Gray Matter Written by Tom Fontana [The Box.] Hill: The criminal mind. For the past 200 years, scientists, sociologists and other folks who've read about such things have debated whether a person commits a violent act because of their environment or their biological makeup. What turns on the red crime light in a man's brain? If we find the cause, can we eliminate the effect? Can we end violence, now and forever? [FB: Bruno Gergan's crime.] Hill VO: Prisoner number 00G115, Detective Bruno Gergan. Convicted March 15, 2000, illegal possession and sale of firearms, murder in the first degree. Sentence, 36 years. Up for parole in 18. [Em City. Quad.] Poet: You know that guy? Mobay: No. He's just so fucking ugly. Poet: (mimics) He's just so fucking ugly. This guy. [Em City. Hill-Mobay pod.] Gergan: When I first saw you, I thought, 'What the fuck is Johnny Basil doing in Oz?' And then I remembered last year you went to narcotics, right? One of the greaseballs told me your name was Desmond Mobay? Huh? Mobay: You gonna blow my cover? Gergan: Depends. Mobay: On what I do for you? Gergan: None of the inmates know I'm a cop. It was part of my deal when I turned State's evidence. I got a new identity, too. Now, scumbags out there find out the truth, I'm prime beef for any asshole looking to up his cred. Mobay: And so? Gergan: And so, one hand washes the other, my brother in blue. Mobay: You know what I remember the most about you, when we were working the streets together? What a bully you were, strong- arming people when there was no need. You were always a bad cop, Gergan. I wasn't surprised when I heard you went down. Gergan: Oh, so you do want me to tell the guys you're undercover? (Hill enters.) Mobay: I would be happy to help you in any way I can. Gergan: Glad we understand each other. Excuse me there, butch. Hill: Butch? Yo. [Sister Pete's office.] Sister Pete: Normally when a police officer's brought into Oz I give them special counselling. Gergan: Why? Sister Pete: It's going to be tough for you, going from a position of authority to being strip-searched. You might feel humiliated. Gergan: Not me. Sister Pete: Vulnerable. Gergan: Uh-uh. Sister Pete: Okay, that's fine. But if you should experience feelings like that, I just want you to know I'm here. Gergan: Thanks. You know, my wife's an ex-nun. Sister Pete: Really? Gergan: Yeah, she fucks like a $500 whore. Must be all those years of pent-up chastity. [Gym.] Brown: But you know what I hate more than anything? Tidd: What's that, Mondo? Brown: This white trash, trying to be thugs. Tidd: I feel you. I hate that, too. Brown: How 'bout you, pussy? How do you feel about that? Gergan: What I hate is jive-ass niggers. (Brown and Tidd beat Gergan.) [Em City. Shower room.] Gergan: How the fuck is this you watching my back? Mobay: I got a CO there as soon as I could. Gergan: You should have pulled those apes off me. Mobay: Apes, yeah. Niggers, yeah. I jump in and save you, a fucking white redneck asshole, I might as well pack up and leave Oz. Gergan: Well, then maybe you better start packing, 'cause anything like this fucking happens again, everyone's gonna know who you are, and you're a dead man, Johnny. [Em City. Quad.] Pancamo: Hey, Mobay. What, you forget? Mobay: What? Pancamo: If you want to join us, you gotta kill somebody. Mobay: I haven't forgotten. Adebisi: The new man doesn't want any violence in Emerald City. So, you gonna do the deed, make it look like an accident. Do it far away from here. Mobay: I gotcha, man. [Em City. Hill-Mobay pod. Night.] Mobay: Hill. Hill! Hill: I'm asleep. (snores) Hear that? That's me snoring. Mobay: I need your help. Hill: I don't give people help. Mobay: Adebisi and the others say they will let me in, if I kill somebody. Hill: And what? You want me to volunteer to be your victim? Mobay: No. I have decided who to kill, but I need your co- operation to do it. Hill: Man, that shit you're snorting is rotting your brain out. I ain't helping you kill nobody. Mobay: But - Hill: No. No way, no how. Mobay: But - Hill: Hey, look, shut up, Mobay! I'm tired of hearing your lips flap. Let me get some fucking sleep! [Laundry room.] Mobay: We got problems. Gergan: What? Mobay: My cell mate Hill knows you're a cop. Gergan: Shit. How? Mobay: Who knows how? He says he'll keep quiet for a price. He wants a meeting. Gergan: Where? Mobay: Dress factory's freight elevator. Now, I say we tip his chair and let him go tumbling down the shaft. Gergan: Right. Fuck. [Freight