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Episode I: Happens in the year 2510 AD (15000 years before Xenogears) with the discovery of the Wave 
Existence's universe the time period was then restarted and named TC Episode II: Abel making 'Contact' with Zohar on Eldridge, The Elridge crash & all the other stuff.
10,000 Years Ago. Episode III: Zemboim Era, 4000 years ago Episode IV: The Diablos War, 500 years ago Episode V: Xenogears Episode VI: Dunno, Can't read Japanese. But it takes place shortly after Xenogears. If you're wondering I
pieced together the Episode 1 stuff through the little bit of English that is in the book.

Approximately 10,000 years ago - The Fateful Crash

In a faraway planet, humankind was suffering from overpopulation and resource deficiency. In order to survive, the race must look for other means to spread and colonize. Their ultimate creation was Zohar, an unlimited source of power and energy. Their intent was to conquer other planets in order to expand their own race. To aid in their quest, they used Zohar to create Deus, a massive biological weapon, able to destroy worlds by itself. However, the creation of Deus led to countless problems and was declared too dangerous for any sort of use. The decision was made to transport Deus to some distant planet where it would be unable to survive, and in the meantime, look to colonize other planets. The ship chosen was called the Eldridge, a gigantic interplanetary emigrant spaceship, designed to transport colonists, and secretly, the dangerous Deus and the Zohar reactor. The Eldridge was to be the "Noah's Ark," the only hope for humankind to survive.
Somehow the "Wave Existence", a superior being from a higher dimension, is trapped and bound to the Zohar energies and Deus.Author's Note: The next part is very confusing, and highly argued. I've taken into account my own ideas and those of others that have contributed to this growing debate.
Amidst the Eldridge, a young boy accidently comes into "contact" with the "Wave Existence." The being magnifies the boy's only emotional image, the love for his mother, and interprets that as its only means of escaping from Zohar and thus taking the form of a female. Deus meanwhile, uses this image of love, and begins to work on his means of escape. This image is the embodiment of love and compassion, the love of a "Mother."An accident occurs suddenly. Read the Prologue to find out what happened.
After the crash, both the "Wave Existence" and Deus set their plans to work, but in a different manner. The "Wave Existence" creates a young man, in the image of the original "Contact," that young boy on the Eldridge. This man is the "Contact" or the "Type" called Abel, the one whom the "Wave Existence" hopes will be able to destroy Deus and free the existence so that it can return to its own dimension. Deus, however, creates a young woman, in the image of the love and compassion of a "mother". This young woman is named Miang. She is to be the "Mother" of a new race of humans that Deus plans to use as raw material and resource to resurrect and recreate his body again. Miang then spawns the first humans on this planet, Cain and the soon to be Gazel Ministry. Miang will also live on as a certain gene in the DNAs of every woman to follow, and Miang can manifest herself in a woman she so chooses, to oversee the project.
An event occurs that hinders Deus' plan. The "Contact", created by the "Wave Existence", meets Miang. Miang's original image of a mother's love and compassion resurfaces, and thereby splitting the Mother. The love and compassionate side becomes the "Anti-Contact" or the "Antitype", but falls madly in love with the "Contact". The other half of the "Mother" retains Deus' evil intents and purposes as Miang, but can only complete her task once she rejoins with the "Anti-Contact" (We can call her Elly now). Cain and the Gazel Ministry set out to destroy the couple, in hopes to keep the two apart and destroy any chance that Deus' plan will be interrupted. However, the "Wave Existence", recognizing the love between Abel and Elly and deciding to use it to its advantage, instills within them the ability to be reincarnated over time as lovers again and again, and their love would be as infinite as their lives.
Deus' plan is still intact however. Humans, known as Animus, are created and begins to populate. Along with the Animus comes the Anima, the Gears. Both the Animus and Anima are to be the spare parts to reform Deus. Deus, as insurance, also creates the 12 Anima Relics, which are miniature duplicates of the Zohar reactor, and has the power to fuse Animus and Anima together.

