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Monday 20.10.03

IT'S been a while, yes, and I apologised before the while happened, and now it has, I apologise again. I am going to have to start neglecting this a little if I am going to get my life sorted, but I will always come back in the form of a foul, incessant boomerang.

Tuesday night was bizarre - went home to find the house -almost- completely empty and the remnants of my family in a flap trying to chuck all the stuff out of it and clean it out at once. I noticed that my mother was a touch distracted when at one stage when we were out, she dug out what she thought was her mobile phone from her bag and tried to make a call on it. She was slightly surprised to find that its dialling capacity had changed somewhat given that she'd taken the remote control for the TV with her by mistake. Aaaaanyway, so that was Tuesday, and then mum and I got up at the crack of arse on Wednesday morning to drive to Yorkshire. Left the house at 5.45 with the cat, who was, may I just say (not that there's any danger of her reading this, I concede) impeccably behaved in her box, so well done cat.

Uneventuful journey apart from a brief stop beside the motorway where mum tried to feed the feline; I in the meantime got out and got some fresh air. Came back to find mum with the cat under her arm and a paper plate of food in her other hand, offering it to the cat. Suddenly I saw mum shout 'fuck' and scrabble about the car, and suddenly pick up her phone to have a gas to whoever was on the other end. Most amusing and bemusing.

Her new cottage is lovely (I don't CARE if you don't want to know all this, it's for posterity - fuck off and read someone interesting if you feel like it) altohugh god only knows where she's going to put all the crap she's bought with her. Took the entire day to unload the monolithic juggernaut -mostly full of books, I might add- and try and find basics like saucepans and kettles. And it was very nice to be in Yaaaaaarkshire again, definitely.

Thursday was uneventful; did a little work and went back to my old school. Got the train back on Friday and, again, did remarkably little really. Once I had got home, had a good has to Anna and Charlie and generally fannied about for a while, it was time to go to bed, so never mind. B and Gary arrived at King's Cross on Saturday morning so I met them and showed them to their very posh hotel, and then, dahlings, READ THIS NOW THIS IS THE INTERESTING BIT, Mark entered the space-age - I now have a laptop. Rah. And it does just about everything - just haven't found which key to press to make it wipe my arse for my yet.

So rah. Went out on the trash with B and Gary on Saturday night which was most unsatisfactory (Soho filled with the sorts of men, the sight of whom would send Frankenstein's monster pegging it - God I'm a bitch sometimes) - spent lots, didn't get drunk, but I was in scintillating company so I guess that makes it alright :-) Yesterday was spent pratting about in my flat, doing occasional bits of WANK French grammar work (Instructions: Write out a summary of this text and then, OOOH LOOOOOK, write it out AGAIN using different words trying to make it look like it's a different piece of work. Aaaagh makes me CROSS) and going to the Laundrette. Joy.

First meeting about the play tonight which I am quietly bricking myself about and then post-meeting-production-crew-meeting, erm, in the pub. Rah. Off to Windsor on Wednesday with the German Department, back on Friday, so perhaps more after that.

Tuesday 21.10.03

First meeting about the play went well last night. Got about 30 names so far. Happy Mark (despite dumping-self-in-panties Mark too...) :-)