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Hello everyone, this is Danielle or as some of you know on Alamak chat know me as SilverWolf *laughs* and I wanted to tell you about my son Adam, my husband Scott and a little bit about myself *smiles*.

All About Danielle

Well my name is Danielle and I am 27 years old and was born on October 22, 1974 and that makes me a Libra *smiles* I live in Kingston, Ontario Canada. I have lived in Kingston many times during my life and no matter where I have lived I have always thought of Kingston my home *smiles*
I am 5'0 with shoulder length dark hair and green eyes that change change different shades of green with my moods that have some other colors too (like red and yellow)inside them. I know it's weird but it's true *laughs*. I am Scottish and Indian and a little bit of French background and I think there is more but I am not sure *laughs*. I have a tattoo on my right ankle and it's a wolf head, I have no piercings other then in my ears and don't plan on getting any. I am thinking of getting another tattoo but I am not sure of what yet although I do have an idea *smiles*.
Now for some of the things I enjoy doing *thinks for a bit*. I love music alot *nods*. Love to listen to all types of music depending on my moods, ranging from classical to heavy metal, but I don't like rap *laughs*. I love to play my guitar and my clarinet (when I do have the time that is *L*)
Another thing that I enjoy doing is reading, I love to read novels all the time and they are mainly horror and sci-fi. My favorites are Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice and Tanya Huff *smiles*. (can't wait for the next Stephen King novel about the Dark Tower *taps my foot*). I also like to watch movies (action, comedy, horror are my favorites) but if the movie is good and catches my attention and isn't boring as hell then I will watch it. Ok now what else? I love to walk, going all over the place with Adam and Scott is the greatest, 'cause Adam loves to be outside. I like being outdoors, swimming, hiking, camping and fishing and being out in a boat all day long are what I enjoy doing but I am more a night person. When I do have some ideas *L* I love to write but being a mom takes up alot of my thinking time *LOL*. But for now that is all I can think of.

All About Scott

To start off I will tell you about Scott *smiles* He is one of the sweetest, most caring guys I know. *smiles* We met about 3 years ago and it was on a phone chat line *laughs* Yes it does work sometimes *nods* He is 30 years old now and was born on July 8, 1971 so that makes him a Cancer sign *smiles* He was born in Montreal but grew up in Prince Edward Island with his dad *smiles* And he calls P.E.I home and Kingston his home away from home.
Scott is 5'8 with short dark red hair and he has blue/green eyes that change colors too, kinda like mine but they go blue one time and then green another depending on his mood and one time one eye was blue and the other was green *laughs* cool huh? Scott has a Scottish and Irish background *smiles*. He is a great father and loves to be with Adam all the time which is great to see with all the other dad's I have seen around here.
Scott's hobbies are sports *laughs* he loves sports and watches them all the time. He is into Hockey and his favorite player is Wayne Gretzky and his favorite team is Edmonton Oilers. He likes wrestling and watches Raw is War and SmackDown every week *laughs cause sometimes I watch them too* His favorites are Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and Bill Goldberg but his favorite of all time is Bret the Hitman Hart.
He likes Baseball and his favorite team is Toronto Blue Jays eventhough they suck right now *laughs* Another thing he likes is boxing and has a page linked here about a boxer he likes so if you are into that please check it out *smiles*
He loves polar bears and you can see the pics that he has added and hope you enjoy them *laughs* Well what else can I say about Scott *thinks* I don't know but I will be adding more and more everyday so please check back when you can *smiles*

All About Adam

Well to tell you about our pride and joy Adam *smiles*. This might take me a while cause I am always talking about him *laughs* Adam is now 2 years old and he was born on June 3, 2000 and he is a Gemini *smiles* Adam has curly light brown hair that he gets from Scott and he has green and blue eyes that change colors too *laughs* I think that is the best. He is a wonderful son and loves to do alot of different things like reading *nods* yup he's like his mommy *giggles and claps*. He is always reaching for a book and bringing it to us so we can read it over and over and over and well you get the picture *laughs*. Another thing he loves to do is chasing after my cat Midnight *laughs* going for his tail and hugging him and kissing him eventhough my cat don't like to be held except when he wants to be that is but he loves Adam as much as the rest of us do *smiles*. Adam loves to be outside seeing the trees and birds and we are always taking him out for walks along the water and back where there are trees when it's not to hot out and he can see the birds flying up over us *laughs cause it's cute watching him*
At this age now Adam can now walk all over the place and is always getting into things that he shouldn't (like the cupboads and getting the food out of there) *laughs* but that's what kids do right? Anyways he has 7 teeth now and one more coming in and can eat anything that we do now, which I love *s*. He's very strong and he's always moving the furniture eventhough it's alot bigger than him but he manages to move it across the room *laughs* He's like his daddy that way *smiles*
So far Adam can say Hi, bye bye and Momma and DiDa for daddy *smiles* He's starting to say door and dog more too plus he knows what certain things are in and around the house are like the light and tv and blinds, things like that *smiles*. He knows what the ears, eyes, mouth and nose are on people and will show you where they are. He is very smart and loves to show you what he has learned and is always trying to do what we are doing *laughs* Like locking and unlocking the gate to the kitchen.
He loves to watch different things on tv and has a few favorite shows and you will see a pic of one of them *smiles* Well for now I am going to stop talking about Adam cause I can go on and on about him and well if you want to know about him or Scott you can just ask me *smiles* As always I will be adding more all the time so check back.

There will be updates from time to time, so come back and check it out *smiles* Please sign the guest book and tell us what you think of our page. Thanks *smiles*

This is Scott's favorite animal. The polar bear is the largest of all the bears and is so cute looking eh? Just don't go and try and hug one "L".

Well I just wanted to get some Polar bears up on this page because I think they should be here. Tell us what you think, and I hope you enjoy our page. Thanks

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All things done here © by Danielle Gilchrist aka SilverWolf.

Danielle and Adam

Danielle and Adam 2

Danielle and Adam 3

Scott's Pic


In The Ring


Cars Page