4Giveness Written By: Tom Fontana and Bradford Winters Directed By: John Henry Davis [Hill Narrating] Hill: A wise man once said, "Life is an adventure in forgiveness." Now, you might rate bungee jumps off a bridge in New Zealand or bachelor parties in Vegas a few notches higher on the adventure ladder. But think about the risks involved. You could climb to the mountain top of Attrition only to get shot down by a victim who refuses to forgive. Think about the rewards. A chance to heal those nasty wounds, reconcile with someone you love. Huh... Now that I think about it, forgiveness might knock bungee jumps and bachelor parties off the charts. [Gym] Schillinger: It's okay. Take a break. Cutler's a suicide, huh? Robson: That's what Reimondo's saying. And I ain't disagreeing. Schillinger: I didn't imagine you would. Robson: So, what now, Vern? Is there someone else who needs to commit suicide before I get some respect? Schillinger: Jesus Christ, Robson, you made your point, all right? Shut the fuck up and spot me. Robson: And...One. Come on! Come on! [McManus's office] McManus: Miguel, Sit down. Alvarez: What did I do? McManus: Well, that's what I'm wondering. Tell me about your relationship with Wolfgang Cutler. Alvarez: Cutler? The Nazi guy? We didn't have a relationship. Dome-head was an equal opportunity racist. McManus: So, it would surprise you if he left you something in his will. Alvarez: He left me something? Like what? McManus: Like everything he owned. Alvarez: What? McManus: You are the sole beneficiary of all his worldly goods, both in Oz and on the outside. His house, his car, hell his 1942 Indian motorcycle. Alvarez: Get the fuck out of here. McManus: The will is signed and notarized. Alvarez: Are you shitting me? I barley even spoke to the fucking guy, a couple of times at rehearsal. That's it. The guy have any wife, kids, family, anything? McManus: Wife, no kids. Alvarez: This is fucking crazy. McManus: We packed up his cell, put all his belongings into a box. You're gonna have to decide what you want to keep. Alvarez: I'm not gonna look through a dead guy's things. Jesus. [Library] Schillinger: I guess we'll have to wait 'till the afterlife to find out why Cutler would up and give his belongings to a fucking wetback. Alvarez: Yo, I'm as bugged out as you. I mean, I know you guys spent a lot of time with Cutler. Did he ever mention anything about me? Robson: Yeah, in his sleep at night, he'd whisper your name. Fuck off. Schillinger: I'll suggest this now, Alvarez, or I'll find a way to make it happen later, you sign all his stuff over to his wife. Alvarez: I already thought about that. Robson: Don't think, spic, do. Alvarez: You know what? Maybe I should give all his assets to you, Ruby, being as you already gave him your ass. Robson: Cunt. [Visitor's room] Robson: Did you miss me? I've been missing you. Liesel: What happened to you the last few months? Robson: Things got a little hectic. But now I'm back on track. Goddamn, Leez, you look good. Beat me off, baby. Will you relax, what the fuck is your problem? Liesel: Let go of me! Robson: Sit down now! Liesel: Let go of me, you cocksucker! Robson: What did you just call me? Liesel: Cocksucker! Robson: Don't you ever call me that again, ever! I am not a cocksucker! Fuck! Fuck! [Andy and Hank Schillinger narrating] Andy: I'm at a Chinese restaurant. My fortune cookie says, "whoever opts for revenge should dig two graves." Hank: I hate Chinese food. Andy: Shut the fuck up, Hank. Hank: Shut the fuck up, Hank. Andy: My brother's an annoying little prick, but I forgive him. Why? Because we only get two choices, forgive... or die a slow death. One of them studies Doctors do, shows that carrying around that baggage of anger and bitterness, can put you at risk for mental illness, for depression and anxiety, as well as strokes, heart disease, and heart attacks. Hank: Who knew? Forgiveness is good for your health. [Em city] McManus: Everybody's attention, please. Can I have your attention please? When Augustus Hill died, we thought we lost him forever, but we didn't. He wrote a book about his life here, about your lives, and Kareem Said's last great act was to get Augustus' book published. Now, when Kareem died, the book could have died with him, but it didn't because of the hard work and the