elevator.] Gergan: Are you sure this guy's coming? Mobay: Yes. Gergan: Geez, you don't know how good you got it till it's gone, man. All those times I moaned about walking the beat, I'd give my fucking right nut to be in the snow, working the fucking spic day parade. Hill: Okay, Mobay, I'm here man. What you want? Gergan: You think you got me over a barrel, don't you? Huh? Hill: What? Gergan: So long, butch. Hill: What the fuck are you doing, man? Fuck are you doing? Mobay: Wait, wait, let me, let me. Hill: Mobay, for Chrissakes! Ah, Mobay! For Chrissakes, what are you doing to me? Please, man, please! (Mobay pushes Gergan down the shaft.) Hill: Fuck! Mobay: You should have let me tell you the plan. Hill: What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you out of your fucking mind? [Em City.] Murphy: Lockdown! Lockdown! Morales: What the fuck happened? Mobay: Someone died. An accident, far from Emerald City. Hill: I'm seriously considering moving to another cell. Mobay: Relax, brother, the worst is over. Hill: Yeah, right. (Mobay snorts.) [Visitors room.] Kina: Hey. Mobay: What are you doing here? I thought we agreed you shouldn't come visit. Hill thought he recognized you. Kina: I am here because I'm worried about you, partner. You're supposed to be e-mailing me regularly. Not only don't I hear from you, but when I do, the reports make no sense. Mobay: I was in the hole for a few days. Kina: Are you using? Mobay: No. Kina: You are. I can see it in your eyes. Mobay: Okay. But I had to. Kina: That's it. I am telling the Lieutenant to pull you out of here. Mobay: No! Shuman wants the job done, and I am so fucking close to busting these guys. Look, I know I fucked up, but I can turn it around. I know I can, Kina. Trust me. Kina: Okay. But I want to hear from you every day. Every goddamn day. [Warden's office.] Male PA (VO): Warden, we need to touch you up a bit. Glynn (VO): Touch me up. Male PA (VO): This is Cassandra and Betty, they're makeup and hair. Mrs. Glynn: What's the hubbub? Mobay: The Warden is shooting a public service announcement. Mrs. Glynn: Oh, that's right, I forgot. Glynn (VO): Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to - Mrs. Glynn: Are you all right? Mobay: I may be getting the flu. Male PA: Quick as you can, guys. Mobay (VO): Warden, your wife is here. Glynn: Mary. Mrs. Glynn: We need to talk. Glynn: Alright. Excuse me. Male PA: Warden, we're moments away here, please. Glynn: Excuse me. (He and Mrs. Glynn go into the bathroom.) What's the matter? Mrs. Glynn: I just got a call from a reporter, asking about your brother. Glynn: Well, I knew this was coming. Mrs. Glynn: He said that tomorrow "The Tribune" is breaking the story that Mark is serving a life sentence for murder and did you have any comment. Glynn: I got a lot of comments, none of them printable. Male PA: Warden, I'm sorry. We're trying to make our little movie here. We're on a very, very tight schedule. Glynn: Excuse me. I'm sorry. Male PA: Thank you so much. Sorry about that. Guys, just sign off on him, alright, so we can get this over with. [Oswald. Hallway.] Devlin: This isn't such a terrible thing. Glynn: Oh, no? Devlin: We anticipated that some dedicated journalist would eventually dig up the dirt. There's a way to use this to our advantage. Glynn: How? Devlin: Your brother committed murder, yes, but you got him to turn himself in. Glynn: Three months after the fact. Devlin: Press doesn't have to know when you knew. Glynn: I'm starting to feel like Ronald fucking Reagan. Devlin: We also leaked the news that your daughter was raped. The public will love the fact that you know all sides of crime. Glynn: I'm not going to exploit Ardith's rape just to get elected. Devlin: Leo, people don't vote for candidates because of what they believe or their position statements or any of that shit. They elect a father, a husband, a good old guy they can chug a beer with. Someone who understands pain, because he's suffered, too. And you've suffered, Leo. All I'm saying is, let 'em weep for you. Glynn: I said no. That's no. Devlin: My advice is, get your hat out of the ring. I need a lieutenant governor who's got balls. Open the goddamn gate! [Press conference.] Glynn: I'm a family man, and there's nothing harder for a family man than to see those he loves suffer, or cause suffering. My brother's crime devastated us. My daughter's rape did, too. (Reporters shout questions.) [The box.] Hill: There's a new study out which