"Works of Mercy" Written by Tom Fontana [In the box.] Hill: Mercy is the compassion we feel for someone else's misfortune. Mercy compells us to alleviate that misfortune. Mercy is the child of charity, but the sister of justice, because both are about the invisible link that exists between people. Mercy is spontaneous because misery is involuntary. [In the library.] FBI Agent: At approximately 3:15pm, as your children were walking home from school with four classmates, a blue van pulled up beside them. A male caucasian stepped out. The man approached Gary and Holly saying that you, Mrs. Beecher, had asked him to pick them up. Gary was reluctant at first, but eventually the man persuaded him, using Pokeman cards. The van then drove off to the east side of town. Sister Pete: So, what's being done to find them? FBI Agent: Kidnapping is a waiting game, Sister. We have to wait to be contacted. Father Ray: And what if you're not? Toby: Milk cartons. Mrs. Beecher: Toby. Toby: Come on, Schillinger did this. FBI Agent: We have no proof of that. Toby: Oh, for fuck's sake! Who else? FBI Agent: You come from a wealthy family. Most likely, we have a ransom situation. Toby: You are fucking this up, you asshole. (Starts tearing up the library.) Find my goddamn kids! Sister Pete: Oh my god! Toby: Find my goddamn kids! CO: Get them out! Out! Toby: Find my kids! (Mr. and Mrs. Beecher are pulled out of the room as Toby is restrained by several COs.) [Interrogation Room.] Schillinger: I don't know anything about a kidnapping. FBI Agent: Beecher seems to think you do. That you're behind this. Schillinger: He and I have had a lot of shit happen between us, so I can understand him saying that. But Beecher and I have one thing in common, too. We're both fathers. I lost a son. I know what he's going through. [Visiting Room.] Toby: I'm sorry about what happened in the library. I just got so frustrated. Mr. Beecher: I know, I know. You might want to call your mother. She's pretty upset. We talked about it in the car. Toby, the reasons you're in here - the alcoholism, and hitting the little Rockwell girl - your mother and I can't help but think that we're to blame for so much of it. Toby: Dad - Mr. Beecher: No. We failed you, growing up. Toby: Look, as much as I'd like to blame you for the miserable shithole my life has become, what's wrong with me is inside me. I own it, and either I have to control it or it will control me. Right now, I just want to hold my babies. [Later, in the visiting room.] Schillinger: So, our sweet young things are safe and sound? Hank: Yeah. Schillinger: All right. Time to kick this thing into overdrive. I want you to send the package. Hank: Dad, you sure? Schillinger: Yes. Hank: 'Cause, I been thinking. Like, you know I've never had a problem with breaking the law. I'm talking about, at most, a couple stolen Camrys. This kidnapping - Schillinger: Keep your voice down. Hank: This kind of thing is really not my style. Schillinger: I'll pay you double. Hank: Okay. [Cafeteria.] Toby: Eli Zabitz? Zabitz: Yeah. Toby: Tobias Beecher. Mind if I join you? Zabitz: You want to sit with me? Toby: Yeah. Zabitz: (laughs) Nobody ever wants to sit with me. Toby: I understand you did some Fed time for kidnapping, right? Zabitz: Yeah. I was framed. Toby: Yeah, I'm sure you were. But I, uh, I don't know if you've heard, but my two children were abducted recently. Zabitz: I had nothing to do with it. Toby: I know. What I'm asking is - I was wondering if you might be able to look into it. Find out if somebody was hired to do the job. Zabitz: I could ask around, see what I could find out, but - I wouldn't hold out much hope. So, do you like Def Leppard? [The box.] Hill: Years and years and years ago, the Catholic Church made a list of all the ways we can show mercy. Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shit like that. Another of them was ransom the captive. In those days, pirates and infidels and such would abduct fair maidens and Christian pilgrims. God-fearing people were expected to pay for their return. Who gets to ransom the captive in this day and age? Instead, we're expected to visit the imprisoned. That's right. Come on down. [Em City quad.] (Keller returns from the infirmary. He and Toby embrace.) CO: Break it up, you two. [Beecher and Keller's pod.] Toby: Are you okay? Keller: Oh, shit yeah. Hey, man, they stab me, they shoot me, I ain't going down. How you doing? Toby: My kids. Keller: I heard, that's fucked up. I'm sorry. Toby: I feel so goddamn helpless. Keller: I bet. Toby: At least the