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Wednesday 15.5.02

Yes, yes, I did reach boredom's zenith yesterday, hence the stupid java-script mouse-thing (NB this really wasn't me, honest - I have trouble getting my head round fucking French, let alone Java etc) which I will take off just as soon as I get enough irate emails telling me how much you're getting annoyed by it. Then I'll put another on :P

Anyway, few bits today; finally trudged through the last pages of Snow Falling on Cedars last night which felt like finishing a marathon - the book doesn't know if it's historical fiction, thriller, sob-story, one extended metaphor (we're talking extended in the realm of 400 pages here) or none of the above. What got me was that, had I read the first 50 pages and the last 50, I would have still understood the story. The other 350 were about how pretty the snow is. Joy. So that's dead and buried, thank god, leaving me cranial room for Sophie Hannah's Leaving and leaving you. We like Sophie Hannah, and bits of it will be appearing here after exams, as she writes wonderful stuff.

The other female entry into my life (so to speak) is the new Alanis Morissette album. I always hesitate to try and review things because (a) I like S Club, which I think says muchos about my taste, and (b) all reviews are, for the most part, utterly subjective anyway, so really there's little point to them. But it has to be said that I can't see this new one coming near the sublime Jagged little Pill, but then having said that Alanis would have had to pull down heaven to do that, so we don't blame her too much for not matching it.

Lastly today, I got most of the slating I was waiting for from Michelle, who, sweetness, intelligence and clarity that she is, fails to comprehend my slight problems with her argument (let's just summarise here: If you're caught shagging a man on duty and shot, it's justifiable in terms of dereliction of duty. If you're caught shagging a man whilst off duty and shot, it's homophobia) - my only problem with this is that she is not a gay soldier in Hitler's time. If she was, I'm sure she'd see the situation slightly differently...

Thursday 16.5.02

Amongst much whistling and clacking of tracks, Mark steamtrained straight into mortification central this morning. Coming down the stairs on the way out, senior chaplain of hall smiles and says, 'That was a very nice version of 'I vow to thee my country I heard you singing this morning.' Well, in fact, everyone heard me sing. In the shower. And chaplain was in chapel with lots of people praying. And Mark was singing in the shower, loud enough to be heard. And...oh it's just too unbearable to think about.

I have sung, on and off, every sodding morning in the bloody shower since arriving at the hall in September. I can't help it, it's a habit. And it seems that every flat, every sharp, every diminished sodding seventh that has passed my watery lips has....Oh the embarrasssment.

Friday 17.5.02

You know, if I fail every single one of my exams this year, in a way I won't be surprised. Was listening to the radio this morning, and they were playing all sorts of crap from about 1991 or something - anyway, a long, long time ago, when I wasn't even 10 years old. And yet I could sing along to every single one of them - lyrics, tunes the lot. No bloody wonder I can't seem to cram anything else into my cranium (apart from an express desire not to warble in the shower any more, which I managed not to do this morning, thank god.)

Monday 20.5.02

News comes today that Gyneth Paltrow is going to play Sylvia Plath in a film about her life with Ted Hughes. Wonder if someone'll teach her to act before then.

Perhaps slightly more pressingly, I have my linguistics exam tomorrow, which also will be my last. I probably won't be putting anything up here until Wednesday, then, as tomorrow I will be revising then writing then very, very drunk. Oh yeah, and Salsa dancing... :-)



















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