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Tea and Food Recipes


Blend the teas for a recipe in a plastic baggy or a glass jar, and then measure out one tablespoon per cup of tea. A small two-cup teapot will take two tablespoons of tea. If you are like me, however, two cups of tea equates to three because I prefer my tea with lots of milk. because the tea base is black tea leaves the addition of milk and a sweetener makes for a very flavorful beverage. Unless you are making tea for a crowd, you really do need more than one or two tablespoons of tea at any one time. Store in a closed jar in a cabinet away from light. Besides magical teas, there are combinations that are simply a pleasant way to reconnect with the earth devas, the Goddess and the God. For this type of quiet closeness to nature, you might want to try these taste combinations of herbal teas: ***English breakfast, rose hips, and hyssop***Linden flower and chamomile***China black, chamomile, and rose hips***English breakfast, dandelion root, rose hips, and chamomile***English breakfast, elder flower, hops, and rose hips



1 tablespoon English breakfast tea

1 teaspoon elder flower

2 teaspoon rose hips

1 teaspoon chamomile

2 teaspoon hops

1 teaspoon valerian


1 tablespoon China black tea

2 teaspoon fennel

1 teaspoon valerian

1 teaspoon chamomile

2 teaspoon hyssop


1 tablespoon China black tea

1 teaspoon elder flower

1 teaspoon nettle

2 teaspoon burdock root

2 teaspoon mullein

2 teaspoon rose hip


1 tablespoon Irish or English breakfast tea

2 teaspoon elder flower

1 teaspoon linden flower

1 teaspoon valerian

2 teaspoon burdock root

1 teaspoon comfrey

1 teaspoon hyssop

2 teaspoon rose hips


1 tablespoon China black or English breakfast tea

2 teaspoon chamomile

1 teaspoon rose hips

2 teaspoon elder flower


1 tablespoon China black tea

1 teaspoon damiana

1 teaspoon raspberry leaves

2 teaspoon chamomile

2 teaspoon mullein

2 teaspoon rose hips


1 tablespoon China black tea

2 teaspoon fennel

1 teaspoon mint

2 teaspoon rose hips

1 teaspoon elder flower

2 teaspoon hops

1 teaspoon mullein

1 teaspoon white oak


1 tablespoon China black, English breakfast, or Irish breakfast tea

2 teaspoons lemon balm

1 teaspoon eyebright

1 tablespoon mugwort

1 tablespoon rose hips

Psychic Tea

3 parts Rose Petals

2 parts Thyme

2 parts Yarrow

1 part Cinnamon

1 part Clove

Brew in boiling water for about ten minutes. Strain and add honey for taste if needed, do not add cream or milk. Use before divination psychic work, and astral travel to enhance the awareness.

Passion Potion

1 pinch rosemary

2 pinches thyme

2 teaspoons black tea

1 pinch coriander

3 fresh mint leaves (or 1/2 teaspoon dried)

5 fresh rose petals (1 teaspoon dried)

5 fresh lemon tree leaves (or 1 teaspoon dried lemon peel)

3 pinches nutmeg

3 pieces orange peel

Place all ingredients in a teapot. Boil three cups of water and add to the pot. Sweeten with honey if need be. And don't forget to empower your brew with your magical intention.

A Tea to Relieve Heartbreak

Prepare a cup of warm tea with 1/4 teaspoon each of comfrey, chamomile, lemon, and thyme. Add a little honey as a balm for your heart. Stir counter clockwise, repeating these words four times: "Sadness depart, don't anchor my heart." Then stir clockwise, saying four times, "Joy is growing, sadness must flee, even as I drink my tea!" Now enjoy the beverage. Also consider taking yourself out for a special treat afterwards to encourage amore positive attitude afterwards. Relieving sadness, melancholy, depression, or loneliness. Waning moon. Friday. Moon in Gemini or Capricorn. Month of October. Dawn.

Headache Tea Recipe:

Put a pinch of Lavender, Chamomile, Rosemary, and Mint into a coffee filter and make it like you would coffee. Or you can put the herbs in a spice ball and leave in hot water for 15 to 30 minutes.

Full Moon Water

This is easy! Every Full Moon take a jar or bottle of water outside and set it where the light of the Full Moon will shine on it. Leave it there as long as the Moon is out. Ask the Goddess to bless the water with Her light and love. Now take the jar and close it tightly. Keep it to use in all rituals and spells that require water. When the next Full Moon comes, pour the remaining water in the grass or a garden (don't pour it down the drain!), and repeat the process.


3 parts rosemary

1 part bay

1 pinch cayenne

Mix, add one tsp mixture to a cup, pour boiling water over the herbs & let steep for 9 minutes, covered. Drink a few teaspoons a day, or add to the bath.


2 parts Rose Wheat

1 part Each: Mugwort, Peppermint, Jasmine flowers, Cinnamon

Mix, add one tsp to a cup. Pour boiling water over this & let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Drink before going to bed to promote psychic dreams.


3 Parts Rose petals

1 Part Each: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Bay, Mugwort

Place in a teapot, fill with boiling water, let steep, covered, for a few minutes. Remove cover, sniff steam - (not so that you burn your nose) for a few moments, visualize the mystic scent opening your psychic awareness, then lie down & prophesize. If you wish, drink a bit of the brew as well, & let the steam continue to rise as you stretch your psychic awareness.