baby, Harry, is safe. Keller: Toby, they're gonna be alright, you hear me? They're gonna be okay. They're gonna be fine. Toby: (pulls back the bandage on Keller's chest) Oh, man. Keller: I missed you. Toby: Me, too. [Unit B, Schillinger's cell.] Robson: Keller's back in Emerald City. Two lovebirds have reunited. Schillinger: And I hope they enjoy their evening together. It's gonna be the last night of sleep - or peace - that Beecher's gonna have for a long, long time. [Night. Em City. Beecher-Keller pod.] (Keller is on the floor.) Toby: Chris? Keller: Sorry, did I wake you? Toby: Hey, what's the matter? Keller: Toby, I died, and there's no white light. I was there, but they brought me back, but I was there, Toby. I was in Hell and I felt everything. I felt the pain and I felt the fire for all of eternity. Toby: Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. Keller: No, it's not gonna be okay. Don't fucking lie to me. I was there, Toby, they're bringing me back. Toby: You know what's funny? You got pissed at me for talking to Said about God, but that's what I was talking to him about. 'Cause if all that's left for us in this life is Oz, we better start thinking about what's next, what comes after. (A CO bangs on the door.) Keller: Don't let go. (Toby stands up.) Toby: Okay, okay. [Sister Pete's office.] Sister Pete: Tobias. I didn't expect to see you here today, given what's going on. Toby: Yeah, well, work helps keep my mind from caving in on itself. Sister Pete: Oh, I hear that. It's a madhouse outside, though the crowd of protestors is smaller. I'm afraid people are getting used to capital punishment. Toby: Sister Pete, I need to ask you a favour. Sister Pete: If I can, you know I will. What? Toby: Talk to Chris. Sister Pete: Now, how is it that you ask me the one thing that I won't do? Toby: He feels terrible. Sister Pete: Tobias, he tried to use me to get to you. Now he's using you to get to me. I will not play his game. Toby: He's afraid that if you leave the convent, he's gonna burn forever. Sister Pete: Oh, he's gonna burn alright, but not for that. He's gonna burn for all of the other people he's hurt, all of the other lives he's destroyed, including yours. [Library.] FBI Agent: We've been going through the records of various prisoners at Emerald City. One pops out as a potential connection to the kidnapping. Toby: Who? FBI Agent: Christopher Keller. Toby: No. Chris is my friend. Mr. Beecher: Let me see that. FBI Agent: Keller broke every bone in your body. Mrs. Beecher: He's the one? Toby: He also saved my life from Schillinger. I'm telling you, Schillinger is responsible. Mr. Beecher: (reading) Armed robbery, assault, kidnapping. Toby: He wasn't convicted. Mr. Beecher: Police suspect him of raping, torturing, and murdering several homosexual men? Toby: It can't be him. It's not him. Mrs. Beecher: How can you be so sure? Toby: I know Chris, Mother - intimately. Mrs. Beecher: Intimately? Toby: He's my lover. [Mail room.] Robson: (at X-ray machine) Holy shit. Vern, you better come see this. Schillinger: What do you got? Robson: Package for Tobias Beecher. Look. Schillinger: Jesus Christ. Officer Howell, we got a problem here. Howell: What the hell is that? Schillinger: A child's hand. [Em City, night.] (Toby wails.) [Cell in Ad Seg.] (Glynn and a CO enter.) Glynn: Leave us alone. (The CO leaves.) How you holding up? Mobay: A few days in the hole only increases my credibility with Pancamo, Adebisi and Morales. Ever spent any time in here? Glynn: No. Mobay: Good. [Em City.] Poet: (laughs) You look like shit. Mobay: So I'm in? Poet: (mimics) So I'm in? Adebisi ain't convinced, man. Looks like you're gonna have to take another test. Oh, yeah. [Gym.] Mobay: We going to box? Morales: We want to see if you can take a punch. (laughter) Adebisi: Or two. Mobay: You got a problem with me, man? Adebisi: Yeah, you're weak. Mobay: Give me gloves. Pancamo: Well, actually, we're not gonna spar. Mobay: No? Pancamo: No. I'm gonna use you for a heavy bag. Morales: And the rest of us bet on how long you stay standing. Adebisi: Ready? Mobay: Yeah. Morales: Ding, ding. (Pancamo hits him.) Morales: 15 seconds. I win. Pay up. [Em City. Hill-Mobay pod.] Poet: Ow! Yo, real impressive. Mobay: Yeah, thanks. Poet: Your bruises must hurt. Mobay: Uh-huh. Poet: Brought you a little something to soothe your wounds. Later. (Mobay snorts the drugs.) Hill: Yo, what the fuck is you doing? Mobay: The breakfast of champions. [Pancamo's pod.] Mobay: You wanted to see me? Morales: We just took a straw poll on you. Pancamo: I