dedication of these men. I want you all to share in their triumph. Arif: Here you go. [Book Binding Factory] Rawls: Fuck, man. All right already. Quit fucking with me. Yusef: Rawls, take it easy. You have any idea how much this machine costs? Rawls: I'm doing something wrong. Yusef: Don't touch it. I'll get Arif. [Arif's office] Yusef: We got big trouble. One of the guys are having problems with something I couldn't help him with. You might want to take a few minutes and check it out. Arif: I don't have a few minutes, Jamal. You can see that, can't you? Bismilla: Would it help to hire someone from the outside to do the accounting? Arif: And pay them with what? You see that figure on the bottom right, right there? That's our gross so far, 1/5 of what it should be. With all due respect to Kareem Said, taking on Hill's book pro bono wasn't a sound business plan. Yusef: Us paying minimum wage is the problem. A small cut, which would still be far above what prisoners usually make, might be the best solution. Arif: And defeat the whole purpose of this operation? No. Yusef: What is the purpose, exactly? To run a successful company or humiliate Burr Redding? Hill: Prisoner #01R394, Reginald Rawls. Convicted January 10, 2001. Aggravated Assault. Sentence: 12 years, up for parole in 4. [Rawls' pod] Rawls: First, telemarketing, now bookbinding? Ain't exactly the kind of prison life you hear about on the street. Redding: All right, game's over. I want you two back with me in Degenhart's company. Poet put you up to this, following him to work for the Muslims. Well, in case you forgot, you answer to me. Rawls: We do? Kenaniah, we still answer to Mr. Redding, here? Redding: You two begged like bitches to get a place in my clan. I gave you shelter. I showed you the ropes. And this is the thanks I get. Rawls: Please. We were your foot soldiers, day and night running tits and shit. Now, you turn around and want us to do work that's just plain fuckin' work? Kiss my ass, old man. Kenaniah: Preach that shit, Reggie. Rawls: You know it, nigga. Give me that, give me that. [Em City laundry room] Pancamo: So, Redding, you wanted to see me. About what? Redding: Well, when I told you fellas I was giving up the tit trade, you didn't believe me. Pancamo: No, we didn't. Redding: Well, now you can see that my words are righteous. I got involved in this telemarketing business to keep my boys from slinging, but it's not working, and I need your help. If you see Poet, Rawls, or any of the others dealing, I want you to squash them. Squash them hard. Urbano: You want us to kill your own men? Redding: Not kill. Demobilize. Weaken them until they have to come back to me. Pancamo: Looks like you've got yourself a deal. [Gym] Rawls: Yo, I am done toting and lifting heavy machinery. We need to get back to slinging drugs. Poet: I hear ya, Reggie, but the timing ain't right. Kenaniah: Man, I would love to take that Dago down. Poet: You will, yo, you will. But not yet, though. We got to play this real smooth, real smooth. White: Hey, guys. You all want to ball? Poet: Drop dead, Omar. [Hill narrates over flashbacks of Said being shot.] Hill: Prisoner #03I462, Lemuel Idzik, Convicted February 2, 2003. Murder in the Second Degree. Sentence: Life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. [Unit J] Glynn: You'll be staying here in J, at least temporarily, until we see how the rest of the population adjusts to you being around. There's your nest. Yood: Good to see you there, Warden. I'm Alvin Yood. Friendly type, huh? [Arif's pod] White: Arif, I just heard the motherfucker that killed Said is coming to Oz. Arif: He's already here. White: Here? Well, what we gonna do? Arif: Do? White: Yeah, yeah, do, do, what are we going to do, I mean, you know, we gotta whack his white ass. Arif: No! White: What's the matter, Arif, ain't you got the balls? Arif: I promised the Warden no harm would come to Idzik, and no Muslim would seek revenge. White: Like I said, no balls. Arif: Listen to me, I saw Kareem Said get shot, I held him in my arms as he died. The last words he said were, "Don't harm him." Now, as hard as it is not to do something, I will respect and obey the minister's wishes, and you will do the same. White: Don't you be ordering me around, motherfucker. You don't own me, you understand? Not