claims that some people are wired to commit violent crimes. That they have defects in their brain. That they have less gray matter in their pre-frontal lobe. Just behind the eyes they're missing the piece that keeps rage inside. If so, those people are predestined to rape and murder. They cannot be held accountable. Anatomy is destiny. [Unit B.] Prisoner: I don't give a fuck about this goddamned toilet paper. Take your fucking toilet paper, alright! McManus: Lockdown! Lockdown! Schillinger: McManus, where's your fucking sense of fun? (McManus returns to his office. The phone is ringing.) McManus: Hello? Whittlesley: Tim? McManus: Yeah. Whittlesley: It's Diane. McManus: Yeah. Whittlesley: How are you? McManus: I'm good. Whittlesley: I wrote you, but I didn't hear back. Did you get my letter? McManus: Yeah, I got it. I been busy. Whittlesley: I heard, you're running Unit B now. My boys behaving themselves? McManus: Diane, what do you want? Whittlesley: To see if you're okay. McManus: I'm good, I gotta go. (He hangs up.) [Staff locker room.] Murphy: Tim. McManus: Hey. Murphy: How's things? McManus: The truth? I miss Diane. I miss Em City. I'm constantly constipated. I've managed to completely and literally fuck up my entire life. That's how I am. Murphy: Constipation, that you can fix. McManus: Right. Murphy: Want to grab a beer? McManus: No thanks, I got a date. Murphy: Every time I ask you to do something, you're otherwise engaged. I'm getting paranoid. You pissed at me? McManus: When Glynn fired me, what did you do? Murphy: I called you immediately. McManus: Oh, yeah, you were very sympathetic, and then you took my job! Murphy: Only temporarily. I told Glynn I did not want to replace you. McManus: I brought you in to Oz. When I was fired, you should have quit. Murphy: Tim. McManus: I gotta go. Murphy: Tim, you know, give me a break, here. [Em City. Unit manager's office.] Querns: Kareem Said. According to this file, you are one incredible pain in the ass. Said: Well, that is only one interpretation. Another could be that I strive for justice where there is none. Querns: What I strive for is peace and quiet. My mandate from Warden Glynn is simple: No violence. Said: I applaud you on your mandate. I abhor violence. Querns: That is incredibly sweet of you. I'm thinking of making some changes, and I'm hoping you're not going to stir up any trouble. Said: Depends, what kind of changes? Querns: Patience, patience. We must be as patient with others as we expect Allah to be with us. Now, you don't mind if I quote you, do you? Found this in the bottom of the drawer. McManus must've left it behind. I gave it a quick read. Said: And? Querns: Didn't really hold my interest. Too self-righteous. You can go. [FB to Supreme Allah's crime.] Hill VO: Prisoner number 00K251, Kevin Ketchum, AKA Supreme Allah. Convicted March 22nd, 2000, murder in the second degree. Sentence: 25 years. Up for parole in 10. [Prisoner entrance.] Murphy: This is your sponsor. He's gonna help acclimate you to life in Emerald City. Kevin Ketchum, Kareem Said. Allah: My government name is Ketchum. My real name is Supreme Allah. Murphy: Alright, let's go, Allah. (They walk through to the Em City Quad.) Cyril: Who's that? Hill: Supreme Allah. Knew him back on the corner. Busmalis: What kind of a name is a Supreme Allah? Hill: He's a five percenter. Hoyt: A five center what? Hill: A five percenter. He believes that five percent of all black men are enlightened with the true understanding of life. Ryan: Yeah, and they also believe that the black man is God, and that we whities are the devil. Keller: They're like Muslims, except they smoke weed, they deal drugs, they do what they gotta do. Poet: Oh, fuck! He's gonna be my cell mate. Shit! Keller: Bye-bye. [Em City. Poet-Allah pod.] Allah: Peace, black man. Poet: Look, look, I ain't buying what you selling, dog. Met a lot of you five percenters along the years, with your prophet saying how much the earth weighs shit. You know, we stuck in here, we stuck in here together, and I don't need you preaching me, you understand? Allah: Yeah, alright. Poet: Alright, then. Allah: Call you Poet, huh? Poet: Damn skippy they call me Poet. Allah: Can I read some of your stuff? Poet: Why you want to read any of my stuff? Allah: Like poetry. You know, I suck at writing myself. Poet: Start on page 16. Allah: Thanks. Poet: Damn! Allah: You know, this is good, man. Poet: Fuck me, man! No more pens. Allah: (gives him a pen) Yo, yo. [Em