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Please keep in mind that this is subject to change as we learn more. Email me if you disagree with this and send me the Bible verses to back up your reasons. Thanks!

 All of the prophetic events below are given their "starting shot" when the antichrist or "Beast" (Revelation 13) is revealed. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says it like this: "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" "A large number of people will turn away from God. The result will be that evil acts will become more violent, more perverse and more frequent.


1. The rise of the "antichrist" or "beast". (Daniel 8:23, Revelation 13)

2. Covenant signed possibly for world peace. (Daniel 9:27)

3. Daily Sacrifice for Jewish rituals allowed. (Daniel 11:31)

4. Breaking of the Covenant - Jewish rituals stopped. "Abomination" set in Holy Place. (Daniel 11:31)

5. Beast requires himself to be worshiped as a god. (Revelation 13:14-15)

6. Great Tribulation starts - world chaos. (a 3 1/2 year time-period is given for this (Matthew 24:21, Daniel 12:11)

7. Mark of the Beast some sort of identification and one-world credit system (Revelation 13:16, 17 and 18)

8. Return of Christ and "rapture" or resurrection of the God's people*. (Matthew 24:29,30 and 31, 1 Thess. 4:16-17)

9. Wrath of God falls upon those "who dwell on the earth". (Jeremiah 23:20 & Revelation 16:1)

10. Judgement seat of Christ (only the God's resurrected children are judged at this time and rewards are handed out (or not). Judgement of the "unsaved" is at the end of the Millenium) 2 Corinthians 5:10,

11. Battle of Armageddon Satan's attempt to keep his kingdom on earth. (Revelation 19:19)

12. The Millenium (1000 years of God and his saints controlling the earth (Revelation 20:4) Satan is also imprisoned at this time for 1000 years)

13. The battle of Gog and Magog At the end of the Millenium, Satan is released from the bottomless pit.*) and, would you believe it, some people still rebel against God, side with Satan and are removed once and for all. No one can say God didn't give them enough chances to choose God's Heaven.

14. The Great White Throne Judgement: This is the judgement of everyone who was not resurrected at the return of Christ.** (Revelation 20:12)

15. The New Heaven and the New Earth: God recreates the atmospheric heavens and earth...obviously to clean up all the pollution and garbage. Earth becomes again like the garden of Eden and peace is restored permanently. A happy ending! *There are 3 main doctrinal views which differ regarding the timing of the rapture (which is the word taken from the Latin Vulgate: rapturo) - The 3 views are: 1. Jesus will come for His children before the last 7 years 2. Jesus will come in the middle of the 7 years just before the start of the tribulation 3. Jesus will come after the tribulation, at the appearing of Christ. You won't have an easy time coming to a conclusion, especially if you rely on someone else's interpretation, but if you seriously study the book of Revelation and all of it's links to the Old Testament, things will become more simple.

 *This is interesting because, according to certain Bible verses, God doesn't just see the human heart as either black or white and just throw everyone into hell. It seems that this particular judgement is for people who, for example, hadn't heard the Gospel of Jesus, but who had tried to lead a good life. Following are verses (using 2 versions of Bible translation) on the subject:

King James Version

Romans 2:14,15-16 "...for when Gentiles(non Jews), who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel."

New Living Translation

Romans 2:14,15-16 "Even when Gentiles, who do not have God's written law, instinctively follow what the law says, they show that in their hearts they know right from wrong. They demonstrate that God's law is written within them, for their own consciences either accuse them or tell them they are doing what is right. The day will surely come when God, by Jesus Christ, will judge everyone's secret life. This is my message."

So, this would explain the purpose of the "New Earth" as the resurrected are going to be living in Heaven. "In my Father's house are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2)