voted yes. Adebisi: I voted no. Morales: I abstained. Pancamo: A tie. Mobay: How do I break this tie? Adebisi: There's a final test. Mobay: Which is? Adebisi: You gotta kill somebody. Mobay: Who? Morales: Anybody. We don't care. Mobay: Alright, I'll do it. [Staff breakroom.] Father Ray: Pete, I have terrible news. Sister Pete: Oh, my god. What? Father Ray: The Cardinal is coming. Sister Pete: Cardinal Labgut is coming to Oz? Father Ray: He wants to say a mass, meet with the staff, and then with some prisoners. Sister Pete: You're friends with him, right? Father Ray: I worked with him in his office, until he transferred me here. I disagreed with him once too often. Sister Pete: I'm taking the day off. Father Ray: Oh, no, you can't. Sister Pete: Ray, I have one foot out of the convent door. I think hobnobbing with the Cardinal would be just a little hypocritical, don't you? Father Ray: Yeah, well, he specifically asked to meet you. Sister Pete: Me? Why? Father Ray: Well, apparently this whole thing started because His Eminence received a letter from a prisoner. Sister Pete: Which one? Father Ray: Chris Keller. Sister Pete: Chris Keller. Of course. [Father Ray's office.] Cardinal: Raymond. Father Ray: Cardinal Labgut, it's good of you to come. Cardinal: It's a pleasure to see you, son. Let's suit up. Do you know why I transferred you to Oswald? Father Ray: I had too many opinions? Cardinal: You had too big an ego. Father Ray: Probably. Cardinal: Something tells me that's changed. [The Cafeteria.] Cardinal: The body of Christ. Ryan: Amen. Cardinal: The body of Christ. Keller: Amen. Cardinal: The body of Christ. Prisoner: Amen. Cardinal: The body of Christ. Sister Pete: Amen. [Library.] Cardinal: I spoke to the head of your order, Sister Leo Carria. She says you're questioning your own vocation. Sister Pete: Yes, I am. Cardinal: Welcome to the club. Sister Pete: You? Cardinal: My first parish was way out in the country, a desolate area. The pastor was old, the housekeeper even older. When winter hit, it was lonely. I cried, and I prayed. I cried some more and I prayed even harder. Sister Pete: Well, that's, that's what I'm doing. Cardinal: Good. Then whatever you decide will be the right thing to do. Sister Pete: Thank you. Cardinal: God bless you, Sister. [In the hallway.] Keller: God bless you, Sister. [Em City. A classroom.] Said: As you already know, the jury has ruled in our favour. They recognize that the State was guilty in all injuries and deaths caused after the riot. So, they have made recommendations that we receive the full settlement: 45 million. Ryan: Oh, yeah! (cheering and applause) Said: Before you all go spending that money, know this: the State has appealed the decision. Poet: Appealed? Said: Yes, appealed. It is an election year. There is no way that Devlin will write us a cheque, not before November. Ryan: Said, you can't goose this thing along? Said: As we are all aware, the legal system moves very slow. There is no way we can know when our case is going to be coming before the Appellate Court. Rebadow: It took almost 30 years for the prisoners of Attica to win. Ryan: 30 fucking years? Christ, I'll be ancient. Like you, Rebadow. (He leaves.) Said: Look, I know this is frustrating, but I want you all to see the court decision this week, it was a huge hurdle, a huge victory. We must remain resolved. I'll inform you of anything else. (The prisoners leave.) Said: Yes? Rebadow: Have you ever killed anyone? Said: No. Rebadow: An extraordinary experience watching the life fade from someone's eyes. (FB to Rebadow killing Hernandez.) Rebadow: Even as he was dying, Hernandez's instinct was to kill me for killing him. Survival meant less to him than revenge. Said: And this preamble is taking us where? Rebadow: Jason Kramer, you've successfully gotten him a new trial. Said: Yes. Rebadow: I know you've been under a lot of pressure from the other Muslims not to get involved with the case. Said: Yes. Rebadow: I think you should listen to them. Said: And you think this because - Rebadow: Last night, I had a premonition. Kramer will go free. Said: Rebadow, I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna explain to you. Jason Kramer is guilty of murdering his lover. I have seen the trial transcripts and all the evidence. He will be convicted again. Rebadow: Then why did you fight to get him a new trial? Said: The jury voted against Kramer because he was gay. Rebadow: So, this whole thing is theoretical for you? Said: There is nothing theoretical about justice. Rebadow: And if Kramer goes