City. Classroom.] Arif: You must fall in line behind us. Allah: I ain't got no problem working with you. Arif: You're not hearing what I'm saying. Allah: Oh, I hear clearly, Arif. Thing is, you don't own me any more than the devil does. Arif: You will obey me. Allah: You don't want to be touching me, son. Said: This is getting us nowhere. Why don't you all just back off? Supreme Allah, you call yourself Muslim, but we believe that your way, that is a corruption of the truth. Arif: We don't want you poisoning the minds of the young brothers here in Oz. Allah: I'm gonna speak my mind while I'm here, and whoever listens, listens. Whoever don't, be damned. [Em City. Unit manager's office.] (Murphy brings in Adebisi.) Querns: Thank you, officer. Murphy: You want me in or out? Querns: Out. [Em City. Laundry room.] Adebisi: Said. Said: Yes. What are you up to, Adebisi? Adebisi: Me? Nothing. Said: Nothing? So how am I to be included in your nothing? Adebisi: The earth is about to quake. I came to warn you. Take shelter. Said: How big a quake? Adebisi: Big. But you, you can be safe with me. Said: Once again, you honour me with your offer of protection. Adebisi: And once again you refuse? Said: Regretfully. Adebisi: You can ask a girl out on a date so many times and get refused. Said: You could just tell me what's going on. CO (VO): Count! Adebisi: You'll find out soon enough, eh. [Em City.] Querns: I have decided to junk the council that used to meet regularly, and replace that system with trustees who will be responsible for citing grievances and maintaining order. These trustees will be Simon Adebisi, Chucky Pancamo, and Enrique Morales. Now, having met with each of you individually, I've decided to transfer several of you back to Gen Pop. The following men will follow Officer Johnson out: 97H813, Henke. 99S812, Sands. 98B643, Blakely. 97S532, Simpson. 95J932, Jarvis. 98H432, Hoyt. Hoyt: This sucks! Querns: No one asked your opinion, Hoyt. Johnson: That's enough out of you. Grab your stuff! [Em City. Unit manager's office.] Murphy: Now, this is nuts. Making Adebisi, Pancamo, and Morales trustees? I mean, they're the three worst motherfuckers in this place! And transferring all the Aryans and bikers? I mean, what kind of logic is that? Querns: I'm not Tim McManus. I'm not looking to create some Oz version of the Rainbow Coalition. I reviewed their records. All of them have repeated incidents of violence. Murphy: And Adebisi doesn't? Querns: You're just gonna have to learn to trust me. Murphy: I wish you'd learn to discuss policy changes with me before you announce them. Querns: Not my style. Murphy: Clearly. Querns: You don't like it, you can follow Hoyt and the rest of 'em out the door. Murphy: You know what? I will! Querns: I'll start the paperwork. Murphy: The sooner the better. Querns: The sooner. Murphy: Yeah. [Em City. Quad.] Arif: Did you know about this? That you'd been made a trustee? Adebisi: Yeah, yeah, but I was sworn to secrecy. Arif: How come I wasn't made a trustee? Adebisi: Ask Querns. Arif: And how come all of these new arrivals, none of them is Muslim? Adebisi: Ask Querns. Arif: We had a deal, Adebisi. Adebisi: That's true. We did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got business to do. Querns: No, no, no. Arif: We have to talk, Querns. Querns: Later. Arif: Now! Querns: Johnson. We'll talk later. [Unit B.] (A prisoner is being sodomized.) McManus: Back off, back off. Hey, hey! Officer! Get him off, now! Man, we got to get him to the hospital. This is Unit B. Get a fucking gurney over here! [Infirmary.] Gloria: What happened? McManus: He's been raped. Gloria, you don't have to - Gloria: I'm fine. McManus: No. Gloria: No, Tim, I'm fine. Let's drape and prep for an onoscopy. [Death Row.] Devlin (VO): You know, when I was first elected governor, crime was out of control. But we went to work. Miles: Hey, can you turn that down? Ginzburg: I'm waiting for my soap to come back on. Mac just left Felicia again. Miles: Turn it the fuck down! Ginzburg: Why are you always so grumpy? Hey, what you doing? Miles: Painting. Ginzburg: Well, they just painted our cells a couple weeks ago. Miles: Painting a mural, asshole, a portrait. Ginzburg: Of who? Miles: Myself. I want to leave something behind after they execute me. Moses: Miles, what makes you think the next guy in that cell will want to spend his last days staring at your ugly ass? Miles: You calling me ugly, black boy? Moses: Motherfucker! LoPresti: