Learning to Fly

As the months wore on, Sideara had less and less bouts of amnesia. She gave all the credit to having Suki at her side. The little dragon had been a miricle and was proving her worth everyday. About a year after Sideara found her, Suki decided that she needed to learn to fly. She had grown a lot over the last year, and was eager to try out her new wings. She began to flap them, and a cloud of dust surrounded her. I wish you would take a bath dear, you are filthy! Sideara said with a giggle. *Nope, no bath. Water is bad.* Suki replied still concentrating on flapping her wings. She started to run, hoping to get up enough speed to take off. Spotting a hill, Suki decides to run to the top and jump off, hoping to at least glide for a minute. She reaches the top and leaps into the air. She does indeed glide for a moment. . .right into a tree. The branches cut her face a bit as she fell. Sideara heard her fall and ran to her side. Oh you poor thing. Let me clean you up a bit. she said as she began to wipe away the traces of blood with her skirt. I think it will scar, but not to badly. she added with a smile to her growing dragon. You are getting so big, much to big to live in the house. Do you think we should move to accomidate you? she asks Suki. *Oh, no, I am fine outside, I rather like it* Suki said, rassuring her bondmate. *I think I will give up on the flying thing for today. Maybe we should go collect herbs and such so we don't run out.* she added. Good idea, love. Sideara said and stood up to pat Suki on the cheek. They walked along a forest path. Sideara began to wonder just how fine Suki was outside. "Maybe we should ask someone to make my house bigger so you will have somewhere to go when it rains. . .since you are so against water." Sideara said patting Suki on the flank. Suki seems to consider this for a moment. *That might not be such a bad idea. I could help some of the villagers gather wood and such since it would be for me after all.* she said, looking towards the clouds thoughtfully.

Sideara and Suki walk a long, collecting herbs as they find them. The pair comes to a large hill. *I think I will try to fly again.* she states and begins to run towards the hill. Sideara watches, hopeing her friend comes to no more harm. Suki reaches the top of the hill and jumps off, plumeting towards the ground, which is much farther than she thought. She begins to flap her wings. Slowly she begins to gain alititude. She rises above the crest of the hill and hovers there, grinning. *I did it!* she shouted. Sideara watched in surprise as her bond soars throu the air. The day was turing very productive after all.

Name: Suki
Bondmate: Sideara
Gender: Female
Age: Dragonitt
Color: Corliss (Purple, greenish and grey)
Notes: No fur (most BDs have velveteen
-like fur, or longer. She doesn't.
She has scales which will become
more evident as she grows, feathered
wings (most BDs have draconic wings)
which may change if she spends too
much time around water.
From: Venium Mactare