one little bit of me. [Unit J] Schillinger: Mail call. How's the new guy? Yood: Marathon talker. Schillinger: The brotherhood is grateful for what you did to Said. Them Muslim bastards start to hassle you, you just let me know, we'll take care of them. Idzik: I am a Jew. Schillinger: A Jew. Well, I've always said there's some good use for you people. So explain, why the fuck did you kill him? Some Israeli-Palestine thing? Idzik: Water. Cold water. Schillinger: Huh? Idzik: You put cold water in a...let's say a teapot, turn the stove on, the water gets hot, right? At some point it gets as hot as it will ever be, blistering. Meanwhile, the stove is off, the water starts to cool, until it is eventually cold. That's the way things work in the universe. Cold, hot, cold. Schillinger: You should have pleaded insanity. [Laundry Room] McManus: Omar, you wanted to see me? White: Y- yes, sir. I am hereby and officially requesting a face to face meeting with Lemuel Idzik. McManus: Ah, that would be a no. White: Wait, wait, wait, here me out, here me out. McManus: He killed Said. I'm not gonna give you a chance to return the favor. White: I'm not gonna hurt him. McManus: Yeah, that's what you say now, but what will you say when you stand over his dead body with a shank in your hand. Not gonna happen. White: Fuck! [Hank and Andy Narrating] Andy: So, if forgiveness is so good for us, why don't we do it more? Hank: Same reason I don't eat tofu. It tastes like shit. Andy: There are two reasons we hold back. First, accountability. As long as we're still in pain, we need someone to blame. What can you do with all that pain if you've let the bastard off the hook. Second, Identity. Without this rage consuming me, without this resentment, this bitterness, who am I? [Staff Meeting] Glynn: And finally, the Correctional Officers Association is holding their annual awards dinner and banquet here later this month. Howell: How come we always have to host these fuckin' things. Glynn: That attitude, Claire, is why you probably won't be taking home a trophy again this year. Don't forget, it's black tie and evening gown. Okay, let's make a good showing. All right that's all for today. Howell: I can't wear an evening gown. I don't even own one. Murphy: Warden, can I have a minute? Glynn: Sure. Murphy: I've been a C.O. a lot of years, and in that time I've done some things I regret. Glynn: We all have, Sean. Occupational hazard. Murphy: Yeah, well, what I mean is that we spend a lot of time trying to get the prisoners to rat each other out, yet when it comes to us, there's this...code of silence. Glynn: Which you're about to break. Murphy: Yeah. Glynn: I don't envy you right now. Who? Murphy: Dave Brass. Glynn: He killed Carlos Martinez? Murphy: No, no, no, but Dave lied about talking to Martinez the night he died. There was no death bed confession. Martinez never implicated Morales in the cutting of Dave's tendons. Glynn: So that's the real reason you asked me to move Morales to the hospital. Murphy: I still think the dink is guilty. Glynn: But there's no proof. We dumped him in solitary unjustly. Murphy: Worse. Dave, Claire Howell, and myself, we...we're the ones who cut up Morales' ankles. Glynn: I suspected that Brass was involved and that Howell allowed it to happen. But you, Sean.... Murphy: Dave was my pal, you know? Morales fucked up his life forever. Glynn: Okay, thank you. Murphy: That's it? Thanks? Glynn: I'll discipline the three of you, but how exactly I don't know yet. Sean? Murphy: Yeah? Glynn: It takes balls, what you just did. Murphy: Well, I didn't become a zookeeper just to behave like one of the animals. [Hospital] Grace: Put it into your mouth. Glynn: Morales. I'm releasing you from solitary, permanently, putting you back in Emerald City. Morales: Why? Glynn: I don't need to give you a reason, do I? That might make me think twice. Morales: All right, forget the why. Hey, Warden, what do you know about Nurse Grace? Glynn: Know about her? Nothing, except she's worked here for years. Morales: If I were you, I'd check her background. Glynn: What, she's medically incompetent? Morales: I'm afraid. Glynn: Afraid? You? Of her? Morales: Yeah. Glynn: Must be the medication you're on. [Computer Room] Brass: Hey, Rebadow. Rebadow: What do you want? Brass: Didn't I give you