Are my little darlings raising their voices? Do we need a timeout? Moses: LoPresti, how come you still here? Shirley Bellinger told the Warden you were fucking her every night. LoPresti: Yeah, that bitch almost got me fired. But I was able to persuade Glynn that she's a lying sack of shit. Moses: Well, she wasn't lying. You were eating that pussy like chicken chow mein. (LoPresti hits the bars.) Moses: Goddamn! LoPresti: I don't want to hear any more talk about that cunt. Got me? Moses: Things sure are different around here without old Shirley. Ginzburg: Yeah. (starts to cough) Moses: That's been happening a lot. Miles: Yeah, fag, you keep me up at night. Ginzburg: Geez, god forbid you shouldn't get your beauty sleep. Moses: Maybe you should be in the hospital, man. Ginzburg: No. Don't want to die in a hospital. Moses: You'd rather die in here? Ginzburg: I'd rather expire sunning myself on the Riviera in the arms of a17-year-old Adonis, but c'est la vie. Moses: Still, maybe you should have yourself checked out. Ginzburg: Thank you, Moses, for your concern. Miles: You going fag, Dyell? Moses: When you going to shut the fuck up, man? Miles: When I die, nigger! Moses: (punches the wall between them) Ow, fuck! My hand! My fucking hand! Oh, fuck! [Infirmary.] Gloria: You gotta remember, Dyell, you hit a wall, generally the wall wins. LoPresti: Yeah, Moses here is not known for his mental muscle. Moses: I more brains in my little finger than you, LoPresti. Gloria: Well, right now your little finger is in little pieces. Alright, listen, try to keep this cast clean. You're going to have it on for six weeks. All done. Moses: Dr. Nathan, you ain't been up to see Ginzburg lately. Gloria: No, I took a short leave of absence. I assumed Dr. Prestopnik was examining him. Moses: Prestopnik ain't been up there one time. LoPresti: Quit yapping, Dyell. [Death Row.] Gloria: Again. You been having chills, night sweats, shortness of breath? Ginzburg: Yes, it's a trifecta. Gloria: I should probably transfer you to the AIDS ward. Ginzburg: When I got the death sentence for suffocating Antonio Nappa, I thought, "Oh, this'll be fun." Gloria: Fun? Ginzburg: See what kills me first: the State, or the disease. Guess the disease is winning. [FB to Gloria's rape.] Hill (VO): Prisoner number 00K414, Patrick Keenan, convicted March 25, 2000, assault in the first degree, rape. Sentence, 12 years. Up for parole in seven. [Library.] Kirk: Hey, O'Reily. Ryan: Hey. Kirk: Have you met Patrick Keenan? Ryan: No. Kirk: Patrick, this is Ryan O'Reily. Keenan: Yeah, I heard of you. You and your brother used to run the Bridget Street gang. Ryan: Yeah. Boy, that's a - that's a nice shamrock. Keenan: Yeah, thanks. My lucky charm. Ryan: So what'd they catch you doing? Keenan: Rape, and assault. Ryan: That so? Kirk: Patrick's the one who did Dr. Nathan. Ryan: You raped Dr. Nathan? Keenan: Yeah. Ryan: Why? Keenan: I don't know. I was in the mood. Ryan: He was in the mood. That right? Hey, it's good to meet you there, Keenan. You and me, maybe we can get together and do some business sometime. Keenan: Yeah, I'd like that, working for the O'Reily brothers. Ryan: Okay, see you. [Em City. Quad.] (Tidd trips Cyril.) Brown: Hey, goldilocks, want to suck some chocolate? Cyril: (screams) No! (He knocks out Brown, Tidd, and a CO before he's restrained.) [Infirmary.] Gloria: I'm switching him to one milligram of Haldol. Sister Pete: Are you sure? Gloria: Well, what do you suggest? Counselling? [Em City. Classroom.] Ryan: What the fuck is going on, Adebisi? Letting these assholes fuck with my brother? We had a goddamn deal! Adebisi: Relax, O'Reily, before you blow a blood vessel. I've already spoken to Tidd and Brown. Haven't I? Tidd: Yeah. Adebisi: Brown! Brown: Yeah, man. Adebisi: This type of bullshit will not do again. Okay? [Em City. O'Reily pod.] Stanislofsky: He alright? Ryan: They've got him so tanked up on Haldol it's like he's in a fucking coma. Stanislofsky: Is that such a bad thing? Querns: O'Reily, I got a question for you. [Em City. Unit manager's office.] Querns: Stanislofsky, come here, sit. I been playing catch-up on a lot of what's been happening here. Been reading the file on the death of one Ralph Galino. Stanislofsky: Tragic. Drugs very serious problem. Querns: Yeah. Except he had no history of drugs, so how does he die of an OD? Stanislofsky: A mystery. Querns: I understand you and Galino didn't get along. Stanislofsky: Who says that? Querns: Did you ask