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Wednesday 2.10.02

Few bits this week. Went up onto the old castle in time for sunset the other night and looked out over the whole of Nice; a sight which every visitor I have will be dragged half way up a foothill to see. It's gorgeous and very well worth the panting, sweating and general lack of finesse that it entails.

Talking of which, Anna and I did another flypast at the Prefecture place on Monday morning to see if there was any chance we could get hold of a treasured residence fucking permit. Actually, this isn't quite accurate - we got up a 6.45 and decided that we weren't going to leave the place without one. So we get there, ready to present every piece of paper (again) that we have ever touched in our lives - I even contemplated bringing the bits of crap down the side of the sofa just in case - and, quelle surprise! we didn't get a card. There was a sign (NB inside, when we had waited outside for the best part of an hour) saying that no more student applications would be accepted until October 3rd.

Repelling the strong urge to go on a killing spree or just go and drink ourselves into oblivion, we collapsed into helpless giggles at the ludicrousness (is that a word?) of the whole thing and left. Again. We're going back on Friday. Again. We're getting up at 6, getting there for 8, and I'm bringing semtex.

The pointlessness of Monday continued when I decided, just for research purposes I might add, to visit the only gay dating agency in Nice. This turned out to be one scary-looking Dutch woman on the third floor of a random building in the centre. I awkwardly asked her some questions having explained that I wasn't actually interested in joining, and got very little helpful response. In the end I said, having exhausted all the possibilities of 'Can you give me some info?' and her saying 'No,' I asked what exactly she did and how much it was to join.

Weelll, says strange woman airily, I do astrological dating. It's 300 Euros to join. Giggling quietly, I left. Went to Villefranche-sur-Mer yesterday, which is indescribably beautiful. Admittedly, we got on the wrong train at first and overshot by one village, but we got there eventually, and it was well wroth sailing by on a train and contemplating flinging ourselves off. Also went to Cannes for dinner, dahlings, also just delightful. Must stop gassing now as Anna's waiting to go, though. More soon.

Sunday 6.9.02

Usual apologies for being generally crap at posting. I'm French now. Enough said. Anyway, has been a pretty cool week down here on the Riviera - one of those where you seem to keep busy but acheive spectacularly little. Bought a pair of roller-blades yesterday after giving into temptation (only about 20 something quid) and went right along the promenade for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon, which was kinda fun :-)

I decided to have an early comiseration/celebration present because I also had a job interview yesterday for this clothes shop called 'Jules' (Gillian and Anna helpfully pointed out immediately that this is also a slang word for 'pimp' - splendid, bet whole respectable shop-thing is a front; will be rent-boy before you know it) which went OK. They asked me bloody hard questions for someone applying to be essentially a shop-worker (I mean, crap like 'If you were to be an animal, what would you be?' and 'If your friends were to describe you, which words would they use?' - was enormously tempted to answer this last one truthfully ('shag-drunk, trollop, lush...') but decided that outright lies always are the best way forward in such situations :-)) but I think I smiled and charmed enough. Will be hearing before Tuesday, so keep your fingers crossed. It's just men's clothes, and there are lots of things in there I really like, so I might actually become stylish in the next few months!

Woo, could actually start my own label in fact; I mean, you know, could call it something like 'MaRk' or perhaps just SLAG and make lots of money and wear stupid sunglasses even when indoors and be a general fashion guru. In this case, perhaps my fashion label would be more accurate if it said 'Twat' perhaps.

Where was I? Yes, talking of slags etc, went (alone, which I HATE) to a gay bar last night. Quite a freaky but cool experience. Nothing happens before about 11 in terms of gay nightlife in this town, and even then all the men are RANK (well, perhaps a mild exaggeration but you get my gist) so fuckety only knows how I'm going to get a boyfriend to improve my oral technique. Anna thinks I should just flaunt myself, find a boy (whether I actually find him attractive is carelessly shoved aside) so that she can practice her French. Haven't sunk quite that low yet, but I think it's on the way...

Went to the Admin Centre AGAIN the other day to try to get a residence permit AGAIN and got told to come back AGAIN but this time clutching the bit of paper saying that I've successfully applied for one. Bloody French. Going back in 2 weeks, and probably going to wait for another few hours, and be told that it's being processed. Ooh, but musn't bitch too much because I DID manage to enrol at Uni finally (although I did have to argue because they couldn't understand that I'm only here till bloody February) and get a timetable, which is good news. Not too strenuous - about 14 hours a week, but because I'm an Auditeur Libre, they don't give a shite if I go or not :-) so that's cool. Lectures were due to start on Monday but, wait for this, they're still rebuilding the department so it's been put back to Wednesday.

Right, well, that's all for now I think, although I'm sure that there's muchos which I've forgotten to gas about. This, in fact is good news in a way - is a terrible shock to the system to actually pay for my internet usage; means I can't right megalith-emails to everyone individually and then rant on here... Blub.