all the money that was left from that lottery? Rebadow: Too late to save my Grandson. Brass: You blame me, but you shouldn't. Rebadow: Who then? Brass: Morales. He had Martinez cut me, which screwed with my head, which made me take off with your winnings. He's the bastard you should hate. Rebadow: There's room in my heart for both of you. Brass: Yeah? Well, Morales is on his way back to Em City, and I got fined and suspended, a solid month no pay, no benefits, you think I can afford that? I just got married for Christ's sake. Rebadow: I'll repeat my question. What do you want, for me to feel sorry for you? No chance. [Em city] Brass: Fuck you, Murphy. [Break room] Howell: So, you happy? Brass gets his ass handed to him, we lose a week's vacation, all for what, Enrique fucking Morales? Murphy: For the truth, Howell, for justice. Howell: Justice? Justice my pink ass. Oh, call the blood banks. Here comes another bleeding heart. McManus: So, Leo told me all the gory details. Murphy: I'm sorry, Tim. McManus: You're sorry? I bring you into Oz because we've known each other since sixth grade, because you're the one person in my entire life that I can trust with my life, if necessary. But then, see, I find out I can't trust you, that you're just another thick-headed, red-neck slug who uses his badge as a weapon. Murphy: You're right. You're absolutely right. McManus: Don't you fuckin' agree with me! I'm telling you the fuck off! Murphy: Listen, I've betrayed your trust. If you don't see me getting it back, maybe I should just transfer out of Em City. McManus: What? Murphy: Maybe I should just quit altogether. McManus: No. Jesus! Jesus, Stop being so fucking remorseful! Murphy: What, you don't want me to be remorseful? McManus: No! Yes! We're going to dinner tonight. You're paying. Murphy: Okay. McManus: Sean, I'm proud of you that you stepped forward. It means... I can still trust you. [Hospital. Night.] Grace: Morales? Morales, I'm sorry to disturb you. That sedative I gave you was pretty strong, huh? Morales: Yeah. Grace: It's a precaution. You're a big fella. I didn't want a struggle. Morales: Struggle? Grace: Martinez was so weak, he couldn't fight me, but you...Say your prayers, Enrique. Morales: No, don't. Grace: You're just like Martinez, a nasty man who deserves to die. [Children's visitors room] Busmalis: Knock, knock. Norma: Hi. Can you say, "who's there?" Busmalis: Might be a while before she can say Agamemnon Busmalis. Oh, God, she's gorgeous. Thank you. Oh, the fresh smell of baby skin, in Oz of all places. Can I touch her? Norma: Of course. Busmalis: Can I keep her? Norma: How about we share? Ruby needs a father, Agamemnon, and I need you back. Agamemnon, will you marry me? Busmalis: What? You're proposing to me now? Norma: Is that a yes? Busmalis: I think so. Yeah. Oh, my God, yes! Norma: Yes! Busmalis: Oh, you little doll. Little doll. [McManus's office] Rebadow: I can't work in the library anymore. McManus: What? Why not? Rebadow: I'd rather not get into the specifics. McManus: Given that I run this place, I need specifics. Something happen I should know about? Rebadow: No. McManus: Trouble with other inmates? Rebadow: No. McManus: Is it Stella? Are you two having problems? Rebadow: No. McManus: Well, what is it then? Did you forget the fucking alphabet? [Hallway] Stella: I don't want to get Robert in trouble, but I thought you should know. McManus: It's not like Rebadow to just stop showing up, though he did come to me asking to be switched to another job. You have any idea why? Stella: No. McManus: He's probably still depressed about Alex Jr. Stella: Who? McManus: His grandson. He died last year of Leukemia. Stella: His grandson? Of Leukemia? McManus: I didn't say anything when I initially came to you. I thought that the library would be a good place to distract his mind from his misery. Anyway, he'll be there tomorrow. [Library] Stella: So I did good by you with, "Ball Four"? I hit a homerun? Rosa: I liked the beaver shootings, where the players drilled the holes in the door of the hotel room and watched the stewardess fucking. Stella: Yeah, well, it's fun for the guys, but how would you like to have been on the other side? What they did was an invasion of privacy. Rosa: Oh, Whatever. Stella: Whatever. Now, this is a very good book