free - ? Said: That's not gonna happen. Rebadow: You'd better pray you're right. [Gym.] Said: We have a request for a meeting regarding your case. Kramer: Yeah, a meeting with who? Said: The homicide detective who arrested you, Robert Stransky. [Visitation room.] Stransky: Here's the deal: You got this cocksucker a new trial, right? My doctor tells me I got three or four more months to live. Now, before I die, want to make certain things straight. Want you to know I tampered with the evidence. I couldn't find the murder weapon, so I went to the kitchen, I opened a drawer and took out a kitchen knife and I smeared it in the blood and I dropped it next to his body. Said: His fingerprints are all over that knife. Stransky: No. (coughs) No, they weren't. My pal in forensics doctored up the tests. Said: And you would be willing to give a deposition? To go into court and say this? Stransky: I know this fucker's guilty as shit, but I want to buy back a piece of my soul. Yeah, if you want me to, I'll yell it from the prison roof. Okay, sweetheart? (Kramer laughs.) [Outside the visitation room.] Kramer: We go public with this information, the press will get a seven-inch boner. Said: Yes. Kramer: And you say the only witness, the guy at Airborne, is dead? Said: Yes. Kramer: I don't know, man. I'm feeling like this could maybe swing in my favour. Said: Yes. Kramer, I'm recusing myself from the case. Kramer: What's that mean? Said: It means I am resigning as your lawyer. Immediately. [The box.] Hill: To instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, to admonish the sinners. In order for these works of mercy to happen, you need two things: Someone in distress, and someone with the capacity to help them. In other words, an ignoramus can't instruct another ignoramus, and a sinner can't admonish a sinner. [Em City. Quad.] TV anchor VO: Today in the re-trail of Jason Kramer, who had previously been convicted for the murder of his lover, the jury reached a verdict, finding Kramer not guilty. (Prisoners react.) The Adamsville native, who has served nearly two years, is expected to be released from the Oswald Correctional Facility sometime this week. In other news, the state's jobless rate fell slightly over the past month, from 3.8%. Preliminary figures released yesterday by the state's labour department show that employers created nearly 1,000 new jobs. [Em City. Night. Said-Arif pod.] (Said is praying.) Arif: Allah is not listening, brother. He is deaf to you. (Said continues to pray.) [Oswald. Entrance.] (Kramer signs out and leaves.) [Prisoner distribution centre.] Said: Warden, a word? I know that you've been having meetings recently with members of the local community regarding possible replacements for Tim McManus. Glynn: Yes. Said: Well, I also know that you talked about hiring an African- American for the job. Glynn: What, you got my office bugged? Said: I want to come and see you, Warden. Discuss with you the kind of man who you should consider. Glynn: Well, I'd love that Said, but you see, I've already hired someone. In fact, he's on his way in now. His name is Martin Querns. [Warden's office.] Querns: I want to thank you for this opportunity, Warden. I've heard about Emerald City for years, now. Glynn: Well, the place started out as an experiment, but, unfortunately, it pretty much failed. Querns: Well, I don't know, maybe the first stage failed, but like any worthwhile experiment, we need to try different methods till we figure out what works. Glynn: Well, for me, the most important elements are, one, keeping a lid on the racial tension; and two, keeping a lid on the violence in general. Querns: Those are my priorities as well. Do I have your permission to do what I feel is necessary to keep the peace? Glynn: Yes. I'll let you have a fairly free hand. Until you fuck up. Querns: Well, I can't ask for any more than that. [Em City.] Glynn: Okay, everybody, listen up. I want to introduce you to Martin Querns, the new unit manager. He has a vast range of experience, having worked in both Federal prisons as well as State detention centres. Querns: The Warden is correct, I have served in many correctional facilities, but what he didn't say was that like most of you, I come from the streets. I'm not some candy-ass white liberal looking to turn you into better citizens. I intend to meet with each of you individually, but until that time, keep one principle in mind: don't fuck with Querns. That's all. [Em City. Unit manager's office.] Querns: I wanted to meet with you first, because, as I understand, you're one of the leaders around here, in terms of the drug trade. As a teen-ager, I worked for Slim Sam Colby. You know him? Slim Sam weighed about 300 pounds, of course. I worked my way up through his organization until Ricky Jay Lee blew Slim Sam's head off. I decided the moment had come to retire. Adebisi: And the point of all this? Querns: To let you know I know every trick you got. To let you know, I'm smarter than you. Adebisi: You smarter than me? Querns: Oh, yeah. 