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wyrd pages

?????WHY CALL THIS "Weird"?????

Norse mythology tells of three norns or fates who preside over the birth of every mortal, casting the "weird/WYRD" or design of their lives. The personalities and identities of these three figures vary from one account to another but they are usuall asoicated with past, present and future. Originally there seems to have been only one. Among Anglo-Saxons, WYRD was known as the silent goddess who attended and comforted mothers as they gave birth, and this goddess predestined the lives of both gods and humans.


At the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree, theSE 3 norns kept vigil by the magical well of wyrd. There they spun, wove, and snipped the every-flowing threads of life. As they did so, they also Mixed the waters of their well with some of the earth from beside the tree, they made a mud balm which they applied faithfully to the mighty roots in order to preserve and nourish them.

IN these "WYRD PAGES" we bring to light some of the threads and weaves of Witchcraft. From the sturdy roots of ancient ,mythologies, we combine past and present...and occasionally attempt to "Wyrd" the future. "WYRD" is our way of applying salve to the roots of the tree, to preserve the foundation of the old ways for the present generation. Not merely to keep these roots alive but to help them stretch out their branches and blossom in the sun!

Some people call us "Weird" because we tune into deeper wavelengths of reality and we open our sense to the hidden dimensions of human awareness. We tap into subtler currents which eventually bring us together to share what we feel, and assure each other that it is real. We are a different race, a law unto ourselves, a living twenty-first century mythology, defying all that is ordinary and artificial. What makes us "weird" may vary but the caption truly unites us all.

"Weird" can have scary connotations too. It is not a way of life that is suitable for everyone. Therfore we are strictly non-evangelical with a live and let live philosophy that respects and honors other paths.

All that is unacceptable, unbelievable, incomprehensible, and unconventional tends to wend its way toward wyrd sphere, along with people and viewpoints that the status quo rejects as too fighteningly unique. Invididuality and non-conformity are our backbone and blood. While many of our brothers and sisters are bravely attempting to banish the long held fears and suspicions that have clung to us through the ages like a ragged cloak, these ancient misconceptions have kept us apart from the orthodox drones of homogenized society. When our gods are no longer someone else's devils and our beliefs stand duly whitewashed and respectfully organized, then it will be time for us to create a new home for our restless spirits, our iconoclastic hearts, and all of our weirdness.

We weird ones are the contemporary myth-weavers, the shamanic force that ventures into the borderlands of sanity to bring back treasures and tales from the vast starry void. Our diversities of traditions and methods are as broad as the spectrum, yet we are united by one common purpose -- to carry the light of spiritual illumination, through whatever colors are reflected, to the world. Together we form the rainbow bridge that connects dreams with reality.

Therefore we refuse to deny or rebuke the darker definitions of WEIRD, even though the interpretation may be based on a lack of true understanding. pledging allegiance to our pagan past, futuristic celebrants would benefit from recalling the key to the stubborn and secret survival of our present heritage. "Weird" as an epiphet, implying something repulsive or taboo, is indeed the muddy balm which has safely obscured our holy mysteries from the eyes of the ordinary, protecting and preserving our roots from those who cannot see. Satanic sorcerers, broom-riding hags and all their hobgoblin minions are but guardians unwittingly keeping shadowy watch against the weak-kneed passerby. We must be strong in our beliefs to keep treading so lightly upon this stony path. We wear the label "Weird" as a badge of distinction and pride, for we are friends of both the darkness and the light. After all, there would be no day without night, no wrong without right, and since we appreciate this knowledge, we have no fear of the weird.

However, something akin to fear chills our spirits when we experience a psychic moment, come face to face with an ally, or otherwise witness the rending of the veil of illusion. We revel in the weird, yet somehow we never lose proper human respect for it. The emotions of joy and passion so common among pagan folk are often tempered with terror and awe. This is only natural. The weird frontier of the mind and the spirit is, at the same time, our fortress and our battlefield, our sanctuary and our danger zone. We must always keep these in balance.

And so the roots are mud-gilded and the tree endures its weird ways. The well never runs dry and is sustenance to all who sip -- but the taste of the water may not quench everyone's thirst. To those who would venture, we give you these pages, our own little weirdness in a weaving of worldwide web and everyday runes, designed to express, celebrate and carry on the modern mythology in which we live, yesterday, today and tomorrow.