me a question? Because you don't get to ask me questions. You are my main suspect in Galino's death. You are my only suspect. I'm gonna be watching you, perched like a czarist eagle. [Cafeteria.] Stanislofsky: You said we should wait, so we wait, and look what happens. O'Reily goes to the hacks and tells them you and I killed Galino. Hoyt: O'Reily said that? You and me? Stanislofsky: Yes. So take care of him. Hoyt: You whack O'Reily now, they'll have all the proof they need. No thanks, I got a birthday coming up. I don't want to spend it in solitary. [Gym.] Ryan: Look, I know that Russian cocksucker's been talking shmack about me, Jaz, but you can't trust that motherfucker. Hoyt: Well, I don't trust him. I don't trust you, neither. Ryan: Okay, fine, only he's supposed to be your pal, right? I'll bet he hasn't told you about the cell phone. Hoyt: Cell phone? What cell phone? Ryan: Ralph Galino's cell phone. That's why he killed that wop. Hoyt: Shit. Ryan: Now who do you trust? Stanislofsky: What's going on? Druke, what is problem? Hoyt: Cut the shit. Give me the cell phone. Give it to me. Stanislofsky: So, what is going to happen to me now? Hoyt: Thinking, uh, maybe you die. Stanislofsky: (yells in Russian) CO: Break it up! Get up against the wall! Back there! Come on, get back. [The box.] Hill: Everybody's always looking for an excuse. I killed that man because, A. I was abused as a child; B. I had shitty parents; C. I was raised in poverty; D. All of the above. (Stanislofsky is put in protective custody, Hoyt in Ad Seg.) Hill (VO): If the only thing we know from the cradle on up is violence, what other choice have you got? Hoyt: Fuck! Stanislofsky: Shit! [Em City. O'Reily pod.] (Ryan twirls the cell phone.) Hill: What other reason do you need? [Em City.] Busmalis: Morning, Bob. Bob, please, when are you going to stop this silent treatment? I said I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I was building a new tunnel, that I didn't ask you to escape with me. What more can I do? (Rebadow leaves the pod.) Murphy: Count. Rebadow: How is he? Keller: Not good. CO: 88K214, 77P326, 98K514, 97B412. Hey, Beecher, get your ass out here. Keller: Leave him alone. CO: Beecher, now! Keller: You can see he's there, why does he have to stand in line? CO: Rules is rules. Rebadow: Fuck you! CO: What? Rebadow: Fuck you, fuck your rules. Murphy: Rebadow, I'd expect Keller to be mouthy, but not you. Rebadow: The man's children have been kidnapped, his son's hand cut off. Beecher's obviously in pain. Why torture him more? Murphy: Alright, keep going. (The prisoners clap.) Alright, quiet down, quiet down! Keller: Who knew you had balls? Murphy: Shut the fuck up! [Sister Pete's office.] Rebadow: A few years ago, I was attacked by some of the black boys and landed in the hospital. Sister Pete: I remember. Rebadow: The bruises healed, but I was flooded with fear. Sister Pete: Well, that's natural. Rebadow: I hadn't felt such fear since I was about to be executed and then wasn't. Killing Raoul Hernandez, as terrible as it was, as - I don't know. I feel alive. I'm not afraid to die. [Gym.] Rebadow: Teach me? Ryan: Teach you what? Rebadow: How to box. Ryan: You got to be kidding me, right? Rebadow: I want to learn to defend myself. Ryan: Rebadow, I ain't got the time or the interest. Take off. Cyril: I can teach you. Ryan: Cyril. Cyril: No, I can if I want. Okay. First, you gotta learn how to stand. Ryan: Fucking Cyril. [Cafeteria.] Prisoner: Rebadow, give me your pie, pops. Rebadow: No. Prisoner: You're going to give me your pie, or I'm going to break your old ass in two. Rebadow: Okay. (He smears the pie in the prisoner's face; the other prisoners cheer.) [Em City.] Keller: (entering pod) You missed a great lunch, but I got you something, here. Toby, take it. Toby, you got to eat something, take it. Take the fucking orange and eat it, come on. (Toby takes the orange and smashes it against the pod wall. Keller goes out into the quad and sits down.) Hill: Nothing like fresh squeezed orange juice. Busmalis: Cellmates. It's like being married. Stanislofsky: Rebadow still ignoring you? Busmalis: Worse. He's like a different person. It's like when I was gone some alien took over his body. Hill: He certainly has changed. Busmalis: It's unsettling. After a certain age, people shouldn't change. Stanislofsky: Shh, here he comes. (Rebadow walks past and enters the computer room.) Rebadow: Mr. Morales? Guerra: Whoa, slow down there, Rebadow. Rebadow: I want to talk to you. Morales: Let him be, Chico. What do you need? Rebadow: When I agreed to kill Hernandez, you said in return I could have anything I wanted. Morales: True. And now you want me to repay the debt? Rebadow: Yes. Morales: Okay. What can I do for you? Rebadow: I want you to let me kill someone else. [Dream sequence.