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Thursday 29.8.02

The ground, as I write, is moving somewhat beneath my feet. It's been a weird day - firstly, having booked flights to Nice and paid the entire deposit and first month's rent on the flat for both myself and Anna, I have become, in the space of about 15 minutes sat in front of a man with an HSBC tie and smile to match, poor beyond my wildest imagination. I shall have funds again at the weekend, so in theory I'm only going to have to proverbially starve for a couple of days, but it's a new and strangely refreshing feeling. Added to this is that fact that I spent the afternoon varnishing bookshelves - realised I'd probably had enough when I couldn't smell the stuff any more, went for a break, came back in and was almost knocked backwards by the strength of the smell - which made me realise that, despite having the general practical effect of a catflap in an elephant house, I really enjoy DIY-ish things. It was a really relaxing afternoon (apart from one slightly panicked moment when I got varnish on my hair trying to paint the underside of a shelf) - bizarrely mindless and yet space to think and sing along to various bits of cheese I had blaring. So a good, and productive day.

Sunday 1.9.02

Two weeks today I will be in the South of France. :-)

Tuesday 3.9.02

Feeling rather akin to a dish-rag this morning after my last night out clubbing in London for a while happened yesterday. My drunken wiles failed to convince Alec and Michelle to actually step foot inside Heaven (but then, to their credit, Mich is graduating today - yippee! - and Alec managed to soak his trousers in a very unfortunate place while we were in the bar beforehand) but lots of other people came along and we had larks, so all is well. Have also just had confirmation that the money I wired to a random bank in Nice has arrived - sigh of relief - so the only thing that could possibly go wrong now is that we could turn up, in theory, and find that our landlady is a giggling witch and the flat either doesn't exist or it's made of sticks and mud. Granted, this isn't the most likely of scenarios, but you have to plan for everything...