about women. And I thought something wilderness based, "Into This Air," might be a nice antidote to Oz. Rosa: Do I look like a fucking boy scout? Stella: Scout, no, boy, yes. I'll just be a minute. Robert, I'd like to talk to you. When I told you about my breast cancer, I wasn't asking you to watch me waste away and die, Robert. I don't need you for that, if that's what you're afraid of. I know about Alex Jr. This isn't that. I know you're thinking you can't go through the grief again, but what if you're missing the chance to go through the joy, the joy of being there for someone who is going to make it? According to Blake, they go hand in hand, joy and grief, "Piping down the valleys wild," remember? Stop being an asshole. Rosa: If she's talking to you, old man, show some respect and talk back. Stella: That's enough, Pablo. Take your book, we're done for today. [Gym] [Hank and Andy narrating] Hank: 70 times 77. Jesus said that's how many times you're supposed to forgive your brother. Andy: Hank and I are sill working on 7. Meanwhile, an innocent man nailed to a cross with iron spikes says while dying, "Forgive them, Father. They know not what they do." Kind of raises the stakes for the rest of us, huh? [Hospital] [Interview room] Glynn: Officer Schwartzmyre says on the night of the murder, you started screaming. Kelsch: I had a bad reaction to the medicine. Glynn: As he came over to check you out, someone snuck in the private room and stabbed mayor Loewen. Kelsch: The medicine was giving me hives. McGorry: Mr. Kelsch, Dr. Nathan tells us you weren't having a negative reaction to the medicine. Kelsch: I couldn't stop itching. Glynn: You want to know what I think? I think you were paid to distract Officer Schwartzmyre from his post. Kelsch: The scratching was driving me crazy. Glynn: That makes you guilty of murder. That means you go to Death Row. Kelsch: Huh? Death Row? For hives? [Flashback to Brandt cutting Loewen's throat] [Interview Room] Glynn: Okay, Brandt, here's the deal. We now know you're guilty of killing Wilson Loewen. Brandt: That's a lie. McGorry: We have statements from two of the other inmates who were in the ward that night. They say they saw you get out of bed and go into Loewen's room. Brandt: They're lying. McGorry: We also have a confession from Lionel Kelsch who says you offered him $1,000 to distract the officer on duty. Brandt: He's a liar. McGorry: Okay, we'll play it your way. You have the right to remain silent. Glynn: The Aryans are gonna be so pissed when they hear you're guilty of killing their hero. McGorry: Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. Glynn: Without my protection, you'll be dead within the hour. McGorry: You have the right to a lawyer before speaking to me. Brandt: All right. All right, all right. I'll tell you who hired me. It was that C.O. what's his name? Johnson. [Staff Room] Glynn: Johnson, how's it going? Johnson: Not bad, sir, and you? Glynn: The usual brouhaha. Hey. I hear you just bought a car. Jaguar. Johnson: Yup. Glynn: That's a beautiful automobile. Pretty pricey on a C.O.'s salary. Johnson: My wife's maiden aunt kicked. She left us a little dough. Glynn: Nice. Willy Brandt... Johnson: What , sir? Glynn: Willy Brandt confessed to the murder of Wilson Loewen. Johnson: Congratulations. How did you manage to get that dink to spill? Glynn: The truth? We lied. We told Brandt that we had two witnesses, which we don't, and that his partner confessed, which he didn't. Johnson: Brilliant. Glynn: Oh, here's the good part. Brandt claims that you offered to pay him $5000 to waste Wilson Loewen. Not that I believe him or anything. Johnson: No, sir. He's a lying piece of shit. Glynn: Right. Well, goodnight. Enjoy that car. Johnson: Hey, it's me. We got a problem. Glynn knows I set up the murder. What do you want me to do? Okay. [Death Row] Hoyt: He brought the Devil in here, your son. Do you hear me? Your baby boy got butt fucked by Satan. And now we're all gonna burn, you fucking bitch! [Hallway] Jessica: I'm an idiot. I thought by talking to the man who killed Timmy, I would get to know more about my boy, that I would understand how he became the man he became. Mukada: Well, like I said, Jazz Hoyt isn't very coherent these days. He's been ruled mentally insane by the court of appeals. Tomorrow