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Le Pose Shoppe.....


Hey there, well if you haven't guessed already, ParanoiaD and I (NineInchNailsa ) have joined our almighty forces and are doing pose sets, poses and freebees together.

Just for you satisfaction we have made sure that each and every pose is:


-Sized to Nakilis' standards

-Colored to Nakilis' standards

-Shaded to Nakilis' standards

-Highlighted to Nakilis' standards

-And lastly, formated to Nakilis' standards (IE background is transparent etc etc etc...)


If indeed you would like to purchase a pose from us, don't hesitate to email us at this address, and I promise, we won't eat you. Or at least Paranoia won't...I don't know about me.




All the stuff you see on here (yes, inclouding the background folks) is © Paranoia D and NineInchNails a