Well, let's see now. He's the crazy fuck who came at me, he's the fuck that shattered the glass that went in my eye.

McManus: Are you saying his actions were unprovoked?

Schillinger: If I say yes, would you believe me?

McManus: No.

Schillinger: You know, the two of you, you're the same fucking guy.

McManus: What? Me and Beecher?

Schillinger: You know what it's like being able to see out of one eye? Your point of view gets twisted. You can see straight but you can't see as far around. What you see is not only what's there.

McManus: What's that got to do with me being like Beecher?

Schillinger: You eggheads think the world really is the way you see it. And then when you finally figure out that it's not, that you weren't even close, then you get a little bitter. You get mean.

McManus: I think you'd better go live in gen pop for a while.

Schillinger: Fine.

(In Em City.)

Alvarez: Well, well, look who's back.

Ross: Hey, prag, Schillinger sends his love. (Another Aryan grabs Beecher's ass.)

Beecher: Get the fuck off!

Wittlesey: Hey! Break it up.

(Outside McManus' office.)

McManus: Hey, you wanted to see me?

Beecher: I need you to move me to another cell block.

McManus: All the cell blocks are full.

Beecher: Then move me to another prison.

McManus: Do I look like a travel agent to you? Beecher.

Beecher: What?

McManus: Nothing.

(In the gym. Beecher is working out when Schillinger comes in.)

Schillinger: You're gonna die.

Beecher: Not today. (He kicks Schillinger in the crotch, knocks him out with a weight, ties his hands up, throws a bench over him, and defecates on his face.) Sieg heil, baby! Sieg fucking heil!

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: We think we know what we need. We spend our time figuring out how to get what we want, who can help us, who's in the way. We make our moves and sometimes we get lucky. We get exactly what we want. And life gets worse. Simple truth #22, be careful what you wish for, brother. Be very, very careful.

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