} (Toby dreams about his children, mutilated. He lays there, sobbing.) [Father Ray's office.] Father Ray: He has these dreams a lot? Keller: Ever since his kids got nabbed. Father Ray: Well, I'll speak to him. Keller: Sister Peter Marie, too. Given her relationship with Beecher, she's been rather casual about all this. Father Ray: That's not true. Keller: I can't help thinking her distance has something to do with me. Father Ray: Well, shocking as this seems, Keller, not everything on the planet has to do with you. [Hallway.] Sister Pete: Keller's right, it is about him. The doubts he put in my mind about being a nun, my effectiveness as a psychologist - Father Ray: But Pete, Beecher needs you. Sister Pete: Ray, I know. Do you remember what I said to you a few weeks ago, about putting on a facade so I could get through each day? Father Ray: Sure. Sister Pete: I am unable to comfort Tobias. I mean - I don't even look him in the eye, because I know that if I do, my facade will crumble. So that, that's worse than no help to him. [Unit B.] Robson: Beecher hasn't been out of his cell for two solid days. He just lies in his bunk, sobbing like a wuss. Schillinger: Good. That's what truly elegant about this plan of mine. We don't physically touch Beecher, and yet the damage done is far more hideous. Time to put parts three and four into motion. [Phones.] Schillinger: Hank? Yeah. Want you to drop off the other package. Right. The one we talked about. Bye. [Warden's office.] Mr. Beecher: You should stop smoking, Father. Father Ray: I know, I know, it's bad for my health. Mr. Beecher: There's a law about smoking in public places in state-owned buildings. Father Ray: Is this bothering you? Mr. Beecher: Yes! (Knock at the door. Toby enters.) Father Ray: Hello, Tobias. Thank you, officer. Wait outside, please. Mr. Beecher: Take a seat, Toby. Toby: I know what this is about, dad. The FBI found Gary? Mr. Beecher: Yes. Toby: Gary's body. He's dead? Mr. Beecher: Yes. Toby: I knew. I knew when I heard about the hand. And Holly? Any news? Mr. Beecher: No, no, not yet. Toby: I'd like to go to Gary's funeral. Mr. Beecher: We've already made arrangements. Toby: I want him buried right next to his mother. I want to see the graves I've dug lined up one next to the other. Mr. Beecher: Oh son, son. Toby: It's funny. I can't cry. I don't have anymore tears left. [Em City. Beecher-Keller pod.] Toby: Chris, I want to ask you something. I probably haven't asked you because I didn't want to know the answer. I know you were married all those times, and I'm wondering if I was the first, you know, the first man. (Keller laughs.) Well, I guess that answers my question. Keller: No, no, it doesn't. I just think it's an odd conversation for us to be having right before you go to your son's funeral. Toby: The FBI says you're responsible for a series of homosexual murders. Keller: The FBI - Toby: I'm not asking you to tell me if you committed the murders. I'm asking you if you've ever felt this way with another man. Keller: No. I have not felt this way. I swear, Toby. Toby: You're lying. Keller: Toby, man. Toby: You're lying. [Funeral parlour.] (Toby is led in and uncuffed.) Toby: Sweet dreams, baby. [Father Ray's office.] Father Ray: Yes. Ah, come in, sit. Thanks, officer. Smoke? Schillinger: They're bad for you. Father Ray: Shirley Bellinger, before she was executed, gave me a little hint as to who impregnated her when she was in Oz. She said, "neither rain nor snow," which I believe is part of the old motto of the US Postal service. Since you deliver the mail to death row, I'm thinking she was telling me that you were the father. Schillinger: Well, you're wrong. I never had sex with Shirley. Not that I didn't want to. Even if you had been right, what's it matter? She's dead. Father Ray: I don't know you, Schillinger. I don't know what you're capable of. I know your reputation, of course. But even so, I find it hard to believe that you would cut the hand off a small child. That you would kill a boy who never hurt a soul. Schillinger: I never did anything to Beecher's kid. Father Ray: I'm gonna tell you something