they're moving him up to the psych unit. Jessica: So, what do I do now? How do I calm this guilt inside of me? And don't tell me to pray. I've prayed so hard my knees hurt. Mukada: Well, when praying stalls, I usually try to imagine what my dad would have done in the situation. Jessica: That's an excellent idea. Do you drink, Father? Mukada: Ah, sure. Jessica: Good. I'll go into town, I'll get us a quart of Jameson's, and sit in the dark and drink until dawn, because that's how my dad would have handled the situation. Mukada: Mrs. Kirk, I--I-- Jessica: I'm joking, Father. Call me Jessica. Mukada: Call me Ray. Jessica: Ray. Like a Ray of sunshine. I think what I should do is what I should have done when Timmy was alive, and that's volunteer to work at Oswald, help men like my son become better people. Mukada: Volunteer? What would you do? Jessica: I'm a nurse. I bet they could use some help in the hospital ward. Mukada: Yes. Jessica: You'll set that up for me, Ray? Mukada: Of course. Jessica: Thank you. I consider you a really good friend. [Death Row] Lopresti: Morning, kiddies. Cyril: Do I have to go get more ECT? Lopresti: Later. Come on, Hoyt. Time to move you up to psych. Hoyt! Hoyt: What the fuck? I'm bleeding. [Hospital] Dr. Nathan: He'll sleep. I sedated him. Mukada: He's got no cuts on his forehead. What's causing the bleeding? Dr. Nathan: A rare condition called mematidrosis. Underneath the skin there are these tiny blood vessels, capillaries. When people are stressed, they sweat, right? Well, sometimes under extreme stress, the capillaries hemorrhage, releasing small amounts of blood into the sweat glands. Hoyt is literally sweating blood. Mukada: "And being in fear, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat became like great drops of blood which fell upon the ground." Luke 22:44, the agony of Christ in Gethsemane. Dr. Nathan: Jesus and Jazz, who knew they had so much in common. [Flashback to Cyril's ECT] [Hospital] Dr. Nathan: What's the matter with him? Grace: Side effects of the electric shock. Cyril: I threw up on myself. Dr. Nathan: Oh, poor Cyril. Clean him up and then admit him. Grace: I was going to give him some Emetrol and send him back to Death Row. Dr. Nathan: Well, he spent enough time up there. He could use a change of scenery. Grace: All right, but I'm putting him in restraints. [Hallway] Ryan: Hey, Gloria. Hey, thanks a lot for letting my brother, you know, chill out in the hospital ward. It means a lot to me. Dr. Nathan: Well, that's okay. Ryan: Yeah. Hey, we just heard that, yeah, his latest appeal has been denied and the lawyer's gonna plead his case to the state supreme court but, you know, unless a fucking miracle happens, I think Cyril's going to be executed next week. Dr. Nathan: I have to go. Ryan: Hey, Gloria, I never stopped loving you, not for a second. [Flashback to ECT] [Hospital] Regular Cyril: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Pre-Brain Damage Cyril: Don't you fucking ignore me. You think because I'm slow that I don't know what's going on. Regular Cyril: I have to go to the bathroom. Pre-Brain Damage Cyril: Listen to me, you fucking asshole, I'm gonna shit my in my pants. Regular Cyril: Help me. Pre-Brain Damage Cyril: Too late. Hey, you gonna leave me here lying in my own shit? Pre-Brain Damage Cyril and Regular Cyril: Hey! Nurse: What's the matter? Cyril: I had an accident. Nurse: Not again. Machelo, could you give me a hand over here, please? [Classroom] Neema: Okay, I'm here. What's the reason? Poet: Mr. Neema, your reputation on the street is well, it's massive. Back in the day with the Black Panther thing and since then with the community development, and... Neema: I know my own resume. Get to the point. Reggie: Well, you see, sir, we've been a little leaderless lately. Burr Redding's off on some telemarketing ego trip. Neema: Yeah, and you want me to take over. Poet: Shit, yeah. Neema: You fellas know why I'm in Oz? Poet: For kidnapping or some such. Neema: I picked up my daughter from day-care. My ex-wife was intending to leave this country, thereby depriving me of my rights to see my child, and I love my children, gentlemen, every single one, and I got 16. Reggie: Maybe it's your turn to get to the point. Neema: None of my children do drugs, sell drugs or hang in