Approximately 4000 years ago - The Zeboim Civilization

Civilization was technologically advanced and very much like ours, but there was a downside. As the struggle for resources and land grew to include every major superpower in the world, the threat of nuclear warfare was becoming a reality. Nations began to fight each other, boasting their nuclear power without any regards for the effects and outcomes of such a war.
As nuclear winter neared, random mutations began to surface in the human population. First, the average lifespan of a human declined drastically. Then over time, more and more humans became sterile and unable to produce any offspring. Humankind was in effect causing their own extinction.
One scientist was so angered by his race's disregard for life that he decided he had to change all that. The scientist was named Kim, and he was the reincarnation of Abel, the "Contact". His wife, the reincarnation of Elly, the "Anti-Contact", was sterile and unable to produce any children. They lived on the western hemisphere of the planet. Kim decided to experiment on a new field of science that he was just developing, nanotechnology. Thus working long hours in his lab, he produced an organism made entirely out of nanomachine colonies, but using the DNA of himself and his wife. This organism he named Emeralda, and was "mankind's only glimmer of hope", according to Kim. However, when the government authorities discovered Kim's unauthorized experiments, they set about to shut it down. In a terrible end, Elly was shot and died, while Kim was presumably killed as well, but not before he put Emeralda into stasis, and sealed the lab. Emeralda remained frozen in time and trapped underground. The nuclear wars did not stop and thoroughly wiped out most of humankind and its technologies and history. It was also discovered that the Miang gene had played a very important role in the creation and continuation of the nuclear war. However, humans did not become extinct, but survived...

Approximately 500 years ago - The Nisan Tragedy

Humankind once again flourished, though were drastically backwards in technology compared to the Zeboim Civilization, but were still advanced in their own rights. Cain and the Gazel Ministry had lived throughout the years, developing a nation to led the human race towards the ultimate goal, the resurrection of Deus. Cain and the Ministry created the Holy Empire of Solaris, and those humans which were directly descended from the very first humans created were members of this nation. They named themselves Abels. Those humans that descended from the original Abel and Elly continued to live on Ignas, and were termed the Lambs, or the land-dwellers. Solaris rediscovered the technology lost throughout the ages and advanced further. The discovery of the Animus, or the Gears, was key to the domination of Solaris. They displayed their power and forced themselves upon the Lambs, claiming themselves far superior because of their ancestry from "god", believing that Deus was "god".
Meanwhile on Ignas, the Lambs began to congregate and come together, every nation and race, in order to stop Solaris and their plans of total domination. The major power on Ignas was the nation of Shevat, and they were the main force behind Ignas' defense. However, the main leader behind Ignas was the Holy Mother of Nisan, Sophia, who happened to be the reincarnation of the "Anti-Contact". Sophia was the people's spiritual leader, and the founder of the religion of Nisan, as well as a nation of followers of the same name. In Ignas defense were also a select group of warriors. Roni Fatima was the ruler of the kingdom of Aveh. Krelian was the leader of the Nisan force. Queen Zephyr was the ruler of Shevat. This group were all very close friends with each other and with Mother Sophia, but one person stood out from the rest, and that was Lacan, the reincarnation of the "Contact". Lacan was a painter, and was originally called to paint the portrait of Mother Sophia. However, he became deeply involved in Ignas' struggles with Solaris.
Krelian and Lacan were very close friends, but one thing stood between them, the affections of Mother Sophia. The love between Lacan and Sophia was apparent, but Krelian just stood by. He was very interested in the classics, and began to study nanotechology. Lacan and Sophia were still trying to discover their love for each other, until disaster struck.
Solaris was apparently on the verge of victory, and Shevat was desperate in trying to save themselves. At the bargaining table, Shevat promised to deliver the people's only hope of freedom and independence, Mother Sophia, while in turn Shevat would remain unharmed and free. At a climactic battle involving the Omnigears, Sophia was convinced that she was the only one able to stop the Solaris fleet from utterly destroying the world. Therefore she boarded her own flagship and sacrificed herself and the ship to destroy Solaris' main fleet and ending its final threat to conquer the planet.
The outcome changed everyone and everything. Queen Zephyr and Shevat were completely horrified with what they had done and self-exiled themselves up into the sky, in an attempt to never be heard from again. Krelian, completely distraught at the loss of Sophia, drove himself mad and vowed that he would create "god" by himself, as he had lost all faith in any sort of "god". He then went over to the Solarian side, believing that he could resurrect Deus for his own purpose. Lacan, though, left and was never heard from again. Losing Sophia also drove him to the brink of insanity, but his hatred for Solaris and Shevat and all those involved in Sophia's death was even greater. Lacan wandered the world in search of an ultimate power that he could use to claim his revenge upon all those involved. His search led to the discovery of the Zohar reactor. His power increased tremendously and he learned about everything, from Deus to the "Contact", to the unbreakable cycle of the love between the "Contact" and the "Anti-Contact" which is destined to end in tragedy every time. Lacan's goal then was to destroy Deus, so that he could stop and break the cycle so that his love for Sophia would not be doomed forever. His hatred was so powerful that when Lacan died, the body and the soul split. The body went onto to reincarnate into the future Fei, while Lacan's deep hatred lived on as a spirit that inhabited the bodies of others. This spirit was called Grahf, and carried on Lacan's goal of destroying Deus....

