Exodus - Wisdom Tree - Typed by Calx The story of Exodus The journey to the promise land Fearing the number and strength of the Israelites in Egypt, the pharaoh ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill any sons born to Hebrew women. To save him from this fate Moses' mother put him in a basket and placed it in the river. He was saved by the pharaoh's daughter and grew up as her son. Years later when the pharaoh heard that Moses had killed an Egyptian the pharaoh tried to kill Moses but he escaped. God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and told Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. Thus began the journey to the promised land. In the Exodus from Egypt God stretches out his hand and does wondrous deeds. Using miraculous signs and the ten plagues, Moses frees the children of Israel from the burdens of the Egyptians and takes them out of slavery. The power of God saves the Israelites as he parts the Red Sea, allowing them to pass safely. The benevolence of God saves them as he rains manna down from Heaven and pours water out from the Rock of Horeb. The strength of God saves them by helping them defeat Amalek and his army. Through the grace of God, Moses receives the Ten Commandments and the instructions to make the Ark of the Covenant, the holly garments, and the tabernacle for the congregation. Help Moses as he solves 100 levels of mazes in his journey to the Promised Land using his staff and the spoken Word of God. Your knowledge of the book of Exodus will be tested as you answer questions earning Moses more chances to play to succeed. Using the Controller: Control Pad: moves Moses up, down, left, and right. Start/Select: when both buttons are pressed simultaneously, Moses will start the level over. Use this when Moses becomes trapped. Start: pauses the game B button: Causes Moses to drop a staff A button: Causes Moses to speak the Word of God If you're game doesn't work 1. Please allow up to 45 seconds for your game to start. The TV. May flash up to 9 times while the game is starting. 2. If the game doesn't start after 45 seconds, turn off the Nintendo®. Remove and reinsert the cartridge several times. This procedure ensures the cartridge connections are clean. Turn your Nintendo® system back on. Make sure that you wait at least 7 seconds after turning off the power before you turn it on again. 3. Important!! You must allow at least 7 seconds between power OFF and ON. Failure to do so will result in a blank TV. screen. 4. If game still doesn't work, please refer to the warrantee section of the manual. Object of the game Help Moses solve 100 puzzling levels to complete the Exodus. Along the way you will encounter 250 Exodus questions and 50 reward screens! To complete each level, Moses must gather 5 question marks as well as the manna quota for that level in a certain amount of time. You will then be presented with five questions dealing with the book of Exodus. The multiple-choice questions are generally in chronicalogical order, and with each correct answer you will be rewarded with a Bible. Collect ten Bibles to earn another chance for Moses to play. Following the questions you will find a reward screen relating to the questions; and then you can move on to the next level. The levels become progressively more difficult, so be patient and practice often! Be sure to watch the demo screens for hints. Status Bar Score Greater Faith Armor of God Level # Questions Collected Question Quota Bibles Collected # of Chances Remaining Anointing Oil New Sandals Staffs Remaining for Use Manna Collected Manna Quota Time Reaming to Complete Level To see exactly how the following objects will appear on your screen, press start while you are on the title screen, then press select. Each time you press select another screen of objects or enemies will appear. Objects Omer of Manna: Moses must collect a specific amount of manna to complete each level. The status bar at the top of the screen indicates how much manna must be collected to complete the current level. The first number is how much you have collected so far, the second number is how much you must collect to complete the level. Murmuring of Israel: Removed by one spoken word, a burst from a staff, or a burst from a calf of sin. Doubting God: Removed by two spoken words or one burst. Obstacles of Faith: Removed by three spoken words or one burst. Can be pushed by Moses. Bricks of Labor: Removed by two bursts. Can be pushed. Weaknesses of Man: Can not be eliminated. Can be pushed. Golden Calf of Sin: Ignites if hit by a spoken word or burst. Rock of Horeb: Removed by three burst, can be pushed. Spoken Words will be reflected off. If Moses touches the Rock of Horeb, he must just have picked up the holy oil(see special objects and prizes) or get it with in 20 seconds or he will be forced to start that level over again. Holy Ground: Same as Rock of Horeb but cannot be pushed. Make sure Moses has just picked