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Forever in Our Hearts

This is a healing site, and grief is one of the most destructive emotions known to man, here is a place to post the names of those you love, that's right, I said love...present tense. Just because they are gone that is no reason to stop loving them. I pledge to you that as long as this site stands these names will be shown and these flames will light their way to whatever afterlife your Creator promises you.

19-1-88 to 18-4-88
Cot Death

You opened your eyes and took a peep
Didn't like it and went to sleep.

12 years on and I still miss you.....Neil

Tony Hughes
A giant of a man, and my friend.
I am sorry Tony,
Please forgive me for not trying harder to heal you.


Our Diana
Your death rocked England to the core
How many tears must we cry before you return to us??

Francis Jude Gallagher
August 7 1953 to March 10 2000
You are a dear friend to us all.
We love you and we miss you.

Your friends from Wyrnoria and Bladarion.

Roy Lee Bosson
9/19/1915 - 11/27/99
You are a dear friend to us all.
This was a true man.
He was a man worth knowing. Period.

Nick (Seren)

My Grandmother Ivyl
May 20 1916 - April 1999

You encouraged me when no else did,
and helped me the best you could.
Love you always.
See u on the other side.

Love, Stacey

John Piercey

25 November 1916 - 23 December 1997

To my Dad
I miss you

Michael Schembs
"Forever Young"
1/18/74 - 3/4/92

We were blessed with you for only a short time ,
but your gifts of love and laughter will stay
with us forever.

Love, Mom, Dad and Donna

John Fulton
9/74 to 12/88
Christmas brought us no joy the eve we lost you.
You will always be with me in my heart.

Love forever, your Sister

David Catalfumo
5 January 1975 - April 7, 2000
Too young at 25 to go be with God.
You will be missed.

A friend


My life, my thoughts, my dreams will always be with you.

I love you.


To those before me who gave me my clear path to trod...

Dragi and

Miss you all, but follow your steps the best I can.
I'll cross the Rainbow Bridge to come for you, Tesla.

Again, thanks for everything, love, Taumi

Drawing Down of the M00n by Maidens

Michelle Sinclair
"Forever Young"
beginning - 29/5/94

To be blessed with a friend such as you,
even once in a lifetime is what your friendship so special.
You may have passed to a better place,
you do however, remain in my heart


In Memory of Tim

You went away and left us;
With hearts so heavy and sad;
You should not have gone at all;
You were only just a lad.

The days go by and we still ask why;
But never an answer comes through;
We have to respect your wishes;
If it's something you had to do.

Your mind is at peace now;
And your body pure again;
So we say good-bye;
With tears in our eyes;
Someday we will all meet again !

You're sadly missed and deeply loved.


Every day I cry a tear
For the man who's no longer here.

I hope and I pray
Maybe I'll see him someday.

I know he's in some wonderful place
Far far above in outer space.

Even though we don't always hear it
I know he's always here in spirit.

I am sorry for the ones that never had
A father as wondeful as my Dad.

His kids and his wife
Are the loves of his life.

We may not think we can go on
But Daddy's love will make us strong.


Ray Dickens

17 March 1937 - 22 September 1987

I love you dad and always miss you.
Kathleen (Kitt)

Keriwyn Jade MacDonald

Mar 1970 - Oct 09 2001

You are my heart and I will never forget or forsake you

Love Eternally,


Linda Jean Howell


Born in London 3rd April 1953
Murdered 10th November 2001 Bluffton S.C.
No longer in our lives to share, in our hearts Lindy's always there.


August Ewert.

4/08/57 - 9/29/92

We will miss you forever.

Love Mom, Yvonne, Elaine and all your nieces and nephews.

Email us at if you would like a name placed upon this page....if you wish your identity withheld please mention it in the email, and include the words that you would like printed (about 50 max please) and any image you would like shown.