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Wednesday 4.6.03

Hahahahahaha, SHIT, I've managed to get a photo of myself on here. Giggle. God I look cross :-)

Thursday 5.6.03

Flat-hunting turned into a bit of a disaster, so we're going to fuck it and do it in September. Rah. This is probably a decision I shall live to regret, and will probably rant about when furiously trying to find somewhere to live in two months, but it seems like a good idea now. Is a glorious sunny day; have managed absolutely nothing in the last 8 hours apart from spending 20 quid on clothes and gassing lots to Max and Charlie. And, GUESS WHAT???? - going to spend the evening gassing to Mark and Claire. Rah. :-)

Note added later: Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Had fabulous dinner last night with Adam in a place called Isola in Knightsbridge; actually no, let me rephrase: Adam bought me dinner last night after we'd both had shitty days for various reasons. Then Max arrived and, shock horror, I got trashed. No connection between the two, of course... ;-)

Friday 6.6.03

OH for fuck's sake. I made this same mistake last Friday: put the wrong pants on this morning and they're going right up my crack.

Two bits aside from that: Firstly the fact that, whilst on a packed commuter-train heading to Harrow last night with Claire, she decided to announce to the entire company assembled that said train smelt like the zoo.

Slightly less amusingly (depending on which angle you are looking at things from, I suppose) I have broken the central-heating and hot water system at home. I don't quite know how I managed this rather spectacular feat, but I turned it off the other day and now it won't go back on again for love, money, pleading, shouting, cursing or general threats. Thank feck it's Summer...

Saturday 7.6.03

SAYS Max chattily over coffee: 'Yeah, I guess it's going to be a fair few years before it's me doing the shafting...' Not going to recount precisely what we were talking about, but it wasn't anything too dodgy, as far as I remember. But given that the general content of my conversation with Max does originate from Satan's armpits, it wouldn't be overly surprising.

Working on updating poetry bit today so go indulge at some point. Next post probably from Berlin...

Tuesday 10.6.03

OOH, I'm back in Germany.

Had a quietish last few days - Sunday was spent packing up, losing my flat-keys that kind of general crap. Had a lovely long walk with Max in the evening down by the Thames; although I was sad to be leaving yet again, I know that it's the last time I do: next time I come home, I will not have a ticket booked to go back to Europe. And I needed to just amble along and say goodbye to my city and my river, and my life and my London for another couple of months. Yesterday was a very long day - decided to pull an all-nighter on Sunday night because we had to get up at 3 anyway to get to Stansted to get our RyanSHITEair flight back here. We missed the damn flight because the Stansted Express decided to be replaced by a bus from Harlow (I personally always thought that Harlow was one of those places like Wolverhampton that everyone talks about but doesn't actually exist, but I was wrong) so we booked another flight, this time with the far superior AirBerlin, and only lost an hour in the end anyway. So rah. And now I am back. Is very strange to be here; not sure how I am feeling. I wanted to come back, and I was missing Berlin in a funny way. But I still don't know what I was (or am missing) and still seem to be missing it. Curious.