now. Beecher is the one who found your son Hank. Schillinger: I know. Father Ray: You know. Schillinger: Yeah, he did it to fuck with me the same way he did with Andrew. Father Ray: No, he did it to make up for what happened to Andrew. He did it in the hopes of putting the anger that exists between you behind you. This I swear to you on my vow as a priest. If I'm lying to you may I be damned for all time. Schillinger, don't let anything happen to Beecher's daughter. If you have any decency left inside you, if you - if you have a soul, you'll let that girl go free. [Cafeteria.] Zabitz: Alright, so you asked me to do a little digging, right? So I dug here, nothing. I dug there, zip. But then, a gusher. Toby: Tell me. Zabitz: Tell me. I got valuable information, and we haven't even negotiated a price. Toby: How much? Zabitz: Hey, I got kids, too, alright? My youngest, Tabitha, she needs massive amounts of dental work. That poor girl's teeth are fucked up, man, they're all rotted out - Toby: Zabitz - please, not now. Zabitz: All right, but you pay the dental bills, every last one of them. Toby: Okay. Just tell me what you know about the kidnapping. Zabitz: According to a very reliable source on the outside, this was a job for hire. The actual perp's name is Bob "Big Butt" Toland. Toby: Who hired him? Zabitz: I hesitate. Toby: Why? Zabitz: Because it's someone I understand is very near and dear to you. Toby: Who, for Chrissake? Zabitz: Chris Keller. Toby: Can you be sure of this? Zabitz: I'm as sure as anybody can be about anything. [Interrogation room.] Toby: I need you to find out the truth. FBI Agent: That's my job. Toby: He's done a lot of fucked-up things to me, but this makes no sense. FBI Agent: Guys like Keller are hunters. They kill for sport. [Interrogation room. Later.] FBI Agent: You think you're a pretty cool customer, huh? Keller: Well, let's just say I spent my share of time in interrogations. FBI Agent: You ever hear of a fellow by the name of Mark Karachi? Keller: No. FBI Agent: Byam Lewis? Keller: No. FBI Agent: How about Bryce Tibbets? Keller: No, no, and no. FBI Agent: All three of these men were homosexuals. All three hung out in the same gay bar. All three turned up dead. That is, after they were sodomized and tortured. Keller: Yeah? FBI Agent: Yeah. But here's what's curious: You moved to the city in December of '97; these men were killed in January, March, and May of '98. You got sent to Oz in June of that year, suddenly, the killings stopped. Keller: What a bizarre coincidence. FBI Agent: We know you're guilty. Keller: You got proof? Evidence? Witnesses? FBI Agent: You frequented the same gay bar. Keller: Well, you know, that doesn't make me a murderer any more than it makes me a fag. FBI Agent: And yet you are, aren't you? A fag? Keller: Hee hee. FBI Agent: You suck Tobias Beecher's cock. Keller: He sucks mine. FBI Agent: From what I hear, you and he have had a pretty bumpy courtship, huh? Lots of pain inflicted on both sides. You in on this latest round? Keller: I don't follow you. FBI Agent: The death of his son. Keller: Me kill his son? You're joking, right? FBI Agent: Now, when have you ever known the FBI to joke? [Em City. Beecher-Keller pod. Night.] Keller: How you doing? You been very quiet today. Toby: Let me ask you something. What should I do if I ever find out who killed Gary? Keller: You should whack 'em. I'd help you. Toby: Yeah? Keller: I'd be my pleasure. (Toby comes after him with a shank.) What the fuck! Toby: You murdered my son! (They fight, the COs come in.) CO: Get the fuck off him! Keller: You think I'd do that? Toby: You're capable of fucking anything! (Keller attacks Toby and has to be restrained by a CO.) Keller: You bitch! (Keller is dragged off.) [Unit B.] Zabitz: I'm here for my money. Schillinger: Pay him. Robson: You really got a kid with rotten teeth? Zabitz: Yeah. You should see her mouth, man. Nothing but decay. [The box.] Hill: Genetics, or environment? Like in everything else, society searches for the magic bullet, the easy answer. 'Cause, the more complex the answer is, the more terrified we become. Is the root of violence much deeper, much darker? How about pure evil? Maybe we human creatures are inherently evil. Maybe evil is ingrained, embedded in our souls. Flip Wilson used to joke, "The devil made me do it!" Maybe he was right. Or maybe not. [Phones.] Schillinger: Hello, Hank? Yeah. Want you to drop off the other package at the grandparents' house. No. Alive.