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Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at [Angel.]

You've reached The Inner Strife, this is my personal webpage. Right now i'm uploading pictures but i hope to have more stuff going soon! This means a picture gallery...umm...a collection of short storys and more! yeah...i like that, that'll work, anyhoo...yeah, feel free to browse (like i could really stop you besides from giving you a virus or something)

News from my life-

**time passes** i've gone through boot camp (see the boot camp pictures) and have gone through MCT (marine combat training) got to play with some cool toys, m69 frag grenade, M 240G medium machine gun, do live fire squad rushes and learn how to fire the AT-4 84mm rocket work with claymore mines and trip flares. Learned Basic Infantry skills (patrolling, forced marches, living off of MREs and sleeping in a fighting hole...etc.) Life is great as a Marine and my MOS (job) is 0511 so i'm stuck behind a desk working with computers (what i was doing before i joined) I've been moved to NAB Little Creek, VA and I graduate tomorrow (may 14th) and get 10 days leave. After going home my first duty station is Camp Lejeune, NC. entry added as of 132131L May03 (030513).

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Links to really cool webpages

Stories written by myself and a couple of my friends (to be updated frequently)
My picture gallery (under construction)
My Forum
My Other Webpage (down)
a personal bio (email me if you have anything to add)