up Holy Oil or is about to before you touch Holy Ground or the Rock of Horeb! Limitations of Man: Cannot be eliminated or moved. Mud of Bondage: Grows slowly. One spoken word causes Mud to turn into Hardened Hearts. Hardened Hearts: One burst will turn Hardened Hearts into an Omer of Manna. Straw for Bricks: Grow quickly. Turns into Bricks of Labor if it grows into space occupied by Mud. Burst will occur if it grows into the staff or Golden Calf of Sin. Removed by one burst. Enemies: Magicians: Removed by three spoken Words (100 points), one burst (200 points), or a falling object (400 points). Becomes angry after first Word and speeds up. Taskmasters: Removed by two bursts (500 points) or a falling object (1000 points) Soldiers: Removed only by a falling object. Sorcerers: Removed by three bursts. (1500 points) or a falling object (3000 points). Reflects the spoken Word and moves quickly. Other enemies became Sorcerers upon contact with Holy Ground or the Rock of Horeb. Meribah (Quarrel): Removed by a burst (400 points) or a falling object (800 points). Temporally stunned by Spoken Word, moves freely through Mud of Bondage. Massah (Test): Removed by a burst (500 points) or a falling object (1000 points). Angered if hit by spoken Word. Moves freely through straw. Special Objects and Prizes: The following items are displayed on the status bar. Staff of Moses: Dropped by Moses when the B button is pressed, Moses can only drop a staff if the status line indicates that he has one or more available. Question Mark: Represents the Exodus questions you must answer after completing the level. Each level contains five and Moses must gather all of them to complete the level. Each question you gather is worth 1000 points. Word of God: Allows Moses to increase the number of simultaneously Spoken Words. The maximum is five. Authority of God: Increases the distance the Spoken Word travels. The maximum distance is 30 squares. 1 Staff Usage: Allows Moses to drop his staffs one time. 3 Staff Usage: Allows Moses to drop his staff three times 10 Staff Usage: Allows Moses to drop his staff ten times. Greater Faith: Moses becomes temporally unaffected by his enemies. This lasts for 20 seconds. Armor of God: Moses will not be harmed by bursts for 20 seconds. Holy Oil: Protects Moses from Holy Ground and Rock of Horeb for 20 seconds and will heal Moses if he has already touched earlier. New Sandals: Allows Moses to walk through Mud of Bondage or Straw for Bricks for 20 seconds. Freeze Timer: Stops the level countdown timer for 20 seconds. Bible: Collect ten to earn Moses another chance to play. Doubting God's Word: Invisible until Moses touches it. Temporarily prevents Moses from moving for about 4 seconds. Exit Square: Becomes available after you gather five questions and the Manna Quota for that level. (You will know this by looking at the status bar. The screen also flashes white briefly when both quotas have been met). The Exit Square may be hidden under other objects. Game Hints: Watch the 8 demo screens. There are many valuable hints and playing styles shown. Collect as many Bibles and answer as many questions as you can. Ten Bibles gives Moses another chance to play. After Moses loses all his chances, you are given the option to continue or restart. You are only allowed three continues, after which you must start again. You can skip levels by fives at the beginning of the game. The first time you are on the screen which reads "LEVEL 1", Press the A button to go forward by five. The B button goes back by five. You can skip all the way to level 81 in this manner. If Moses is hit by a falling object you must restart or continue. Only the following objects fall, and only when they are stacked upon each other: Obstacles to Faith, Bricks of Labor, Golden Calf of Sin, Limitations of Man, Rock of Horeb, and Omer of Manna. (For example, an Obstacle of Faith above a Murmuring of Israel will not fall). Moses can clear a path under an object using a Spoken Word and hold it up by just standing there. Only an object that is already falling with hurt Moses, although it will remove enemies. A good rule of thumb is to work from the top of the screen to the bottom. This way objects will not fall on Moses. There are some tricky levels where it is necessary for Moses to drop a staff to temporarily hold up falling objects. Many levels have hidden exit squares. For example, after you have met both quotas on level 7, you won't see the exit square. This is because it is hidden under the Bricks of Labor in the lower right hand corner of the level. Save enough staffs to burst away the Bricks and you will see the exit!! On some levels, the majority of your Manna will come from bursting Hardened Hearts. There are a few surprise levels which have "object generators." This is demonstrated on one of the demo levels. Be Patient! It is possible to complete all 100 levels! Sometimes, there is only one correct way to complete a level.