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My wOrLd~*

Thanks for hittin up my page...hehe...i'm not sure how you stumbled here, but i'm glad you did! it's not the best, nor is it the most original (just consider meeh another korean gurl among thousands of korean gurls who have web pages and think they're kyoot...same graphics...same format...kiki) but oh wellz...hope u enjoy! *grins* dun forget to tag mah g-book on the way out!! and check back from tym to tym...this page will always be under major construction!!!

If we deny love that is given to us,
if we refuse to give love because we fear the pain of loss,
then our lives will be empty, our loss greater."

-Tanthalas, Dragons of Winter Night

from top to bottom, left to old friend Ron, my sis Sonya and moi!


FINALLY~~ my new page is up and, i'm so productive~~ a new entry in the thoughts page...thass bout it hehe...hope you all have fun browsing through, and don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Updated shoutoutz~ as well as a new post in the thoughts page~~~~!!


FINALLY~~ haha sorry everything's taken so long~~ there are two new picture pages up (both with only a few pics in them...sorry) One is of my youth group C4...unfortunately i only have two that are scanned...but hopefully i'll be able to put some more up later~ and then the other one is the Spring Break trip to Kali my friends took to come play and visit meeh....also, there's a new poem up as well as a new post on the thoughts page~~


Oh my~~~ it's been a long time since i updated this website...i guess i've been a little busy~~ but anyway...a new post in the confessions section, updated shoutz...nuthin else but feel free to browse around the site..

Yoon Kye Sang! My favorite singer in my favorite korean group Groove Over Dose~~

So what else is on this page? Glad you asked!!

Everything you ever wanted to know about me!

My shoutoutz to the many people in my life

Snapshots of those i know and love!

My Thoughts Page!

Into the mind of Min~

Check out these links!!

this is my lil sis''s kyoot, but there's a lot ob da same pics...why? cuz we kno a lot ob da same peeps!! hehehe...but hit her pagey up...

click here!!!

this is Sam Lee's page...i've only talked to him a few times, but his page is rilli good~
enter Sam's world!!

this is my buddy JaeWon's's kinda crazy (cuz he tries to be funny)...but it's good...hehe...
hit his pagey here!!

This is C4 Youth's official website..
check it out here!!!

this is John Chang's pagey...currently @ dartmouth...if u like reading...check it out...
click here!

wellpz...this is it! u've finally come to da end! *gRinS* dun forget to sign da guestbook on tha way out! if u hab any comments or questions please e-mail me at: it'd be kewl to hear from ya!!

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