Weird Trick -To change the stars which are shown with the boss at the screen birds, press A and B buttons while holding pressing start at the 'man' you want to play through Mega Man 2 Passwords- Created By Calx ------------------------------------- Airman Destroyed -A1, B5, C3, C4, D5, E1, E2, E3, E4 & Crashman Destroyed -A2, C1, C4, C5, D1, E1, E2, E4, E5 & Quickman Destroyed -A3, B1, C1, C2, C5, D2, E2, E3, E5 & Metalman Destroyed -A5, B2, B3, B4, C3, C4, D2, D4, E4 & Bubbleman Destroyed -A5, B2, B3, B4, C3, C4, D4, D5, E4 & Heatman Destroyed -A5, B2, B3, B4, C1, C3, C4, D4, D5 & Woodman Destroyed -A5, B2, B3, B4, C1, C3, D4, D5, E2 & Flashman Destroyed -A5, B2, B4, C1, C3, C5, D4, D5, E2 -------------------------------------