Approximately 20 years ago - The Manifestation of Id

In a remote place on Ignas, there lived a couple named Kahn Wong and Karen Wong. Kahn Wong was an accomplished martial artist. Karen bore Kahn a son, and they named him Fei. However, fate has already marked the happy family. Wong Fei Fong, Kahn's newborn son, was the next phase in the cycle of reincarnations of "The Contact." The resemblance to Abel, Kim, and Lacan was uncanny. This was unknown to Kahn and Karen, but their happy existance was to be shattered.
The Miang gene, which resides in all women, became expressed within Karen Wong, and Miang had taken over her entire self. She reestablished contact with Krelian and the Gazel Ministry, and told them of the child within her, the child to be "The Contact." At that time, Krelian had been working deep within his laboratory, creating an artificial contact through nanotechnology. The creation, which he named Ramsus, was to be used for his purposes. However, upon learning of the reincarnation of the true "Contact," he had no need for Ramsus anymore and discarded the organism. Karen, meanwhile, began taking the young Fei up to Krelian's labs for extensive testing and researching. These often painful experiments were performed to make sure that Fei was the real "Contact" and to discover his hidden potential. Fei had no idea what was going on with his mother, who was cruel and cold-hearted when they were alone, but for some reason, acted normal and even motherlike when Kahn was around. The tests, combined with the punishing treatment, became very detrimental to Fei's psyche. The trauma from all the terrible things he endured caused a psychological dissociative split.
In psychoanalysis terms, Fei pushed all the pain and suffering toward his Id psyche, the part where the source of instinctual impulses and demands for satisfaction of primitive needs is stored. His true and original personality remained within the ego psyche, the center psyche. Later, the Fei living in Lahan would develop an artifical personality based upon observation of the Lahan villagers. This personality, the superego, would be planted on top of the original ego, which later Id would term as "The Coward", and thus hiding the original personality within Fei's mind. Fei was still very normal, as both the ego and id psyches (the superego had not been formed) remained pacified, with the ego still in control, until one fateful day...
The spirit of Grahf had discovered that "The Contact" was reborn and sought to reunite with his body. At the Wong's home, a battle insued between Grahf and Kahn, while Karen and Fei looked on. Fei was in complete shock as to what was going on, but upon looking at his Miang-induced mother and the suffering of his father, he let loose his inner power, causing an extreme influx of ether and chi. This blast killed Karen Wong, and the event caused the manifestation of Id, the psyche that had remained dormant until now. Id became an a true personality now, and Fei was suddenly a schizophrenic. Id retained the powerful nature of "The Contact" and for a time, he had complete control over Fei's body. Meanwhile, Grahf needed a body to reside in, so he thus took over Kahn's body. Kahn however, was stronger than Grahf had expected, and Kahn managed to split his own personality so that he at least retained part of his true personality instead of having Grahf take control of the whole. While Id began to wreck havoc on the universe literally, destroying planets and solar systems, Kahn, as a masked man named Wiseman, went in search of his son. Upon finally catching up to him, Kahn somehow managed to do what he did to himself, cause a split that allowed another personality to be implanted so that the Id personality would not have complete control. He took his battered son to the village of Lahan, so that he could live out a peaceful life. Knowing that Grahf would eventually try to find him again, Kahn/Wiseman searched for a place far away from his son. He found his retreat in Shevat, and as Wiseman, became Queen Zephyr's advisor. Meanwhile, Fei grew up in Lahan, learning and observing the villagers and thus creating an artificial and unstable personality and supplanting that on top of the ego, "The Coward." He became the Fei you all know and love....