'Cause unlike you, I never got caught. How do you keep that thing on your head? (Adebisi makes a move against him.) Querns: Now what are you gonna do? Hit me? Sit down. I want you to listen to me good, Simon Adebisi. To my mind, drugged-out prisoners make for a quiet cellblock. So, you can sell whatever the fuck you want to whoever you want to sell it to, I don't care. I'm gonna be looking the other way. Adebisi: On one condition, man. Querns: Jeez, you are smart. One condition: No violence, I mean none, zero. Agreed? [Em City. Adebisi's pod.] Pancamo: That's it, no violence? Adebisi: Yup. He just want me to make sure that everybody obeys all the rules all the time. Morales: This could be a trick. Pancamo: Yeah. Adebisi: I don't think so. Pancamo: Like the way things were back in the old days. We Sicilians control our own streets, so the cops backed away. Little Italy was the safest place in the city. Adebisi: Look, I vote yes. Pancamo: Me too. Morales. Alright. [Warden's office.] Glynn: I'm glad you called. I've actually been meaning to call you. McManus: Oh, Leo. After the shooting and, and after Diane left, I admit that I went - I went south. I mean, singing at Officer Howard's memorial service, that was just crazy. But I've had time to rest and relax and think. Glynn: Tim - McManus: I'm ready to come back. Glynn: Come back? McManus: To run Emerald City. Glynn: You can't. The job's not available. McManus: What? Glynn: I've hired someone to replace you. McManus: Well, unhire him. Glynn: No. McManus: Leo, I took the heat for that gun coming into Em City, but I read in the papers it was actually Clayton Hughes, your little protégé, that brought it in. Glynn: Yes, and he's been charged. He's out on bail until his trial starts in a few weeks. McManus: I want my unit back. Glynn: How many times you want to hear me say no? McManus: Leo, this is my life. Glynn: I'm well aware of that. (McManus gets up to leave.) I do have another offer. Holt's retiring. I need someone to run Unit B. McManus: I'll take it. [Unit B.] (McManus arrives.) Schillinger: Well, well. Look who's here to join the party. [Oswald entrance.] (A photo shoot for the election.) Devlin: The arrest of Busmalis and the Cardinal's visit can clearly help the situation. Governor's Campaign Manager: Our most recent poll shows that 42% of the public now believe the prison system is well run. That's up 16 points since after the Em City shooting. Glynn: We're not getting any backlash because of Bellinger's execution? Devlin: A little. But capturing Miguel Alvarez would balance it out. Glynn: Unfortunately, there's still no sign of him. GCM: Our biggest concern right now is Clayton Hughes. He's out on bail and he's been making a lot of speeches condemning the Governor. Glynn: I know. Devlin: You have a relationship with Hughes, don't you? Glynn: Clayton's father and I were both rookies at Oz. His dad died in my arms, killed by a prisoner back in 1982. GCM: Well, we could use that. Devlin: You need to talk to the man, Leo. Tell him to shut up. Time for me to charm the D.A. Glynn: Desmond. Get me Clayton Hughes. [Hallway in Oz.] Glynn: What I'm asking is for you to cool the rhetoric. Hughes: Rhetoric? I speak the truth. Devlin represents all that is evil in white society, and honestly, I can't understand how you could even think of running with him as Lieutenant Governor. Glynn: Clayton, you lived a very protected childhood. Hughes: Oh, here we go. You know, not everything is tied to my father's death. Glynn: Yes, it is. You only see the world as black and white. Trust me, Clayton, life is grey, as grey as these fucking walls. Now, I don't love James Devlin, but I don't see him as Satan, either. Hughes: Somebody must stop him, and soon. [Em City. Quad.] TV announcer VO: Integrity. It's what sets real leaders apart from typical politicians. One man running for governor has - Stanislofsky: You Americans think that just because you have democracy you're better than everybody else. Elections are not what makes a country great. Ryan: Yeah, and what does? Vodka? Stanislofsky: (speaks in Russian) How do you say it? To be ruthless. Cyril: Who's Ruth? Ryan: Huh? Cyril: I don't know anybody named Ruth. Ryan: Listen, Nikolai, I been thinking, you and me, we could make a lot of money renting that cell phone out to the slugs around here. Stanislofsky: We? Ryan: Yeah, we're business partners now, right? Stanislofsky: No. The phone is mine, O'Reily. The more people know about it, the sooner someone blabs to the hacks. So, just keep your mouth shut tight. (He leaves.) Ryan: Oh, god, I wish I could find out where his fucking hiding place is. Fuck. Cyril: Like a treasure hunt? Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, like a motherfucking treasure hunt, Cyril. Listen, I want you to search every square inch of Em City. See if you can find that cell phone. But the trick is, you can't let anyone know, especially Stanislofsky, what you're doing, okay? Cyril: Okay, but can I start now? Ryan: Right now, go ahead. (Cyril searches Em City.) [Em City. O'Reily pod.] Cyril: I did just what you wanted, I didn't say anything to anybody. Ryan: Good boy. You didn't find the cell phone though, did you? Cyril: Nope. Ryan: And you looked all over? Cyril: Yup. Ryan: Where does he keep that fucking thing? (Stanislofsky passes by and nods at him through the glass.) Ryan: Hi, how you doing? I'm gonna kill that motherfucker. I'm gonna fucking kill him. [Warden's office.] Glynn: Yes? Mobay: (over intercom) Dr. Nathan is here. Glynn: Send her in. (Gloria Nathan enters.) Glynn: Gloria. May I hug you? Gloria: Yeah. (They hug.) Glynn: Sit down, please. Gloria: Thanks. Glynn: Can I get you anything, do anything? Gloria: Yeah, you can stop being so god-damned nice. Glynn: Alright. Gloria: No, I didn't mean that. Leo, I know you know what I'm going through, with your daughter getting raped. Glynn: Well, she's better now. In time, you'll get better, too. Gloria: I want to come back to work. Glynn: So soon? Gloria: If I don't come back now, I never will. Glynn: Gloria, I don't want you to quit, but I also don't want you to rush yourself. Healing is a process, a slow process. Gloria: Not for me. There's only one thing I need to do to make myself feel better. Glynn: And what's that? Gloria: Confront Ryan O'Reily. [Victim-Offender meeting room.] Gloria: I know you're responsible. Ryan: For what? Gloria: For me getting raped. Ryan: No way! Gloria: Don't you deny it, don't you fucking deny it! Sister Pete: Gloria. Gloria: I know, I know. You called somebody and asked them for a favour. Ryan: Why would I do that? Gloria: Because the session the other day didn't go your way, because you couldn't manipulate me, because you're a twisted fuck. Ryan: You want me to say that I called a pal of mine and I had him beat you and rape you? Is that what you want me to say? Gloria: Yes. Ryan: Fine. I did. You happy? Gloria: Yes. The one thing through all of this shit you said over and over again is that you love me and all you wanted was for me to say I love you back. Well, I came today to tell you, to see your face when I tell you, that will never ever happen. In fact, it's the opposite. I hate you. I will hate you until we're both dead in the ground. I will hate you! Ryan: Fine. Then tell me something else: when he was fucking you, did you think of me? (Gloria flies across the room and attacks Ryan. A CO pulls her away and takes Ryan out of the room.) Sister Pete: Gloria! Ryan: Stop it, stop it! CO: Back off! Ryan: Did you think of me, huh? Did you fucking think of me, huh? Did you fucking think of me? Come on Gloria! Were you thinking of me, huh? [The box.] Hill: Another work of mercy: To comfort the afflicted. But you see, there are a lot of ways to comfort somebody, and a lot of afflicted just don't want to be comforted. [Sister Pete's office.] Sister Pete: Gloria Nathan has decided to press charges against you, so you might be looking at another five years added onto your sentence. Ryan: Five years, gee. Sister Pete: And I have to file a report. Ryan: Fine. Sister Pete: I know you pretty well, Ryan, and it may seem crazy, but I have to tell you that I think you're lying. I don't think you had anything to do with Gloria's rape. Ryan: I said I did it, I did it, okay? Sister Pete: Okay. [Em City. Laundry room.] Cyril: When do we see Dr. Nathan and those nice people again? Ryan: We're not. It's over. Cyril: Oh. They still hate me? Ryan: No, Cyril, they don't hate you. They hate me. Listen, that man that you killed - Cyril: Dr. Nathan's husband? Ryan: Yeah. That wasn't your fault, okay? Cyril: Okay. Ryan: And Hamid Khan, that was