gangs. Each lives a life of their own choosing, contributing as best they can to make a better world. My children are my pride because they make me proud. So, rather then use this classroom as a place to plot your plans, use it for a real purpose, to learn. End of sermon and end of discussion. [Cafeteria] Fitzgerald: Hey, stranger, haven't seen much of you lately. Ryan: Well, you know, you've been busy...with the play, boyfriend. Fitzgerald: Boyfriend? Ryan: Jahfree Neema. I see you here, I see you there, laughing and whispering. It's very sweet, very intimate. Fitzgerald: Ryan, come on. Ryan: What? You gonna tell me that I'm imagining it? That my eyes deceive me? Fitzgerald: No. Ryan: You asked me to be nice to the guy, I tried, he blew me off. You know, I know you think he's some sort of hotshot savior and all, but to me, he's just another fucking wanker. You two enjoy yourselves. Meanwhile, my little brother's gonna die. Fitzgerald: Ryan. Ryan: What?! Fitzgerald: Promise me you won't do anything to harm Jahfree. Ryan: Oh, gee, Ma, you really think I'm capable of something like that? [Em City] Redding: Neema, I know we haven't had much chance to talk since you arrived here-- Neema: That's probably because we have nothing to say to each other. Redding: Well, look, I know on the outside you and me, we was never that friendly, but... Neema: Friendly? Redding, you are anathema to me. Redding: See, there you go using them big words, think you're gonna curl me, but it don't. Neema: For the past 30-something years, you've been supplying the children of our community with lethal drugs while I have fought to keep those same children safe. And now, just because we both find ourselves in this c lapshack, you want to believe that we have a bond. We don't. Redding: We do! I've seen the error of my ways, and I'm trying to correct them. Neema: I don't believe you. Ryan: You know, Burr, that Neema, he's a pompous piece of shit, man. I say it's time he learned who's boss around here. Redding: You want him dead, O'Reily? Ryan: I wouldn't weep if he was. Redding: If you really want to do Neema some harm, tie him to your mother's crime. Ryan: What do you mean? Redding: You're a clever boy. You figure that one out. [Hank and Andy narrating] Andy: Who's the hardest person of all to forgive? Oneself. The demons inside, they laugh at the thought. Hank: When you forgive some other guy, he's not likely to turn you down, say, "Fuck that." Andy: Trying to forgive yourself, though, it's "Fuck that" all the time. Hank: 10 years go by, you still can't let yourself off the hook. Andy: 15 years, 20, 40. You gonna take that grudge against yourself to the grave? Hank: You gonna carry it for eternity? [Hallway] Keller: Well, well, well, Agent Taylor, are you here to visit me? Taylor: Fuck you, Keller. Keller: Aw, G-man, don't get grumpy. You're the one who made the deal with Heekin. You're the one who got him to fib. Taylor: He saw you dump the body. Keller: Hey, wasn't it J Edger Hoover who said, "Cheaters never prosper?" Mineo: Careful there, sir. Taylor: You killed two other men, Keller, and I'm gonna get you for one of them. [Hospital] Beecher: Henry Stanton? I'm Tobias Beecher. Sister Peter Marie suggested I come see you. Stanton: You're the one doing pro-bono work, right? Stanton: Yeah, that's right. Helping the prisoners with legal shit and such. Well, I hurt my back doing sanitation duty a few months ago. Dr. Nathan told me not to do anything too strenuous. I told my C.O.s and they put me right back to work again because they think I'm faking, but I'm not. In fact, they give me harder work. I complain to my unit manager, nothing changes. And the other day I screwed up my back again. Beecher: Well, off the top of my head, it appears the C.O.'s violated your rights under the eighth amendment, deliberate indifference. Let me talk to Dr. Nathan, the officers involved, and Warden Glynn, let me see what I can do. Meanwhile, take it easy. Back injuries suck. Stanton: Thanks a lot, man. [Warden's Office] Dr. Nathan: Stanton is not lying, Leo. I gave him the proper medical documentation at least three times. Glynn: Okay, the C.O.'s screwed up. They will be reprimanded. Beecher: That's not good enough. I've got a rock solid case here, Warden. If we go to court, I'll win. Glynn: What do