History of Ignas

The continent of Ignas, in the northern hemisphere. On this, the largest continent, a war has been raging between two countries for hundreds of years. In the north of the continent lies the Kislev Empire, in the south lies the desert kingdom of Aveh. The war has gone on for so long that the people have forgotten the cause, knowing only the pointless circle of hostility and tragedy.
The chronic war obesession was soon to encounter a devastating change. This was due to the 'Ethos', an institution dedicated to preserving the world's culture, repairing tools and weapons excavated from the ruins of an ancient civilization. At once both countries excavated these ruins, and had 'Ethos' repair the discoveries, in order to increase their military power.
The various weapons excavated from the ruins greatly changed the form of warfare. The outcome of the battles between the two countries was no longer determined by man-to-man combat, but by 'Gears' - giant humanoid fighting machines- that were obtained from deep within the ruins. Eventually, after continuous swings in the state of the war, Kislev gained the upper hand. The major factor behind this lay in the enormous difference in the amount of resources buried within their ruins.
But suddenly a mysterious military force appeared in the continent of Ignas. Called 'Gebler', this force decided to make contact with Aveh. With the assistance of this Gebler military force, Aveh was able to recover from being hopelessly outnumbered to being back on an even standing with Kislev.
Then, taking further advantage of its newly gained momentum, Aveh started to capture one territory after another from Kislev, showing no indication of slowing down in their invasion campaign.
The village of Lahan, located in Aveh near its border with Kislev. This is where it all begins.
Characters and Times
Current Era 

Fei Fong Wong, Citan Uzuki, Elhayym VanHouten, Bartholomew Fatima 
Ricardo Bandaras, Billy Lee Black, Maria Balthazar, Emeralda Kasim, 
Sigurd Harcourt, Jessia Black, Kahran Ramsus, Miang Hawwa, 
Chief Lee, Dan, Timothy, Alice, 
Yui Uzuki, Midori Uzuki, Wiseman, Hyuga Ricdeau, 
Margie Fatima, Maison, Gazel Ministry, Emperor Cain, 
Queen Zephyr, Balthazar, Melchior, Taura Gaspar, 
Dominia Yizkor, Kelvana, Seraphita, Tolone, 
Krellian, Nicholai Balthazar, Erich VanHouten, Medina VanHouten, 
Captain Thames, Hans, Izaac Stein (Stone), Primera Black, 
Kahn Wong, Karen Wong, Grahf, Id, 
Shakahn, Vanderkaum, Sister Agnes, Maitreya, 
Broyer, Helmholtz, Renk, Stratski, 
Vance, Big Joe, Executioner, The Coward, 
Wave Existance, Deus.  

 500 Years Ago 

  Roni, Fatima, Krellian, Queen Zephyr, Rene Fatima, 
  Lacan, Sophia. 

 4000 Years Ago 

  Kim Kasim, Elly Kasim, 
  Emeralda Kasim, Miang Hawwa, 

 10000 Years Ago 

  Abel, Cain, Elhayym, Myyah, 
  Mother, Gazel Ministry, Eldridge Captain, Deus.