APHRODISIA: A Passion Drink

1 pinch Rosemary

2 pinches Thyme

2 tsp. Black Tea

1 pinch Coriander

3 fresh Mint leaves (or 1/2 tsp. dried)

5 fresh Rosebud petals (or 1 tsp. dried)

5 fresh Lemon tree leaves (1 tsp. dried lemon peel)

3 pinches Nutmeg

3 pieces Orange peel

Place all ingredients into teapot. Boil three cups or so of water & add to the pot. Sweeten with honey, if desired. Serve hot.

Healing Brew

1 part rosemary

1 part sage

1 part thyme

1 part cinnamon

Half fill a blue glass bottle with fresh water. Add the ground, empowered herbs and let this sit in the sun all day. If by sunset the water has been colored by the herbs then it is ready for use. If not, store in the fridge overnight and put in the sun the following day. Strain. Anoint the body or add to bath water while visualizing yourself as being in perfect health.


English Rose Tea

1/2 cup dried red rose petals

2 tablespoons dried lemon balm

1 tablespoon dried rosemary

Mix well. Use 1 teaspoon for each cup.

Rose Verbena Tea

This is made with dried ingredients and can be stored and used throughout the year.

250g good black or Chinese tea

2 cups dried rose petals

1 cup dried lemon verbena tea

Mix together in a large bowl with your hands. Pack in tins or jars with airtight lid and use one heaped tablespoon per pot.

Rose Petal Tea

2 cups freshly picked petals of dark red roses

1 liter water

honey (rose honey if you have made it)

Place washed petals in a teapot. Pour in the boiling water, cover and leave the tea to brew for 10 minutes. Serve this tea hot or iced, with honey to enhance the delicate taste.

Rose Geranium Tea

a lovely refreshing afternoon tea

3 fresh rose geranium leaves

2 bags of China tea

6 cloves

Brew in teapot for at least 10 minutes. Serve hot or over ice. Garnish with a fresh leaf from the plant.

Potpourri Tea

This beautifully scented tea is lovely served with a little honey and a slice of orange.

1 cup good black tea

1/2 cup dried rose petals

2 tablespoons dried orange blossom

1 tablespoon dried orange peel, freshly grated

1 tablespoon cassia bark, crumbled

3 sticks cinnamon bark, crumbled

4 whole star anise

1 tablespoon ground nutmeg

1 teaspoon whole cloves, freshly pounded

Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl with your hands. Store in airtight tins. Use one heaped tablespoon per pot.

Orange or Eau-de-Cologne Mint Tea

2 cups dried orange mint leaves

8 teaspoons china tea

1 teaspoon ground cloves

1 cup dried calendula petals

1 tablespoon dried orange rind

1 tablespoon dried lemon rind

This mixture can be stored in airtight containers

for some time.

Lemon Verbena Tea

The sweet long green leaves of this fragrant plant make an excellent tea. Depending on the number of cups desired, use 1 teaspoon of the dried leaves, lightly crushed, per cup of boiling water. Steep for 7minutes and serve, sweetened with honey.

Lemon Balm Tea

Balm tea is credited with clearing the head, helping against fevers and as a heart stimulant. This traditional and stimulating blend can be made in any quantity and stored in an airtight container. Use equal parts of dried: lemon balm leaves rosemary lavender spearmint cloves Combine all ingredients. Use 1-teaspoon herbs to each cup of boiling water. Allow 10 minutes for the tea to steep in a covered pot.

Spiced Tea

1 cup orange pekoe tea

2 teaspoons dried lemon peel, grated

2 cinnamon sticks, crushed

1/4 cup whole cloves

1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

1 cup silvered candied orange peel

Combine all ingredients, mix thoroughly and store in a closed tea canister. Use 1/2 teaspoon to a cup of boiling water.


Aphrodite Cakes

Fresh peaches or nectarines

Short crust pastry

Cut the peaches in half, removing the stones. Lay the halves face downwards on slightly larger discs of pastry on a baking-tray and cover each of them with a dome of pastry. Press the edge of each dome onto its disc to seal it. Punch a hole with a matchstick in the top of each dome. Bake till golden brown. Juice rising from the fruit will create a little dark patch around the hole.

Lavender Lace Cakes

Heat to boiling 1 cup of water. Add 1 teaspoon lavender flowers, turnoff heat and cover. Steep 10 minutes. Meanwhile, measure 7/8 cup finely ground white cornmeal into a bowl. Add 1/2 teaspoon each salt and white sugar. Strain the lavender liquid into the pan and stir till mixed. Put1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil into a skillet (preferably cast iron) and heat till it is hot. Drop in the batter by teaspoons and cook till brown on one side. Turn and brown other side. Serve hot with butter or syrup.

Diana honey-cakes

4 oz. (120 gm) coarse porridge oats

2 oz. (60 gm) butter

Enough honey to bind

A little wine


Melt the butter with a teaspoonful of the honey in a saucepan, then add the oats and a dash of wine and a pinch of salt. Add more honey till the consistency feels right, and stir together over a gentle heat for a few moments. Turn into a buttered baking-tin, and bake till brown (fifteen to twenty minutes) in a moderate oven. Cool in the tin, turn out and then cut into crescents.

Sun Cakes

2 cups corn meal

1 cup white flour

2 eggs

1 stick of butter, melted

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. Salt

1/4 cup sugar water as needed for consistency (should be pretty thick)

3/4 cup honey


Mix all together, bake in 350 degree pre-heated oven in a 9x11 pan for 10-15 min. until knife comes out clean.

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