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Sora Takenouchi

English Name: Sora Takenouchi
Japanese Name: Takenouchi Sora
Personality: Protective, brave, responsible
Crest: Love
Digimon Partner: Biyomon
Element: Wind

Description: Sora's the responsible one. She acts as an older sister for the group, always keeping an eye out for everyone. Sora appears to be the most level headed of the group and as a result the most serious she cares about other people.

Sora is an athletic, tomboyish sort of girl who knew Tai back in the real world from sports. She comforts and supports others when they are down, providing what is needed to keep morale high especially when Tai is at his most forceful.

Sora looks pretty much the same as she did in Season 1. She appears in a lot of Season 2, but not as much as Tai and Izzy. Sora has given up playing soccer, and now is an avid tennis player. During her free time, Sora is learning flower arranging from her mother so she can take over the family business when she gets older.

With a strong sense of duty, Sora is the group's mature voice of reason. Perceived as a tomboy, she would love to cut loose and have a rip-roaring adventure, but instead she takes on the responsibility of keeping the others safe. She's compelled to do so because she's not convinced Tai can handle the situation.