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Welcome to Faces of Firan. This web site is a hobby of mine that has grown out of my enjoyment for the online game, Firan MUX (hosted at 5000). I am attempting to use Curious Labs' Poser software to produce thematic images of characters in the game. The process involves the combination of 3D models, morphs, and textures to produce quality representations of the fascinating characters of this game world. If you would like to volunteer to have your character portrayed, please send an email to or, if a player on Firan Mux, feel free to page or @mail Lippio.

Sir Achillus Opuntus
Lord Judge Adrastus Ista Barun
Commander Alexa Wolfhawke
Lord Argus Firgalik
Mer Arimatheos Harror
Lord Centurion Arius Iberik
Mes Aurora Ranorabus
Aylina Cyrani
Mes Britania Emarinsari
Cyrani Family Portrait (Noble Branch)
Lady Deelia Iberik
Mer Dominik Cyrani
Mer Drios Bazyli
Mes Dyanna Cyrani
Mes Ezarette Ishartano
Commander Firuell Aurik
Fresia Leifkin
Lord Commander Inarus Iberik
Mes Juleesa Cyrani
Centurion Kalchus Jaldrish
Lady Kameelya Keniwik
Centurion Kendra Coyote
Mes Lasanna Mondarik
Lady Leyla Firgalik
Lord Lippio Cyrani
Lady Nalia Iberik
Commander Nicolos Ishartano
Mer Pandarus Parnassis
Lord Pangaros Istabannos
Mer Parosh Dilarik
Lord Philander Ista Aldrik
Lord Commander Porfirio Derato
Mer Querash Actis
Sir Delegate Quonasi
Mer Sarpedon Teraloka
Sarpedon and Ufani
Sayam Kirdik
Princess Selene Elianik
Lord Judge Taleo Teranzik
Teddi Dilarik
Mes Themissa Jaldrish
Lady Throgana Keniwik
Mer Tiberio Cyrani
Lady Timandra Derato
Ursina Firona
Priestess Urtenia
Ranivor Vahlgellan Elianik
Lady Vana Cyrani
Mer Vanko Jaffus
Lord Yaffros Iberik
Lady Yasha Rissik
Mer Yeter Cyrani
Mes Yoki Teraloka
Lady Zakaria Didoron
Sentry Zoey Mondarik

Copyright Notice: All FiranMUX related artwork is copyrighted to the artists, but as the artwork is derivative of the works of Stephanie and Adam Dray, an irrevocable non-exclusive license to use, reproduce and display this artwork is granted to Adam and Stephanie Dray. All thematic information including characters, character names, backgrounds, setting, descriptions, and storyline are copyrighted to Adam and Stephanie Dray and permission is not granted to use this information without express consent.