my doing, too. Alright, you gotta know that, Cyril. I'm guilty, not you. Yeah. Cyril: I remember when I was little, that Mama used to take us to confession, and we'd go in the big wooden box and tell all our sins. And Mama said, by telling God, our sins were washed away. Remember? Ryan: Yeah. Yeah, I remember. [Cafeteria "Confessional".] Ryan: Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Today, I lied. I told someone I did something that I didn't do. Father Ray: Why? Ryan: Because it's what she wanted to hear. Because it's what she needs to know to make herself whole again. [Em City. Quad.] TV anchor: Fugitive Miguel Alvarez continues to evade capture as police widen their search across the state. Alvarez, along with another prisoner, Agamemnon Busmalis, escaped - (COs escort Busmalis through Em City, to the cheers of the prisoners.) Hill: Look who's out of the hole. TV Anchor VO: Agamemnon was recently captured and returned to Oswald earlier this week. Busmalis: How are you? What are you doing? Anybody here from Cleveland? Alright. [Cafeteria.] Busmalis: Being free, even for a few hours, was so wonderful. I mean, I had no money, no overcoat, it was cold out there. But man, oh man, I was so happy. I stopped in the middle of the street and did a little dance. (He gets up and dances.) Of course, that's when they caught me. Hill: You were standing outside Miss Sally's house. Busmalis: Yeah, I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her in the flesh, maybe even exchange a word or three. Ryan: What the fuck happened to Alvarez? Busmalis: I don't know. Soon as we crawled out of the tunnel, he vamoosed. Stanislofsky: You know what I miss more than anything about being free? Taking a bath. I hate showers. To sit and soak in a hot tub, bubbles everywhere - Hill: Bubbles. Stanislofsky: (speaks Russian) Ryan: I bet you even had a little rubber ducky, huh Nikolai? Stanislofsky: Rubber ducky? Ryan: Yeah. Stanislofsky: What is rubber ducky? Hill: A product of capitalist imperialism. Busmalis: What do you miss most, Bob? Rebadow: I have nothing to say to you. [Em City. Rebadow-Busmalis pod.] Busmalis: Bob, please, talk to me. This silence is grueling. Why are you mad at me? Rebadow: The fact that you don't know makes the offense worse. Busmalis: You're pissed off that I tried to escape? Rebadow: I'm pissed off that you didn't ask me to go with you. Busmalis: Oh. Rebadow: That you never ever told me you were digging another tunnel. Busmalis: Oh, well, I had my reasons. Rebadow: Which were? Busmalis: Well - Rebadow: What? Busmalis: I thought you'd slow me down. Rebadow: Slow you down? Busmalis: I'm sorry, Bob. Rebadow: I'm as vital as I ever was. Busmalis: I know. Rebadow: I killed a man. Busmalis: I know! Rebadow: Fuck you. Busmalis: Oh, shit. [Em City. Quad.] TV Anchor: Tomorrow at dawn, Shirley Bellinger will be executed for the drowning of her eight-year-old daughter. State law allows Bellinger the right to choose her own means of death, and Bellinger, the first woman executed by the State sice 1841, has asked to be hanged. Ryan: Man, I can't listen to this fucking shit anymore. Hoyt: Yeah, depresses the fuck out of me. Pancamo: Adebisi, weren't you in love with Bellinger? Adebisi: No. Pancamo: Yeah, you had a little crush on her. Adebisi: She had a crush on me. Guerra: If I had to die, I'd go lethal injection, man. Poet: Me, I'd O.D. An ounce or two of heroin, straight up. Stanislofsky: The State is not going to give you drugs. Poet: Ain't lethal injection a drug? Hill: You know, they get a doctor to decide where the knot on a noose should be, depending on the person's height or weight, so that the noose snaps the neck in the right place? Rebadow: I remember the day of my execution, I was terrified. But then when I didn't die, I felt like such a coward. [Unit B. Schillinger's cell.] Radio Announcer VO: Anti-capital punishment protestors continue to march outside the prison, though officials claim the number is considerably smaller than was expected. Robson: Bye-bye Bellinger, huh? Schillinger: Yeah. I was kind of hoping to see her one more time, but the hacks have delayed all mail deliveries to Death Row until after the execution. She was quite a gal. Reminds me of my late wife, my Arlene. Kirk: She showed me her cunt. I was mopping up the floor outside of her cell, and wham, bam. Showed me her cunt. [Staff meeting room.] Glynn: Next item. Shirley Bellinger's execution is scheduled for dawn tomorrow. Sister Pete: Bye. Glynn: Peter Marie - Sister Pete: No, no, no, Leo. I agreed that I wouldn't