you want? Beecher: Full physical rehab for Stanton at the prisons expense and a guarantee that he'll be assigned light duty tasks. Glynn: Okay. Beecher: And I want those two C.O.'s fired. Glynn: Beecher. Beecher: Gone. Today. Glynn: The union will fight this. Beecher: So? Let the union take the heat. Warden: All right, they're fired. I'm busy. Dr. Nathan: You're good at this, Tobias. Beecher: You ain't seen nothing yet. [Sister Pete's office] Sister Pete: So, how are you adjusting to life after death row? Keller: I'm bored. Bored of the every day, bored with shaving, brushing my teeth, taking a shit, wiping my ass. Sister Pete: You know what? I don't think you're bored. I think you miss Tobias. Keller: Well, he's turned into a real firebrand. No sooner does he get my sentence overturned that he's out taking on the case of some other jamoke. Sister Pete: He's found a lot of joy in helping others. You might want to try the same thing. Keller: And how would I do that, Sister? I'm not a lawyer. Sister Pete: Well, who besides Beecher do you care about? Keller: My ex-wives, I guess. Sister Pete: Start there. Keller: You know something, Sister, you just gave me a great idea. Thanks. [Visitor's room] Keller: Socks. Beecher: Yeah, I know how you are. You wear them until the fall off your f eet. Exactly. Keller: So, what's the latest from the outside world? Beecher: Kid's are great. Harry...actually hugged me yesterday. Keller: Sweet. I'd like to meet your kids. Beecher: Yeah, right. Keller: I'm serious. Beecher: Yeah, okay. Yeah, definitely. You know, you know, just not right away, though. Keller: Been drinking? Beecher: Not a drop. Went to a cocktail party the other night and passed with flying colors. Keller: Good boy. And Holly's teacher, how's she? Beecher: Why do you ask that? Keller: I don't know, you're the one who's mentioned her a couple times. Beecher: You know, actually, to be honest, Chris-- Keller: Yes, let's be honest. Beecher: Marian and I have been dating. Keller: You fuck her yet? Beecher: Chris. Keller: Be honest. Beecher: Yes. Keller: Good for you, you sexy motherfucker. Beecher: You're pissed. Keller: I'm not. Beecher: Be honest. Keller: You want a slice of truth? I killed Franklin Winthrop. Beecher: What? Keller: Bitch kills your Dad, bitch gotta die. Beecher: Are you trying to get sent back to death row? Keller: I covered my tracks. Beecher: Shit. Keller: Toby, look, I'm telling you this--I'm telling you this ...I'm not bragging. I'm not trying to upset you. I'm telling you this 'cause I need you to do me a favor. My ex-wife, Bonnie, she's been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She's dying, Toby, and the only hope that she's got is this drug, it's called Oxaliplatin, and the problem is that it's illegal in this country, so, I contacted this guy who, you know, he just, he peddles in these kinds of illegal drugs. All I need you to do is just meet him. Take the Oxaliplatin to Bonnie. Beecher: I can't. Keller: Why the fuck not? Beecher: I'd be violating my parole. Keller: Bullshit, I'm asking you to take a small package in your pocket from point "A" to point "B." Beecher: I can't. Keller: Bonnie is dying. Beecher: Chris... Keller: I love you. Beecher: Don't. Keller: I know that you love me. I'm begging you, please. Toby, I'm begging you. Beecher: All right. Give me the address. I've gotta go. Keller: Toby, you'll see, this is all for the best. It's all for the best, Toby. [Hallway] Keller: Yes, is Detective Weber there? I got a tip for him. The sale of illegal pharmaceuticals. [Hill Narrating] Hill: A man stands in the cemetery reading a letter he wrote finally forgiving his long dead father. The mother of a girl killed by a drunk driver is wracked with fantasies of retaliation. Your boyfriend begs you for one more chance, you say to a mirror you're done hating yourself, but you know you're not. Maybe instead of forgive and forget it should be forgive and remember. Remember that you might wake up tomorrow and have to forgive all over again and again and again, the way the heart keeps beating like a drum. Forgive. I can't. You can. Forgive. Forgive. I can't. You can. Forgive. [Receiving] Beecher: Same old story. I got fucked in the ass. Guard: Sit down. Sit the fuck down. All right, guys, welcome to Oz. Here's the procedure.