


This is my site. I couldn't give a fuck what you think of it or how you depict me. I created this site for no-one. Not even myself. Nothing can stop me now. All hell has broken loose. Heh...

OK..First things First, Sarah is my girlfriend. I love her with all my heart, and could never stop. She is the best chikadee in the world, Period. Secondly, I ride motobikes, I like it alot, and I also support the Metal Mulisha who are NOT bad ass try hards. BUT, they do what they want, and I'm a strong believer in doing what you want. So if you do what you want, good for you. Mike Metzger and Brian Deegan are my favourite riders, simply because they are good and do what they please.


Sarah is my girlfriend (as you would have read), she means the world to me, and I couldn't see a day through without knowing that I have her. She is an angel to put plainly. And if she's readin' this... I love you buby!! In conclusion to my welcome or what ever you want to call this text of my fucked up site. I'd like to say... This site will never be not underconstruction. If you'd like some mp3's or anythin up here email me with your suggestion.. Chances are... If it takes heaps of effort It won't be up here...












Copyright© of Holdz 2001.