protest publicly again, but that doesn't mean I have to sit here and listen to the grim details. Glynn: But Bellinger has asked you to do something for her. Sister Pete: What? Glynn: Well, after she's dead, she wants you to collect her personal possessions. She doesn't want anyone else touching her things. Sister Pete: What am I supposed to do with them? Glynn: Well, she says dispose of them as you wish. Sister Pete: Okay. Can I go now? Glynn: Yeah. (Pete leaves.) Glynn: Ray, she's asked for you to pray with her. Ray: Right. [Death Row. Bellinger's cell.] Reporter: Shirley, have you any thoughts as the hour approaches? Shirley: Thoughts? Of course I have thoughts. How could I not? Reporter: Would you share them with us? Shirley: Sure. I'm wondering why anyone cares what my thoughts are. Sure didn't care when my husband was drunk and beat me, or when my father-in-law raped me. No, it wasn't until I killed my daughter, till I did something horrific, that what I think matters. All I wanted was for someone to pay attention, and now that you finally are, I see that my life then, or now, isn't worth shit. Oh, if I say shit you can't use this, right? I'm not supposed to say shit on the air, am I? [Warden's office.] Father Ray: Aren't you curious to know who got Shirley pregnant here in Oz? Glynn: No. (The clock tolls five.) Glynn: It's time. [Death Row.] Shirley: Good morning, sugar. Moses: How you doing? Shirley: Woke up with a crick in my neck. Must've been sleeping funny. Moses: Maybe it's stress. Shirley: In any case, the hanging'll take care of the crick. Nat: What'd I - what'd I miss? Shirley: Nothing yet, Natalie. Nat: And Miles is sleeping? Moses: Yeah. Nat: The man has no sense of propriety. So, uh, so what'd you have for your final meal? Shirley: Nice Slim-Fast milkshake. Girl's got to protect her figure, even if she's a corpse. (LoPresti, Glynn and Ray enter.) Glynn: Ready? Shirley: Quite. Sorry to get you up so early, Father. Warden, Officer LoPresti has been coming to my cell every night and fucking me. LoPresti: That's a lie. Glynn: You and I will talk later. LoPresti: Yes, sir. (to Shirley) Bitch. Father Ray: Speaking of that, Shirley, would you mind solving a mystery for me? Shirley: If I can. Father Ray: When you got pregnant here in Oz, who was the father? Was it LoPresti? Shirley: Oh, no. He wasn't working deathwatch then. My lover was Satan in the form of a man. Father Ray: Which man? Shirley: A lady never reveals such secrets. But I'll give you a hint. Neither rain, nor snow - Goodbye, Moses. Moses: So long, Shirley. Nat: See you around, kiddo. Save me a seat at the beauty salon. (Glynn, LoPresti, Ray, and Shirley begin the walk.) Father Ray and Shirley: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. (As they continue to walk and pray, we see shots of Adebisi in his pod, Schillinger in his cell, McManus in his office, and Sister Pete praying, all watching the time.) He guides me in the paths of righteousness, for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. You prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. You anoint my head with oil. And I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Amen. (They enter the chamber where Shirley is to be hanged. There are many witnesses for the execution, as well as Dr. Nathan, and other COs.) Shirley: No. No, no. I changed my mind. I don't want to die this way. I don't want to die. Glynn: It's too late. Shirley: No, you - (She runs off, knocking over Ray.) Father Ray: Shirley! (A CO captures her and brings her to the trapdoor.) Shirley: No! No, please, please, please! No, no, please, please! Oh god, oh god, not yet, not yet! Not yet, not yet! Oh, sweet heaven, oh sweet Jesus, I'm sorry for all I've done. Please, please, please intercede for me now. Oh, sweet Jesus, help me, sweet Jesus, help me, sweet Lord. I'm sorry for all I've done. Please, please, please intercede for me now. Oh, sweet Jesus, oh help me, Mary, Jesus. (Shirley is executed.) [Death Row.] (Sister Pete is gathering Shirley's belongings.) Miles: Hey, Sister. Can I have her mirror? Sister Pete: Sure. Miles: I'm the next one to die, you know. Sister Pete: Yes, I know. Hill VO: The final act of mercy, to bury the dead, to pray for the dead, and the living. [The box.] Hill: We are merciful, not just for humanitarian reasons. We are merciful because we ourselves want to be saved. God expects mercy from us. God demands it. And how much mercy does He show us? "Kyrie Eleison": That means, Lord have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Please.