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Mortal Kombat RPG

AOL's Mortal Kombat RPG by Scorpion and Sub-Zero

Scorpion and Sub-Zero
Fire and Ice

They both belong to
the group of warriors,
able to defeat the

They kill without reget,
but they fight with honor.

Welcome to MkxScorpion's realm of Mortal Kombat RPG. Here you find all the information you will need about the RP. The first thing you should know is that this is an AOL-based RP and only AOL members can to enter the chat rooms. The way to roll dice in an AOL chat room is simple, just type this:


This will roll a pair of 20-sided dice (indicated by 2d20). If the total of the dice rolled is above 20, the attack is successful. The characters then proceed to take turns until the match is over.


In this MK RPG there are 4 different types of matches. Hm = Honor Match, which is just a regular spar match. SM = Slave match, which is the loser has to be the winners slave for a set amount of time. (choosen before the fight). RM = Release Match, which can be fought between the slave and the master, or another person trying to free the slave. (Note only one match will be granted by the slave to try to free himself.) And DM = Death Match, which is a fight to the death. (Note that at the end of a DM the winner has a choice to finish him with a fatality or something else like babality, brutality, friendship or animality. )


Everyone starts out as a 2d20 except for council members who start with 2d35. Your dice number goes up when you win a DM, and or AA someone. ( An AA is short for attempted assination, which means that you try to kill someone with one attack.) For example, Scorpion: -=slices jade's head off with a sword=-AA then scorp would roll a 1d20, and if he gets a 19 or 20 the move is successful, and jade will be dead, and scorps dice number will go up one. But due to the easiness and availablity of this move it will be monitored by myself (MkxScorpion) or Sub-Zero (Fendersrv2). Which means that if you want to AA someone for any reason u must first talk to us in private, tell us your reason for it, then we will make the ruling. Any attempt by a player to disobey this and they will be kicked out of the RPG and not recognized as a player. When your dice finally becomes a d50, u have the choice of turning it to a 3d20 or keep it going to a 2d51 and so on. You need at least a 50 on the sides to get another dice. Note anyone who trys to be a newbie or moder, rolling outrages numbers like 6d78 will be ignored, and let's hope they aren't in our RPG.

At the start of a match the 2 people roll a 1d6 and who ever has the highest roll goes first. Now this is just basic fighting no blocking or evading, this is mainly chance competion we let the dice decide our fate. No crying about dice will be tolerated. Also any time during play you may pull out a weapon which will add 2 more to dice, pertaining only to that current fight. For example, if Scorp is fighting Raiden: Scorp -=pulls out a sword, and slices at Raiden's face=- Scorp would roll a 2d22 rather than a 2d20 because of the weapon. Now during the fight the other fighter may choose to use his or her turn to try to break the other fighters weapon, if successful the person who had his weapon broken would go back to using their original roll before the weapon.

Also here we do allow there to be people who dont fight, merely who just hang around and watch the action that goes around in the room. They have the freedom to join if they want but are not recognized as fighters until then. Also we allow both genders, we dont discriminate against someone just because they are a girl!


When you die, you go back down to a 2d20, no questions asked; which means dont cry about it, or decide to up and quit because I dont appreciate taking the time out to write this out, and send it just to have u quit. Just deal with it and start back up again. The High Council members can resurect people that have died, but if a person has been dead for more than 4 days they cannot be rezed. What being rezed means is that if you die, and if you can find someone to rez you, you can go back to your original dice roll before u died. but you will have to subtract 2 off the number everytime. so like if Liu Kang is killed by Sub-Zero and Liu Kang was a 2d30, and he found someone to rez him, he would go to a 2d28 because 2 sides were subtracted because he was brought back. (Council Members: MkxScorpion(Scorpion), Fendersrv2(Sub-Zero), MarkGabriel31666(Sub-Zero's Brother).) If they decide to grant you your wish, you will in debt to them, But terms will be worked out between the fighter and the council memebers.

-- Scorpion and Sub-Zero
