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Misc Spells

A Magick Wish List

To make a magick wish list sit back and think about the material things you need for about 15 minutes. Really evaluate them, discarding what is not truly necessary, selecting only those that you must have. Then write out a spell, asking in the name of a higher source for the items you need. List them and read the list over out loud. By reciting the list you are charging your intentions with vocal vibrations and the projection is fortified with magickal energy. Burn the list or carry it with you or keep it in a place that holds magick for you.

To make a wish come true

Write your wish on a piece of white paper fold it 3 times put in 3 bay leaves fold it 3 times again put it in a safe spot. your wish will come true

Eye Ease

Cut a piece of velvet or other soft cloth into a rectangle 16" long and4" wide. Fold over long ways, wrong side out, and sew up around 3sides, leaving one short side open. Turn right side out. Take equal amounts of dried lavender flowers and thyme leaves and fill the bag until it is full but not firm. Whip open side closed. When eyes are tired, or headache threatens, lay down and place eye pillow over closed eyes. Leave in place as long as you can, or till your eyes are rested.

For Everlasting Youth

This spell must be performed when the moon is full. Go outdoors and light one black candle. Take a chalice of water to which you add salt, and two spoonfuls of Vervain. Mix thoroughly and dip into this water a piece of petrified wood. Pass the rock through the flame of the candle and chant: "Candle, herb, rock, water, salt, Hear me as my song is sung, Age is not my hearts desire, It is youth to which I aspire, Candle, herb, rock, water, salt. "Repeat the ritual and chant seven times. As each chant is said, touch the rock in turn to first one foot, one hand, one shoulder, crown of the head, and then down the other side of the body to shoulder, hand and foot. When the spell is finished, take the rock immediately to the nearest river, beach or stream and throw it in.

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